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1、高三英语阅读理解解题技巧与专练Part 2 推理判断与词义猜测抓主旨,明细节,猜词义也需要进行判断、推理。所谓推理判断就是指对已知的事实进行估计、评判后得出的结果。如何进行推理判断呢? 阅读中,要依赖于阅读材料中的事实来推断。 另外, 对已知事实的估计、 评判必须符合客观标准,否则,会造成错误的推断。阅读中的推断可以从以下几个方面人手:1、根据词汇做出推断一个单词通常有两个方面的意思, 一个词典意思, 一个延伸意思。 例 如badly,字典意思为“ 粗劣地,坏地 ,延伸意思有“ 非常”等。2、根据句子做出判断有时候,一个句子所描述的人物及其语言、动作和情态也可以帮助我们做出判断。比如:The

2、young quickly answered, I Yes, sir.”推断:这个年轻人对对方非常有礼貌而且有点崇拜,甚至有些害怕对方。3、根据段落出判断有时,要就整个段落、甚至整篇文章事实进行估计、评判, 从而做出推断。 推断题要求考生严格按照短文陈述的观点或描述的事实做出合乎逻辑的推论。 这一类考题存在一定的难度,因为正确的答案没有直接表述在短文里, 我们不可能像解答一些细节题那样, 在短文里找到直接对应的文字部分作为验证,必须从字里行间悟出作者的言外之意,并加以推敲,从而做出符合作者原意的推断。推断题可针对段落或短文的主题思想、作者的倾向、短文的论调、写作思想和特定细节等方面来进行设置,

3、 各种针对性问题都有相应的题型。部分题干列举如下:1. We can infer from this passage (paragraph, fact, example, evidence.) that2. It may be inferred from this passage (paragraph.) that.3. An inference which may not be made from the passage ( paragraph.) is.4. The passage (author) implies, but does not directly state that5. I

4、mplied but not stated.6. The passage suggests that.7. One could conclude from this passage that.8. Upon reading this passage, one ( We) might logically conclude that.9. From this passage, we would say that the author.10. The author probably feels that.11. The authors attitude toward., is.12. The aut

5、hor seems to be ( in favor of) .13. The paragraph preceding this one most probably discusses.14. The paragraph following this one would most likely deal with.15. The tone of the passage can best be described as.做猜测词义的题目时要注意推测词义的方法。 学习并掌握一些猜测生词词义的方法,对排除阅读时某些生词的干扰是十分必要的。在多数情况下,只要运用一定的技巧,照样能明白生词的含义,从而有

6、效地进行阅读。猜词方法主要有如下几种:1 .利用上下文在阅读英语文章中, 解决生词问题的最有效的办法之一是利用上下文词汇之间的某些关系。这些关系主要包括同义词、反义词、上义词( 表示类概念的词,如 vegetable)、下义词( 表示种概念的词, 如 potato、carrot bean cabbage 等) 、词的集合( 如 hospital 医院 就是 doctor nurse patient、medicine operation等词的集合词) 、词的搭配等关系。如:First of all 1 want to introduce myself: My name is Garmen. So

7、me people call meSmiley. I try to act nice, but sometimes I just cant do it. Some people dont helpme. In my school not everyone is nice. Some people in my school act tough with meand want to boss( 同 发号施令)me around. I cant always fight because somepeople have older brothers and sisters who fight for

8、them, but I dont. I have a cousinwho is the only one I can count on to help me. But I try not to bother him because Ihave to learn to stand up by myself to get along in life.本文中的tough与前面的nice是反义词,nice出现过两次。1 try to act nice.( 我想干好。) In my school not everyone isnice.( 在学校并非每个人都好。) Somepeople in my sc

9、hool act tough with me and want to boss( 向 发号施令)mearound.( 我校有些学生很坏,想驱使我。) 几句中的nice与tough恰好形成对照,我们可从熟词nice推测出tough的意义。另外根据文意我们知道文中的brothersand sisters和cousin( 堂/ 表兄弟姐妹) 都属于relative( 亲戚) 的集合,据此可推知cousin一词的大致意义:同辈亲戚。2. 利用语法或语境在阅读中, 有时也可以利用某些语法关系有效地推测词义, 常用的这类关系有照应、替代、省略、定义、举例等。如下面两句话:She was shivering

10、. She had never been to war before.其中的she指的是谁? 或是什么? 单独从这两句话是无法弄清楚的。也许,有读者会猜测she指的是一位战地护士。 那么, 它究竟是不是这个意思? 只要把上述两个句子放回到原来的上下文中与其有关部分联系起来,答案便会很清楚了。The dog, who had sounded SO ferocious in the winter distances, was femaleGerman shepherd he was shivering. Her tail was between her legs. She had neverbee

11、n to war before. 3he had no idea what game was being played. Her name wasPrincess.原来,句子中的she指的是一只牧羊犬。由此可见,英语中像she这样的一些词在上下文往往有它所指代的对象。 只要找出这部分内容, 便可以准确地判断其含义。那么,she这类词与其指代对象之间所存在的这种关系就是所谓的“ 照应关系 。起指代作用的she之类的词一般称作“ 照应词” 。按照应词的应用,照应可分三类:( 1)人称照应它以人称代词、形容词性和名词性物主作为照应词。例如:I,you, he, she, they, him, her

12、, it, them( 人称代词) :your, his, her, their, its( 形容词性物主代词) :mine, his, her, theirs( 名词性物主代词) 等。1 . 指示照应 它以指示代词、定冠词和指示副词作为照应词。这些词包括:this, that, these, those( 指示代词) ;the( 定冠词) ;here, there, now, then( 指示副词) 。( 3)比较照应它以形容词和副词的比较等级形式以及其他一些有比较意义的词语作为照应词。具有比较意义的词语一般包括:same, so, as, equal, such,similar(ly),

13、differently), other, otherwise, likewise 等等。掌握了上述类似照应词, 可以使我们充分利用上下文的照应关系,很容易地推测照应词所指代的确切意义。3 . 用利构词知识可以说, 掌握英语单词词义最简单、 最行之有效的办法莫过于了解构词法了。任何事物的产生、发展与变化都具有其内在规律,现代英语的词汇也不例外,它也是按照一定的规律构成的。只要掌握了这些规律,无论单词是怎样构成的,以及如何通过各种方法来推测生词词义。4 . 利用现成释义在一些文章中作者使用一个生词之后往往要接着给出提示解释或说明- - - - 让读者明白其意义。常用提示语句有:such as, b

14、e like, e. g ., for example,this is, thats, that;s to say, or, in other words, be called, mean(s)等。除止匕之夕 卜 ,我们还可以根据文中的括号、逗号、破折号等标点符号帮助判断。如:The food includes poultryfe. g. goose, duck, chicken), salad, bread andvegetables.通 过e. g .我们可以猜出poultry的词义是“ 家禽” 。They wanted to murder-to kill without being kn

15、own一the great man.借助破折号可猜测出murder的意思是“ 谋杀” 。数据推算题要求就文章提供的数据以及数据与文章中其他信息的关系作出计算和推断1 .要抓住与数据有关的信息,并对这些信息的含义有一个正确的理解。2 .如果文中含有较多的数据信息,一定要弄清它们之间的关系,分清有用信息和无用信息。3 .数据信息的意义往往不是孤立的,要正确理解全文大意,还应抓住一些关键词的意义。4 .计算出的数据不一定完全与所给答案相符,但不能差得太远;题目中的数据计算有时是为了起干扰作用, 其相关的数据计算题目也不一定就是答案。 如下文:90-year-old Woman Finishes Ma

16、rathonA 90-year-old Scottish woman has finished the 22nd London Marathon, one ofthe oldest people to complete the 26. 2-mileraCe.Jenny Wood Allen finished in 1 1 hours and 34 minutes. She took uplong-distance running at the age of 7 1 and has taken part in 16 London marathons sofar.Allen, the great一

17、grandmother, was accompanied( 陪伴) on the route by twofriends who kindly finished behind her so she would not come in last.She said this would be her last marathon, but not her last race. 1 willconcentrate on( 集中)shorter distances- she said.61. The Sottish r unner .A. was the last one to reach the fi

18、nishing line although she had finished themarathonB. would not enter for marathon race any longerC. covered the marathon at a speed of less than 2 miles an hourD. was the oldest HJnner in the 22 ud London Marathon I. ace选 项C说这位长跑者的速度是每小时小于两英里, 从短race. Jenny Wood All一en finished in 11 hours and 34 mi

19、nutes.这一描述可 知 : 其速度应为 26. 24-( 11+344-60) 2. 3 miles an hour2 miles an hour。因此 C 不对。文章中的 She saidthis would be her last marathon( 她说这是她最后一次跑马拉松) ,but not her lastrace. 1 will concentrate on( 集中)shorter distances, she said一句说明 B 项的 wouldnot enter for marathon race any longer.( 不再参加马拉松比赛) 这一说法是正确的。又如:

20、The UN Food and Agriculture Organization( FAO) (联 合 国 粮 农 组 织) hasprovided basic facts about starvation( 饥饿; 饿死) :More than a quarter of the 800 million starving people worldwide are childrenbelow the age of five. And most of them live in developing countries.One person dies every four seconds as a

21、direct or indirect result of malnutrition.Fifty-five percent of the 1 2 million children who die each year are killed bymalnutrition.Among 99 developing countries studied by the FAO, only32,including Chinahave recorded a fall in the number of people with malnutrition, the last 1 Opeople withmalnutri

22、tion in the last 1 0 years.1. The FAO has reported that.A. Most starving people are children below the age of 5B. More than 200 million children below the age of 5 go hungryC. Most of starving people are children in developing countriesD. More than 800 million hungry people are in developing countri

23、es2. According to FAOA. 15 people die of hunger a minuteB. 1 2 million children die of malnutritionC. 1 50 people die of malnutrition an hourD. 900 people die of malnutrition本文是数据报告, 报告了联合国粮农组织对世界范围内的饥饿情况的研究结果。 第一题是数据推算题。 从句子“More than a quarter of the 800 million starvingpeople worldwide are childr

24、en below the age of five. ” 中可得出:挨饿的小孩人数为800 X 1 / 4200。 答案为B。 第二题也是数据推算题。 根据“One person dies everyfour seconds”这一句可推知每分钟死亡人数是:60+4=15(人) 。答案为A。阅读分类专练( ) ( 2006 湖南卷 B)For the first time in modem history, less than half of the U. S. adult populationnow reads literature, according to a recent survey.

25、Reading at Risk. A Survey ofLiterary Reading in America presents a detailed review of the decline of readings rolein the nations culture.Reading at Risk is a survey of national fashion in adult literary reading. The datasource for Reading at Risk is as reliable and o切 ective( 客观的) as any such survey

26、 canbe. The key results of the survey are presented in the Summary”, but the report canbe ftirther explained as: literary reading in America is not only declining rapidlyamong all groups, but the rate of decline has been speeded up, especially among theyoung. Reading at Risk merely shows a great cul

27、tural change that most Americanshave already noted-our societys great turn to electronic media for entertainment andinformation.Reading a book requires a degree of active attention and devotion. Indeed,reading itself is a progressive skill that depends on years of education and practice.On the contr

28、ary, most electronic media such as television, recordings, and radio makefewer demands on their audiences, and indeed often require no more than passiveparticipation. While oral culture has a rich reality and electronic media offer theconsiderable advantages of variety, print culture affords irrepla

29、ceable forms offocused attention and thought that make various communications and views possible.The decline in reading, therefore, equals a larger retreat ( 减少) from participation inpublic and cultural life.What is to be done? There is surely no single solution to the present problem,just as there

30、is no single cause. The important thing now is to understand that Americacan no longer take active and devoted reading for granted.Reading is not a timeless, common ability. As more Americans lose this ability,our nation becomes less informed, active, and independent minded. These are notqualities t

31、hat a free, inventive, or productive society can afford to lose.1. The main purpose of the survey is toA. focus on the role of electronic media and readingB. show that American young people read less and lessC. give a report of the national fashion of literary readingD. review that less than half of

32、 the population now reads literature2. According to the passage, readingA. requires less attention and devotionB. demands no more than passive participationC. limits various communications and viewsD. means active participation in public and cultural life3. The underlined phrase cultural change” in

33、Paragraph 2 refers to thechangeA. from oral culture to electronic mediaB. from print culture to electronic mediaC. from electronic media to oral cultureD. from electronic media to print culture4. The author of the passageA. misunderstands oral cultureB. doubts the results of the surveyC. encourages

34、the Americans to read moreD. agrees to the solution to the present problem in reading( 二) ( 2006 全国卷 A)Most people think of racing when they see greyhounds ( 灰狗) and believe theyneed lots of exercise. They can actually be quite lazy! Greyhounds are good at fastraces but not long-distance running. Th

35、ey do need regular exercise but they like to runfor a short burst and then get back on the .bed or a comfortable seat. Anothermisunderstanding is that greyhounds must be aggressive ( 好斗的) because they are bigin size. In fact greyhounds love people and are gentle with children.Greyhounds can live for

36、 12-14 years but usually only ace for two or three years,arid after that they make great pets. They dont need a lot of space, dont make a lot ofnoise, and don*t eat a lot for their size.Normally, greyhounds can be as tall as 90 cm. There is, however, a small-sizedgreyhound, which stands only 33 cm.

