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2、设计新颖活泼,生动有趣。为增加教学的灵活性和方便教师教学,学生用书一律按单元整体设计和编写,并采用了 “ 教案式”的编排体系。每册书共6 个单元,2 个复习单元。每 单 元 分 “ A B C ”三个部分,共 10页。复习单元为6 页。教师可以根据学生的实际情况,有选择地、灵活地安排教学内容,有针对性地设计课堂教学活动,以保证教学实施适度合理。本套教材的教学目的是激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 培养他们英语学习的积极态度,使他们建立初步的学习英语的自信心;培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调、书写基础,以及良好的学习习惯;使他们形成初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。同时,培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、

3、想象和创造能力。适当介绍中西方文化,培养学生爱国主义精神,增强世界意识,为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。三、教学内容与目标1、能听懂、会 说 12组会话,并能进行简单的交流。2、能听、说、认 读 73个 单 词 ( 包括文具、人体部位、颜色、动物、食品、数字等6 个话题) ,并能简单地运用。3、能听、做、演 18 个游戏4、能听、做12个“ TPR”活动5、能学会8个小制作6、能唱14首歌曲7、能听、说、唱10首歌谣8、能完成8个自我评价活动9、能听懂6个幽默小故事四、课时安排根 据 小学英语课程教学基本要求( 试行) 的规定,本套教材的起始年级为三年级。 遵循长短课时结合、 高频率的原则,

4、 每周安排3课寸( 即2节长课时( 40分钟一节)+2节短课时( 20分钟一节)=3节长课时) 。每个单元共1 0页,第卜2页呈现本单元的主要教学内容( 不占用课时) ;第3-8页为重点教学内容,各用1课时,共6课时完成。第9-10页为选用内 容 ( 不占用课时) 。此外,教师也可按4节短课时或根据自己的教学实际灵活安排每个单元的教学。第二学期课时安排:课时周第1单兀6课时2周第2单兀6课时2周第3单兀6课时2周复习13课时1周第4单兀6课时2周第5单兀6课时2周第6单兀6课时2周复习23课时I周机动复习6课时2周共计48课时16周七、教学总结与反思按计划办事, 遇到特殊情况, 酌情处理, 把

5、学生的学习情况及时反馈,每课必写教学总结与反思,看看学生在课堂上的学习积极性,学习的过程和学习的效果,并且反思自己的教学方法,再加上自己的教学体会与感想,这样的目的是努力让学生在轻松、愉快的学习环境中学习,收到最佳的学习效果。另外在期末, 把一期来的教学方法上的收效写成总结,结合教学的实际情况,我是这样设计期末的教学反思的:首先对本期教学中存在的问题进行收集整理,填写在文本的“ 问题集锦”中;然后选出本期课堂教学的一个教学流程,简单地填写在“ 教学流程设计”中;第三部分是先取自己本期课堂教学中最精彩的片段写在“ 精彩回眸”中;第四部分是反思一期中教学存在问题的环节;第五部分是理论结合实践,谈清

6、楚存在问题的原因以及解决问题的方法与措施。人无完人,我们只有在教学工作中,多多反思,改正教学中的缺点与不足,不断进步,不断完善,才能使自己成为一名优秀的人民教师。Unit 1第一课时教案示例【 课题】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school【 教学重点】句型:We have a new friend today. I m from Amercia.词汇:welcome, America, Canada, China【 教学难点】Welcome的发音。【 教具准备】1 . )隹备 Amy, Mike 和 Bailing 的头饰。2 .教材相配套的教学课件 Unit 1 L e

7、t,s talk3 .教材相配套的教学录音带【 教学过程】( 一)热 身 / 复 习 (Warm-up/R evision)1 .复习第一册所学歌曲“ Hello”。 使用第一册L et,s sing/A部分配套录音带2 .对话练习:教师:Hello, A.学生:Hello, teacher.教师: Welcome back to school. N ice to see you again.学生: N ice to see you, too.请一些学生做此对话练习,由教师和一名学生来做,过渡到由两名学生来做。( 二)呈 现 新 课 ( Presentation)1 . 师生问侯:教师:Goo

8、d morning, boys and girls.学生: Good morning teacher.教师:P m Miss He. P m from China.( 手中举起中国国旗) And you?鼓励学生说出:I m P m from China.2 . 让更多的学生进行自我介绍:P m P m from3 . 教师: Class, we have a new friend today.让学生观看教学课件。 使用L et,stalk A 动画课件教师反复点击对话框中的句子,学生跟读模仿。4 . 教师问: What s the girl s name? ( Amy)Is she from

9、 China? ( N o)What does Amy say ?让学生模仿 Amy 说出:Hi! I m Amy. I m from America.学生说完此句后,教师说: Amy! Welcome.5 . 教师解释并教读单词: welcome6 . 让学生表演课文对话,以小组为单位进行竞赛。7 . 用手中的国旗做提示,教读学习单词China, America, Canada以及句型I m from8 . 让学生戴上头饰分别扮演Amy, Bai L ing和 Mike上台做自我介绍。( 三)趣 味 操 练 ( Practice)1. Pass the balloon.游戏规则:6 - 8

10、人一组围坐成圈,每组发一个气球。谁拿到气球谁就要用英语进行自我介绍。如:游戏开始时,一人拿着气球说:I m Tom. P m from China.然后把气球随便传给另一个人,拿到气球的人要继续游戏。( 注 : 在这个游戏中,可以把自己当成其他国家的人。 )2 . 在 L et,s talk的基础上,自编对话并表演。A : ( 指着 B) I have a new friend.B : ( 起立)Hi, I am I am fromC : ( 全班)N ice to meet you.B : N ice to meet you, too.3.让学生说一说他们所知道的我国省、市的名称都有哪些。让

11、学生用P m from. . . . 来表达出他们所喜欢的地方。如 :P m fromHaiN an. /ShanDong等等。做完这一练习后,还可让学生找一找班内有没有老乡,如有都是谁。( 四)扩展性活动( Add-activities)拿出一些美国、加拿大、中国等国家的总统、总理、科学家或运动员等知名人士照片或图片向学生提问:Who,s he/she?( 可让学生用中文回答)Where is he/she from?教师可向学生介绍一些主要的国家名称。板书设计:Unit 1 Welcome back to schoolGood moning. /HiWe have new friend t

12、oday.I m from 第二课时教案示例【 课题】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school【 教学重点】单词:boy, girl短语:Watch out!【 教学难点】Girl的发音; Watch out!的运用。【 教具准备】教材相配套的视频、动画课件Unit 1 A L et, s learn【 教学过程】( 一)热 身 / 复 习 ( Warm-up/R evision)1 . 复习L et,s talk部分的内容,让学生做角色扮演。2 . 教师出示国旗,让学生说出该国家的英文名称。3 . 学生自我介绍:P mP m from( 二)呈 现 新 课 ( Prese

13、ntation)1 . 让学生观看教学课件。 使用L et,s learn/A相配套的视频课件2 . 教师提:How many people do you see?Who are they?3 . 教师接着学生的答案来教读新单词。T: Yes. We can see two people in it. They are Wu Yifan and Sarah.Wu Yifan is a boy. But Sarah is a girl.T: L ook!( 分别指着男孩和女孩说)This is a boy. That is a girl.4 . 让学生模仿说句子: This is a boy.

14、This is a girl.5 . 让学生模仿教师说: I P m a boy/girl. P m from6 . 让学生模仿教师说:I,m a boy/girl.( 人名)is a boy/girl.7 . 教师出示动画A L et,s learn,学习单词boy, girlo8 . 让学生再看一遍教学课件。问学生: What does Wu Yifan say?9 . 学习短语Watch out!让学生先猜一猜中文意思,教师再解释:Watch out 相当于 L ook out !010 .教师反复点击动画中的人物或对话框,让学生跟读单词和短语。( 三)趣 味 操 练 ( Practic

15、e)听音猜人先看L et,s play部分的视频演示,再让学生模仿做该游戏。叫一个学生上台背对大家,下面的学生可发出奇怪的声音或用异样的声音说一句英语,讲台上的学生根据声音猜出他/ 她是“ boy or girl” 。教师可根据课堂实际来安排游戏的时间。( 四)扩展性活动( Add-activities)让学生指着班上的某一个同学说: This is He, s a boy. This isShe,s a girl. 练习使用he和 she来表达。也可让学生打开书,指着书中的某一个人物来进行这一活动。第三课时教案示例【 课题】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school【 教学

16、重点】学习英文字母Aa, Bb, C c ,能够按正确笔顺对字母进行描红。能听懂会说 apple, ant, boy, bag, Coke, coffee, o【 教学难点】印刷体与手写体的区别;It,s an apple. A n的用法。【 教具准备】教材相配套的Let,s say, Let,s chant的视频和动画课件。A B C的字母卡片。【 教学过程】( 一)热身、复 习 (Warm-up/Rev i s i on)1 . 师生做日常口语练习:A: Hi, I m fromB: Hi, I mI m fromA: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet yo

