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1、Unit2Healthyeatingmodal verbscrabshrimpmuttonroast duckWarming upHealth is the biggest wealth. What should/shouldnt we do to keep healthy? What kind of food must we eat to be strong? What ought we to eat to stay slim? 1.“_youwalkwithoutmyhelp?”Fatheraskedhislittleson.2.He_bemarried,butImnotsure.3.Ma

2、rysscoreonthetestisthehighestinherclass.She_havestudiedveryhard.Canmay/mightLead-in:Fillintheblanksandtalkabouttheirfunctions.must(ability)(possibility)(guessing)4.As students, we _ study hard.5.We _ help him to solve the problem if he asks us to.6.I_haveyoudothatagain.shouldwillwont(duty)(promise)(

3、intention)Learning:Task1.Readthetextandfindoutthesentencescontainingmodal verbsandexplainthefunctionsofthemodalverbs.1. By lunchtime they would all be sold. 2. His restaurant ought to be full of people.3. I will help you lose weight and be fit in two weeks. 4. Perhaps he should go to the library to

4、find out.5. He couldnt have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies.6. They would become tired very quickly.A.A.Intention B. Duty C. Promise Intention B. Duty C. Promise D D. . PossibilityPossibility(D)(D)(B)(A)(D)(C)Task2.Choosesuitablemodalverbsbelowtocompletethefollowingdialogues.ought/oug



7、cy:Thankyou,doctor.Illbemorecarefulnexttime.havetomustnt3.Charles:IwishIcouldseethingsclearlyinthedark.Tom:Eatingcarrots_helpyouseebetter.You_eatsomeeveryday.oughttoshouldSumming upthe usage of ought to&should;When you are trying to advise someone about what to do or what not to do, you can use shou

8、ld/ought to or should not/ ought not to. Ought to is stronger than should in tone.the usage of have to&must;When you want to say that it is necessary for someone to do something, you can use must. Must can be only used in present tense and future tense. The negative form of must is mustnt which mean

9、s 禁止. You can use have to when someone else thinks it is necessary or there seems to be no other choice. Have to can be used in any tense. The negative form of have to is not have to which means neednt. Exercises:I.Pleasechooseaproperphraseandaccordingtothesituations.1.(Lisa needs a change.)She 1.(L

10、isa needs a change.)She _._.2.(My salary is very 2.(My salary is very low.)You_.low.)You_. 3.(Nick always has difficulty 3.(Nick always has difficulty getting up). He getting up). He _4. (What a beautiful view!) 4. (What a beautiful view!) You _.You _.5.(Susan drives everywhere . 5.(Susan drives eve

11、rywhere . She never walk)She She never walk)She _._.6. (Billy6. (Billys room isns room isnt very t very interesting.) He interesting.) He _. .1.should/ought to take a few days off2.shouldnt/ought not to go to bed so late3.should put some painting on the walls4.should look for a new job5.should take

12、a photo6. shouldnt/ought not to use her car so much II.Group work:Use modal verbs in your dialogue.(give some hints)Possible questions are:1.Do you know what you have to do when you borrow books from the library?2. Do you know what to to do when you teeth ache?3. Do you know what to do if you need t

13、o meet someone you dont know at the airport?4. Do you know what to do if you want to get a discount in a shop?5. Do you know what you should do when you meet the hostess in your friends home?Consolidation Choosethebestanswers:1.Ashehadheartattack,hewastoldthathe_continuethework.A.needntB.maynotC.mus



16、ldntbeC.mustnthavebeenD.couldnthavebeen9.Itsnearlysevenoclock.Jack_behereatanymoment.A.mustB.needC.shouldD.couldDC10.-Didthetrainarriveintime?-No.It_twohoursago.A.musthavearrivedB.oughttohavearrivedC.mustarriveD.oughttoarrive11.-MustIdrivetohishouseandpickupthechildren?-No,. A.youshouldnt B.youmight

17、not C.youneednt D.youmustntBC12.WedidntseeTomatthemeetingyesterday.Heit. A.mustnthaveattended B.cannothaveattended C.neednthaveattended D.wouldhavenotattendedB13.Thereissomeoneknockingatthedoor.itbeTom? A.Can B.MustC.ShouldD.OughttoA14.You_takemetothestation,andmybrotheristakingme.A.donthavetoB.mustntC.cantD.shouldnt 15.MustIhandinthehomeworknow?_.Youcanhanditintomorrowmorning.A.Yes,youmustB.No,youneedntC.Yes,youneedD.No,youmustntAB



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