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1、愿你如愿,祝你成功英语试卷第I卷 ( 共1 00分)第一部分 听 ( 共两节,满分30分)第一节( 共5小题;每小题1 . 5分,满分7 . 5分)听下面5段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1 . What color is A lice, s pen?A . B lack. B . B lu e.2. Where is the boy s football?A . O n his desk. B . Under his bed.C . Red.

2、C . Under the table.3. What does J enny w ant?A . Tea.B . M ilk.C . J u ice.4 . H ow long does it take A nna to get to her school?A . A bou t 3 minu tes. B . A bou t 1 0 minu tes.C . A bou t 1 3 minu tes,5 What is D avid doing?A . Watching TV. B . Reading a book. C . D raw ing pictu res.第二节( 共1 5小题;

3、每小题L 5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段长对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6 . What shou ld the man do?A . Take some medicine. B . H ave a good rest. C . D o more ex ercise.7 . Where is the man?A . A t a teacher s offic

4、e. B . A t a police station. C . A ta doctorJ s office.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第1 0三个小题。8 . H ow many hou rs did L i J iang read?A . Tw o hou rs. B . Three hou rs.C . F ou r hou rs.愿你如愿,祝你成功9 . What does L i J iang think of the table tennis match?A . Wonderfu l.B . E x citing.C . B oring.0 What did Yang H ong

5、do after w atching the table tennis match?A . She read a book.B . She w atched a film.C . She w ent to bed.听下面一段对话,回答第I I至第1 3三个小题。1 1 . Why did the man make a call?A . B ecau se he lost something.B . B ecau se le fou nd something,C . B ecau se he needed some money .1 2. H ow mu ch is there in the w

6、 allet?A . 4 5 6 y u an.B . 5 6 y u an.C . 5 6 5 y u an.1 3. When w ill the man go to the w omanr s office?A . O n Su nday .B . O n M onday .C . O n Tu esday .听下面一段对话,回答第1 4至第1 6三个小题。1 4 . Where is M r. Wang s hometow n?A . I n the w est of C hina.B . N ear C hengdu .C . I n the east of C hina.1 5 .

7、 Who does M r. Wang often talk w ith online?A . H is parents.B . H is brothers.C . H is w ife.1 6 . H ow w ill M r. Wang go back home?A . B y bu s.B . B y train.C . B y air.听下面一段独白,回答第1 7至第2 0四个小题。1 7 . What s L i D ong s dream?A . To be a cook.B . To be a pianist.C . To be a reporter.1 8 . Why does

8、 D ai Qiang w ant to be a doctor?A . B ecau se a doctor can save lives.B . B ecau se a doctor can become famou s.C . B ecau se a doctor can make mu ch money .1 9 . What does L i H ong do every day ?A . Play the piano.B . Stu dy medicine.C . Write articles.2愿你如愿,祝你成功20. H ow many people s dreams docs

9、 the speaker talk abou t?A . 3. B . 4 . C . 5 .第二部分 读 ( 共三节,满分7 0分)第一节 完形填空( 共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。AA n old man sat on a train. H e w as on his w ay home after he his sonw orking in a big city . H e w as looking at the new shoes happily becau se his sonbou gh

10、t them for him. Su ddenly , one of the shoes fell ou t of the w indow of the2 by accident. The people arou nd him all w ere 3 for him and theysaid to him, D on t w orry ! I t s only a shoe. You still have a shoe. B u t totheir su rprise, the old man threw the other 4 ou t of the w indow . A w omanas

11、ked, Why ? I t s new . The old man said w ith a smile, aO nly one shoe is noBu se for me. B u t if any one finds that pair of shoes, he can _5 _ them happily . ”1 . A . saved B . cau ght C . visitedD . invited2. A . train B . bu s C . planeD . room3. A . happy B . sorry C . nervou sD . shy4 . A . co

12、at B . jacket C . shoeD . bag5 . A . bu y B . hide C . fixD . w earH elen w as sitting in the garden reading her favorite book. Some time later, herold 6 sat beside her. Su ddenly , she pointed at something and asked H elenw hat it w as. H elen looked at it and told her it w as a sparrow ( 麻雀) H ele

13、n w as7 by the simple qu estion.H elen w ent on reading. Several 8 later, her old mother asked her thesame qu estion and H elen fou nd it w as the same bird. A fter a little w hile, the oldw oman again asked the qu estion abou t the sparrow . This time H elen got 9 .She shou ted at her mother for as

14、king the qu estion again and again. The old w oman1 0 stood u p and entered the hou se. H elen continu ed reading her book. A few3愿你如愿,祝你成功minu tes passed and her old mother 1 1 beside her again. She opened an olddiary and pu t it in front of H elen. H elen picked u p the diary and began to readit.