17、u, too.2 .请学生表演A部分Let,s talk的对话。3 .学生模仿Let,s practise A部分介绍自己。( 二)呈现新课( Presentation)1 .学习字母Aa和单词ant, appleo1)教师播放A Let,s say的动画课件,让学生跟读模仿。2)教师用鼠标指着蚂蚁和苹果问学生:What are these?3)教师用鼠标分别点击蚂蚁和苹果,让学生听一听单词的发音。4)让学生用英文回答这两样东西的名称。5)教师教读单词ant, apple6)教师问: 你认识这两个单词的第一个字母吗?7)教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母A a的大小写。8 )教师在四线三格中按笔顺

18、书写字母,让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。2 . 学习字母Bb和单词boy, bag0教师用鼠标指着男孩和书包问学生: Can you tell me the words inEnglish?( 学生已学过这两个单词)教师可纠正学生的错误发音,让学生模仿动画跟读单词。教师问: 谁知道这两个单词的第一个字母是什么? 学生回答: b0教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母Bb的大小写。教师在四线三格中书写字母大小写Bb。让学生仔细观察后,做书空练习。3 .学习字母Cc和单词Coke, coffeeo1)教师出示课件,让学生说出英文单词。( 第一册书中已学过)2)教师让学生说出这两个单词的第一个字母是Cc。3

19、)教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母Cc的大小写。4) 教师在四线三格中书写字母大小写Cc,并让学生进行书空练习。4 . 让学生先仔细观察活动手册上字母Aa-Cc的笔顺,然后描红字母。教师在教室中巡视,及时给学生进行辅导。5 . 让学生看该部分的视频课件跟读模仿。6 . 播放Let,s chantA的动画,让学生听歌谣。7 . 让学生跟着动画学说歌谣,同时可用手打节奏。( 三)趣味操练( Practice)游戏1: 看谁拿得快教师可将字母Aa, Bb, Cc的大小写字母打乱顺序分别贴在黑板上,然后请两组学生,每组5 名出列。教师报一个字母,让每组的第一个学生快速地跑近黑板,将该字母的大写与小写分别

20、取下。先拿到正确的大小写字母卡的小组为胜者,可获一分。计算最后结果,给与优胜小组奖励。游戏2 : 拼图说单词教师把与本课单词有关的图片剪成几块,然后让学生分小组进行拼图比赛。 拼出后让学生说出单词以及该单词的第一个字母。 拼出图形加一分,说对单词加一分,说出字母加一分,最后看哪个小组得分最多,哪个小组就取得胜利。( 四)扩 展 性 活 动 ( Add-activities)出示以Aa, Bb, Cc字母为首字母单词卡片,问学生:What,s this?( 学生也许认识其中一些单词,这时教师引导他们用完整的句子回答。 ) 学生回答:It s an apple*It, s a bag.板书设计:U

21、nit 1 Welcome back to school上课前打好的四线三格,在课堂上随讲随写的字母Aa, Bb, Cc第四课时教案示例【 课题】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school! 第四课时【 教学重点】 听懂、会说: Where are you from? P m from.Thisis my friend ”【 教学难点】 在情境中运用语言及单词from的发音。【 教具准备】1 . 学生自己的头饰2 . 游戏用的人物名片3、配套的教学课件4、游戏用的录音音乐5、Mr. Black的头饰和钟表【 教学过程】热 身 / 复 习 ( Warm-up/Revision)

22、1、 孩子出示自己的头饰, 做自我介绍:m lily, r m from Canada。 ( 引导其他孩子用:“ Good morning, lily!”回答)2、学生以小组为单位扩展表演A 部分Let,stalk的对话。( 不同孩子扮演对话中的不同人物,孩子也可以根据自己的情况做扩展表演。 )呈 现 新 课 ( Presentation)1、 game( 教师制作一些人物名片,并在卡片背面画上国家的国旗)听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面扮演卡片上的人物。做自我介绍: “ I,mAmy.”教师提问: “ Where are you from? 孩子回答 1 m from America.孩

23、子们试着提问: “ Where are you from?”得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。2、学生小组间的问答: “ Where are you from? “ P m from”( 根据孩子自己制作的头饰回答)3、请几个小组开火车问答: Where are you from?4 、教师出示钟表( 把时间调到下午) : “ Good afternoon!”教师带上Mr. Black 的头饰( 走到一位学生面前) 说 “ Good afternoon! My name,sMr. Black. I m from China.” 孩子根据自己的情况回答: Good afternoon,Mr. Bla

24、ck. I m Xiao Dong . I m from China. v教师提问一组孩子。然后请学生到前面来扮演Mr. Black.5 、教师带着Mr. Black的头饰走到台前, 说: “ I have a friend inour class. Do you know who, s she?” 教师指着扮演 Amy 的同学说: Thisis my friend Amy. ”( 引导全班孩子问好)Ss: N ice to meet you.A: N ice to meet you, too!Ss: Where are you from?A: F m from America.Ss: Wel

25、come!6、教师播放L et,s talk部分的课件,学生观看对话。跟读、模仿,分角色给课件配音。7、小组分角色练习对话。8、小组表演对话。趣 味 操 练 ( Practice)1、L isten and order the cards: 将课文图片打乱顺序, 让孩子听一听,摆一摆。2、表演L et,s talk部分的对话。3、 小组中互换头饰( 国家、 名字) , 进行对话练习。 ( Where are you from?I m from )( 四)扩展 性 活 动( Add-activities)介绍好朋友请孩子用所学的句型把自己的好朋友介绍给大家。【 板书设计】第五课时教案示例【 课题

26、】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!【 教学重点】 teacher、 student 两个单词, “ Come in. m sorry. w“ It,s O K”三个短语和句子。【 教学难点】 在情境中运用所学的词、句和短语。【 教具准备】1、本课生词的单词卡片2、配套的教学课件3、配套的挂图4 、歌曲录音5 、各个职业的图片【 教学过程】( 一)热 身 / 复 习 ( Warm-up/R evision)Talk togetherIntroduce your friend in your group.学生在小组里介绍自己的好朋友。在对话过程中学生运用句型: “ T

27、his is my friend.Where areyou from? I m from ” “ N ice to meet you. N ice to meet you, too.”等句型进行交流。请几个小组展示自己的对话。( 二)呈 现 新 课 ( Presentation)1、教师出示L et,s lea门 1部分的挂图( 挂图中应能看到教室中的其他学生, 教师课讲本班孩子画在图中)教师提问: “ Who can you see in thepicture?”学生回答: “ Mr. Black/teacher教师根据学生的回答出示新词:“ teacher”带读几遍后,将词卡贴在怔. Bl

28、ack旁边。还有的学生回答: “ 某个孩子的名字”或回答“ student”, 教师根据孩子的回答出示新词: “ student” ,带读单词。将词卡贴在学生旁边。2、 教师戴上 Mr. Black 的头饰,说 : “ I m Mr. Black. I m a teacher.What about you?引导孩子用介绍自己“ I mI m a student.“请一至两组学生介绍自己。教师问: “ What happened? let,s look. v教师播放课件, 孩子观看。请孩子试重复课件中句子。3、再次观看课件,跟读课件中人物的句子。教师邀请一名孩子一起表演故事。( 教师模仿上课铃声

29、,孩子气喘吁吁的敲门。师生展开一段对话。 )给课文分角色配音4、学生以小组为单位表演对话。展示对话。listen and do教师发出令: Boys stand up. Girls stand up.教师戴上小姑娘的头饰说: I m a girl. You are a boy.”让孩子根据实际情况介绍自己和同桌。5、教师播放歌曲录音,孩子们边试唱,边拍手。在播放录音,让孩子们边唱,边根据内容表演歌曲。6、小组表演唱,各小组展示。( 三 )趣 味 操 练 ( Practice)介绍我自己引导孩子运用句型: “ I m .I m a boy/girl. I* m a student. w进行自我介

30、绍。2、孩子围成几圈演唱歌曲,边唱边演,唱到最后一句时交换位置。( 四)扩 展 性 活 动( Add-activities)教师出示一些人物的职业的卡片,如: doctor等,让孩子选择自己喜欢的职业。并用句子: I m a nurse/”进行自我介绍第六课时教案示例【 课题】 Unit 1 Welcome back to school!【 教学重点】学习字母D、E及相关单词。【 教学难点】认读字母,体会字母在单词中的读音。【 教具准备】1、本课生词的单词卡片2、配套的教学课件3、大小写字母卡片(A-E)【 教学过程】( 一)热 身 / 复 习(Warm-up/Revision)1、演唱歌曲B

31、oy and girl ,男生唱 “ I m a boy and you are agirl.”部分,女生唱 “ I m a girl and you are a boy. ” 部分,比比看谁唱得更好。2、看一看,猜一猜请学生用肢体语言表演出A-C几个大小写字母,其他学生猜一猜。教师书空字母,让学生猜一猜。3、说一说播放A部分的Chant的动画,让孩子边说边演。( 二 ) 呈 现 新 课(Presentation)分别出示大小写字母Dd.让孩子用肢体语言表演。分别出示大小写字母,学生开火车认读。教师指着字母D旁的趣味图片, 问:“ What s this?” “ It sadog.”带读单词。

