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1、1 Web-based vocational English Teaching Evaluation System of Thesis Abstract This paper describes the support of constructivist teaching task-based theory to explain the Constructivist theory of the evaluation system was proposed based on web-based teaching college English majors in writing graduati

2、on to establish the assessment system . Keywords: network thesis writing assessment system 1 Introduction Graduate Thesis Writing is a comprehensive ability test to assess the academic performance of important ways. Thesis Writing is a required course for college English majors. Play characteristics

3、 of English, full use of modern educational technology to protect the academic level of graduates and research ability is vocational and Construction Department of Foreign Languages ​​in the curriculum reform is an important task. popularization of the Internet in China and continue to c

4、ampus network upgrade broadband, so that Web-based English Thesis Writing possible. Thesis is a practical course, students must participate in the research and writing through the entire process to build their own research ideas and practical skills. Combined with the characteristics of online teach

5、ing, play a constructivist theory of teaching writing papers on 2 the network guide integration of theory and practice of online teaching, to explore Web-based technology, task-oriented teaching methods is imperative. 2 Constructivism evaluation system under the guidance of Web-based teaching essay

6、writing the new model is based on the theoretical basis of constructivism. Constructivism emphasized throughout the process of teaching by teachers from organizing, guiding and facilitating role, the students are learning the subject, the use situation, cooperation, learning sessions, etc. students

7、of environmental factors into full play the enthusiasm, initiative, knowledge of the significance of the final completion of construction. They think that learners are in the process of interaction with the surrounding environment, through the “assimilation” and “Adaptation” in two ways, to promote

8、their cognitive structural development. the students are not passive, but should be active, exploratory, and collaborative learning. According to constructivist theory, learning itself is a dynamic process of development, such as Constructivism Situated creation of knowledge collaborative constructi

9、on of meaning and the relationship between human time and space conversion are changing. The teaching of writing papers in the past, summative assessment, is concerned that the results of the phase of teaching can not be played on the teaching process tracking, monitoring, testing and guiding role.

10、summative assessment to make up for the 3 shortcomings and deficiencies in the new teaching model, should pay attention to their comprehensive ability and overall quality of development, scientific, rational, comprehensive evaluation of students, from the knowledge and ability , quality, attitude an

11、d many other indicators to measure each student. the use of more personalized evaluation of the development of strategies to stimulate learner interest in learning the subconscious, give full play to their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, so that many more features Learning individual and into

12、 the big learning environment. 3 to form a multi-dimensional evaluation-based evaluation system and evaluation methods To form a multi-dimensional assessment based evaluation system for the evaluation methods are varied, the evaluation of data can be collected by teachers and students to the complet

13、ion. Evaluation System: (1) self-evaluation based, combined with teacher evaluation, team evaluation, variety of evaluation methods. Constructivism advocates independent learning, encourage students to actively participate in learning, research, play a pioneering spirit, self-feedback each learner t

14、o achieve the original transformation and reorganization of cognitive structure, that is, completed a self-affirmative, negative, and then the evaluation process of dialectical negation. This self-assessment is conducive to the formation of learner achievement, goals clear, 4 personalized training,

15、so that students become the main object of evaluation by the evaluation to improve the participatory learning and enhance the evaluation capacity of students. Meanwhile, we should not ignore the teacher evaluation and group evaluation of the role. teacher evaluation for the students construct the me

16、aning of knowledge provides a guide , Science, more reasonable and more objective. (2) evaluation of the object by multi-dimensional, multi-level evaluation to improve the evaluation of the convincing. Constructivism personality development, promotion of multi-situational problem solving, divergent

17、thinking training advocates. Thesis Writing generally divided into five steps: 1) topics; 2) to collect material; 3) the outline of the writing; 4) Write a first draft; 5) modify the first draft of the complete paper. Teaching model based on the task of Willis, we can pre-writing task is divided int

18、o topics, collecting material, writing paper and writing the first draft outline is divided into writing period, and modify the first draft of the complete thesis is divided into task analysis and problem solving. Therefore Our quality control and management of the paper is divided into three areas:

19、 monitoring the preparatory phase of thesis writing; thesis writing process quality control; thesis writing mid-term examination and 5 student feedback. essay writing preparation phase monitoring main tasks are: the thesis of teachers to students Writing in all aspects of counseling to help them est

20、ablish a correct attitude toward writing. At the same time in various stages of thesis writing thesis writing classroom instruction, covering dissertation topic, writing methods, standardized format, the writing process problems and corresponding countermeasures and so on. thesis writing process qua

21、lity control of the main tasks are: teachers on all aspects of quality control, such as regular sampling of a group to see the progress of its members to write graduation thesis, and problems. thesis writing mid-term examination and student feedback Table. in writing papers progress to medium term t

22、he teachers fill out one of their own checklist, on his own schedule, organizational arrangements, quality control and other aspects of self-examination. Student feedback form mainly related to the attitudes of teachers, scientific research, graduate teachers thesis advisor, organizational arrangeme

23、nts and other issues. 4 implementation of the Graduation Project Management System The first is through the topics of network monitoring graduation. Students fill out the basic principles under the topics topics graduation table, and through e-mail sent to the instructor. Vocational school students