15、I t said, uToday , w hile I w as 1 2 in the garden, my little H elen cameto me. L ooking at a sparrow on a tree, my child asked me w hat it w as. I 1 3at her, said it w as a sparrow and kissed her. A fter a w hile, little H elen askedthe qu estion again. This w ent on u ntil she w ent back into the

16、hou se w ith me afterI finished my w ork. L ittle H elen asked me at least ten times and I kept on answ eringher and 1 4 her. ”Tears came into H elen s ey es. She closed the 1 5 and felt very sorryfor w hat she did. She realiz ed that she shou ld treat her mother the w ay her mothertreated her.6 . A

17、 . fatherB . motherc.brotherD . sister7 . A . fooledB . scaredc.movedD . su rprised8 . A . minu tesB . hou rsc.day sD . w eeks9 . A . sadB . anx iou sc.coldD . angry1 0. A . su ddenlyB . qu icklyc.silentlyD . clearly1 1 . A . satB . stoodc.askedD . cried1 2. A . w alkingB . play ingc.ru nningD . w o

18、rking1 3. A . lau ghedB . shou tedc.smiledD . knocked1 4 . A . kissingB . helpingc.beatingD . pu nishing1 5 . A . novelB . diaryc.magaz ineD . door第二节 阅读理解( 共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AXiangy ang H otel A room w ith tw o single ( 单人的)beds: 5 1 0 y u anA room w ith one b

19、ig bed: 38 8 y u anB ig and clean rooms w ith TV sets, telephones and compu tersF ou r different restau rants and three sw imming pools4愿你如愿,祝你成功 In the city centerTel: 028-4763288Hongxing Hotel A room with two single beds: 220 yuanA room with one big bed: 150 yuanBig and clean rooms with TV sets an

20、d telephonesTwo different restaurants A short bus ride from the city centerTel: 028-4763251Jixiang Hotel A room with two single beds: 120 yuanA room with one big bed: 80 yuanClean rooms with TV sets and telephones A restaurant A 17-minute bus ride from the train stationTel: 028-4763386Huayuan Youth

21、Hotel# 40 yuan each person each nightClean beds, television rooms, bathroomsRestaurants and travel advice In the city centerTel: 028-476355116. If Li Ping wants to swim, which hotel will he choose?A. Hongxing Hotel. B. Xiangyang Hotel. C. Jixiang Hotel. D. Huayuan YouthHotel.17. If you want to get m

22、ore information about Jixiang Hotel, which number will youcall?5愿你如愿,祝你成功A. 028-4763288. B. 028-4763251. C. 028-4763386. D. 028-4763551.18. If Wang Lin wants to stay in Huayuan Youth Hotel for four nights, how muchwill he pay?A. 40 yuan. B. 80 yuan. C. 120 yuan. D. 160 yuan.BThere was a big lake in

23、the forest. A crocodile ( 鲍鱼) with his wife lived inthe lake. They ate fishes. By the lake stood a big tree. A monkey lived in it. Heate fruits. The monkey and the crocodile met every day and often played together.One day, the crocodile, s wife saw the monkey and she wanted to eat the monkey sheart.

24、 She said to her husband, I don t want to eat fishes in the lake any more.I think the monkeyJ s heart must be delicious. Go and get it for me!” The crocodiledidn, t agree. But his wife added, Don t worry. Just bring him here and try topush him down into the water. After thinking for a long time, the

25、 crocodileagreed.The next day the crocodile invited the monkey to play by the lake. While theywere playing, the crocodile pushed the monkey down into the water. The monkey askedthe crocodile why he did that. The crocodile said, “ M y wife wants to eat yourheart. The monkey was shocked but he said, “

26、 I left my heart in the tree. Let sgo to take it The crocodile agreed. When they reached the tree, the monkeyclimbed up the tree quickly and said, “ M y heart is in my body. ”19. What did the monkey and the crocodile often do?A. They ate meals together. B. They caught fishes in the lake.C. They play

27、ed together. D. They fought with each other.20. What did the crocodile, s wife want to eat?A. The monkey, s heart. B. The monkeyJ s head. C. Fishes in thelake. D. Fruits on the tree.21. What can we learn from the text?A. The monkey was smart when he was in danger.B. The crocodile agreed with his wif

28、e right away.C. The monkey left his heart on the top of the big tree.6愿你如愿,祝你成功D. The crocodile invited the monkey to swim in the lake.22. Where can you probably find the text?A. In a history book. B. In a science magazine.C. In a story book. D. In a fashion magazine.COne M onday morning, the studen

