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1、2012新目标英语中考精品复习资料第三章资料汇编第一板块安徽省中考英语词汇表A1. a (an) (art) 一 ( 个,件)There is an eraser in the box.What a shame! = What a pity!真遗憾!A knife and fork 一副刀叉( 用于价格,数量,比率等)He was driving at 50 miles an hour.当时他正以每小时50英里速度驾车。( 用于一星期中某天的名称前,表示具体某一天)She died on a Tuesday.她是在个星期二去世的。【 经典试题】A spaceship flies at abou

2、t eleven kilometers second.A. / B. the C. a D. anHow beautifully she sings! I have never heard voice.A. the best B. a best C. the better D. a better2. ability (n )能力; 才能;He is a man of great ability.他是位能力很强的人。She has no ability in that kind of work.The ability to use a language can be achieved by th

3、e act of using the language.Almost everyone has some musical ability.几乎人人都有一定的音乐才能。(ability后可接介词in或 for引导的短语表示“ 有某方面的能力” , 也可接动词不定式做定语,但不接“of + v-ing)3. able (a.)有能力的, 能够I am afraid I wont be able to visit you on Saturday.恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了。I didnt feel able to disagree with him.我觉得无法不同意他的意见。The ablest

4、student in the class.班上最有才华的人。He is an able lawyer.他是一位能T 二的律师。* unable (a.)不能的,不能胜任的4. about (prep, ad.) 关于,在各处;大约,到处My mother often spoke to me about you.家母常和我谈起你。She sat up and looked about her.她坐了起来, 环顾四周。It happened about 5 oclock in the morning.这事发生在早晨约莫五点钟的时候。She likes to walk about.她喜爱四处走走。J

5、ohn is about the same age as Tom.5. above (prep)在 上面 在 之上, 超过Water came above our knees.水淹过我们的膝盖We cannot accept children above the age of 10.我们不能接受10岁以上的儿童。【 词语辨析】Above与最低限度和固定点相连,如:2000 feet above sea level 海拔 2000 英尺。Temperatures will not rise above zero tonight.而 over与数目,数量,年龄,金钱和时间相连,如: He over

6、 50o 他已年过半百。It cost over $100.这个值 100 美元。We waited over 2 hours.6. abroad (a. ad.)在国外倒国外My son is still living abroad.He was famous both at home and abroad.(abroad前不可用in或 t o , 但可用from表示“ 从国外” )7. absent (a.)缺席的, 不在场的K+from)To be absent from work / school / a meeting缺勤,缺课,未出席会议。Three members of the

7、class were absent this morning.今天早晨该班有三人缺席。Today David is absent from school because he is ill.今天大卫因为生病没上学。【 注意区别】He was absent from London.他不在伦敦。He was absent in London.他不在这里,而在伦敦。absence ( n ) 不在, 缺席according to 按照,根据8. accent (n) 口音, 腔调Judging by her accent, she must be a Southerner.从她的口音判断, 她准是南

8、方人。9. acc叩t (v)接受, 领受; 答应, 同意( 区别于receive)He has accepted our invitation.他已经接受了我们的邀请。It was raining heavily so I accepted his offer of a lift.天正在下雨,所以我领了他的情,搭了他的便车。Shes decided not to accept the job.她决定不接受这项工作。10. accident (n)事故; 灾祸avoid an accident 避免事故cause an accident.导致事故to have an accident 出事故A

9、 terrible accident has happened.by accident = by chance 偶然地11. ache (n)痛,疼痛There were aches in his joints.他关节疼痛。She felt an ache in her bank.她感觉背痛。【 复合词toothache, stomachache, heartache12. achieve (v)完成, 实现,达到瀛得You will never achieve anything if you spend your time that way.你若总是这样消磨时间, 就永远不会有所成就。ach

10、ieve peace 实现和平 achieve progress 获得进步( 表示“ 取得成就,达成目标,目的” 时 用 achieve;表示“ 达成协议,决议,合同,得出结论”时用 reach 或 arrive at)13. across (prep)横越, 穿过( 区别于 through)We walked across the street.我们穿过马路。Theres a hotel across the road.路另边有家旅馆。14. act (n, v ) 法令,条例;表演, 扮演, 行动The time for thinking is past. We must now act.

