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1、1 / 8 中考英语 单项选择 相关讲解 几组近义动词和动词词组辨析 1几个“花费”:spend, take, pay, cost. (1) spend 多用人作主语, 后接金钱或时间。 spend on sth / (in) doing sth, 例如:I spent 15 yuan on this new book. (2)take 常用于 It takes sb. some time to do sth 句型中,例如: It often takes me half an hour to go to school by bike every day. (3)pay 常与 for 连用,表“

2、付给款”。例如: I paid 15 Yuan for this new book. (4)cost 常用物作主语,表“价值或花费多少钱”,例如: This new book cost me 15 Yuan. 2几个“看”:look, see, watch, read, find (1)look 看,表动作,look at。例如:Please dont look out of the window. (2)see 看见,表结果;也可说看电影“see a film”。例如: His father saw him sitting on some eggs. (3)watch 观看比赛、演出、电视等

3、。 (4) read 读书看报等文字材料。 例如: My father is reading newspaper now. 3几个与“看”有关的词或词组:look for, find, find out, look after, take care of, look over, look forward to, (1)look for 寻找,表过程;find 发现,找到,表结果;find out 找出,查明。例如: I looked for my lost pen everywhere, but couldnt find it anywhere. (2)look after, take car

4、e of 均表示“照看,照顾”。 (3)look over 检查身体等。 (4)look forward to 盼望,期待。例如: I am looking forward to your letter. She looks forward to going to visit her grandparents in Dalian. 4几个“说”:say, speak, talk, tell (1)say 接说话的内容,作及物动词。say sth to sb. 对某人说某事。例如: Did you say goodbye to your granny? (2)speak 常指能说某种语言,打电话

5、时常用它表示说话,也有“演讲”的意思,不强调说话的内容。例如: We can speak Chinese and English. May I speak to Henry? He will speak at the meeting tonight. (3)talk 多是不及物动词,指交谈、谈论;做名词时有演讲、报告之意。例如: They are talking about their friends now. I will talk to your father about your health next time. Mr. Zhang is going to give us a talk

6、 at the meeting. (4)tell 的意思是“告诉某人;讲述;吩咐某人做”。多为及物动词,后面多接两个宾语。例如: 2 / 8 I will tell him the news as soon as he comes back tomorrow. Granny often tells me funny stories. The policeman told us not to play football in the street again. 5几个“穿,戴”:put on, wear, dress, in (1)put on 指“穿上、戴上”的意思,强调动作,代词多放在中间。

7、例如: Here is your coat. Put it on, Lucy. He put on his new pair of sunglasses and went out. (2)wear 指“穿着,戴着”,表示状态。例如: -“What is she wearing?” - “Shes wearing a red hat and a blue jacket.” (3)dress 指“给某人穿衣服”,其宾语多是人。例如: My mother is dressing herself. My little brother is too young. Mom dresses him ever

8、y morning. dress up 指“穿上盛装,打扮” (4)in 后多接衣服的颜色,表示“穿着颜色衣服的”。例如: The man in black is my father. Have you seen a boy in a red sweater? 6几个“到达”:reach, arrive in / at, get to (1)reach 是个及物动词,它后面可以直接跟表示地点的名词作宾语。例如: We reached Shanghai at eight on Monday. (2)arrive 是个不及物动词,后面接表示地点的名词作宾语时需在宾语前加介词 in 或 at(在国家

9、和较大的城市或地区前用 in,较小的地方或单位前用 at)。 例如: We have already arrived in Shanghai. They arrived at school at 6:30 yesterday. (3)get to 表示到达,多用于口语中。例如: I got to the Capital Cinema at 9:00. 注意:当表示到达 here, there, home 时,arrive 或 get 后不要加介词。 例如:When did you get home? When will you arrive there? 7几个“带、拿”:bring, tak

10、e, get, carry (1)bring 指将某物或某人从离说话人较远处“拿来”或“带来”。例如: Youd better finish you homework today and bring it to school tomorrow. May I bring Tom along? Bring the book to me, please. (2)take 指将某物或某人从离说话人较近处“带到”或“拿到” 离说话人较远处。例如: Could you take the book to the classroom? I am busy now. (3)get 指从说话人所在位置到别处把某物