29、ts were talking about their homework in theclassroom. Last weekend, their homework was to sell something. They would use themoney they made to buy school things for the children in poor areas. N ow it wastime for them to show how successful they were.Liu Ling was the first one to speak. I made some

30、cakes and sold them. I made40 yuan, “ she said happily. M y friendly words and smiles helped me. At the sametime, the cakes were rally delicious. ” “ Good, “ said the teacher.Yang M ei said, “ I sold newspapers. I made 55 yuan and I told everyone thatnewspapers can tell us what is happening around t

31、he world. ” Very good, YangM ei, “ said the teacher.Li Hang said, “ I sold my toys and I made 62 yuan. I told everyone they weremuch cheaper than new toys. ” “ Great!” said the teacher.Then it was Zhou Yi s turn. Everyone looked at him. Zhou Yi walked to thefront of the classroom and put a box of mo

32、ney on the teacherJ s desk.“ 1,242 yuan, he said.“ 1,242 yuan!” said the teacher. What did you sell?”Toothbrushes, said Zhou Yi.uToothbrushes?the teacher asked. uHow did you do it? How many toothbrushesdid you sell to make that much money?”aI found the busiest street in town, “ said Zhou Yi, “ I set

33、 up a chocolatestand ( 货摊)and invited everybody who walked by to taste my chocolate for free.They all said, Your chocolate tastes good but it makes my teeth black! Then Isaid, It is. Do you want to buy a toothbrush? ”23. Why did the students sell things?A. To help their classmates. B. To make money

34、for themselves.7愿你如愿,祝你成功C. To make a survey about selling.24. What did Yang M ei sell?A. Cakes. B. N ewspapers.25. Who made the most money?A. Liu Ling. B. Yang M ei.26. What can we learn from the text?A. The teacher made a lot of money.D. To help the children in poor areas.C. Toys. D. Toothbrushes.

35、C. Li Hang.D. Zhou Yi.B. Li Hang and Liu Ling made 102 yuan.C. Zhou Yi s chocolate tasted really awful.D. Yang M ei and Zhou Yi made 1287yuan.DHave you ever imagined your simple T-shirt could act as an air conditioner ( 空调) on those hot summer days? Thanks to a discovery, that possibility is getting

36、closer and the T-shirt may soon be found among your favorite clothing brands.Two inventors took a completely new method. They designed a special textile ( 纺织品) that can take in body heat and then send out the energy. This new textilecools both the objects and things around them through a technology.

37、 This meansthat a T-shirt made of this textile looks like a normal T-shirt, but actually itis a device ( 设备)that works like a mirror.Although the technology is not new and has been used for years to design plasticfilms and special paints, its use in the textile industry for the good of wearersis ver

38、y special and exciting. That is because, in the past, the methods we used todeal with heat through clothes were only the suggestions on wearing light colorsand choosing breathable textiles. But even when these suggestions can actuallyhelp you feel cool, they are simply not enough in the hottest seas

39、on. The newtextile, however, can reflect all kinds of light, and this can contribute to thecooling process. So this discovery is a real advance.Right now, researchers still need to test the new method to know how effectively( 有效) the new textile works while the wearers are standing or walking, and n

40、otdirectly facing the sky. They also need to test how well it works when T-shirtsare not close to the skin. But it s still a great success.8愿你如愿,祝你成功The two inventors are now looking out for clothing brands that are interestedin using their textile. One inventor said, “ The new material will increas

41、e clothingproducing costs by just 10 percent. We can make it with large production. Everybodycan afford a T-shirt made of this textile and the cost is basically the same as anormal T-shirtJ s. It can do good to everybody. ”27. What can the new textile do?A. M ake wearers feel cool. B. M ake wearers

42、fashionable.C. Get wearersJ health information. D. Test wearersJ body temperatures.28. What do the underlined words “ contribute to ” mean in Chinese?A . 减缓 B . 促进 C . 接收 D . 扰乱29. What are the two inventors doing now?A. M aking money by selling the textile. B. Trying to use the textile in otherfiel

43、ds.C. Trying to find out more secrets of the textile. D. Looking for clothingbrands to use the textile.30. What s the best title ( 标题)for the text?A. A Popular Brand B. Two Great Inventors C. A Special TextileD. Lucky Wearers第三节 短 文 填 空 ( 共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满 分 10分 )根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余

44、选项。The world is our only home. Doing small things can make the world a betterplace. Here is some advice to you.Give someone a book you once read. Once the person takes the book and finishesreading it, you can talk about the book with him. 31 They 11 probablyfeel uncomfortable.Say something nice to s

45、omeone. Tell the person how much you like his job, newclothes, singing and so on. 32 Just let someone know that something he isdoing works.33 Draw a picture or make a delicious cake for someone. Like givingsomeone a book, it tells the person that you are thinking about him and want to do9愿你如愿,祝你成功so