11、思考的时间过去了,我们必须行动。He acted Othello at the Royal Theater that evening.那天晚上他在皇家剧院扮演奥赛罗。The medicine acts well. = The medicine works well. 这药有效。The actress acts very w ell.这演员戏演得好。John acted as chairman in his absence.他不在时, 约翰充当主席。(act后接as短语,作“ 担任” 解时,其后表示职务或职业的名词前通常不用冠词)15. action (n )行动; 行为; 活动He took

12、strong action.他采取了强硬措施。He was sorry for his actions.他为自己的行为感到懊悔。(take action采取行动,中间不加冠词)16. active (a.)积极的,主动的She is an active supporter of womens rights.她是争取妇女权利的积极支持者。The sentence is in the active voice.本句子用的是主动语态。Mrs. Brown is over 80 and not very active now.布朗太太已八十多岁, 现在不大活动了。17. activity (n)活动(

13、outdoor activities 户外活动/ classrom activities 课堂活动)I take an active part in all kinds of activities including tennis, swimming and running.我积极参加诸如网球游泳跑步等各种各样的活动。18. add (v)添加; 增加,加The fire is going out. Will you add some wood?火快熄了, 请你加些木柴好吗?Add 5 to 3 and you have 8. 3 力 口 5 等于 8.If the tea is too st

14、rong, add some more water.如果茶太浓,加些水吧。增加K+to)The snowstorm added to our difficulties.暴风雪增加了我们的困难。* addition (n )增加,加19. address ( n ) 住址, 地址Whats your home address?补充词义:演说, 致词The headmaster gave an address to the school before the prizes were given away.在发奖之前校长向全校发表了讲话20. advantage (n)优点, 优势,好处,Whats

15、 the advantage of using wind power?使用风能有何好处?Living in a big city has many advantagesgood schools, libraries, theaters and concerts.住在大城市有许多便利,如好学校,图书馆,剧院和音乐会。We took full advantage of all the seats in the halL.我们充分禾用了 礼堂里的所有座位。21. advertisement (n)广 .告Advertisement helps to sell goods.广告有助于推销商品。“AD”

16、 is the short form of advertisement. AD 是广告的缩写形式* advertise(v)为做广告22. advise (v)劝告,建议We advised her that she (should) w ait.我们劝她等He advised me to work harder.他劝告我要更勤奋工作。Its easy for you to advise, but difficult to take advice from others.劝告别人容易,接受劝告就难Toadvise against劝不要I advised against their doing

17、it.我劝他们不要做这件事。( 常与o f短语连用)I will advise you of my future plan.我将告诉你我的未来计划。派生词:advisable适当的,合理的,明智的。23. advice (n )劝告, 忠告UI want your advice, sir. I dont know what to do.先生, 我需要您的指点。我不知该怎么办才好。You should follow (take ) his advice.你必须遵守他的忠告。24. afford ( v ) 负担得起( 费用) ,抽得出( 时间) , ,提供( 常与can,could,be abl

18、e to连用) 买得起; 有足够的 ( 去做They did not consider whether they could afford the time or no t.他们没有考虑是否抽得出时间。We cant afford to pay such a price.I cannot afford a car.我没有充足的钱买汽车。None of them could afford $50 for a ticket.他们当中没有哪个拿得出50美元买一张票。25. afraid (a.)害怕的,担心She was afraid that she might lose her job.她担心会

19、丢掉工作。It seems that she is afraid to tell them about it.似乎她怕将此事告诉他们。Dont be afraid of snakes.( 用于提出异议, 告诉不好的消息等场合, 使语气婉转) 恐怕, 遗憾+(that)Im afraid your wife had an accident很遗憾, 你妻子出事了rm afraid I can9t help you.对不起, 我不能帮你。The mother is very much afraid for her son who is seriously ill.母亲很担心自己的儿子,他病得很重。b

20、e afraid of + 令人害怕或具有危险地事物。be afraid fbr 替.担心斗令人担心或出于危险之中的事物26. after (ad, prep, conj)之后,后来;在以后They arrived soon after.不久以后他们抵达了Tom went on Monday, and Mary left the day after.汤姆星期一走的, 玛丽第二天就离开了。After graduation he went abroad.毕业后他去了 国外。What are you after?你在求去什么?She was named Jane after her aunt.她被仿

21、照她姑妈的名字命名为Jane。I will tell you after they leave.他们走后我再告诉你。Shut the door after you.随手关门Hes the tallest, after Richard.除了理查德,他最高。After you! = Please go first!请先走!27. afternoon (n)I always have a rest in the afternoon.我下午总要休息一会。(afternoon 与 this, that, yesterday, tomorrow, every 等限定词连用时,其前不用介词)28. agai

