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1、Keys to the ExercisesUnit 1 Friends Complete the WorldGetting started:1. Fast friends2. Friends in high places3. E-friends4. bosom friends5. Fair-weather friends6. Acquaintances7. pen pals8. male / female friends9. False friendsEpisode 1: Unlikely Friends (ABC News)Exercise 1:A)Antelope-b)Lioness; B

2、)Orangutan-a)Hound Dog;C)Crow-d)Kitten; D)Tortoise-c)HippoExercise 2:1. Once in a while, natures rules are broken.2. To me, they seem like long lost friends.3. The big message I get out of it is cooperating works, being social works.4. We develop very strong, intimate relationship with our pets whic

3、h come from completelydifferent species.Episode 2: Toy Story 3 (Movie Clip)Exercise 1.1. They are trying to get noticed by Andy.2. The fact is Andy has grown up, and that he is not interested in playing with these toysanymore.3. They think that war is over and theyve done their duty, and that when t

4、he trash bag comes outthey will be thrown away.4. No. He is also uncertain of their future, although he thinks Andy still care about them.5. “This job isnt about getting played with. Its about.being there for Andy.”Exercise 21.Be tucked in the attic.(T)2.Be put in the trash bag.(T)3.Be donated to ot

5、her owners.()4.Be traded on the Internet.(T)5.Be thrown away during Spring cleaning.()6.Be taken to college.()7.Be on the yard sale.()8.Be played with by Andys future kids.(T)Exercise 31. d) wait for a while2. g) something you try although it is unlikely to be successful3. f) announce4. c) be the en

6、d of something5. a) the attempt to achieve something6. e) no longer young or attractive7. b) do something in a loud and proud wayEpisode 3: The Lion King (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:Pumbaa: Youd better come and look. I think he is still alive. ( 1)Pumbaa: Maybe hell be on our side. ( 7)Timon: Are you nut

7、s? Lion eats guys like us. (4)Pumbaa: Its just a little lion. Look, he is so cute and all alone. Can we keep him? ( 3 )Timon: Hey, Tve got it. What if he is on our side? Having a lion around might not be such abad flea. (9一)Timon: Thats the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. (8一)Pumbaa: But he is so li

8、ttle. (5一)Timon: Fbs gonm gd bgger. (6一)Timon: Jbez! Fs a Ion. Rin! M) ve t! ( 2)Exercise 2:1) Nowhere2) hes depressed.3) at the top of the food chain.4) Who cares?5) Something terrible.6) Come on7) Not unless you can change the past.8) put your past behind you.9) turns its back on you10) you turn y

9、our back on the world.Exercise 3:“Hakuna Matata”, what a wonderful phrase;t4H akuna Matata, aint no passing craze;It means no worries for the lest of your days;hs our problem-free philosophy;Hakuna Matata, Hakuna MatataEpisode 4: Desperate Housewives (TV Series)Exercise 1:1 .好朋友在丢了面子时相互支持,知己则首先装作什么都

10、没发生过。2 .好朋友在危机时刻伸出援手,知己则不容对方拒绝( 帮助) 。Exercise 2:1. Its hers because she is the one who stole it.2. Lately, Gabbys been acting kind of odd. She keeps coming up with excuses to use everyonesbathroom.3. Yes. She says, Were gonna pay you back every cent. I promise.4. No, I dont think so. Bree wants to h

11、elp her friend and tries not to be humiliating, so shemakes an excuse.Unit 2 Blood Is Thicker Than WaterGetting started:1. misery2. fell3. lose4. weakness5. laugh6. sleep7. lean8. pain9. hardest10. ashamedEpisode 1: Ice Princess (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. M 2.C 3. M 4.C 5.MExercise 2:1. F 2.T 3. F 4.

12、F 5.T 6.TEpisode 2: The Joy Luck Club (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. Waverly thought her mother was using her gift for playing chess to show off.2.Waverlys brother:Boy, are you in trouble.Waverlys father:Sit down. Eat.Waverlys motherThis girl not have concerning for us. We not concerning this girl.Exerci

13、se 2:1. countermove2. champion3. belief4. bigger5. mean6. curse7. draining8. secrets9. weaknessesEpisode 3: The Blind Side (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:Michael:2) 4) 9)Ann (mother)1)Sean (father)6) 8)Investigator:3)Miss Sue:5)S.J.:7)Exercise 2:1. “My Mama would tell me to close my eyes. She was tryin* to

14、keep me from seeing her dodrugs or other bad things. And then when she was finished or the bad things were over, shedsay, now when I count to three, you open your eyes and the past is gone, the world is a goodplace, and its all gonna be okay.2. She wants him to do whatever he wants. It is your decis

15、ion, Michael. Its your3. 1) Dont play video games all night and fool around on the internet.2) You have to be very dedicated on your studies4. 3) Dont get a girl pregnant out of wedlock.5. She is very sentimental since her son is leaving her for the college.Exercise3:1. foster2. gang3. superb4. drop

16、ped5. supposeEpisode 4: Interview with the Tiger Mom (NBC News)Exercise 1:1. They are not allowed to have a slumber party.2. V They are not allowed to watch TV.3. They are not play with toys.4. J They are not allowed to get a grade less than A.5. J They are not allowed to lose their temper at home.6

17、. They are not allowed to have playdates.Exercise 2:1. F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6. FExercise 3:1. not the mainstream Chinese or Asian way2. much less a perfect mother.3. I feel so grateful to them4. Some of scenes are just supposed to be comic5. they hadnt had such high standards for meUnit 3 Journeys End

18、in Lovers MeetingGetting started:1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. DEpisode 1: The Holiday (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:11. True12. alter13. blind14. fades15. crudest16. expert17. alone18. miserable19. tears20. cursedExercise 2:1 .莎士比亚说:“ 漂泊止于爱人相会J多么美妙的想法啊。个人来说,我并不曾有过一丁点儿相似的经历,但我卜二万分愿意相信莎士比亚曾经历过( 恋爱的美

19、妙) 。2 .我们这些人是单相思的受害者。对于沉浸在爱河里的人,我们是被诅咒的。没有人爱我们。表面看来我们行动自圳,其实内心伤痕累累。我们是( 心理上的) 残疾人,但我们却无法享受普通的残疾人可以享受的停车位的优待。3 .上帝啊,只要一看到他,我就心跳加速,喉咙发紧,根本咽不下口水。这些都已是( 看到他) 的常见症状了。Episode 2: How to Talk to Girls (NBC News)Exercise 1:3. How did you decide to come up with this idea to (write this book)?4. What is the bi

20、ggest mistake you think boys made when they comes to approaching girls?5. Say you like the girl and shes on the other side of the, like a seesaw or something, whats thebest way we approach her?6. Whats the rudest thing a boy can do to turn a girl off completely?7. Is it usually a girl breaks up with

21、 a guy or a guy breaks up with a girl?8. Whos the book for?Exercise 2:10. having trouble with girls.11. they get shy, walk away or just say something wrong.12. walk up to her casually.13. say something mean to her.14. cool.15. probably for people from 8 to 80 or may be anyone.Episode 3: Madagascar 2

22、: Escape 2 Africa (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:6. He wants to tell Gloria how much he feels about her (how much he likes her). He finally picksup his courage to do so with the encouragement from King Julien and Lemur.7. He wants to become a professional whistler and invade a neighboring country to impose

23、hisideology.8. No. Moto Moto says he likes Gloria because she is huge, chunky and plump. He seems to likeGlorias appearance more than anything else.Exercise 2:1. c) 2 .-d) 3.-a) 4. - b)Exercise3:6. youd better treat this lady like a queen.7. flowers8. favorite9. Breakfast in bed.10. shoulder11. amaz

24、ingEpisode 4: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. She expects Warner to propose to her, but Warner plans to break up with her.2. Warner wants to become a Senator by the age of 30, because both his family and he himselfexpect a lot from him.3. Because he thinks Elle is not serious enough to be h

25、is wife.4. Jackie here refers to someone who is serious to be a politicians wife and Marilyn refers tosomeone who has pretty appearance but without a brain.5. Warner says: Youre gonna ruin your shoes.”Exercise 2:1. discuss our future.2. amenable3. and I need to be serious.4 .1 plan on running for of

26、fice someday.5. I fully support that6. its the right thing to do.7. because Im too blonde8. I just cant maiTy you.9. five generations of senators.Unit 4 Education Remains in YouGetting Starteda,j, b, e, g, f, d, i, c, hEpisode 1: Sister Act (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. you dont2. you gonna kick it with

27、 me3. do it at home4. catching5. to take off those hats6. Take off those sunglasses7. to be able to look into mine8. theres the doorExercise 2:1. She wants the student to earn it if they want to pass the course.2. She doesnt want a new way.3. Boring.4. We are not closed yet.5. She wants to turn the

28、students into a choir.Exercise 3:1. get down to business2. the real world is out there3. how hip you think you are4. dont have an education孩子们,让我们言归正传。如果你想要出人头地,登峰造极,你最好头脑清醒,集中精力。现实的世界就是如此,不管你有多么玩世不恭,也不管你多么自以为是,如果你没有受过教育,你将一事无成。这可是真的!Episode 2: Desperate Housewives (TV Series)Exercise 1:F2.T3.T4. F5

29、.TExercise 2Tom Plans to Go Back SchoolImpression onthe campus1) That school is amazing.2) The professors are so engaged.3) The kids were open and friendly.What to learn?Subject: Chinese.Reasons: 1) China is one of the worlds fastest growing economies.2) The opportunities for someone with his markel

30、ing experience whocan speak the language are amazing.How did heachieve in theexam?1) He puked tequila in the parking lot.2) He passed oul twice in the essay section.3) He giggled uncontrollably when I read the word Uranus.”4) He spelled Scavo wrong,What maybethe end of hisplan?He will not be broaden

31、ing my horizons anytime soon.Exercise 3:Lynette: He just makes his decisions so camdomly. Tom will learn to count to 10 in Chinese andthen will change his mind to be a beekeeper.Gabe: Maybe Tom wants to learn how to order food in Chinese. Lynette should bite the bullitand prevent Tom from his dream.

32、Susan: Maybe Tom wants to watch Bruce Lees film withoul English subfiles. Lynelte shouldinsist being practical and realistic.Bree: Lynette should use some maneuvers to stop Tom and at the same time without beingcaughl.Episode 3: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. She wants him to learn knowing

33、 before speaking.2. She is seated in the front row and shes questioned because the professor wants someone fromthe hot zone.3. Because shes not prepared for the class.4. She can return only when she is prepared.Exercise 2:1. learn to speak in a new language2. achieve insight, what you know3. knowing

34、 before speaking4. interpretation, self-doubtExercise 3:1. honored2. start3. invitation4. great5. quoted6. key7. practice8. sense9. impression10. importantlyEpisode 4: Yale Med Student Disappears (ABC News)Exercise 1LT 2.T 3. F 4.F 5.FExercise 21. They are combing over her computer.2. She was thrill

35、ed.3. Pictures of her fiance, every detail about the wedding, including her wedding dresses.4. Whether she was cold feet or the victim of a crime5. She was last seen on Tuesday entering the lab where she worked.Unit 5 When in Rome, Do as the Romans DoGetting Started:1. The Great Wall, China2. Pyrami

36、ds of Giza, Egypt3. Sydney Opera House, Australia4. Eiffel Tower, Paris5. Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco6. Statue of Liberty, N.Y.7. Taj Mahal, Agra, India8. Musee du Louvre, Paris9. Hong Kong DisneylandEpisode 1: Disney Family Museum Honors Mickeys Father (VOA SpecialEnglish)Exercise 1:1. Walt D

37、isney was the creator of Mickey Mouse.2. It was Disneys first film to combine voice, music and animated images.3. No. He experienced hurt by the strike.4. Walt Disney was “the master of an entertaining empire, the most complete and influentialshowman of this generation/9Exercise 2:1. Mickey Mouse, S

38、now White and theme parks2. public service3. his professional achievements4. 2485. motion picture industry6. special award7. the private side8. a live-action girl9. fateful10. cartoon characterEpisode 2: The Bucket List (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. Have you found joy in your life? Has your life brought

39、 joy to others?2. Yes. If they dont let me into Egyptian heaven because my daughter hates me. Well, then Iguess thats just the way it goes. However you answer your two questions.Exercise 2:1. discharge a few rounds from the big gun.2. One proved to be enough.3. This is about as majestic as it gets.4

40、. This aint half bad.5. Ok, Til bite.6. Let me put it to you this way.7. Good-looking, driven, smart8. That must have hurt.9. Main man Ray10. Are you listening to anything Im saying?Episode 3: Rick Steves Europe Highlights of Paris (Discovery Documentary)Exercise 1:Exercise 2:1. the 100th anniversar

41、y2. show off3. symbol4. marvel5. ingenuity6. plenty7. iron bars8. over 2 years9. independent10. check outExercise3:1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. FEpisode 4: Eat Pray Love (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. Without Ketuts words, Liz wouldnt have taken the journey around the world and shewouldnt have come back to her

42、self.2. Ketut asks Liz to come back to Bali and come to his cremation, because Balinese cremationceremony is very fun.3. Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of living balanced life.4. She has come to believe in something she calls 4The Physics of Quest.”Exercise 2:1. In life, it is necessary

43、to give up something for love in order to live a balanced life.2. Because all the experiences I have, I have to believe the truth.3. Lets be in love with each other.Exercise 3最后,我终于相信某种道理,我称为“ 追寻的物理学” 。一种如同重力法则般真实的自然力量主宰法则。 追寻物理学的法则是:如果你勇敢到抛下一切熟悉和舒适的事物, 包括从房子到惨痛旧恨的任何事,展开一趟寻觅真相的旅程,无论于外在或内在,也确实愿意将这趟旅程

44、中发生在你身上的一切视为线索,并将沿路认识的每个人当作老师。只要你准备好,至关重要的就是血对和原谅那些困扰你的棘手现实,真相就离你不远了Unit 6 The More the MerrierEpisode 1: Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special (Movie Clip)Exercise 11. took the liberty of2. Anyway3. amazing4. how cool are you guys5. Forget about it.6. honor7. My heroes.8. loud and crazy9. ends up10. good s

45、onExercise 21. T 2. F 3. F 4.F 5.TExercise 31. Master Wo Po is given the golden ladle which have restored his honor and the honor of hisvillage.2. Po persuades Master Shifu by saying that Shifu is his family.3. He cant understand what Po is thinking, but he believes in Pos sincerity and integrity.Ep

46、isode 2 Rick Steves* European Christmas (PBS Documentary)Lead-in1) keep myself controlled2) on the run3) where to flow4) with you5) grey6) torn apart7) stay alive8) waiting for the rain9) holy night10) lots of wishes11) hold me tight12) by my sideExercise 1CountriesWays of celebrating ChristmasEngla

47、ndVoices singing in the seasonNorwayCelebrate the light of ChristmasFranceFamilies, friends, and foodGermany and AustriaChristmas princessExercise 21) begins with2) message3) no end4) carpenter5) expecting6) manger7) region8) flocks9) Glory10) peace and good11) glorious12) Guiding13) knelt down14) g

48、ifts15) awaitedExercise 3Trick or Treating ()Caroling(J)Present-Giving ( V)Mistletoe(V)Jack-O-Lantern ()Reindeer(J)Wreath ( V)Stocking(V)Bunny)Costume ( )Fireplace ( J ) Feast ( J )Pilgrims ( ) Jesus Christ ( J )Episode 3 Friends (TV Series)Exercise 1NamesCostumesResponsesPersonalityRachelHer usual

49、dressSurpriseA fashion enthusiastMonicaCat womanStaringCompetitive womanPhoebeSuper girlStaringEccentric womanChandlerBunnyFunnyA person with sarcastic sense of humorJoeyChandlers dressappreciatedSimple-minded personRossSpudniklaughingA rational scientistEricSolar systemPraiseAn honest and sensitive

50、 personExercise 21. d 2. b 3.j 4. a 5. h 6. f 7. c 8. i 9. g 10. eEpisode 4 Independence Day (Movie Clip)Exercise 11 .谁有正当理山反对此事, 请说出来,否则永无异议。2 .史提芬,愿不愿娶这女子为妻,共度婚姻生活。3 .愿不愿爱她,安慰她、尊重她,不论健康或患病,不与他人交好,只能为她献身,直到白头偕老。Exercise 21. launching2. petty3. common interest4. freedom5. oppression6. right to live.

51、7. no longer8. declared9. quietly10. surviveExercise 31. Americans used to fight for their independence on July 4, 1776 and today Americans willfight again for the human being on the same day.Unit 7 Save the Planet, Save OurselvesGetting Started:1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. BEpis

52、ode 1: An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)Exercise 1:3. 2. 1. 4. 6. 7. 5.Exercise 2:1. Wondering2. all the way from the sun3. popping in4. hurts5. rotting corpses6. get rid of7. handsomest8. last-minute9. ice cube10. once and for allEpisode 2: An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)Exercise 1:1. old tec

53、hnologies that are dirty and polluting2. shaking loose the familiar pattern3. completely unacceptable consequencesExercise 2:1. We have to find a way to make sure that the warnings are heard and responded to.2. The generation is called the baby boom generation. They were born after World War II.3. W

54、hen he was born the number of population was about 2 billion. When he reaches his 50s, thenumber has already gone to almost 6.5 billion. If he reaches the demographic expectation forhis generation, it will go over 9 billion.4. It puts pressure on food demand, water demand and vulnerable natural reso

55、urces.5. It will lead to the devastation of forest not only tropical but elsewhere.Episode 3: Obamas Earth Day Message (Speech)Exercise 1:1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. TExercise 2:1. a healthier environment2. clean energy3. clean water infrastructure4. we have to choose between creating jobs and a healthy

56、environment5. weve made significant progress6. tackle our environmental challenges7. take steps in their own homes and their own communities8. leave you with a challenge9. riding the bus or the subway to work10. more energy efficientEpisode 4: The Day After Tomorrow (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. The tor

57、nado has shredded the Hollywood sign.2. They were taking pictures.3. It means “I am taking a big risk”.4. Jack was wrong about the time when the New Ice Age would come.5. Jacks suggestion to the vice president is large scale of evacuation.Exercise 2:1. Weve met2. I think you should take a look at3.

