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1、 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN绝缘阻抗测试Stillwatersrundeep.流静水深流静水深,人静心深人静心深Wherethereislife,thereishope。有生命必有希望。有生命必有希望 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENELECTRICAL INSULATION TEST GUIDELINES FOR电气绝缘测试指导电气绝缘测试指导 CENTRAVACS, HELI

2、CAL ROTARY AND RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR MOTORS This Training Program is part of the Trane Service Technician Passport Program American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENCourse Contents课程目标课程目标Safety安全安全Fundamentals基础基础Why, Which, When, What and How Types of Test测试的类型CenTraV

3、ac Test离心机测试离心机测试Helical Rotary Test螺杆机测试螺杆机测试Review回顾回顾 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENUpon Completion of the Course完成这一课程后完成这一课程后The audience should be able to:学员应该能够学员应该能够Provide safety measurements associated with electrical work在电气工作中提供有关安全的措施Understand the

4、 electrical insulation test procedure recommended by Trane理解特灵所推荐的电气绝缘测试程序Recognize the factors that affect the test认清影响测试的因素Differentiate the test parameters depending on the type of unit根据测试类型区分测试的参数Submit recommendations upon test results根据测试结果提交建议 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence T

5、raining TRG-TRL006-ENSafety安全Electrical Insulation Test电气绝缘测试电气绝缘测试 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsBefore servicing energized equipment在维修带电设备在维修带电设备之前之前uIts your responsibility to:你有责任:lKnow about energized equipment了解带电设备lUnderstand hazards of electricity理解电气

6、危险lUse safe work practices使用安全操作规则lReview Lockout / Tag out procedures确认挂牌/摘牌操作流程lInspect your PPE before each use在使用前检查你的防护用品lFollow emergency rescue procedures遵循急救流程Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENWorking with energized equipment维修带电设备

7、维修带电设备Only qualified personnel is permitted to work on energized electric equipment只有合格人员才能维修带电的设备Qualified person must be familiar with合格的人员必须熟悉Special precautionary techniques特定的预防手段PPE个人防护用品Insulating and shielding materials绝缘隔离物质Insulated tools绝缘工具Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc.

8、 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsEmergency Procedures紧急措施紧急措施uProvide assistance to the victim only if you can do so对受伤害者提供力所能及的帮助uSeparate the victim from the energized circuit将受伤害者和电路分离Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN WA

9、RNING警告警告 CAUTION注意注意The following slides provide information associated with potentially hazardous situations which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.下面的幻灯片提供了关于潜在伤害的信息,如果不能避免将造成严重伤害或者死亡Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL0

10、06-ENCan the insulation meter cause injury or death?绝缘表能造成伤害或死亡吗?sThe meter is not a potentially lethal device.仪表本身不是潜在的致命设备sThe test unit can cause injury or death!测试设备能够引起伤亡 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGSafety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN WARNING

11、: Hazardous Voltage警告:电压危险. Disconnect All Electrical Power Including Remote Disconnects Before Servicing. Failure To Disconnect Power Before Servicing Could Result In Death Or Serious Injury. 维修前切断所有电源,包括远处的断路开关。否则可能造成严重的伤亡事故。Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence

12、Training TRG-TRL006-ENPOTENTIAL ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE潜在的电气放电潜在的电气放电 WARNING: Hazardous Electrical Discharge. Terminal Studs Should Be Grounded To The Motor Frame After Testing Has Been Completed. Failure To Ground Terminal Studs Before Servicing Could Result In Death Or Serious Injury. 测试完成后放电端子应该同马达

13、外壳一起接地,否则可能导致伤亡 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGSafety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN CAUTION: Potential Damage To the Motor Winding. Do Not Measure Motor Insulation Resistance On a Unit Under Vacuum. To Do So May Cause Serious Damage To The Motor Windi

14、ng.警告:对电机绕组潜在的伤害。禁止在设备真空下测量绝缘电阻,否则会引起对电机绕组的严重伤害。 Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN CAUTION: Potential damage to electronic components. Disconnect The Motor From The Solid State Starter Prior To Meg Testing The Motor. Failure To Do So may

15、Cause Damage To The Electronics.警告:对电子部件潜在的伤害。测试电机绝缘之前,断开软启动器,否则会造成对电子元件的损伤。uDisconnect Solid State Starter断开软启动器Safety Guidelines安全指导安全指导 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENFundamentals基础Electrical Insulation Test电气绝缘测试电气绝缘测试 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Exc

16、ellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhy is necessary to test the insulation?为什么要测为什么要测绝缘?绝缘?uResistance value (quality) 电阻值(质量)uCurrent flow leakage漏电流uDeterioration and failure老化损坏uSafety安全Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals电气绝缘测试-基础 WARNING American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training

17、TRG-TRL006-ENsWhich units can be tested?哪些设备?哪些设备?uReciprocating(HCOM - SB - 68)uHelical Rotary (L61 - SB - 003)uCenTraVac (CTV - SB - 61)Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals电气绝缘测试电气绝缘测试-基础基础 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhen is necessary to test a motor

18、?什么时候什么时候有必要测试电机?有必要测试电机?uUpon Start Up启动时uMotor replacement马达更换时uMoisture contamination潮湿Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhat instrument to use? 使用什么使用什么设备?设备?DC Meg-Ohm Tester!直流兆欧表直流兆欧表uMeasures resistance in Meg-ohms

19、 (Millions of Ohms)用兆欧档测电阻uRange from 0 Ohms to infinity范围0到无穷大uThe value indicates the quality of the insulation数值显示了绝缘的质量 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhy the DC Meg-Ohm Tester?为为什么使用直流兆欧表?什么使用直