32、教师出另一单词卡片“ duck”, 带读单词,孩子跟读练习。D-d-duck-dog教师带读字母和单词。孩子小组里读一读。以同样的方法学习大小写字母E e .注意学习egg/elephant 一词时,当问学生 What s this?强调回答 It s an egg/elephant.而非 It,s aegg/elephant.出示Let,s say部分的课件,教师反复点击字母和单词,学生模仿跟读。还可请学生上台点击任一字母或单词,让学生体会学习的乐趣。找朋友学生以小组为单位分别拿着字母DE等大小写,给字母找朋友。出 示Let,s do部分动画。学生边看边尝试跟读,同时做动作。8、 小组围单位

33、操练Let,s do部分的内容,然后请小组代表上台表演,评出最佳的小组并予以奖励。(三 ) 趣 味 操 练(Practice)listen and order the cards学生根据教师说的顺序,排列大小写字母Aa Bb Cc Dd Eeo读一读,分一分孩子自己读新学的单词,根据读音分成两组。找出共同的字母。(四 ) 扩 展 性 活 动(Add-activities)帮单词娃娃回家教师出示大小写字母A-E,设计成5个小房子。让孩子根据首字母把单词送回家。【 板书设计】Unitl Welcome back to school!Dd Eedog duck egg elephant小学六年级英语

34、比较级语法教案形容词的比较级当我们需要对事物作出比较时,需要用到比较级。比较级的句子结构通常是:什 么 +动词be ( am , is , are ) +形容词比较级+ than ( 比)+什 么 ,如 :Im taller and heavier than y o u . ( 我比你更高和更重 )An elephant is bigger than a tiger. ( 一只大象比一只老虎更大。 )形容词的比较级是在形容词的基础上变化而来的,它的变化规则是:一般的直接在词尾加 er ,如 tall - taller , strong - stronger , 以 e 结尾的,直接加r ,如

35、fine - finer , 以辅音字母加y 结尾的,先改y 为 i再加er,如 funny - funnier 双写最后的字母再加er,如 big - bigger, thin - thinner ,hot - hotter除此之外,还有几个特殊的单词,它的比较级和最高级都是不规则的,如:many / much ( 原形)- more ( 比较级)- most ( 最高级)little / few ( 原形) - less ( 比较级)- least ( 最高级)good ( 原形) - better ( 比较级) - best ( 最高级)bad ( 原形) - worse ( 比较级)

36、- worst ( 最高级)far ( 原形) - further- furthest附加: 形容词的最高级变化类似于比较级, 只是把词尾的er改成est,如 :tall ( 原形)- taller ( 比较级)-tallest ( 最高级)long ( 原形)- longer ( 比较级)- longest ( 最高级)big ( 原形)- bigger ( 比较级)- biggest ( 最高级)注意 比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西。典型错误: My hair is longer than you. ( 我的头发比你更长。 )比较的两者是我的头发、你 ( 整个人) ,那么比较的对象

37、就没有可比性。应该改为:My hair is longer than yours. 或 My hair is longer thanyour hair.附: 如果比较的两者是一样的时候,我们会用as.as这个词组,它的用法是:什么+be+as+形容词原形+as+什么,意思是什么和什么一样. . .。如 :rm as tall as you.( 我和你一样高。 )My feet are as big as yours.( 我的脚和你的一样大。 )比较级专项练习从方框中选出合适的单词完成句亍How _ is the Yellow River?How _ is Mr Green? Hes 175cm

38、.How _ are your feet? I wear size 18 .(4) How _ is the white T-shirt? Ifs 100 yuan.How _ apples are there in the bag? There are 5.(6) How _ is the fish? Its 2kg.-、根据句意写出所缺的单词Im 12 years old. Youre 14. Im _ than you.A rabbits tail is _ than a monkeys tail.An elephant is _ than a pig.(4) A lake is _ t

39、han a sea.A basketball is _ than a football.三、根据中文完成句子.我比我的弟弟大二岁.Im _ than my brother.这棵树要比那棵树覆This tree _ t_ h_ a_ n_ _ t_ h_ a_ t one.你比他矮四厘米.You are _ _ than he.(4 )四、(4 )谁比你重? _他 比 你 更 强 壮 . He本魏答句写出问句_ than you.is _ than you._ rm 160 cm._ Im 12 years old._ My shoes are 80 yuan._ Amys hair is 30

40、 cm long._ I have three English books.小学英语总复习 小学和初中的英语学习方法有了很大的转变,初中学生必须养成利用语法书的习惯来学习英语,同时在平时利用电子词典放量做一些阅读理解,完形填空和选词填空,以此扩大词汇量,提高自己的英语综合水平。学生易错词汇1. a, an的选择:元音字母开头的单词用an,辅音字母开头的单词用a.2. am, is , are的选择:单数用is , 复数用are. I 用 am , y o u 用 are.3. have , has的选择:表示某人有某物. 单数用has , 复数用have.I , you 用 have .4 .

41、 there is, there are的选择: 表示某地有某物, 某人. 单数用there is ,复数用there are.5 . some, any的选择: 肯定句用some,疑问句和否定句用any.6 . 疑问词的选择: what ( 什么)who ( 谁)where ( 哪里)whose ( 谁的)why ( 为什么) when ( 什么时候) which ( 哪一个) how old ( 多大)how many ( 多少) how much ( 多少钱)二: 形容词比较级详解当我们需要对事物作出比较时, 需要用至U比较级. 比较级的句子结构通常是:什 么 +动词be ( am ,

42、is , are ) +形容词比较级+ than( 比) +什 么 ,如:r m taller and heavier than you.( 我比你更高和更重. )An elephant is bigger than a tiger.( 一只大象比一只老虎更大. )形容词的比较级是在形容词的基础上变化而来的, 它的变化规则是:一般的直接在词尾加 e r , 如 tall - taller , strong - stronger , 以 e 结尾的, 直接加r , 如 fine - finer , 以辅音字母加y 结尾的, 先改y 为 i再加er,如 funny - funnier双写最后的字母

43、再加er,如 big - bigger, thin - thinner , hot -hotter注意 比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西.典型错误: My hair is longer than you.( 我的头发比你更长. )比较的两者是我的头发, 你( 整个人) , 那么比较的对象就没有可比性.应该改为: My hair is longer than yours. 或 My hair is longer than yourhair.比较级专项练习:一, 从方框中选出合适的单词完成句子heavy tall longbig(1) How is the Yellow R iver(2)

44、How is Mr Green Hes 175 cm.(3) How are your feet I wear size 18.(4 )How is the fish Its 2kg.二, 根据句意写出所缺的单词(1) r m 12 years old. You,re 14 . Im than you.(2) A rabbit,s tail is than a monkey,s tail.(3) An elephant is than a pig.(4 ) A lake is than a sea.(5 ) A basketball is than a football.三, 根据中文完成句子

45、.(1)我比我的弟弟大三岁. r m than my brother.(2)这棵树要比那棵树高. This tree than that one.(3)你比他矮四厘米. You are than he.(4 )谁比你重than you三: 动词过去式详解动词的过去式的构成规则有:A,规则动词一般直接在动词的后面加ed:如 worked , learned , cleaned , visited 以e结尾的动词直接加d:如lived , danced , used以辅音字母加Y结尾的动词要改y为i再加ed ( 此类动词较少) 如study- studied carry - carried wor

46、ry - worried ( 注意 play, stay 不是辅音字母加y,所以不属于此类)双写最后一个字母( 此类动词较少) 如stoppedB,不规则动词( 此类词并无规则, 须熟记) 小学阶段要记住以下动词的原形和过去式:sing - sang , eat - ate , see - saw , have - had , do - did ,go - went , take - took , buy - bought , get - got , read - read , fly- flew , am/is - was ,are - were , say - said , leave -

47、 left , swim - swam , tell - told ,draw - drew , come - came , lose - lost , find - found , drink - drank ,hurt - hurt , feel - felt四: 动词现在分词详解动词的ing形式的构成规则:一般的直接在后面加上ing ,如doing , going , working , singing ,eating 以e结尾的动词, 要先去e再加i n g, 如having , writing 双写最后一个字田的( 此类动词极少) 有:running , swimming ,sitt

48、ing , getting五: 人称和数人称代词物主代词主格宾格第 _人称单数I俄 )memy ( 我的)复数we ( 我们)usour ( 我们的)第二人称单数you ( 你)youyour ( 你的)复数you ( 你们)youyour ( 你们的)第三人称单数he ( 他)himhis ( 他的)she ( 她)herher ( 她的)it ( 它)itits ( 它的)复数they ( 他们/ 她们/ 它们)themtheir ( 他们的/ 她们的/ 它们的)六: 句型专项归类肯定句: 是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子, 如:Im a student. She is adoctor. He

