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1、Strategic selling 1 Strategic Selling大客户销售战略Strategic selling 2KEY OUTCOMES 主要目标主要目标1. To learn the elements of Strategic analysis and learn a process for setting strong account strategies. 2. To analyze some key or important accounts and set account strategies (I.e. position now, desired position,

2、action plan ). 1.学会战略性分析的各个要素, 以及掌握制定项目策略的流程2.分析一些重要的, 关键的项目, 制定其跟踪战略( 如: 当前状态, 期望, 行动计划).Strategic selling 3Contents 内容内容Introduction Buying influencesBuying Influence ModesSales FunnelIdeal CustomerStrategic AnalysisSummary介绍买方影响力买方影响力种类销售漏斗理想客户客户档案分析表小结Strategic selling 4Future chock 未来的冲击和挑战中未来的

3、冲击和挑战中In the selling area, CHANGE can be:in your marketplace in your customer base in your product linein your competitive position in your market strategy and tacticsa combination of all or any of the aboveChange can be subtle erosion, a sudden event or continuous growth. 在销售领域中, 变化可以是在市场范围方面在用户范围方

4、面在产品方面在你的竞争力方面在你的市场策略和实施方面或是以上一个或几个方面的综合变化可能是细微的侵蚀, 突发的事件或持续的发展Strategic selling 5ANALYZE THE SITUATION 组织结构分析组织结构分析 ( 某机场压电配电工程组织结构图)Strategic selling 6Identify Relevant Individuals 确认有关对象确认有关对象(某机场压电配电工程组织结构图)Strategic selling 7INDENTIFY ROLE 确认有关对象的作用确认有关对象的作用( 某机场压电配电工程组织结构图)Strategic selling 8W

5、HAT IS A STRATRGIC SALE? Selling organization has many options available. Many people involved Many levels involved Buying organizations decision-making process is complex.Product being sold may be highly complex or simple, ( e.g., gas chromatograph/ mass spectrometer or Kleenex). 卖方有多个选择多人介入多层次介入买方

6、机构的决策过程复杂所推销产品可以是很复杂也可以很简单( 如: 气体质谱仪/分光仪或手纸)什么是策略性的销售什么是策略性的销售Strategic selling 9STRONG STRATEGY 重要的策略重要的策略Leverages strengths ( capitalizes) minimizes or eliminates areas of uncertainty. 平衡我方优势( 可利用资源 )减小或消除一切不定因素Strategic selling 10WHAT DO WE MEAN BY SETTING SALES STRATEGICS? 什么是制定销售策略什么是制定销售策略? P

7、OSITION NOW REFARDING MY SALES OBJECTIVE依据销售目标确定目前切入点ABCDEBEST POSITION最佳切入点ACTION PLAN行动计划1st 2nd 3rd4thAnalyze分析Think through possible alternative positions在各种可行切入点中选择Reposition re: My sales objectives依据销售目标重新定位Implement实施Strategic selling 11SINGLE SALES OBJECTIVE 单一项目销售单一项目销售MUST BE 必须是必须是Product

8、 / Service related Specific, clear, concise Tangible, easily measurableTied to timeline Usually not connected by andANSWERS: What specifically are you trying to make happen that you dont have now?与产品 / 服务有关的特定的, 明确的, 明了的有形的, 容易衡量的有时间限制的通常与其他项目无关.答案答案是你现在没有, 但你正明确努力使它发生的.Strategic selling 12Single Sa

9、les Objective 单一销售目标单一销售目标Total # SingleSales Objectives_总计项目个数Total Dollars $ _总计金额Strategic selling 13Contents 内容内容Introduction Buying influencesBuying Influence ModesSales FunnelIdeal CustomerStrategic AnalysisSummary介绍买方影响力买方影响力种类销售漏斗理想客户客户档案分析表小结Strategic selling 14BUYING INFLUENCES 购买影响力购买影响力E

10、very sale has 4 types of Buying Influences Each type describes a role in the sale. To Increase Probability Of Success You Need To:Identify all influencesUnderstand each influences job focus每个项目均有四种影响力每种在销售过程中有一定作用 为提高成功率, 你需要:确认所有的影响力明白每种影响力的工作重点Strategic selling 15ECONOMIC BUYING INFLUENCE RoleTo g

11、ive final approval to buy (only one per sale) ( Note: May be one set of people such as a board or committee)Who are theyDirect access to $ Releases $Discretionary use of funds Veto powerFocus: Bottom line and impact on organization. Asks: What kind of return will we get on this investment? 作用: 最后批准购

12、买(一个项目 只有一次)(注: 可以是一个人, 也可以是一群人, 如:董事会)他们是谁控制经费拨款决定经费使用表决权关注: 购买对公司发展的影响常问问题: 从这个购买投资中, 我们能得什么?经济影响力经济影响力(决策人决策人)Strategic selling 16USER BUYING INFLUENCE Role: To make judgements about impact on job performance ( often several or many) Who are theyPeople using/ supervising use of your product or se