58、simulation model4. severe weather5. changing violently6. whats happening all around the world7. all the necessary preparation8. large-scale evacuation9. You lost your mind10. its going to be too lateUnit 8 The Oscars and the MoviesGetting Started:LB 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. AEpisode 1: 80 Years of Oscar (2

59、008)Exercise 1:1. entertain2. get away3. inspire4. challenge5. touches6. honoredExercise 2:1 .电影可以娱乐身心, 亦可以赋予人们希望; 不同的影片引领观众进入不同的“ 戏剧人生” ,展现从未涉足的地域风景,让人们享受,哪怕只是短暂的,逃离世俗嘈杂与喧嚣的快感2 .电影亦赋予人们灵感与鞭策,纵然个体间存在着差异,但电影总能洞悉人性本质,触动心灵。Episode 2: Best Actress Helen Mirren: The Queen (2006)Exercise 1:Penelope Cruz,

60、in Volver,Judi Dench, in Notes on a Scandal;Helen Mirren, in The Queen;Meryl Streep, in The Devil Wears Prada.Kate Winslet, in Little Children.Exercise 2:1. Its a huge honor. The biggest and the best gold stars that she has ever had in her life.2. They are brilliant, brilliant actresses who get such

61、 amazing performances this year.3. She had maintained her dignity, her sense of duty and her hair-style. Shes had her feet plantedfirmly on the ground, her hat on her head, her handbag on her arm and shes weathered many,many storms. She has full courage and consistenceEpisode 3: Best Actress: Kate W

62、inslet: The Reader (2008)Exercise 1:Fearlessly amazing example not afraid extraordinary brilliant performance passion,vulnerability and extraordinary depth unforgettable gifted inspiring wonderful authenticportrayal exceptional unmatched excellence singular creations astonishing playedauthentically

63、modern gfts enduring poverExercise 2:Anne Hathaway, in Rachel Getting MarriedAngelina Jolie, in ChangelingMelissa Leo, in Frozen RiverMeryl Streep, in DoubtKate W in s le t,ReaderExercise3:Sophia Loren in Two Wan enShirly MacLaine in Terms of EndearmentHalle Berry in Monsters BallNicole Kidman in Th

64、e HoursMarion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose.Exercise 41. F 2.T 3. F 4.T 5.T 6. F 7.TExercise 51. she held the shampoo bottle to pretend it as the Oscar statuette2. her dad whistled during her speech3. they let her do what she loves and they love her just the way that she isEpisode 4: Natalie Portman (

65、CNN News)Exercise 1:1. seventeen2. nominated3. thirteen4. professional5. dancing her way6. transition7. temped8. celebrities9. extraordinarylO.publicist11. due in part to12. dedicated to13. parental situation14. fall apart15. work ethicExercise 2:1. She was 13 years old 17 years ago.2. Portmans smoo

66、th transition from child actor to adult super star, all well-sides stepping intotraps that temped many young celebrities today.3. According to the Hollywood publicist Bragman, the factors attribute to Portmans success are:a. Valuable guidance from her mom and dad.b. Her work ethic, she is discipline

67、d and hard-working4. In Liam Neeson 4s opinion, She had presents she had a cord, she is very very intelligent, andshe picks her project very carefully, she is a ten ific talent.Unit 9 Work as a Way of Self-ActualizationEpisode 1 The Nanny Diaries (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. New Jersey2. Mother reared

68、Anny all by herself. She is a nurse.3. Business and Anthropology4. AnthropologyExercise 2:5. Annie doesnt seem to be confident enough to work as a financial analyst, but Mum thinksAnnie is smart and qualified to be a future CFO; Annie is interested in anthropology, but Mumdoesnt think it is a field

69、that Anny can make a living at.6. a trick question; the date of birth; home town; socioeconomic makeup; who I was; where I fitin; who I was gonna be.7. No. Neither Tribeca Fashionista nor Park Slope Lawyer is the ideal person Annie wants tobecome. They live their lives, but where does Annie fit in?

70、Annie feels so depressed after thejob interview that she thinks maybe the bag lady at Central Park will be her future.8. (Open-ended)Exercise 3:I) buy you your first business suit2) look back on3) competitive4) negative5) give the world to be sitting where youre sitting right now6) tell you how to l

71、ive your life7) Im not CFO material8) make a living at thatEpisode 2: The Pursuit of Happyness (Movie Clip)Exercise 1.6. T 2. F 3.T 4. F 5. FExercise 21. Earnestness, diligence, team-playing, determination, etc.2. Honesty, determination, smartness, etc.3. Chris would like to take some time thinking

72、further about whether to get this internshipposition, because at that time he needs money so much. After he determines, he would call Jayto make him know the final decision.4. Jay cant believe this, maybe he feels a little annoyed. He says, “What are you talking? Youhounded me for this. You stood he

73、re. If Chris backs out, Jay would look like an idiot to hispartners.Exercise 31) salary;2) a reasonable promise of a job;3) intern;4) a pool of 20;5) apply;6) The only resource;7) we might get byEpisode 3: The Devil Wears Prada (Movie Clip)Exercise 11. Andrea is interviewed for the position of an as

74、sistant for Miranda.2. Yes. A million girls would kill for this job.”3. No. She has never read Runway, either.4. What she means is Andrea doesnt seem to have any sense of fashion.5. It may be because several previous assistants are completely inadequate, and this girl lookslike she is a completely d

75、ifferent type from the previous ones. Since she says she is smart,why not give her a chance?Exercise 21) graduated from2) I think I could do a good job as your assistant3) came to New York4) sent letters out5) finally got a call from6) that depends on7) editor in chief8) won a national competition f

76、or college journalists9) I dont fit in here.10) Fm smart, I learn fast and I will work very hard.Episode 4: Best Job in the World (CNN News)Exercise 1:5. 1) caretaker2) 3-bedroom luxury house3) whales; turtles4) $100,0005) 6 months6) write a weekly blog for the Tourism Board of Queensland about your

77、 island experience.6. 1) over 18.2) be able to swimExercise 21. T 2.T3.F4.T5. F6. FUnit 10 Hold Fast to Your DreamsEpisode 1: Ice Princess (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. a) the experiments successb) improvementc) very rewarding and highly personal way2. a) a key componentb) exceptional things3. what I ne

78、ed to be doing4. Im going after mineExercise 2:1. F 2. F 3.T 4.T 5.FEpisode 2: Sister Act (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. a dead end2. neighborhood, the land of opportunity, whats the point3. what youre gonna get to do and not do4. a ) 这个小姑娘脾气可真坏!b ) 我有点不喜欢你的脾气。Exercise 2Rainer Maria RilkeSister Mary Clar

79、enceEventI want to be a writer. Please readmy stuff.EncouragementDont ask me about being a writer.If, when you wake up in themorning, you can think of nothingbut writing, then youre a writer.Fm gonna say the same thing to you.If you wake up in the morning and youcant think of anything but singingfir

80、st, then youre supposed to be asinger.My words toencourage myselfExercise 3:1. put food on the table, pay the bills, guarantee to a future2. out of the clouds3. end up4. you got to studyEpisode 3: Ratatouille (Movie Clip)Exercise 1:1. First of all, Im a rat. Which means life is hard. And second, I h

81、ave a highly developed senseof taste and smell. Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell.2. Good food is like a music you can taste, a color you can smell.3. Each flavor was totally unique. But combine one flavor with another, and something new wascreated.4. He has just lost his fa

82、mily and all his friends.5. A cook makes. A thief takes.Exercise 2:FatherRemyJob (poisonchecker)1Youve helped a noble cause.Noble? We are thieves and what weare stealing is garbage.2It isnt stealing if no one wants it.If no one wants it,why are we stealingit?FoodFood is fuel. You get picky aboutwhat

83、 you put in the tank, yourengine is going to die.If you are what you eat, then I onlywant to eat the good stuff.Why not steal the good stuff in thekitchen? where noting is poisoned!HumansStay out of the kitchen and awayfrom humans. Its dangerous.They dont just survive. Theydiscovery. They survive.Ex

84、ercise 3:1 .wishful thinking, what lies ahead2. find food, you are better than that, who loves to cookEpisode 4: Peter Luo (CNN News)Exercise 11. a small village in southwest China,2. farmers3. a) 12b) from 0 to tenc) zeroExercise 21. a) a real-life textbook caseb) is putting into practice2. teach E

85、nglish, saw much more in him, culinary school, tricks, guidance and financial backingExercise 31. 3, opening a chain, hard work2. as big as TexasUnit 11 Fascinating Lives of CelebritiesEpisode 1: Jane Zhang (Talk Show)Exercise 1:Chinese Name张靓颖English NameJane ZhangNick Namethe dolphin princessBirth

86、 PlaceChengdu, ChinaFathersoccupationtruck driverMothersoccupationoffice assistantat 15After her father died, Jane took a job singing at a local pub after schooland soon became a local favorite.in 2005She took part in a new TV talent show called “The Mongolian CowSour Yogurt Super Girl“ and became a

87、 star.Exercise 2:1. Super Voice Girl”2. For three years, she has been named Chinas best female artist and shes topped the chartswith a stunning 15 number one hit singles.3. One thing she is pretty sure is that when shes on the stage and sings, she feels that she is soreal and so special.4. Her favor

88、ite American singer is Mariah Carey, because her song “Hero” encourages her to bea singer herselfEpisode 2: Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech (Speech)Exercise 1:1. His biological mother was a young college graduate student. She decided to put him up foradoption because she was unwed.2. A lawye

89、r and his wife were about to adopt him at first, but finally a couple who were notcollege graduates adopted him.3. The college tuition was very expensive and he couldnt see the value in it. He had no ideawhat he wanted to do with his life and no idea how college was going to help him figure itout.4.

90、 He didnt have a dorm room, so he slept on the floor in friends* rooms. He returned cokebottles for the 5 C deposits to buy food with, and he would walk the 7 ini les across townevery Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple.5. He took a calligraphy class in college and 10

91、 years later when he was designing the firstMacintosh computer, it all came back to him. And he designed it all into the Mac. It was thefirst computer with beautiful typography.?Exercise 2:1. label2. drawer3. varying4. artistically5. fascinating6. application7. dropped in8. multiple9. proportionally

92、10. dropped outExercise 3:你无法预先把这些点点滴滴串连在一起; 唯有未来回顾时, 你才会明白那些点滴小事是如何串连的。所以你得相信,你现在所体会的点滴小事,将来或多或少会串连在一起。你必须相信某个东西,直觉也好,命运也好,生命也好,或者业力。相信点滴终将串连,让你有信心追求你心所愿,哪怕你走的道路与众不同。这会让你的人生不同凡响。Episode 3: Jack Ma (Interview)Exercise 1:1. unassuming2. ambitions3. built up4. tech giant5. deal6. venture7. expanded8.

93、prides9. showing off10. embracesExercise 2:1. I find it interesting. I find that when I listen to these foreign tourists, what they talk about, andI lean) from the schools are different. To know that the world is different from what you thinkand from what you learn. That is the thing that keeps me g

94、rowing and growing.2. The Jin Yong book tells me that if you want to be a great person or a great company you haveto work very hard. And you have to suffer a lot of temble things before you can be a hero.3. To change the culture of a company is very difficult. So now we have patience.4. I believe th

95、at in 10 years in the world there will be three top Internet companies and one ofthem will be from China and Alibaba wants to be that one.Episode 4: Tiger Woods9 Apology (Speech)Exercise X :1. F2. T3. F4. T5. FExercise 2:1. hurt or attacked2. domestic violence3. deserves praise4. irresponsible behav

96、ior5. the core values6. normal rules7. straight through the boundaries8. all the temptations around me9. money and fame10. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me.仲以疝x”Scripts of the selected movie scenes and news programsUnit 1 Friends Complete the WorldEpisode 1: Unlikely Friends (N

97、ews Report)Roles: 1. Reporter2. Nick Watt3. B hag van Anile4. Tony Fitzjohn5. Kevin J. McGowan6. Saba Douglas-HamiltonReporter: Improbable pals, animal pals, they say birds of a feature flock together, but so, too,at times two opposites attract. The folks at the National Geographic Channel havedisco

98、vered some highly unlikely animal friends. Here is Nick Watt.Nick: Animals are supposed to stick with their own kind, a pride of lions, or a school offish, a gaggle of geese, or I dont know, a bunch of dudes. Once in a while, naturesrules are broken. Take the orangutan and a hound dog, they became i

99、nstant BFFs atSouth Carolina, Animal Park.Mr. Antle: To me, they seem like long lost friends, you know, they would make you believein reincarnation.Nick: In the Kenyan reserve, after an unpromising start, a boisterous baby hippo named“Owen” and a grouchy one-hundred-thirty-year-old tortoise called ,

100、Oomzeibecame inseparable.Mr. Fitzjohn: To know these animals are capable of emotions like love, and understanding andcaring like we are, its quite eye-opening.”Nick: Take a crow and the kitten in Massachusetts. They were playmates for years.Mr. McGowan: The big message I get out of it is cooperating

101、 works, being social works.Nick: In the wilds of Africa, this fearsome lioness mothered a baby antelope, by the lawof jungle, she should have eaten it.Mrs. Hamilton: But then again, you know, we develop very strong, intimate relationships withour pets which come from completely different species.Nic

102、k: If a dopey dog can make friends with a bright orange goof-ball (orangutan), I guessthere is no excuse for anyone, man or beast, not to get along. Nick Watt ABC New,London.Episode 2: Toy Story 3 (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Woody2. Buzz3. Ham4. Jessie5. Rex6. Jessie7. Mr. Potato8. Mrs. Potato9. SargesWoo

103、dy: Okay, places, everyone. Come on, come on. Get in position.Mrs. Potato: Wait! I cant find my other eye.Ham: All right, whose foots in my face?Mr. Potato: Its mine. Give it back.Aliens: You have saved our lives. We are eternally grateful.Jessie: Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to ya?Buzz: Yes. No.

104、 I mean, why would I mind squeezing next to you? Is it hot in here?Rex: Here they come!Woody: Sarge, you got it?Sarge: Mission accomplished.Rex: Hooray!Buzz: Careful. Careful!Woody: All right, guys. We got one shot at this. Everyones ready?Jessie: Were ready, Woody. Lets do it!Woody: Okay, Buzz. Mak

105、e the call.Buzz: Target is on approach.Woody: Just like we rehearsed it, guys.Andy: Hello? Hello? Anyone there? Molly, stay out of my room!Molly: 1 wasn*t in your room.Andy:Molly:Mr. Potato:Then who was messing with my stuff?It wasnt me.Well, that went well.Rex:He held me! He actually held me!Ham:Th

106、is is just sad.Rex:Who9re we kiddin1? The kid * s 17 years old.Mr. Potato:We aint ever gettin played with.Woody:Ham:Guys, hey, hold up. We need a staff meeting. Everyone! A staff meeting!Not again!Woody:Come on. Slink, gather everyone up.Slink:We are gathered, Woody.Woody:Okay. First off, we all kne

107、w operation playtime was a long shot.Mr. Potato:More like a misfire.Woody:But weve always said this job isnt about getting played with. Its about.Jessie:Being there for Andy. We know.Rex:But we can try again! Right?Woody:Im callin it, guys. Were closing up shop.(Toys:)Woody:What?Andys going to colle

108、ge any day now. That was our last shot.Buzz:Were going into attic mode, folks. Keep your accessories with you at all times.Spare parts, batteries, anything you need for an orderly transition.Mr. Potato:Orderly? Dont you get it? Were done! Finished! Over the hill!Woody:Hey, hey, hey, now. Come on, gu

109、ys. We all knew this day was coming.Ham:Yeah, but now its here.Woody:Look, every toy goes through this. No one wants to see.Buzz:Hey, Sarge! What are you doing?Sarge 1:Wars over, folks. Me and the boys are moving on.Woody:Moving on?Buzz:Youre going AWoL?Sarge 1:Weve done our duty. Andy*s grown up.Sa

110、rge 2:Mr. Potato:And lets face it, when the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.Trash bags?Woody:Who said anything about trash bags?Sarge 2:It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.Mrs. Potato &Mr. Potato: Yeah.Sarge 3:Woody:Youre gonna need it.No, no, no. Wait, wait

111、, wait, wait!Rex:Were getting thrown away?Woody:Mr. Potato:No. No one*s getting thrown away.How do you know?Jessie:Were being abandoned!Woody:Well be fine, Jessie.Ham:So why did Sarge leave?Mrs. Potato: Should we leave?Slink:I thought we were goin1 to the attic.Rex:I hate all this uncertainty!Woody:

112、Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quiet! No ones gettingthrown out, okay? Were all still here. I mean, yeah, weve lost friends along theway. Wheezy and Etch and.Rex:Bo Peep?Woody:Yeah. Even Bo. All good toys whove gone on to new owners. But through everyyard sale, every spring clea

113、ning, Andy held on to us! He must care about us, or wewouldnt be here. You wait. Andys gonna tuck us in the attic. Itll be safe andwarm.Buzz:And well all be together.Woody:Buzz:Exactly! ThereYe games up there, and books, and.The racecar track!Woody:The racecar track. Thank you!Slink:And the old TV.W

114、oody:There you go, the old TV. And those guys from the Christmas decorations box.Theyre fun, right?Woody:And someday, if weYe lucky, Andy may have kids of his own.Rex:And hell play with us them, right?Woody:Well always be there for him.Buzz:Come on, guys. Lets get our parts together, get ready, and

115、go out on a high note.Mrs. Potato: Fd better find my other eye.Mr. Potato:Whered you leave it this time?Mrs. Potato: Someplace dark and dusty.Ham:Come on. Let*s see how much were going for on eBay.Woody:Dont worry. Andys gonna take care of us. I guarantee it!Buzz:You guarantee it, huh?Woody:Buzz:I d

116、on*t know, Buzz. What else could I say?Well, whatever happens, at least well all be together, for infinity and beyond.Episode 3: The Lion King (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Timon2. Pumbaa3. SimbaTimon:Get out, get out, get out of here.Pumbaa:I love this ! Bowling for buzzards.Timon:(It) gets them every time.

117、Pumbaa:Uh-oh, hey, Timon, youd better come and look, I think he is still alive.Timon:All righty? What do we get here? Jeez, its a lion! Run, Pumbaa, move it!Pumbaa:Hey, Timon, its just a little lion. Look at him, he is so cute and all alone. Can wekeep him?Timon:Pumbaa, Are you nuts? Youre talking a

118、bout a lion. Lions eat guys like us.Pumbaa:But he is so little.Timon:Hes going to get bigger.Pumbaa:Maybe heH be on our side.Timon:Ha! Thats the stupidest thing Fve ever heard. Maybe hell. Hey, Ive got it. What ifhes on our side? You know, having a lion around might not be such a bad idea.Pumbaa:So

119、are we keeping him?Timon:Of course, who is the brains of this outfit? My point exactly. Jeez, Im fried. Letsget out of here and find some shade.Pumbaa:You OK, kid?Simba:I guess so.Pumbaa:You nearly died.Timon:I saved you. Well. Pumbaa helped, A littleSimba:Thanks for your help.Pumbaa:Hey! Where are

120、you going?Simba:Nowhere.Pumbaa &Timon: #Its our problem-free philosophy.#Timon:Gee, he looks blue.Pumbaa:rd say brownish gold.Timon:No, no, no. I mean hes depressed.Pumbaa:Kid. Whafs eatin, ya?Timon:Nothing. Hes at the top of the food chain. Haha.the food chain. So, where are youfrom?Simba:Who cares

121、? I cant go back.Timon:Youre an outcast. Thats great. So are we.Pumbaa:Whatd you do, kid?Simba:Something terrible. But I dont want to talk about it.Timon:Good. We dont want to hear about it.Pumbaa:Come on, Timon, anything we can do?Simba:Not unless you can change the past.Pumbaa:You know kid, in tim

122、es like this, my buddy Timon here says, You got to put yourbehind in your past.Timon:No, no. Amateur. Lie down before you hurt yourself. Its you got to put your pastbehind you. Look, kid, bad things happen and you cant do anything about it, right?Simba:Right.Timon:Wrong! When the world turns its bac

123、k on you, you turn your back on the world.Simba:Well, that5s not what I was taught.Timon:Then maybe you need a new lesson. Repeat after me: Hakuna Matata.Simba:What?Pumbaa:Hakuna Matata. It means “no worries.”Timon:(Sing) #Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase.#Pumbaa:#Hakuna Matata, aint no passin

124、g craze.#Timon:#It means no worries for the rest of your days.#Timon:#Hakuna Matata#Simba:Hakuna Matata?Pumbaa:Yep. Its our motto.Simba:Whats a motto?Timon:Nothing. Whats the motto with you?Pumbaa:You know, kid, these two words will solve all your problems.Timon:Thats right. Take Pumbaa for example.