22、n (ad.)再 , 再 次 , 又 ,重新He sang the song again.他把这支歌乂唱 了 遍。They came back to school again.他们重返学校了。again and again再三地,反复不断地29. against (p rep )反对; 违反; 逆; 对着;倚; 靠the fight against the A flu 抗甲流斗争We, re playing against Hongxing Middle School next w eek.下周我们要和红星中学比赛。Against the house there stands a tree.一

23、棵树对着这房子立着。This is against the law.这是违法的。Put the piano there, against the wall.30. age (n)年龄, 时代,( 人生的) 某一时期the age of the computer 计算机时代Whats the age of that old building?I used to play tennis there when I was your age.Children over the age of 12 are not allowed to enter the hall.12岁以上的孩子不准进入大厅。He l

24、eft school at the age of 18.Young people of all ages go there to meet.You look younger for your age.31 . ago (ad.)以前she died two years ago.她死在两年以前.比较: He had written a novel two years before.He wrote a novel two years ago.(ago指从现在算起若干时间以前 动词用过去式;before指从过去算起的某个时间以前. ,动词用过去完成时)32. agree( V ) 同意,赞同I c

25、an not agree with you on this point.对于这一点,我不能与你意见相同。He agreed to show me around the factory.他答应带我逛逛这家工厂。33. agreement (n)同意,, 致; 协定, 协议My parents are in agreement on what color to paint the house.我父母亲对于用什么颜色漆房子意见一致。The three sides reached an agreement to stop the war.三方达成协议停止战争。34. air(n)空气; 大气,天空Be

26、tter let in some fresh air.最好放些新鲜空气进来。The air was full of butterflies.天空中飞舞着许许多多蝴蝶。35. airline (n)( 飞机的) 航线 航空公司 航空系统I often travel by Northwest Airlines.我常坐西北航空公司的飞机旅行。36. airplane(n)飞机An airplane started for Canton yesterday.昨天一架飞机飞往广州。37. airport(n)飞机场, 航空站They landed at a small airport.他们在一座小型的机

27、场降落。38. alive(a.)( 常做表语或补语偶尔做后置定语)活着的; 现存的;They were caught alive.他们被活捉了。They are the happiest children alive.他们是当今最幸福的儿童。I dont know whether hes alive or dead.我不知道他是死是活。Is your mother still alive?你妈妈还健在吗?Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive.他虽有八十岁了, 但仍然充满了活力。39. all (a. pron)( 与名词连用时,

28、在该名词前可使用the或所有格等限定词;若与复数形式的名词连用,名词前也可用基数词)注意:all与 not连用有两种含意: “ 并非都是 唧使全部的. 也不”All the students are not noisy.并非所有学生都吵闹。All his toys cannot make him happy.即使他的全部玩具也不能使他快乐。All five men are hard workers.他们5 个人工作都努力。All of them enjoyed playing the piano.-Thanks very much for your help. Not at all. It w

29、as a pleasure.【 经典试题】Im interested in you have said.A. all that B. all what C. that D. which40. allow (v )允许, 准许Swimming is not allowed at this beach.这片海滩禁止游泳。She allowed us to smoke.她允许我们抽烟。He is not allowed to stay out late.他不可以在外呆到很晚。We do not allow smoking in the hall.我们不准有人在大厅内抽烟。41. almost (ad

30、)几乎,差不多He spent almost 1,000 dollars a month.他每月差不多用1000块钱。( 与no, none, nothing等词连用,只能用almost,而不用nearly;反之,V not,never连用只能用nearly 而不用 almost; nearly 可用 very, pretty 修饰,almost 不可)42. alone (a.)单独的, 独自的She watches TV when she is alone.独自一人时, 她便看电视。只有, 仅; 单单( 用于名词或代词后加强语气)The rent alone is $300. 单房租就三百

31、元。Man alone has the gift of speech.只有人类才有说话的天赋。Time alone will show who was right.只有时间能证明到底谁对。单独地(adv)For years Mary lived alone in New York.玛丽孤身人在纽约生活了好儿年。(alone与 only意思相同,但 alone常放在被修饰词之后,而 only却置于其前。 )43. along (ad. prep)向前, 和一起, 一同; 沿着He sang loudly as he walked along.他边向前走边大声唱着歌。Come along with

32、 u s .跟我们一道去吧。I was driving my car along a path.我沿着 , 条小路开车。* aloud (ad .)出声地,高声地44. already (ad.)已经洗前I have had lunch already.我已用过午餐了。We have already finished junior middle school.我们已经完成初中学业。 Lunch?-No. thanks. Tve already eaten.( 用语疑问句表示惊讶,惊奇,怀疑)Is it 10 oclock already?都十点钟了 ?(2010安徽中考题)Whafs the