13、rvicePersonal since User will live with your proposal.Direct link between Users success and the success of your product/ service.Focus: The job to be done Asks: How will it work for me?作用: 评价对其工作效率的影响 ( 经常是一些)他们是谁使用或管理使用你产品/ 服务的人与产品使用相关人员直接连接你的产品/服务之成功和用户之成功的人.关注: 工作能完成常问问题: 如何为我工作呢?使用者影响力使用者影响力Stra

14、tegic selling 17TECHNICAL BUYING INFLUENCE Role:To screen out (often several or many)Who are theyJudges measurable, quantifiable aspects of your proposalGatekeeper Makes recommendations Cant say yes ( I.e., final approval) Can say no - often doesFocusProduct per secrition Asks: Does it meet specific

15、ations?作用: 挑选 ( 经常有一些)他们是谁衡量你的方案守门员提出推荐方案不能说YES ( 如最后决定)可以说 NO - 经常如此关注: 产品性能指标常问问题: 它符合技术指标吗?技术选型人技术选型人Strategic selling 18COACH Role:To act as a guide for this sale (develop atleast one) Who are theyCan be found:In buying organization In your own organization Outside both Provides and interprets i

16、nformation about: Situation Buying influencesHow each wins Focus:Your success with this proposal Asks: How can we pull this off?作用: 指导销售 ( 至少发展一名 )他们是谁他能被发现在买方的组织结构中在你自己的结构中以上两者之外提供和解释如下有关信息:当前情况各种影响力各方可怎样取胜关注重点: 你怎样取胜常问问题: 我们怎样能嬴?教练教练(内线内线)Strategic selling 19COACH CRITERIA FOR IDENTIFYING:You have

17、 credibility with this individual This person has credibility with the Buying Influences for this sales proposal.This person wants your solution ( for whatever reason). 你对这人有信誉该人对该项目某些决策人有影响力该人要你的方案 ( 不论何原因) 教练教练(内线内线)确认标准确认标准Strategic selling 20RED FLAGS 红旗红旗Critical information missing Uncertain a

18、bout informationAny uncontacted Buying InfluenceBuying Influence(s) new to the jobReorganization 关键信息缺乏信息不确定任何未接触的 影响力新出现的影响力机构重组Strategic selling 21Contents 内容内容Introduction Buying influences Buying Influence ModesSales FunnelIdeal CustomerStrategic AnalysisSummary介绍买方影响力买方影响力种类销售漏斗理想客户客户档案分析表小结Str

19、ategic selling 22BUYING INFLUENCE MODESEvery sales proposal is a change. Individuals may respond to change in different ways.There are 4 different reactions or Modes. To increase Probability of Success you need to:Understand a Buying Influences mode. Develop an approach for each mode. 每种销售建议书, 是在变化的

20、.每个人对这种变化的反应是不同的有四种不同的心态为提高成功率你应该:了解影响力态度种类对每一种类准备一种方法买方影响力买方影响力种类种类Strategic selling 23GROWTH 增长型增长型 Probability of a Sale is High 可能销售机率大可能销售机率大 More quantity - Better Quality更多数量, 更好质量Results needed期望结果DISCREPANCY差距REALITY today( the way things are right now) 现实Does Your Proposal Close the Gap? 你

21、的建议能填补差距吗?Strategic selling 24TROUBLE 困难型困难型 Probability of a Sale is High 销售机会大销售机会大CAUSE X 由于XDoes your proposal remove the Cause of the Trouble?你的方案能消除造成这困难的原因吗?RESULTS needed 期望结果DISCREPANCY 差距REALITY today 现实Strategic selling 25EVEN KEEL 保守型保守型probability of a Sale is low 销售机会小销售机会小REALITY toda

22、y 现实RESULTS needed 期望结果Why Rock the Boat now? 为什么现在要变?Strategic selling 26OVERCONFIDENT 盲目乐观型盲目乐观型Probability of Sale is Nil 没销售机会没销售机会Perceived REALITY 认为的现实Today Caused by: 今天由于False Reading of Situation对现实错误认识Sights Set Too Low眼光太低RESULTS needed 需要结果Your proposals seen asNegative Impact on REALIT

23、Y你的方案好象有负面作用“Who needs your proposal? 谁要你的方案?Ive Never Had it so good.” 没有它我一直做的很好.Strategic selling 27RATINGS 打分打分+5 Enthusiastic Advocate+4 Strongly Supportive+3 Supportive+2 Interested+1 Will go along-1 Probably Wont Resist-2 Uninterested-3 Mildly Negative-4 Strongly for Competition-5 Antagonisti

