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1、 衔接与接与连贯 (cohesion and coherence)1 1- -衔衔接接语语篇的有形网篇的有形网络络连贯连贯语语篇的无形网篇的无形网络络2 2- - 衔接 (cohesion)3 3- - 语语篇的篇的衔衔接手段接手段“衔接”这一概念是Halliday于1962年首次提出的。后来在他与Hasan合著的Cohesion in English一书中把衔接定义为“存在于篇章内部,使之成为语篇的意义关系”。他们认为,衔接是产生语篇的必要(尽管不足)的条件。在他们看来,有了衔接不一定产生语篇,但是如果没有衔接则一定不会产生语篇。 4 4- - 他他们系系统地将地将衔接分接分为五大五大类:照

2、照应(reference)替代(替代(substitution)省略(省略(ellipsis)连接(接(conjunction)词汇衔接(接(lexical cohesion) 其中前三其中前三类属于属于语法手段,第四法手段,第四类属于属于逻辑手段,最后一手段,最后一类属于属于词汇衔接手段。接手段。5 5- -1.照应 reference照照应是起信号作用的是起信号作用的词项。它。它们不不能像大多数能像大多数词项那那样本身可作出本身可作出语义理解,而只能通理解,而只能通过照照应别的的词项来来说明信息。明信息。照照应分分为外照外照应(exophora)和内照)和内照应(endophora)。内照

3、)。内照应又可分又可分为下下照照应(或称后照(或称后照应)()(anaphora)和)和上照上照应(或称前照(或称前照应(cataphora)。)。6 6- - 外照外照应应指独立于上下文之外的指独立于上下文之外的词项词项。内照应指意指意义义依依赖赖于上下文的于上下文的词项词项。下照下照应应(后照(后照应应)指意)指意义义依依赖赖于前述于前述词项词项的的词项词项、上照上照(前(前照照应应)指意)指意义义依依赖赖于后述于后述词项词项的的词项词项。 例:The snail is considered a great delicacy.As the child grows, he learns to

4、 be independent.It never should have happened. She went out and left the door open7 7- -2. 替代 substitution替代替代指用一个指用一个词项去代替另一个或几个去代替另一个或几个词项,是,是词项之之间的一种代替关系。英的一种代替关系。英语中常中常用的替代用的替代词one(s), do, same , so等。等。例:This biscuits are stale. Get some fresh ones.(名词性替代) “ if you have seen them so often, of co

5、urse you know what theyre like.” “I believe so,” Alice replied thoughtfully.(分句性替代) A: Black coffee, please. B: The same for me.8 8- - 3. 省略ellipsis (zero substitution)例:例:He prefers Dutch cheese and I prefer Danish.-Do you understand?-I tried to.-You havent told him yet.-Not yet.9 9- -4. 连接conjunct

6、ion连接接是句是句际间意意义相互相互联系的一种系的一种衔接手段,接手段,常用的有常用的有递进、转折、因果、折、因果、时间。例:例:I told him years ago, but he wont listen. He was drowned because he fell off the pier.1010- -通过标点符号衔接I came, I saw , I conquered.( Julius Ceaser)The sun is growing warm, frogs are waking in the marshes, planting time will be soon here

7、。1111- -With the following conjunctions in sentences or passages:1. 先后或列举:first, second; in the second place; next/then; for one thingfor another; furthermore/moreover/in addition/ besides ; finally/last; and等。2. 因果:consequently/ as a result/ hence/ accordingly/ thus/so/therefore; because/since/for等

8、。3.特例或举例:in particular; specifically; for instance/ for example; that is /namely等。1212- -4.转折: But/however/yet/nevertheless; on the contrary; on the other hand; neithernor等。5.引出结论:in conclusion/finally/all in all/ to sum up;evidently/ clearly/ actually; of course等。6. 表示频率:frequently/often; occasiona

9、lly/ now and then; day after day; again and again等。1313- -7. 表示阶段:during; briefly; for a long time; for many years等。8. 表某一时刻:then/ at that time/ in those days; last Sunday; next Christmas; in 2005; at the beginning go Sep; at six oclock; two months ago等。1414- -9. 表示开端:at first/ in the beginning; bef

10、ore then; in the preceding weeks等。10. 表示其间:in the meantime/ while this was going on/ meanwhile/ as it was happening/ at the same time/ simultaneously等。11. 表示结束:eventually/ finally/ at last/ in the end 等。1515- -5.词汇衔接(接(lexical cohesion)词义衔接接主要可划分主要可划分为重复、同重复、同义词、反、反义词、局部、局部词、上座、上座标词、下、下义词和搭配。和搭配。The

11、re are more than 26,000 patients on the national waiting list for transplants. About 2,000 patients are dying annually while waiting for transplants, mostly patients waiting for hearts, kidneys and livers, for the shortage of organs.1616- - 连贯(coherence)1717- -语语篇的篇的连贯连贯手段手段连贯(coherence):是整个语篇一致性的抽象

12、特征。词汇衔接 句子衔接段落衔接1818- -1、词汇衔接:接:连接接词、同、同义词、反、反义词、上、下、上、下义词、同一、同一语义场等等.例1:连接词(conjunction)A student acquires knowledge mainly from the textbook and in class. As a result,(结果)when he graduates from school he can do nothing. For (原因)everything is different from what teachers told him. He may even be di