49、 works in a hospital.There are four fans in our classroom. He will eat lunch at 12:0 0 .I watched TV yesterday evening.2,否定句: 含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子, 如 :Im not a student.She is not ( isn,t) a doctor.He does not ( doesn,t) work in a hospital. There are not ( arent) fourfans in our classroom.He will not ( w

50、on,t) eat lunch at 12:0 0 . I did not ( didn,t) watch TVyesterday evening.注意 小结: 否定句主要是在肯定句的基础上加上了否定词“ not . 有动词be的句子则“ not”加在be后面, 可缩写成isnt, aren,t” ,但am not一般都分开写. 没有动词be的句子则要先在主要动词的前面加上一个助动词(do, does, did),然后在它后面加上not , 你也可以把它们缩写在一起如 dont , doesn t , didn t ) . 这三个助动词要根据人称和时态来选择,其中 does 只用于一般现在时主

51、语是第三人称单数的情况, 而 did”只用于一般过去时, 不论主语是什么人称和数, 都用did”.3,一般疑问句: 是指询问事实的句子, 此类句子必须用yes , 或 no 来 回答 .如:Are you a student Yes, I am / N o, Im not.Is she a doctor Yes, she is. / N o, she isn,t.Does he work in a hospital Yes, he does. / N o, he doesnt.Are there four fans in our classroom Yes, there are. / N o,

52、 therearen,t.Are you going to buy a comic book tonight Yes, I am. / N o, I am not.(Yes, we are. / N o, we aren,t.)Will he eat lunch at 12:0 0 Yes, I will. / N o, I will not (won t).Are they swimming Yes, they are. / N o, they aren,t.Did you watch TV yesterday evening Yes, I did. / N o, I didn,t.注意 小

53、结: 一般疑问句是在肯定句的基础上,把动词be调到首位, 其他照写, 末尾标点符号变成问号即可.没有动词be的句子则要在句首加上一个助动词(do, does, did)再把紧跟在后面的动词变回原形, 末尾标点符号变成问号即可.这三个助动词也要根据人称和时态来选择, 其中“ does 只用于一般现在时主语是第三人称单数的情况, 而did只用于一般过去时, 不论主语是什么人称和数, 都用did”. 一般疑问句有个重要的原则就是问和答要一致, 即问句里的第一个单词( 助动词) 和简略答句里的这个词是一致的.4 ,特殊疑问句: 以特殊疑问词( what , where , who , which ,

54、when , whose ,why , how等) 开头引导的句子. 此类句子应该问什么就答什么, 不能用“ yes , no 来回答. 如:What is this Its a computer.What does he do He,s a doctor.Where are you going Im going to Beijing.Who played football with you yesterday afternoon Mike.Which season do you like best Summer.When do you usually get up I usually get

55、 up at 6:30 .Whose skirt is this It,s Amys.Why do you like spring best Because I can plant trees.How are you Im fine. / Im happy.How did you go to Xinjiang I went to Xinjiang by train.其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问, 如:how many ( 多少( 数量) ) , how much( 多少( 钱) ) , how tall ( 多高) ,howlong( 多长) ,how big

56、( 多大) ,how heavy ( 多重)例句:How many pencils do you have I have three pencils.How many girls can you see I can see four girls.How many desks are there in your classroom There are 5 1.小结:how m a n y用来提问可数名词的数量, 主要有以上三种句式搭配,How many +名 词 复 数 + do you h a v e你有多少. . .How many +名 词 复 数 + can you s e e你能看见多

57、少. . .How many +名 词 复 数 + are there.有多少. . .七 : 完全, 缩略形式:r m=I am he,s=he is she,s=she is they,re=they areyoure=you are there,s=there is theyre=they are can,t=can notdon,t=do not doesn t=does not isn t=is not aren,t=are not let s=letus wont=will not V 11=1 will wasnt=was not总结: 通常情况下, m 即 am,s 即 is

58、( 但 let s=let us), re 即 are , n t即 not ( 但 can,t=can not分类归纳:- :名词的单复数;1. 后 力 口 s:apple-apples book- books house-houses tree- trees2. 后 力 口 es : tomato- tomatoes potato potatoes box boxespeach-peaches3. 原形:sheep-sheep fish fish rice-rice milk- milkwater water :形容词的比较级,加r, er, y-i加er1. 有 e 力r: nice-

59、nicer wide- wider2. 直加 er: tall- taller old- older long- longer strong- strongeryoung younger short shorter3. 双写力 er: thin thinner big bigger4 . 变身 y-i 力 口 er: heavy- heavier三 :动词的ing形式,现在进行时do-doing1 . 直 接 力 口 ing: cook cooking read reading teach teachingswing swinging do-doing2. 去掉 e 力 口 ing :writ

60、e-writing take-taking have-having dive-divingride-riding3. 双写加 ing: swim- swimming run running四 :动词的第三人称单数形式,do-does1 . 直接加 s : read-reads draw-drawslike-likes write-writes make-makes live-lives come-comes drivedrives2. 力 口 es : go-goes do-does teach-teaches watch-watches3. 变 y-i 力Ues: study- studie

61、s五 :动词的过去式,do一did1 . 有 e 力 口d: makemaked writewrited dancd-danced2 . 直接加ed:visitvisted learnlearned watch-watched play liaydecook-cooked3 .变 y-i 加 ed: study studied4 .变身:do-did go-went have-had sing-sang buy-bought swim- swam5 .原形:read- read六 :写出下列单词的反义词:tallshort tallertaller old-young newolder-you

62、nger boy- girl yes-nobig-small bigger-smaller long-shoet longer-shorter七 :完全一缩写形式arenot: arent is not=isn,t do not=don,t did not=didn,t doesnot=doesn,tcan not=can,t was not=wasn,t I will=ril I I would=IdLet us=Lets they are=they,re what is=whafs she is=she,s itis=ifshe is=hes were not=weren,t mister

63、=Mr centimeter=cm kg八 :一个单词的多种形式:原 形 第 三 人 称 单 数 ing进行时 过去式dodoesdoingdidgogoesgoingwentwatch watcheswatchingwatchedwrite writeswritingwritedswimswimsswimmingswampreadreadsreadingreadplayplaysplayingplayed英 语 作 乂 不 沱 :靠卬同与,句徵妥啕,无与规范,题目。1 .请你以“ My Friend”或“ My Pen Pal”为题,介绍一下你的朋友,基本信息包括:姓名,年龄,身高,体重,长

64、相,爱好,住哪,平时做的事,怎样去上学等。( 不少于5福)o注 :句子不少于5句,第三人称,书写规范。My FriendMy Friend is Chen Jie.She is 14.She is 160 tall.She is tall and thin.She is 45kg.She likes making kites.She lives in china.She watches TV at night.She goes to school by bike.We are good friends.2 . 你打算这个周末在家里举行一个party,你能介绍一下去你家的路线,好让你的朋友尽快找

65、到你吗? ( 不少于5句 话0注 :条例清晰,不少于5句话,书写规范。Start from your school.Take the NO. 5 bus.Get off at the cinema.Turn left at the cinema.Go straight for 3 minutes.My home is near the bookstore.3 .在家里你能帮父母干些什么家务呢? 赶紧介绍一下吧。 ( 不少于5句话) 。注 :I can句型,短语书写正确,注意“ the”和单复数。不少于5句话。I can cook the meals.I can wash the clothes

66、.I can clean the bedroom.I can set the table.I can water the flowers.I can make the bed.I am helpful at home.4 . 你能介绍一下你的家人都是什么职业, 在哪工作,怎么去上班吗?( 不少 于5句话) 。注 :注意第一第三人称,不少于5句话,书写规范My FamilyMy mother is a teacher.She works in a school.She goes to work by bike.My father is an engineer.He goes to work by

67、 bus.My sister is a doctor.She works in a hospital.She goes to work by subway.I am a student.I go to school on foot.5.你能给大家比较一下你家人的外貌特征吗? 不少于5 句话注 :外貌特征,长相比较,可以用比较级。My FamilyMy father is taller than my mother.My father is older than my mother.My mother is younger than my father.My sister is shorter

68、than my brother.I am shorter than my brother.But I am taller than my sister.5 .请你给大家介绍一下你家人的爱好好吗? 注意人称变化. 不少于5 句话。注 :注意第一 like,第三人称likes的变化。Like后面加ing.I 1 ike reading books.My father likes reading newspapers.My mother likes singsing.My little sister likes watching TV .My brother likes swimming.My li

69、ttle brother likes flying kites.6 .你能介绍一下,上 一 个 ( 假期)周末你都做什么了吗? 可以以“ LastWeekend” 为题,不少于5 句话。注 :过去式,第一人称,题目。L ast WeekendO n Saturday morning, I claned my bedroom.In the afternoon, I went to a park.At night, I watched TV.O n Sunday Imorning, I read books.In the afternoon, I washed my clothes.At nigh

