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1、Book Two Unit Ten Text AHow to Get the Job You Wanthttp:/ Section ASection A : Text Reading: Text ReadingHow to Get the Job You Want 1. Getting the job you want requires drive, energy, and preparation. Though you may qualify for many positions, there is bitter competition for good jobs these days. T

2、here may be a dozen or more equally qualified candidates. Thus, you must convince your possible employer that you are that one special person he has been looking for. With a little guidance, you can do it. 下一页下一页上一页上一页 2. I was shocked when I learned that a person must treat looking for a job like j

3、ob itself. If you invest the same amount of energy into your job hunt as you would into your work, you will find a job much sooner. 3. However, this rule does not apply to the person who already has a job dont leave it yet! It is much easier to go from one job to another than to quit and start from

4、ground zero.下一页下一页上一页上一页新视野英语教程新视野英语教程 Section ASection A : Text ReadingText Reading 4. One way to look for a job without risking your current position is to join a professional society in your field of interest and play an active role in it. This will help you to get to know people, like top manage

5、rs in companies you would like to work for, that you would not otherwise meet. 5. Another big challenge is the interview it is critical. 下一页下一页上一页上一页 6. Psychologists have studied job interviews and found that they consist of two main parts. If you foul up the first part, your chances of getting the

6、 job will be extremely slim, no matter how well you handle the second part. 7a. I call the first part the “30-Second Road Block”, because research has shown that most employers judge their candidates suitability in the first 30 seconds. This 30-second decision is based on what psychologists call the

7、 “Halo Effect”, which refers to a persons first impression of you.下一页下一页上一页上一页 7b. Unfortunately, first impressions are not always good impression. At its best, though, the Halo Effect can make people think we are better than we are. 8. Upon entry to the interview, remember to compose yourself, smil

8、e, use a firm handshake, and look the interviewer in the eye. Do this, and youll clear the 30-Second Road Block with flying colors. 9a. In addition, be prepared to answer the following three questions that almost every interviewer asks. It is wise to think about下一页下一页一页一页 9b. your answers a couple o

9、f days in advance; the person who decides just to wing it will never make as favorable an impression as someone who is prepared. 10a. The sample questions are : 1. So, you are interested in working as an assistant in our laboratory is that correct? The answer is not simply “yes”. The answer is下一页下一页

10、上一页上一页 10b. yes Plusas in, “Yes, I am very interested in this position. Its exactly the kind of opening Ive been hoping to find.” Keep your answer short, but never reply with a naked yes or no. 2. Why do you want this job? One manager told me that when candidates answer this question with “I think i

11、t will be interesting” or “I like working with people,” he crosses them off his list immediately. 下一页下一页上一页上一页 10c. “ This implies that they havent any idea of what they really want to do and havent given any thought to what the job involves,” he explained. 3. What can you tell me about yourself? Th

12、e interviewer does Not want your life history. What he is looking for is evidence of your character, ability, and drive. 11. Thats it! With these instructions, you are certain to get the job you want. Good luck! 下一页下一页上一页上一页新视野英语教程新视野英语教程 Section ASection A : Text ReadingText Reading如何获得理想的工作如何获得理想的

13、工作 1 1 要得到理想的工作需要动力、精力和准备。要得到理想的工作需要动力、精力和准备。虽然你可以胜任许多岗位,但现在对于好工作虽然你可以胜任许多岗位,但现在对于好工作的竞争非常激烈,因为具备同样资格的求职者的竞争非常激烈,因为具备同样资格的求职者可能有十几个甚至更多。因此,你得让可能成可能有十几个甚至更多。因此,你得让可能成为你老板的人相信你才是他一直在寻找的那个为你老板的人相信你才是他一直在寻找的那个特别人选。只需要一点引导,你就能够做到这特别人选。只需要一点引导,你就能够做到这一点。一点。下一页下一页上一页上一页 2.2.我我很很惊惊讶讶地地认认识识到到,你你必必须须把把找找工工作作当

14、当成成一一种种工工作作。如如果果你你在在找找工工作作当当中中投投入入的的精精力力和和你你投投入入工工作作中中的的一一样样多多,那那麽麽就就能更快地找到工作。能更快地找到工作。 3. 3. 然然而而,这这一一法法则则不不适适用用于于已已经经有有工工作作的的人人 别别轻轻易易放放弃弃你你的的工工作作!换换工工作作比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多。比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多。 下一页下一页上一页上一页 4. 4. 有有一一种种方方法法可可以以让让你你在在不不危危及及目目前前职职位位的的情情况况下下,去去谋谋取取一一份份新新的的工工作作:那那就就是是参参加加和和你你专专长长相相关关的的专专业业社社团团活