13、sappointed and (并列)frustrated. In the end,(总结) he may be afraid to face the real world. 1919- -例2 同义词(synonym)The farm was owned by two brothers. They employed a few farm hands, but no one was willing to work long. Every time a worker gave up his job, he told the same story. Farm laborers said that

14、2020- -例3 反义词(antonym)Failure is the mother of success.2121- -例4 上 下义词(hyponymy)It has never been explained why university students seem to enjoy practical jokes more than anyone else. Students specialize in a particular type of practical joke: hoax. Inviting the fire brigade to put out a nonexisten

15、t fire is a crude form of deception. Students often create amusing situations which are funny to everyone except the victim.2222- -例5 同一语义场(semantic field)Small boats loaded with wares sped to the great liner as she was entering the harbor. Before she had anchored, the men from the boats had climbed

16、 on board and the decks were soon covered with colorful but I decided not to buy anything until I had disembarked.2323- -2、 句子句子衔接接使用使用过渡句渡句It has been said that everyone lives by selling It has been said that everyone lives by selling something. something. In the light of this statementIn the light

17、 of this statement,( ,(概括概括- -具具体)体) teachers live by selling knowledge, teachers live by selling knowledge, philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by philosophers by selling wisdom and priests by selling spiritual comfort. selling spiritual comfort. Everyone has Everyone has something to sell.(

18、something to sell.(承上启下承上启下) )Tramps seem to be the only exception to this Tramps seem to be the only exception to this general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as general rule. Beggars almost sell themselves as human beings to arouse the pity of passers-by. human beings to arouse the pity of pa

19、ssers-by. But real tramps are not beggars. They have But real tramps are not beggars. They have nothing to sell and require nothing from others. nothing to sell and require nothing from others. 2424- -使用平行使用平行结构构American, the richest and most powerful nation in the world, can well lead the way in th

20、is revolution of values. This is nothing to prevent us from paying adequate wages to schoolteachers, There is nothing but a lack of social vision to prevent us from paying an adequate wage to every American citizen This is nothing ,except a tragic death wish, to prevent us from There is nothing to k

21、eep us from 2525- -使用信息使用信息结结构粘构粘连连句子句子(1)But money is not everything.(2) It is that, with money, we can buy whatever material things we want. (3)Life , however, is more than just material things. (4) Peoples spiritual needs usually cannot be fully met with material things. (5)On the contrary, many

22、people who are materially rich are suffering from lacking spiritual ballast. (6)So money alone does not lead to a happy life. 2626- -3、 段落段落衔接接 按按时间顺序序(chronological order)We had a number of close calls that day. When we rose, it was late and we had to hurry so as not to miss breakfast; Then, when w

23、e had been driving in the desert for nearly two hours-it must have been close to noon;by the time we reached the mountain, it was four oclock not realizing the darkness came suddenly in the desert. By six we were struggling By nine it had been our lucky day.2727- - 按空按空间顺序序( spatial order)From a dis

24、tance, it looked like a skinny tube, but as we got closer, we could see it flesh out before our eyes.Standing ten feet away, we could marvel at inside ,the tube was gloomy, Then a steep, narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda2828- -按重要性按重要性顺序序(重要性重要性递增或增或递减减)Work is indispensable to Work is i

25、ndispensable to mans mans existenceexistence. It provides the material . It provides the material things of life, the goods and services things of life, the goods and services that make possible our ancient that make possible our ancient civilization and modern civilization as civilization and moder

26、n civilization as well. Man cant possibly survive well. Man cant possibly survive without food, clothing and shelter which without food, clothing and shelter which are fruits of his work.are fruits of his work.However more psychologists have come to However more psychologists have come to realize th

27、at work is more that a realize that work is more that a necessity for most people. It is the necessity for most people. It is the source of source of happiness and creativityhappiness and creativity. .2929- -A moderate amount of work is A moderate amount of work is beneficial to mans health. Facts b

28、eneficial to mans health. Facts prove that the more one uses hid prove that the more one uses hid brains, the more active and efficient brains, the more active and efficient he is thinking. Of all workers of all he is thinking. Of all workers of all trades, mailmen on bike have the trades, mailmen o

29、n bike have the longest life expectancy.longest life expectancy.Above all, work offers ambitious Above all, work offers ambitious people chances to people chances to realize their realize their valuesvalues. A writer or a scientist may . A writer or a scientist may conceive wonderful ideas or design

30、s, conceive wonderful ideas or designs, yet their works or designs cant come yet their works or designs cant come into being without their creative into being without their creative -In this sense, we should regard not In this sense, we should regard not only as means of making a liv

31、ing but only as means of making a living but also means of enriching our life. also means of enriching our life. 3131- -4、其他、其他连贯方法方法 指代(Anaphora)用代词指代前面提到的人、物、事,而使上下句之间形成自然的联系,实现写作内容的平滑过渡,是保持段落内容连贯性的又一方法。例:English is regarded as an international language .It is spoken by more than 260 million people all over the world. 3232- -重复(Coherence Through Repetition)有意识的重复是另一种常见的连贯的方法,也是一种很重要、很有用的修辞手法和写作技巧。重复是指能够使文章的意思紧密相连的关键词的重复出现。这种重复能够起到信息的强调作用。3333- -



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