70、t , I went to the cinema.7 .请根据提示写一下你的家人上个周末都做什么了。不少于5 句话。注 : 根据提示来,过去式,一、三人称。妈妈一洗衣服爸爸一去公园哥哥一踢足球妹妹一看电视我一读书L ast WeekendMy mother washed the clothes.My father went to a park.My brother played football.My sister watched TV.I read English books.8 .请根据提示写一下你的家人此时此刻正在做什么,不少于5 句话。注 :现在进行时,加 ing,有 be的 am,

71、is, are形式。妈妈一洗衣服爸爸一读报纸哥哥一踢足球妹妹一看电视我一读书My mother is washing the clothes.My father is reading newspapers.My brother is playing football.My sister is watching TV.I am reading English books.9. 请根据提示写一下你的家人下个周末都打算干什么,不少于5 句话。注 :一般将来时,be going to +v 原形。Be 有 am, is, areo妈妈一洗衣服爸爸一读报纸哥哥一踢足球妹妹一看电视我一放风筝N ext W

72、eekendMy mother is going to wash the clothes.My father is going to read newspapers.My brother is going to play football.My sister is going to watch TV.I am going to fly kites.小学英语六年级总复习( 二)(-)语音部分。这部分重点是帮助学生整理、归纳发音规律和读音规则,过好语音关。英语课程标准二级目标提出:要知道错误的发音会影响交际;知道字母名称的读音;了解简单的拼读规律;了解单词有重音;语音清楚、语调自然。在复习语音知识

73、时应强调了解语音知识的意义,而不是语音规则的掌握;强调语音知识在交际中的作用,而不是语音知识本身。从而为学生继续以后的英语学习打下坚实的基础。进行总复习时,可按照以下板块来分类复习。A)元音:a e i o uAa cake, face, date, snake, grape, make,game, plate, later, name, lake, etccat, map, hat, sad, happy, black, etcEe evening, we, he, be , she, these, etcbed, help, elbow, desk, ten, leg,eleven, dr

74、ess, egg, hen, yes, very, etcli ice, time, bike, ride, white, Friday,library, rice, like, nice, kite, size, etcpink, six, in, pig, fifty, river,windy, sick, sister, sit, milk, fish,slipper, in, thin, big , swim, it, etcO o home, nose, rose, go, those, hole,close, hotel, old, hello, rope, cold, etcno

75、d, not, closet, box, fox, lock,lot, shop, rock, office, orange, on, etcUu sun, sunny, run, fun, jump, lunch,supper, under, truck, duck, donut, us,Sunday, hundred, etccomputer, Tuesday, excuse, unit,January, avenue, music, use, etcB)元音字母组合E tea, speak, dream, east, easy, teacher,leaf, leave, read, je

76、ans, meat, cheap, etcbreakfast, bread, sweater, heaven, head, etcee see, need, queen, sheep, teeth,green, sleep, nineteen, street, knee, etcoo toothbrush, zoo, cool, food, noodles,Kangaroo, school, afternoon, cookie, etcclassroom, book, foot, look, good,bedroom, cookies, wood, etcou blouse, house, m

77、outh, mouse, south,cloudy, about, etcar department, arm, car, park, March,apartment, far, marker, hard, party, etcor morning, north, for, corner, short,shorts, story, horse, forty, etchomework, work, doctor, world, word, etcir shirt, bird, skirt, thirsty, thirty,third, circle, first, girl, etcur Thu

78、rsday, purple, curly, hurt, nurse,hamburger, Saturday, etcer sweater, sister, teacher, letter, supper,computer, burger, under, corner, tiger, etcear ear, year, near, hear, dear, etcay - X- ray, day, May, play, may,always, today, gray, okay, way, etcow tomorrow, know, below, slow, elbow,yellow, show,

79、 snow, bowl, etccow, now, brown, flower, down, etcoa coat, boat, goat, road, etcC)辅音字母组合sh 一 cashier, she, sheep, shoes, fish, etcch chicken, teacher, chalk, chair, chant,children, much, China, etctr waitress, tree, street, truck, traffic,strawberry , trick, etcdr drink, dress, drive, dream, draw, e

80、tcth theatre, thirsty, three, think, third,Thursday, teeth, etcmother, father, this, that, they,brother, these, their, etcwh where, what, white, when, why, etc(二)词汇部分。包括:名词、动词、形容词以及常见词组、短语等。各词类在复习时可按主题再进一步的划分,如小学阶段要求掌握的名词可分为学习用品、职业、颜色、身体部位、家庭成员、蔬菜、水果、服装、食品、场所、交通工具、动物、植物、家具、形状、季节、节日、国家等;动词可分为运动、休闲娱乐、

81、学习、家务、感官动词等;形容词可分为描写外貌、性格、情感、天气、表示“ 好” 的形容词等类别。这样分类的目的是帮助学生整理知识,并丰富他们的积极词汇量,如学生在描述人物性格时,可以有多个不同的形容词涌入头脑,供其选择。这样说(写)出来的词汇和内容都会比较丰富。这种分类也是对学生学习策略的一个提示。策略研究的结果表明分类记忆的词汇效果较好,并易于提取。除此之外,我们还可以教给学生采用记忆同义词、反义词、联想记忆等方法来整理、记忆词汇。教材中出现的比较重要的词组和短语,我们也可以一起来整理记忆。如:表工地点:in /on /under the desk /table? in a river /tr

82、ee?in the classroom/gym/library? in the topin front of /behind the tree? in the sinkin the bedroom/living room? on the ice / snowon the blackboard on a map on the right /left?表示时间:in the morning /afternoon /eveningin winter /spring /summer /fall表示动作:open the window/book /door close the window/book /

83、doorgo to bed go to schoolgo to sleep go for a walkgo straight go up the stairsgo shopping go to the park /zoo /gym?go swimming go /walk /drive to workeat breakfast /lunch /supper have breakfast /lunch /supperread a book read booksread the newspaper a pair of shorts /gloves?read my /your bookplay ba

84、sketball /sports /cards? play on the computerwork on the computer speak English /Chineseteach English learn Englishtake a picture take offtake the bus by bus /bicycle?write a story write a letterwatch TV watch a moviefly a kite fly kites go on a tripgo on trips have a good triphelp my /your mother w

85、ash my /your hands /facebrush my /your teeth get updomy homework put ondrawa picture walk homestand up wake uplisten to the radio /teacher turn right /leftwork hard drive a carride a bicycle stay homelook at live in arrive in?leave for ? etc(三) 语法部分。L词类与用法。A.名词。( 1 )可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,要求掌握单数变复数的一般规则。何时加

86、- , 何时加- es .( 2 )掌握课本中出现的不规则名词的复数形式。如men,women , children , people, etc(3) 了解不可数名词没有复数形式。如:paper, chalk,ice, cream, cake, juice, soup, ice, meat, fish, fruit, milk,chicken, etc此外,还有一些名词本身就是以复数形式出现的。如:shorts , jeans, socks, clothes, etcB.代词。( 1 )掌握人称代词he, she, I, you, we, they的用法.( 2 )掌握形容词性物主代词my,

87、your, his, her, o u r的用法。了解名词性物主代词mine, yours的用法。( 3 )掌握指示代词this , that, these, those的用法,特别是它们构成的句型。( 4)掌握疑问代词( 包括部分疑问副词)what, how, howmany , howmuch, howold, howtall, howoften, who, what time,when , where,等构成的特殊疑问句并能做出简单回答。C.冠词。掌握a 和 a n 的不同用法。D.数词。( 1 ) 掌握数词r i o o 以及整百、整千的写法用法。(2) 了解序数词第1 - 第 12。

88、E.介词。掌握介词 in, on, under, above, below, beside, inside,outside, in front of, behind 等的用法。F.动词。( 1 ) 掌握b e 动词am, is, are (was were)在使用时的人称变化,b e 动词构成的肯定句、否定句、疑问句以及对疑问句的回答等形式。( 2 ) 掌握行为动词在不同时态里的不同形式,包括一般现在时里的动词原形和动词的第三人称单数形式;现在进行时里的动词+ i n g 形式和一般过去时里的动词过去式包括规则动词加- e d 和不规则动词如ate, saw, went, bought,tau

89、ght, thought, etc.( 3 ) 掌握助动词do, does, did等构成的否定句、疑问句以及对问句的简单回答形式。( 4 ) 掌握情态动词can, may构成的各种句型及问句的答语。( 5 ) 掌握would构成的问句及答语。G. 形容词、副词。了解形容词可放到b e 动词后或名词前如:I am happy.Mymother is young. This is a red bag. He has white hair. 了解形容词比较级的用法。如:I am older/ younger than ? I amtaller/ shorter than?了解表示频率的副词 alw

