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1、 UNIT 2ReadingBefore reading lets have a warming-up exercisematch the pictures with the words.Great! Summer SpringAutumn/FallWinterReading classSpecial DaysRead the passage quickly for the first time and fill in the blanksv1、We have_daylight hours in summer and _daylight hours in winter.v2、In fact,

2、the longest day of the year is in_.v3、The shortest day of the year is in_.v4、There are also two very special days,one in_and the other in_.v5、Day and night have the same _.v6、The Earth doesnt stand up_when it goes around the sun.v7、Farmers usually mark changes of the seasons with_solar terms.The ans

3、wers for the blanksv1、We have_ more _daylight hours in summer and _fewer_daylight hours in winter.v2、In fact, the longest day of the year is in_June_.v3、The shortest day of the year is in_December_.v4、There are also two very special days,one in_March_and the other in_September_.v5、Day and night have

4、 the same _length_.v6、The Earth doesnt stand up_straight_when it goes around the sun.v7、Farmers usually mark changes of the seasons with_24_solar terms.Read for the second time and answer these questionsv1、How many seasons are there in a year?v2、Why do we have different seasons in a year?v3、How many

5、 solar terms are there in a year?v4、What is the meaning of the solar terms to farmers?The answers to the questions1、There are four seasons in a year2、The Earth doesnt stand up straight when it goes around the sun.3、There are 24 solar terms in a year.4、Farmers usually mark changes of the seasons with

6、 24 solar terms. The solar terms can tell the farmers when it is a good time for farming.Listen to the tape and you can read for the third time in your heart and correct some pronunciation at the same time and then do the exercise A B C on your book page 13The answers for A B and CvA: b a d dvB: F T

7、 F FvC: Earth seasons June shortest darknessGroup work:Discuss with your partner and sum up what we have learnt in this class?总结: 通过阅读短文,让我们了解了四个通过阅读短文,让我们了解了四个季节、极昼、极夜及二十四节气的季节、极昼、极夜及二十四节气的形成原因,同时了解了二十四节气形成原因,同时了解了二十四节气对农民耕种的影响,重在说明人类对农民耕种的影响,重在说明人类与自然是息息相关的。与自然是息息相关的。Homework: seasonsSpringSummerFallWinter123456Solar terms(季节和24节气对照表)



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