46、mething nice for him. M aybe the person will respond ( 回应) ,and maybe not. That snot important. 34Teaching someone how to do something. Share your talent with a person by showinghim how to do something. 35 Have patience and respect the person.Anything that shows people you care about them will make

47、the world a betterplace. Don, t wait and just do it now.A. But be honest and friendly.B. M ake friends with someone.C. M ake something for someone.D. This will help the person learn a lot.E. Don, t do this with people who don t read.F. He just needs to know he is important to you.第n卷 ( 共50分)第三部分 写 (

48、 共三节,满分50分)第一节 单词填空( 共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)根据句意和首字母提示,写出该单词的正确形式( 每空一词) 。请将单词定擎里写在答题卡上指定的位置。36. F is the sixth day of a week.37. Please get up e, or you will be late.38. We students must follow the r of our school.39. A true friend reaches for your hand and t your heart.40. Bruce jumps f than most of th

49、e students in his class.41. Be quiet! Your father is s. He stayed up late last night.42. The doctor said, “ You must walk s because of your leg wound. ”43 Jack hasn, t had anything for a whole day and he is very h now.44. 一Have you h that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday?一Yes, it s a piece of good ne

50、ws.45. 一Can I go shopping with John, mom? He just got his driver s license.一N o way! I don t think sixteen-year-olds should be a to drive.io愿你如愿,祝你成功第二节 语法填空( 共10小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When I was a child, I loved to visit my grandparentsJ farm. There was alwayssomething n

51、ew to do, 46 (see) and to enjoy.One day I, together with my brothers and sisters, went to my grandparents?farm to celebrate my birthday. We all liked eating strawberries and we went topick 47 (they). We each took a basket. But I was lazy. I took the 48(small) basket. While the others were picking st

52、rawberries, I had a rest. Beforewe 49 (return), I put a lot of grass in my basket and then I put a fewstrawberries on top. The basket looked full. M y grandfather said he was proud50 my hard work.The next morning my grandmother made many 51 (pie). There was a big piewhich 52 (make) just for me. It l

53、ooked nice! But when I began to eat it,I found there was nothing but grass under the top strawberries! You can guess53 surprised I was.M y grandfather looked at me 54 ( calm) and said, “ When you cheat others,you cheat yourself. ” He didn, t need to say more but taught me 55 goodlesson.第三节 书面表达( 满分2

54、5分)5 6 . 假如你是李华。你校校刊征稿,请你以Chinese Tea Culture为题,用英语写一篇稿件,简单介绍中国的茶文化。内容包括:1. 茶是中国最受欢迎的饮料之一,有悠久的历史;2 . 茶的种类多,许多地方产茶,如:四川、浙江;3 . 茶有益身体健康;4 . 一天中的任何时候都可以饮茶,朋友聚会时可以饮茶,一个人独处时也可以饮茶;5 . 茶是中国传统文化,可以作为礼物送给亲朋好友。注意:L 词数80词左右( 标题已给出,不计入总词数) ;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3 . 不能出现自己的真实信息。11愿你如愿,祝你成功Chinese Tea Culture愿你如愿,祝

55、你成功英语试卷第I卷 ( 共1 0 0分)第一部分 听 ( 共两节,满分3 0分)第一节( 共5小题;每小题1 . 5分,满分7 . 5分)听下面5段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1 0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。1 . W ha t c ol or is A l ic e, s pe n ?A . B l a c k . B . B l u e .2 . W he r e is t he b oy s foot b a l l ?A . O n his d e sk . B

56、. U n d e r his b e d .C . R e d .C . U n d e r t he t a b l e .3 W ha t d oe s J e n n y w a n t ?A . T e a .B . M il k .C . J u ic e .4 . H ow l on g d oe s it t a k e A n n a t o g e t t o he r sc hool ?A . A b ou t 3 m in u t e s. B . A b ou t 1 0 m in u t e s. C . A b ou t 1 3 m in u t e s,5 .