90、ays, usually, sometimes, never的用法。2. 句子:A . 句子的类型:重点掌握陈述句( 包括肯定句和否定句 ) 、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句及其回答。B.句子的时态:要求掌握一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时和一般将来时,重点是一般现在时和现在进行时。在复习这部分内容时一定要注意主要是通过教材中选出的不同例句来对各种词的用法进行对比、归类和总结。这部分的学习记忆不是重点,重点是知道在什么语境中运用。教师在复习时用的例子要有代表性和全面性。如介词for在教材中就有表示目的、时间延续、用途等的意义,因此教师要给出相应的例子。要注意引导学生对容易弄错的内容进行对比,并给予巩

91、固性练习。回忆在学过的课文里什么地方用过,表达的是怎样的意思,并能自己举出使用这些词和语法现象的例子,是复习学握这部分内容的有效策略。第二部分话题、功能和任务这个部分可在第一部分的复习完成后进行,也可与第一部分的内容结合进行。教师要将18册书中的各单元间的关系进行分析,将那些相关的内容放在一起,作为一大主题进行复习,建立起纵向的联系,而不是把他们当作孤立的板块逐一处理。每大主题的复习应包括相关词汇、常用句型、典型对话(段落) 等几个方面,包括听、说、读、写的练习。划分出的每个板块应从相关课文单元、涉及主要词汇、重点涉及语法、功能、典型句型等方面进行复习。这个部分在复习时要注意对学生能力的培养。

92、这就意味着教师们不要简单重复教材中的内容,或简单地对教材内容进行部分词的替换,而是要, 捋小学阶段学过的同某一个主题相关的内容综合起来,灵活地加以运用,使学生们加深对已学内容的理解冠词一、定义冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面( 相当于名词的帽子) ,帮助指明名词的含义。二、分类共3类 :定 冠 词(the Definite Article),不 定 冠 词(theIndefiniteArticle),零 冠 词(Zero Article)o三、用法1、定冠词的用法a、an与数词one同源,是“ 一个 的意思。a用于辅音音素前,而an则用于元音音素前。(1)表示某一

93、类人或某事物中的任何一个, 经常用在第一次提到某人或某物时, 用不定冠词起介绍作用,表示一个。I gave him a book yesterday . 我昨天给了他一本书I am reading an interesting story .我在读贝U有趣的故事。(2)表示人或事物的某一种类,强调整体,即以其中的一个代表一类。A horse is useful to mankind. 马对人类有用。(3)不定冠词用在事物的单位前, 如时间,速度,价格等意义的名词之前, 表示每一。We often go to school two times a day.我们常常一天两次去学校。I went t

94、o the library once a week at least.(4 )不定冠词用来指某人某物, 但不具体说明任何人或任何物。A boy came to see you a moment ago.刚才有一个小孩来找你。(5 )在序数词前表示又一; 再一时。如 :I want to read the story a second time 我想再读一遍这篇小说。(6)表示不特定的某一个时。如 :A Mr. Smith is calling on the phone.有一位史密斯先生来电 话 找 你 。7 ) 在特定的短语里表示特定的含义,与不可数名词连用,如 :have a good ti

95、me 过得高兴(8)一日三餐前有修饰语时。如 :-Mum, what shall we have for lunch?-Jiaozi.-O h, what a wonderful lunch! I enjoy it very much.(9)在形容词最高级前表示非常时。如 :L esson N ine is a most difficult lesson, but it isn,t themostdifficult O ne.(10 )不定冠词用于某些词组中。a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a greatmany /many a

96、/ as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word/ ina short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try/keep an eye on / all of a sudden2.定冠词的用法定冠词the与指示代词this, that, these, those同源,有“ 那( 这 )个 这( 那) 些的意思,但较弱,可以和一个名词连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。以下为必须加定冠词的情形:(1)在表示双方都明白的人或物的名词之前:Take the medicine.把药吃了。在上

97、文提到过的人或事的名称之前:He bought a house. Ive been to the house.他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。在指世上独一无二的事物的名词之前:the sun, the sky, the moon, the earth(4 )与单数名词连用表示一类事物,如 :The fox is cunning . 狐狸是狡猾的。(5 )与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人:the rich富人;theliving 生者。(6)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only, very, same等前面:Where do you live? I live on the second flo

98、or. 你住在哪 ? 我住在二层。That,s the very thing that Ineed 那正是我需要的东西。(7)在表示. . . 世纪 年代的结构之前He began to learn R ussian in the 195 0 s.他在 20 实际 5 0年代开始学俄语。但注意: in ones 5 0 s意为在某人五十多岁时。如 :(8)在比较级的两种句型中:表示越 , 就越 时 。如 :The lighter, the better.越 轻 越 好。表示两者中比较 时 , 用定冠词。如 :There are two books on the table. I like th

99、e thicker one.( 9) 用在动词+sb. + 介词+the+身体部位名称的结构中( 注意:介词常用in/on/by)0如 :The ball hit me on the back.球打中了他的头。( 10 )在表示计量单位的可数名词前( 注意: 介词用by) 。如 :The workers are paid by the hour/day/month. 按月付给工人 工 资 .( 11) 用在某些由普通名词构成的专有名词前:the GreatWall ( 长城) , the People,sPark ( 人民公园) 等。the Peoples R epublic of China

100、 中华人民共和国the United States 美国( 12) 用在表示乐器的名词之前:She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴.The little girl likes to play the violin.小女孩喜欢拉小提琴。13)定冠词用在文艺活动, 运动场所的名称前。They are going to the cinema tonight.他们今晚要去影院看电影。(14 )用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人:the Greens 格林一家人( 或格林夫妇)(15 )在方位名词之前,如 :in the west on the west(16)在某些短语中 in the

101、day, in the morning (afternoon,evening), theday after tomorrow ,the day before yesterday, the nextmorning, in the sky (water, field, country) in the dark,in therain, in the distance, in the middle (of), in the end,on thewhole, by the way, go to the theatre总 复 习1 .人称代词主格: I we you she he it they宾格: m

102、e us you her him it them形容词性物主代词:my our your her his its their名词性物主代词: mine ours yours hers his its theirs2 . 形容词和副词的比较级(1)一般在形容词或副词后+erolder taller longer stronger, etc(2)多音节词前+moremore interesting, etc.(3)双写最后一个字母,再+erbigger fatter, etc.(4 )把y变i ,再+erheavier, earlier(5 )不规则变化:well-better, much/man

103、y-more, etc.3 .可数词的复数形式Most nouns + s a book -booksN ouns ending in a consonant +y - y+ ies a story storiesN ouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es a glass glasses awatch-watchesN ouns ending in o +s or +es a piano- pianos a mango- mangoesN ouns ending in f or fe - f or fe +ves a knife -knives ashelf-sh

104、elves4 .不可数名词( 单复数形式不变)bread, rice, water , juice etc.5 .缩略形式Im = I am youre = you are shes = she is hes = he isif s= it is whos =who is cant =can not isnt=is not etc6. a/ana book, a peachan egg an hour7. Preposition:on, in , in front of, between, next to, near, beside, at, behind.表示时间: at six ocloc

105、k, at Christmas, at breakfaston Monday on 15 th July O n N ational Dayin the evening in December in winter8 . 基数词和序数词one - first two-second twenty-twentieth9. Some /anyI have some toys in my bedroom.Do you have any brothers or sisters?10 . b e动词(1) Basic form: am/are/is( 2)肯定和否定句 I am (not) from L o

106、ndon.My eyes are(not) small.My hair is (not) long.( 3 )一般疑问句:Am I a Chniese? Yes, you are. N o, you aren,t.Are they American? Yes, they are. N o, they aren,t.Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. N o, it isnt.11. there be 结构肯定句: There is a .There are . . .一般疑问句:Is there .? Yes, there is. / N o, there isnt. Ar

107、ethere.? Yes, there are. /N o, there aren,t.否定句: There isnt . . . . There arent.12 .祈使句Sit down please. Dont sit down, please.13 .现在进行时. 通常用“ now” .形式: be + verb +ingeg: I am(not) doing my homework.You/We/They are(not) reading.He/She/It is (not) eating.动词一i n g的形式Most verbs +ing walk- walkingVerbs e

108、nding in e -e + ing come comingShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant run -runningswim swimming14 一般现在时。通常用“ usually, often, every day, sometimes”。形式:肯定句:I go to school on foot every day.She goes to school on foot every day.一般疑问句:Do you jump high? Yes, I do. / N o, I dont.Does he jump high? Yes

109、, he does. / N o, he doesnt.否定句: We dont go to school on Sundays.My mother doesnt like watching TV in the evening.1 5 .( 情态) 动词can, must, should后面直接用动词原形。eg: 1 . 1 / He / She / They can sing.2. You should keep quiet in the library.1 6.一般过去时态(a) b e动词的过去式:I/He/she/it was (not). . . . You/we/they were

110、.一般疑问句was, were放在句首。(b)动词过去式:肯定句: I watched cartoons.She visited the zoo.一般疑问句:Did you read book last night? Yes, I did, N o, Ididn,t.Did she clean the desk just now? Yes, she did. N o, shedidn,t.否定句: They didn,t go the the part yesterday.He didnt make model ships last week.动词过去式的变化:规则动词的变化:Most ver