125、 Why? #When he was a young warthog#Pumbaa:#When I was a young warthog.#Timon:Very nice.Timon:#He found his aroma lacked a certain appeal.#He could clear the savanna after every meal.#Pumbaa:#Im a sensitive soul, though I seem thick-skinned.#And it hurt that my friends never stood downwind#And a sham

126、e.#Timon:#What a shame.#Pumbaa:#Thought of changing my name.#Timon:#Oh, whats in a name?#Pumbaa:#And I got downheaded.#Timon:#How did you feel?#Pumbaa:#Everytime that I.#Timon:Hey, Pumbaa, not in front of the kids.Pumbaa:Oh, sorry.Timon &Pumbaa: #Hakuna Matata, what a wonderful phrase.#Episode 4: De

127、sperate Housewives (TV Series)Roles:1. Gabby2. Bree3. Carlos(At Gabbys backyard)Gabby:Ta-da!Carlos:Stuff like this is why I love you.Carlos:Occupied!Gabby:Carlos, I have to go.Carlos:Well, you could have to wait.Gabby:Why should I have to wait? Its my port-a-potty.Carlos:What do you mean its yours?G

128、abby:Im the one who stole it.Carlos:Babe, Pm sorry. Youre just gonna have to wait.(In Brees house)Gabby:Thank you so much, Bree. Seeing your tile has helped me make my decision. Next(The next day)time I remodel, I am using limestone.Bree:Gabrielle, is everything OK?Gabby:Sure. Why?Bree:Well, it*s ju

129、st that youve been acting kinda odd lately.Gabby:In what way?Bree:You keep coming up with excuses to use everyones bathroom. And then two daysago Mr. Cawley looked into your back yard and saw you and Carlos doing yourlaundry in the Jacuzzi.Gabby:Well, uh. theres a simple explanation for that. I, um.

130、Bree:Are you and Carlos having some sort of money trouble? Gaby, it*s OK if you are.Gabby:Is that so?Bree:Yes. And to tell you the truth, Fm a little insulted. I am a good friend. Why wouldyou feel like you have to hide that from me?Gabby:I dont know. Probably for the same reason you didnt tell me R

131、ex was one ofMaisy*s clients.Bree:That is obviously different.Gabby:Why? Because it happened to you? Bree, this is how I see it: Good friends supporteach other after theyve been humiliated. Great friends pretend nothing happened inthe first place.Bree:Well, then, good luck on your remodel.Gabby:And

132、please tell Rex I said hello.Gabby:Bree, hi.Bree:Hi.Gabby:What*s up?Bree:Well, um.Fve been doing some thinking. Rex and I have been members of theFairview Country Club for years and lately it seems to have lost some of itsexclusivity. And so, Ive decided not to renew our membership. Id rather see th

133、emoney go to someone I care about.Gabby:Oh, Bree, I. I cant take that.Bree:Gaby, this is the way I see it. Good friends offer to help in a crisis. Great friendsdont take “no for an answer.Gabby:Were gonna pay you back every cent. I promise.Bree:Take your time.Unit 2: Blood Is Thicker Than WaterEpiso

134、de 1:Roles:Ice Princess (Movie Clip)1. Mom2. CaseyMom:Hi, where have you been?Casey:Stayed late at school.Mom:No, where have you been all week?Casey:Oh, just this tutoring thing has got me totally stretched out.Mom:Why are you doing this? I mean this kids obviously the dumbest ninth-grader onthe pla

135、net.Casey:Mom, it looks good on my application. Anns doing it too.Mom:Ann was with you just now?Casey:Yeah. Five minutes ago.Mom:Ann just phoned for you. Whats going on?Casey:Nothing.Mom:And since when do you get a C on a test? I saw it in your room. I was not snooping.I mean, you and As are like pe

136、anut butter and jelly. Is it belated rebellion? What? Isit.Is it the boy?Casey:Mom, no!Mom:Im sorry. You do realize what is at stake with your grades right now?Casey:I know. I know. Fm sorry. I feel bad about the C, okay? Can you just give it a rest?Mom:Sweetie!Casey:Mom, I just want to compete at r

137、egionals.Mom:Why? What do you have to gain by this?Casey:Im good.Mom:So, what are you saying? You wanna just blow off our whole plan for you, chuckthe scholarship and become a professional athlete? Case, what is the shelf life on anice-skater? Eight years? And then a few years touring with Has-Beens

138、 on ice. Andthats it? Thats the end of your life?Casey:I love it, Mom.Mom: Case, there*s no shelf life on your mind. If I*d learned to how use mine a littlesooner, if Id gone to college when I was your age, maybe we wouldnt be livinglike this.Casey: Theres nothing wrong with the way we live.Mom: I h

139、ave not been able to give you a quarter of the things Ive wanted to.Casey: Youve given me everything.Mom: Then you need to give me something now.Episode 2: The Joy Luck Club (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Mom2. Waverly3. Waverlys brother4. Waverlys fatherWaverlys Voice: My mom always does this. Whatever I sa

140、y, whatever I do, whatever I think,she always has the perfect countermove. As if she had been the chesschampion. Even at that age, I knew I had an amazing gift: this power, thisbelief in myself, to be better than anyone else. If someone was bigger than me,older than me, it didnt matter. And if they

141、were mean, I could makeem soiTy.(In a chess contest)Waverly:Checkmate.Audience:Congratulations. She wasW 勺 Voice:It was the only part of my life, to this day, where I trusted myself completely.Audience:Very good.Mom:Thank you.Audience:Good work.Mom:Thank you.Audience:You did good.W, s Voice:I was sa

142、fe there.Audience:Very nice job.Mom:Weve been very lucky.Vmce-over:I still cry, remembering that.Mom:Thank you.(In the street)Mom:You not see Life magazine?Friend:No.Mom:I told my daughter, Use your horses to run over the enemy. She won very quicklythis way.(music)One fine dayFriend:Oh, good.Mom:Bye

143、-bye.(music)Youll look at meMom:Bye-bye. Say bye-bye.(music)And you will knowMom:Bye.Friend:Bye.(music):Our love was meant to beMom:Hi.(music)One fine dayMom:Ah, Mrs. Chew!(music):Youre gonna want me for your girlMom:Oh, you know my daughter, Waverly Jong, chess champion?Mrs Chew:Smart girl! Bye.(mu

144、sic):he arms I long for will open wideMom:Thank you. Bye-bye.(music):And youll be proud to have meWaverly:I wish you wouldnt do that, telling everyone Im your daughter.Mom:What you mean? You so ashamed to be with your mother?(music)One fine dayWaverly:Its not that.(music)Youre gonna want me for your

145、 girlWaverly:Its just that its so.embarrassing, thats all.Mom:What? Embarrassed you be my daughter?Waverly:Thats not what I said.(music)Ill keep waiting and some day, darlingMom:Then what you say? Look at me!(music)Youll come to meMom:Look at me!(Back home)(music)When you want to settle downWaverly:

146、Why do you have to use me to show off?(music)Oh, one fine dayWaverly:If you want to show off.(music)Well meet once moreWaverly:then why dont you learn to play chess?(music)And then youll want the love.You threw away beforeOne fine dayYoure gonna want me for your girlMom:Waverly! Waverly! You come ba

147、ck!Brother:About time. Boy, are you in trouble.Father:Sit down. Eat.Mom:This girl not have concerning for us. We not concerning this girl.Waverly:Im never gonna play chess again! You cant make me! You can torture me all youwant, I still wont. Did you hear what I said?Ws Voice:For months I kept expec

148、ting Ma to beg me to play chess again, but she nevermentioned it, as if I had never played at all.Waverly:Guess what? Ive decided to play chess again.Mom:You think it is so easy. One day quit, next day play. Everything for you is this way.So smart, so easy, so fast. Not so easy anymore.W 为 Voice:Wha

149、t she said, it was like a curse. This power I had, this belief in myself, I could aactually feel it draining away. I could feel myself becoming so ordinary. All thesecrets I once saw, I couldnt see them anymore. All I could see was were mymistakes, my weaknesses. The best part of me just.Boy:W 与 Voi

150、ce:Check.disappeared. But I cant put it all on my mother. I did it to myself. I never playedchess again.Hl:Episode 3: The Blind Side (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Leigh Anne2. Michael3. Investigator4. Sean5. Miss Sue6. S.J.7. Collins(Outside a fast food restaurant)Michael: You think the police is gonna come

151、 and get me?Anne: Id imagine the last thing they want at Hurt Village is bunch of cops snoopingaround. I swore I would never ask this, but how did you get out of there, Michael?Michael: When I was little and something awful was happening, my Mama would tell me toclose my eyes. She was tryin to keep

152、me from seeing her do drugs or other badthings. And then when she was finished or the bad things were over, shed say, Hnowwhen I count to three, you open your eyes and the past is gone, the world is a goodplace, and ifs all gonna be okay.*Anne: You closed your eyes. You know, when I was driving all

153、over Kingdom Comelooking for you, I kept thinking about one thing: Ferdinand the bull. I know 1should have asked this a long time ago, Michael. Do you even wanna play football?I mean do you even like it?Michel: Im pretty good at it.Anne: Yeah, you are. Sean and I have been talking and.Michael, if yo

154、ure gonna acceptthe football scholarship, we think it should be to Tennessee. And I promise that Iwill be at every game cheering for you.Michael: Every game?Anne: Every game. But I will not wear that gaudy orange. I will not. It is not in my colorwheel and Im not gonna wear it.Michael: So you want m

155、e to go to Tennessee?Anne: I want you to do whatever you want. It is your decision, Michael. Ifs your life.Michael: What if I want to flip burgers?Anne: Its your decision; it*s your life.Michael: Okay.Anne: Okay, what?(In the Interrogation Room)Michael: Fm sorry I left the other day.Investigator: Yo

156、u were pretty upset.Michael: You asked a lot of questions.Investigator: Fm just trying to get to the bottom of this.Michael: But all questions you asked were about why everybody else wanted me to go to OleMiss.Investigator: Okay.Michael: Not once did you ask why did I want to go there.Investigator:

157、Alright, fine, Michael.Why do you want to go to Ole Miss?Michael: Because its where my family goes to school. It*s where theyve always gone toschool.(On Ole Miss campus)Anne: Colleges gonna be different experience for you, Michael. SJ, stop it. There are lotsof distractions.Sean: Have a fun.Anne: Th

158、ere*s gonna be some nimrod in the dorm who wants to play video games all night,or fool around on the internet.Sean: Just have fun.Anne: And you will spend a lot of time at practice, which means.which means you haveto be very dedicated to your studies, alright? SJ, if you donI stop it right- Comehere

159、.SJ: No.Miss Sue: Relax, Mama. I just got back from the library I reserved a private cubicle for thesemester. Heres your class schedule and our study hall hours. Now, if yall dontmind Im gonna go move into my new apartment.Anne: Thank you, Miss Sue.Kids: Thank you, Miss Sue,Miss Sue: Yeah, yeah, yea

160、h.Anne: Lets see what youve got: Colleges Writing, good, psychology, math lab.Its gonnabe good. Just. know why. A lot of good classes.Sean: Youll have a lot of fun.Anne: SJ!Michael Oher, you listen to me, alright? I want you to enjoy yourself, but if you geta girl pregnant out of wedlock Fil crawl i

161、n the car, drive up her to Oxford and cutoff your penis.SJ: She means it.Annes Voice: I read a story the other day about a boy from the projects. No daddy, in and out ofMichael:Yes maam.Anne:Alright. Now, 78s gonna be a parking lot. So we should be going. Or everyone.Say the goodbyes, alright. Here.

162、 Bye, baby.Michael:Thank you, Mama.Anne:Youre welcome.Michael:Whyd she always do that?Sean:Shes an onion. Michael. You have to peel her back one layer at a time.Michael:Ill be back.Anne:What? What, Michael?Michael:I need a proper hug.foster care. Hed been killed in a gang fight at Hurt Village. In t

163、he last paragraphthey talked about his superb athletic skills and how different his life might havebeen if he hadnt fallen behind and dropped out of school. He was twenty-one yearsold the day he died. It was his birthday. That could have been anyone. It could havebeen my son, Michael. But it wasnt.

164、And I suppose I have God to thank for that.God and Lawrence Taylor.Episode 4: Interview with the Tiger Mom (NBC News)Roles:1. Hostess2. Amy Chua (Tiger Mom)Hostess:A new book on one mums parenting is getting a lot of attention this week. Battlehymn of The Tiger Mother, was written by Amy Chua, a Yal

165、e Law Schoolprofessor who follows her Chinese traditions in raising her children. That meansthey were not allowed to watch TV; have playdates; they couldnt get a grade lessthan an A. Well, Amy Chua joins us now. Good morning, Amy!Amy:Hostess:Good morning!I wanna again go to the details of your book

166、in just a moment, but we have tomention that youve been getting a lot of comments, we should say, about yourbook and a lot of them, not very positive. Were you anticipating, you know, howcontroversial this book would be?Amy:I knew it would be controversial but this has been, er. much more intense. I

167、 meanI think part of the problems is people dont realize its not a parenting book; ifs justmy story including my mistakes. Its a memoir. I was raised by Chinese parentswho were very strict but also super loving and supportive. To this day, I adore them,I feel like I owe them everything and they9re m

168、y idols, you know, even thoughtheyre very tough. I mean my dad. my parents came over, and they were so poorwhen they first got here that they couldnt afford heat their first two winters inBoston and have to wear blanket around to keep warm. When my mum gotpregnant with my second sister, they didnt h

169、ave the money to pay for the hospitaland they borrowed money from a near stranger. So when my sisters and I weregrowing up, three of us, yeah, there were these harsh rules: no playdates; A minusis not a great grade, er, chores, respect. But I soil of felt like it was.and there aresome harsh words, y

170、ou know. But I always knew there was love there and I felt thatthey earned the right to demand that of me.Hostess: They were doing it for your own good. I wanna, I wanna talk about what peoplewere saying just so that you can have the opportunity to say what you like. She isa monster. ” The way she r

171、aised her kids is outrageous and not the mainstreamChinese or Asian way.” This woman obviously has a chip on her shoulder thinkingthat she is superior to other cultures.” That poor dysfunctional mother: there is nosuch thing as perfect children, much less a perfect mother. How do you react tothose c

172、omments?Amy: Well, theyre pretty. they are pretty painful. Maybe not a lot of people. Iunderstand how people held their reaction. Theyre on the outside. They dont see.And they also. actually dont realize that Im not saying that this is superior. Infact, the whole book is actually about how things di

173、dnt work out. Because Irespected my parents so much and I feel so grateful to them, I want to raise my twodaughters the same way. But things were smooth with my first daughter, but thenmy second daughter came along. A big feisty girl. We were very similar intemperament. And she rebelled. And that at

174、 certain point I realized if I dont pullback, Im gonna lose her. And I chose to pull back.Hostess: Do you regret some of the things you said. I think that.that?s what caused someof the controversy. In fact, you put in the book, some of these harsh words you saidto you daughters. You know, Tm gonna b

175、urn all of your stuffed animals if youdont play the violin. I mean, if you would go back, would you do it differently?Well, some of scenes are just supposed to be comic: they are my kids kind ofpoking fun of me. I mean the whole thing is a little bit self-mocking. TherereAmy:definitely moments Im no

176、t proud of, you know. And actually today my daughter ishaving a 15th birthday slumber party for seven.Hostess:So you pulled back on the rules.Amy:I pulled back on (the rules). but not entirely. I maintain very high academicexpectations for them. You know I mean for me I. its hard to convey but mypar

177、ents seem so harsh and strict but looking back now, I know I wouldnt be theperson I am if they hadnt had such high standards for me. But I agree with some ofthe criticism. They just dont know. I mean I think if youre gonna say “If you dontget a A plus, and I dont love you. Thats terrible. Thats bad

178、parenting.Hostess:You are just saying “you are good enough to get a A plus,. work hard.Amy:Hostess:Yeah. I have belief in you.Do you think your daughters will raise their children in the same way?Amy:You know what? Somebody asked them that. I thought what they are gonna say? Iwas listening, and, but

179、 they both said was Oh, we would be much more liberalsocially, Cause Fve got to hang out with my friends and still be good. But theyboth said that they would raise their kids in a strict way. So I was happy.Hostess:OK. Amy Chua, thanks so much. We appreciate it.Amy:Thank you for having me.Unit 3: Jo

180、urneys End in Lovers MeetingEpisode 1: The Holiday (Movie Clip)I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true. Shakespeare said, Journeysend in lovers meeting. Oh, what an extraordinary thought. Personally, I have not experiencedanything remotely close to that but Im more than wil

181、ling to believe Shakespeare had. I suppose Ithink about love more than anyone really should. Im constantly amazed by its sheer power to alterand define our lives.It was Shakespeare who also said, Love is blind/1 Now, that is something I know to be true.For some, quite inexplicably.love fades. For ot

182、hers, love is simply lost. But then, of course, lovecan also be found. Even if just for the night.And then there another kind of love. The crudest kind. The one that almost kills its victims. Itcalled unrequited love. Of that, I am an expert. Most love stories are about people who fall in lovewith e

183、ach othei: But what about the rest of us? What about our stories? Those of us who fall inlove alone. We are the victims of the one-sided affair. We are the cursed of the loved ones. We arethe unloved ones. The walking wounded. The handicapped without the advantage of a greatparking space.Yes, you ar

184、e looking at one such individual. And I have willingly loved that man for over threemiserable years. The absolute worst years of my life. The worst Christmases, the worst birthdays.New Year Eves brought in by tears and Valium. These years Ive been in love have been thedarkest days of my life.all bec

185、ause Im being cursed by being in love with a man who does notand will not love me back. Oh, God, just the sight of him. Heart pounding, throat thickening,absolutely can*t swallow. All the usual symptoms.Episode 2: How to Talk to Girls (NBC News)Roles: 1. Hostess 1 (Hl),2. Hostess2 (H2)3. Greven (G)H

186、l: It seems like every time you turn around theres a new advice book about how todeal with the opposite sex.H2: Well, this morning, theres another and its called How to Talk to Girls. What makesthis one special is that its author is only 9 years old. Alec Greven. Welcome, wereso happy to have you he

187、re.H2:Hello, weve been waiting for you. Bestselling author! How did you decide tocome up with this idea to, to.G:Well, some of the boys around the playground having trouble with girls, so like Iwant to write a book to help them.H2:Whats the biggest mistake you think boys make when it comes to approa

188、chinggirls?G:Er, probably they just get shy, they might walk away or they might say somethingwrong.H2:Like what? Whats wrong?G:Oh, well, like something, like, thats kind of inappropriate and the girl wont like it,like: Hey ya., or something.Hl:So girls dont like that?H2:I like Hey, yo.”G:Well, some

189、girls like it, some girls dont.H2:There are always some girls, you know.Hl:Yeah, there?re always gonna be. So, say you like the girl. Shes on the other side ofthe, like a seesaw or something, whats the best way we approach her?G:You kind of walk to her casually.Hl:Casually, yes. Not too usually. And

