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1、基于语篇组织模式的高基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作教学三英语写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作教学语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式语篇组织模式(textual pattern)是语篇组织的宏观结构,是语篇中各个主要成分的组合结果。MichaelHoeyMichaelHoey( (1983) 将其定义为:构成语篇的关系的组合。McCa


3、.5.提问提问回答模式回答模式situationproblemresponseresult1.1.问题问题解决模式解决模式difficulty, concern, problem, drawback, change, come up with, develop, find, respond, answer, consequence, effect, result, solution, effective, succeed, work 时间顺序、故事发展顺序和问题解决的顺序时间顺序、故事发展顺序和问题解决的顺序 situationproblemresponseresult问题问题解决模式解决模式

4、I got a rare disease.I have many problems in education, communication and life.My attitude towards disability helped me grow stronger and more confident.I enjoy a rich and full life now.Book7 U1 Martys Storygeneral statementspecial statementsgeneral statement2.2.一般一般特殊模式特殊模式1.先概括后举例先概括后举例(Generaliza

5、tionExamples)2.先整体后细节先整体后细节 (PreviewDetails)语篇通常使用例证、细节、比较等方式展开。语篇通常使用例证、细节、比较等方式展开。 general statementspecial statementsgeneral statement一般一般特殊模式特殊模式California is the most multicultural state in the USA.Native AmericansMost recent arrivalsThe future of this diversified stateBook8 U1 California situa

6、tionclaimresponse3.3.主张主张反应模式反应模式just as, like , similar, as , as if , but , however, otherwise, on the one hand, on the other hand, while , in contrast with 语篇通常采用例证、对比等方式展开语篇通常采用例证、对比等方式展开 reasons for responseevaluationsituationclaimresponse主张主张反应模式反应模式The possibility of cloning extinct animals ex

7、cites film makers.People suggest the cloning of extinct animals like dinosaurs.The cloning of extinct animals is either impossible or unsuitable.Reasons for denial : Reason1-3.Book7 U2 The Return of the Dinosaursreasons for responsesituationopportunity taking result4.4.机会机会获取模式获取模式offer, chance, opp

8、ortunity, be able to , unique, special, unusual, outstanding, amazing, once in a lifetime, wise choice 语篇多采用直线型思维方式,通过列举、描写、语篇多采用直线型思维方式,通过列举、描写、对比等方式展开对比等方式展开 situationopportunity taking result机会机会获取模式获取模式To donate an unusual giftThe worlds most useful gift catalogue is ready for you.Choose from th

9、e catalogue a really useful gift for some of the worlds poorest.Bring hope for a better future to a community in need .Use the cards for any special occasions.Book7 U4 the Worlds Most Useful Gift Cataloguesituationquestionanswer5.5.提问提问回答模式回答模式Transparent animals are as clear as glass.How does an an

10、imal become see-through?An animal needs to keep its body from absorbing or scattering light. 2015 北京卷北京卷阅读C篇篇 Life in the Clear基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作教学语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型语篇组织模式类型基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学基于语篇组织模式的高三写作教学语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义语篇组织模式定义基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作

11、复习基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习骨骨骨骨血血血血肉肉肉肉词汇、句子、语法词汇、句子、语法语篇组织模式、布局谋篇语篇组织模式、布局谋篇 段际、段内衔接段际、段内衔接基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习骨骨骨骨血血血血肉肉肉肉词汇、句子、语法词汇、句子、语法语篇组织模式、布局谋篇语篇组织模式、布局谋篇 段际、段内衔接段际、段内衔接20142014年浙江卷年浙江卷书面表面表达 学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意学校图书馆需要购置一批新书,现向学生征求意见。假如你是李越,你认为学校图书馆诚需要购置见。假如你是李越,你认为学校图书馆诚需要购置科普类图书(科普

12、类图书(popular science books)和文学类图书和文学类图书(literary books)。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一。请你用英语给图书馆王老师写一封封100 120个词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明个词的信,推荐这两类书,并分别说明推荐理由。推荐理由。 注意:信的抬头与落款已给出(不计人词数)。注意:信的抬头与落款已给出(不计人词数)。Dear Mr. Wang,Yours sincerely, Li Yuegeneral statementspecial statement1general statement一般一般特殊模式特殊模式Id like to give som

13、e suggestions.Please consider my recommendation.special statement2We need popular science books.We also need literary books.Dear Mr. Wang, Knowing that our library is going to buy books, Id like to give some suggestions. What we need most are popular science books. Usually popular science books expl

14、ain basic principles of nature in a simple and interesting way. They help us understand science subjects better and arouse our curiosity about scientific discoveries. In addition to reading for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. That is why I recommend another category of books: literary bo

15、oks. Classic works, written by masters, present great thoughts through fascinating stories and critically. Ill be glad if you can consider my recommendation.Yours sincerely.Li YueSpecial statement1Special statement1 General statementGeneral statementSpecial statement2Special statement2General statem