37、Greyhounds come in a variety of colors. Greyand yellowish-brown are the most common. Others include black, white, blue, red andbrown or a mix of these.Greyhounds have smooth body coats, low body fat and are very healthy. BecausetheyYe slim ( 苗条的)they dont have the leg problems like other dogs the sa

38、me height.But they do feel the cold, especially since they would much rather be at home in bedthan walking around outside.1. The text is written mainlyA. to tell people how to raise greyhoundsB. to let people know more about greyhoundsC. to explain why greyhounds are aggressiveD. to describe greyhou

39、nds of different colors2. It can be inferred that g r e y h o u n d s .A. love big doghousesB. like staying in bed all dayC. make the best guard dogsD. need some exercise outdoors3. Why does the author say that greyhounds make great pets?A. They are big in size.B. They live a very long life.C. They

40、can run races for some time.D. They are quiet and easy to look after.4. If you keep a pet greyhound, it is i mp o r t a n t .A. to keep it slimB. to keep it warmC. to take special care of its legsD. to take it to animal doctors regularly( 三) ( 2006全 国 卷I )Many years ago, when I was fresh out of scho

41、ol and working in Denver, I wasdriving to my parents1 home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station ( 力 口油站)about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit afriend. While I was standing in line at the cash register( 收款台) ,I said hello to anolder couple who were

42、 also paying for gas.I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from theback of my car. I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behindme. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take meto my friend*s. We chatted on the way in

43、to the city, and when I got out of the car, thehusband gave me his business card.I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, Ireceived a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helpingme had made their holidays meaningful.Years later, I drove

44、 to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In lateafternoon I returned to my car and found that Id left the lights on all day, and thebattery( 电池)was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership a shopselling cars was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in theshowroom

45、.Just how friendly is Friendly Ford? I asked and explained my trouble. Theyquickly drove a pickup truck to my car and started it. They would accept no payment,so when I got home, I wrote them a note to say thanks, I received a letter back fromone of the salesmen. No one had ever taken the time to wr

46、ite him and say thank you,and it meant a lot, he said.Thank you two powerful words. TheyYe easy to say and mean so much.1. The author planned to stop at Oklahoma City.A. to visit a friendB. to see his parentsC. to pay at the cash registerD. to have more gas for his car2. The words1 took offn underli

47、ned in Paragraph 2 meanHA. turned off B. moved oil”C. put up D. set up3. What happened when the author found smoke coming out of his car?A. He had it pulled back to the gas station.B. The couple sent him a business card.C. The couple offered to help him.D. He called his friend for help.4. The batter

48、y of the authors car was dead be c a us e .A. something went wrong with the lightsB. the meeting lasted a whole dayC. he forgot to turn off the lightsD. he drove too long a distance5. By telling his own experiences, the author tries to showA. how to write a thank-you letterB. how to deal with car pr

49、oblemsC. the kind-heartedness of older peopleD. the importance of expressing thanks( 四) ( 2006. 全国卷I C )A study of English learning problems was carried out among a total of 106foreign students. It shows that most students considered understanding spokenEnglish to be their biggest problem on arrival

50、. This was followed by speaking.Writing increased as a problem as students discovered difficulties in writing papersthat they were now expected to hand in. Reading remained as a significant( 显著的)problem.The information gained helped us in determining where special attention shouldbe paid in our cour

51、se. Although many students have chosen to join the course with areasonable motivation( 动机) ,we considered it important to note what seemed toencourage interest. Nearly all the students have experienced some kind ofgrammar-based English teaching in their own country. To use the same method wouldbe se

52、lf-defeating because it might reduce motivation, especially if it has failed in thepast. Therefore a different method may help because it is different.Variety of activity was also seen as a way of maintaining( 保持) or increasingmotivation. Several years ago we had one timetable that operated througho

53、ut, butwe soon found that both the students and the teachers interest by about halfwaythrough the ten weeks. This led us to a major re-think, so finally we brought it intoline with the expressed language needs of the students.1. What is the text mainly about?A. Foreign students have more problems.B.

54、 There are many ways to improve English.C. Teaching should meet students* needs.D. English learning problems should be studied again.2. Writing became a bigger problem when foreign s t u d e n t s .A. had to write their papersB. became better at speakingC. became less interested in readingD. had few

55、er problems with listening3. We may infer from the last two paragraphs that.A. different teaching methods should be usedB. grammar-based teaching seems to be encouragingC. English courses are necessary for foreign studentsD. teaching content should be changed halfway4. The word it underlined in the

56、last paragraph refers to.A. re-think B. activityC. motivationD. timetable( 五)(2006安徽卷A)When a storm is coming, most people leave the area as quickly as possible andhead for safety. But there are a few people who will get into their ears and go straightfor the center of the storm. These people are wi

57、lling to risk( 冒 危险)being killedby floods or 100-kilometer-an-hour winds for the excitement of watching the stormclose up.Storm chasing( 追逐) ” is becoming an increasingly popular hobby( 喜欢好) ,especially in the Midwest of the United States, where there are frequent stormsbetween March and July. A sto

58、rm chaser begins the day by checking the Internet forthe latest weather reports, and then drives up to 1,000 kilometers to where the stormwill be and waits for it to develop.Although anyone can do it, storm chasing is extremely dangerous. The powerof a big storm can throw a cow into the air or destr

59、oy a whole house in seconds.Storm chasers are also often hurt in accidents caused by driving in a heavy rain. If youare a beginner, it is much safer to join a group for storm-chasing vacations during thestorm season.Even then, storm chasing is not all adventure and excitement. Storm chasing is95% dr

60、iving/ says Daniel Lynch, who spends most of his summer storm-chasing.Sometimes you can sit around for hours waiting for something to happen, and all youget is blue sky and a few light showers.However, for storm chasers, it is all worth itWhen you get close to a storm, itis the most exciting sight y

61、ou will ever see in your life, says Jasper Morley. Everystorm is an example of the power of nature. It is the greatest show on Earth.1. For storm chasing, the first thing storm chasers do is toA. head straight fbr the center of the stormB. get into the car fbr safetyC. wait patiently for the storm t

62、o developD. collect information about a coming storm2. Beginners of storm chasing are advisedA. not to drive in a heavy rainB. to do it in an organized wayC. not to get too close to a stormD. to spend more time on it in summer3. By saying n it is all worth it in the last paragraph, the author means

63、thatA. storm chasing costs a lot of moneyB. storm chasing is worth hours of waitingC. efforts in storm chasing are well paidD. a storm presents the greatest show on Earth4. What can we learn from the text?A. Sometimes storm chasers get nothing but disappointment.B. Many storm chasers get killed in t

64、he storms.C. Storm chasing is becoming popular around the world-D. Storm chasing is only fit for young people.( 六)( 2006安徽卷D)To extinguish( 熄灭)different kinds of fires, several types of fire extinguishershave been invented. They must be ready for immediate use when fire breaks out. Mostportable ( 手提

65、式的)kinds operate for less than a minute, so they are useful only onsmall fires. The law requires ships, trains, buses and planes to carry extinguishers.Since fuel, oxygen( 氧气)and heat must be present in order for fire to exist, oneor more of these things must be removed or reduced to extinguish a fi

66、re. If the heat isreduced by cooling the material below a certain temperature, the fire goes out. Thecooling method is the most common way to put out a fire. Water is the best coolingmaterial because it is low in cost and easy to get.Another method of extinguishing fire is by cutting off the oxygen.

67、 This is usuallydone by coveting the fire with sand, steam or some other things. A blanket may beused to cover a small fire.A third method is called separation, which includes removing the fuel, ormaterial easy to bum, from afire, so that it can find no fuel.The method that is used to put out a fire

68、 depends upon the type of fire. Fires havebeen grouped in three classes. Fires in wood, paper, cloth and the like are called ClassA fires. These materials usually help keep the fire on. Such fires can be stopped mostreadily by cooling with water.1. If a fire breaks out on a bus, which of the followi

69、ng should be ready therefor you to use?A. Sand. B. WaterC. A blanket D. An extinguisher2. To cover a small piece of burning wood with a basin in order to stop the fireis an example of.A. separating the fire B. reducing the heatC. removing the fuel D. cutting off the oxygen3. In choosing how to put o

70、ut of fire, we should first be clear about .A. when it breaks out B. how it comes aboutC. what kind it is D. where it takes place4. What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. Another class of firesB. Another type of extinguishersC. How fires break out.D. How fires can be

71、 prevented.( 七) ( 2006四川卷A)I was the middle child of three, but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I hardly saw my father before I was eight. For this and other reasons I wassomewhat lonely. I had the lonely childs habit of making up stories and holdingconversations with imaginary pers

72、ons, and I think from the very start my literaryambitions ( 文学志向)were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated ( 孤独)andundervalued. I knew that I had a natural ability with words and a power of facingunpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could getmy own

73、 back for my failure in everyday life.However, the quantity of serious writing which I produced all through mychildhood would not add up to half a dozen pages. 1 wrote my first poem at the age offour or five, my mother taking it down to dictation. I cannot remember anything aboutit_except that it wa

74、s about a tiger and the tiger had chair-like teeth a good enoughexpression. At eleven, when the war of 1914-18 broke out, I wrote a poem whichwas printed in the local ( 地方的) newspaper, as was another, two years later, on thedeath of Kitchener. From time to time, when I was a bit older, I wrote bad a

75、nd usuallyunfinished nnature poems. I also, about twice, attempted a short story which was afailure. That was the total of the would-be serious work that I actually set down onpaper during all those years.1. The underlined word it in paragraph 2 refers to.A. the quantity of serious writingB. the wri

76、ters first poemC. the writers childhoodD. the tiger in the poem2. From the text, we learn that as a little boy the writerA. had no playmatesB. showed his gift for writingC. put out lots of poems and storiesD. got his first poem published in 19163. What can be inferred about the writer?A. He was leas

77、t favoured in his family.B. He had much difficulty in taking with others.C. He had an unhappy childhood for lack of care.D. His loneliness resulted in his interest in writing.( 八) ( 2006四川卷D)EAT YOUR VEGETABLES. Wash your hands. Always say please and thankyou. We are full of advice for our children,

78、 but when it comes to money, we oftenlittle to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners,but without any idea how to manage their money.Here are some basics that will help guide them, their entire lives:Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save $1

79、,000, invest( 投资)it at 8% and add $ 100 every month, by the time shes 65, she would have $ 980,983!Be careful of credit ( 信用) . Credit cards can help you buy necessary things andbuild a credit history, but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off yourdebt in time. Explain to your childr

80、en that when you buy something using a creditcard, you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid ifyou used cash.Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $ 150. Ratherthan paying the cash, give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putt

81、ingaside, say, $15 each week, he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving. nFor every dollarhe or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollarto the pot, says Cathy Pareto, expert in money

82、planning.Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says EilleenGallo, co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands thatyou buy something, explain why you really don*t want to buy it. You might say/ Idrather save that money for your education/ advises G

83、allo. Every time you spend ordont spend money, you have a chance to share your values.1. The writer gives some basics to help in a proper way.A. parents teach their children how to deal with moneyB. children follow their parents* instructionsC. children manage their moneyD. parents save their money2