33、date today?今天几号了 ?-Its June 1 6 .六月十六 Already? Then ifs Dragon Boat Festival today, isnt it?是吗?那么今天是端午节了,对吗45. also (ad.)也, 亦; 还;同样地John is also 19 years old约翰也是十九岁。Since you*ve accepted the invitation, Fil also accept i t.既然你已接受邀请, 那我也接受邀请。He not only plays well, but also writes music.46. although

34、(conj.)虽然; 尽管Although he was ill, he worked hard.他虽然生病, 但仍努力工作。47. always(ad)总是, 经常;永远, 一直;( 动词用进行时) 老是, 一再;( 与can/could连用) 随时They always make fun of Mr. Smith.他们总是嘲弄史密斯先生。Childrens Day is always the first of June.儿童节一直是六月一日。She,s always disturbing me.她老是骚扰我。That phones always ringing.那电话老是响个不停。(200

35、8安徽中考试题) English is too difficult fbr me. I cant learn it well.Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.A. seldom B. never C. always D. usually48. America (n )美国 美洲America was discovered by Columbus in 1492.美洲大陆是哥伦布在1492年发现的。49. American(a. n)The American students get on well with us.I sa

36、w many Americans in Summer Palace yesterday.50. among (prep)( 区别于 between, in the middle of)在 之中; 在( 三个以上) 中间Tom has always been popular among his classmates.汤姆在同学中一直很受欢迎。例题:He is talking A the students of Class 2 on the playground. A. among B. in themiddle ofHe is playing soccer B the playground.A.

37、 among B. in the middle of51. ancient(a)占代的;古老的; 古旧的, 旧的。Jerusalem is an ancient city.耶路撒冷是座古城。He drives an ancient machine.他操纵一台老抻牙的机器。* ancestor (n )祖宗,祖先52. and (conj)和,与,及( 表示并列)This place is nice and warm.此处温暖而舒适。表示时间,动作,状态的延续,重复。We waited for hours and hours.我们等了不知多少小时。She is getting better an

38、d better.她的身体在逐渐变好。为 了 ( 在口语中用于come,go,try之后,相当于动词不定式的符号to)go and buy one 去买一个。 Wait and see 等着瞧吧。( 2009安徽中考试题第32题)Linda tried to become an excellent te a c h e r ,a t last she succeeded.A. so B. or C. but D. and53. angry ( a.) 生气, 发怒的He was angry with his younger brother.She was angry at what her h

39、usband said.Nothing ever makes him angry.从未有事使他生气。54. animal ( n) 动物,残暴的人He was a good story-teller and used to make up tales about farmers and animals. 他是个讲故事的好手,常编一些农夫和动物的故事。What an animal he is !他是个非常残暴的人。55. another ( a. pron )别的,不同的;再( 另, 又) 一个He drank another glass of bee 匚他又喝了 一杯啤酒。Thats anot

40、her matter.那是另外一回事。I dont like this one, please show me another.我不喜欢这个, 请给我另一个。They had three goals in the first half, and another two in the second.他们上半场进了 三个球,下半场又进了两个。If you want to book a round-trip ticket, youll have to pay another $30.如果你要订双程票,你的再付30美元。Lets do it another time.我们下次再办这事吧。56. ans

41、wer ( n. v)回答; 答复接( 电话) ; 应( 门)Ann asked many questions and I did my best to answer them.安妮问了许多问题, 我尽可能地回答。Who answered the telephone?谁接的电话?回答; 答复;复 信 反 应 ( n)Im waiting for an answer to my letter.我正在等候回信。He said good night to her but she gave no answer.他向她道晚安, 而她却毫无反应。57. ant ( n)蚂蚁to work like an

42、ant 勤奋工作have ants in one5s pants.坐立不安,急于做58. any ( pron. a .)( 无论) 哪一个( 些) ; 任何的; 一些( 否, 疑, if从句)He wanted a job, any sort of a job.他需要一个工作, 任何工作都行。If there is any trouble, do let me know.如遇到麻烦, 务必告诉我。I dont have any money to spare.我的钱都用光了。Are there any letters for m e?有我的信吗?( 修饰比较级:稍稍=a little)Do y

43、ou feel any better today?今天感觉稍好点吗?【 经典试题】He is taller than girl in his class.A. any B. other C. any other D. another59. anybody(pron)无论谁任何人,Anybody may come.任何人都可以来。I didnt meet anybody.我任: 何人都没碰至U 。If anybody calls, tell him I have gone out.60. anyone=anybody (pron)任何人61. anything (pron)( 用于疑, 否或if