190、 then what?G:Well, then you wanna say hi and if she says hi back, you are off to a good start.H2:I like that. Shes so smart!Hl:In that case, that will work with her, right?H2:Now you confuse him.Hl:Whats the worst thing a guy can do?G:Well you, maybe.like, are you gonna be, like a boy or something,

191、like are you.Hl:Yeah, whats the worst thing, whats the rudest thing a boy can do to turn a girl offcompletely?G:Well, probably say something mean to her, or, yeah, do something mean.H2:Sometimes a guy thinks hes being funny, right? And its not really funny, right?G:Yeah.Hl:But he also has statistics

192、. He says that the guy, its basically the girls gonna usuallybreak up with the guy not the guy break up with the girl. Is it the other way around?G:Ahh, usually the girls break up with a guy.Hl:But why? They just get tired, a little bored.G:Yeah, sometimes, or, yeah.H2:What your friends think about

193、the fact that you are 9 years old, youve written abook already?G:They actually think its really really cool.Hl:Theyre proud of ya?H2:And whos the book for? Its for kids your age or its for older kids?G:People say that its for kids, for people 8 to 80. It could be for anyone, (H2: I gottasell a lot o

194、f these books.) because Id say its good that its 8 to 80, because youkind of wanna start like, you kind of wanna start when you are 8. You can startwhenever you want, like if you wanna start when you are 3, go ahead.Hl:As long as you are polite. It?s really about being polite.H2:You are so bright, s

195、o sweet, were so glad you are here with us today.Hl:Thank you, sweetie. Congratulations!H2:You are such a sweet kid. (Hl: And happy holidays!) Thank you and your mom,and your brother. Everybody is great.Hl:They are gonna be so proud of you.Episode 3: Madagascar 2: Escape 2 Africa (Movie Clip)Roles:1

196、. Melman the Giraff2. King Julien3. Maurice4. Moto Moto5. GloriaJulien:Look Maurice.Maurice:Here is the perfect spot for my summer palace, so please fill in all these holes andrelocate the riff-raff. Oh, whod leave a perfectly good head? What a waste.Melman:Tell me about it. Pm in my prime here. Pm

197、terminal, you know. Probably only havetwo days left to live.Marice:Thats a bummer, man.Julien:Oh, if I King Julien, thats my name. Only had two days left to live. I would do allthe things I have ever dreamed of doing.Melman:Like what?Julien:Id love to become a professional whistler. Im pretty amazin

198、g at it now. But I wantto get even better. Make my living out of it. You know what else I would do? Iwould invade a neighboring countiy and impose my own ideology even if theydidnt want it.Melman:Its easy for you to say, you are a king.Julien:Yes. And you are only just a sad little head. But there m

199、ust be something you wantto do before you die.Melman:Well.There is this one thing.Julien:What is it? Tell me.Melman:Well. No, I couldnt.Julien:I mean. What is it?Melman:You know, I just never really have the guts to tell Gloria, how I think about her.Julien:What is it?Melman:I dont really have the g

200、uts to tell Gloria, how I feel about her.Julien:What is it?Melma:I have always felt about her.Julien:Fine, dont tell me! Is it a woman? Oh, you didnt tell me we are talking about awoman.Maurice:What are you afraid of? You are dead man anyway, come on.Melman:Yeah? Yeah.Yeah, you are right.Julien:Well

201、, you gotta march right up to this woman, right? You look her right in the eye,you lean forward, right? Just a little, almost all the way. Then you let her, like, leanforward, just a little bit until youre just a lips distance away from each other. Andthen you just tell her how much you hate her.Mel

202、man:Actually, its.its more like love her.Julien:Oh, you sly dog! Woof, woof! Youre a real player, you know that? Now listen to seup. You hearing me?Melman:I cant hear you.Julien:Yeah. - Good. You got to rise up. Rising up. Get out of the hole.Melman:Fm rising out of the ground.Julien:Hes rising Maur

203、ice.Melman:Fm rising Maurice.Julien:Rising! - You go right up to this woman. Yeah. Go up to her face! Tell the truth.-Melman:Im gonna tell her!Julien:Then you say: Baby, I dig you.Melman:Yeah. Yeah. Im gonna do it. Im gonna do it.Julien:(At the river)I love that happy little head.Moto Moto:She loves

204、 me. She loves my eyes. She loves my thighs. She loves my roundness.She loves that Im chunky. She loves that Im plumpy. She loves my heftiness. Sheloves my zestiness. She loves me restlessly. She loves me forever. She loves me,cause she loves me.Gloria:Moto Moto before things get too serious, well.I

205、 was wondering if I were to forexample stay here, I*d like to ask you.Moto Moto:Let your candied lips be the messenger to my ear canal.Gloria:Well I dont know, I have so many questions.Moto Moto:Well I promise, the answer will always be yes, unless, no is required.Gloria:OK. So, what is it about me

206、that you find so interesting? Oh.Moto Moto:Youre the most plumppeness girl Eve ever met.Gloria:OK. Other than that?Moto Moto:Lets see, you, you know, you chunky.Gloria:Right.Moto Moto:Oh, my gosh girl you are huge.Gloria:Youve said that.Moto Moto:Oh, yes right. We dont have to talk no more.Melman:Gl

207、oria! Gloria?Gloria:Melman? Melman, I want you to meet with Moto Moto.Melman:Ah, Moto Moto. Yeah. Nice to, nice to meet you. Well, I guess, I.Gloria:Its OK. Melman. Apology accepted.Melman:Oh, yeah, right, yes. That, yes, thats why I. Good. Oh, OK. Thats well, thats itthen.Moto Moto:You good, were k

208、ind of a busy here man.Melman:No! No, that*s not it! Listen Mototo, you*d better treat this lady like a queen.Because you my friend, you found yourself the perfect woman. If I was ever solucky to find the perfect woman, I would give her flowers every day. And not justany flowers, OK? Her favorites a

209、re orchids. White. And breakfast in bed. Sixloaves of wheat toast with butter on both sides. No crusts. The way she likes it. Fdbe her shoulder to cry on and her best friend, and Id spend every day trying tothink of how to make her laugh. She has the most.most amazing laugh. Well, Imean. Thats what

210、I would do, if I were you. But Im not. So you do it.Moto Moto:Oh, OK. What?Hippos:Moto Moto:That was beautiful.Anyways, where were we?Gloria:Im huge.Episode 4: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Warner2. Elle(At Elles house)Warner:Hello. Wow. You look so beautiful.Elle:So do you.Warner:Let*s get ou

211、t of here.(In a resturant)Elle:Must be strange having such perfect eyes.Warner:God,youre so wonderful. Elle,thank you.Elle:Here*s to us.Warner:To us.Warner:Elle.Elle:What?Warner:One of the reasons I wanted to come here tonight. was to discuss our future.Elle:And I am fully amenable to that discussio

212、n.Warner:Good. You know how we*ve been having. all kinds of fun lately? Well, Harvard isgonna be different. Law school is a completely different world.and I need to beserious.Elle:Of course.Warner:I mean My family expects a lot from me.Elle:Right.Warner:I expect a lot from me. I plan on running for

213、office someday.Elle:I fully support that. You know that.Warner:Absolutely. But the thing is. if Im gonna be a senator by the time Fm thirty, I needto stop dicking around.Elle/Warner: I do. -I think we should break up.Elle:Warner, I completely agree.Warner:Thats why I think its time for us.Elle, pooh

214、 bear.Elle:What?Warner:Fve been thinking about it, and its the right thing to do.Elle:Youre breaking up with me? I thought you were proposing.Warner:Proposing? Elle, if Im gonna be a senator, 1 need to marry a Jackie, not a Marilyn.Elle:Youre breaking up with me because Im too blonde?Warner:No. Thaf

215、s not entirely true.Elle:Then what? My boobs are too big?Warner:Elle, your boobs are fine.Elle:So when you said that you would always love me you were just clicking around?Warner:Elle, I do love you. 1 just cant marry you. You have no idea of the pressure that Iam under. My family has five generatio

216、ns of senators. My brothers in the top threeat Yale Law.And he just got engaged to a Vanderbilt,for Christs sake.Warner:Bad salad.Warner:Sweetie.Pooh bear? lt*s not like 1 have a choice here, sweetheart! You get the car,Fil get the check.Diner:I won*t be having the salad.Warner:Come on, let me take

217、you home. No! Elle, believe me. I never expected to do this.but I think its the right thing.Elle:How can it be the right thing when were not together?Warner:I have to think of my future and what my family expects of me.Elle:So youre breaking up with me because youre afraid your family wont like me?E

218、verybody likes me.Warner:Well, East Coast people are different.Elle:Because Im not a Vanderbilt, suddenly Im white trash? I grew up in Bel Air!Across the street from Aaron Spelling! I think most people would agree that*s a lotbetter than some stinky old Vanderbilt!Warner:I told you. 1 need someone s

219、erious.Elle:But Im seriously in love with you. lsn*t that enough?Warner:Pooh bearjust get in the car.Elle:No!Warner:Youre gonna ruin your shoes.Elle: Ok.Unit 4: Education Remains in YouEpisode 1 Sister Act (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Sister Mary Clarence2. Rita3. Fran-kay4. Sketch5. Students6. TeachersMary

220、 Clarence:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats. Do it quickly andquietly. Welcome to the first day of your new scholastic lives. This is nolonger a bird course. The bird has flown. If you want to pass this course, yougonna have to earn it, cause I have no problems, not one, fai

221、ling each andevery one of you.Sketch:I never thought this was no bird course.Mary Clarence:Im glad for you. Very, very glad, cause this is a new day. Things are going tobe a little different around here.Fran-kay:Oh, yeah? Like how?Mary Clarence:Like when I talk, Fran-kay, you dont. Is this something

222、 you want to share withthe rest of the class?Student 1:Im just kicking it with my girl.Mary Clarence:Ill tell you what, you gonna kick it with me or Fm gonna kick you out. Whatyou think of that? Put em away.Students:Cold.Mary Clarence:And you. This is not Elizabeth Arden, Miss Thing. You want to bea

223、t that mugof yours, you do it at home before you come to class, understand? Put it away.And you, Sketch, I like you a lot, but I don*t want you catching Zs in my classany more.Students:I be tired. I got a job .Mary Clarence:Baby, save it for Oprah. This is a brand-new day, ladies and gentlemen, abra

224、nd-new day. Were gonna start with respect. Youre gonna respect me, andFm gonna respect you. And the first thing youre gonna do, gentlemen, is totake off those hats. This is a brand-new day. I guess that means youre gonnabe combing your hair before you come to my class. And I know you laughingover th

225、ere, so you think this is very funny, Miss Thing. There is no sun in thisroom. You will not get a tan. Take off those sunglasses. That goes for you too.If theyre not prescription, I dont want to see em. I want to see you. I want tolook into your eyes. I want you to be able to look into mine.Mary Cla

226、rence:Rita:Yes, Miss Watson?We dont want a new way. The old way was fine for us, right?Students:Right! Yeah!Rita:Okay, so if youre gonna fail us, then you might as well go ahead, cause, um, Iaint doin nothin,.Mary Clarence:Fine, thats how you feel, theres the door. Dont let it hit you in the butts o

227、nyour way out.Sketch:Yo, yo, Sis, I cant afford to fail this class.Mary Clarence:Student 2:You better tell your friends you cant afford to fail this class.My parents wouldnt be pleased.Rita:Come on, yall, we aint gotta take this from her. Come on. Sketch, come on,man. Fran-kay ?Fran-kay:Yo, Rita, yo

228、u know Em usually down for stuff like this, but, yo, Im gonna takecare of business this time.Mary Clarence:Rita:A little lonely out on that limb by yourself, Miss Watson?So much for friendship.Singing:$ If you wanna be somebody qf If you wanna go somewhere # You better wake up and pay attention fMar

229、y Clarence:All right, let*s get down to business, ladies and gentlemen. You wanna gosomewhere and you wanna be somebody, you better wake up and payattention, honey, *cause the real world is out there. They dont care how hipyou think you are. Or who you kick it with. It doesnt matter. If you dont hav

230、ean education, you dont have anything. And that*s the truth, honey.Singing:f If you wanna be somebody If you wanna go somewhere 勺 You better wake up and pay attention f# Pay attention, you gotta wake up, wake up, baby fMary Clarence: But we cannot do it by ourselves, we need the help. Were here for

231、the children,right? If not for them, for who? Look, letfs start with the curriculum, okay?Lets talk about boring.Teacher 1:I can barely stay awake to teach it.Teacher 2:I have some good ideas for goosing up sex ed. And what are we gonna doabout the graffiti? Not that a bucket of paint couldn*t fix i

232、t.Teacher 3:Id love to see us teach new math.Mary Clarence:Yes !Teacher 4:No, no, youve got to face facts. Were closing down.Mary Clarence:Yes, we may be closing, but were not closed yet. So why dont we go out witha little class?Mary Clarence:Come on, people, lets hear it again.Students:If you wanna

233、 be somebody, if you wanna go somewhere, you better wake upand pay attention.Mary Clarence:Make me believe what youre sayin.Student 3:Could we waken this up a little?Mary Clarence:Yeah, if you think you can.Student 3:Okay, Dionna.Singing:f If you wanna be somebody, If you wanna go somewhere ff You b

234、etter wake up and pay attention f Pay attention f$ If you wanna be somebody, If you wanna go somewhere 0$ You better wake up and pay attention 0Mary Clarence:Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute! Talk about a wake-up call.Where did this come from?Student 3:This is a music class, isnt it?Mary

235、Clarence:Yes, this is a music class. Youre telling me you guys can sing? No, really, thatwas great. My- I just figured out how Im gonna get you through this musicclass.Students:Oh, no, really?Mary Clarence:Yes, yes ! Im gonna turn you guys into a choir.Students:Nope!Episode 2: Tom Plans to Go Back S

236、chool (TV Series)Roles: 1. Tom Scarvo2. Lynette Scarvo3. Preston Scarvo4. Susan Dofino5. Gabe Solis6. Bree Van de CampTom: Hey.Lynette: Hey. How was the campus tour?Tom: Fantastic. Oh, my god. That school is amazing. The professors are so engaged, and thekids were open and friendly.Lynette: Really?T

237、om: Yeah. It was inspiring. You were so right to send us.Lynette: Good. Good. I knew if you saw the campus, youd have a change of heart.Preston: Me? Nah. Im still going to Europe.Lynette: What was that? I thought you said the tour was fantastic.Tom: Okay, so Preston still needs a little convincing.

238、But I dont. Im going back to school.Lynette: Wh. whats that now?Tom: Okay. I know it*s a little out of left field, but walking across the quad, I felt so alive. Ispoke with someone in admissions, and all I have to do is pass an entrance exam.Lynette: So., you would be a college student., again. 25 y

239、ears after the first time.Tom: But this time.focused. This time, knowing exactly what I wanna major in.Lynette: Which is?Tom: Chinese.Lynette: Chinese?Women: Chinese?Gabe: As in moo goo gai pan Chinese?Susan: Whats he gonna do with that, watch Bruce Lee movies without the subtitles?Lynette: We didnt

240、 get that far. I felt faint, and he left to go buy a backpack.Bree: Lynette, that*s bad.Lynette: Well, it*s just so random, and the worst part is if I point that out, Pm a bitch.Susan: Why is that? When did being practical and realistic become synonymous withbitchiness?Gabe: The first time a man did

241、 something stupid, and a woman pointed it out.Lynette: I know Tom. Hes going to learn how to count to ten in Chinese, then hell get bored andmove on to his new dream of becoming a beekeeper.Gabe: Well, then you have no choice. Bite the bullet and bitch.Bree: No, she has a choice. It*s entirely possi

242、ble to get what you want without being perceivedof as a nagging shrew.Lynette: Please, sensei, instruct me in your ancient ways.Bree: Well, the key is to not let them know what youre doing. This requires observation,cunning and manipulation.Gabe: Isnt it just easier to shut down your hoo-ha until he

243、 gives in?Susan: I think that Bree is rightthat the more Tom sees you digging in your heels, the morehes gonna wanna do it.Bree: So you wait for an opportunity that you can use to your advantage while at the sametime appearing supportive.Lynette: Thats your advice? Hope an opportunity just drops in

244、my lap? Might as well startshopping for beekeeper suits.Lynette: Hey, babe. Howd the test go?Tom: Its as though I dug down deep and I found a new level of suck that I never knew 1 hadin me.Lynette: Im sure it wasnt that bad.Tom: Lynette, I puked tequila in the parking lot, I., I passed out twice in

245、the essay section,and I giggled uncontrollably when I read the word Uranus. Add to that, that Fm prettysure that I spelled Scavo wrong, and it is a safe bet that I will not be broadening myhorizons anytime soon.Lynette: Hey, Dont sweat it. You wanted to learn Chinese, mm, well get you a book.Tom: Ma

246、ndarin is a very complicated language. You cant get the kind of fluency you need forthe professional marketplace from a book.Lynette: Marketplace?Tom: Thats the whole point. China is one of the worlds fastest growing economies. Theopportunities for someone with my marking experience who can speak th

247、e language areamazing. I mean, were talking beaucoup bucks. I couldve totally reinvented myself.Lynette: Thats., a brilliant plan. Why didnt you tell me this?Tom: What does it matter? Its over. Tm sorry I let you down.Episode 3: Legally Blonde (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Professor Stromwell2. Elle Woods3.

248、David Kidney4. Vivian KensingtonProf. Strom well:A legal education means you will learn to speak in a new language. You willbe taught to achieve insight into the world around you and to sharply questionwhat you know. The seat you have picked will be yours for the next ninemonths of your life. And th

249、ose of you in the front row beware. The law isreason free from passion. Does anyone know who spoke those immortal words?Well?David:Aristotle.Prof. Stromwell:Are you sure?David:Yes.Prof. Strom well:Would you be willing to stake your life on it?David:I think so.Prof. Strom well:What about his life?Dav

250、id:I dont know.Prof. Stromwell:Well, I recommend knowing before speaking. The law leaves much room forinterpretation but very little for self-doubt. And you were right. It wasAristotle.Students:Good job.Prof. Strom well:Now, I assume all of you have read pages 1 -48 and are now well-versed insubject

251、 matter jurisdiction. Who can tell us about Gordon vs. Steele? Lets callon someone from the hot zone. Elle Woods?Elle:Actually, I wasnt aware that we had an assignment.Prof. Strom well:Vivian Kensington. Do you think its acceptable that Ms. Woods is notprepared?Vivian:No. I dont.Prof. Strom well:Wou

252、ld you support my decision to ask her to leave class and to return onlywhen she is prepared?Vivian:Absolutely.Prof. Strom well:Now, Ms. Kensington did diversity jurisdiction exist in this case?Vivian:No, it did not.Prof. Strom well: Ladies and gentlemen, I present the graduates of Harvard Law School

253、 Class of2004. I am personally very honored to introduce this year*s class-electedspeaker. After getting off to a quite interesting start here at Harvard, shegraduates today with an invitation to join one of Bostons most prestigious lawfirms. Im sure we are going to see great things from her. Ladies

254、 andgentlemen, Elle Woods.Elle: On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise professor quoted Aristotle, “Thelaw is reason free from passion. Well, no offense to Aristotle, but in my threeyears at Harvard, I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to thestudy and practice of law and of l

255、ife. It is with passion, courage of convictionand strong sense of self that we take our next steps into the world. Rememberthat first impressions are not always correct. You must always have faith inpeople and most importantly, you must always have faith in yourself.Congratulations, Class of 2004, w

256、e did it!Episode 4: Yale Med Student Disappears (ABC News)Bill Weir (ABC News anchor): The missing Med student. Yale University is offering a $10,000reward for any information about the disappearance of Annie Le. The 24-year-old was due to getmarried tomorrow, but she vanished without a trace on Tue

257、sday morning. ABCs Sharyn Alfonijoins us from New Haven, Connecticut with the latest now. Good morning.Sharyn Alfoni (ABC Reporter): Good morning, Bill, the wedding has now been officially calledoff. About 100 state and federal investigators are looking for Annie. They are combing over hercomputer,

258、looking for any clues. They are trying to figure out whether the bride-to-be got cold feetor she was the victim of a violent crime.Sharyn Alfoni (ABC Reporter): Friends say Annie Le was thrilled to be getting married. Herfacebook pages filled with pictures of her fiance, and posted with every detail

259、 of the ceremony,including the 4 wedding dresses she was considering wearing. But now, those who were invited tocelebrate with Le and her fiance, Jonathan Widawsky on Long Island tomorrow are concerned.Lucielle Mayer (neighbor of groom): Someone say they think shes a runaway bride and I saidno way.