84、. The writer thinks that if a child wants to buy something, his parentsshould_A. give him some regular pocket moneyB. encourage him to put money away for itC. explain to him the importance of investmentD. tell him to save some money by using a credit card3. The underlined wordn incentive1 in paragra

85、ph 6 meansA. honor B. praiseC. excitement D. encouragement4. What leads the writer to write this article?A. Parents want to know how to educate their children.B. He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.C. He thinks money management the most important fbr children.D. Parents care little

86、about their childrens management of money.( 九) ( 2006江西卷D)An ichthyologist is a scientist who studies fish. Most people who do this job saythey love their work because it is very rewarding and varied. They work not onlyinside a laboratory, but also out in the field. Fieldwork includes traveling to r

87、ivers,oceans and lakes in order to collect information and specimens ( 样本) . Reading,writing and speaking are also very important to the job. Fish scientists need to readthe research of other scientists. They must be able to write up their own researchclearly so that others can follow it. They also

88、need to be able to give lectures abouttheir findings, so that they can spread knowledge.Ichthyologists who wish to specialize can choose any one of three areas of study.The first area is aquaculture ( 水产养殖) . This involves the study and practice of fishfanning and management. Because it is a rather

89、new study, there are very few jobopportunities available. However, as there is so much to discover, many see it as anexciting area for a new ichthyologist to enter. The second area is fisheries science,which means working with a team of scientists to find out more about different fishspecies. The th

90、ird area is about the protection of natural fish populations. This is veryimportant today, given that many fish species are in danger of dying out because ofthe actions of humans.To become a successful fish scientist, you need to have a curious mind and beable to work on your own. You also need to b

91、e able to handle equipment and performexperiments; but most importantly, you must love fish. To become an ichthyologist,you will need to train at a university to pass a Bachelor of Science degree. For this,you will need to be good at mathematics, physical science and biology. Then, you willneed to s

92、tudy for another year to complete an honours degree in ichthyology. Thishonours degree contains coursework about all aspects of fish. You also need tocomplete a research paper.1. What makes the jobs of ichthyologists so varied?A. They study fish habits and collect information.B. They have to study s

93、cience and mathematics.C. They work in fields as well as in laboratories.D. They read research papers written by others.2. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. An ichthyologist has an interesting and varied profession.B. Aquaculture is the study of fish protectio

94、n.C. The life of an ichthyologist can involve lots of travel.D. A fish scientist needs to be independent and curious about things.3. Who is most likely to become an ichthyologist?A. Tom, because he likes fishing and outdoor sports.B. Jack, because he likes fishing and outdoor sports.C. Jenny, becaus

95、e she likes science, mathematics and reading about dinosaurs.D. Jane, because she likes mathematics, science, biology and mathematicsrock-pools.4. The passage is probably write for.A. university students B. science researchersC. fisheries experts D. fish farmers( 十) ( 2006湖北卷)The young boy saw me, o

96、r rather, he saw the ear and quickly ran up to me, eagerto sell his bunches ( * ) of bananas and bags of peanuts. Though he appeared to beabout twelve, he seemed to have already known the bitterness of life. Banana 300naira. Peanuts 200 naira.MHe said in a low voice. I bargained him down to 200 tota

97、l fbr the fruit and nuts.When he agreed, I handed him a 500 naira bill. He didnt have change, so I told himnot to worry.He said thanks and smiled a row of perfect teeth.When, two weeks later, I saw the boy again, I was more aware of my position ina society where its not that uncommon to see a little

98、 boy who should be in schoolstanding on the corner selling fruit in the burning sun. My parents had raised me to beaware of the advantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to usI pulled over and rolled down my window. He had a bunch of bananas and a bagof peanuts ready. I waved

99、them away. Whats up? I asked him. I. I dont havemoney to buy books for school. MI reached into my pocket and handed him two fresh500 naira bills.Will this help?I asked. He looked around nervously before taking the money.One thousand naira was a lot of money to someone whose family probably madeabout

100、 5,000 naira or less each year. HThank you, sir, he said. nThank you very much.When driving home, I wondered if my little friend actually used the money forschool books.What if he*s a cheat ( 骗子) ? And then I wondered why I did it. Did I do it tomake myself feel better? Was I using him? Later, I rea

101、lized that I didn*t know hisname or the least bit about him, nor did I think to ask.Over the next six months, I was busy working in a news agency in northernNigeria. Sometime after I returned, I went out for a drive. When I was about to pullover, the boy suddenly appeared by my window with a big smi

102、le ready on his face.“Oh, gosh ! Long time.Are you in school now?”I asked.He nodded.Thats good, I said. A silence fell as we looked at each other, and then I realizedwhat he wanted. HHere,n I held out a 500 naira bill. MTake 山is.” He shook, his headand stepped back as if hurt. Whats wrong?I asked. I

103、ts a gift.He shook his head again and brought his hand from behind his back. His faceshone with sweat( 汗水) . He dropped a bunch of bananas and a bag of peanuts in thefront seat before he said J Ive been waiting to give these to you. ”1. What was the authors first impression of the boy?A. He seemed t

104、o be poor and greedy. B. He seemed to have suffered a lot.C. He seemed younger than his age. D. He seemed good at bargaining2. The second time the author met the boy, the boy.A. told him his purpose of selling fruit and nutsB. wanted to express his thanksC. asked him for money for his schoolbooksD.

105、tried to take advantage of him3. Why did the author give his money to the boy?A. Because he had enough money to do that.B. Because he had learnt to help others since childhood.C. Because he held a higher position in the society.D. Because he had been asked by the news agency to do so.4. Which of the

106、 following best describes the boy?A. Brave and polite. B. Kind and smart.C. Honest and thankful. D. Shy and nervous.( H 一) ( 2006 湖北卷 D)An environmental group called the Food Commission is unhappy anddisappointed because of the sale of bottled water from Japan. The water, it angrilyargues in public,

107、 has traveled 10,000 food miles before it reaches Westerncustomers. Transporting water halfway across the world is surely the extremelystupid use of fuel when there is plenty of water in the UK. It is also worried that weare wasting our fuel by buying prawns ( 对虾)from Indonesia( 7,000 food miles) an

108、dcarrots from South Africa( 5,900 food miles) .Counting the number of miles traveled by a product is a strange way of trying totell the true situation of the environmental damage done by an industry. Most food istransported around the world on container ships that are extremelyenergy-efficient( 高能效的

109、) .It should be noted that a ton of butter transported 25miles in a truck to a farmers* market does not necessarily use less fuel on its journeythan a similar product transported hundreds of miles by sea. Besides, the idea of foodmiles ignores the amount of fuel used in the production. It is possibl

110、e to cut downyour food miles by buying tomatoes grown in Britain rather than those grown inGhana; the difference is that the British ones will have been raised in heatedgreenhouses and the Ghanaian ones in the open sun.What the idea of food miles does provide, however, is the chance to cut outThird

111、World countries from First World food markets. The number of miles traveledby our food should, as I see it, be regarded as a sign of the success of the global( 全球的)trade system, not a sign of damage to the environment.1. The Food Commission is angry because it thinks thatA. UK wastes a lot of money

112、importing food productsB. some imported goods cause environmental damageC. growing certain vegetables damages the environmentD. people waste energy buying food from other countries2. The phrase n food miles u in the passage refers to the d i s t a n c e .A. that a food product travels to a marketB.

113、that a food product travels from one market to anotherC. between UK and other food producing countriesD. between a Third World country and a First World food market3. By comparing tomatoes raised in Britain and in Ghana, the author tries toexplain that.A. British tomatoes are healthier than Ghanaian

114、 onesB. Ghanaian tomatoes taste better than British onesC. cutting down food miles may not necessarily save fuelD. protecting the environment may cost a lot of money4. From the passage we know that the author is most p r o b a b l y .A. a supporter of free global tradeB. a member of the Food Commiss

115、ionC. a supporter of First World food marketsD. a member of an energy development group( 十二) ( 2006福建卷C)Cafe HubNext to the Castle lies The Hub, home of the Edinburgh International Festivaland one of the most talked about spots in town. Our cafe is open every day formouth watering lunches, snacks an

116、d fine dining. Come in and enjoy the atmosphere ofThe Hub or watch the world go by from our beautiful terrace.The Hub, Castlehill, Royal Mile, Edinburgh. Open every day from 9:30 a.m. tilllate.Tel:0131 473 2067 www. thebub-edinburgh.cornFarm WorldEnjoy being A Farmer for a Day”. Join in delivering a

117、nd feeling our springbabies bottle feeding sessions twice daily. Fun for all family. Horse Rides, BMXBikes Cross Country Course,Tractor Ride through 600 acres, New Adventure Playground, Nature Trails. Fulldetails on website.Open: May Oct Wednesdays to Saturdays and daily during school holidays 11a.m

118、. 5 p. m.Tel :01797 260256/260321 www. farmworld-rye, co. ukEnter the Europe-wide student competition!Are you curious, creative and energetic? Are you interested in the new media?Are you between 12 and 19 years of age? The Join Multimedia 2006 is for you!Your challenge will be to build a team and de

119、velop a multimedia presentation inEnglish based on one of three different topics. You can register( 报名)bet ween May 1and June 15,2006 and will have to turn in your entry before September 15,2006.The rewards are wonderful; 150,000 in prize for schools and teams and thechance to attend a European stud

120、ent camp-plus new experiences, an opportunity tomake friends throughout Europe!For further information and registration forms go to: www. siemens, com/join,multimedia.1. Youll have to register first if you want .A. to enjoy delicious foodB. to try Tractor Ride through 600 acresC. to enter the Europe

121、-wide student competitionD. to watch the world go by from the beautiful terrace2. According to the passage, there will b e rewards for theEurope-wide student competition.A. only one B. two C. three D. four3. You can visit Farm Wor l d.A. on Monday in MayB. any day in OctoberC. at 2 p.m. at Christmas

122、D. at 10:30 a.m. during school holidays4. From the advertisements abovewe can learn that.A. Caf6 Hub is a popular place in the local areaB. families can enjoy Horse Rides on New Adventure PlaygroundC. Farm World provides lunches, snacks and fine diningD. the Europe-wide student competition will be h

123、eld on June 15, 2006.( 十三) ( 2006浙 江 卷 E)You are from a middle-class family, and live in a normal-size home without anyshowy possessions, but you are surrounded by surprising consumption ( 消 费) .Thiscontrast is beginning to bother your 6-year-old son. You are worried that he will wantto live as they

124、 do, and wonder if you should move.Sometimes big pocket money, joyful birthday parties, special playrooms andsuper-big houses tell you that your neighbors probably have more money than you do,and that theyre not as careful as you are with money, but you may find that they cookand dig in the garden w

125、ith their children just as often as you do, talk with them asfreely and read to them every night.Or you may find that some of these parents stay in one wing of their big houseswhile their child plays by himself, way off in a wing of his own. In that unfortunateease, he is basically growing up alone

126、without being looked after properly, but thiscan happen to a child who lives in a normal-size house, too, if he has a TV, acomputer and a few video games in his room. Even the most caring parent doesntwalk in and out of it to see what show her child is watching, what Internet site he hasfound and if

127、 he*s still playing that video game.Too much uncontrolled screen then may lead to a certain loss of innocence( 天真) ,but mostly this child will lose the sense of unity and satisfaction that comes frombeing in a family.A neighborhood should also provide you with a sense of unity and satisfaction,and i

128、f it doesnt, you might decide to move. Don*t judge your neighborhood tooharshly ( 严厉地) ,though. There are some things that are fight with almost anyneighborhood and some things that are wrong with the best of them-like thosesuper-big houses. The wealth of their owners-and the way they throw moneyaro

129、und may make your son feel sorry for himself, unless you help him understandthat you and his dad save some of the money, give some to people who dont haveenough and use the rest to pay for whatever the family needs.Children want-should be provided with explanations when their parents don*tgive them

130、what they want.1. What is the problem with the worried parent in the text?A. Her house isn*t as big as her rich neighbors1.B. Her son is left alone without anyone is charge.C. She cannot provide her son with a special playroom.D. She worries about the effect of her neighbors on her son.2. In paragra

131、ph 2 and 3, the author seems to agree that parents shouldA. spend more time with their childrenB. give their children more freedomC. work hard to lead a richer lifeD. set an example for their children to follow3. By sayingu throw money around n( paragraph 5 ), the author means thatrich p e o p l e .