11、拿来。例如: Will you get that book for me? (4)carry 不强调动作来去的方向,只说明动作方式,表示“背着、扛着、提着、载着”等含义。例如 The buses and taxis are carry people here and there. The box is so heavy that the little boy cant carry it. 8几个与“听”有关的词或词组:listen to, hear, hear of, hear from (1)listen to 听,表示听的动作。 3 / 8 (2)hear 听见,听到。表示结果。例如: I

12、 listened to the speaker carefully, but I couldnt hear anything. (3)hear of 听说。例如: Have you heard of this news? (4)hear from 收到某人的信息或来信。例如: I heard from my friend in Australia last week. 9beat 和 win (1)beat 表示“赢”或“打败”,后面要接被打败的对手。例如: Our football team beat theirs by 3 to 1. (2) win 用作及物动词时, 后面接的不是被打败

13、的对手, 而是比赛本身、游戏、战争、名次等。例如: Our football team won the football game by 3 to 1. 10rise 和 raise (1)rise 是不及物动词,表示“上升、提高、增长”等。例如: The sun rises in the east. Our countrys international prestige(国际声望)is rising continually. (2)raise 是及物动词,表示“举起、抬起”。 He raised his hand picked an apple. 11borrow, lend 和 keep

14、(1)borrow 指其逻辑主语从别处或别人那里“借来”东西,常与介词from 连用。例如: May I borrow some money from you? You can borrow books from the library. (2)lend 指其逻辑主语将东西“借出、借给”别人,常与介词 to 连用。例如: Could you lend me some money? The library lends books to the students. (3)keep 表示“保存”,与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。例如: How long may I keep the book? I h

15、ave kept the book for 3 weeks. 12receive 和 accept (1)receive 的意思是“收到了”,只表示收到某物,并不表明同意或不同意接受的含义。例如: I received a gift from her, but I returned it back to her this morning. (2)accept 表示“接受”, “同意接纳”。如接受物体、邀请、批评等。 He received an invitation from her and accepted it happily. 13answer 与 reply (1)answer 意为“

16、回答、响应、答复、接听电话”等,多作及物动词。例如: Who can answer my question? I called you, but no one answered the telephone. (2)reply 意为“回答、答复”,是不及物动词,后需加介词 to, at 等再加宾语。例如: He didnt want to reply to my questions. 14hope 与 expect (1)hope 指主观上的愿望,但在客观上不一定有实现的可能性,常接that 从句、动词不定式或以介词 for 引出的短语。例如: I hope you will come to s

17、ee me again when you are 100 years old. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. (2)expect 着重指客观上有可能实现的“期待、期望”等,其后可接名词、代词、动词不定式或 that 从句。例如: I am expecting that you will come soon. 4 / 8 She is expecting a letter from him. 15lie 和 lay (1)lie 有多个意思:表示“躺;展示;位于”时,其变化是:lay, lain, lying; 表示“说谎”时,其变化是

18、:lied, lied, lying 例如:I saw an old man lying on the street. Dont believe him. He always lies. (2)lay 的含意是“放置、产卵”等。其变化是:laid, laid, laying. I cant find my book anywhere. I remember that I laid it on the desk last night. 习题精选 1. She has the library book for two weeks. A. kept B. lent C. borrowed D. ke

19、eping 2. “How to learn English well, Miss Read?” “First, try to English in and out of class as much as possible. A. say B. talk C. tell D. speak 3. Its hot here. Why not your coat? A. take off B. dress up C. try on D. put on 4. We start early tomorrow morning to the top of the hill before the sun ri

20、ses. A. spend B. reach C. go D. get 5. I am thirsty, please me a bottle of water. A. take B. carry C. pull D. bring 6. Mother said that cooking much time every day. A. paid B. took C. made D. spent 7. People usually “hello” to each other when they make a phone call. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk 8

21、. With the help of computers, news can every corner of the world. A. get B. arrive C. return D. reach 9. Its too dark in the room. You can nothing. A. look B. look at C. see D. watch 10. My father enjoys the newspapers after supper. A. looking B. watching C. finding D. reading 11. It me about two ho

22、urs to do my homework every day. A. takes B. costs C. spends D. pays 12. He spoke in a low voice, so nobody could him. A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hear from 13. Can you it in English? A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell 14. What will your friend us from America? A. take B. bring C. carry D. make 1