260、They were deeply in love.Sharyn Alfoni (ABC Reporter): Le was last seen on Tuesday around 10 in the morning. Asurveillance camera captured this picture of her entering the Yale lab where she worked. But so far,there are no pictures of Le leaving.Debbie Apuzzo (friend of missing bride): She left her

261、pocketbook, her cell phone, everything, inthe lab.Sharyn Alfoni (ABC Reporter): Dogs searched the building and investigators sorted throughDumpsters. Les picture was posted along Connecticuts highways. This Friday, investigatorswent through the lab building again, this time with blueprints in hand.

262、Sources say they werefocusing on the basement area, looking for clues.Anonymous: Whatever it is, I just hope that her fiance will bring her home.Sharyn Alfoni (ABC Reporter): And investigators are reviewing the surveillance tapes of morethan 17 cameras in the area. They are going through each of the

263、se frame by frame. But so far, oneuniversity official says theres been no sign of foul play.Unit 5 When in Rome, Do as the Romans DoEpisode 1: Disney Family Museum Honors Mickeys Father (VOA Special English)For most people, the name Walt Disney is linked to images of Mickey Mouse, Snow Whiteand them

264、e parks. Last year, the Walt Disney Family Museum opened in California. RichardBenefield is head of the museum.RICHARD BENEFIELD: Well, this Museum is really about the man, Walt Disney. Walt Disney,during his lifetime, received 932 awards for his public service to mankind as well as for hisprofessio

265、nal achievements. And in this lobby area, we have 248.Disney received 32 awards from Americas motion picture industry. Benefield says they include aspecial award for the film Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.The pictures and videos in the museum show the private side of Walt Disney.RICHARD BENEFIELD

266、: This entire wall has drawings that were done by Walt while he was inhigh school.Disney was born inl901 in Chicago. At the age of 20, he went to Hollywood.RICHARD BENEFIELD: This wall here, he had just started to do a prototype of somethingcalled The Alice Comedies.The Alice Comedies used images of

267、 a live-action girl and an animated cat. Disneys bigsuccess came after he finished an animated story about a mouse. He and his wife Lilly decide on aname for the mouse while going to Hollywood.RICHARD BENEFIELD: And on that fateful trip from New York to Hollywood, Walt came upwith the idea of using

268、a mouse for his next cartoon character. And he said to Lilly, What aboutMickey Mouse? And, she said, thats good. I think that will do just fine. And ihats how MickeyMouse was born in 1928 on a train ride from New York to Hollywood.This is the earliest known picture of Mickey Mouse. Steamboat Willie

269、was Disneys first film tocombine voice, music and animated images. He used beats from a bouncing ball so that the soundwould agree with the images.Yet Disneys life was not always happy.RICHARD BENEFIELD: In 1940, Walt lost both his parents, and not shortly after that hiscompany experienced a very di

270、visive strike. It was the early days of the labor movement in theUnited States. He was very hurt by the strike, which shut down operations for quite a period oftime.But Disney recovered, and his company went on to produce films like Peter Pan and 101Dalmatians. He also had the idea for theme parks t

271、hat celebrated the stars of his movie.RICHARD BENEFIELD: This walk down the ramp in general celebrates Walts love of trains,and how that led him to really found Disneyland which, of course, one of the first rides atDisneyland was a train that ran all around the park.Walt Disney dies of lung cancer i

272、n 1966. He was 65 years old.TV ANNOUNCER: Walt Disney, the master of an entertaining empire, the most complete andinfluential showman of this generation, died.Many people around the world mourned the man whose creations brought happiness to theirlives. I am Jim Tedder.Episode 2: The Bucket List (Mov

273、ie Clip)Roles:1. Carter2. EdwardCarter:Look, look, look!Aah!Carter:I was very pleased when Edward decided to eliminate item number nine ”huntthe big cat.1 Of course, he insisted on discharging a few rounds from the biggun. One proved to be enough.Carter:Gin.Edward:Of course, gin, why not?Carter:Do y

274、ou know that the only dog ever struck by lightning was right here, inEgypt?Edward:I wish rd met you before we were dead. You know, technically, we could crossoff two items: see the pyramids and witness something majestic. This isabout as majestic as it gets.Carter:Wait till you see my mountain.Edwar

275、d:Oh, yeah. Your mountain. Still, this ain*t half bad.Carter:You know, the ancient Egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. Whentheir souls got to the entrance to heaven the gods asked them two questions.Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not.Edward:Okay, Til bite. What were

276、 they?Carter:Have you found joy in your life?Edward:Uh-huh.Carter:Answer the question.Edward:Me?Carter:Yeah, you. Answer the question, Have I found joy in my life?Edward:Yes.Carter:Has your life brought joy to others?Edward:Ah, this type of question, 1. I dont know, uh.I dont think about how otherpe

277、ople gauge, uh.Ask them.Carter:Im asking you.Edward:Fine. Fine. Let me put it to you this way. After the breakup, and the ensuingfleecing of the dad, Emily went to live with her mother. You know, you try tostay close, but it gets down to holidays phone calls, birthday cards, you know.Anyway. Emily g

278、oes to college, joins one of her save the poor people theanimals, whatnot meets a guy, decides she loves him. Good-looking kid,driven, smart. But there was something about him. So when she said they wereengaged I told her I was against it. But being my daughter, naturally, she wentahead and married

279、him anyway. Needless to say, I wasnt invited to thewedding.Carter:That must have hurt.Edward:You think? First time he hit her, she came to me. I wanted to bash his brains in.She wouldnt let me. Said she loved him, said it wasn*t his fault, hed had a fewdrinks. She was the one picked the fight. Next

280、time it happened, she didntcome to me. The ex told me, nice to hear her voice again.Carter:What did you do?Edward:What any father would do. I took care of it. I called a guy who called a guywho handles these kinds of things. I don*t know what he said, don*t know whathe did all I know is he didnt kil

281、l him and my daughter never heard from himagain.Carter:How did she react?Edward:Called me names you wouldnt believe, and worse. Said I was dead to her. Fmnot proud of everything I did but Im pretty sure Id do it all again. So if theydont let me into Egyptian heaven because my daughter hates me. Well

282、, then Iguess thats just the way it goes. However you answer your two questions.How do we get down from this tomb?(At Taj Mahal)Carter: The empress was the wife of Shah Jahan, the fifth mogul emperor. Although itwas an arranged marriage, they were deeply in love and remained inseparableuntil she die

283、d giving birth to their 14th child.Edward:Do you mind if I call you ray? Main man ray.Carter:Are you listening to anything Fm saying?Edward:Absolutely. Fourteen kids. Im with you.Carter:It took 20,000 volunteers 22 years to complete this structure. Every squarefoot designed by the shah himself.Edwar

284、d:So thats true love.Carter:That*s true love.Edward:Must be nice.Episode 3: Rick Steves Europe: Highlights of Paris (PBS Documentary)To me, Paris is the capital of Europe. Its the city I can return to more than any other withgrand monuments that need no introduction. And it hides a lifetime of cultu

285、ral delights.Everything in this episode is within easy reach by foot and metro. Wel see some icon of thisgreat city. The industrial-age iron of the Eiffel Tower and the medieval stonework of Notre Dame,then, well see stark realism and dreamy impressionism in the Orsay Gallery. Well join a friend,din

286、ing on French favorites. After looking at bones is the catacombs, well see how the FrenchRevolution helped create this grant city.The Seine River splits the city into the Right Bank and the Left Bank. Its two islands markthe center of the old town. Most of the essential sights lie near the Notre Dam

287、e, between the EiffelTower, the Latin Quarters, and Montmartre, the citys highest point.The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the FrenchRevolution and show off at a worlds fair. It was a muscular symbol of the Industrial Age. To ageneration hooked on technology, i

288、t was the marvel of its day, trumpeting progress and mansingenuity. This 900-foot-tall tower has three observation levels: the higher you go the more youpay. For me the middle level is plenty high. Thousands of iron bars and millions of rivets, allassembled in just over 2 years. Today, it stands tal

289、l, an exclamation point, symbolizing the proud,independent spirit of the French. The Trocadero Square, across the river, is the place to view thetower and to check out a colorful scene.Parisians own their city. In fact, twice a week streets are closed and thousands turn out to rollthrough the city i

290、n an exuberant celebration of life.Paris was bom centuries before Christ right here on the lie de la Cite, an island in the middleof the Seine River. The Romans conquered the local fishing tribe and set up camp. Today theNotre-Dame Cathedral marks the place where a Roman temple once stood. The citys

291、 first bishop,St. Dennis, holds his head in his hands. When Christianity began making converts here, theRomans beheaded him. But, according to legend, Dennis just picked up his head and kept ongoing. Inspired by this miracle, Christianity flourished and the temple was replaced by a church.Imagine th

292、e faith of people who built this breaking ground in 1163 on a building which wouldntbe finished for 200 years. Gothic architects incorporated the latest technology, flying buttresses tosupport the heavy rooftop. Its ghoulish gargoyles multi-task: they serve as fancy rain spouts andscare away the evi

293、l spirits. The church is dedicated to “our lady“ or Notre Dame. Mary cradles thebaby Jesus; the rose window provides a majestic halo. The Virgin Mary was highly reveredthroughout the Middle Ages. The faithful petitioned her in times of trouble to gain both comfortand, through her intervention, Gods

294、mercy. As worshippers headed for Mass, theyd walk under arelief of Judgment Day. Christ sits on his throne. The trumpet sounds. All are judged: peasants,knights, nobles, royals, even bishops. An angel weights cute little souls while cheating demonsyank on the scales. The saved stand happily at Chris

295、ts right hand. The damned a sorry chain gangon his left. Carvings like that and like this scene of Eve tempting Adam with an apple remind usthat this art was more than decoration. These images reinforced the stories people learned inchurch.Episode 4: Eat Pray Love (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Elizabeth2. Ke

296、tut3. Old womanElizabeth:For you. A goodbye gift. Ketut.Ketut:Liz, you healed me.Elizabeth:You healed me too, Ketut. If it wasnt for you, I wouldnt have come back toBali.and 1 wouldnt have come back, to myself.Old woman:You want coffee? Roast pig?Elizabeth:Coffee.Old woman:I get you coffee.Ketut:You

297、 fly back to America soon?Elizabeth:In two hours. Have you ever been on an airplane, Ketut?Ketut:Ketut cannot fly on airplane. Ketut have no teeth.You are good friend to me. You are like daughter. When I die.you will comeback to Bali? Come to my cremation? Balinese cremation ceremony is veryfun. You

298、 will like it.Elizabeth:Okay.Ketut:You still smile with your liver, like I tell you?Elizabeth:Yes.Ketut:You still meditate like your guru in India teaches you?Elizabeth:Yes.Ketut:You happy now with God?Elizabeth:Yes.Ketut:You love your new boyfriend?Elizabeth:I ended it.Ketut:Don*t understand. Why y

299、ou do that?Elizabeth:I couldnt keep my balance.Ketut:Liss, listen to Ketut. Sometimes to lose balance for love is part of livingbalanced life.Elizabeth:In the end.Ive come to believe in something I call The Physics of theQuest.1 A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. Ther

300、ule of Quest Physics goes something like this: if youre brave enough to leavebehind everything familiar and comforting which can be anything from yourhouse to bitter, old resentments and set out on a truth-seeking journey eitherexternally or internally and if you are truly willing to regard everythi

301、ng thathappens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meetalong the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all to face andforgive some very difficult realities about yourself then the truth will not bewithheld from you.Elizabeth:Felipe?(The note says: I cant help

302、but believe it, given my experience.)Elizabeth:I decided on my word. It means: Lets cross over.”Unit 6 The More the MerrierEpisode 1: Kung Fu Panda Holiday Special (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Master Shifu2. Po3. Mr. Ping4. Master Rhino5. Wo Hop6. Crane7. Monkey8. Viper9. Tigress10. MantisMaster Shifu:Beaut

303、iful. Elegant. Perfect. Youve made me proud. All 29 Kung Fu schoolsand their masters. Excellent, excellent. Po! Dragon Warrior, would you honorus by reciting the opening words to the creed of the masters? Po.Po:I cant, Master Shifu.Master Shifu:I thought you might forget the words, Po, so I took the

304、 liberty of writing themon your napkin.Po:Let me just. thats not it. No, no, everyone, please. Okay, please, no. youdont have to.okay, well, theyre off. Anyway, um, let me just say something.The creed of the masters is amazing. Its like the coolest creed ever. And, uh,you masters, how cool are you g

305、uys? I dont even know how to tell you.Master Rhino? Forget about it. Youre more awesomely skilled and, you know,wrinkly than Ed ever dreamed youd be. And, uh, Master Sheep, - fluffy andincredible. - Mm-hmm, it*s true. Uh, the Five. Its just.Such an honor to behere with all you guys. My heroes. But e

306、very feast, my dad and I spend all daycooking together. And the whole neighborhood shows up. And it gets reallyloud and crazy, and my Uncle Yang ends up laughing so hard noodles spurtout his nose.Crane:Fd like to see that.Monkey:Me too.Po:So, uh, I wish I could stay and be a good host, but I think I

307、 need to leave.(In the kitchen)And. be a good son.Crane:Whats going on?Monkey:What are we supposed to.Master Shifu:Po! Come back here!Viper:Tigress:Crane:Ah, I used to love cooking with my sisters.The folk dances.Games. The music.Master Shifu:Whoa. Wait. What about our traditions? Who will recite th

308、e creed? Somebodydo something!Po:I got that, Dad.Mr. Ping:Po? Ah. You came! Oh, Po, Im. Im sorry I made you feel so guilty.Po:Nah, dont be. Thats what the holidays are all about. Now, dont we have somecookin to do?Po:It needs.Mr. Ping/Po:Tigress:Monkey:Garlic.Table for five.Hey. Hey, Po.Mr. Ping:Lov

309、e your soup, Pig.Po:You guys! Welcome!Tigress:Mr. Ping:Happy holiday, Po.The more the men ier.Mantis:Thank you, Mr. Ping.Mr. Ping:The little one pays full price, but eats like a child.Mr. Ping:Welcome!Bunny:Master Rhino, come sit with me!Wo Hop:Yee yee yee yee yee!Po:Master Wo Hop.Wo Hop:Ohh!Po:I be

310、lieve this belongs to you.Wo Hop:The golden ladle? Thank you, Dragon Warrior. Now I have restored my honorand the honor of my village.Crane:Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Its Uncle Yang.Master Shifu:Oh, Po, why did you ruin something that was perfect? I dont understand.Pig:Come back here!Master Rhino:Then

311、the crocodile thief pounced.Mantis:Peek-a-boo!Tigress:Mr. Ping:Im gonna get you.Oh, Po.Po:I got you, Dad.Master Shifu:This.is perfect.Po:There*s always room for one more at Mr. Pings.Master Shifu:Oh, n-no. I really dont want to disturb anyone. You go and enjoy your party.Po:Im not gonna enjoy it wit

312、hout you.Master Shifu:Oh, no, I couldnt. These are your people. This is your family.Po:Youre my family too, Shifu. Now, come on.Master Shifu:That soup does smell delicious. Po, wait. What goes on in your head, I reallydont always understand. But what goes on in your heart will never let usdown.Po:Th

313、anks, Shifu. Come on. Hey, guys, look whos here!Pig:Bunny:Its the master.Maser Shifu! Maser Shifu is here!Mr. Ping:Master Shifu:Its good to see you, Master Shifu.And its good to be here, Mr. Ping.Po:Thanks for coming, everyone.Tigress:Watch out, little one.Episode 2: Rick Steves* European Christmas

314、(PBS Documentary)In melting pot America Christmas is celebrated year after year with traditions that came overon the boat with our ancestors. In this holiday special, were traveling back to the old country toplaces of rich variety and deep roots. Well explore the history behind our much-loved tradit

315、ions.Joining friends and families across Europe, weH discover a Christmas that is both familiar anddifferent.England is filled with voices singing in the season. The short days around the solstice bringNorwegians out to celebrate the light of Christmas. Families, friends, and food are the center pie

316、ceof the French Noel. And our jealous Christmas princess fills Germany and Austria with magicalwonders. Italy reveals the sacred nature of the season from its countryside to its holiest shrines.Nature and all its wintry glory seems to shout out the joy of the season in Switzerland. Andeverywhere Chr

317、istmas is celebrated with family, including my own, as together Europe remembersthe quiet night that that holiest family came to be.While each European culture gives Christmas its own special twist, they all follow the samestory of how The son of God was born on earth as told in the Bible and illust

318、rated over thecenturies by great artists.The Christmas story begins with the Annunciation: an angel, sent from God with a messagefor a young woman, whose name was Mary. And the angel said, “Fear not, for thou shall bringforth a son and you will name him Jesus. And he shall be called the son of the M

319、ost High and hiskingdom will have no end. And it came to pass that there went out a decree from CaesarAugustus that all the world should be taxed. And Joseph, a carpenter from Nazareth, went toBethlehem to be taxed with Mary who was expecting a child. While they were there, she broughtforth her firs

320、tborn son, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the inn. In thatregion there were shepherds, keeping watch over their flocks by night. An angel of the Lord cameto them and said, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy. For unto you is bornon this day in the cit

321、y of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And suddenly there was amultitude of angels: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace and good will to all., Andthe shepherd said, “Let us go to Bethlehem ,where they found Mary, and Joseph, and the babylying in a manger. Now after Jesus was bom,

322、there also came Wise Men. And a glorious star,which they saw in the east, went before them. Guiding them, it stood over where the child was.The wise men knelt down and worshipped the child, giving him gifts, gold, frankincense, andmyrrh. The long awaited Messiah had arrived.This is the story that Ch

323、ristians have celebrated through the ages. We dont really know onwhich day Jesus was born. Historians argue it was likely in spring since shepherds were Tendingtheir flocks. But, in the 4th century, a pope declared December 25 to be the official birthday ofJesus. Why that day? Well, Christianity was