132、A. spend money carelesslyB. save money for their childrenC. help the poor people willinglyD. leave money all round the house4. What is the main idea the author aims to express in the text?A. Children are unfortunate to have poor parentsB. Children should enjoy their comfortable parents.C. Children n

133、eed proper guidance from their parents.D. Children feel ashamed of themselves in a rich neighborhood( 十四) ( 2006天津卷A)If you are lost in the mountains, stay calm in the face of darkness, loneliness, andthe unknown. It will greatly increase your chances of survival ( 生存) . Many peoplethink that prepar

134、ing necessary equipment and knowing how to use it are veryimportant, but actually eighty percent of mountain survival is your reaction to fear.Find a hiding place.Unnecessary labor will make you sweat and make you cold. Find a hiding placearound you before trying to start your own construction. If y

135、ou are in a snow-coveredarea, you may be able to dig a cave in deep snow for protection from the wind. Youshould try to hide yourself in the middle of the mountain if possible. Stay out of thevalleys-cold air falls, and the valley floor can be the coldest area on the mountain.Signal rescuers for hel

136、p.The best time to signal rescuers is during the day. Signal for help from thehighest point possible it will be easier for rescuers to see you, and any sound youmake will travel farther. If you take a box of matches and a space blanket (a specialblanket for traveling), build three smoky fires and pu

137、t your blanket gold side facingout-on the ground.Do not walk away.It will make finding you more difficult, as search teams will be trying to followyour path and may miss you if you have gone off in a different direction. Searchersoften end up finding a car with no one in it.If you get frostbite ( 冻伤

138、) , do not re warm the affected area until youre outof danger.You can walk on frostbitten feet, but once you warm the area and can feel thepain, you will not want to walk anywhere. Try to protect the frostbitten area and keepit dry until you are rescued.1. When lost in the mountains, you can increas

139、e your chances of survival ifyouA. take a space blanket with youB. do more physical laborC. try to find a car immediatelyD. walk as far as possible to find help,2. According to the passage, people most probably fail to survive if theyA. do not take enough equipmentB. stay in the middle of the mounta

140、inC. do not keep themselves warmD. stay in a snow-covered area.3. What can we infer from the passage.r?A. Dont travel by yourself.B. Mountain traveling is dangerous.C. Dont get frightened in danger.D. Avoid going to unfamiliar places.( 十五)(2006天 津 卷C)Some children are natural-born bosses. They have

141、a strong need to makedecisions, manage their environment, and lead rather than follow. Stephen Jackson, aYear One student, operates under the theory of whats mine is mine and whats yoursis mine, Msays his mother. The other day I bought two new Star Wars light sabers ( 佥lj) .Later, I saw Stephen with

142、 the two new ones while his brother was using the beat-upones.Examine the extended family, and youll probably find a bossy grandparent,aunt, uncle or cousin in every generation. Its an inheritable traitsays RussellBarkley, a professor at the Medical University of South Carolina. Other children whoma

143、y not be particularly bossy can gradually gain dominance ( 支配地位)when theysense their parents are weak, hesitant, or in disagreement with each other.Whether its inborn nature or developed character at work, too much control inthe hands of the young isn*t healthy for children or the family. Fear is at

144、 the root of alot of bossy behavior, says family psychologist John Taylor. Children, he says in hisbook From Defiance to Cooperation. have secret feelings of weakness and a desireto feel safe. It*s the parents1 role to provide that protection.When a Hboss child doesn*t learn limits at home, the stag

145、e is set for a host oftroubles outside the family. The overly willful and unbending child may have troubleobeying teachers or coaches, for example, or trouble keeping friends. It can be prettylonely as the top dog if no one likes your bossy ways.nI see more and more parents giving up their power. sa

146、ys Barkley, who hasstudied bossy behavior for more than 30 years. They bend too far because they dontwant to be as strict as their own parents were. But they also feel less confident abouttheir parenting skills. Their kids, in turn, feel more anxious. H1. Bossy children like Stephen J a c ks on.A. m

147、ake good decisions B. show self-centerednessC. lack care from others D. have little sense of fear2. The underlined phrase inheritable traitr in Paragraph 2 me ansA. inborn nature B. developed characterC. accepted theory D. particular environment3. The study on bossy behavior implies that pa r e nt s

148、 .A. should give more power to their childrenB. should be strict with their childrenC. should not be so anxious about their childrenD. should not set limits for their children4. Bossy children may probably become.A. relaxed B. skillful C. hesitant D. lonely5. What is the passage mainly about?A. How

149、bossy behavior can be controlled.B. How we can get along with bossy children.C. What leads to childrens bossy behavior.D. What effect bossy behavior brings about.( 十六) ( 2006辽宁卷A)Have you ever dreamed of having a fashionable watch of great value?A small watchmaker in Switzerland in 1922 designed the

150、 first automatic ( 自动的) watch to show the day, month, and date. Only seven of these splendid watcheswere ever made and these watches were almost lost to history. Today, it is so hard toget an original ( 首批匕的 ) watch that some watch historians are even willing to offer$ 700,000 for one.These watches

151、attracted a lot of people for their splendid color, fashionable style,and new uses in the 1920s. The owners of the watches were admired and set apartfrom the crowd. Because the number of the original watches is very limited, owningsuch a watch will make you feel very special.Today, you are offered t

152、he same kind of watch with improvement. It has a24-jewel mechanical ( 机械的 ) movement, the kind desired by watch collectors. Thewatchmaker has made the movement of the watch much more modern with anautomatic rotor(上 弦 装 置) so that the watch never needs to be wound by hand. Thewatch comes in a very be

153、autiful case with a crocodile design on it. To get a watch insuch a perfect design means to get a chance to know a piece of watch-making historyand to wear such a watch will show your personal taste and social position.You can get the watch either in person or by mail at an affordable price. You wil

154、lalso receive goal service from the watch seller. If you are not satisfied with the watchafter you get it, you may simply return it within 30 days. Dont miss the chance torealize your dream.1. The original automatic watches are valuable b e c a u s e .A. the watches were made many years agoB. the wa

155、tches were made by a Swiss watchmakerC. only rich people can afford the watchesD. only a few watches of the kind were made2. Watch collectors want to get the improved watch, especially for its.A. mechanical movement B. splendid colorC. fashionable style D. new uses3. The purpose of the passage is to

156、 encourage the readers to.A. buy the watch B. return the watchC. wear the watch D. receive the service4. The passage is probably taken from a.A. report B. magazineC. text bookD. science book( 十七) ( 2006辽 宁 卷 D)Collecting information about pre-employment and filling out an application form( 申 请 表) ar

157、e closely connected. However, filling out an application form is mucheasier because you have total control and have enough time to think and plan.That you are given a form to fill out does not necessarily mean that you have toanswer all the questions in it. If the form contains unclear questions of

158、terms andconditions, you can make some changes before signing( 签约)it, or refuse to answersome of the questions. What you must realize is that those terms and conditions havebeen written by highly paid lawyers. Each word is important, or it would not be there;and you can be sure that there is not any

159、thing there that is written with your interestsin mind.I know what I speak of because, as a lawyer for Li ton Industries, I wrote theterms and condition that were printed on the back of order forms. I wrote the mosttiring terms and conditions anyone has ever seen. Still, 90 percent of the buyers wou

160、ldjust sign on them without questioning anything. If anyone questioned them, we wouldreach as agreement on something that was acceptable to both sides.So when you see a preprinted application that contains questions or terms andconditions, read it all and read it slowly, If you don*t like something,

161、 you can simplychange the parts you dont like. Remember that everything can be settled bydiscussion. To what degree it can be settled depends on your position( 立场) ,of course,and that is something only you can determine.1. Filling out application forms is much easier b e c a u s e .A. everything con

162、nected with application forms is easierB. it is easier to collect information about pre-employmentC. you can plan and have control of the needed timeD. you can control the form filling with enough time2. We can learn from the underlined part Each word is important”t hat .A. everything in a form must

163、 be read carefullyB. questions in a form must be answeredC. the conditions that interest you are changeableD. something of your interests is most important3. The writer points out with an example that the side who will sign aform.A. may know it is tiring for both sides to ask questionsB. has to hire

164、 a highly paid lawyer to fill out the formC. should refuse to answer the questions in the formD. can reach an agreement with the other side by discussion4. It can be inferred from the 4h paragraph t hat .A. it depends on your position to settle everything in a formB. questions in a form are more imp

165、ortant than your positionC. you have little fight to determine the conditions you like mostD. you must change a preprinted application before it is discussed( 十八)(2005湖 北 卷C)Goods must be of proper quality, must be as described on the package and mustbe fit for any particular purpose made known by t

166、he seller. Those three rules used forthe goods you buy can also be used for the goods you get on hire, or for the goods youget as part of a service.There are also rules which deal with the standard of services you get from, say,travel agents, shoe repairers, hairdressers and builders, These tell you

167、 what youshould expect from any service you pay for.A person providing a service must do so:-With reasonable care and skill. You should expect a proper standard ofworkmanship ( 工艺 ) . A new house should have straight walls and the roof must notleak.-Within a reasonable time. A shop should not take t

168、hree months to repair yourTV. You can always agree upon a completion time with the supplier of the service.You, the customer, must pay:- A reasonable charge for a service, where no price has been fixed in advance. Atrader can not expect a large payment for a small job.1. The underlined word these in

169、 Paragraph 2 refers toA. the services B. the workersC. the goods D. the rules2. What should the supplier do when offering a service?A. He should determine the completion time himself.B. He should provide free repairs within three months.C. He should make sure the service meets proper standards.D. He

170、 should reach an agreement on the payment with his workers.3. The passage is trying to.A. ask the customer to buy goods and services of high qualityB. advise the buyer how to pay a reasonable price for a serviceC. tell the customer what rights he has once he pays fbr somethingD. warn the seller what

171、 he sells must meet the buyers requirements( 十九) ( 2005湖南卷E)At Dallm/Fort Worth Airport, the lights are controlled by sensors that measuresunlight. They dim immediately when its sunny and brighten when a passing cloudblocks the sun. A wall of windows at a University of Pennsylvania engineeringbuddin

172、g has built-in blinds ( 百页窗 ) controlled by a computer program that followsthe suns path.Buildings are getting smarter-and the next generation of building materialsexpected to do even more.Windows could catch the sun*s energy to heat water, Sensors that measure thecarbon dioxide breathed 9ut by peop

173、le in room could determine whether the airconditioning needs to be turned up.Many new materials and technology have been designed in the last 15 years.They now being used in a wave of buildings designed to save as much energy aspossible- They include old ideas, like green roofs*, where a belt of pla

174、nts on a roofhelps the building keep heat in winter and stay cool in summer, and new ideas, likespecial coating for windows that lets light in ,but keeps heat out.As technologies such as sensors become cheaper, their uses spread.The elevators( 电梯 ) at Seven World Trade Center, which is under constru

175、ctionin New York, use a system that groups people traveling to nearby floor into the sameelevator, thus saving elevator stops. People who work in the building will enter it byswiping( 刷)ID cards that will tell the elevators their floor; readouts will then tellthem which elevator to use. The building

176、 also has windows with a coating that blocksheat while letting in light.More new building materials and technology are in development. A Philadelphiabuilding farm is now working on smart wrap that uses tiny solar collectors to catchthe suns energy and transmitters ( 传感器)the width of a human hair to

177、move it. Theyare expected to change the fact of the construction industry in the next ten years or so.1.will be developed and used in the construction industry.A.” Green mops that cool or heat buildingsB. Smart wrap that catches the suns energyC. Sunlight-measuring sensors that control lightsD. Wind

178、ow coating that lets light in, but keeps heat out2. The elevators at Seven World Trade Center are special because theycan.A. send people to floors with fewer stopsB. teach people how to use their ID cardsC. make people stay very cool in summerD. help people go traveling in the building3. The underli