57、W ha t is D a v id d oin g ?A . W a t c hin g T V . B . R e a d in g a b ook .C . D r a w in g pic t u r e s.第二节( 共1 5小题;每小题L 5分,满分2 2 . 5分)听下面5段长对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6 . W ha t shou l d t

58、 he m a n d o?A . T a k e som e m e d ic in e . B . H a v e a g ood r e st . C . D o m or e e x e r c ise .7 . W he r e is t he m a n ?A . A t a t e a c he r? s offic e . B . A t a pol ic e st a t ion . C . A t a d oc t orJ s offic e .听下面一段对话,回答第8至第1 0三个小题。8 . H ow m a n y hou r s d id L i J ia n g

59、r e a d ?A . T w o hou r s. B . T hr e e hou r s. C . F ou r hou r s.13愿你如愿,祝你成功9 . W ha t d oe s L i J ia n g t hin k of t he t a b l e t e n n is m a t c h?A . W on d e r fu l . B . E x c it in g . C . B or in g .0 . W ha t d id Y a n g H on g d o a ft e r w a t c hin g t he t a b l e t e n n is m

60、 a t c h?A . S he r e a d a b ook . B . S he w a t c he d a fil m . C . S he w e n t t o b e d .听下面一段对话,回答第n至第1 3三个小题。1 1 . W hy d id t he m a n m a k e a c a l l ?A . B e c a u se he l ost som e t hin g .B . B e c a u se l e fou n d som e t hin g ,C . B e c a u se he n e e d e d som e m on e y .1 2

61、 . H ow m u c h is t he r e in t he w a l l e t ?A . 4 5 6 y u a n .B . 5 6 y u a n .C . 5 6 5 y u a n .1 3 . W he n w il l t he m a n g o t o t he w om a n? s offic e ?A . O n S u n d a y . B . O n M on d a y . C . O n T u e sd a y .听下面一段对话,回答第1 4至第1 6三个小题。1 4 . W he r e is M r . W a n g s hom e t

62、ow n ?A . I n t he w e st of C hin a . B . N e a r C he n g d u .C . I n t he e a st of C hin a .1 5 . W ho d oe s M r . W a n g oft e n t a l k w it h on l in e ?A . H is pa r e n t s. B . H is b r ot he r s. C . H is w ife .1 6 . H ow w il l M r . W a n g g o b a c k hom e ?A . B y b u s. B . B y

63、t r a in . C . B y a ir .听下面一段独白,回答第1 7至第2 0四个小题。1 7 . W ha t s L i D on g, s d r e a m ?A . T o b e a c ook . B . T o b e a pia n ist . C . T o b e a r e por t e r .1 8 . W hy d oe s D a i Q ia n g w a n t t o b e a d oc t or ?A . B e c a u se a d oc t or c a n sa v e l iv e s.B . B e c a u se a d

64、oc t or c a n b e c om e fa m ou s.C . B e c a u se a d oc t or c a n m a k e m u c h m on e y .1 9 . W ha t d oe s L i H on g d o e v e r y d a y ?A . P l a y t he pia n o. B . S t u d y m e d ic in e .2 0 . H ow m a n y pe opl e, s d r e a m s d oc s t he spe a k e rC . W r it e a r t ic l e s.t a

65、 l k a b ou t ?14愿你如愿,祝你成功A . 3 .B . 4 .C . 5 .第二部分 读 ( 共三节,满分7 0 分)第一节 完形填空( 共 1 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分3 0 分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A T 5 题答案】【 答案】1 . C 2 . A 3 . B 4 . C 5 . DB【 6 1 5 题答案】【 答案】6 . B 7 . D 8 . A 9 . D 1 0 . C 1 1 . A 1 2 . D 1 3 . C 1 4 . A1 5 . B第二节 阅读理解( 共 1 5 小题;

66、每小题2 分,满分3 0 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A 、B 、C 、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A【 1 6 口8 题答案】【 答案】1 6 . B 1 7 . C)【 1 9 2 2 题答案】【 答案】1 9 . C 2 0 . A【 2 3 2 6 题答案】【 答案】2 3 . D 24. B)【 2 7 3 0 题答案】【 答案】2 7 . A 2 8 . B1 8 . D2 1 . A 2 2 . C2 5 . D 2 6 . B2 9 . D 3 0 . C第三节 短文填空( 共 5 小题;每小题2 分,满分1 0 分)【 3 3 5 题答案】【 答案】3 1 . E

67、 3 2 . A 3 3 . C 3 4 . F 3 5 . D第I I 卷 ( 共 5 0 分)15愿你如愿,祝你成功第三部分 写( 共三节,满分5 0 分)第一节 单词填空( 共1 0 小题;每小题1 分,满分1 0 分)根据句意和首字母提示,写出该单词的正确形式( 每空一词) 。请将单词宛颦地写在答题卡上指定的位置。 3 6 题答案】【 答案】F r id a y【 3 7 题答案】【 答案】( e ) a r l y【 3 8 题答案】【 答案】( r ) u l e s【 3 9 题答案】【 答案】t ou c he s 4 0 题答案】【 答案】( f) a r t he r【 4

