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1、第一篇第一篇 词法词法二、二、 冠词冠词复习要点1.知识概要知识概要2.不定冠词的用法不定冠词的用法3.定冠词用法定冠词用法4.不用冠词的情况不用冠词的情况5.正误辨析正误辨析6.例题解析例题解析7.课时训练课时训练知识概要知识概要冠词在英语中只有冠词在英语中只有3个词,分为两类:不定冠词个词,分为两类:不定冠词a与与an,定冠词,定冠词the。 a用在以辅音开始的单数名词前,用在以辅音开始的单数名词前,an用于以元音开始的单用于以元音开始的单词前。不定冠词用来表示一类事物中泛指的某一事物,而定冠词前。不定冠词用来表示一类事物中泛指的某一事物,而定冠词则用于特指的某一个或某些事物,可用于不可数

2、名词、可数词则用于特指的某一个或某些事物,可用于不可数名词、可数名词单数及可数名词复数前。名词单数及可数名词复数前。难点链接难点链接1.不定冠词的用法不定冠词的用法(1) a和an均用在单数名词之前,表示某一类人或事物。例如;John is a student. Mary is an English teacher.(2) 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个。例如:A steel worker makes steel. Pass me an apple, please.(3) 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或和物。例如:A student wants to see you. A girl is wa

3、iting for you outside.(4) 表示“每一”的意思,相当于every。例如:Take the medicine three times a day. They go to see their parents once a week.难点链接难点链接2. 定冠词用法定冠词用法 (1) 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。例如:The book on the desk is an English dictionary. Beijing is the capital of China. (2) 指说话人和听话人都熟悉的人或事物。例如:Open the door, please. Jac

4、k is in the library. (3) 上文提到过的人或事物。例如:Yesterday Johns father bought him a new bike. The bike cost him 200 yuan. (4) 表示世界上独一无二的事物。例如:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (5) 用在序数词和形容词最高级之前。例如:Shanghai is the biggest city in China. January is the first month of the year. (6) 用在某些形容词之前,表示某一

5、类人或事物。例如:The nurse is kind to the sick. We should take good care of the old. (7) 用在某些专有名词之前和某些习惯用语中。例如:the Great Wall, the Summer palace, in the morning, in the open air等。 (8) 用在姓氏复数之前,表示“某某一家人”,“某某夫妇”。例如:the Browns, the whites等。难点链接难点链接3. 不用冠词的情况不用冠词的情况 (1) 某些专有名词,抽象名词和物质名词前一般不用冠词。例如:某些专有名词,抽象名词和物质

6、名词前一般不用冠词。例如:China, Canada, Japanese, glass, water, love等。等。 (2) 名词前已有作定语用的名词前已有作定语用的this, that, my, your, whose, some, any, no, each, every等代词时,不用冠词。例如:等代词时,不用冠词。例如:That is my cap. I have some questions. Go down this street.(3) 复数名词表示一类人或事物时,不用冠词复数名词表示一类人或事物时,不用冠词.如:如:They are workers. We are stude

7、nts.(4) 称呼语前不用冠词,表示头衔和职务的名词前也不加冠词。例如:称呼语前不用冠词,表示头衔和职务的名词前也不加冠词。例如:I dont feel well today, Mother. Bush was made president of the U.S.(5) 三餐饭的名称前,球类活动,学科和节目名词前,常不用冠词。例如:三餐饭的名称前,球类活动,学科和节目名词前,常不用冠词。例如:I have lunch at home. He often plays football after class. We have English and maths every day.(6) 在某

8、些固定词组里,名词之前常不用冠词。例如:在某些固定词组里,名词之前常不用冠词。例如:By air, at night, at home, go to bed, go to school, on foot, from morning till night 等。等。正误辨析正误辨析1.误This building is an university. 正This building is a university. 析a用于以辅音音素开始的单词前,而an用于以元音音素开始的单词前,而不是元音字母开头的单词前。university的第一个音素是j,所以用a而不要用an。又如:There is a “n”

9、 in the word.是错句,应为:There is an “n”in the word.因字母n的发音的第一个音素是元音。要注意的还有hour因其第一个字母h不发音,所以应该用an hour。例如:I need an hour to finish the work. It is a useful dictionary.It is a European country. I bought a used car.2.误I need a umbrella because it looks like raining. 正I need an umbrella because it looks li

10、ke raining. 析因umbrella的第一个音素是元音,所以应用an.常用的情况有:an old man, an English teacher, an elephant, an idea, an hour ago, an honest boy。3.误I bought the dictionary yesterday. A dictionary is very good. 正I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary is very good. 析在文章中第一次提到某物时用不定冠词,而第二次提到时用定冠词。4.误Please turn