111、bs +ed eg. planted, watered, climbedoVerbs ending in e +d eg likedoVerbs ending in a consonant +y - y +ied eg : study studiedShort verbs ending in a vowel + a consonant eg: stop - stopped不规则动词的变化:is/am was, are were, do- did, have/has had, make made, fly-flew/u:eat ate, take took, run- ran, sing san

112、g, drink- drank 等等17. Wh- questions.What are you doing?What colour is it?What time is it? Whats the time?Which is your watch, the yellow one or the white one?Whos the man with a big nose?Whose bag is it?When is your birthday?Where is my ball pen?Why do you like summer?How many books are there in the

113、 school bag?How old is the young man?How much is the toy bear? How do you go to school everyday?一、 英汉互译。10分1 儿童节 childrens day2 拔胡萝卜 pull up carrots3 上个圣诞节last Christmas4 在. .前面 in front of new years day5元旦6get off 下车7have a party 举行一个派对8 National Day holiday 国庆节假日9watch the dragon boat races 看龙舟赛10

114、 the twenty-first of October 十 月 二 -日一、选择填空。20分(d ) 4 There a lot of people in the park just now.( d) 1 A: :What date is it today? B: Ifs1st of October.A. onB. / C. anD. the( b ) 2 What holiday_after May Day?A. comeB. comes C. coming D.came( b ) 3 Its time watch the moon.A. forB. to C. in D. underA.

115、 areB. isC. hasD. were(a ) 5 A: What you do? B: We went to the supermarket.A. did B. do C. does D. dont( d ) 6 Jim and Ben a r e about Bens birthday.A. talkB. saying C. speaking D. talking( c ) 7 Where are my shoes?A. Ifs on the desk.B. Its under the deskC. Theyre under the desk. D. Its here.(d ) 8

116、I t is exciting day, we are allA. an, excitingB. a, excitingC. a, excitedD. an, excited( a ) 9 Wein the school every day.A. study B. studied C. studies D. will study( d ) 10 Whose book is it? Its n o t book. I t s .A. my. her B. mine, hers C. mine, her D. my, hers二、根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1。分1 They all

117、like listening to music, (listen)2 Li Lei usually _ goes to school at 7: 10. (go )3 Do you have any _ h o b b i e s ( hobby) ?4 Last week we _ had( have ) a _ r u n n i n g ( run ) raceat school.5 That girl can _ sing (sing ) French songs.6 Miss li lives on the second _ ( two ) floor in this buildin

118、g.7 He _ didn,t help an old man after school yesterday, (do not)8 w h o s e ( who ) mirror is it? Is it _ y o u r s (your )?三、 改错10分( d ) 1 , 1 usually fly a kite in Wednesday ._on_ABC D( d ) 2、 They are from different country .countriesA B C D( d ) 3 Id like to buy a cake with a lots of strawberrie

119、s. alot of_A B C D( d ) 4 Look, your pen is on the ground. Pick up it. _ pickit up_A B C D(d ) 5 What do you 1 ike? I like drink tea.drinking_A BCD四、 情景匹配5分A B( c ) 1. What do you usually do in the morning? A. There aresix.( d )2. How old is your brother?( b )3. Did you go to the farm last week?B. Y

120、es, I did.C. I do morningexercise.( e )4 . Thank you very much. D. Hes only fiveyears old.( a )5 . How many classes are there today? E. Youre welcome.五、 阅读训练15分(- )判断正误,正确的写“ T” ,错误的写“ F”。(5分)My name s L i Jie. I m a primary school ( 小学)student. I am studyingin She Yang Primary School. My school isn

121、 t big, but I like it verymuch.In my school, there are fifty-four classes. There are about sixtystudents in every class. We have many teachers. I m in Class 5 , Grade6. In my classroom, there are thirty desks and sixty chairs. Theres a map of China and a map of the world ( 世界)on the wall.I love my s

122、chool because our teachers are very friendly to us.(f )1. I study in a very big school.( f )2. I love my school because ifs She Yang Primary School.( f )3. There are eighteen classes in our school.( t )4. There are 30 desks and 60 chairs in my classroom.(t )5 . There are two maps in my classroom.( 二

123、) 选择正确答案。(10分)Today is the 5 th of March. Its my birthday. I get a lot of presentsfrom my friends and family. They are in nice boxes. My father givesme a yellow box and there is a book in it. Jack, one of my friends,gives me a long box. Whats in it? Ifs an umbrella. My sister givesme a round box. I

124、think its a big cake, but it is a basketball. Ilike playing basketball very much, so Im happy to have it. N ow, myfriends are singing the song “ Happy Birthday to you to me.( a ) 1. My birthday is on .A. March 5 B. March 7 C. Sunday( c )2. I get a lot of presents from.A. my parents B. my friends C.

125、A and B(b )3. My sister gives me as my birthday present.A. a big cake B. a basketball C. a football( c )4 . Theres from my parents.A. a box B. an umbrella C. a book( b )5 . From this dialogue ( 对话) ,you know .A. I am a boy . B. Theres a birthday party.C. My father is a doctor.Words ( Bookl-BooklO )按

126、单兀排列一年级book书ruler尺子pencil铅笔eraser橡皮school学校backpack 书包pencil case 铅笔盒hand手eye眼睛arm手臂ear耳朵foot脚mouth嘴face脸nose鼻子leg腿cat猫chicken 小鸡panda熊猫bird鸟duck鸭elephantrabbit兔子monkey猴fish鱼dog狗tiger虎onetwothreefour四five五six六seven七eight八nine九ten十star星星red红色的pink粉色的brown棕色的yellow黄色的green绿色的onpurple紫色的black黑色的white白色

127、的blue蓝色的orange桔色的apple苹果pear梨pineapple菠萝banana杳焦orange桔子peach桃子grapes葡萄melon瓜,西瓜strawberrydesk课桌blackboard黑板classroom教室chair椅子wall墙m 仕里向door门boy男孩在上面window窗户girl女孩under在卜面where 在哪里lamp台灯TV电视room房间telephone电话table饭桌armchair扶手椅bed床computer电脑behind在后面closet衣柜picture图国next to在旁边toys玩具plane飞机bus公共汽车pinwh

128、eel风车boat小船car小轿车doll娃娃train火车teddy bear玩具熊ball球box盒子square正方形eleven十一fifteen隹nineteen十九circle圆圈twelve十二sixteen十六twenty二十triangle三角形thirteen十三seventeen十七rectangle长方形fourteen十四eighteen+Askirt短裙sweater毛衣shoe鞋shorts短裤jacket夹克衫sock袜子pants长裤clothes衣服T-shirt体恤衫dress连衣裙food食品drink饮料meat肉vegetables疏菜milk牛奶i

129、ce cream冰激凌rice米饭tofu史腐bread面包egg鸡蛋noodles面条jiaozi饺子cake蛋糕hamburger汉堡包chicken鸡肉fish鱼salad沙拉juice果汁二年级family家庭me 我 ( 宾格)mom妈妈doctor*医生grandpa爷爷sister姐姐teacher*教师grandma奶奶brother兄弟engineer*工程师dad爸爸policeman*螫 咬Z J 、classmate同学friend朋友big大的thin瘦的pretty漂亮的ugly丑的tall高的short矮的from* 从,一来China*中国America*美国C

130、anada*加拿大Britain*英国park公园tree树butterfly蝴蝶hill小山grass草地bench*长凳lake湖flower花picture*图里bridge桥bee蜜蜂beautiful*美丽的, 漂亮的uncle叔叔aunt 阿姨,姑姑street街道van小货车taxi出租车bicycle自行车subway地铁subway station 地铁站traffic light 交通灯bus s t o p 公共汽车站supermarket超级市场book store 书店school 学校hospital 医院Tiananmen Square 天安门广场ZOO动物园st

131、op*停卜来wait*等候go*走Beijing北京the Great Wall 长城the Summer Palace 颐和园the Forbidden City 故宫Temple of Heaven 天坛Beihai Park北海公园Beijing Zoo 北京动物园Beijing Duck*北京烤鸭Beijing Opera* 京剧Temple Fair* 庙会great*伟大的,大的festival 节日merry 愉快的Christmas 圣诞节Christmas tree 圣诞树Santa Claus圣诞老人horse*bell铃铛present礼物card贺卡stocking长袜

132、happy 快乐的Spring Festival 杳 | jdragon dance 舞龙paper cutting, 剪纸lantern灯笼Hong Kong* 香港Toronto*多伦多Sydney*态尼rat*鼠ox*牛dragon*龙snake*蛇马sheep*羊rooster*鸡pig*猪N ew Year*新年season季节spring春季summer夏季fall秋季winter冬季plant trees 种树swim游泳climb the hill 爬山make a snowman堆雪人fly a kite放风筝sleep*睡觉bright*明亮的golden*金色的weath