15、活动动,并并且且在在其其中中积积极极表表现现。这这样样有有助助于于认认识识更更多多的的人人,比比如如认认识识你你想想去去的的公公司司的的老老总总们们,而这些人平时你是遇不到的。而这些人平时你是遇不到的。 5.5.另另一一个个重重要要的的挑挑战战是是面面试试这这是是很很关关键的。键的。下一页下一页上一页上一页 6.6.心心理理学学家家在在研研究究求求职职面面试试后后发发现现,面面试试包包括括两两个个主主要要部部分分。如如果果第第一一部部分分表表现现极极其其差差,那那麽麽无无论论你你在在第第二二部部分分的的表表现现有有多多麽麽的的出出色色,你获得工作的希望都会非常渺茫。你获得工作的希望都会非常渺茫

16、。 7a. 7a. 我我把把第第一一部部分分称称为为“3030秒秒关关卡卡”,因因为为研研究究表表明明大大部部分分顾顾主主在在面面试试的的头头3030秒秒内内就就可可以以判判定定了了应应聘聘者者是是否否适适合合做做这这一一项项工工作作。这这种种3030秒秒判判定定法法是是基基于于心心理理学学家家所所说说的的“成成见见效效应应”,也就是你给人留下的第一印象。,也就是你给人留下的第一印象。下一页下一页上一页上一页7b.7b.糟糟糕糕的的是是第第一一印印象象并并不不总总是是美美好好的的。然然而而,在在最最好好的的情情况况下下,“成成见见效效应应”会会使使别别人人觉觉得得我我们们比实际上的要更好。比实

17、际上的要更好。8 8 一一进进入入面面试试现现场场,要要记记住住保保持持镇镇静静,面面带带笑笑容容,握握手手有有力力,同同时时还还要要看看着着对对方方的的眼眼睛睛。做做到到这这些些,你将会轻易地闯过你将会轻易地闯过3030秒关卡。秒关卡。9a.9a.此此外外,几几乎乎所所有有的的面面试试者者都都会会提提出出下下列列3 3个个问问题,你要作好应答的准备。明智的做法题,你要作好应答的准备。明智的做法下一页下一页上一页上一页9b.9b.是提前几天相好答案;和有备而来的人是提前几天相好答案;和有备而来的人相比,决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留相比,决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留下很好的印象。下很好的

18、印象。10a. 10a. 这这三个示范性问题如下:三个示范性问题如下: 1. 1. 这麽说,你有兴趣在我们实验室当一这麽说,你有兴趣在我们实验室当一名助手名助手 是吗?是吗? 不能简单地回答不能简单地回答“是是”。回答。回答“是是”后要后要加上加上下一页下一页上一页上一页10b.10b. 些些内容内容比如,比如, “ “是的,我对该职位非常感是的,我对该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作。兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作。”回答要简洁,回答要简洁,但永远也别苍白地只是回答说但永远也别苍白地只是回答说“是是”或或“不是不是”。 2. 2. 你为什麽看中这份工作?你为什麽看中这份工作? 某位经理告

19、诉我,如果应征者对此问题回答说:某位经理告诉我,如果应征者对此问题回答说:“我觉得这个工作很有趣我觉得这个工作很有趣”或或“我喜欢与人合作我喜欢与人合作”,他会立即把他们的名字从名单上删除。,他会立即把他们的名字从名单上删除。“这意味这意味着着下一页下一页上一页上一页 10c.10c. 他们根本不了解自己想做什麽,也没有考虑他们根本不了解自己想做什麽,也没有考虑过这份工作的要求,过这份工作的要求,”他解释到。他解释到。 3. 3. 谈谈你自己好吗?谈谈你自己好吗? 面试这并非想了解你的整个生活历程。他想了解面试这并非想了解你的整个生活历程。他想了解的是能证明你性格、能力、动力的事实。的是能证明

20、你性格、能力、动力的事实。 11.11.就这些了!有了上述的指导,你肯定会找到就这些了!有了上述的指导,你肯定会找到理想的工作。祝你好运!理想的工作。祝你好运!下一页下一页上一页上一页to qualify for 1. 1. 有具有有具有资格;证明在资格;证明在合格合格Text Her proficiency in computer qualified her for the job as the secretary of the company.a bitter competition for 2. 2. 的竞争激烈的竞争激烈 As China enters WTO, there is bi

21、tter competition for international trade.Textwith little guidance/instructlp 3. 3. 只需一点引导只需一点引导/ /指导指导/ /帮助帮助With no guidance from anyone, he relied on his own efforts and moved on step by step.Text to treat like 4. 4. 把把看作看作Throughout his whole life, he has treated reading like his companion.Textto