11、 off lights before you leave. 正Please turn off the lights before you leave. 析虽然是第一次提到某物但说话双方均知其所指,也应用定冠词。正误辨析正误辨析5.误误“Can you help me” “Sorry, Im in hurry.” 正正“Can you help me” “Sorry. Im in a hurry.” 析不定冠词的主要用法如下:析不定冠词的主要用法如下:(1. 用来表示一类人或事物,如:用来表示一类人或事物,如:She is a teacher.(2)指某一类人或事物中的一个,如:)指某一类人或事

12、物中的一个,如:An elephant is bigger than a horse.(3)泛指某一人或事物,如:)泛指某一人或事物,如:A man is waiting for you at the school gate.(4)相当于)相当于“one”的概念,如:的概念,如:I just bought a new dictionary.(5)其主要的难点是用在固定词组中:如:)其主要的难点是用在固定词组中:如:have a walk/a rest /a look 又如:又如:in a hurry , make a face , do somebody a favour , a number

13、 of =many 又如:又如:have a good time , have a cold , have a headache , have a break=have a rest6.误误There are nine planets around a sun. 正正There are nine planets around the sun. 析世上独一无二的天体等名词前应加定冠词,如:析世上独一无二的天体等名词前应加定冠词,如:the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the sea.7.误误I live on a second floor of this

14、 building. 正正I live on the second floor of this building. 析在序数词,形容词最高级前要用定冠词。如:析在序数词,形容词最高级前要用定冠词。如:He is the oldest in the family.正误辨析正误辨析8.误误I want to learn the second language this term. 正正I want to learn a second language this term. 析在序数词的含意不是顺序中的第一第二,而其意在于再学一个,再来析在序数词的含意不是顺序中的第一第二,而其意在于再学一个,再来一

15、个时,应用一个时,应用a,本句的意思应为:这学期我要学一门第二外语。,本句的意思应为:这学期我要学一门第二外语。9.误误Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. 正正The Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. 析在河流名称前应加定冠词,如:析在河流名称前应加定冠词,如:the Yellow River(黄河黄河)。10.误误Look, there are Alp. 误误Look, there are the Alp. 正正Look, there are

16、the Alps. 析具体的某一座山不加定冠词,如:析具体的某一座山不加定冠词,如:Mountain Tai.但在山名称前加定冠但在山名称前加定冠词后,其山名要加词后,其山名要加s,来表示山脉。,来表示山脉。the Alps即为阿尔卑斯山脉。如即为阿尔卑斯山脉。如:The Alps are in the center of Europe.11.误误Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. 正正The Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. 析报刊名称前应加定冠词。析报刊

17、名称前应加定冠词。12.误误Rich are not always happy. 正正The rich are not always happy. 析在形容词前加定冠词表示一类人,而在姓的前面加定冠词,姓后加析在形容词前加定冠词表示一类人,而在姓的前面加定冠词,姓后加s表表示某一家,如:示某一家,如:The turners are going to move to New York.正误辨析正误辨析13. 误误I like to eat bread for breakfast. Bread sells in this shop is very good. 正正I like to eat bre

18、ad for breakfast. The bread sells in this shop is very good. 析物质名词特指时也应加定冠词。析物质名词特指时也应加定冠词。14.误误The sun rises in east. 正正The sun rises in the east. 析在方向、方位前应用定冠词,如:析在方向、方位前应用定冠词,如:in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, in the direction 及及in the past, in the future15.误误Do you know who

19、invented telephone 正正Do you know who invented the telephone 析在特定和专有事物或名称前要加定冠词,析在特定和专有事物或名称前要加定冠词,如:如:the English Channel 英吉利海峡英吉利海峡 the Panama Canal 巴拿马运河巴拿马运河 the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河苏伊士运河16.误误Would you please buy some food for the supper 正正Would you please buy some food for supper 析泛指一日三餐前无定冠词。析泛指一日三

20、餐前无定冠词。17.误误I like to climb the mountain in the autumn. 正正I like to climb the mountain in autumn. 析一年四季前不用定冠词,如:析一年四季前不用定冠词,如:Spring is the best season in a year.正误辨析正误辨析18. 误误Sometimes my parents come to school to see me. 正正Sometimes my parents come to the school to see me. 析有些名词被用作其本身原来所含目的时不加冠词,如