68、 1 题答案】【 答案】( s) l e e pin g【 4 2 题答案】【 答案】( s) l ow l y【 4 3 题答案】【 答案】( h) u n g r y【 4 4 题答案】【 答案】( h) e a r d【 4 5 题答案】【 答案】( a ) 1 l ow e d第二节 语法填空( 共1 0 小题;每小题1 . 5 分,满分1 5 分)【 4 6 5 5 题答案】【 答案】4 6 . t o se e4 7 . t he m 4 8 . sm a l l e st4 9 . r e t u r n e d 5 0 . of5 1 . pie s 5 2 . w a s m

69、 a d e16愿你如愿,祝你成功53. how 54. calmly 55. a第三节 书 面 表 达 ( 满 分 25分)【 56题答案】【 答案】例文:Chinese Tea CultureTea is one of the most popular drinks in China. It has a long history. Thereare different kinds of tea, such as green tea, Pu er and Tieguanyin. Tea isproduced in many places, such as Sichuan, Zhejiang

70、and Anhui. Tea is good forpeople, s health. People drink tea in any time of the day. You can drink tea withyour friends in the party, or enjoy it on your own. Tea is a symbol of traditionalChinese culture. People often offer it as a gift to friends and relatives.初一速调,初二稳住,初三猛冲!各年级12条 “ 潜规则”,家长必看“ 初一

71、相差不大,初二始分高下,初三天上地下。 ”没错,这 “ 天壤之别”其实就是在3年1000个日夜中细微差异的累积导致的。初中三年会遇到各种问题,不同的解决方式会导致不同的结果,你准备好了吗?初一 “ 潜规则”1 .把初一当初三过的都笑到了最后。 但可惜的是, 至 少80%的孩子都等到初三才知道着急。2 . 六年级到初一的差距超大,大到从听课、到内容、到作业、到态度、到思维方式都要进行转变。小学阶段的一些无关痛痒的表现,可能导致初中全盘皆输,就比如做计算不喜欢用演草纸这么一件小事儿,多少孩子因为这个在中考丢了小10分,人生轨迹就这么改变了。3 . 不得不承认,现在中考考察更多的是细心,而不是难题的

72、能力。要调整学习方向,平时练习的思路也要转变。4 . 真正优秀的享有优质高中资源的前20%的学生中的绝大多数,根本就没盯着中考,人家盯着的是“ 签约” , 是不是你连签约是啥都不知道?做家长的还不赶紧去了解了解! 提前规划!5 . 初一的所有课程都不难, 初一的各种统考也都不难, 数学随随便便就可以拿个90多分,但你要知道,坏习惯改不了,学习方式不转变,初二一定出问题。17愿你如愿,祝你成功6 . 如果你孩子并不是特别牛,并且你现在的想法是“ 万一我孩子不行初三补课” 。那我建议,你还是把钱花到初一吧。有这种想法的多半初三钱也花了,但成绩还那样!常见问题L孩子不适应进入初中后,课程一下增加到7

73、 门;而且老师的教学方式也从小学的要求孩子学,变成需要孩子主动学。不少家长担心孩子能否适应这些变化。此外,进入初中,学习竞争更加激烈,考试也会增多,孩子压力会越来越大。公办初中还好,现在不能择校了,生源相对比较均衡。如果在民办,因为都是择优录取的学生,大家的底子都很不错。所要承受的竞争压力将会更大,如果孩子在小学一直较优秀,到了初中可能会出现一些落差。J建议:首先不要给孩子太大压力,孩子压力很的大一部分是来自父母。初中刚开始,先让孩子去适应,不要制定太大目标或对孩子要求过高。初一先把基础打牢,为以后做准备。另外,父母也要对孩子进行挫折教育。谁的生活都不可能一帆风顺,都会遇到生活中的种种困难,经

74、受大大小小的挫折。如果孩子见了困难就害怕,遭受挫折就退缩,那么孩子时刻都会受到心理压力的煎熬,遇到挫折承受不了打击,困难没有来临时害怕它到来,因此身心疲惫,对成长十分不利!平时就要鼓励孩子勇于尝试,不要害怕失败,家长也要多疏导,及时关心孩子身心健康!2 . 初中要不要补课进入初中后,课程难度也随之加大,那初中到底要不要给孩子补课?初中本来科目多,作业量就大,孩子休息时间越来越少,有的学校还搞周末拓展班进行内培,那孩子的休息时间就更少了!是否要给孩子在外培训就很纠结了!J建议:根据孩子情况具体问题具体分析,不盲目跟风! 首先大家要明白补课的目的,每个孩子的学习能力、接受能力均不相同。一段时间的学