22、 invest money/energy/time into5. 5. 把把( (资金资金/ /精力精力/ /时间时间) )投入到投入到In the recent years, the government has invested large amount of money improving the living environment.Text to apply to 6. 6. 适用于适用于Being frank and honest is the best policy, which applies to both individuals and countries.Text to

23、start from ground zero7 7 从头开始;从零开始从头开始;从零开始 Its not really practical to start from ground zero in such a competitive business world.Text to play an active role in 8 8 在在中发挥积极作用中发挥积极作用 Hi-tech is playing an increasingly important role in modern wars.Text to refer to 9 9 提到;说起提到;说起 Man should learn t

24、o love nature as it is often referred to as his mother.Textupon entry to/into 10 10 进门时;入场时进门时;入场时 Upon entry into the office, he started to discuss something about their work with the colleagues.Text to compose oneself 11 11 使使镇静;使平静镇静;使平静 They are trying to compose themselves by not looking at oth

25、ers.Text to look sb.in the eye 12 12 直视对方的眼睛直视对方的眼睛. . He never looks a stranger in the eye when he speaks to him or her.Textto do sth.with flying colors 13 13 成功地做某事成功地做某事 The new employee of the company passed the exam with flying colors.Text in addition (to) 14 14 除除之外;另外之外;另外 In addition to sing

26、ing and dancing, they share the same hobby playing tennis.Textin advance 15 15 预先;提前预先;提前. . If earthquake is predicted in advance, people can make preparation, thus suffering less damage.Text to make favorable impression 16 16 留下好印象留下好印象. . The Terracotta Warriors of Qin dynasty in XiAn have made v

27、ery deep impression upon many foreign visitors .Text to cross off 17 17 删除;划去删除;划去 Hearing his name was crossed off the name list ,he fell into great despair.Text to be certain to do sth. 18 18 肯定要发生;必然的肯定要发生;必然的 She has been working hard to prepare for the exams and is certain to win good grades.Te

28、xt原句:原句:If you foul up the first part, your chances ofgetting the job will be extremely slim, no matter howwell you handle the second part.(Para.6)1. Sentence pattern for showing the possibility译文:如果第一部分表现极差,那麽无论你在第二如果第一部分表现极差,那麽无论你在第二部分的表现有多麽出色,你获得工作的希望会非常部分的表现有多麽出色,你获得工作的希望会非常渺茫。渺茫。 句型结构句型结构If sb

29、does sth., his hopes/chances of success/doing sth. will be slim, no matter how he does sth.else later (黄黄体字可替换体字可替换)假如假如某人先做某事某人先做某事,无论他,无论他后来如何后来如何,那麽他,那麽他成功或成功或做某事的做某事的希望就非常渺茫。希望就非常渺茫。上一页上一页下一页下一页TextIf you dont work hard today, your hopes of winning success will be fairly slim, no matter how regr

30、etful you feel later.上一页上一页下一页下一页活学活用活学活用Text原句原句: Do this, and youll clear the 30-Second RoadBlock with flying colors. (Para.8)2. Sentence pattern for expressing condition and result.译文:做到这些,你将轻易地闯过做到这些,你将轻易地闯过3030秒大关秒大关。 句型结构句型结构 Do sth., and you will be/do something else. (黄体字可替换黄体字可替换) 假如你假如你做某事

31、做某事,你将会,你将会成为成为/ 做做上一页上一页下一页下一页TextStick to your goal and never give it up, and you will succeed in the end.上一页上一页下一页下一页活学活用活学活用TextTranslating Translate the following into English.Her teaching experiences qualifies her for the job.1.1.她的她的教学经验使她具有教学经验使她具有担任此项工作的担任此项工作的条条件。件。 The new law does not ap

32、ply to the joint venture overseas.2 2. .新法律不新法律不适用于适用于海外海外合资企业合资企业。 If you have decided to rent the house, please pay 50 dollars in advance.3.3.如果你已如果你已决定租决定租这所房子,请这所房子,请先先付付5050美元美元 。Upon entry into the country, he was arrested.4. 4. 他他一入境一入境就就被捕被捕了了. . 换工作比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多。换工作比辞职一切从头开始要容易得多。1. It is

33、much easier to go from one job to another than to quit and start from ground zero. Translate the following into Chinese.决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留下很好决定临时应付的人永远也不会给人留下很好的印象。的印象。2. The person who decides just to wing it will never make as favorable an impression as someone who is prepared. 我对该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久我对

34、该职位非常感兴趣,这正是我期待已久的工作。的工作。3. I am very interested in this position. Its exactly the kind of opening Ive been hoping to find. 这意味着他们根本不了解自己想做什麽,也这意味着他们根本不了解自己想做什麽,也没有考虑过这份工作的要求。没有考虑过这份工作的要求。4. This implies that they havent any idea of what they want to do and havent given any thought to what the job involves.



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