44、从句时) 什么东西,任何东西Do you have anything to say?你有什么话要说吗?Is there anything wrong with your clock?( 用于肯定句时) 无论什么东西, 无论什么事情My dog will eat almost anything.我的狗几乎什么东西都吃。成语:anything but决不,根本不The hotel was anything but cheap.这旅馆根本不便宜。( 比较 anything but 与 nothing but)62. anyway (ad.)不管怎样; 反正;即使如此It may rain, but

45、we shall go anyway.也许会下雨, 可我们无论如何要去。Thank you all the same = Thank you anyway63. anywhere (ad.)( 用于疑问句或if从句时) 在任何地方任何地方Did you go anywhere last night?你昨天夜里有没有到什么地方去?( 用于否定句时) 什么地方( 也)You cant get it anywhere.这东西你什么地方也买不到的。( 用于肯定句时) 随便什么地方Sit anywhere.随便坐。64. appear (v)出现; 显露,演出; 陈列; 露面Gradually a sm

46、ile appeared on her face.她脸上渐渐地露出笑容。The famous singer is appearing this fall at the Music Festival.这位著名的歌手将在今秋的音乐节上演出。He didnt appear at the meeting until 9 oclock.他直到9 点才出席会议似乎, 看来好像It appears they are right.看来他们是对的。He appeared to be talking to himself.他似乎在自言自语。65. apple (n)成语:She is the apple of h

47、er fathers eye.她是她父亲的掌上明珠。66. April (n)April Fools Day = All Fools Day 愚人节April Fool愚人节开的玩笑;愚人节被愚弄的人67. area (n)面积, 地区, 领域, 范围This room is 150 square feet in area.这房间面积为150平方英尺。His major area of study is chemistry.他的主要研究领域是化学。The areas of training and development.训 I 练和发展方面68. arm (n)臂, 胳膊; 支架She is

48、 holding a baby in her arms.她正抱着孩子。There must be something wrong with my left arm.* armchair (n )扶手椅69. army (n)军队, 大群; 大批There they formed an army of about two thousand men.他们在那里组建了一支两千人的军队。John is in the arm y.约翰服务于陆军。An army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium.一大群工人被召来建筑运动场。70. around

49、(prep, ad .)围绕, 环 绕 在 四 处 在 附近大约, 将近(prep)They sat around the table.他们围桌而坐。Ann travelled around Europe for a few months.安妮在欧洲各地旅游了数月。He went to the United States around 1987.他大约是在一九八七年去美国的。Fil be back at around 5 oclock.到处, 四处周围, 附近大约环绕海环地(ad .)Just drive me around.开车带我四处走走就行了。The windmill kept turn

50、ing around.风车不停地转动着。The journey will take around ten days.这次旅行大约要用十天时间。71. arrive (v)到达; 到来( + in / a t);达到; 达成(+at)They arrived in London last Monday.他们上周抵达伦敦。What decision did you finally arrive at?你们最后做了什么决定?Finally we arrived at an agreement.最后我们达成一项协议。arrival (n )到达,达到His arrival brought comple

51、te silence to the room.他的到来使房间里鸦雀无声。72. art (n)艺术, 美术, 技艺* artist (n )艺术家73. article (n)文章;东西, 物品;冠词He has written an article for the magazine.他已给该刊撰写了一篇文章。We should buy several articles at the shop.我们在这家商店买点东西。The article is a part of speech in the English language.冠词是英语的一种词类。The article allows no

52、other explanation.这项条款不容有别的解释。74. as (ad. conj. prep)像一样; 如同; 因为; 作为, 当作,按照,当时His face is as black as coal.他 的 脸 象 煤 , 样黑。Run as I do.象我这样跑。She sang as she worked.她一边工作, 一边唱歌。She stayed at home as she had no car.她因为没有车, 所以呆在家里。We talked about such subjects as the weather.我们谈论了诸如天气之类的话题。As a student,

53、 I should try my best to study well.My uncle used to work as a doctor.我叔叔过去做医生。Treat others as you wish them to treat you.要象你希望别人对待你那样对待别人。补充:Rich as he is, he is not happy.他虽富, 但不快乐。75. Asia (n)亚洲76. Asian (a., n)亚洲( 人) 的;亚洲人77. ask (v )询问靖求, 要, 讨价, 邀请. 需要He asked me how to open the box.How much do