324、 newly legal in the Roman Empire and the clever popefigured it would be smart if the biggest Christian festival coincided with the biggest pagan one,winter solstice. And throughout the land, people, Christians celebrating the birth of the son andpagans celebrating the return of the sun, have been re

325、joicing ever since.Episode 3: Friends (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Rachel2. Monica3. Phoebe4. Chandler5. Joey6. Ross7. EricRachel:Hi!Monica:Wait! Youre supposed to wear a costume!Rachel:I am! I am a woman who spent a lot of money on a dress and she wants towear it, because soon she wont be able to fit into

326、 it.Monica:Oh.Rachel:Ahh!Monica:Im Catwoman, who wants to borrow the dress when youre too big for it.Rachel:Okay.Kids:Trick or treat!Rachel:Oh! Oh! Can I give out the candy? I really want to be with the kids right now.Yknow, ever since I got pregnant I-I have the strongest maternal instincts.Kids:Tr

327、ick or treat!Rachel:Just a minute! Look at you guys! Wow! You are a very scary witch.Witch:Thank you.Rachel:And you are a very funny clown.Clown:Thank you.Rachel:And you are so in style right now. Yknow, I work at Ralph Lauren and thewhole fall line has got this like equestrian theme going on. I don

328、t supposeyou saw the cover of British Vogue, but.Cowgirl:Rachel:Can I just have the candy?Yeah. Sure.Phoebe:Ah, Catwoman. So we meet again.Monica:So we do Supergirl.Phoebe:No, its me. Phoebe!Chandler:Monica! Can I talk to you for a second? Listen, I appreciate you getting methe costume.Rachel:Oh, yo

329、u did this to him?Monica:What?! I thought hed love it! His favorite kids book was the VelveteenRabbit IChandler:The Velveteen Rabbit was brown and white!Monica:Well, it was either a pink bunny or no bunny at all.Chandler:No bunny at all! Always no bunny at all!Joey:Hey!Monica:You didn,t dress up eit

330、her?!Joey:Yes I did! Tm Chandler. Dude, what happened?Chandler:How is that me?Joey:Okay. Pm Chandler.Phoebe:That is so you!Chandler:When have I ever done that?!Joey:When have I ever done that?!Girl:Trick or treat!Rachel:Oh! Well youre just the prettiest ballerina Ive ever seen.Ballerina:Thank you.Ra

331、chel:Oh wow! That deserves another piece of candy.Ballerina:Thank you.Rachel:Well, I have to say that earns tutu pieces of candy.Ballerina:I love you!Rachel:Ohh. Oh, honey here. Take it all. Monica! We need more candy?Monica:What?! There5s only been like four kids.Rachel:Yeah I know, but one of them

332、 just said that she loved me so I just gave hereverything.Phoebe:No wonder youre pregnant.Ross:Hey!Rachel:Hey.Monica:What are you supposed to be?Ross:Remember the Russian satellite, Sputnik? Well, Im a potato or a.spud. Andthese are my antennae. So Sputnik, becomes.Spud-nik. Spudnik!Chandler:Wow! I

333、dont have the worst costume anymore!Joey:Hey all right, Ross came as doody.Ross:No, I-Fm not doody.Monica:No, space doody!Eric:Arent you gonna give me a kiss?Phoebe:Okay, I will. But right after you tell me who the hell you are.Eric:Ursula?Phoebe:Ursulas fiancee?Eric:Oh my God, youre the sister!Phoe

334、be:Yeah.Eric:Okay, I just slapped my future sister-in-laws ass.Phoebe:Yeah.Eric:Im an idiot. Uh, is your mother here? Maybe I can give her a little slap on thebutt.Phoebe:My mother killed herself.Eric:She, now I knew that and.now Im sweating. Look at me, Im reallysweating- Now Im saying, uLook at me

335、, Im getting even sweatier. I think Iprobably should go.Phoebe:No-no! Thals okay, weHl just start over. Okay? Hi! Im Phoebe.Eric:Eric.Phoebe:Why are you looking at me like that?Eric:Cause the sweaf s getting in my eyes and its burning.Phoebe:Okay. So, what are you?Eric:I dont think they have a name

336、for it. Its just I get nervous; I start sweatinglike crazy.Phoebe:No I-I meant your costume.Eric:Oh umm, Im the solar system. Yeah, my students helped me make itI teachthe second grade.Phoebe:I love the second grade!Eric:Really?Phoebe:Yeah! Its so much better than first grade when you dont know what

337、s goingon and definitely better than third grade. Yknow with all the politics andmind games.Eric:So what do you do?Phoebe:Umm, Tm a masseuse.by day.Eric:Yknow you dont have to stand here with me, believe me.Phoebe:No Im having fun. Im reallyAnd Im really-really excited for you andUrsula.Eric:Oh I fe

338、el very lucky, shes great. I think shes the most beautiful womanFve ever seen.Phoebe:Thank you.Unit 7 Save the Planet, Save OurselvesEpisode 1: An Inconvenient Truth (Documentary)Roles: 1. Ale Gore2. Man3. Girl4. Sunbeam5. Greenhouse gases (Gs)Ale Gore: I show this because I wanna tell you a story a

339、bout two teachers I had. One that Ididnt like that much, the other who is a real hero to me. I had a grade schoolteacher who taught geography by pulling a map of the world down in front of theblackboard. I had a classmate in the sixth grade who raised his hand and he pointedto the outline of the eas

340、t coast of South America and he pointed to the west coast ofAfrica and he asked, Did they ever fit together?1 And the teacher said, Of coursenot. Thats the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard.1 That student went on tobecome a drug addict and a neer-do-well. The teacher went on to become scienceadvi

341、sor in the current administration.But, you know, the teacher was actually reflecting the conclusion of the scientificestablishment of that time. Continents are so big, obviously they dont move. But,actually, as we now know, they did move. They moved apart from one another. Butat one time they did, i

342、n fact, fit together. But that assumption was a problem. Itreflected the well-known wisdom that what gets us into trouble is not what we dontknow, it*s what we know for sure that just aint so.This is actually an important point, believe it or not, because there is another suchassumption that a lot o

343、f people have in their minds right now about global warmingthat just aint so. The assumption is something like this. The Earth is so big we cantpossibly have any lasting harmful impact on the Earth*s environment. And maybethat was true at one time, but its not anymore. And one of the reasons ifs not

344、 trueanymore is that the most vulnerable part of the Earths ecological system is theatmosphere. Vulnerable because its so thin. My friend, the late Carl Sagan, used tosay, uIf you had a big globe with a coat of varnish on it, the thickness of thatvarnish relative to that globe is pretty much the sam

345、e as the thickness of the Earthsatmosphere compared to the Earth itself.1 And its thin enough that we are capableof changing its composition. That brings up the basic science of global warming.And Im not gonna spend a lot of time on this because you know it well. The sunsradiation comes in the form

346、of light waves and that heats up the Earth. And thensome of the radiation that is absorbed and warms the Earth is reradiated back intospace in the form of infrared radiation. And some of the outgoing infrared radiationis trapped by this layer of atmosphere and held inside the atmosphere. And thats a

347、good thing because it keeps the temperature of the Earth within certain boundaries,keeps it relatively constant and livable. But the problem is this thin layer ofatmosphere is being thickened by all of the global warming pollution thats beingput up there. And what that does is it thickens this layer

348、 of atmosphere, more of theoutgoing infrared is trapped. And so the atmosphere heats up worldwide. That*sglobal warming. Now, thats the traditional explanation. Heres what I think is abetter explanation.Man:YouYe probably wondering why your ice cream went away.Well, Susie, the culprit isnt foreigner

349、s. Its global warming.Girl:Global.Man:Yeah.Meet Mr. Sunbeam. He comes all the way from the sun to visit Earth.Sunbeam:Hello, Earth. Just popping in to brighten your day.And now Fil be on my way.Gs:Not so fast, Sunbeam.WeYe greenhouse gases. You aint going nowhere.Sunbeam:Oh, God, it hurts.Man:Pretty

350、 soon, Earth is chock-full of Sunbeams.Their rotting corpses heating our atmosphere.Girl:How do we get rid of the greenhouse gases?Man:Fortunately, our handsomest politicians came up with a cheap, last-minute way tocombat global warming. Ever since 2063, we simply drop a giant ice cube into theocean

351、 every now and then.Girl:Just like Daddy puts in his drink every morning. And then he gets mad.Man:Of course, since the greenhouse gases are still building up, it takes more and moreice each time. Thus, solving the problem once and fbr all.Girl:But.Man:Once and for all!Episode 2: An Inconvenient Tru

352、th (Documentary)Roles:1. Ale Gore2. Scientist3. JournalistAle Gore:1.3 billion people.An economy thats surging.More and more energy needs.Massive coal reserves.Ale Gore:The coal belt in Northern China,Scientist:Inner Mongolia.Ale Gore:Right.Scientist:Then theres Shaanxi province. And also biggest co

353、al mine here.Ale Gore:Up here.Scientist:Yeah.Ale Gore:Now, is that an open pit mine?Scientist:Yes.Ale Gore:Every time Fve visited China, Fve learned from their scientists. Theyre right on thecutting edge.Ale Gore:Give me some sense of the numbers of new coal fire generating plants.Scientist:Well, I

354、have to say that the number is enormous because it*s so profitable.Ale Gore:This issue is really the same for China as it is for the US.We are both using old technologies that are dirty and polluting.Ale Gore:.more flooding and more drought and stronger storms is going up, and globalwarming is impli

355、cated in the pattern.Journalist:And if you were to give some suggestions to everybody here about, like, what wecan do for the situation now.Ale Gore:Separating the truth from the fiction and the accurate connections from themisunderstandings is part of what you learn here. But when the warnings area

356、ccurate and based on sound science, then we as human beings, whatever countiywe live in, have to find a way to make sure that the warnings are heard andresponded to.Ale Gore:We both have a hard time shaking loose the familiar patterns that weve relied on inthe past. We both face completely unaccepta

357、ble consequences.Ale Gore: And there are three factors that are causing this collision, and the first is population.When my generation, the baby boom generation, was born after World War II, thepopulation had just crossed the two billion mark. Now, Fm in my 50s, and it*salready gone to almost six an

358、d a half billion. And if I reach the demographicexpectation for the baby boomers, itll go over nine billion. So if it takes 10,000generations to reach two billion and then in one human lifetime, ours, it goes fromtwo billion to nine billion, something profoundly different is going on right now.Were

359、putting more pressure on the Earth. Most of its in the poorer nations of theworld. This puts pressure on food demand. It puts pressure on water demand. Itputs pressure on vulnerable natural resources, and this pressures one of the reasonswhy we have seen all the devastation of the forest, not only t

360、ropical, but elsewhere.It is a political issue.Episode 3: Obamas Earth Day Message (Speech)41 years ago, in the city of Cleveland, people watched in horror as the Cuyahoga Riverchoked with debris and covered in oil 一 caught on fire. Images of the burning Cuyahoga shocked anation, and it led one Wisc

361、onsin Senator the following year to organize the first Earth Day to callattention to the dangers of ignoring our environment.In the four decades since, weve made remarkable progress. Today, our air and water arecleaner, pollution has been greatly reduced, and Americans everywhere are living in a hea

362、lthierenvironment. Weve passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and founded theEnvironmental Protection Agency. And in Cleveland, the Cuyahoga River is cleaner than its beenin 100 years. But the true story of environmental movement is not about the laws that have beenpassed. It?s about the ci

363、tizens who have come together time and time again to demand cleaner air,healthier drinking water and safer food, and who have demanded that their representatives ingovernment hold polluters accountable.That progress continues today, as individuals and entrepreneurs across the country help laythe fou

364、ndation for a Clean Energy Economy - one solar panel, smart meter and energy efficienthouse at a time. Since taking office, my administration has been a partner in the fight for ahealthier environment. Through the Recovery Act, weve invested in clean energy and clean waterinfrastructure across the c

365、ountry. Were taking the necessary steps to keep our children safe andhold polluters accountable. And weve rejected the notion that we have to choose between creatingjobs and a healthy environment - because we know that the economy of the 21st century will bebuilt on infrastructure powered by clean e

366、nergy. But even though weve made significant progressthere is much more to do. And as we continue to tackle our environmental challenges, its clearthat change wont come from Washington alone. It will come from Americans across the country,who take steps in their own homes and their own communities t

367、o make that change happen.Thats why, as we get ready to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, I want to leaveyou with a challenge. I want you to take action - in your home or your community; at your schoolor your business - to improve our environment. It can be as simple as riding the bus or

368、the subwayto work, making your home more energy efficient, or organizing your neighbors to clean up anearby park.Episode 4: The Day After Tomorrow (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Anchorwoman (W)2. Journalist 1 (JI), Journalist 2 (J2), Journalist 3 (J3)4. Man (M)5. Tom (T)6. Jack (J)7. Vice President (VP)W: We

369、 have live coverage now from our Fox 11 chopper. Are you there, Bart?JI: Yes, Fm here. These tornados are fanning so fast-W: Bart!JI: What? Oh! Oh, my God. Lisa, are you getting this on camera? This tornado just came anderased the Hollywood sign. The Hollywood sign is gone. Its just shredded.W: Bart

370、, what can you see? Is anyone hurt?JI: I wouldnt be surprised. There is so much damage down there. And there are people downthere taking pictures.M: Hey, what the hell are you guys doing? Go for cover! You cant stay here! Get out of here!J2: What youre seeing are two actual tornados striking Los Ang

371、eles International Airport.Wait. It looks like theyve joined and formed one large tornado.J3: Tommy!J2: Oh, my God! Holy shit!W: but local residents arent taking any chances.as people stock up for what is already being billed as the worst storm season on record.T: Better be sure about this, Jack. My

372、 ass is on the line.J: You saw the model.T: And I hope to God its wrong.Mr. Vice President.VP: Tom.T: You know Professor Hall.VP: Yes, weve met.T: Professor Hall has some information I think you should take a look at.J: We just got these results from our simulation model. They explain whats causing

373、this severeweather.VP: Look, Til have to look at it later. I have the meeting with the director of FEMA right nowJ: This is very urgent. Our climate is changing violently. Its going to happen over the next sixdays to weeks.VP: You said this wouldnt happen for another 100 years or so.J: I was wrong.V

374、P: Well, I suppose youre wrong this time.J: I wish that I were, but Fm sure that youre aware of whats happening all around the world.VP: Were making all the necessary preparations for this storm. What more do you expect?J: You have to start thinking about large-scale evacuations right now. Especiall

375、y in theNorthern states.VP: Evacuations?J: Yes.VP: You lost your mind, Hall. Have to go.J: Mr. Vice President! If we dont act now, its going to be too late.Unit 8 The Oscars and the MoviesEpisode I: 80 Years of Oscar (2008)Monolog by Jack NicholsonJack Nicholson :Thank you very much. Oh I love the m

376、ovies. They entertain us, they offer ushope, they give us dramas, they can take us to places weve never been andjust even for a few moments, they can take us away when you wanna get away.Movies inspire us, they challenge us, and despite our differences, they are thecommon link that touches the human

377、ity hahaha in all of us.And of all the millions of hours of movie entertainment over the past 80 years,there are only 79 the Academy has honored with its greatest tribute: 79 moviesthat are known simply as “Best Picture”.Episode 2: Best actress Helen Mirren: The Queen (2006)Roles:1. Philip Seymour H

378、offman (the Presenter )2. H. M.= Helen MirrenPresenter:Hi, uh, five leading roles, five limitless actresses. Here are the nominees foractresses in a leading role. Penelope Cruz, in Volver, Judi Dench, in Notes ona Scandal, Helen Minen, in The Queen; Meryl Streep, in The Devil WearsPrada. Kate Winsle

379、t, in Little Children. And the Oscar goes to Helen Mirren,in The Queen.And the Oscar goes to Helen Mirren, in The QueenVoice-over:The road to the Oscars was bumpy for Helen Mirren and an Indiana handreader once told her that her success will not peak until her late forties.Helen Mirren:Ive got my pu

380、rse in one hand, my eamngs in the other. Thank you, Academy.Thank you so much. Huge honor. You know my sister told me that all kidsloved to get gold stars, and this is the biggest and the best gold stars that Ihave ever had in my life. I want to share my gold star with my fellownominees, those brill

381、iant, brilliant actresses who gave such amazingperformances this year. I also share my gold star with the film makers, withStephen Frears and Peter Morgen, with Andy Harris, and all the producers andall the film makers and the cast. Thank you.Now, you know, for 50 years and more Elizabeth Wensor had

382、 maintained herdignity, her sense of duty and her hair style. Shes had her feet planted firmlyon the ground, her hat on her head, her handbag on her arm and shesweathered many, many storms and I solute her courage and her consistencyand I thank to her because for her, if it wasnt for her, I most, mo

383、st certainlywould not be here. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Queen.Thank you. Thank you very much.Episode 3: Best Actress: Kate Winslet: The Reader (2008)PartiRoles : 1. Host2. Hostess3. Sophia Loren4. Shirly MacLaine5. Halle Berry6. Nicole Kidman7. Marion CotillardHost: The winner is Sophia

384、Loren in Two Women, Shirly MacLaine in Termsof Endearment, Halle Berry in Monsters Ball, Nicole Kidman in thehours, Marion Cotillard in La Vie En Rose.Hostess: Please welcome Sophia Lx) ren, Shirley MacLaine, Halle Berry, NicoleKidman and Marion Cotillard.Shirley MacLaine : Anne Hathaway, we loved y

385、ou as a Princess. We loved you in Prada. Andthis year, in Rachel Getting Married, you fearlessly stepped into the shoesof someones struggling with addiction and grief. I think you are anamazing example for every young actress in this business. Because youare not afraid, you are not afraid to show bo

386、th your dark and your brightside. This is your first nomination. I have a feeling there will be manymore after this. And by the way, I think you have an extraordinary voice.So, keep singing, too. Bless you.Marion Cotillard: Kate Winslet, with each new role, you continue to push the boundaries ofwhat

387、s possible. Your brilliant performance in The Reader encompassesall the qualities that have always drawn us to you, passion, vulnerabilityPart IIand extraordinary depth. As your character move through time, love, andthe most dire of circumstances, we, as your audience, Kate, never lose aconnection t

388、o you. This is, yet, another unforgettable portrait from one ofour most gifted actresses and one of our most inspiring. Thank you.Halle Berry :I have been lucky enough to make a small independent film that thenfound its way to global recognition right here on this stage at the Oscars.How wonderful i

389、t is to see it happen again this year from Melissa Leo. InFrozen River, you played a woman whos lost everything, yet, in thetruest American sense, still holds hope for a better day. Your authenticportrayal, not only brought a star focus to those who are too often left out.But it showed you, Melissa

390、Leo as one far too exceptional to be ignored.Congratulations.Sophia Loren:Its hard to know where to begin with the next nominee. Her name itselfhas come to represent a whole world of unmatched excellence, so it*sprobably best to simply start there. Meryl Streep. In Doubt, you gave usanother of your

391、singular creations, a strict Catholic nun. But you led ussense a struggle holding on to her moral beliefs, while feeling the tide oftime moving ever against her. For this record, you have had 15nominations. And we behold the astonishing, astonishing Meryl Streep.Nicole Kidman:A young mother in 1928

