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1、Oral Presentation of the Teaching Plan for Module 4, NSEFCS Book 1 Made by Huang Shunping 09.111I.Teaching Material AnalysisII. This is the 4th module in NSEFCS Book 1, and the topic is “A lively city”. One of the main characteristics of this teaching material is to stimulate the students English le

2、arning interests and to develop the students language ability, thinking ability. “A lively city” is the second period of this unit. This text is a conversation, in which the two students talk about Xiamens geographical position, 2climate, and the introduction of this city, such as the beautiful scen

3、ery, buildings, commercial district, etc. This topic is interesting and its easy to arouse students interest. After learning this text, students could express their ideas and learn how to describe a city. Whats more, this text can cultivate their love for their hometown and motherland.3II. Teaching

4、Objectives1. Language Objectives (1) Important words and phrasesquite a lot of, pretty, around, nuisance, gorgeous, bother, business district, put up, high-rise buildings, approach, starve, apartment block(2) Important sentence patternI feel very fortunate living here.4 2. Ability Objectives(1) Enab

5、le the students to improve the abilities to read and get information. (2)Foster the students ability of self-learning.3. Moral Objectives(1) Cultivate the students love for their hometown and motherland.(2) Enhance their cooperation awareness.5III. Important Points 1. Master new words, phrases and s

6、entence patterns.2. Learn how to introduce a place.IV. Difficult PointLearn How to introduce a place.6V. Teaching Methods1.Teaching methodsThe main teaching methods include: skimming and scanning, explaining, task-based method. These teaching methods are important parts in teaching procedures. This

7、reading class aims at improving the abilities to read and get the information and know the usage of the key words, phrases and sentence patterns.7(1) Scanning and skimming can help with the students capability of fast reading and summarizing.(2) Explaining can make them have a better understanding o

8、f the text.(3) Task-based method can make them read articles purposely.82. Teaching Aids: a projector, a computer, pictures, and chalk.It aims at increasing the efficiency of teaching and making students reach a better understanding of the text by making the class lively and interesting.9VI. Learnin

9、g Methods Its important to teach students “How to learn” not “what to learn”. So, teachers must help students to build up their own way to study. We cannot be restricted by some factors, try to motivate students and make the class become more active and funny. It is also important for the students t

10、o communicate with their classmates actively, share their opinions with each other and discuss how to solve problems. 10Based on all these, in this class, I will encourage students to use the following learning methods:1. Autonomous learning method, which can enhance students ability of self-learnin

11、g.2. Communicative or cooperative learning methods. Students should learn to communicate with others and cooperate with their team members. By doing this they can practice their pronunciations and spoken skills. 113.Task-based learning. Students should concentrate their minds to the questions to fin

12、d out the answers and listen to the teacher and take notes carefully. Its important to train their reading and writing speed and ability.12VII. Teaching Procedures Step I Lead-in(5mins)Greeting with the students is a necessary part of the class, which can build a harmonious classroom atmosphere. Als

13、o, this is a form to inform the students the beginning of the class. 13Then I will ask them some questions and show some pictures about Xiamen. That procedures purpose is to stimulate the students interests to take an active part in what we are going to learn in this class. The colorful pictures wil

14、l attract the students attention and arose their thinking about the city. Besides, the information we discuss in this part will help the students to learn the following part better. 14Step II Fast-reading(15mins)I will ask the students to read through the dialogue alone and do exercise 1&2 on page33

15、. This procedure will help the students to have a general understanding of the dialogue.15Step III Careful reading(22mins)In this procedure, Ill ask the students to read through the whole dialogue carefully again and get some specific information about the city and tell them how to introduce or desc

16、ribe a place. Besides, Ill teach the students some important words, phrases and a sentence structure .Through this procedure, the students may have a deep understanding of the whole dialogue and their ability of getting information can be improved.16Step IV Summary(2mins) After we finish learning a

17、class, its better for the teacher to draw a conclusion of what have been talked in the class. In this way, it can remind the students what theyve learnt and also will help them understand it better.17Step V Homework (1min) This part is quite necessary. In this section, the students should know how t

18、o introduce a place with what they have learned in this class. Therefore, Ill give them the homework, thats to write a passage to introduce their hometown or another place they like. 18VIII. Blackboard Design Blackboard design is very important for teaching. Some difficult points and important point

19、s will be written on the blackboard to achieve visual effect. My blackboard design is quite simple and clear. For the blackboard design, Ill divide it into three parts. The left side can be written some specific information about the city. In the middle part, Ill write some language points. On the r

20、ight side, itll be for the homework. I think its useful for students have a clear understanding of the text.19I. Specific information about the city:positionthe people the climateplace of interestbuildingsfoodModule4 A Lively CityII. Language points:(1) Important words and phrases: quite a lot of;pretty(2) Important sentence pattern: (sb.)feel fortunate (in)doing sth. III. Homework:Write a passage to introduce your hometown or another place you like. 20



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