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1、Specialized English for Chemistry教学要求与安排教学要求与安排成成绩评定定: 平平时成成绩 (30%) + 期末考期末考试 (70%)参考教材:参考教材: (1) 黄忠黄忠, 谢普会等普会等.应用化学用化学专业英英语,化学工,化学工业出版社,出版社,2010年年 (2) 朱朱红军,应用化学用化学专业英英语教程教程,化学工,化学工业出版社,出版社,2010年年 (3) Michael Lewis, Advanced Chemistry Through Diagrams,Oxford University Press, 1999 教学内容教学内容Chapter 1

2、IntroductionChapter 2 Inorganic ChemistryChapter 3 Organic ChemistryChapter 4 Analytical ChemistryChapter 5 Physical ChemistryChapter 6 Common LabwareChapter 7 Translation of a Scientific PaperChapter 8 Writing of a Scientific Paper考考试教学内容与安排教学内容与安排Chapter 1 Chapter 1 IntroductionIntroductionWhat is

3、 “Specialized English for Chemistry” ?专业英语和日常英语专业英语和日常英语1. 词汇的的专业性性 plant: 工厂、工厂、车间 charge: 电荷荷 positive charge:正正电荷荷 base: 碱碱植物负责、收费基础2. 词汇构构词法法词尾:尾: 一般化学元素多以一般化学元素多以“-ium”结尾,如:尾,如: Sodium 代表代表Na(钠)、Chromium 代表代表Cr(铬)等。等。前前缀: mono-:一;:一;di-:二,如:二,如: carbon monoxide(CO);carbon dioxide(CO2)后后缀: -ane:

4、烷烃,-ene:烯烃, -one:酮,如:,如: propane(丙(丙烷) propylene(丙(丙烯) acetone(丙(丙酮)专业英语和日常英语专业英语和日常英语3. 缩写写词汇COD:Chemical Oxygen Demand化学需氧量化学需氧量BOD:Biochemical Oxygen Demand生物需氧量生物需氧量b.p.:Boiling point 沸点沸点专业英语和日常英语专业英语和日常英语4. 长句多且句多且结构复构复杂 专业英语和日常英语专业英语和日常英语e.g.:Natural and Synthetic Rubber 日常英语专业英语 People get n

5、atural rubber from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid, which is called latex(天然胶乳). Natural rubber is obtained from rubber trees as a white, milky liquid known as latex. 专业英英语和日常英和日常英语They mix it with acid, and dry it, and then they send it to countries all over the world. As the rubber industry

6、grew, people needed more and more rubber. They started rubber plantations(橡胶园) in countries with hot, wet weather conditions, but these still could not give enough raw rubber to meet the needs of growing industry. This is treated with acid and dried before being dispatched (派 送 ) to countries all ov

7、er the world. As the rubber industry developed, more and more rubber was required. Rubber plantations were established in countries with a hot, humid climate, but these still could not supply sufficient raw rubber to satisfy the requirements of developing industry. It was not satisfactory for indust

8、ry to depend on supplies, which come from so far away from the industrial areas of Europe. It was always possible that wars or shipping trouble could stop supplies.It was unsatisfactory for industry to depend on supplies coming from so far away from the industrial areas of Europe. It was always poss

9、ible that supplies could be stopped by wars or shipping trouble.For many years people tried to make something to take its place, but they could not do it. In the end, they found a way of making artificial, man-made rubber which is in many ways better than and in some ways not as good as natural rubb

10、er. For many years, attempts were made to produce a substitute, but they were unsuccessful. Finally, a method was discovered of producing synthetic rubber which is in many ways superior and in some ways inferior to natural rubber. They make artificial, man-made rubber in factories by a complicated c

11、hemical process. It is usually cheaper than natural rubber. Today, the world needs so much rubber that we use both natural and artificial rubber in large amounts. Synthetic rubber is produced in factories by a complicated chemical process. It is usually cheaper than natural rubber. At present, the w

12、orld requirements for rubber are so great that both natural and synthetic rubber are used in quantities. 日常英语与专业英语词汇与表达式比较日常英语与专业英语词汇与表达式比较 Natural and Synthetic Rubber 日常英语专业英语getwhich is calledmix it withand then they send itgrewneededstartedwet weather conditionsgive enoughto meet the needsis obt