392、loses her only son and is forced to take part in acover-up by the police force investigating his disappearance. Such wasthe lot for a woman of that time. That this role is played so authenticallyis due to the very modern gifts of Angelina Jolie. In Changeling, yoursearch for justice/ and for the tru

393、th led with heartbreaking anguish andsteadfast determination, reminded us all of the enduring power of amothers love. As one who would not let her son be forgotten, AngelinaJolie, you were unforgettable.Roles:1. Marion Cotillard2. Kate WinsletMarion Cotillard:And the Oscar goes to Kate Winslet in th

394、e Reader.Kate Winslet:Ok, ok, that fainting thing, Penelope, Fd be lying if I havent made aversion of this speech before. I think I was probably 8 years old andstaring at the bathroom mirror, and this would have been a shampoobottle. Well its not a shampoo bottle now. I feel very fortunate to havema

395、de all the way from there to here and Id like to thank some of thepeople along the way who had faith in me, em. my friends, my family,especially, my mom and dad whore in this room somewhere, dad whistleor something, coz Ill know where youre, yeah, I love you .And I also want to thank Hylda Queally,

396、Dallas Smith and the late, muchloved, much missed Robert Garlock, and from Peter Jackson and EmmaThompson too, my very own Sam, and Steven Daldry. Im very lucky tohave been given Hanna Schmitz by Bernhard Schlink and David Hareand Stephen. Working with you its an experience Ill never forget. Therewa

397、s no division between the cast and crew on this film and ihals whatmade it so special. So to have been surrounded by remarkable group ofpeople who provided an unbroken chain of support from David Kross toRalph Fiennes, Bruno Ganz, Lena Olin from hair and makeup tocinematography, from the art departm

398、ent to Ads and from New York toBerlin. And Pm so lucky to have a wonderful husband and two beautifulchildren who let me do what I love and who love me just the way that Iam. Anthony and Sidneythis is for you, this is for both of you. And Iwant to acknowledge my fellow nomineesthese goddesses. I thin

399、k weall cant believe were in a category with Meryl Streep at all. Im sorry,Meryl, but you have to just suck that up And I just to the Academy, thankyou so much, my God. Thank you.Episode 3: Natalie Portman (CNN News)Roles: 1. Reporter2. Natalie Portman3. Howard Bragman (the publicist)4. Liam Neeson

400、(actor in Star War)Reporter: Nearly seventeen years before Natalie Portmans Oscar nominated role inBlack Swan, she was a thirteen-year-old kid, who wowed audiences inthe Professional. Now Natalie is 29, and she is dancing her way to Oscargold.Natalie Portman:It is an incredible feeling.Reporter:What

401、s perhaps more incredible is Portmans smooth transition fromchild actor to adult super star, all well-sides stepping into traps thattempted many young celebrities today.Howard Bragman:I think Natalie has a pretty extraordinary family.Reporter:Hollywood publicist Howard Bragman said Portmans path to

402、success isdue in part to valuable guidance from none other than mom and dad.Howard Bragman:Her parents have really made sure that she is dedicated to the craft andnot the stardom. We look at a lot of other child stars: Lindsay Lohencertainly comes to mind, who have a different kind of parental situa

403、tion,and thats when things fall apart.”Reporter:Howard Bragman:Also helping Portman keep it together, Bragman said is her work ethic.She is not one of those girls that you see out in this party or this club. Sheis a girl, who is doing intense things to herself for her career.Natalie Portman:I am a l

404、ittle bit like militarily, I really like, kind of like discipline andhard work.Reporter:Its that discipline and hard work that Portmans Starwars co-star LiamNeeson said shes caught his eye when she was just eighteen.Liam Neeson :She had presence, she had a core, she is very very intelligent, and she

405、picks her project very carefully, she is a terrific talent.Reporter:A talent whos also become a model of a child star done right.Kareen. Winter, CNN, HollywoodUnit 9 Work as a Way of Self-ActualizationEpisode 1 : The Nanny Diaries (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Annie Braddock2. Mum3. Announcer4. Passer-by5. I

406、nterviewer6. Tribeca7. Anonymous(at the graduation ceremony)Announcer: Annie Braddock, high honors in business, minor in anthropology.Annie:So here I am, a few months before the teddy bear incident.(Whoo-whooi) A nativeNew Jersey girl participating in a dreaded rite-of-passage ceremony.Mum:Doh! Oh m

407、y God!Anonymous: Spazz!Annie:And heres the woman who reared me, pretty much all by herself. Shes a nurse.Note the shoes.(at the restaurant)Annie:What is it?Mum:Youll see.Annie:Oh, wow. Thank you.Mum:I know its not much, but I wanted to buy you your first business suit.Annie:Thanks. Thank you.Mum:You

408、 can look back on this when you Ye a famous CFO.Annie:Oh, Mom. Gosh, come on. Ils one meeting at Goldman Sachs. Its highlycompetitive. Im probably never gonna get the job.Mum:All right, stop with the negativity. Your father was always negative and look whereit got him. Double-wide trailer in Scranto

409、n.Annie:.in Scranton.Mum:Honey, Pm not kidding. I would give the world to be sitting where youre sittingright now. You are so much smarter than I was. No man is gonna squash yourdreams. No ones gonna tell you how to live your life.Annie:Maybe Im. maybe Im not CFO material, you know? No. what if Tm b

410、etter suitedat something. something else?Mum:Like what? Anthropology? Honey, how are you gonna make a living at that? Look,if you really want to run around in grass skirts, then make enough money to spendChristmas at Club Med.(at home)Mum:Annie, it*s 7:15.(in the street)Annie:Sir?Passer-by:Annie:Yea

411、h?I got off at the wrong stop. Can you tell me where Chambers Street is, please?Passer-by:Annie:You see the building with the red umbrella?Yes.Passer-by:Its about five blocks below that.Annie:Oh shit.(during the interview)Interviewer:Our financial analyst training program is so competitive. We have

412、over 8,000applicants for 10 positions. So, why dont you tell me, in your own words, whoexactly is Annie Braddock?Annie:Wow, thats.thats certainly an easy enough question. Mm-hm. Annie Braddock isa kind.well.I am.Interviewer: Go on.Annie:Well, you see.Mm-hm. I have absolutely no idea. Excuse me.(in t

413、he street)Annie:Who is Annie Braddock? It wasnt exactly a trick question. Yet somehow I couldntformulate a response. Of course I knew all the basic facts.the date of birth, hometown, socioeconomic makeup. But I didnt really know who I was, where I fit in,who I was gonna be. I was suddenly terrified

414、Id never find the answer.Tribeca:(on the phone)I need five rolls of fabric overnighted from London. I dont care howmuch it costs.(Singing)Annie:# Ooh Youre a native New Yorker. #How about her? This woman. could she be Annie Braddock?(Singing)Annie:# You should know by now ; Youre a native New Yorker

415、. #Hmm. Or perhaps this is Annie Braddock?(Singing)# You grew up riding the subways, running with people, up in Harlem, down onBroadway . There you are lost in the shadows, searching for someone. Youre theheart and soul of New York City. #Annie:On that spring afternoon, it seemed my future was final

416、ly set. A Central Park baglady I would be. At least Fd finally get to live in Manhattan. But before I officiallysurrendered to fate, something. or rather, someone. intervened.Episode 2: The Pursuit of Happyness (Movie Clip)Roles:1. Chris Gardner2. Mr. Frohm3. Jay Twistle4. receptionistReceptionist:

417、This way.Itll be right this way.Receptionist: Chris Gardner.Chris:Chris Gardner. How are you? Good morning. Chris Gardner(shaking hands). ChrisGardner(shaking hands). Good to see you again. Chris Gardner, pleasure. Fve beensitting out there for the last half-hour trying to come up with a story that

418、wouldexplain my being here dressed like this. And I wanted to come up with a story thatwould demonstrate qualities that Pm sure you all admire here, like earnestness ordiligence, team-playing, something. And I couldnt think of anything. So the truth isI was arrested for failure to pay parking ticket

419、s.Jay Twistle:Parking tickets?Chris:And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station, the police station.Mr.Frohm:What were you doing before you were arrested?Chris:I was painting my apartment.Mr.Frohm:Is it dry now?Chris:I hope so.Mr.Frohm:Jay says youre pretty determined.Jay Twistle:Hes been waiti

420、ng outside the front of the building.with some 40-pound gizmo forover a month.Mr.Frohm:He said youre smart.Chris:Well, I like to think so.Mr.Frohm:And you want to learn this business?Chris:Yes, sir, I wanna learn this business.Mr. F rohm:Have you already started learning on your own?Chris:Absolutely

421、.Mr.Frohm:Jay?Jay Twistle:Mr.Frohm:Yes, sir.How many times have you seen Chris?Jay Twistle:Mr. F rohm:I dont know. One too many, apparently.Was he ever dressed like this?Jay Twistle:Mr.Frohm:No. Jacket and tie.First in your class in school? High school?Chris:Yes, sir.Mr.Frohm:How many in the class?C

422、hris:Twelve. It was a small town.Mr. F rohm:Ill say.Chris:But I was also first in my radar class in the Navy, and that was a class of 20. Can Isay something? Im the type of person, if you ask me a question and I dont knowthe answer, Fm gonna tell you that I dont know. But I bet you what. I know how

423、tofind the answer, and I will find the answer. Is that fair enough?Mr.Frohm:Chris. What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview without a shirt onand I hired him? What would you say?Chris:He mustve had on some really nice pants.Jay Twistle:Chris, I dont know how you did it, dressed as a ga

424、rbage man, but you really pulledit off in there.Chris:Thank you very much, Mr. Twistle.Jay Twistle:Hey, now you can call me Jay. Well talk to you soon.Chris:All right, so Ill let you know, Jay.Jay Twistle:“Youll let me know, Jay? What do you mean?Chris:Yeah, Til give you a call tomorrow sometime.Jay

425、 Twistle:Chris:What are you talking? You hounded me for this. You stood here.Listen, there*s no salary.Jay Twistle:Chris:No.I was not aware of that. My circumstances have changed some.and 1 need to becertain that Fil beJay Twistle:All right. Okay. Tonight. I swear I will fill your spot. I promise. Y

426、ou know Pll looklike. If you back out, you know what Til look like to the partners?Chris:Yes, an ass- A-hole.Jay Twistle:Chris:Yeah, an ass A-hole, all the way. Like you are a piece of work. Tonight.There was no salary. Not even a reasonable promise of a job. One intern was hiredat the end of the pr

427、ogram from a pool of 20. And if you werent that guy, youcouldnt even apply the six months, training.to another brokerage. The onlyresource I would have for six months would be my six scanners, which I could stilltry to sell. If I sold them all, maybe we might get by.Episode 3: The Devil Wears Prada

428、(Movie Clip)Roles:1. Andrea2. Emily3. Miranda4. Nigel5. EmployeeAndrea:Hi. Uh, I have an appointment with Emily Charlton?Emily:Andrea Sachs?Andrea:Yes.Emily:Great. Human Resources certainly has an odd sense of humor. Follow me. Okay, soI was Mirandas second assistant.but her first assistant recently

429、 got promoted, andso now Im the first.Andrea:Oh, and you*re replacing yourself.Emily:Well, I am trying. Miranda sacked the last two girls after only a few weeks. Weneed to find someone who can survive here. Do you understand?Andrea:Yeah. Of course. Whos Miranda?Emily:Oh, my God. I will pretend you d

430、id not just ask me that. Shes the editor in chief ofRunway, not to mention a legend. You work a year for her, and you can get a job atany magazine you want. A million girls would kill for this job.Andrea:It sounds like a great opportunity. Id love to be considered.Emily:Andrea, Runway is a fashion m

431、agazine.so an interest in fashion is crucial.Andrea:What makes you think Im not interested in fashion?Emily:Oh, my God. No! No! No! Whats wrong? Shes on her way. Tell everyone!Nigel:Shes not supposed to be here until 9:00.Emily:Her driver just text-messaged, and her facialist ruptured the disk. God,

432、 thesepeople!Nigel:Who*s that?Emily:That I cant even talk about.Nigel:All right, everyone! Gird your loins! Did somebody eat an onion bagel?Employee:Sorry, Miranda.Emily:Move it! Ooh!Miranda:Whos that?Emily:Nobody. Um, uh.Human Resources sent her up about the new assistant job, and Iwas preinterview

433、ing her. But she*s hopeless and totally wrong for it.Miranda:Clearly Im going to have to do that myself because the last two you sent me werecompletely inadequate. So send her in. Thafs all.Emily:Right. She wants to see you.Andrea:Oh! She does?Emily:Move! This is foul. Dont let her see it. Go!Andrea

434、:Thats.Miranda:Who are you?Andrea:Uh, my name is Andy Sachs. 1 recently graduated from Northwestern University.Miranda:And what are you doing here?Andrea:Well, I think I could do a good job as your assistant. And, um. Yeah, I came toNew York to be a journalist and sent letters out everywhere and the

435、n finally got a call from Elias-Clarke.and met with Sherry up at Human Resources. Basically, itsthis or Auto Universe.Miranda:So you don*t read Runway?Andrea:Uh, no.Miranda:And before today, you had never heard of me.Andrea:No.Miranda:And you have no style or sense of fashion.Andrea:Well, um, I thin

436、k that depends on what you*re.Miranda:No, no. That wasnt a question.Andrea:Um, I was editor in chief of the Daily Northwestern. I also, um, won a nationalcompetition for college journalists.with my series on the janitors* union, whichexposed the exploitation.Miranda:Thats all.(Nigel comes in.)Andrea

437、:Yeah. You know, okay. Youre right. I dont fit in here. I am not skinny or glamorous,and I dont know that much about fashion. But Im smart. I learn fast and I willwork very hard.Nigel:I got the exclusive on the Cavalli for Gwyneth, but the problem is, with that hugefeathered headdress that she*s wea

438、ring. She looks as if shes working the main stageat the Golden Nugget.Andrea:Thank you for your time.Nigel:Who is that sad little person? Are we doing a before-and-after piece I dont knowabout?Emily:Andrea. Hmm?Episode 4: The Best Job in the World (CNN News)Roles:1. Reporter 1 (male).2. Reporter 2 (

439、male).3. Atika Shubert (CNN Correspondent)4. Passer-by 1 (male).5. Passer-by 2 (male)6. Passer-by 3 (female)7. Jane Nicholoson (Regional Manager, Tourism Queensland)8. Louise Cryan (Applicant)Reporter 1:See if you can ID(identify) me: Im located in the Pacific Ocean, off northeasterncoast of Austral

440、ian; I stretch for more than 1,250 miles; Im home to hundreds ofspecies of coral, as well as many kinds of birds, fish, worms and spongers.Im the Great Barrier Reef, made up of thousands of individual reefs.Reporter 2:For reasons youre about to see, the Great Barrier Reef is a popular tourist attrac

441、tion.Maybe you can*t afford to travel there, maybe you can get a job looking after it. AnAustralian company is currently accepting applications for a position that requireslittle qualifications, comes with tons of perks. Atika Shubert examines what couldbe the best job in the world.Atika:Wanted: One

442、 island caretaker of Australias Great Barrier Reef. Pay: $100,000 U.S.for 6 months of watching whales, feeding turtles or whatever else youd like to doon a tropical island. Oh, you might have to clean the pool at the beachfront,three-bedroom luxury house that comes with this package. And all you hav

443、e to dois write a weekly blog for the Tourism Board of Queensland about your islandexperience. So, is it a job too good to be true?Passer-by 1:You get a three-bedroom luxury apartment with a swimming pool and 73,000pounds a year.Passer-by 2:Passer-by 3:Atika:That cant be right. Its gotta be a catch

444、somewhere.Sounds like a good job. I should go bikini hunting straight away.Tourism Queensland insists theres no catch, just quote the best job in the world.Others might call it a publicity stunt for Australian tourism, but one that just mightwork.Jane:Word of mouth is really important now. You need

445、to hear from fellow travelerswhat a destination is really like. So, what better way than to create a job forsomeone to do that? They need to be over 18; they have to be able to swim. Apartfrom that, its open to anybody.Atika:The land down under has been hit hard by the credit crunch. Tourism Researc

446、hAustralia says tourist numbers could fall by 4% this year, especially from mainstaymarkets like the UK. So, will the best job in the world spark new interest?Atika:Well so far, so good. On opening day, the Web site has been flooded with about 33hits per second. All applicants have to do is submit a

447、 60-second video to this Website, , explaining why they are the perfect candidate to be theisland caretaker. It*s very tempting.Atika:Eleven lucky finalists will be flown to Australia for a final round of interviewsbefore an island caretaker is chosen. Twenty-six year old Louise Cryan saw it inthe p

448、aper on Monday morning and immediately called up, one of the first to apply.Louise:Its actually a real job, so thats amazing. I just thought, what a great place to go andspend 6 months. I looked out the window. Its such a grey and miserable day, sowho wouldnt want to go?Atika:So, rainy London versus

449、 sunny Australia in the middle of a credit crunch? Whatwould you choose?Passer-by 1:For me, with everything thats going on in my life, it couldn*t come at a better time.Atika:Better get your applications in. The deadline for the best job in the world isFebruary 22nd. Atika Shubert, CNN, London.Unit

450、10 Hold Fast to Your DreamsEpisode 1: I(Roles:e Princess (Movie Clip)1. Casey Carlyle2. Dr. Healey3. Mrs. CarlyleDr. Healey:Its a nice little experiment. In what way do you think that a triple loop jumpentitles you to a physics scholarship?Casey:Dr. Healey, the proof of the experiments success isnt

451、in the mumbo jumbo of thecalculations. It*s in the actual improvement in the skating of three junior levelchampions. I also applied the findings to my own skating and and actuallymanaged to implement the experiment in a very rewarding and highly personalway.Dr. Healey:Well, good, because passion is

452、a key component of what we look for in students.Passion makes people go on to do exceptional things. So, Casey, why are youpassionate about Harvard?Casey:Dr. Healey, my mom and I have been imagining Harvard practically my whole life.I cant believe Im saying this, but what I need to be doing, I cant

453、do here. Tm sorryIve wasted your time. Fm so sorry.Dr. Healey:Miss Carlyle, we wont reschedule.Casey:I know.Mrs. Carlyle: You cant do this, Case. Youre giving up your dream.Casey:No, Mom, Im giving up your dream. Fm going after mine.Tina:What do you want?Casey:Five minutes. You owe me that much.Tina

454、:If you Ye here for an apology, you wont get one.Casey:Im not here for an apology. Tell me what happened in Sarajevo. Why didnt youwin?Tina:I had an unfortunate warm-up before my short program. I collided with anotherskater and she got hurt.Casey:Are you sorry?Tina: Look, I paid my dues. I was suspe

455、nded. By the time they considered reinstating me,I was 26 and it was too late. But there isnt a day goes by that I dont wish I couldrelive that moment and do it differently.Casey: I want you to coach me for sectionals.Tina: Why on earth would I do that?Casey: Because you don*t have a skater and I do

456、nt have a coach. Were a perfect match.Tina: I don*t think you have what it takes.Casey: Tina, I have to do this. I want this more than Ive ever wanted anything. I said no toHarvard. I will work harder than any skater you have ever trained. And if I fail, Ifail, but because I wasnt good enough, not b

457、ecause I didnt have the guts. I want toknow what I can do in this sport, and Im going to find out.Tina: The rink. Tomorrow, 5:30a.m., and get a good nights sleep. Youre gonna need it.Episode 2: Sister Act (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. M.C.= Sister Mary Clarence2. M.R.= Sister Mary Robert3. Rita4. Tanya5. Ri

458、tas MomSinging: When Jesus is my portion,A constant friend is He,His eye is on the sparrowTanya: Hmm. I mess up on that part every time.Singing: The sparrowTanya: Whats the matter, Rita?Rita: That was beautiful.Tanya: Hey, don*t even try, girl, cause you can blow too.Rita: Yeah, but you got that typ

459、e of voice, you could really make it.Tanya: Uh-uh. This is for church. What*s wrong with you, girl?Rita: I dont know. Ive just been thinking about things. My mother thinks singing is a deadend. No security.Tanya: And thats cool, Rita. But what do you think?Rita: I don*t know.Tanya: Look, lets do the

460、 song I was doing, but this time lets do it together.Rita: I cant sing with you, girl.Tanya: Come on. I know youre with it. You take the top, and Fil take the bottom. Just try it.Rita: Okay.Singing: I sing, because Fm happy.And I sing, because Im free.His eye is on the spaiTowM.R.: Please dont stop.