75、习后,学生之间的成绩自然会出现一些分层。因此在这一范围内另外占用一点课外时间进行补习是很有必要的! 就算校内补课,学校也是根据孩子情况来补得,分为培优补差,所以家长也要先考虑孩子情况,那种用于因材施教,查漏补缺的补课才是值得考虑的!3 . 初中的孩子进入青春期,不与家长沟通不少家长觉得,孩子进入初中后长大了,有了自己的想法,跟家长沟通也少了,平时在家18愿你如愿,祝你成功多说几句可能就觉得烦了! 很多父母都担心, 如果开学后, 孩子遇到问题又该如何及时沟通呢?特别是一些寄宿的孩子,周一到周五还见不到面。J建议:首先要信任孩子, 向孩子敞开自己, 平时不妨和孩子聊聊自己青春期时遇到的困惑、 压力

76、,做过哪些傻事。展现一个不完美,但真实,可亲近的家长形象给孩子。当孩子遇到问题时,父母尽量做到客观评价,不能简单地将错误都归咎于孩子,或者对孩子进行否定。这样会让孩子极度反感,站在孩子的立场上,理解孩子的困难,多鼓励孩子,与孩子一起寻找解决的方法!02初二”潜 规 则 “1 .大部分人都把新初二的难关当成了物理,其实并不是。一个从0开始学的学科能难到哪儿去?初二最大的问题在于数学, 语文和英语一般不会看出什么明显的难度提升, 但数学截然不同,初二是代数思想开始建立的初期,更是初中几何难度提升的关键节点。可以这么讲,初二数学学蒙了,估计到高三你都不一定醒的过来。2 . 初二最大的BOSS并不是学

77、习,而是青春期,这简直是鬼故事级别的。不光家长受罪,孩子自身也会受罪,莫名的躁动、莫名的烦躁、莫名的多愁善感和莫名的自尊心都会袭来。青春期最需要细致的关怀,这时候的孩子的内心其实是最脆弱了,所以才像刺猬一样长满了刺。只要你能走进孩子的内心,你就看得到ta柔软的一面。那些青春期跟孩子“ 干 ”起来的家庭,100%是家长全责,等同于追尾。3 . 如果初一过的紧张,初二又能hold住孩子的青春期,那么恭喜你,做好后勤工作,多跟19愿你如愿,祝你成功孩子聊天,多给孩子鼓励,多学学做饭就可以了。而这些问题里面要是有一样没有解决,那初二最大的任务,就是解决它。常见问题1 . 早恋“ 不许跟某某聊天,打招呼

78、也不行,每天晚上必须说一遍喜欢我。 ”宋女士帮儿子整理书桌,发现一张语言暧昧的纸条,一看便知是女生写的,而有如此语言,说明儿子与这个女孩的关系已经非同寻常。 宋女士本想好好教训一顿儿子, 晚上便亲自接儿子放学, 谁知在学校门口,却看到好几对男生女生手拉手亲密地往前走。某中学教育处主任介绍,早恋现象主要集中于初二年级,同学之间肆无忌惮地开玩笑,部分男女生表现过分亲密。2 . 上网初中阶段, 初二学生上网最多, 尤其是男生, 有的几乎一有空闲时间就泡在网吧里打游戏,饿了就在网吧干吃方便面,有的甚至逃课上网。这些学生往往很难管教, 有时即使老师在网吧里把他们带回学校, 对其进行教育或者惩罚,也往往收

79、效甚微,没过几天,又重回网吧。有老师在与学生谈心时发现,一部分学生也知道沉迷网吧对自己的危害, 甚至下决心离开网吧,但往往管不住自己,抵御不住网吧的诱惑。3 . 学习成绩下降在学习上,初二是一个分水岭。有一部分学生存在畏难情绪,将心思用在学习之外,成绩迅速下降,对学习失去兴趣,自暴自弃,从此一蹶不振。这样的同学到了初三往往很难有所突破,中考的失利难以避免。4 . 逆反心理严重初二学生的另一特点是不服管教。 一些同学对老师、 家长的批评不再虚心接受, 而是反驳、顶撞,甚至嘲笑师长。越是父母、老师不让做的事,他们越起劲,一定要和师长对着干。/ 建议:当孩子进入青春期后, 家长应该成为孩子成长的陪伴

80、者, 给孩子一定的空间, 让他们去想、去做自己的事情。 在孩子的青春期阶段给予有的放矢的关心。切不可通过偷看日记等方式了解孩子。想了解孩子,一个不错的办法是了解孩子喜欢的音乐、书籍、电影等。人一生可以不做坏事, 但绝不可能不做错事。 初二是孩子最容易“ 惹事” 、 “ 犯错” 的时期。在这个时期,孩子发展顺利,固然幸运;产生了一点麻烦,一些困惑,也不必紧张。我们应该20愿你如愿,祝你成功认识到,犯错是孩子的权利,也是走向成熟的必备代价。希望家长要有这个思想准备,有这个信心和耐力,有这个认识高度,有教育孩子健康发展的能力,让初二年级这个“ 事故多发阶段”平稳度过。初 三 “ 潜规则”1 .学吧,