179、ned word “it in the last paragraph refers to.A. a human being B. smart wrapC. the suns energy D. a transmitter4. What might be the most suitable title for the text?A. Buildings Are Becoming SmarterB. Buildings Are Getting More SunlightC. Buildings Are Lacking in Much EnergyD. Buildings Are Using Che

180、aper Materials( 二十) (2005湖北卷B)At one time no one could travel on an English road faster than four miles an hour.That was the law until 1896. A man had to walk in front of a car which could not gofaster than the man. At night the man had to carry a red lamp.Once Charles Rolls brought a car from Franc

181、e to England, but he wanted to drivefaster than four miles an hour. In order to have no trouble with the police, he had atalk with some of the police officers, who ordered their policemen to look the otherway when the car came along the road. This was a good plan in the country, but not soeasy to fo

182、llow in the busy streets of London.One night Rolls and some friends started from London on their journey toCambridge. One of the men walked in front with the red lamp ,but he walked as fastas he could. The police became very interested in walls and shop-fronts when theyheard the car, and not one of

183、them saw it.They reached a hill; but what a waste of time it was to drive down the hill at fourmiles an hour! Rolls was getting ready to jump into the car; but then he noticed apoliceman who was not looking the other way. The slow car reached him.“Good evening, said the policeman, looking at the car

184、.Good evening, said Rolls, holding the lamp.One of these horseless things, said the policeman, looking at it with interest.HYes, said Rolls, and waited.Ive often wanted a ride in one; but of course policemen cant buy things likethat. He turned and looked hopefully in Rollss face.Jump in, nsaid Rolls

185、.Thanks, said the policeman, and did so. Now, he said, sitting down, MYou canlet it go just as you like down this hill. There isnt another policeman on this road for amile and a half.I. The policemen were told to look the other way,r (the underlined part inParagraph 2)so t hat .A. they could watch t

186、he car coming from the other directionB. the car could go faster than four miles an hourC. they could make sure no one was in the wayD . the car would not hit them on the road2. In what way did the policemen carry out the order from their officers?A. They greeted Rolls when the car came along.B. The

187、y walked in front of the car with a red lamp.C. They pretended to be attracted by something else.D . They stood on duty every 1.5 miles along the road.3. The policeman who said Good evening1 to Rolls wanted to.A. teach Rolls a lesson B. take a free ride homeC. have a talk with Rolls D . have a car r

188、ide experience4. After the policeman jumped into the car, Rol l s.A. dared not drive the car faster than he was allowed toB. could drive as fast as he wished within a certain distanceC. could drive on any road he liked for the rest of the journeyD . drove his car as fast as he could down the hill to

189、 Cambridge( H-一) ( 2005 北卷) Brain-injured boy set for fl. 75 m payoutA YOUNGSTER who was knocked off his tricycle by a taxi and left with aserious brain injury is set to be awarded fl. 75million.Fourteen-year-old George Currie, from D alkeith, was living in County D urhamwith his parents Alliste and

190、 paula at the time of the accident in September 1993.pavement when he Lost control and swerved on to the road into the path of anon-coming taxi.The drivers insurance company has now accepted responsibility for the accidentand New castle county court is expected to rule on the payout on Monday.TOP 10

191、Florida counties with the most accidents in 2004;1. Monroe ( 98 )2. Palm Beach ( 65 )3. Pinellas ( 64 )4. Broward ( 59 )5. Miami-D ade ( 54 )6. Okaloosa ( 34 )7. Orange ( 24 )8. Bay( 22)9. Lee( 21 )10. Collier(21 ) Boating accidents reduce Lee and Collier counties ded at No. 10 for boating accidents

192、 in Florida in 2004.an improvement for both.But because the counties remained in the top 10 among Floridas 67 counties,safety continues to be a concern, officials said.(3) Teens react to new law on driving permitLawmakers may hope .to make teenage drivers drive more safely, but some localteens behin

193、d the wheel feel angry following the passing of senate nil 36 last week.SB 36 is a law that limits times new teen drivers can drive and the number ofpassengers they can carry. Road accidents take costly tollTraffic accidents kill more than one million people each year, injure tens ofmillions more an

194、d cost developing countries twice as much as they receive ininternational aid. the leader of a research said Wednesday.The figures have led experts to form an international road safety network tochoose the most important research areas, inform policy makers and help developways to prevent accidents

195、particularly in poor nations.Accidents kill the mosimportant research is still.pavement:人行道 swerve : 突然转向 insurance : 保险1. What does Pas sage tell us about the boy?A. He was injured in the head when he was 14.B. He has waited for the payout for a long time.C. He has lived in the same place since the

196、 accident.D . He was run over by a taxi when riding on the pavement.2. What can we learn about Lee and Collier counties from Passage 2?A. They both became safe places. B. They won the same place in a raceC. They had the same number of accidents. D . They joined hands in reducingaccidents.3. Which pa

197、ssage would give more information on the prevention of roadaccidents?A . B . C. D .( 二十二)( 2005全国卷I D)As any homemaker who has tried to keep order at the dinner table knows, thereis for more to a family meal than food. Sociologist Michael Lewis has been studying50 families to find out just how much

198、more.Lewis and his co-workers carried out their study by videotaping( 录像) the families while they ate ordinary meals in their own homes. They found thatparents with small families talk actively with each other and their children. But as thenumber of children gets larger, conversation gives way to th

199、e parents5 efforts tocontrol the loud noise they make. That can have an important effect on the children.0In general the more question-asking the parents do, the higher the childrens IQscores, Lewis says. And the more children there are, the less question-asking thereis.The study also provides an ex

200、planation for why middle children often seem tohave a harder time in life than their siblings ( 兄弟姐妹) .Lewis found that in familieswith three or four children, dinner conversation is likely to center on the oldest child,who has the most to talk about, and the youngest, who needs the most attention.M

201、iddle children are invisible, say Lewis. When you see someone get up from thetable and walk around during dinner, chances are its the middle child. There is,however, one thing that stops all conversation and prevents anyone from havingattention: When the TV is on,“ Lewis says, dinner is a non-event.

202、1. The writers purpose in writing the text is to.A. show the relationship between parents and childrenB. teach parents ways to keep order at the dinner tableC. report on the findings of a studyD. give information about family problems2. Parents with large families ask fewer questions at dinner b e c

203、 a u s e .A. they are busy serving food to their childrenB. they are busy keeping order at the dinner tableC. they have to pay more attention to younger childrenD. they are tired out having prepared food for the whole family3. By saying uMiddle children are invisible n in paragraph 3, Lewis meanstha

204、t middle c h i l d r e n .A. have to help their parents to serve dinnerB. get the least attention from the familyC. are often kept away from the dinner tableD. find it hard to keep up with other children4. Lewis research provides an answer to the questionA. why TV is important in family lifeB. why p

205、arents should keep good orderC. why children in small families seem to be quieterD. why middle children seem to have more difficulties in life5. Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?A. It is important to have the right food for children.B. It is a good idea to have the TV on d

206、uring dinner.C. Parents should talk to each of their children frequently.D. Elder children should help the younger ones at dinner.( 二十三)(2005浙 江 卷A)Compassion is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translatecompassion into actions. An experience last weekend showed me this is true

207、. I workpart-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderly. These old people areour main customers, and its not hard to lose patience over their slowness. But lastSunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lesson. This untidy manwalked up to my register( 收款机)with a box

208、 of biscuits. He said he was out of cash( 现金) ,had just moved into his room, and had nothing in his cupboards. He asked ifwe could let him have the food on trust. He promised to repay me the next day.I couldnt help staring at him. I wondered what kind of person he had been ten ortwenty years before,

209、 and what he would be like if luck had gone his way. I had a hurtin my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the world. I told him that I wassorry, but store rules didnt allow me to do so. I felt stupid and unkind saying this, butI valued my job.Just then, another man, standing behind the

210、first, spoke up. If anything, he lookedmore pitiable. Charge it to me; ” was all he said.What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft and safe and easy. Compassion, onthe other hand, is caring in action. I thanked the second man but told him that was notallowed either. Then I reached into my pocke

211、t and paid for the biscuits myself. Ireached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taughtme compassion.1. The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the bi s c ui t s .A. promised to obey the store rulesB. forgot to take any money with himC. hoped to have the food first and pa

212、y laterD. could not afford anything more expensive2. Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?A. kind and luckyB. poor and lonelyC. friendly and helpfulD. hurt and disappointed3. The writer acted upon the store rules b e c a u s e .A. he wanted to keep his present jobB. he felt no pit

213、y for the old gentlemanC. he considered the old man dishonestD. he expected someone else to pay for the old man4. What does the writer learn from his experience?A. Wealth is more important than anything else.B. Helping others is easier said than done.C. Experience is better gained through practice.D

214、. Obeying the rules means more than compassion.( 二十四) (2005浙江卷C)In the course of working my way through school, I took many jobs I wouldrather forget. But none of these jobs was as dreadful as my job in an apple plant. Thework was hard; the pay was poor; and, most of all, the working conditions were

215、terrible.First of all, the job made huge demands on my strength. For ten hours a night, Itook boxes that rolled down a metal track and piled them onto a truck. Each boxcontained twelve heavy bottles of apple juice. I once figured out that I was lifting anaverage of twelve tons of apple juice every n

216、ight.I would not have minded the difficulty of the work so much if the pay had notbeen so poor. I was paid the lowest wage of that time two dollars an hour. Because ofthe low pay, I felt eager to get as much as possible. I usually worked twelve hours anight but did not take home much more than $100

217、a week.But even more than the low pay, what made me unhappy was the workingconditions. During work I was limited to two ten- minute breaks and an unpaid halfhour for lunch. Most of my time was spent outside loading trucks with those heavyboxes in near- zero-degree temperatures. The steel floors of t

218、he trucks were like ice,which made my feet feel like stone. And after the production line shut down at nightand most people left, I had to spend two hours alone cleaning the floor.I stayed on the job for five months, all the while hating the difficulty of the work,the poor money, and the conditions

219、under which I worked. By the time I left, I wasdetermined never to go back there again.1. Why did the writer have to take many jobs at that time?A. To pay for his schooling.B. To save for his future.C. To support his family.D. To gain some experience.2. The following focts describe the terrible work

220、ing conditions of the plantEXCEPTA. loading boxes in the freezing coldB. having limited time for breaksC. working and studying at the same timeD. getting no pay for lunch time3. What is the subject discussed in the text?A. The writers unhappy school life.B. The writers eagerness to earn money.C. The

221、 writers experience as a full-time worker.D. The writers hard work in an apple plant.4. How is the passage organized?A. Topic Argument ExplanationB. Opinion Discussion DescriptionC. Main idea Comparison-Supporting examplesD. Introduction Supporting examples Conclusion( 二十五) ( 2005上海卷A)You either hav

222、e it, or you dont-a sense of direction, that is. But why is it thatsome people could find their way across the Sahara without a map, while others canlose themselves in the next street?Scientists say were all bom with a sense of direction, but it is not properlyunderstood how it works. One theory is

223、that people with a good sense of directionhave simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at LiverpoolUniversity supports this idea and suggests that if we dont use it, we lose it.Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around, says JimMartland, Research

224、Director of the proj ect. H o we ver, if they are not allowed outalone or are taken everywhere by car, they never develop the skills. MJim Martland also emphasizes that young people should be taught certain skillsto improve their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:If you are usin

225、g a map, turn it so it relates to the way you are facing.If you leave your bike in a strange place, put it near something like a big stone ora tree. Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return,go back along the same route.Simplify the way of finding your direction by u

226、sing lines such as streets in atown, streams, or walls in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that youknow how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hillswhich can help to find out where you are.Now you need never get lost again!1. Scientists believe that.A.

227、some babies are born with a sense of directionB. people learn a sense of direction as they grow olderC. people never lose their sense of directionD. everybody possesses a sense of direction from birth2. What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passage?A. They never have a sense of di

228、rection without maps.B. They should never be allowed out alone if they lack a sense of direction.C. They have a sense of direction and can find their way aroundD. They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.3. If you leave your bike in a strange place, you s houl d.

