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1、2022-2023学年冀教版英语九年级全一册周周测(14)1 .一Whats your to English learning, Lin Tao?I think watching English movies is helpful.A. place B. age C. time D. secret2 .A fan of basketball, the death of Kobe was a big. I even couldnt believe it whenI heard the news.一You are right. She is to look a f t e r .A. surpri

2、se B. trouble C. problem D. difference3.If you keep eating too much or stop doing exercise, youll soon get out of_.A.order B.shape C.trouble D.control4 .Would you like to join our football club?一Sorry. I have no_.A. trouble B. interest C. pressure D. spirit5 .Mv problems are very similar vours.A. wi

3、th B. from6.She doesnt seem the book.C. asD. toA. like B. likes7.Mr.Li is familiar this street.C. to likeD. likingA. at B. with C. of D. in8 .These books should_ to the library on time.A. send B. be returned C. give back D. return9. 一What is your plan for next weekend, Lingling?I _volunteer work in

4、the museum.A. was doing B. did C. have done D. am going to do10 .Mrs. Smith spoke loudly in order to catch others*_.A. doubt B. pride C. pity D. attention11 .Cindy is always full of_because she play sports every day.A. energy B. talent C. wealth D. humor12 .The Native Americans taught the_how to gro

5、w com after they reached America.A. soldiers B. astronauts C. pioneers D. passengers13 .Pm afraid this is a wrong decision that he will live to_.A. repeat B. remain C. regret D. review14 .一We shouldnt worry about Mary.A.old enough; herself B.big enough; herselfC.enough old; her D.enough big; her15.T

6、he boy felt so he fell quickly. Dont wake him up.A. sleepy; sleeping B. asleep; sleepy C. sleepy; asleep D. sleeping; asleep答案以及解析1 . 答案:D解析:考查名词辨析。place意为“ 地方” ; age意为” 年龄” ; time意为“ 时间” ; secret意为诀窍,秘诀。由答语I think watching English movies is helpful.可知, 问句问的是: 你学习英语的诀窍是什么?故选D。2 . 答案:A解析:句意:作为一个篮球迷,科

7、比的死是一个很大的意外。当我听到这个消息时,我都不敢相信。考查名词辨析。surprise意外,惊喜;trouble麻烦;problem问题;difference 区别。根据I even couldnt believe it when I heard the news可知,科比的死对篮球迷来说是一个意外的消息。故选A。3 . 答案:B解析:句意:如果你继续吃得太多或停止锻炼,你身体很快就会走样。考查名词词义辨析。order 命令;shape 形状;trouble 麻烦;control 控制。根据If you keep eating toomuch or stop doing exercise以及

8、结合选项,out of shape身体走样,符合题意。故选Bo4 . 答案:B解析:句意:你想加入我们的足球俱乐部吗?对不起。我没兴趣。考查名词辨析。trouble麻烦;interest兴趣;pressure压力;spirit精神。根据上文Sorry可知,这里是说对足球没兴趣。故选B。5 . 答案:D解析:句意:我的问题和你的很相似。考查介词辨析、固定搭配。A. with和一起,表伴随;B. from来自;C.as作为;D.to去、到,表动作的去向;be similar to意为与类似后边既可以加物主代词又可以加人,即be similar to sth/sb; sb be similar wi

9、th后边只可以加入,即be similar with sb ;根据空格在物主代词前。故选D。6 . 答案:C解析:句意:她似乎不喜欢这本书。考查不定式、固定搭配。A. like原形;B. likes -般现在时、单三形式; C. to like D. liking动名词、现在分词;seem+不定式意为” 看起来要做某事,是对事物的主观臆断;seem+doing意为看起来像在做某事” ,不表示虚拟;” 她似乎不喜欢这本书” 表示自己的主观推测,判断空格用不定式。故选C。7 . 答案:B解析:句意:李先生熟悉这条街。考查固定搭配、介词辨析。A. at在某个地点、具体时间点;B. with和一起,表

10、伴随;C.ofof. 的,表所属;D.in在里面;befamiliar with的主语是人,宾语是物,即 : sb.be familiar with sth.某人熟悉某物;befamiliar to的主语是物,宾语是人,即:sth.is familiar to sb.某物对某人来说很熟悉;主语是Mr. L i,推断空格的表达是“ 某人熟悉某物。故选B。8 . 答案:B解析:句意:这些书应该( 被) 按时归还图书馆。考查动词辨析、被动语态。A. send发送;B. be returned被归还;C. give back还给;D. return返回、送回;从文字的表层意思推断,句子的主语these

11、 books是动作的承受者( 被归还) ,判断空格动词用被动语态;含有情态动词的被动语态的肯定句构成为“ 主语+ 情态动词+be+过去分词。故选Bo9 . 答案:D解析:根据问句中的时间状语next weekend,可知是询问下周末的打算, 故用一般将来时态回答, 其结构为will+动词原形 或is/am/are going to+动词原形 。故选D。10 . 答案:D解析:句意:史密斯太太大声讲话以便引起别人的注意。考查名词词义辨析。doubt怀疑;pride 自豪;pity 同情,遗 憾 ; attention 注意。根据Mrs. Smith spoke loudly可知,史密斯太太大声说

12、话是为了让别人注意到自己,catch ones attention”引起某人的注意” ,固定短语,符合语境。故选D。11 . 答案:A解析:句意:辛迪总是精力充沛,因为她每天都做运动。考查名词辨析。energy精力;talent 天赋; wealth 财富; humor 幽默。根据because she play sports every day可知,辛迪总是精力充沛,因此energy符合句意。故选A。12 . 答案: C解析:句意:拓荒者到达美洲后,印第安人教他们如何种植玉米。考查名词辨析。soldiers 士兵;astronauts宇航员;pioneers先锋/ 拓荒者;passenger

13、s乘客。根据下文how to grow corn after they reached America,可知 ABD 三项不合语境,这里说的是拓荒者。故选C。13 . 答案:C解析:句意:恐怕这是个错误的决定,他会后悔一辈子的。考查动词辨析。repeat重复;remain 维持;regret 后悔;review 复习。根据 this is a wrong decision可知,会后悔一辈子。故选C。14 . 答案:A解析:句意: 一我们不应该担心玛丽。一你说得对。她已经足够大了, 能照顾自己了。enough修饰形容词需要放在形容词的后面, 故排除C 和 D o 这里的足够大指的是年龄大, 应该用。 Id,故排除B。herself是反身代词, 指她自己。故选A。15 . 答案:C解析:句意:这个男孩觉得很困,所以很快就睡着了。别吵醒他。考查形容词辨析。sleepy 困倦的;sleeping 睡着的; asleep 睡着的。根据The boy felt so he fell quickly.可知,应是觉得很困,所以很快睡着了,第一空用sleepy;第二空处考查固定短语fall asleep睡着 。故选C。



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