21、:析有些名词被用作其本身原来所含目的时不加冠词,如:go to school上上学,学,leave school(辍学辍学),after school(放学放学),但如果当建筑物讲时应加冠词,如,但如果当建筑物讲时应加冠词,如例句中其父母来校不是上学,而是看望孩子,则要加定冠词。又如,例句中其父母来校不是上学,而是看望孩子,则要加定冠词。又如,He was in hospital for two days.(他在医院住院两天了。他在医院住院两天了。)而:而:He went to the hospital to see his mother.他去医院看望他的母亲。他去医院看望他的母亲。19.误误

22、I bought a same dictionary as she bought. 正正I bought the same dictionary as she bought. 析在惯用法析在惯用法the same, the only, the very前的定冠词不可换为不定冠词。前的定冠词不可换为不定冠词。20.误误The police caught the thief by his arm. 正正The police caught the thief by the arm. 析这是英文表达法与中文的明显不同之处,也是初学者极易忽视之处。析这是英文表达法与中文的明显不同之处,也是初学者极易忽视

23、之处。在英语中的某些动词,如:在英语中的某些动词,如:catch(抓抓),take(拿拿),strike (打打),pat(拍拍),hit(击击),hold(握握),pull(拉拉)动词后应加人,再加介词动词后应加人,再加介词on, by, in, with之后要加定冠词,之后要加定冠词,再加人体的某一部位。这时的定冠词千万不要换作再加人体的某一部位。这时的定冠词千万不要换作his, her, their, 等词。等词。正误辨析正误辨析22. 误误I went to New York by his car. 正正I went to New York by car. 正正I went to Ne

24、w York in his car. 析析by仅仅与交通工具相连表示应用某种工具,而加了别的修饰词后其前仅仅与交通工具相连表示应用某种工具,而加了别的修饰词后其前面的介词也应作相应的转换。如:面的介词也应作相应的转换。如:by car (坐小汽车坐小汽车)by taxi (坐出租车坐出租车)by bike (骑自行车骑自行车)by water (乘船乘船)by air (乘飞机乘飞机)by sea (乘船乘船)23.误误Mary began to learn how to play piano when she was three. 正正Mary began to learn how to p

25、lay the piano when she was three. 析在乐器前要加定冠词,而在球类游戏之前则不要加冠词,如:析在乐器前要加定冠词,而在球类游戏之前则不要加冠词,如:They like to play bridge when they are free. (他们空闲时爱打桥牌他们空闲时爱打桥牌)24.误误The little boy wanted to go to cinema. 正正The little boy wanted to go to the cinema. 析英语中虽有一些名词与析英语中虽有一些名词与go to连用时不加定冠词,以表示该名词的内涵,连用时不加定冠词,以

26、表示该名词的内涵,如:如:go to school (上学上学),go to bed(睡觉睡觉)等,但去看电影则例外,要用等,但去看电影则例外,要用go to the cinema.这也是语言的一个特点。这也是语言的一个特点。25.误误I live at 105 the Lake street. 正正I live at 105 Lake Street. 析街道名称前不用冠词。析街道名称前不用冠词。正误辨析正误辨析26. 误误Next summer holiday, I will go to country to live on a farm. 正正Next summer holiday, I

27、will go to the country to live on a farm. 析析country既作国家讲也作乡村讲。作乡村讲时,一定要加定冠词,而既作国家讲也作乡村讲。作乡村讲时,一定要加定冠词,而且只有单数形式,作国家讲时则可有复数形式。如:且只有单数形式,作国家讲时则可有复数形式。如:Japan is a country . Japan, China, India are Asian countries.27.误误The picture looks better in a sun. 正正The picture looks better in the sun. 析析in the su

28、n 是固定词组,冠词不能随便改变。这样常用的词组还有:是固定词组,冠词不能随便改变。这样常用的词组还有:in a hurry (匆忙匆忙) in the morning/afternoon (上上/下午下午) in the rain (雨中雨中) in the same way (同样同样) in the shade (在阴凉处在阴凉处) in the day time (白天白天) in the end (最最终终) on the other hand (换句话说换句话说)28.误误The little boy and girl walk along the street a hand in

29、 a hand. 正正The little boy and girl walk along the street hand in hand. 析这是英语中的习惯用法,如:析这是英语中的习惯用法,如:day after (by) day (一天又一天一天又一天) day and night (日日夜夜日日夜夜)face to face (面对面面对面) from time to time (再三再三)hand in hand (手拉手手拉手) shoulder by shoulder (肩并肩肩并肩)例题解析例题解析1 Mr Li is old worker.A a B an C some D