20、流兆欧表?uProvides a regulated voltage test提供了可调电压测试uNon-destructive没有破坏性uAllows to repeat measurement允许重复测量Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsInstrument Specifications仪表规格仪表规格 A 500 volt DC Meg-Ohm insulation tester is recomme

21、nded推荐使用推荐使用500v直流兆欧表直流兆欧表U=500 (500) 500U3000=2500Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsHow does the instrument work?仪表工作原理仪表工作原理uThe meter outputs a high DC voltage across + and - terminals仪表在正负端子上输出直流高电压uBecause there is no

22、 perfect insulation, some current will flow如果绝缘不好,就会有电流产生uWith these two parameters and Ohms Law, it calculates the resistance根据这两个参数用欧姆定律计算电阻 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOperation: Lead connecti

23、ons操作:端子连接操作:端子连接uTypically connections are made from circuitry to ground典型的连接是电路和接地 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOperation: Energize the tester. 操作:给仪表加电操作:给仪表加电uTurn the selector switch to the d

24、esired voltage 选择适宜的电压uEnergize the tester by turning the hand crank 摇动手柄、加电uCranking must continue until reading is complete 在读数完成之前持续摇动手柄 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhat type of Insulation Tes

25、t can be done? 可以使用那些电气绝缘测试方法可以使用那些电气绝缘测试方法uOne-Time Value/Comparison Curve一次读数/比较曲线uDielectric Absorption Ratio吸收比uPolarization Index极化指数Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne-Time Value Comparison Curve一次读一次读数比较曲线数比较曲线uPr

26、ovides a Meg-Ohm reading versus temperature and its acceptable limitu提供了兆欧读数-温度曲线和其允许限度uA value to the right of the curve is accepted曲线右边可以接受Reference: CTV-SB-61BElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWinding Temperature vs. Co

27、rrection FactorINSULATION RESISTANCE TEMP. COEFF.- Kt 20 CWINDING TEMP. C-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0.1R20 C = Rt x Kt 20 C1.010.00.5Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsDielectric Absorption Ratio吸收比吸收比u60/30 secon

28、d ratio60/30秒比率 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsDielectric Absorption Ratio吸收比吸收比uInsulation Results - Table 1测试结果表1Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excel

29、lence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsPolarization Index极化指数极化指数uSimilar to Dielectric Absorption Ratio类似于吸收比方法u10/1 minute ratio10/1分钟比率 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsPolarization Index 极化指数极化指数u10/1 minut

30、e ratio - Table 1 10/1分钟比率表1Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsWhat factors contribute to low Ohms readings?:造成低电阻读数的原因:造成低电阻读数的原因:uType and amount of contaminates (moisture, acid, dirt)污染uCondition of the oil system油系统状况uC

31、leanliness of the compressor terminal board接线端子的清洁uOils level in the compressor压缩机油位uCondition of motor leads and insulation 电机抽头状况和绝缘uTemperature of motor winding马达绕组温度Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-EN Caution: Is the ele

32、ctrical insulation test a “High-Pot” Test?Electrical Insulation Test - Fundamentals American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENCenTraVac motors离心机电机Electrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac电气绝缘测试电气绝缘测试-离心机离心机 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-E

33、NHigh pressure CenTraVac高压离心机高压离心机Low pressure CenTraVac低压离心机Electrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsGuidelines:指导指导uAvoid the use of Dielectric and Absorption Testing 避免使用吸收比测试方法uThe One-Time Testing is the accepted field method 一

34、次读数测试是推荐的现场测试方法uDo not high potential test the CenTraVacu不要在离心机上进行耐压测试uUnder no circumstance should any voltage be applied to the motor while it is under vacuum禁止真空加电压Electrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test uMetal Oxi

35、de Varistor - (voltage surge arrestor) KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次读数测试一次读数测试uCommon value of a motor is above 50 Meg-Ohms通常50兆欧50 M21 C / 70 FElectrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac A

36、merican Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次读数测试一次读数测试uAt low readings run the motor 1/2 to 1 hour 读数低的情况下运行电机1/2到 1小时4 M50 M21 C / 70 FElectrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次

37、读数测试一次读数测试uWhat if the Meg-Ohm value continues to drop?如果读数继续下降怎么办? KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次测试一次测试uLog Sheets数据记录Disconnect the power leads from the motor.Test each: phase to grou

38、nd; and phase to phase.T1 to EarthT4 to EarthT1 to T2T1 to T4T2 to EarthT5 to EarthT1 to T3T2 to T5T3 to EarthT6 to EarthT2 to T3T3 to T6Electrical Insulation Test - CenTraVac American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENHelical Rotary motors螺杆机电机Electrical Insulation Test -

39、Helical Rotary电气绝缘测试电气绝缘测试-螺杆机螺杆机 American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次读数测试一次读数测试Electrical Insulation Test - Helical Rotary American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time TestuReadings above 2 Meg-Ohms are safe.2兆欧是安全的2

40、 M21 C / 70 FElectrical Insulation Test - Helical Rotary American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次读数测试一次读数测试uIf readings are below 2 Meg-Ohms evacuate the compressor down to 375 microns如果读数低于2兆欧,抽空操作至375micronsElectrical Insulation Test - Helical Rotary Am

41、erican Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test一次读数测试一次读数测试uIf the test reading does not improve如果读数还没提升 KEEP POWEROFF WARNINGElectrical Insulation Test - Helical Rotary American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENsOne Time Test - Helical Rotary一次读数测试一次读数测试-螺螺杆杆uTake an oil sample to determine moisture and acid油分析H2OACIDElectrical Insulation Test - Helical Rotary American Standard Inc. 2001 Service Excellence Training TRG-TRL006-ENReview回顾Electrical Insulation Test - Review



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