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1、GRE句子填空(冲刺班)北京新东方学校国外考试部杜昶旭2010-05-15课程大纲GRE填空的能力要求GRE填空解题基本原则和“六步法”GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式”最新模考练习题题目分析GRE填空的能力要求ETS的官方说明The verbal ability measure is designed to test the ability to reason with words in solving problems. Reasoning effectively in a verbal medium depends primarily upon the ability to discern

2、, comprehend, and analyze relationships among words or groups of words and within larger units of discourse such as sentences and written passages.GRE填空的能力要求ETS的官方说明The purpose of the sentence completion questions is to measure the ability to use the various kinds of cues provided by syntax and gram

3、mar to recognize the overall meaning of a sentence. In deciding which of five words or sets of words can best be substituted for blank spaces in a sentence, you must analyze the relationships among the component parts of the incomplete sentence. You must consider each answer choice and decide which

4、completes the sentence in such a way that the sentence has a logically satisfying meaning and can be read as a stylistically integrated whole. Sentence completion questions provide a context within which to analyze the function of words as they relate to and combine with one another to form a meanin

5、gful unit of discourse. GRE填空的能力要求输入(Input) 输出(Output)句子结构逻辑关系语义认知词汇理解逻辑完整性语义完整性相关背景知识句子结构任何句子都是一种层次化的结构无论多复杂的句子都是由基本句型成长起来的基本句型普通简单句非简单句句子句子结构简单句分析定义:只有一套主谓结构的句子简单句分析的核心:谓语谓语谁发出的动作(主语)谁承受的动作(宾语)或者主语有什么状态(表语)修饰限制成分(定语、状语、同位语)分析重点:成分之间的关系句子结构非简单句分析关联元素:连词、关系代词、冒号和分号非简单句分析的核心:关联元素关联元素若干分句分句类型及它们之间的关系分

6、析重点:分句类型和关系句子结构Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960s portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.句子结构The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and wea

7、ther observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanitys longest continuous documentation of natural events.The Chinese were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanitys longest continuous documentation of na

8、tural events.Who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the Egyptians. 句子结构Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the

9、 Western Hemisphere.Decimate: to cause great destruction or harm to“十一抽杀律”公元前471年,罗马共和国早期战争中,罗马人与沃尔斯奇人战斗,用这种方法处罚背叛的士兵。charter: 特许状Yellow Fever: 黄热病美国的黄热病大流行(1793和1879)Yellow fever, the disease, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.That killed 4,000 Philadelph

10、ians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee.The city lost its charter.句子结构的练习方法把非简单句拆分为若干个简单句以关联元素为拆分点标记各个分句的类型参考各种从句形式对所有简单句进行成分划分和分析,并明确成分之间的关系注意句子的谓语动词写出各分句及整句的中文意思逻辑关系逻辑关系真的那么难判断么?需要搞清楚三个问题逻辑关系的识别和层次广义的同义/反义关系收敛逻辑推断逻辑关系的识别和层次表示逻辑关系的标志连词、关系代词、动词、冒号、分号、介词短语、分词短语、不定式、副词、固定搭配逻辑关系的识别和层次三个层次的逻辑关


12、特征等)广义的反义关系反义词感情色彩相反的词正负方向相反的词与极端词相对的中性词上/下义词词A和词B为上/下义词的条件若A is a kind of B,则A是B的下义词,B是A的上义词。举例:apple/fruit; chemistry/science上/下义词之间的关系思考:男人能做的事儿,人一定能做;人能做的事儿,男人不一定能做。对吗?GRE填空的句子是一个有限定范围的语境,所以上/下义词等价。与极端词相对的中性词“好”的反义词是什么?坏不好不坏既有好又有坏任何词的反义词都是直接对该词进行否定后的结果基于收敛逻辑的推断GRE填空教程是由_编写的。十五岁的小张_。越直接的逻辑关系越正确!背

13、景知识不能作为题目的判断依据!本书编写组今年十五岁逻辑分析实例Although the feeding activities of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a _ appearance, these activities seem to be actually beneficial to the area, enhancing its productivity. 逻辑分析实例Heavily perfumed white flowers, such as gardenias, were favorites

14、 with collectors in the eighteenth century, when _ was valued much more highly than it is today.逻辑分析实例Carruthers latest literary criticism _ her reputation for trenchant commentary; despite its intriguing title and the fulsome praise on its dust jacket, it is nothing more than a collection of_.逻辑分析实

15、例Because no comprehensive _ exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.逻辑分析实例A good doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to _ and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be a

16、n _ guide to good practice.语义认知语义场的表现形式重复原词重复同义重复上下义词重复衍生词重复相关概念重复指代代词指代:代词和被指代对象的数、性、性质必须一致。关系连词指代(when, where, why)语义认知Dreams are _ in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.Dreams are _ in and of themselves, but, when combined with other dat