461、Tanya: Ill see you later, Rita.Rita: Okay.M.R.: You have a beautiful voice.Rita: So what?M.R.: So? So why arent you in the choir? I know you want to be.Rita: Yeah, well, there are a lot of things I wanna do, but I aint gonna get to do em. So.M.R.: Yeah, I know. I., I used to feel that way too. You k

462、now, you should talk to Sister MaryClarence. She helped me so much. Um, Rita.youre just barely 17 now, how do youknow what youre gonna get to do and not do?Rita: Have you walked around this neighborhood lately? Em not exactly living in the land ofopportunity. I might want to sing. But it aint gonna

463、happen, so whats the point?Welcome to the real world, Sister.M.R.: Rita. Rita. Rita! Rita!M.C.: Whats the matter? This chicks got a lot of attitude.M.R.: No. No. No, I think its deeper than that. Si. Delor. Sister Mary Clarence, I think thatshe needs help.M.C.: Well, why are you looking at me?M.R.:

464、Well, okay. I thought that maybe you could help her. You know, kind of the way youhelped me?M.C.: No, no, you were different.M.R.: Look. She really, really wants to sing.M.C.: Is she any good?M.R.: Yes. Yeah, I think so.M.C.: Mmm.M.R.: God bless you, Sister Mary Clarence.M.C.: All right, all right.

465、Chapel time. Get in there.M.C.: Ah, Rita. hey.Rita: What?M.C.: Listen. You have just a little bit more attitude than I like, but Ive decided Im gonna dogyou no matter what.Rita: Okay? Okay. Pm listening to you. Go ahead.M.C.: I know you want to sing. I love to sing. Nothing makes me happier. I eithe

466、r wanted to bea singer or the head of the Ice Capades. Hey, do you know what the Ice Capades are?Dont roll your eyes. They were very cool. I went to my mother who gave me this bookcalled Letters To a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. Hes a fabulous writer. Afellow used to write to him and say, “I wa

467、nt to be a writer. Please read my stuff. AndRilke says to this guy, Dont ask me about being a writer. If, when you wake up in themorning, you can think of nothing but writing, then youre a writer. Im gonna say thesame thing to you. If you wake up in the morning and you cant think of anything butsing

468、ing first, then youre supposed to be a singer, girl.Rita: Whats the point of your story, Sister? What*s the point?M.C.: Read the book. And dont roll your eyes about the Ice Capades. It was a very good living.I just want to point that out.Singing: Joyful, joyful, Joy. , Joy.Fill us with the light of

469、day.Fill us with the light of day.Fill us with the light of day.Mom: Rita?Singing: Come and join the chorus.Mighty chorus, the mighty chorus,Father love is reigning oer.Ooh ooh ooh.Mom: Rita?Rita: Mama, what are you doing home so early?Mom: Mrs. Gibbs needs me to do her hair. What are you doing?Rita

470、: I was just fooling around with some stuff.Mom: Give me that, please.Rita: Huh?Mom: Give me that. And the tape recorder too. What is this?Rita: Its just some music, Ma. Sister Mary Clarence wants usMom: Now, just when were you gonna tell me that youre in a choir? Rita, how many times dowe have to g

471、o through this? Singing does not put food on the table. Singing does not paythe bills. Singing is no guarantee to a future, even if you have got talent.Rita: Mama, do you know I can sing?Mom: So could your daddy, and he died still trying to make it.Rita: What does that have to do with me? Mom, were

472、a good choir. They wanna take us tothis all-state music competition. We could win.Mom: If you want to win in life, then you keep your nose in the books and out of the clouds.Rita: If you could just listen to me, let me explain.Mom: Baby, I know how you feel. But there are a lot of talented people ri

473、ght down on thestreet, singing their nshoulda-coulda-wouldas. Is that how you wanna end up?Rita: No, thats not what I wa.Mom: Good. Then you dont have time for any choir, cause you got to study.Rita: We have a chance of winning.Mom: The choir and the competition are out.Rita: But, Mama.Mom: If you B

474、ut, Mama me one more time. Now, I said the choir and the competition is out.You understand?Rita: Yes, ma*am.Episode 3: Ratatouille (Movie Clip)Roles: 1. Remy2. Gusteau3. Django4. Emile5. Anonymous Man6. Anonymous WomanRemy: This is me. I think it*s apparent I need to rethink my life a little bit. Wh

475、ats my problem?First of all, Im a rat. Which means life is hard. And second, I have a highly developedsense of taste and smell. Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean. Oh! Small twist of lemon.Emile: Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift.Remy: This is Emile, my brother. Hes easily impressed.Django

476、: You can smell ingredients? So what?Remy: This is my dad. Hes never impressed. He also happens to be the leader of our clan. So,whats wrong with having highly developed senses? Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dont eat that!Django: What*s going on here?Remy: Turns out that funny smell was rat poison. Suddenly, Da

477、d didnt think my talent wasuseless. I was feeling pretty good about my gift, until Dad gave me a job. Clean. Clean.Thats right. Poison checker. Cleanerific. Cleanerino. Close to godliness. Which meansclean. You know, cleanliness is close to. Never mind. Move on. Well, it made my dadproud.Django: Now

478、, dont you feel better, Remy? Ybuve helped a noble cause.Remy: Noble? Were thieves, Dad. And what were stealing is, let*s face it, garbage.Django: It isn*t stealing if no one wants it.Remy: If no one wants it, why are we stealing it? Lets just say we have different points of view.This much I knew: I

479、f you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff. But tomy dad,.Django: Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is going to die.Now shut up and eat your garbage.Remy: Look, if were going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, whereno

480、thing is poisoned?Django: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from thehumans. Its dangerous.Remy: I know Im supposed to hate humans, but there*s something about them. They don*t justsurvive. They discover. They create. I mean, just look at what they do with f

481、ood.Gusteau:How can I describe it? Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. Thereis excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.Remy: Oh, Gusteau was right. Oh, mmm, yeah. Oh, amazing. Each flavor was totally unique.But combine one flavor with another, a

482、nd something new was created.Remy: I waited for a sound, a voice, a sign, something.Gusteau: If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?Remy: Well, Fve just lost my family, all my friends, probably forever.Gusteau: How do you know?Remy: Well, I. You are an illustration.

483、 Why am I talking to you?Gusteau: Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely.Remy: Yeah. Well, youre dead.Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. If you focus on what youve left behind,youll never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around.Remy:

484、Oh!Gusteau: What are you doing?Remy: Im hungry. I dont know where I am, and I dont know when Ill find food again.Gusteau:Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook. A cook makes. A thief takes. You are nota thief.Remy: But I am hungry.Gusteau:Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who

485、love to cook.Woman: You think I am playing?Man: You dont have the guts.Remy: Paris? All this time Fve been underneath Paris? Wow. It*s beautiful.Gusteau:The most beautiful.Remy: Gusteaus? Your restaurant? Youve led me to your restaurant.Gusteau:It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! I have led

486、 you to it!Remy: I got to see this.Episode IV (CNN News) Peter LuoClient 1: We are very happy.Client 2: Its very good, thank you very much.Reporter: Call him crazy, a Chinese villager, left school at 12, running a Tex-Mex restaurant.26-year-old Peter Luo has banked his future on selling Berettas to

487、Beijing. Yes, youcan certainly call him crazy.Peter Luo: My finance education is zero, I only know how to count it zero to ten.Reporter: But dont laugh too soon, this culinary quirk, a Tex-Mex Chinese is catching on.Client 3: Were thoroughly amazed by (ur) the fact that he. . . um, he, stopped his e

488、ducationat the age of 12 and hes been hugely successful like this at the. . at 23 he said now,so were in awe of him.”Client 4: We have some similarities.Reporter: These American MBA students are studying Peter Luo as a real-life textbook caseof making it in the new China. Little education and younge

489、r than most of thestudents themselves, Peter is putting into practice while they are still learningabout.Client 5:Our group has come to China to try to understand how do things work, how doesbusiness work?Peter Luo:So whatever you do, you pay more attention.Reporter:Peter has a simple lesson for the

490、m, a motivation that is driving a new generation ofChinese entrepreneurs.Peter Luo:I am so afraid (of) getting poor.Reporter:Peter Luo knows all about being poor, he comes from a small village in southwestChina, his family are farmers. But Peters life changed when he met a woman henow calls his Amer

491、ican mother0. Meredith Dunton from Texas came to China toteach English, ran an American food restaurant in Beijing. Peter worked as a cook,but Meredith saw much more in him. She sent him to culinary school, taught himthe tricks of Texas cooking. With her guidance and financial backing, from that, ha

492、scome all of this.Peter Luo:I can*t pay anything back, but at least I can, you know, really respect in what she(has) done on me, so I want to call her mother,.Reporter:One restaurant is now 3, Peter dreams of opening a chain like KFC or Mcdonalds,a testament to Peters hard work, but also to a changi

493、ng China.Peter Luo:China is getting more open, Chinese people are getting changed, developed, andthe economy getting, er, changed too, so people want(s) to try special things, newthings.Reporter:Client 3:And now, for the taste test.Best meal we have in China.Reporter:One of the benefits of doing a s

494、tory of on someone who owns a restaurant is gettingto taste the finished products. So, here it goes! It tastes like that the future iscertainly as big as Texas. Stan Grant, CNN, BeijingUnit 11: Fascinating Lives of CelebritiesEpisode 1: Jane Zhang (Talk Show)Roles: 1. Oprah2. Jane3. SimonOprah: Comi

495、ng up, her appearance on the worlds biggest talent show made her a pop princessto billions of fans.Wait till you see this through. This is the biggest talent show on earth that most of us inAmerica have never heard of. Last season, 1.2 billion people voted during thecompetition. the Chinese mega-hit

496、 called “Super Voice Girl“ that some describe as anational obsession. So lets meet the shows breakout superstar. Take a look.Growing up in the bustling city of Chengdu, China, Jane Zhang dreamed of becoming asinger. Her father earned a meager living as a truck driver. Her mother was an officeassista

497、nt. At 15, Jane and her mother were left penniless after her father died. To eammoney, Jane took a job singing at a local pub after school and soon became a localfavorite. In 2005, she joined 120,000 singing hopefuls vying for a chance to compete ona new TV talent show called 4The Mongolian Cow Sour

498、 Yogurt Super Girl”. Jane waschosen on the spot. Her stunning range, especially those high notes, earned her thenickname “the dolphin princess”.Well, listen to this. 400 million people tuned in to see who would be Chinas next supervoice girl. And although Jane didnt win, shes the one who shot to sta

499、rdom. For threestraight years, shes been named Chinas best female artist, and shes topped the chartswith a stunning 15 number one hit singles, making her American television debut.Please welcome Chinas Jane Zhang.Oprah: Hi, Jane. Wow, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful job.Jane: Thank you.Si

500、mon: How are you? Nice to meet you.Jane: Me too.Simon: Very good!Oprah: So, I hear you didnt even really want to be a star. Is that true?Jane: Yeah. But, just one thing Fm pretty sure. When Fm on the stage and I hold themicrophone and I sing, I feel Im so real and so special like everybody watch me

501、rightnow.Oprah: Good. So, I hear youre also a big fan of American music. Who are your favorites?Jane: Of course, Mariah CareyOprah: Of course.Jane: Yes, theres a story I really wanna tell. When I was very young, I feel normal likeanybody else. One day, I went to a CD store, then I heard a voice. She

502、 sang: thereshero, if you look inside your heart. You dont have to be afraid of what you are. Fm alittle bit nervous. But if Pm not a fan of Mariah, how can I be a singer today?Oprah: Thats pretty amazing.Jane: Yes.Oprah: Yes! Thank you, Jane Zhang. Thank you. WeH be right back. 400 million people.E

503、pisode 2: Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech (Speech)I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finestuniversities in the world. Truth be told, I never graduated from college. And this is the closest Fveever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you t

504、hree stories from my life. Thats it.No big deal. Just three stories.The first story is about connecting the dots.I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in foranother 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?It started before I was

505、born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduatestudent, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adoptedby college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and hiswife. Except that when I popped out they d

506、ecided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl.So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: We havean unexpected baby boy; do you want him? They said: Of course.n My biological mother laterfound out that my mother had never graduated from college

507、 and that my father had nevergraduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a fewmonths later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college. This was the start inmy life.And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college

508、that was almost asexpensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents1 savings were being spent on mycollege tuition. After six months, I couldnt see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to dowith my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spend

509、ingall of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that itwould all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the bestdecisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didntinte

510、rest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked far more interesting.It wasnt all romantic. I didnt have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends rooms, Ireturned coke bottles for the 5。deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles acrosstown every Sunday night to get one goo

511、d meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. Andmuch of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be pricelesslater on. Let me give you one example:Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country.Throughout the campu

512、s every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully handcalligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didnt have to take the normal classes, I decided totake a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, aboutvarying the amount of space between di

513、fferent letter combinations, about what makes greattypography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science cant capture,and I found it fascinating.None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, whenwe were designing the fi

514、rst Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it allinto the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on thatsingle course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionallyspaced fonts. And since Windows just co

515、pied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer wouldhave them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class,and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it wasimpossible to connect the dots looking forward when I wa

516、s in college. But it was very, very clearlooking backwards ten years later.Again, you cant connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them lookingbackwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have totrust in something - your gut, destiny, life, ka

517、rma, whatever. Because believing in the dots willconnect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when they lead youoff the well-wom path. And it will make all the difference in my life.Episode 3: Jack Ma (Interview)Roles: 1. Interviewer2. Jack MaJack Ma is a small, unass

518、uming man, who has achieved big things and has even largerambitions.In five years among the top five Internet companies in the world one of them will be from Chinaand I hope that we will be that one/ he says.The 42-year-old has built up China*s largest e-commerce company and, in 2005, attracted thet

519、ech giant Yahoo! to buy 40 percent of the privately-held business for a billion U.S. dollars.As part of that deal, Mas Alibaba Group now owns Yahoo! China.The venture Jack Ma launched out of his Hangzhou apartment in 1999 has expanded into 5companies and now employees about 5,000 people.Ma prides hi

520、mself on being a self-made man. nI am 100 percent made in China. I taughtmyself English in China and I have never been educated outside of China.And no matter if he is taking part in a company-organized wedding party or showing off hisfavorite hometown spot, West Lake, Ma embraces it all.CNNs Andrew

521、 Stevens first asked the Hangzhou native why, as a boy, he would cycle 45minutes every day to one of the tourist hotels around West Lake to practice his English withtourists.Jack Ma:I find it interesting. I find that when I listen to these foreign tourists, what they talkabout, and I learn from the

522、schools are different. For example, 1985 my first trip toleave China to Australia. Before that I was told that China was the richest countryin the world and we are the happiest people in the world. We are supposed toliberate the world. When I arrived in Australia, I said Oh My God things aredifferen

523、t, right? They should liberate us. To know that the world is different fromwhat you think and from what you learn. That is the thing that keeps me growingand growing.Interviewer:You are a student and a fan of the Chinese author Jin Yong. He writes wushunovels about ancient heroes. You have said you

524、have taken lessons from his booksand applied them to your business. How exactly?Jack Ma:The Jin Yong book tell me that whatever you want to be a great person or a greatcompany you have to work very hard. And you have to suffer a lot of terriblethings before you can be a hero. It is quite spiritual.

525、And think out of the box. Youhave to think out of the box to win.Interviewer:In 2005 Yahoo! spent a billion dollars buying 40 percent of Alibaba. Now underthat deal Alibaba took over all of Yahoos operations here in China. At the momentYahoo! China isnt making money. So what lessons did you learn fr

526、om those firstfew months of integration?Jack Ma: To change the culture of the company, it is very difficult. It is a difficult company.So we like most young companies we believe that we are so good and we believethat we can do it so we have a high expectation and people have a high expectation,we wa

527、nt to do things quick. And suddenly we realize no good. It is impossible. Sonow we have patience. We know we have the people we have restructured thecompany and restructured the culture and we have the time and we have the cash.And we have the customers. So lets take it a long time.Interviewer: So w

528、hat is your vision for Alibaba? Is it global domination?Jack Ma: I think that the Internet is changing people and it has changed the world. In the next20 years most of the things and most of the people in the world will be using theInternet. Like today people use electricity. So I believe that in 10

529、 years in the worldthere are three top Internet companies and one of them will be from China andAlibaba wants to be that one of them.Episode 4: Tiger Woods9 Apology (Speech)Good morning. And thank you for joining me.Many of you in the room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of yo

530、u havecheered for me, or worked with me, or supported me, and now, every one of you has good reasonto be critical of me.I want to say to each of you, simply, and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible andselfish behavior I engaged in.I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish

531、 and so foolish. People want to knowhow I could have done these things to my wife, Elin, and to my children. And while I havealways tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say.Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As shepointed out

532、to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words. It will come frommy behavior over time. We have a lot to discuss. And however, what we say to each other willremain between the two of us.I am also aware of the pain my behavior has caused to those of you in this room. I have letyou d

533、own. I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior hasbeen a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have let you down,personally and professionally. My behavior has caused considerable worry to my businesspartners.To everyone involved in my foundat

534、ion, including my staff, board of directors, sponsors, andmost importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteenyears ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education.This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow.

535、 From the Learning Center students inSouthern California, to the Earl Woods Scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids havechanged their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues.But, still, I know I have severely disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I amand how I

536、have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position. Forall that I have done, I am so sorry. I have a lot to atone for.But there is one issue I really want to discuss. Some people have speculated that Elinsomehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. It angers me t

537、hat people would fabricate astory like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode ofdomestic violence in our marriage. Ever.Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise, notblame. The issue involved here was my repea

538、ted irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I hadaffairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable. And I am the only person to blame. I stoppedliving by the core values that I was taught to believe in.I knew my actions were wrong. But I convinced myself that normal rules didnt apply. Inever though

539、t about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself. I ran straightthrough the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away withwhatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all thetemptations around me. I felt I w

540、as entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didnt have far - didnthave to go far to find them.I was wrong. I was foolish. I dont get to play by different rules. The same boundaries thatapply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, mymother, my wifes family, my friends, my foundation, and kids all around the world who admiredme.



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