23、5. You can see the sun in the east at this time if it is a fine day. A. to rise B. rising C. raising D. to raise 5 / 8 非谓语形式: 不定式 意义:动词的非谓语形式,常发生在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之后,作主语、 宾语动词宾语、 宾语补足语、 表语、 定语常表示功能、状语。 构成:不定式= to动词原形 否定结构= not to do sth 复合结构= for sb.not to do sth 与疑问词连用:如what to do 在下列动词后的不定式省略 “to” : 三

24、看look see watch两听listen hear一感觉feel,注意notice使make让let have帮help可不省。 形式主语:当不定式、否定结构、复合结构、与疑问词连用等形式作句子主语时,用 it 来代替它,而将真正的主语置于谓语之后,“it”叫形式主语。 动名词 意义: 动词的非谓语形式, 常常发生或预定在谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间之前,表示事实、爱好、功能、习惯等,起名词作用。作主语、宾语包括介词宾语和动词宾语、表语、定语常表示功能等。 构成:动名词=V+ing . 否定结构= not doing sth . 复合结构=one notdoing sth 现在分词 意义:

25、动词的非谓语形式,常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间正在发生的动作,表示主动。 用法:常作定语单个词前置,短语后置、宾语补足语和状语如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等。 过去分词 意义: 动词的非谓语形式, 常指相对谓语或前位非谓语的即时时间已发生的动作。表示被动。 用法:常作定语单个词前置,短语后置、宾语补足语和状语如时间状语、方式状语、伴随状语等。 3举例说明: .I want to give up studying at school to look after my sick mother at home. 点拨: 作谓语主动语态一般现在时。 非谓语发生在谓语之后不定式。非谓语发生在前位

26、非谓语之前动名词。 非谓语发生在前位非谓语之后不定式。 The teacher told us not to forget to turn off the lights when we left the room 点拨:作谓语主动语态一般过去时。非谓语发生在谓语之后不定式。非谓语发生在前位非谓语之后不定式。作谓语主动语态一般过去时。 3Look, There is a boy taking down a picture put upon the wall. 点拨:作谓语一般现在时。非谓语相对谓语即时时间正在发生,主动现在分词.非谓语发生在前位非谓语之前表示被动过去分词 . 二既要求同亦要寻异

27、凡事都具有共性,又具有个性。不能千篇一律地用某个规则或原理去解决所有问题。因此,在把握 实义动词基本用法的大前提下,教师还要引导、启发、教育学生善于观察、比较、体味个别动词的特殊用 法,做到共性与个性的统一。关于动名词的使用应注意: 6 / 8 1介词动名词 如:You can watch TV after fishing your homework. 2动词词组动名词 这样的动词有: give in doing 屈服做某事 be busy doing 忙于做某事 stop sb.from doing 阻止某人做某事 practice doing 练习做某事 enjoy doing 喜欢做某事

28、 finish doing 做完某事 complete doing 做完某事 end up doing 做完某事 mind doing 介意做某事 spendindoing 花费时间做某事 cant stand doing 容忍做某事 keep on doing 一直做某事 be worth doing 值得做某事 appreciate doing 感激做某事 avoid doing 避免做某事 be used to doing 习惯做某事 pay attention to doing 注意做某事 get used to doing 习惯做某事 excuse doing 推辞做某事 give

29、up doing 放弃做某事 carry on doing 坚持做某事 do some reading 读书 make a countribution to doing do /washing/swimming 洗衣/游泳 为做某事做贡献 look forward to doing 盼望做某事 prefer doing to doing 与做某事比, take a swimming course 上游泳课 更喜欢做某事 insist on doing 坚持做某事 stick doing 坚持做某事 take the leading position 站主导地位 consider doing 考

30、虑做某事 imagine doing 想像做某事 miss doing 错过做某事 put off doing 推迟做某事 risk doing 冒险做某事 suggest doing 做某事建议 3.下列动词既可接不定式又可接动名词,但意义不同: .like/love/hate doing:表示习惯 例:I like getting up early every morning. to do:表示具体活动 例:Can you come out to play with me ? Stop doing:停止做某事某事不做了例:Please stop working if you are tir

31、ed. to do:停下来去做某事某事要做例:I am tired to have a rest. go on doing:继续做同一件事 例:Go on studying hard if you want to get better grades. to do:继续做另一件事 例:After leaving school,he go on to go to college. .remember doing:记得做过的事 例:I remember seeing you somewhere. to do:记得要做的事 例:Rrmember to turn off the light when l