54、 you ask for this?这个你要多少价钱。They were asked to attend the meeting.他们应邀出席会议。This job asks hard work.这工作需要勤劳。78. asleep (a.)睡着的,熟睡He seems to be fast asleep.他好像睡得很熟。She was still half asleep when she arrived at work.她到了上班地点时依然睡眼惺怯。(asleep 可用 fast, sound, much 或 very much 修饰,但不可用 very 修饰)(be asleep指睡着的状

55、态,可以接表示延续性时间的状语; 而fall asleep指的是一时的动作)79. at (prep)在. 点钟;在某处He gets up at six oclock in the morning.They were already waiting at the gate when I got there.当我到达那里时, 他们已等候在门口 了。Jane will meet her boy friend at Christmas.简将在圣诞节和她男友见面。介词搭配:Don*t shout at m e.别对我叫喊。she is good at describing things or exp

56、ressing ideas.她善于描述事物或表达思想。I woke at the sound of the bell.随着铃响, 我醒 了。以( 某种价格、速度等)They sold the cloth at a dollar a yard.他们以每码一元的价格出售这种布。The ship was going at full speed when it hit the rock.该船正在全速行驶时触礁。80. Atlantic 大西洋81. attention(n)注意; 注意力; 专心Dont pay attention to what they say.别在意他们所说的。An articl

57、e in the newspaper caught my attention.报纸上一篇文章引起了我的关注。Attention, please! Passengers for flight KL412 are requested to go to gate 21. 请注意!请 KL412航班的旅客立即到21号门登机。82. August (n)八月Last August was the hottest month in history.去年八月是历史上最热的月份。83. aunt (n )伯母; 婶母; 姑母; 姨母; 舅母84. Australia(n)澳洲,澳大利亚85. Australi

58、an(a. n)86. autumn (n )秋季, 秋天 成熟期; 渐衰期;American people use the word 偃纾匚拷右话闵碧 董 谖 泳 ?amp;nbsp;eg: Fil go to LuZhou if it doest rain 假如明天不下雨,我就去泸州If they change the plan they will let me know 假如他们要改变计划,他们会让我知道的PH go to England ,if I have enough money next year 如果我明年由足够的钱, 我就要去英国147 in ones opinion = s

59、b think 某人认为148 in some ways 在某些方面149 in the end = finally(adv) 最后150 in the north o f . . . 什么在什么的北方 ( north 北 sowth 南 west 西 east东 )151 in the sun 在太阳下152 increase 增加eg : They*ve increased the prece of petrol by 3% 他们把石油价增加 T 3%the population has increased from 12 million ten years ago to 18 milli

60、on now153 instead of + ( 名 ) 代替eg: Fd like an apple instead of a pear 我想要苹果,而不要梨子I like English instead of math 我喜欢英语而不喜欢数学154 introduce sb to sb 介绍某人给某人 introduce oneself 自我介绍155 invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事156 It takes sb sometime to do sth 做某人花掉某人多少时间eg : It took me 5 minutes to do my homework It

61、takes me half an hour to cook157 Ifs +adj +for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事怎么样158 It,s +adj +to d o 做某事怎么样159 Ifs +adj for sb 对于某人来说怎么样 It,s +adj of sb 对某人来说太怎么样160 Ifs +adj( fbr sb) to do ( 对某人来说) 做某事怎么样 Its +adj of sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事太怎么样eg : Ifs nice of you to help me with my English161 Ifs a good ide

62、a for sb to do sth 对. . . 来说是个好主意162 It*s important to sb 对某人来说很重要 eg: Ifs important to me163 Ifs time to do sth Its time for sth 到了该去做某事的时间eg : It*s time to have class Ifs time for class 该去上课了164 join = take part in 参加165 just now 刚才166 keep +sb /sth +adj /介词短语 让什么保持什么样?167 keep out 不让 . . . 进入168

63、keep sb adj 让. . 保持. . . . eg: I want to keep my mother happy keep healthy 保持健康169 key to + 名词 表示:某物的钥匙或某题的答案170 key to. anser to . key 可以是答题或钥匙171 laugh at. 取笑. . eg : Donft langh at others We langhed at the joke172 learn by oneslfe 自学173 learn from sb 向某人学习 eg: We should learn from Lei Feng174 lea

64、rn to do sth 学做某事175 let sb do sth 让某人做某事176 Let sb down 让某人失望 eg : We shouldn*t let our farents down 我们不应该让我们的父母失望177 live什 om:离某地远178 live in + 大地方 /at + 小地方 居住在某地 eg: I live in LuZhou She lives atXuanTan179 look after = take care of 照顾 照看180 lose one*s way 谁 迷 路 eg : Lose your way 你迷路181 make a d