13、ainedknown astreated withbefore being dispatcheddevelopedrequiredestablishedhumid climatesupply sufficientto satisfy the requirementsnot satisfactorywhich comepeople triedto makesomething to take its placecould not do itin the endfound a wayartificial, man-madebetternot as good astodaythe world need

14、s so much rubberamounts unsatisfactorycomingattempts were madeto producea substitutewere unsuccessfulfinallya method was discoveredsyntheticsuperiorinferior toat presentthe world requirements for rubber are so greatquantities 专业英语的由来专业英语的由来n专业英英语的的概概念念是是早早在在1964年年由由Halliday、Mcinfash和和Stmvens在在 其其 合合

15、 著著 的的 The Linguistic Sciences and Language Teaching一一书中中首首先先提提出出来来的的:English for Specific Purpose or English for Special Purposen后后 来来 , Tom Hutchinson and Alan Waters在在 其其 著著 作作English for Specific Purposes:a learningcentered approach(1987)中中对专业英英语做做了了更更加加广广泛泛的的定定义:ESP is an approach to language t

16、eaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learners reason for learningWhy to learn “Specialized English for Chemistry” ?n专业英语学习的最终目的是为了培养自己在专业领专业英语学习的最终目的是为了培养自己在专业领域内查阅、翻译英文文献、域内查阅、翻译英文文献、写出地道的英文论文的写出地道的英文论文的能力能力,并与国外学者直接进行科技交流,并与国外学者直接进行科技交流给自己设定三个目标:给自己设定三个目标:n阅读方面阅


18、己己烯得率的影响。得率的影响。nPart introduces the preparation methods of Ru catalyst for benzene hydrogenation system affects the performance of cyclohexene, analyzes the types of additives, in the process of reaction temperature, reaction time on benzene conversion,cyclohexene selectivity and the yield of cycloh

19、exene were affected.n本文采用多元醇还原法制备了Ru/ZrO2催化剂,研究了催化剂的制备条件如还原醇的种类、催化剂的还原温度和还原时间对催化剂苯部分加氢制环己烯性能的影响。结果表明,最佳还原醇、还原温度和还原时间分别为1,2-丙二醇、160 oC和120 min,在最佳制备条件下,环己烯最佳得率为42.7%,相应环己烯选择性为57.0%。修改修改nThe Ru/ZrO2 catalysts were prepared by by a polyol reduction method. The preparation conditions of the catalysts in

20、cluding the kinds of reducing polyol, the reducing temperature, and the reducing time on the catalytic performance of the Ru/ZrO2 catalysts in partial hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene were investigated. It is found that the optimum reducing polyol, reducing temperature, and reducing time were

21、 1,2-propanediol, 160 oC, and 120 min, respectively. Under the optimum conditions, the optimum cyclohexene yield is 42.7%, and the corresponding selectivity is 57.0%.修改修改n采用浸渍法制备了Ru催化剂,考察了不同反应添加剂对Ru催化剂上苯部分加氢制环己烯性能的影响和反应过程中反应添加剂的用量及反应时间对苯转化率、环己烯选择性和环己烯得率的影响。环己烯是一种重要的有机合成中间体,可广泛应用于医药、农药、聚酯和其他精细化学品的生产,

22、提高环己烯得率,具有重要的应用价值和学术意义。本论文拟通过资料查阅以及实验分析,研究反应添加剂对Ru催化剂苯部分加氢制环己烯性能的影响。某同学某同学毕业论文摘要文摘要例例2nThe Ru catalysts prepared using impregnation method,examines the different additives on the Ru catalyst portion of benzene hydrogenation reaction of cyclohexene performance and the influence of the reaction proces

23、s of additive dosage and reaction time on benzene conversion,cyclohexene selectivity and the yield of cyclohexene were affectedCyclohexene is an important organic intermediates,which can be widely used in medicine, pesticides,polyester and other fine chemicals production,increase the rate of cyclohe

24、xene was,has important application value and academic significanceProposed by this paper references and experimental analysis,the research part of Ru catalyst for benzene hydrogenation reaction additive system affects the performance of cyclohexenen苯部分加氢制环己烯是化工领域中极其重要的反应。本文采用浸渍-化学还原法制备了RuB/P25催化剂,考察

25、了有机添加剂的种类和用量对催化剂苯部分加氢性能的影响。结果表明,最佳有机添加剂为PEG20000,最佳用量为1.0 g。在最佳反应条件下,环己烯得率为44.4%,相应选择性为65.1%。修改修改nPartial hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene is an important chemical reaction. In this paper, we prepared the RuB/P25 catalysts by wetness impregnation, followed by chemical reduction. The effects o