24、designed to fully reflect their career and job sex, graduation topics should be professional and job requirements of the school closely. College English graduate design is a combination of the basic principles of topics English, 6 in line with the requirements of the professional curriculum. design

25、should not just single language skills, but should be in English language skills and secretarial, business and tourism, a combination of other academic knowledge. In addition, item difficulty should be suitable for students to be completed within the time prescribed, and subject also requires a scie

26、ntific, practical, relevant, innovation. guide teachers through the Internet on topics for approval. Followed by the management of the design process. Graduation early, management and monitoring the implementation progress of the work management topics, and to provide criteria to determine whether t

27、he specification of various forms completed. According to the progress of graduation requirements, students submit topics of the report online. Teachers marked online through before entering the next segment. Graduation interim, the students submitted online draft design and report design situations

28、. teachers by examining the progress of work, to understand the work of graduate design problems in order to take effective measures to solve the problem. Online convenient for teachers to guide students to master the progress and quality of graduation, students can study to master and apply knowled

29、ge and attitude of students, for students in the graduate design principle appears that the error in time and help to correct. of some of their attitudes not serious or breach of 7 discipline and education to help students in a timely manner. through the network, teachers can review the students wri

30、tten a comprehensive guide students to form the correct expression of ideas, students can fully mobilize the initiative and enthusiasm. of key sectors such as design , theoretical analysis, conclusions and other aspects of data processing and guidance, the guidance of teachers of students through th

31、e store and do the first draft of the reviewers comments, the final paper finalized. graduation later, the instructor can check the completion of the work on the slow progress the students to suggest improvements based on the actual situation and urge the students to graduate on schedule to complete

32、 design tasks, also decided to answer the specific graduation arrangements. Links to free paper download 5 to establish evaluation systems, evaluation-oriented specification The establishment of quality evaluation system should be scientific and feasible. Evaluation index system should have a certai

33、n orientation, can fully mobilize the teachers, students and management initiative. Based on the quality of graduate design elements, based on scientific, operational, guidance and the principle of comparability, our department to establish quality assessment system of graduation, including six eval

34、uation factors, sub-divided into 18 assessment items (see Table 1). 8 6 Graduation Project management, implementation of effective evaluation system I graduate design students began in 2006, a few years since I was teaching graduate design management and implementation of evaluation system, and achi

35、eved the following results: (1) to further improve the graduation design work related documents. I was graduated from design work on the development of teaching management rules and regulations, provided design work for the school system of protection, so that graduate design rules to follow. (2) gi

36、ve full play to the Department of Design Department graduate work in the role. Graduate design management and process management goals, and Department of Management Department of the two departments in the process play an important role. Macro-control system is the organization for the Department of

37、 the Vocational English features to enhance the design of school organization, management and inspection, development of the graduate design work related conditions. (3) to strengthen the graduate design work of quality assurance and evaluation. In the implementation of the graduation project manage

38、ment and evaluation system of teaching process, students improve the quality of graduate design .1) ahead of time, topic, topics from the 9 fifth semester, graduate design students advance into the preparation stage, and take advantage of winter to carry out the work of social research, and enhance

39、capacity-building and social needs of the fit. and the combination of professional courses and practice teaching, social practice, in a timely manner under the guidance of teachers select or change subject . The results show the topics ahead of time, more conducive to the autonomy of the students pl

40、ay and creativity; the same time, students have ample time to access, research literature, advance into the role of the sixth semester of graduate design work carried out to lay more solid foundation .2) to strengthen the work of the mid-term graduation examination. Teaching Steering Group members i

41、n charge of teaching Head, Office of Academic Affairs to the officer in-depth access to the graduation of the professional teaching files, to understand the design of the topic, to discover solve problems .3) prepared a guide book graduation, standardized written form of graduate design .4) in the g

42、raduate design is concluded, the Office of Academic Affairs for the year of graduation to conduct random checks, review, understand the current quality of graduate design shortcomings and decided the department, university graduation .5 outstanding) in the graduation at the end, organizing the exper

43、t group in accordance with the Graduation Project Quality Assurance and Evaluation System design work on that years graduation rate, a clear situation, identify gaps, timely improvements, 10 continues to increase. Graduate design education, evaluation system, established to promote design quality of

44、 my graduate of the steady improvement of the performance distribution of graduate design is reasonable, well-designed rate remained at about 10%, well within the 60% rate of stable, moderate rate of 20% pass and control the failure rate of about 10%. theoretical questions remain at 40% or less, and

45、 practical topics stable at 60%. References 1 Airasian Peter W. Classroom Assessment M. New York: MeGraw - Hill, 1991. 2 Cohen Andrew D. Assessing Language Ability in Classroom M. Boston: Heinle & Heinle publishers, 1994. 3 Ding Guanghui, Zheng-Lian, Yang Wei and so on. Graduation Practice Manag

46、ement System J. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research and Evaluation -, 2007 (4). 4 Ding Guanghui, Zheng-Lian, Yang Wei and so on. Web-based graduate design and implementation of quality control system J. Science and Technology for Development, 2007 (29). 5 Cao Lan. Thesis Design Vocational College English Teaching Model J. Science and Technology Information, 2007 (32). 6 Lu Weicheng. Strengthening the teaching of vocational graduation Management and Innovation J. Shunde Polytechnic Institute, 11 2007. Links



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