17、a, they can tell us much about the dreamer.语义认知The spellings of many old English words have been _ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.The spellings of many old English words have been _ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.语义认知重要概念正负评价正负动

18、作重要方法正负假定法题目中有两个空格,且每个空格都没有语义与之对应。符号简化法句子偏长且概念交织较多时使用方法:用相同的符号替换语义等价的内容;不同的内容用不同的符号替换。语义认知In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears _, since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not _ creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of cl

19、assical principles possible.语义认知In the machinelike world of classical physics, the human intellect appears _, since the mechanical nature of classical physics does not _ creative reasoning, the very ability that had made the formulation of classical principles possible.In A, B appears _, since A doe

20、s not _ B.语义认知Natures energy efficiency often _ human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency _ the fireflys system.语义认知Natures energy efficiency often _

21、human technology: despite the intensity of the light fireflies produce, the amount of heat is negligible; only recently have humans developed chemical light-producing systems whose efficiency _ the fireflys system.A often _ B: ; only recently have humans developed B whose efficiency _ A. 语义认知A good

22、doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to _ and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be an _ guide to good practice.语义认知A good doctor knows that knowledge about medicine will continue to _ and that, therefore, formal professional training can never be an _ guide

23、to good practice.A knows that B will continue to _ and that, therefore, B can never be an _ guide to A.词汇理解常用的查词词典Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary (the 11th Edition)American Heritage Dictionary什么时候需要查韦氏词典?参考答案无法理解时句子含义无法理解时查完字典以后用新的解释覆盖旧的记忆词汇理解重点掌握的词汇四级词汇(语言基础)动词形容词(尤其是修饰抽象名词的)抽象名词表示逻辑关系的副词不重要的

24、词汇程度副词实体名词相关背景知识填空题目的解答和背景知识是无关的Hydrogen is the _ elements of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.(A) steadiest (B) expendable (C) lightest(D) final(E) fundamental相关背景知识背景知识对于理解句意有帮助填空涉及自然科学、人文科学、社会科学的很多知识填空题目的设计有一定背景基础理解句意的好处更好地理解填空的设计思想和解

25、题原则有助于提高句子理解能力有助于拓展知识面相关背景知识The First World War began in a context of jargon and verbal delicacy and continued in a cloud of _ as _ as language and literature, skillfully used, could make it. (Ex.22-7, P.44)(A) circumlocutionliteral (B) clichlucid(C) euphemismimpenetrable (D) particularitydeliberate

26、 (E) subjectivityenthralling单词解释Context: the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs : ENVIRONMENT, SETTINGCircumlocution: 累赘、迂回的表达Euphemism: the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasantImpenetrable: incapable

27、of being comprehended 同义词总结Jargon: 行话,黑话,术语Argot; Dialect; Cant; TermEnthralling: 令人着迷的,令人销魂的Charming; EnchantingAttractive; Intriguing; Appealing; RivetingAlluring; Seductive背景知识什么是战争中的委婉语?战争中为什么要出现委婉语?哪些战争中出现了什么样的委婉语?参考文献浅浅谈美国新美国新闻报道中关于道中关于战争的委婉争的委婉语的背景的背景Euphemism and American Violence浅谈委婉语和伊拉克战争

28、课程大纲GRE填空的能力要求GRE填空解题基本原则和“六步法”GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式”最新模考练习题题目分析题目设计的基本原则正确答案“合理且必然”题目解答与知识、记忆、背景无关空格判断要逻辑收敛Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a _ of the arts.(A) connoisseur (B) critic(C) friend(D) scourge(E) judge题目设计的基本原则Queen Elizabeth I has quite correctly been called a _ of the arts,

29、because many young artists received her patronage. (Ex.27-5, P.54)(A) connoisseur(B) critic(C) friend(D) scourge(E) judgeFriend: One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement题目解答的基本原则题目分析逻辑定正反,语义定内容。逻辑判断越直接的逻辑关系越是正确的逻辑关系“十五岁的小张今年十五岁”语义判断遇到重复立刻标记遇到代词立刻明确其指代对象题目解答的基本原则T

30、he transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era is viewed by most art historians as a _, because, instead of an increasingly _ pictorial art, we find degeneration. (Ex.54-2, P.107)(A) milestonedebased(B) consolidationdiverse (C) calamityaberrant (D) regressionsophisticated (E) continuationim

31、proved题目解答的基本原则The transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era is viewed by most art historians as a _, because, instead of an increasingly _ pictorial art, we find degeneration. (Ex.54-2, P.107)(A) milestonedebased(B) consolidationdiverse (C) calamityaberrant (D) regressionsophisticated (E

32、) continuationimproved题目解答的基本原则The disjunction between educational objectives that stress independence and individuality and those that emphasize obedience to rules and cooperation with others reflects a _ that arises from the values on which these objectives are based. (Ex.55-2, P.109)(A) conflict