32、eaving the room. .forget doing:忘记做过的事 例:I forget seeing you somewhere to do:忘记要做的事 例:Dont forget to turn off the light when leaving the room .need/want/require doing:表示被动 例 The blackboard needs cleaningThe blackboard needs to be cleaned. to do:表示主动 例:She needs to have a rest. .try doing:试着做某事 例:Let

33、me try driving for you. to do:尽力做某事 例:We must try to finish it on time. .continue doing: 继续做同一件事 例: Continue studying hard if you want to get better 7 / 8 grades. to do:继续做另一件事 例:After leaving school,he .continue to go to college. .cant help doing:情不自禁做某事 例:when he heard the news,he cant help jumpin

34、g. to do:不能帮助做某事 例:Sorry, I cant help to do it for you. .mean .doing:意思做某事 例:What I said means not telling him the news now. . to do:打算做某事 例:I mean to start off tomorrow. .agree . on doing:对做某事表示同意 例:We agree on holding a sports meeting soon. . to do:同意要做某事 例:I agree to go to the park on Sunday. .de

35、cide . on doing:对做某事做出决定 例:We have decided on stopping him from woking on. to do:决定要做某事 例:I decide to go abroad for study. .encourage . doing:鼓励做某事例:The government encourages planting trees to protect the environment . sb. to do:鼓励某人做某事 例:The teacher often encourages us to study hard. .allow . doing

36、:允许做某事例:We dont allow smoking here . sb. to do:允许某人做某事做 例:We dont allow you to smoke here .advise . doing:建议做某事 例:We advise going skating tomorrow. . sb. to do:建议某人做某事 例:We advise you to go skating tomorrow. .permit . doing:允许做某事 例:The boss did not permit working for shorter. . sb. to do:允许某人做某事 例:T

37、he boss did not permitme to work for shorter. .begin/start 开始做某事 .doing:“doing” 为动态动词或 begin/start 为其它时态 例:Lets begin running. . to do:“do” 为静态动词或 begin/start 已为进行时 例: I began to believe what he had said. 例:It is beginning to rain. .plan . on doing 对做某事做出计划 例:We have decided on building a school nex

38、t year. . to do 计划做某事 例:We have decided to build a school next year. 8 / 8 1 基本用法: 情态动词加动原,不随主语人称变;否定常需not 帮,疑问提到主语前。 2 情态动词小结: can could may might must will would shall should dare had better ought to havehashad to be able to need 3.举例说明: . can .“能够”常用于一般现在时 例:I start so early so that I can get to

39、school on time. .“可能”,表示推测“肯定” 例: He has gone to Beijing, So he can not be at work now. could . “能够” 用于一般过去时例: I started so late that I could not catch the bus. “能够”用于一般现在时,表示更加委婉的语气例:Could you please help me? “可能”,表示推测“肯定” 例:He could not be at home because I had seen him at school. may .“可以”用于一般现在时

40、例:You may do it now or tomorrow. “可能”用于一般现在时,表示推测且可能性较小例:He can not come to school because he may be ill. might:“可以” may 的一般过去时 must .“必须、一定”表示主观意愿 例:We must study hard for our country. .“一定”,表示推测,可能性较大 例:The book must be his because his name is on it. will “愿意” 用于一般现在时, 表示委婉语气 适用于主语是所有人称.例:Will you

41、 please give me a hand? would“愿意”:用于一般现在或一般过去时,比 will 语气更委婉 ,适用于主语是 所有人称. .例:Would he like something to eat? shall“愿意”:用于一般现在时,表示委婉语气 适用于主语是第一人称。Shall we start? should“应该”:表示主观意愿,用于各种时态和所有人称。 例:We should work hard. dare“敢” 例:How dare you say that? had better“最好”:变疑问“had”提到主语前,变否定在“better”后加“not” 例:Y

42、ou had better not be late next time. . ought to“理应”: 变疑问“ought”提到主语前,变否定在“ought”后加“not” 例:He oughtnt to do such things. havehashad to“不得不”: 表示客观因素的迫使。变疑问和否定借助do/does/did. 例:Do I have to finish my homework tonight? . be able to“能够”有各种时态例:You will be able to do it well. need“必要”: 用于一般现在时。例:You need not write it again



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