26、f the kind and amount of organic additives on the catalytic performance of the RuB/P25 catalysts in partial hydrogenation of benzene to cyclohexene were investigated. It is found that the optimum additive is PEG20000, and the optimum amount of PEG20000 is 1.0 g. Under the optimum reaction conditions

27、, the cyclohexene yield attained to 44.4%, with the corresponding selectivity of 65.1% being obtained.修改修改n本本论文文主主要要研研究究了了含含Co纳米米复复合合金金属属氧氧化化物物的的制制备及及其其对高高氯酸酸铵(AP)热分分解解的的催催化化性性能能。以以Co/Ni/Fe类水水滑滑石石为前前驱体体,经高高温温焙焙烧制制得得Co/Ni/Fe纳米米复复合合金金属属氧氧化化物物,采采用用X射射线粉粉末末衍衍射射(XRD)、热重重分分析析(TGA)和和透透射射电镜(TEM)对其其结构构、热稳定定性

28、性及及形形貌貌进行行了了表表征征,并并通通过差差示示量量热扫描描分分析析(DSC)和和TGA研研究究了了含含Co纳米米复复合合金属氧化物金属氧化物对AP热分解的催化性能。分解的催化性能。某同学某同学毕业论文摘要文摘要例例3nThe cobalt-containing nanoscale mixed metal oxides were prepared and their catalytic behavior on thermal decomposition of Ammonium Perchlorate (AP) was investigated. Co/Ni/Fe nanoscale mix

29、ed metal oxides were obtained by calcination of Co/Ni/Fe hydrotalcites precursors. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were used to characterize their structure and morphology, and their catalytic behaviors on thermal decomposi

30、tion of AP were investigated by differential scanning analysis (DSC) and TGA. Successful career坚实的专坚实的专业知识业知识娴熟的英娴熟的英语技能语技能积极良好积极良好的心态的心态How to learn “Specialized English for Chemistry” ?n掌握词根和组词的方法,扩大专业词汇量:掌握词根和组词的方法,扩大专业词汇量: 记忆记忆 死记硬背死记硬背 n组织有效的复习:组织有效的复习:“学而时习之学而时习之”和和“温故而知新温故而知新”记忆单词的几个重要原则记忆单词的

31、几个重要原则总则:必须花时间专门记忆总则:必须花时间专门记忆1)多次少量()多次少量(20-200个个/天)天)2)重复、重复、再重复!)重复、重复、再重复!3)考前突击记忆)考前突击记忆记忆单词要做到记忆单词要做到n1. 自信、坚定自信、坚定n2. 每个单词要不断的反复的温习每个单词要不断的反复的温习n3. 大量记忆,集中精力短期攻克大量记忆,集中精力短期攻克平时怎么办?平时怎么办?-平时则要在平时则要在大量阅读中大量阅读中去接触、熟悉、记忆去接触、熟悉、记忆 (不需要刻意去背)(不需要刻意去背)最牢靠最扎实辅助:辅助:电脑软件电脑软件:新东方背单词新东方背单词 轻轻松松背单词轻轻松松背单词

32、 开天辟地背单词开天辟地背单词等等n加强专业英语、基础英语和专业课程的联系加强专业英语、基础英语和专业课程的联系例如:例如:Surfactants are usually organic compounds that are amphiphilic,meaning they contain both hydrophobic groups(their “tails”)and hydrophilic groups(their “heads”)n首先应该了解专业知识,表面活性剂是指具有固定的亲水亲首先应该了解专业知识,表面活性剂是指具有固定的亲水亲油基团,在溶液的表面能定向排列,并能使表面张力显著下油基团,在溶液的表面能定向排列,并能使表面张力显著下降的物质。而且是由疏水基团,亲水基团二部分组成。降的物质。而且是由疏水基团,亲水基团二部分组成。n分析:分析:句中句中that are amphiphilic为定语从句,修饰为定语从句,修饰compounds,meaning引导同位语从句,说明引导同位语从句,说明that are amphiphilic的含义。的含义。n翻译:翻译:表面活性剂通常是两性的有机化合物,意思表面活性剂通常是两性的有机化合物,意思是它们既含有疏水基团,又含有亲水基团。是它们既含有疏水基团,又含有亲水基团。



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