229、A. tie it to a tree so as to prevent it from being stolenB. draw a map of the route to help remember where it isC. avoid taking the same route when you come back to itD. remember something easily recognizable on the route4. According to the passage, the best way to find your way around isto.A. ask p

230、olicemen fbr directionsB. use walls, streams, and streets to guide yourselfC. remember your route by looking out for steps and stairsD. count the number of landmarks that you see( 二十六)(2005上海卷C)I THIRSTEach day water-related diseases kill 3,900 of the worlds childrenAcross the world, 1.1 billion peo

231、ple have no access to clean drinking water. Morethan 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation(卫生设备) .The combination proves deadly. Each year, diseases related to inadequate waterand sanitation kill between 2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percentof all sicknesses in the developing w

232、orld. Safe drinking water is a precondition forhealth and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and women, andpoverty.Consider these facts:The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk tocollect water is 6 kilometers.Only 58 percent of children in sub-Saharan Africa ar

233、e drinking safe water, andonly 37 percent of children in South Asia have access to even a basic toilet.Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-bornediseases.Here are three ways you can help:1 ) Write CongressCurrent U. S. foreign aid fbr drinking water and sanitation budg

234、ets only onedollar per year per American citizen. Few members of Congress have ever received aletter from voters about clean drinking water abroad.2 ) Sponsor a project with a faith-based organizationMany U. S. religious groups already sponsor water and sanitation projects,working with partner organ

235、izations abroad. Simply put, a single project by a U. S.organization can make safe water a reality for thousands of people.3 )Support nonprofit water organizationsNumerous U. S.-based nonprofits work skillfully abroad in community-ledprojects related to drinking water and sanitation.Like the sample

236、of non-profits noted as follows, some organizations are large,others small-scale; some operate worldwide, others are devoted to certain areas inAfrica, Asia, or Latin America. Support them generously.1. The three facts presented in the passage are used to illustrate t hat .A. poverty can result in w

237、ater-borne diseasesB. people have no access to clean drinking waterC. womens fights are denied in some developing countriesD. safe drinking water should be a primary concern2. The intended readers of the passage are.A. Americans B. overseas sponsorsC. Congressmen D. U. S.-based water organizations3.

238、 The main purpose of the passage is to call on people to.A. get rid of water-related diseases in developing countriesB. donate money to people short of water through religious groupsC. fight against the worldwide water shortage and sanitation problemD. take joint action in support of some nonprofit

239、water organizations4. What information will probably be provided following the last paragraph ?A. A variety of companies and their worldwide operation.B. A list of nonprofit water organizations to make contact with.C. Some ways to get financial aids from U.S. Congress.D. A few water resources exploi

240、ted by some world-famous organizations.( 二十七) ( 2005浙江卷E )When Lew Alcindor was 13, and obviously still growing, a group of schoolsbegan offering him scholarships ( 奖学金 ) . The Alcindors decided to send their onlychild to Power Memorial Academy, a small school on Manhattans West Side.At Power, Alcin

241、dor came under the control of Coach Jack Donohue, a strictyoung man who already gained his fame as one of the best coaches in the city.Donohue brought Alcindor along slowly. As a first-year student, the boy was not ableto do much but wave his long skinny arms and shoot a basket now and then. But byt

242、he second year, when he was 15 years old and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindor was quickand skillful enough to make the high school All American team and to lead Power toan undefeated season.From then on he simply got better. Some rival coaches (对方教练)used to taketheir teams quickly away from the floor be

243、fore Power warmed up so that their playerswould not see him any sooner than they had to. Wearing size 16D shoes and sucking alollipop ( 棒棒糖) ,Alcindor would loosen up by starting his leaping lay-ups ( 擦板球) .Then he would casually shoot the ball with either hand, to the delight of the fans.When repor

244、ters and photographers began to follow Alcindor closely, Donohueprotected his boy firmly. He simply ordered Lew to talk to no member of the press,and this suited Lew fine. He was not comfortable talking to grownups, perhapsbecause he towered over them. Discouraged photographers began following him i

245、nsecret as though he were an easily-frightened giraffe. Once after ducking into asubway to escape, Alcindor told a friend that it was all becoming like policemen androbbers. People want you not for yourself, Donohue warned him, but becauseyoure a basketball player. Dont forget that.1. Many schools o

246、ffered Alcindor scholarships b e c a u s e .A. he was youngB. he was hardworkingC. he was tall for his ageD. he was skillful at playing basketball2. Which of the following best describes Donohue as a young coach?ftA. serious, popular and slowB. tall, skillful and successfulC. kind, powerful and unde

247、featedD. well-known, strict and experienced3. Why did some rival coaches take their teams away from the floor beforePower warmed up?A. Their teams refused to play Power.B. Their teams feared to see Alcindor.C. Their teams would lose courage.D. Their teams would lose interest.4. What does the last pa

248、ragraph mainly discuss?A. How Donohue protected Alcindor from the press.B. How Alcindor disliked meeting reporters.C. Why the press followed Alcindor closely.D. Why the public wanted Alcindor badly.( 二十八)( 2005江西卷C)YOUR KIDS ARE AMAZING 一 especially compared with everybody elses( who seem to cry all

249、 the time) . How do you show your love for your kids this holidayseason? With toys that are smooth and colorful, interactive and exciting. And withones that have educational value because you are the boss.1. FLAX ART HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETHere is a toy that doesnt need power-and the kids have

250、to put it togetherthemselves. This 50-piece puzzle set is made of soft- edged hardwood and makes acomplete hospital, with an X-ray room. It also includes eight patients, a car and adriver. $135; flaxart,com.2. TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BALLSure, its cool ,but this colorful baby toy also develops problem so

251、lving andmotor skills- It has a head and legs, a magnetic ( 磁性的) hand and a tail. Suitable forlittle ones from 6 to 36 months. $19.95 ; tinylove, com.3. ROBOSAPIENThis small,remote-control robot is really powerful. It performs 67preprogrammed functions (功 能 ) , including throwing, kicking, picking u

252、p anddancing. You can even program your own function which, sadly, does not includedoing windows. $99; robosapienonline, com.4. MINI PEDAL CARWant a Mini Cooper but can*t fit the family inside? Get one fbr the kids. Theycan jump into this Mini car, which comes in hot orange with a single adjustable

253、( 可调的) seat, and ride away. But it could spoil them for that used car theyll be drivingwhen they turn 16. For ages 3 to 5. $189 ; miniusa, com( click on gear up, thenMini motoring gear. n)1. Which toy is said to have the special design for childrens safety?A. ROBOSAPIENB. MINI PEDAL CARC. FLAX ART H

254、OSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETD. TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BALL2. Which toys are fit for three-year-old kids?A. 1 and 3. B. 2 and 4. C. 1 and 2. D. 3 and 4.3. Educational value is mentioned in all the toys EXCEP T.A. FLAX ART HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SETB.TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BAI, LC. ROBOSAPIEND. MINI PEDAL CA

255、R4. This passage is written for.A. parents B. children C. the writer D. the boss( 二十九) ( 2005全国卷n E)Last year my sixth-grader daughter, Elizabeth, was forced to put up with science.Her education week after week, contained mindless memorization of big words likebatholiths and saprophyte. She learned

256、by heart the achievements of famousscientists who did things like improved nuclear fusion ( 核聚变) never mindthat she hasnt the least idea of what nuclear fusion means. Elizabeth did very well( shes good at memorizing things) . And now she hates science. My eighth-grader son,Ben, also suffered from sc

257、ience education. Week after week he had to perform labexperiments with answers already known. Ben figured out how to guess the rightanswers, so he got good grades. Now he hates science, too.Science can provide an exciting way to develop childrens curiosity. Scienceeducation should teach ways to ask

258、questions and week answers. But my children gotthe mistaken idea in school than science is difficult dull and has no relation to theireveryday interests.As a physicist, I am addend and angered to see Hthe great science turnoff* I knowthat science is important in our lives. Yet studies prove that our

259、 schools are turning outmillions of graduated who know almost nothing about and have almost no interest inscience. Whats gone wrong? Who is to blarney1. We learn from paragraph 1 that.A. the writer was proud of Elizabeth and BenB. both Elizabeth and Ben could become scientistsC. Elizabeth had to lea

260、rn much about great scientistsD. Ben was good at trying new ideas in lab experiments2. The writer thinks that in science education we should fi rst .A. get students interested in the subjectB. answer students* questions in delightful ways.C. smooth out difficulties in lab experimentsD. explain the s

261、pecial terms clearly3. By writing the text, the author q u e s t i o n s .A. the difficulty level of the science textsB. the way science is taught in schoolC. the achievements of famous scientistsD. students1 poor records in science classes( 三十)(2005福 建 卷A)Paul Zindefs death on March 27,2003 ended t

262、he brilliant life of a famous writer.Not only did Paul Zindel win a Pulitzer Prize as well as an Obie Prize for his1970 play The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in- the-Moon Marigolds, but he wasone of the earliest writers in the field of contemporary( 当代的) literature for youngadults(成 人) . The Pigman,

263、published in 1968,is still one of the most well-knownand widely taught novels in the genre. The American Library Association has namedit one of the 100 Best of the Best Books for Young Adults published between 1967and 1992, and ZindeFs autobiography, The Pigman and Me, was among the 100 Bestof the B

264、est Books published for teenagers during the last part of the twentieth century.Six of Zindels books, in fact, have been voted the Best Books for Young Adults, andmost of his recent horror books-such as The Doom Stone and Rats-have been chosenas Quick Picks for Reluctant Young Adult Readers. Clearly

265、, he was a writer whoknew how to interest contemporary children. Recognizing that, theAmerican Library Association in 2002 honored Paul Zindel with the Margaret A.Edwards Prize for his lifetime achievements, and later that same year he waspresented with the ALAN Prize fbr his contributions to Young

266、AdultLiterature. With his passing, young readers, teachers, and librarians have lost a greatfriend.1. Which of Paul Zindefs books was the most popular with young adults in the20th century?A. The Pigman. B. The Doom Stone.C. The Pigman and Me.D. The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds.2

267、. Why was Paul Zindel honored with the Margaret A. Edwards Prize?A. His books were widely read by children.B. His books were interesting and helpful to adults.C. He made great contributions to contemporary literature.D. He wrote a number of horror books for young adults.3. When did Paul Zindel win t

268、he ALAN Prize?A. In 2002. B. In 2003.C. Between 1967 and 1992. D. Between 2002 and 2003.4. Choose the correct statements from the following according to the passage.a. The Pigman and Me was one of the Best Books for teenagers.b. Zindel was one of the earliest writers who wrote for adults only.c. The

269、 Doom Stone and Rats are not popular with young adults.d. Zindel was given four prizes for literature before he died.e. At least eight of Zindefs books were very popular in his times.A. c,d,e B. a,b,c C. a,b,d D. a,d,e( HH 一) ( 2005 重庆卷 A)My parents were in a huge argument and I was really upset abo

270、ut it. I didntknow who I should talk with about how I was feeling. So I asked Mom to allow me tostay the night at my best friends house. Though I knew I wouldn*t tell her about myparents* situation. I was looking forward to getting out of the house. I was in themiddle of packing up my things when su

271、ddenly the power went out in theneighborhood. Morn came to tell me that I should stay with my grandpa until thepower came back on.I was really disappointed because I felt that we did not have much to talk about.But I knew he would be frightened alone in the dark. I went to his room and told himthat

272、rd stay with him until the power was restored. He was quite happy and said, nGreat opportunity. n“What is? I asked.To talk, you and I, he said. To hold a private little meeting about what weYegoing to do with your mom and dad and what were going to do with ourselves nowthat we*re in the situation we

273、 are in.But we cant do anything about it, Grandpa I said, surprised that here wassomeone with whom I could share my feelings and someone who was in the sameBoat as I was.And thats how the most unbelievable friendship between my grandfather and mestarted. Sitting there in the dark. We talked about ou

274、r feelings and fears of life fromhow fost things change, to how they sometimes dont change fast enough. That night,because the power went out. I found a new friend with whom I could safely talk aboutall my fears and pains, whatever they may be.Suddenly, the lights all came back on. Well,“ he said, I

275、 guess that means youllwant to go now. I really like our talk. I hope the power will go out every few nights!1.1 wished to get out of the house b e c a u s e .A. I was angry about my parents1 quarrelB. I found nobody to share my feeling withC. I wanted to escape from the dark houseD. I planned to te