65、ecision to do sth 决定做某事182 make friends with sb 和谁成为朋友 eg : I want to make friends with you183 make it early 把时间定的早一点184 make on exhibition of oneself 让某人出洋相185 make sb /n +n 使彳 十么成为彳十么 eg : I made her my step moller I made you mywife186 make sb /sth +adj 使 某 人 ( 某物)怎么样 eg : You must made your bed c

66、lean187 make sb /sth adj 使某人/ 某物怎么样188 make sb do sth 让某人做某事 eg : I made him write我以前让他写189 make up be made up of ( 被动语态)由. . .组成190 make.difference to.191 mind sb to do192 most 十 名193 much too +形容词194 must be 一定195 need +名词196 need sb do sthmind ones doing 介意. . .做什么most of + 代需要某人做某事197 need to do

67、 ( 实义动词)198 no /neithr of hate to do199 no + 名词200 not anymore = no moremore 他再也不哭201 not.( 形 、副)at all202 not.at all 一点都不need do ( 情态动词)no /neithr of hate doing再也不eg: He didn*t cry any more He cried noeg: Hes not tall at all she doesnt jimp far at all203 not.either 表否定, 也彳: eg : I don*t japanse eit

68、her I dont have sister, either 我也没有姐姐204 not.until 直到. . .才. . . .eg: I didnt sleep until my mother came back The child didnt stop crying until I giveher sugar205 offer / provide sb with sth 给某人提供206 offer sb sth ( offer sth to sb 提供什么东西给某人 eg : I offer you water ( I offer water toyou 我给你提供水207 on o

69、nes way t o . . . 在谁去那的路上208 on the one hand 一方面 on the other hand 另一方面209 on the phone = over the phone 用电话交谈210 on time 准时 in time 及时211 one day =some day = someday 一天,有一天212 one of +可数名词的复数形式213 one to another 一个到另一个214 over and over agin 一遍又一遍的 eg : He cleaned the floor over and over agin215 par

70、t-time job 兼职工作 fall-time job 全职工作216 pay f o r .付. . 钱 pay the bill 开 钱 ,付钱217 please +do218 please help yourself219 pleased with sb220 pool into = pore into221 practice +doing 练习做某事222 prefer sth to sth 相对. . 更喜欢. . . . eg : I prefer physics to chemisty 在物理和化学中,我更喜欢物理prefer doing to sth 更喜欢去做不愿意去做

71、 eg: He prefers riding a bike to diving 他更喜欢骑自行车,不开小车prefer to do sth rather than do sth 宁愿做也不愿eg: My unde prefers to buy a now car rather than repaiv the used one 我叔叔更喜欢买新的车,也不去修旧车prefer sb not to do sth 更愿意.eg: I prefer her not to come 我不喜欢她不来223 pretend to do sth 装着去做什么 pretend that 从句eg : The tw

72、o cheats pretended to be working very hard 这两个骗子装着努力工作He pretended that he did not know the answer 他装着不知道答案224 rather.than 宁可. . .也不. . . . eg : I would rather be a doctor than a teacher 我愿肯当医生,也不当老师He likes dogs rather than cats 他喜欢狗,不喜欢猫225 regard.as 把. . .当作. . . .eg: Please give my best regards

73、to your family 请带我向你的家人我最好的问候I regard you as my friend 我把你当作我的朋友He shows little regard for others 他不爱关心别人226 remid sb about sth 提醒某人什么事 remid sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事eg : he remids me about cooking (he remids me to cook 他提醒我做饭227 remid sb of s th 使某人想起什么eg : the pictures remind me of my school days 这照片使

74、我想起了我的学校the words that (which) the teacher talke to remind me of my mother228 return sth to sb 还什么东西给某人229 say to oneself 对自己说230 say to s b 对某人说231 sb spend somemoney on sth 花了 多少钱在某事上232 sb spend sometime with sb 花 了多少时间陪谁233 sb spend sometime(in) doing sth 花了 多少时间做某事234 sb with sb +is sb and sb +

75、are235 see sb do 看见某人做过某事 see sb doing 看见某人正在做某事236 seem to do/be +adj 显得怎么样 eg : You seem to be tired You seem to behappy237 send +sb sth 送给某人某物238 send.to.把什么寄到哪里去?239 shock 使. . .震惊 eg : Oh , Ifs only you ! You give me a shock 啊,是你呀!吓我一跳240 show sb sth 向某人展示某物 eg : I show her the book.241 show sb