30、/答案答案B.析析an用于元音音素开始的单词前。用于元音音素开始的单词前。2 English is useful language in world.A an, the B a, the C the, / D /,the答案答案B.析因析因useful的第一个音素是的第一个音素是j,它是辅音音素。,它是辅音音素。3 What interesting book it is?A a B an C the D /答案答案B.析这是感叹句,因为移到原一般句前面的强调部分中有可数名词析这是感叹句,因为移到原一般句前面的强调部分中有可数名词book,所以应加冠所以应加冠词,而词,而interesting的

31、第一音素是元音所以要加的第一音素是元音所以要加an。4 He will be back in hour.A / B the C a D an答案答案D.析因析因hour的首字母的首字母h不发音。不发音。5 There is map in the classroom. map is on the wall.A a, A B the, The C a, The D the ,A答案答案C.析在文章中首次提到某人或某物时用不定冠词,而第二次再提到该物或人时应用析在文章中首次提到某人或某物时用不定冠词,而第二次再提到该物或人时应用定冠词。定冠词。6 Look at picture! Theres ho

32、use in it.A a ,a B the, the C a, the D the, a答案答案D.析虽然是第一次提到,但在句中的语言是让对方看某一特定的图画,所以应选择析虽然是第一次提到,但在句中的语言是让对方看某一特定的图画,所以应选择D。7 There is orange in the bottle.A a B an C the D /答案答案D.析这里的析这里的orange是指桔汁而不是一个个的桔子。是指桔汁而不是一个个的桔子。 8 Beijing is capital of our country.A the B an C / D a答案答案A.析析capital之后有之后有of结

33、构则要用定冠词。结构则要用定冠词。9 If you work hard at English, youll get “A” in the test.A an B / C the D a答案答案A.析因字母析因字母A的第一音素是元音。的第一音素是元音。10 He usually goes to school on foot.A a B an C the D /答案答案D.析析on foot意为走路上学,是习惯用法。意为走路上学,是习惯用法。 例题解析例题解析11. About _ students in our class can describe that place in English.

34、A. three-fifths B. three-fifth C. third-five D. third-fifths 答案:答案:A。析析该题考查的是分数的表示法。分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于该题考查的是分数的表示法。分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1时,分母应加时,分母应加-s,因此应选,因此应选A。12. Nine _ pounds a week? Thats very good. A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. hundreds D. hundred 答案:答案:D。析析该题考查的是数词的用法。该题考查的是数词的用法。Nin

35、e hundred是一个具体的数量,这是数词不能用复数是一个具体的数量,这是数词不能用复数形式,后面也不能加形式,后面也不能加of。所以应选。所以应选D。13. We often have sports after class, and I like to play _ basketball. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填不填 答案:答案:D。析析该题考查的是冠词的用法。球类运动之前不加冠词,因此应选该题考查的是冠词的用法。球类运动之前不加冠词,因此应选D。14. This is _ song Ive told you about. Isnt it _ beautiful o

36、ne? A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the 答案:答案:C。析析该题考查的是冠词的用法。第一个空是特指,特指我给你说过的那首歌,第二个空该题考查的是冠词的用法。第一个空是特指,特指我给你说过的那首歌,第二个空是表示某一个类别。所以应选是表示某一个类别。所以应选C。例题解析例题解析课时训练课时训练1.Wheres_maths teacher? Hes talking with Sams father. A.a B.an C.the D.2.Though the first letter is _ “u”in the world useful,we mu

37、st say“_useful book”. A.a,a B./,a C./,an D.an,an3.We are thirsty.Please give me_. A.two cups of teaB.two cups teaC.two cup of teas D.two cups of teas4.I have_orange.You may drink it. A.a little B.a few C.few D.little5.Which is _second longest river in China? Yellow River. A.a,/ B.the,The C.the,/ D./

38、,A 6. This morning I had _ egg and a bottle of milk for my breakfast. A. an B. a C. the D./7. -Whats the matter with you? -I caught _ bad cold and had to stay in _bed. A. a;/ B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the CAAABAA课时训练课时训练8. -Have you seen _ pen? I left it here this morning. -Is it _ black one? I thin

39、k I saw it somewhere. A. a; the B. the; the C. the; a D. a; a 9. _ sun is shining brightly. A. A B. An C. The D. /10. There is _ “h” in the word hour. A. a B. the C. an D./11. Did you enjoy your stay in Xian? Yes. I had _ wonderful time. A. a B. an C. the D. / 12. _ sun is bigger than _ earth. A. A; the B. A; an C. The; an D. The; the13. There is _ apple and some pears on the table. A. the B./ C. a D. an14. David has _ cat. Its very nice. A. a B. an C. the D./15. Im reading _ novel. It is _ interesting story. A. a; an B. a; a C. the; the D. /; anACCADDAA



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