276、ll my friend about my trouble2. Grandpa was happy to see me b e c a u s e .A. he could discuss the problem with meB. he had not seen me for a long timeC. he was afraid of darknessD. he felt quite lonely3. What can be inferred from the passage?A. The grandchild was eager to leave.B. They would have m

277、ore chats.C. The lights would go out again.D. It would no longer be dark.( 三十二) (2005重庆卷C)My kids really understand solar and earth-heat energy, says a second-gradeteacher in Saugus, California. Some of them are building solar collectors for theirenergy course. These young scientists are part of Cit

278、y Building EducationalProgram( CBEP) ,a particular program for kindergarten through twelfth grade thatuses the stages of city planning to teach basic reading, writing and math skills andmore.The children dont just plan any city. They map and analyze ( 分析) the housing,energy, and transportation requi

279、rements of their own district and foretell its needs in100 years. With the aid of an architect( 建筑巾) who visits the classroom once a week,they invent new ways to meet these needs and build models of their creations.Designing buildings of the future gives children a lot of imagination and inventionsw

280、ithout fear of blame, because there are no wrong answers in a future context. In fact,as the class enters the final model building stage of the program, an elected* official1and planning group* make all the design decisions for the model city, and the teachersteps back and becomes an adviser.CBEP is

281、 a set of activities, games, and imitations that teach the basic stepsnecessary for problem-solving, observing, analyzing, working out possible answers,and judging them based on the childrens own standards.1. The Program is d e s i g n e d .A. to direct kids to build solar collectorsB. to train youn

282、g scientists for city planningC. to develop childrens problem-solving abilitiesD. to help young architects know more about designing2. An architect pays a weekly visit to the c l a s s r o o m.A. to find out kids creative ideasB. to discuss with the teacherC. to give children lecturesD. to help kids

283、 with their program3. Who is the designer of the program?A. An official. B. An architect C. A teacher D. A scientist4. The children feel free in the program b e c a u s e .A. they can design future buildings themselvesB. they have new ideas and rich imaginationC. they are given enough time to design

284、 modelsD. they need not worry about making mistakes( 三十三) (2005辽 宁 卷B)When Babbage was working at Cambridge, a new idea occurred to him. Hewanted to construct a calculating machine to work out the solutions ( 解法)to mathsproblems not only with correctness but also with a speed beyond the power of any

285、human mind. His machine could solve problems involving ( 涉及) k) ng rows of figuresin one continuous operation( 运算) .In 1822 Babbage exhibited his invention and won a prize from the government.After that, he immediately started to work on a larger machine designed to solve moredifficult problems. Alt

286、hough he received some money left by his ftither, the moneywas not enough to support his design. He wrote to the government about his plan andwas given 2500 to start with,a sum worth much more in those days than it is now.Babbage continued his work in London for four years. Then his health brokedown

287、, and he had to take a long holiday abroad. When he returned to London in 1828,he was at the end of his resources. Many bills remained unpaid. His chief assistantand co- workers quarreled with him and left with many expensive tools. For one yearno work was done. During this period, Babbage, whose mi

288、nd was always active,suddenly thought of a completely new idea for the machine. He rushed to meet thegovernment officials to explain his new idea. But this time, they were unwilling tohelp him. For eight years, they refused to say whether they wanted the machine or not,and their final answer was ”No

289、”.From 1828 to1839, Babbage held the position of professor at Cambridge verysuccessfully. But his greatest work was the unfinished calculating machine whichstood covered in dust in his house. It was the beginning of the modem computer.1. The machine Babbage designed would solve difficult mathsp r o

290、b l e ms .A. in one operation with few mistakesB. in more than one operation without any mistakesC. in more than one operation with slight mistakesD. in one operation without any mistakes2. Babbage failed to continue his research work in 1828 mainlyb e c a u s e .A. he was in poor healthB. he almost

291、 ran out of moneyC. his co-workers argued with himD. he spent all his money on his bills3. Babage explained his new idea to the government officials, expectingt hat .A. they would agree to his planB. they would pay for his new ideaC. they would support him with moneyD. they would exhibit his new des

292、ign4. From the passage, we can infer t hat .A. Babbage failed to be a famous scientist at CambridgeB. Babbage always had new ideas but gave them up easilyC. Babbage always needed support from the government officialsD. Babbage was the first designer of the modern computer( 三十四) ( 2005.辽宁卷D)While inc

293、ome worry is a rather common problem of the aged, loneliness isanother problem that aged parents may face. Of all the reasons that explain theirloneliness, a large geographical distance between parents and their children is themajor one. This phenomenon (现 象 )is commonly known as Empty NestSyndrome”

294、 空巢综合症) .In order to seek better chances outside their countries, many young people havegone abroad, leaving their parents behind with no clear idea of when they will returnhome. Their parents spend countless lonely days and nights, taking care of themselves,in the hope that someday their children w

295、ill come back to stay with them. The factthat most of these young people have gone to Europeanized or Americanized societiesmakes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the value of duty as they would haveif they had not left their countries. Whatever the ease ,it has been noted that the valu

296、esthey hold do not necessarily match what they actually do. This geographical andcultural distance also prevents the grown-up children from providing response ( 回应) in time for their aged parents living by themselves.The situation in which grown-up children live far away from their aged parentshas b

297、een described as distant parent phenomenon, which is common both indeveloped countries and in developing countries. Our society has not yet been wellprepared for Empty Nest Syndrome*.1. According to the passage, the loneliness of aged parents is mainly causedby.A. their earlier experience of feeling

298、 lonelyB. the unfavorable living conditions in their native countriesC. the common worry about their incomeD. the geographical distance between parents and children2. Many young people have gone abroad, leaving their aged parents behind,to.A. live in the countries with more moneyB. seek a better pla

299、ce for their aged parentsC. continue their studies abroadD. realize their dreams in foreign countries3. If young people go a br oa d, .A. they do not hold to the value of duty at allB. they can give some help to their parents back homeC. they cannot do what they should for their parentsD. they belie

300、ve what they actually do is right4. From the last paragraph, we can infer that.A. the situations in the developed and developing countries are differentB. * Empty Nest Syndrome has arrived unexpectedly in our societyC. children will become independent as soon as they go abroadD. the aged parents are

301、 only fully prepared for Empty Nest Syndrome高三英语阅读理解解题技巧与专练答案与解析( 一) ( 2006 湖南卷 B)1. C 本题是一个细节题。从 “Reading at Risk is a survey of national fashionin adult literary readingM 得知。2. D 本题是一个细节题,从第三段可知。3. B 本题是一个细节题。 “ 从. . . our societys great turn to electronic media forentertainment and information得出人

302、们失去了读书的传统( print culture) 转向了电子类娱乐.4. C 本题是一个推理题,从最后一段可看出作者的态度倾向。( 二) ( 2006全国卷IA )1. B主旨大意题。从全文内容来看,每一段都谈论关于greyhounds的知识。2. D 推断题。从 But they do feel the cold,than walking around outside. n可推出D.3. D 细节题。从 They don t need a lot of space, d o n t. 可知 D 正确 o4. B 细节题。从 They do feel the cold. . n “a pet

303、 greyhoundn 特另U怕冷,故选B。( 三 ) ( 2006 全国卷IB )1. A .细节题。从 Where I was planning to stop and visit a friend”中可知。2. B 猜义题。 从but had gone only few miles when black smoke powered.可知作者是启动小汽车,用B。3. C 细节题。uwondered what I should do, a car pulled-They said theywould take me to my friends n 可得出 Co4. C 细节题。hk aI r

304、eturned to my car and found that Id left the fights on allday” 可知Co5. D 主旨大意题。a 1 wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helpingme可看出,作者写出自己的经历是因为作者对那对夫妇心存感激。( 四) ( 2006 全国卷IC )1. C 主旨大意题,全文围绕学生在学习英语时存在的一些问题并谈了相关这些问题的方法,来满足学生的需求,选C2. A 细节题。从 uwriting increased as a problem ills students discove

305、red,difficulties in writing papers that. . .” 也看出。3. A 主旨大意题。从 To use the same method would be. . Therefore adifferent method may help because it is different” 和 u variety of activity was also seenills a way of maintaining or increasing motivation”可知4. D 猜义题。 这 里 的it 7 aseveral years ago had timetab

306、le that operatedthroughout we had one timetable that operated throughout. * 这句, 并指代其中的 “timetable”。( 五) ( 2006 安徽卷A)1. D本题是细节题。从文中第二段可知。2. B 本题是细节题。 从第三段If you are a beginner. it is much safer to joina group for storm-chasing vacations during the storm season. “ 可知。3. C本题是猜义题。从文章最后一段“When you get cl

307、ose to a storm, its themost exciting sight you 11 ever see in your fife. 94. A本题是推理题。通读全文了解大意即可。( 六 ) ( 2006 安徽卷D)1. D本题是细节推理题。 从第一段第二句:They must be ready for immediateuse when fire breaks out 及最后一句 The law requires ships, trains, buses and planesto carry extinguishers. 可推出 D。2. D本题是细节推理题。题干中的basin发

308、挥的作用与第三段提到的sand,steam功能相同,隔离氧气。3. C 细节题。从最后一段最后一句 The method that is used to put out a firedepends upon the type, of fire. 可知。4. A主旨大意题o( 七 ) ( 2006 四川卷A)1. B 本题是细节理解题。从第二段第二句wrote my first poem at the age offour or fie, my mother taking it down to dictation.“ 可 矢 口2. B本题是细节理解题。A文中没有涉及,C发表大量诗歌、故事与文章

309、所讲不符,D与文章所讲不符,作 者 在191418期间发表过一篇诗歌但不是他的第一篇诗歌,B正确,作者有写作天赋。3. D本题是推理题。从第一段第三句、第四句可推断出。( 八 ) ( 2006 四川卷D)1. A主旨大意题。从文章第一段和第二段可知作者的意图2. B 细节理解题。从 ” . . . and explain that by putting aside, say, $ 15 eachweek, he will be able to buy for himself in only ten weeks”可知。3. D 本题是猜义题。从For every dollar he or she

310、 agrees to save and investrather than spend, your agree to add another dollar to the pat” 可 知 incentive 应为鼓励之意。4. D 本题是细节理解题。hk a We are full of advice for Our children, but whenit comes to money. we often have little to say”可知。( 九 ) ( 2006 江西卷D)1. C本题考查的是细节题。从第段的第二句和第三句可知o2. B 本题是细节题。从第二段中的 The fir

311、st area is aquaculture. This involvesthe study and practice of fish farming and management. 中判断 B 不符合原文。3. D 细节题。A 中 outdoor sports 文中没提到。B 中 read adventure books也不符。C中read about dinosaurs也不符合,只 有D与最后一段描述的应具备的素质最吻合。4. A推理 题 。文章第一段写了 ichthyologist的 工 作 ,第二段介绍了ichthyologist的三个研究领域,第三段写了要成为一个ichthyolog

312、ist应具备的素质,纵览全文,文章应是写给立志成为ichthyologist的大学生们的。( + ) ( 2006 湖北卷 C)1. B 细节题。 从第一段中的he seemed to have already known the bitternessof life可得知。2. A推理题。由第五段可知。3. B 推断题。由第四段的My parents had raised me to be aware of theadvantage we had been afforded and the responsibility it brought to US.4. C 推理判断题。通读全文可知本文的

313、小主人翁诚实,并对“ 我”心存感激。( 4 一) ( 2006 湖北卷 D)1. D 推理题。干扰项A 有较强的迷惑性。该组织反对销售来自日本的瓶装水,主要是认为这是“the extremely stupid use of fuel,故选 D。2. A 猜义题。food和 miles都是中学生熟悉的词汇,但它们的结合构成的新词汇在文中有不同的意思。3. C 细节题。本题涉及对长难句的理解。从第二段可知作者认为:从外国进口食物固然需花费能源在运输上, 而本国生产的食物却要生长在温室里, 这同样需要能源。4. A 推断题。通读全文,我们可知作者反对Food Commission提出的观点,并给予了