24、c Anti- Sponsor+5 全力拥护+4 大力支持+3 支持+2 有兴趣+1 进一步了解 -1 也许不会反对 -2 不感兴趣 -3 非常反对 -4 大力支持竞争对手 -5 对抗Strategic selling 28Strategic selling 29BUYING INFLUENCE CHART买方影响力图表Strategic selling 30Strategic selling 31Contents 内容内容Introduction Buying influencesBuying Influence Modes Sales FunnelIdeal CustomerStrateg

25、ic AnalysisSummary介绍买方影响力买方影响力种类销售漏斗理想客户客户档案分析表小结Strategic selling 32SALES FUNNEL 销售漏斗销售漏斗Selling time is a resource of which we never have enough.Selling priorities and time allocation are not synonymous.Every sale requires three different kinds of selling work.The Sales Funnel helps to bring about

26、 a balance among all three. 销售时间也是一种资源, 我们永远觉得不够销售优选级和时间的分配不能划等号每个销售人员有3种不同的销售工作销售漏斗可以帮助你平衡这三方工作Strategic selling 33To be a successful sale professional we must be able to do three kinds of selling work:Prospect and QualityCover-the-BasesClose the Order开发并确认新项目项目跟踪达成协议作为一个成功的职业化销售作为一个成功的职业化销售人员人员, 我

27、们必须能做这三种我们必须能做这三种工作工作:Strategic selling 34SALES FUNNEL 销售漏斗Data suggest a possible order or fitAbove Funnel漏斗上In Funnel 漏斗中Contacted at leastone Buying Influence至少与一个买方决策人接触Best Few 成熟项目Order is expected in 1/2(or less) of the normal sellingcycle 订单要在至少正常周期一半时间内下来ORDER 订单Kind of work=QUALIFY判断选择Kind

28、 of work=COVER THE BASES项目跟踪Kind of work=CLOSE达成协议Data verifiesa possible order确认有可能订单I know next stepsLittle or no luck involved我知道下一步, 不是靠运气Strategic selling 35To be a successful sales professional we must be able to do 3 kinds of selling work:作为一个成功的职业化销售人员作为一个成功的职业化销售人员, 我们必须能做这三种工作我们必须能做这三种工作:

29、PRIORITIES优先优先Strategic selling 36TonyHarryAnnStrategic selling 37IN ORDER TO ALLOCATE TIME PERCENTAGES, YOU NEED TO CONSIDER THESE FACTORS:1. Number of tasks to be performed to move to next funnel step.2. Quality of work to be done 3. Dollar pay-off involved 4. Product mix quotas needed ( e.g. low

30、dollar pay-off product may be a quota requirement for bonus ).5. Investment in the future ( momentum)6. To accommodate buying cycles. 1. 要使项目进展成下一个“ 漏斗状态” 所要做的工作2. 要做的工作的质量.3. 资金花费4. 未来投资趋势5. 顺应购买周期6. 在分配你的时间时, 你需要考 虑以下因素:在分配你的时间时在分配你的时间时, 你需你需要考虑以下因素要考虑以下因素:Strategic selling 38Contents 内容内容Introduc

31、tion Buying influencesBuying Influence ModesSales Funnel Ideal CustomerStrategic AnalysisSummary介绍买方影响力买方影响力种类销售漏斗理想客户客户档案分析表小结Strategic selling 39IDEAL CUSTOMER 理想客户理想客户The closer the prospect is to your Ideal Customer profile, the better the fit, the easier the sale.The further away the prospect i

32、s from your Idea Customer criteria, the more problems are likely. Ideal Customer criteria can be used as a sorting device or to anticipate and deal with difficulties. 客户距你理想客户的标准越近, 他就越适合你, 销售就越容易.客户距你理想客户的标准越远, 销售时困难就越多.理想客户标准可被用作一种筛选工具, 或用于预计和对付困难.Strategic selling 40IDEAL CUSTOMER 理想客户理想客户UNIVERS

33、EAbove Funnel 漏斗上In Funnel 漏斗中Best Few成熟项目ORDER 订单Strategic selling 41RESULTSare product related; they describe your products impact on the Buying influences business processesWINSare personal and describe how the Buying influence gains from the results. Organizations obtain results, only peoplecan

34、win. 组织得到结果, 只有人能赢.销售结果销售结果是与产品相关是与产品相关. 它们描述它们描述你的产品对买方业务流程你的产品对买方业务流程的影响的影响Strategic selling 42WIN-RESULT CHART 销售结果分析图销售结果分析图Strategic selling 43SUMMARY 总结总结Order alone is not enoughSatisfied CustomerLong-Term RelationshipsRepeat BusinessReferrals 订单并不是全部客户满意要牢记长期关系要保持回头客是更重要传递信息, 知识, 方案, 观念, 也是重要部分



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