81、 孩子们, 非要等到初三下学期, 同学里签约好几个了, 你才发现你必须学习了么?咋学?这时候还不应试为主,什么弱学啥,合理规划,少玩少睡觉多做题吧。2 . 你整不过中考,中考就肯定整你了,每年大约有4 0 %的孩子没有普通高中上,必须去职高。3 . “ 初三就像在打战,打的是一场人生之战,如果打赢了,未来的人生道路将平坦顺利;如果输了,未来的人生道路无疑将布满荆棘。 ”初三的孩子,较之于初一初二,情绪情感更容易波动,上一秒还在大笑,下一秒可能就变得很沮丧;许多在初一初二学习成绩不错的孩子,到了初三,起伏却很大。见问题L亲子关系紧张与叛逆、多事的初一初二相比,升入初三的孩子更不让家长省心。他们突

82、然变得让人百思不得其解,敢反抗权威,对父母不尊、不敬、不服,还对父母的反应与批评极端敏感,与父母的冲突越来越厉害;他们突然有了一些古怪的行为问题,如缄默、关门独处、答非所问、凝神静思鉴于这样的年龄特点,他们的思想也变得成熟起来,这主要表现在以下两点:对人生、对身边的问题有了自己的看法21愿你如愿,祝你成功对父母的教育态度、教育方法有着自己独特的感悟。2. 压力陡增对孩子来说,初三是学习生涯的转折点,因此在这场“ 中考大战”的准备阶段,孩子的压力可谓无处不在,无时不有。回中考给孩子带来的压力关键主要体现在三个方面:自我压力一方面,进入初三,学业压力明显增大,从家中的叮嘱、老师的教育声中,孩子们已

83、经明白了中考的重要性。 他们的脑海中也形成了这样一种意识:成绩是衡量一个人是否成功的唯一因素,而考入名校则是通往幸福人生的唯一捷径。 家庭压力孩子压力的形成和家庭有着直接关系,现在的家庭大多是独生子女,所以家长对孩子的要求特别高,期望很大。有的家长总是向孩子灌输“ 你是我们家的未来和全部” “ 我们家的未来就全靠你了”这样的思想; 社会压力无法了解社会人才需要的方向,对人才的认识较为片面、单一,认为一旦达不到预期目标就会被社会所不容,于是心里就会产生恐慌感。3. 青春期问题爆发初三是孩子青春问题集中的爆发的高危期, 孩子身上出现的问题, 有时候会让家长有无能为力的挫败感,在无法教育的情形下,家

84、长选择了退缩。初一初二仅是青春期问题的一个酝酿期,而初三则是集中爆发期。孩子在初一初二有厌学倾向,到了初三,则彻底厌学了;孩子在初一初二对异性有好感,到了初三,则真正早恋了;孩子在初一初二有逃课、打架的行为,到了初三,此种现象变得更为普遍;J建议:有句话说得好:“ 所以亲子关系的改善,必先由家长做出一些改变。 ”面对这些稀奇古怪、让人捉摸不透的九年级孩子, 家长要想改变与孩子的关系, 唯有从自身做起。 在家长自我反省、积极寻变的处理模式下,你也会渐渐看到孩子做出积极的回应。做好家校沟通工作不要把初三的孩子当成大人,虽然他的年龄增长了、个子长高了,但心智还不成熟,因此22愿你如愿,祝你成功还需要

85、家长的帮助。这就要求家长要时刻关注孩子,时刻掌握孩子的情况,一旦发现问题,及时采取措施解决。这个了解孩子情况的渠道在哪里呢?就 在老师哪里。与孩子的朋友保持联系孩子长大了, 进入青春期, 由于生理和心里特点的变化, 使得他们喜欢把 心事告诉朋友,按他们的话就是“ 朋友年龄相近,想法也相同” ,但这一时期的孩子终归是孩子,他们还不具备处理问题的能力,有了烦恼和问题,唯一能做的仅仅是向朋友倾诉,倾诉完了,他们依然手足无措。因此, 如果家长从孩子的朋友着手, 与其保持联系, 那么就可以掌握孩子的第一手资料,从而发现孩子的问题,并帮助其解决。再有道理的话,都不要说3遍以上用道理教育孩子,讲了一两遍就打住,这是对孩子的一种信任吗,有了信任这个前提,孩子会乖乖听话,以此同时他还会产生这样一种心理:父母对我这么放心,我一定不能辜负他们。这样,父母的目的不就达到了吗?23



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