314、有力的辩驳,很显然他支持贸易全球化。( 十二) ( 2006 福建卷C)1. C 细节题。从第三部分You can register between. . 可知。2. B 细节题。第三部分 The rewards arc wonderful 150, 000 in prize forschools and teams and the chance to attend a European student camp. 可知有两项回报。3. C 细节题。 从 Farm World 中的 Open: May一Oct Wednesdays to Saturdaysand daily during sc

315、hool holidays 11 a. m. 5 P. m .可知 A、B、D 均错。4. A 推理题。 从 C 船 Hub 中的第一 句 话 Next to the Castle lies The Hub, homeof the. . and one of the most talked about spots in town 中 的 home 和 the most talkedabout spots可推出A, 其他三项均不符。( 十三) ( 2006浙江卷E)1. D 细节题。从第一段 his contrast is beginning to bother your 6-year-olds

316、on. You are worried that he will want to live as they do and wonder if you shouldm oves.可知。2. A o3. A 推理题。从 ne wealth of their owners 可看出。4. C 主旨大意题。全文都在讲在外界物质的冲击下,孩子会受到影响,应得到家长的正确引导。( 十四) ( 2006 天 津 卷 A )1. A推理题。从第二段可看出find a hiding place有利于生存,B与文章不符,C没有提到D与文章矛盾。2. C细节题。从find a hiding place一段中可看出保暖

317、很重要。3. C 推理题。A k find a hiding place一段,signal rescuers for help 一段 oDonot walk away一段, 及最后一段推出采取有利于自己的行为很重要, 故前提条件不能害怕。( 十五) ( 2006 天津卷C )1. B 推理题。从Operates under the theory of whats mine and whats yoursis mine. says his mother.及他母亲举的一个例子得知。2. A猜义题。从第二段第一、二行可知。3. B 推理题。从最后一段的 but they also feel less

318、 confident about theirparenting skills. Their kid8o in turn0 feel more anxious 知父母如果对孩子不严厉会对自身失去信心,而孩子反过来也会更加骄躁。4. D 细节题。 从倒数第二段 . . .child may have, or trouble keeping friends v可知。5. C 主旨大意题。文章的第二、三 、四、五自然段都是讲孩子的老板型行为是怎样来的。( 十六) ( 2006 辽宁卷A )1. D细节理解题。从第二段的二、三行可知。2. A 细节理解题。从第四段:Ithasa24-jewel. mec

319、hanical movement, thekind desired by watch collectors 可知。3. A4. B广告最有可能在报纸或杂志中出现,无报纸选项,故 B 。( 十七) ( 2006 辽宁卷D )1. D 细节题。从第一段的最后一句 However, filling out an application formis much easier because you have total control and have enough time to think and plan可知o2. A 推理题。从上句 What you must realize is that

320、those teams and conditionshave been written by highly paid lawyers 与下旬 or it would not be there 可知3. D 细节题。 从最后一段 If you dont like something, you can simply changethe parts you dont like. Remember that everything can be settled by discussion 可知。4. A 推理题。从最后一段最后一句话可知。( 十八) ( 2005 湖北卷C)1. D 这是一道推理判断题。

321、 依据文章的思路和逻辑推理可知these指代上文出现的ruleso2. C 推断题,作者从顾客的角度指出“you should expect a proper standardof workmanship, 那么从对方的角度讲所提供的服务要合乎一定标准。3. C主旨大意题。文章的中心是讲一旦顾客花钱买某货物或某项服务时所同时享有的权利。( 十九) ( 2005 湖南卷E)这是一篇科普说明文, 主要讲述了科技的发展带给现代建筑业的巨大变化。1 . B 这是 道推断题。A 、C 、D 选 项 中 出 现 的 Green mops,sunlight-measuring sensors和 window

322、 coating都已经投入使用, 只有 B 项中的 smartwrap还在研究当中,可以推断在不久的将来这种新型材料会投入使用。2. A 细节理解题,由 . use a system that groups people traveling to nearbyfloor into the same elevator, thus saving elevator stopsw 可知。3. C 推断题。仔细分析该句结构可得知答案。4. A 主旨大意题。本文讲述科技的发展,让现代建筑物更加灵便轻巧,B、C、D 均有以偏概全之嫌。( 二十) ( 2005 湖北卷B)1. B推断题。Charles Roi

323、ls想把车子开得快些,但这是违反规定的,所以他就和一些警官交谈了一下,于是 the policemen were told to look the other way,不言而喻其目的。选项B 阐述得最清楚。2. C 推断题oA、B、D 较易排除o3. D推断题。 因为该警察在和Charles打过招呼之后说Tve often wanted a ridein one”, 由此可推断D 项正确。4. B 警察坐上车之后告诉 Charles you can let it go just as you like down thishill”由此可推知在此后的1.5英里内时速不受限制。( 二H 一) (

324、2005 北京卷)1. B这是一道主旨大意题。发生事故时小男孩只有3岁,等到他获得应得赔偿时已经14岁了,这真是一个漫长的等待。2. C Lee和Collier在2004所发生的事故均为21起 ,名列第十。3. D这是一道推断题。第四篇短文提到道路事故花费惊人,人们希望能形成一个国际道路安全网络,由此可推知接下来会给出有关防止道路事故的措施。( - + ) ( 2005 全国卷 1D)1. C这是一道推断题。本文主要讲Lewis和他的同事们研究一般家庭吃饭时的情况,作者写此文的目的正是报道有关该项研究的发现成果。2. B 这是一道推断题。从But as the number of childr

325、en gets larger,conversation gives way to the parents, efforts to control the loud noise they make”可推 知B项正确。3. B年龄最大的孩子谈话最多,年龄最小的孩子需要最多的关注,故而排在中间的孩子受到的关注最少占4. D推断题。由于排在中间的孩子受到的关注较少,他们成人后在生活中遇到的困难也较多。5. C推断题。作者认为父母应该关注每一个孩子,以利于孩子身心的健康成长。( 二十三) ( 2005 浙江卷A)1. C细节理解题。老人说身上没有现金,希望可以先拿走饼干、晚些再付钱。2. B推断题。通过

326、对老人的描绘可推知答案。3. A从1 valued my job可看出作者当时的心境是矛盾的。4. B主旨大意题。我们经常会对人心生怜悯,怜悯是很容易的,但把怜悯转化为同情,并付诸行动,就不太容易了。( 二十四) ( 2005 浙江卷C)1. A 这是一道推断题。/A * * In the course Of working my way through school,I took many jobs 1 would rather forget.)可知作者干过各种各样的工作是为了赚取学费。2. C . 细节理解题。文章的第二、三、四段都谈到了工作环境的恶劣。3. D 这是一道主旨大意题。作者回

327、忆边工作边学习的一段经历,特别是在一家苹果厂里的经历4. D 本篇文章的行文顺序是先总起概括,然后举例论证,最后得出结论,故选D。( 二十五) ( 2005 上海卷A)1. D 细节理解题。从第二段首句scientists say。were all born with a senseof directions可知每个人与生俱有一种方向感2. C 干扰项D 不对,文中说如果他们不被允许单独外出或者被小汽车带着到处乱逛,他们的方向感就会得不到发展3. D 这是一道推断题。如何在一个陌生的地方迅速找到你的白行车? 作者给了你不少的建议。4. B细节理解题。干扰项C、D 的表述均不太完善。( 二十六)

328、 ( 2 0 0 5 .上海卷C)1. D 这是一道推断题。世界上每天都有数千名儿童死于与水相关的疾病,文中所列举的三个事实是为了说明安全饮水问题应该引起人们普遍的关注。2. A 本文应该是写给普通美国民众看的,这一点从文中列举的三条帮助的途径可以看出。3. C 这是一道推断题。从文中给出的three ways you can help” 可推知作者的写作意图是号召人们起来和缺水问题作斗争。4. B 文章最后一段号召人们无偿地资助一些非赢利性的水组织,由此可推知,接下来文章会列举一些相关组织,以帮助人们与之联系。( 二十七) ( 2005 浙江卷E)1 . C 这是一道推断题。从第一段的首句可

329、以推出许多学校给Alcindor提供奖学金,是因为他个子偏高,并且还有长高的趋势,是打篮球的好苗子。2 .D 这是一道推断题。 文中有文字说明Donohue是一个strict young man whoalready gained his fame as one of the best coaches,从他对待记者的态度可知他极富有经验。3. C 细节理解题。从 a ,so that their players would not see him any soonerthan they had to”可知。4. A文章最后一段主要讲Donohue如 何 保 护Alcindor,使他免受来自媒体

330、的干扰。( 二十八) ( 2005 江西卷C)1. C细节理解题。因为该套玩具是由软边的硬本制成的,这显然是出自对小孩安全的考虑。2. B细节理解题。第二种玩具适合6-36个月的孩子,也即半岁至3岁的小孩。3. D细节理解题。前三种玩具的介绍中均提到该玩具的教育价值。4. A这是一道推断题。通读全文可知这篇文章是写给父母看的,以方便他们在给孩子买玩具时作参考。( 二十九) ( 2005 全 国 卷 HE)1. C主旨大意题。第一段以自己的一对儿女为例,他们被迫学习科学知识并背记忆一些枯燥的科学术语,以至最后都讨厌科学。2. A从作者的语气当中,我们可推知作者认为要让孩子们学习科学知识。首先要培

331、养他们对这门学科的兴趣。3. B这是道推断题。文章说:研究证明学校让成千上万的毕业生对科学一无所知,对科学毫无兴趣。作者质问:到底哪里出错了? 谁该受到责备? 很显然,作者对学校的教育方式提出了质疑。( 三十) ( 2005 福 建 卷 A)1. A细节理解题。从对The Pigman的描述中可知答案。2. C 从 句 子“,he was presented with the ALAN prize for his contributions toYoung Adult Literature可知 C 项正确。3. A推断题。从later that same year”可知时间是在2002年。4.

332、 D这是一道推断题。在本题干的五项表述中,有两项是不正确的。 ,( HH 一) ( 2005 重庆卷 A)1. B这是一道推断题。“ 我 ” 1的父母正在激烈地争论,“ 我” 不知道应该和谁说说我心里的感受,只想迅速逃离开。2. A这是一道推断题。停 电 的 时 候 “ 我”和祖父呆在一块,他很高兴看见“ 我。 因为这样我们便有机会讨论所面临的问题。3. B这是一道推断题。“ 我 ”发现祖父就像一位朋友一样,我可以毫无保留地畅谈“ 我”的恐惧和痛苦;祖父也表达了想和“ 我”继续交谈的愿望,由此可推知祖孙二人以后会有更多的机会聊天。( 三十二) ( 2005 重庆卷C)1. C这是一道推断题。设

333、计该项目的目的是为了发展孩子们解决问题的能力,这种能力是通过阅读,写作,教学技能等逐步培养的。2. D 从句子 a with the aid of an architect who visits the classroom, ” 等可得知建筑师每星期来一次是为了帮助孩子们的。3. C这是一道推断题。这个项目让学生设计将来的房屋,充分发挥他们的想象力和创造力,由此可推知。整个项目的设计者是一位老师,而不是建筑师。4. D 细节理解题。从 u ,without fear of blame, because there are no wronganswers in a future context”

334、可 知。( 三十三) ( 2005 辽宁卷B)1. D 这是一道推断题。 从 “he wants to construct a calculating machine to workout the solutions to maths problems not only with correctness*, ” 可推矢口答案。2. B 推断题。从文中的 “he was at the end of his resources. Many billsremained unpaid%可知最大的原因是资金出现问题,A项只是较小的因素。3. C推断题。Babbage希望政府能像上次一样给他提供一些资助。

335、4. D 推断题。从 最末句It was the beginning of the modern computer” 可知Babbage是现代计算机的首位设计者。( 三 十四) ( 2005 辽宁卷D)1. D细节理解题。老年感到孤单最主要的原因是和孩子们的距离太远。2. D 推I断题 o 从“in order to seek better chances outside their countries, manyyoung people have gone abroad, ,可知年轻人去国外寻求进一步的发展。3. C 推断题。 从 “ makes it unlikely that they will hold as tightly to the valueof duty as they would have if they had not left their countries”可知。4. B推断题。空巢综合症已然来临,但我们的社会还未完全准备好。



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