16、entGeneral statement 在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,在班级活动中,当你的想法与大多数同学不一致时,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人,你是坚持自己的观点并说服别人, 还是尊重大多数同还是尊重大多数同学的意见?请你以学的意见?请你以“When I Have a Different Opinion”为题,用英语写一篇为题,用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文。要求如下:个词的短文。要求如下: 1.从以上两种做法中选择一种;从以上两种做法中选择一种; 2.以具体事例阐释你选择的理由。以具体事例阐释你选择的理由。 注意:短文不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、同学姓注意:短文不

17、得以任何形式透露地区、学校、同学姓名等真实信息。否则,按考试作弊行为认定。名等真实信息。否则,按考试作弊行为认定。 When I Have a Different Opinion When I Have a Different Opinion 20152015年浙江卷书面表达年浙江卷书面表达situationclaim主张主张反应模式反应模式We may have different opinions in organizing classes activities. We may have various ways to deal with such a situation.When I h

18、ave a better idea, I would choose to stick to it.Reasons for approval my reasonmy storyevaluationGood opinions are worth sticking to because they can benefit us all We may have different opinions in organizing classes activities. We may have various ways to deal with such a situation. When I have a

19、better idea, I would choose to stick to it. By doing so, I can not only share good ideas with other but also learn to express myself clearly. Once we were discussing where to go for an outing . Most of my classmates wanted to go to a park while I had an idea of going to a nicer place. I managed to p

20、ersuade my classmates into accepting my idea. We did have a good time that day. Good opinions are worth sticking to because they can benefit us all.situationsituation reason1reason1 claimclaimreason2reason2 evaluationevaluation 基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习骨骨骨骨血血血血肉肉肉肉词汇、句子、语法词汇、句子、语法语篇组织模式、布局谋

21、篇语篇组织模式、布局谋篇 段际、段内衔接段际、段内衔接概念图概念图 / /思维导图思维导图澄清思想澄清思想 清晰思路清晰思路 组织信息组织信息概念图概念图 / /思维导图思维导图(20152015年湖南卷)年湖南卷)Title:How to Select a Print DictionaryThe latest edition:reflecting English as a dynamic languageAdmitting new wordsRecognizing changes in meaning, spelling and usage of familiar wordsPocket d

22、ictionary Check the special featuresKnow the copyright dateDistinguish among three kindsSigns, symbols and foreign wordsCD-ROMs80 special online featuresUnabridged dictionaryDesk dictionary 基于语篇组织模式的高三英语读写复习基于语篇组织模式的高三英语读写复习骨骨骨骨血血血血肉肉肉肉词汇、句子、语法词汇、句子、语法语篇组织模式、布局谋篇语篇组织模式、布局谋篇 段际、段内衔接段际、段内衔接Narrative w

23、riting Introduction-Body NarrativeA single incident-conclusion 推荐教材文本:1.Elias story -U1M12.The story of Atlanta U2M23.How Daisy learned to help wildlife U2M24.A sad love story U2M35.A visit to the moon U4M36.Getting the “scoop”-U4M57.Heroic teenage receives award-U5M58.Trapped by the flood U5M69.Mar

24、tys story-U1M710.Old Tom the killer whale-U3M711.The feast :18000BC-U5M8Descriptive writing Introduction-Body Descriptive-conclusion Spatial orderOrder of impressionOrder of importance推荐教材文本:1.A night in the mountains U2M12.A night the earth didnt sleep U4M13.A trip on “The True North”-U5M34.“The Tr

25、ue North” from Toronto to Montreal-U5M35.Sightseeing in LondonU2M56.The lake of heaven U5M67.A New Dimension-U3M7 8.PeruU4M79.A great archaeological discovery in the 20th entury-U5M8Expository writing Introduction-Body Expository-conclusion Comparison and contrastCause and effectProblem-solutionAnal

26、ysis推荐教材文本:1.The road to modern English U2M12.Standard English and dialects U2M13.Who am I-U3M24.“How life began on the earth”U4M35.Puzzles in geography U2M56.A short history of Western painting U1M67.A few simple forms of English poems-U2M68.The Worlds most useful gift catalogue-U4M7 9.California-U

27、1M810.The problem of snakesU2M8Argumentative writing Introduction-Body Argumentative-conclusion An issue or claimReason (s)EvidenceCounterargumentConclusion推荐教材文本:1.Chemical or organic farming ?U2M42.Communication: No problem? U2M13.The earth is becoming warmer-but does it matter?-U4M64.Cloning: Whe

28、re is it leading us?-U2M85.Was Leonardo da Vinci just a painter? U3M8段落的基本特征段落的基本特征: : 连贯性连贯性层次性层次性内容完整内容完整主题统一主题统一逻辑连贯逻辑连贯段落写作段落写作: : 主主题句句+ +支撑句支撑句+ +结论句句主主题句:句:概括主括主题,置于段首,置于段首支撑句:支撑句:对主主题句句进行行叙述、述、说明和明和论证结论句:句:对主主题进行行进一步一步说明、强明、强调总结基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习基于语篇组织模式的高三英语写作复习骨骨骨骨血血血血肉肉肉肉词汇、句子、语法词汇、句子、语法语篇组织模式、布局谋篇语篇组织模式、布局谋篇 段际、段内衔接段际、段内衔接1.熟记高考词汇2.分话题整理语言3.词句多样化4.读写结合5.回归教材



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