133、ersunny 晴朗的cloudy多云的rainy卜雨的windy 有风的snowy有雪的cold冷的cool凉爽的warm)im暖的hot热的Harbin哈尔滨Shenzhen深圳Shanghai上海day天scarf围巾sunglasses 太阳镜coat外套,大衣like 像,如 何 ( 指天勺)today今天raincoat雨衣umbrella雨伞P. E.体 育 ( 课 )class课can能throw扔 , 掷jump跳跃catch接住walk走run跑kick踢bounce拍 ( 球)very well非常好play玩rope绳football足球can,t=can no t不能

134、swing*秋千jungle gym* 攀登架seesaw*跷跷板slide*滑梯line up*整队at ease*稍息attention*立正count off*报数turn left*向左转turn right* 向右转time时间o clock钟点breakfast早餐lunch午餐supper晚餐Monday (Mon)星期一minute分钟plus加上half一半hour小时thirty三十forty四十fifty五十sixty六十second*秒get up起床wash洗brush刷teeth 牙 齿 ( 复数)watch TV看电视go to bed上床睡觉when 什么时候e

135、very day每天at在. . .( 指时间的某一点)eat吃go to school 去上学go home回家week星期Tuesday (Tue)星期二Wednesday(Wed)星期三Thursday(Thur)星期四Friday (Fri) 星期五Saturday (Sat)星期六Sunday ( Sun) 星期日weekday ( 除星期六、日)任何一天weekend 周末don t=do not 不要做. . .want 想 ( 做某事)Chinese 中文music 音乐math 数学art 美术on在 ( 指时间)am* 上午pm* 下午year* 年month* 月三年级m

136、yself 我自己new新的,新来的name名字class班,班级Ms.女士Mr.先生old岁的school学校phone电话number号码primary school 小学what什么teacher老师1我my我的you你your你的in 在里am( 我)是is是cake蛋糕bee蜜蜂bike自行车nose鼻子music音乐hand手jump跳kite风筝are是book书cat猫door门girl女孩pencil铅笔tea茶van货车body身体head头hair头发finger手指neck脖子feet脚 ( 复数)monster妖怪hurt受伤matter麻烦bad不好的feel感觉e


138、odles面条breakfast早餐lunch午餐chocolate piemelon 西瓜Coke可乐bread面包picnic野餐supper晚餐want想要fruit水果peach桃pear梨pet宠物turtle乌龟parrot鹦鹉dog狗cat猫goldfish金鱼monkey猴子rabbit兔子chicken小鸡tail尾巴smart聪明的cute漂亮的catch a mouse ( 猫 )捉老鼠wag its tail ( 狗 )摇尾巴sneakersbrown棕色swim游泳walk走talk说can能run跑like喜欢red红色green绿色white白色blue候任rmb

139、lack里分/1 1 - Jclimb爬sing唱clothes服装cap帽子scarf围巾vest背心gloves手 套 ( 复数)jeans牛仔裤运 动 鞋 ( 复数)down coat 羽绒服wearskirt短裙shorts短裤shirt衬 衫 ( 男式)sweater毛衣shoes鞋 子 ( 复数)pants裤子jacket夹克衫spring豪summer黎fall秋天winter冬天coat大衣T-shirt体恤衫dress女服,连衣裙birthday 生日January一月February 二月March三月April四月May五月June仍July七月happy快乐的,幸福的A

140、ugust八月September九月October十月November十一月December十二月when何时me 我 ( 宾格)nice好的present礼物thanks谢谢he他his他的where 哪儿please请computer room 计算机教室library图书馆music room 音乐教室washroom洗手间clinic诊所office办公室secondfirst第一第二third 第三floor 楼层gym 体育馆,健身房art room美术教室science room科学教室Between在两者之间Chinese 汉语English 英语math 数学PE 体育har

141、d 难的easy 容易的fun 有趣的boring 无聊的;单调的;乏味的interesting 有趣的favorite 喜爱的why 为什么after school放学以后activity 活动club time课外活动时间play the drum 敲鼓sing songs 唱歌draw pictures 画画play chess 下棋do art projects 做手工play soccer 踢足球dance 跳舞be going to计划 打算living room客厅dining room餐厅kitchen厨房bedroom卧室study书房bathroom洗手间balcony阳台

142、garage车库armchair扶手椅telephone电话own自己的desk书桌teddy bear( 软毛)玩具熊closet壁橱family家,家庭成员people人,人们grandfather 祖父grandmother 祖母auntuncle叔叔,舅舅堂 ( 表)姐妹婶母, 姑母,舅母father父亲motherwbrother兄,弟sister姐 , 妹cousin堂 ( 表)兄弟cook厨师waiter服务员dentist牙医nurse护士manager经理taxi-driver出租车同机policeman 警察feed the fish 喂鱼wash clothes 洗衣服w

143、ater the flowers 浇花cook the chicken烹饪鸡clean the kitchentalk on the phonewatch TV 看电视listen to music 0 斤音乐walk the dog 遛狗grandparents 祖父母四年级invitation 邀请glue 胶水打扫厨房打电话crayon蜡笔scissors契刀pen钢笔paper纸party聚会get ready做准备draw画cut剪,切stick粘贴write写first第一next其次then 然后,于是finally 最后with 用. . . .practice 练习sport

144、 运动game 游戏,竞赛jogging 慢跑hiking 徒步旅行tennis网球,网球运动cycling 自行车赛hockey 曲棍球baseball 棒球also 也,同时sometimes有时,不时often 常常basketball 篮球roller-skating 滑旱冰volleyball 排球badminton 羽毛球play tennis 打网球play hockey玩曲棍球go jogging 去慢跑play soccer 踢 足 于 求go cycling骑自行车兜风go roller-skating 去滑旱冰play basketball 打篮球go swimming

145、去游泳play badminton打羽毛球play volleyball 打排球play baseball 打棒球go hiking去徒步旅行go to the movies去看电影concert 音乐会puzzle 拼图玩具lego 乐高拼装玩具drive 开车,驾车bumper car 碰碰车cool 棒极了,酷的exciting 激动人心的just 只是,不过so so 不好不坏的weekend 周末play with fire 玩火down stair 楼下的touch 触摸,碰climb 爬,攀登careful小心的仔细的dangerous 危险的sidewalk 人行道underp

146、ass 地下通道footbridge 人行桥crosswalk 人行横道fence 护栏traffic light 交通灯use 使用safe 安全的cross 穿越,横跨stop 停止climb over 翻越rule 规则,惯例pass 传递,递给dictionary 字典math problem数学难题CD player 激光唱机eraser 橡皮hairdresser 理发员ruler尺子help帮助teacher教师cook厨师maiIman邮递员salesclerk售货员dentist牙医computer programmer 计算机管理员singer歌唱家,歌手post offi

147、ce 邮局school学校beauty shop 美容院hospital医院hotel旅馆store曲店office办公室community社区building建筑物bank银行grocery store 杂货店drug store一店bookstore书店police station 警察局gas station 加油站coffee shop 咖啡店across from在的对面next t o 在紧接着( 某人/ 物)的一侧between 在. . .中间cinema电影院newspaper stand 报摊bakery-面包房park公园hairdresser s 美发店restaura

148、nt 餐馆zoo 动物园go straight 往前走turn right向右转turn left问左转crossing十字路口forward1 可前city城市museum博物馆gallery美术馆university方stadium 体育馆subway station 地铁站department store 百货商场square 广场street 街道see dinosaurs参观恐龙watch a soccer match 看足球比赛buy the skateboard 买滑板see an art show 参观艺术展fly a kite 放风筝visit the library 参观图

149、书馆France 法国Japan 日本Canada 力 口 拿 大United States 美国Australia 澳大利亚China 中国United Kingdom 英国Toronto 多伦多CN Tower多伦多电视塔Paris 巴黎Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔Tokyo 东京cherry blossom 樱花L os Angeles 洛杉矶Disneyland迪斯尼乐园L ondon 伦敦Big Ben 大本钟Sydney 悉尼O pera House 歌剧院travel plans 旅游计划beach 海滩swim 游泳Mount Tai 泰山see the sunrise

150、 看日出Shaolin Temple 少林寺learn Wushu 学武术West L ake 西湖take pictures 拍照safari park野生动物园see wild animals 观看野生动物vacation 假期train 火车see a flower showThailand 泰国plane 飞机see elephants 看大象Tibet 西藏car 小汽车see the Buddha Palaceship 轮船bus 公共汽车hobby ( 业余)爱好read stories 阅读故事play computer games观看花展参观布达拉宫玩电脑游戏paint pi

151、cturescollect dollskeep a diarycollect stamps收集洋娃娃记日记集邮collect stickers收集贴画make models制作模型sew ( 用针线)缝knit 编织,针织collect coins收集硬币play chess 下象棋travel 旅行h i k e 远足,徒步旅行communication 交流,联络write a letter 写 彳 言send an e-mail 发电子邮件mail a postcard 寄名信片mailbox 邮筒make a phone call 打电话pay phone( 投币式)公用电话send a short message ( 用手机)发短信cell phone 手机



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