76、 sth = show sth to sb 拿什么东西给某人看 eg: Show me your pen Showyour pen to me242 show sth to sb 向某人展示某物 eg : I show the book to her.243 some.others. 一些. . .另一些. . . .244 start.w ith.从. . .开始 begin.w ith.从. . . . 开始245 stay away from 远离. . .eg : Were told to stay away from the animals whe visiting the zoo

77、当我们参观 zoo 时,我们要远离动物If you want to lose weight you*d better stay auay from the sweet food 徒工你想减肥,你最好远离甜食246 stop doing停下正在做的事247 stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事248 stop sb(from) doing 阻止某人做某事249 stop to d o 停下正在做的事去做下一件事250 such +名 这 样 ,这种251 suit s b 适合某人252 surprise sb 使某人惊奇 to ones surprise 令某人惊奇25

78、3 take classes 上课254 take sb to 把某人带去 eg : I take you to the hospital255 take walks = take a walk = go for a walk 散步256 talk to 对谁说 eg : I talk to youhim talk with 和谁说 eg : I talk with talk of 谈到 eg : we talked of you talk a b o u t谈论关于257 talk with sb258 teach sb sth259 tell sb do sth260 tell sb st

79、h和某人说话教某人做某事告诉某人做某事tell sb that 丛句261 tell sb s th 告诉某人某事262 tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做什么263 tell.from.264 thank you for +doing265 the same + 名词(doing)+as.tell sb not to do sthtell sb not to do sthtell a story告诉某人不要做什么266 the same( 名) as as.(adj adv).as 相同267 the way to do sth = the way of doing sth 做某

80、方面 的方法 the way to + 地方 去哪的路e g : Do you know the way to learn English Do you know the way of learningEnglish268 the way to ( 地点) 到明I , 的路269 to o .to .太怎样而不能. . . adj +enough t o 足够能 so.that + 丛句太所以eg: He is too young to go to school = He is so young that he can*t go to schoolHe is old enough to go

81、to school = He is so old that he can go to school270 transalte.into. 把什么翻译成什么 eg : Trasalte English into Chinese271 travel with sb 和某人去旅游272 try ones best to do sth 尽某人最大的努力去做某事 eg: I will try my best to learnEnglish well273 try to do s t h 想干什么,但没成功 try doing s t h 想干什么,已经做过了eg : He tried to climb

82、他想爬上去,但没成功 He tried climbing 他想爬上去274 try.试衣服 have a try 试一下275 turn down 开小 - - - turn up 开大276 turn off 关上 turn on 打开 open 拆开277 upside down 倒着278 visit t o . . . 参观某个地方279 wait for sb 等某人280 wait for sb to do sth 等某人做什么 wait for sb 等某人 wait for sometime 等多少时间eg : Would you please wait for me to g

83、et ready 等我准备好,好吗?Let*s wait for the rain to stop 让我们等雨停吧281 wake sb up 把某人叫醒282 want to do sth 想做某事283 watch sb do sth 观看某人做某事284 welcome to + .( 地方) 欢迎到. . . .285 what about +n /doing eg : what about an apple286 what if 如果. . .怎么办 What if +句子eg : What if it is true ? 如果是真的怎么办?What if aliens should

84、 come to the earth假如外星人来到地球怎么办?287 what they will do = what to do288 Whafs the matter ? = Whafs the trouble ? = Whats wrong ? 有什么困难?289 while +延续性动词290 why dont you do = why not do291 will you please do will you please not do292 with ones best = with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下293 with the help of sb 在某人

85、的帮助下 with ones help294 work at在某处工作295 work with sb 和某人一起工作296 would like sth /to do sth eg : I would like to go to LuZhou297 would you please +do298 yet:至 今 ,用在否定句中299 you*d better d o 最好做某事= youd better not d o 最好不要做某事3 0 0 不 定 式 +v( 原)3 0 1 联系动词( taste吃起来/sound听起来/look看起来/semll闻起来)+adj3 0 2 名词、副词

86、、 形容词修饰enongh时,形容词放在之前, 名词副词放在之后3 0 3 太 多 too much +不可数 too many +可数 much to o 相 当 于 very , 修饰形容词3 0 4 向宾语提问:Whom3 0 5 向地点提问:Where3 0 6 向方式提问:How3 0 7 向价格和不可数名词提问:How much3 0 8 向可数名词提问: How many3 0 9 向频率提问: How often3 1 0 向时间段提问: How long311 向时间提问: what time/when3 1 2 向物主代词提问: Whose313 向职业提问:what do/does.do3 1 4 向主语提问: Who



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