33、(B) redundancy (C) gain (D) predictability (E) wisdom题目解答的基本原则The disjunction between educational objectives that stress independence and individuality and those that emphasize obedience to rules and cooperation with others reflects a _ that arises from the values on which these objectives are based

34、. (Ex.55-2, P.109)(A) conflict (B) redundancy (C) gain (D) predictability (E) wisdom题目解答的基本原则What is most important to the monkeys in the sanctuary is that they are a group; this is so because primates are inveterately _ and build their lives around each other. (Ex.47-1, P.93)(A) independent (B) sta

35、ble(C) curious (D) social(E) proprietary题目解答的基本原则What is most important to the monkeys in the sanctuary is that they are a group; this is so because primates are inveterately _ and build their lives around each other. (Ex.47-1, P.93)(A) independent (B) stable(C) curious (D) social(E) proprietarySoci

36、al: Living together in organized groups or similar close aggregates常规解题步骤因为小王是一个好人,所以人们都认为他_。思考过程空格要填的是形容词,描述“他”的特性。“他”对应“小王”;已知部分对小王的描述是“好人”,与空格构成语义对应。句子中无反义逻辑,无否定词,故空格与对应语义为同义关系。空格填入“好”的意思。好常规的解题步骤确定句子中空格的功能功能:词性、作用(修饰、限制、说明、动作)先确定哪个空格没有限制确定与空格相关的概念形容词:被修饰的名词性概念动词:被谁修饰、发出和承受动作的主体名词:修饰它的成分、发出和承受的动作


38、功能概念逻辑语义词汇句意背单词&句子结构分析关系识别&收敛训练语义场分析背单词&查字典句子分析&背景扩充填空题解答“六步法”While scientists dismiss as fanciful of the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, _ on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.填空题解答“六步法”While

39、scientists dismiss as fanciful of the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, _ on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.功能:动词概念:nature, departing from逻辑:反义(while)填空题解答“六步法”While scientists dismiss as fanc

40、iful of the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, _ on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.(A) repeats (B) improvises(C) ornaments (D) corrects(E) harmonizes填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Dismiss asRegard/view/seeas.Fa

41、nciful: imaginary, unrealImprovise: to invent, compose, or recite without preparationGenetic code在一个染色体的脱氧核糖核酸分子中的核苷次序,其决定蛋白质合成物中氨基酸的次序。它是遗传的基础填空题解答“六步法”句子含义尽管科学家把遗传密码中突变(自发重组)的想法视为是幻觉,但是,生物界就像一个音乐大师一样,有的时候就可能是在搞即兴创作,既不能期待,也不能预测。填空题解答“六步法”Despite the _ of time, space, and history, human societies th

42、e world over have confronted the same existential problems and have come to remarkably _ solutions, differing only in superficial details.功能:空格1填名词,表示时间、空间和历史的的状态;空格2填形容词,表示人类社会对问题解决方案的修饰概念:differing逻辑:反义(despite)填空题解答“六步法”Despite the _ of time, space, and history, human societies the world over hav

43、e confronted the same existential problems and have come to remarkably _ solutions, differing only in superficial details.(A) continuityidentical(B) uniformitydiverse(C) actualitiesvaried(D) contingenciessimilar(E) exigenciesunique填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释The world over: throughout the worldExistential: Of or

44、as conceived by existentialism or existentialistsConfront: to face especially in challengeContingency: The condition of being dependent on chance; uncertaintyExigency: crisis, urgent situation填空题解答“六步法”句子含义尽管时间、空间和历史具有一定偶然性,但是,人类社会依然会面临同样的经验主义问题并且能找到明显类似的解决方案,它们只在一些小细节上有区别。填空题解答“六步法”Although he was

45、known to be extremely _ in his public behavior, scholars have discovered that his diaries were written with uncommon _.功能:空格1填形容词,表示他在公共行为中的特征;空格2 表示他日记中表现的特征。概念:public behavior, diaries, extremely, uncommon填空题解答“六步法”Although he was known to be extremely _ in his public behavior, scholars have disco

46、vered that his diaries were written with uncommon _.(A) reservedfrankness(B) politetenderness(C) modestlucidity(D) reticentvagueness(E) withdrawnsubtlety使用正负假定法判断空格关系填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Frankness: marked by free, forthright, and sincere expression.Tender: 柔弱的;脆弱的;嫩的;慈爱的ReticentSilentRestrained or reserved

47、Reluctant, unwilling填空题解答“六步法”句子含义尽管大家都知道他在公开场合是非常保守的,但是学者们却发现他的日记写得异常开放。填空题解答“六步法”With the _ of scientific knowledge, work on the new edition of a textbook begins soon after completion of the original.功能:空格要填名词,表示科学知识的状态。概念:scientific knowledge, begins soon after填空题解答“六步法”With the _ of scientific k

48、nowledge, work on the new edition of a textbook begins soon after completion of the original.(A) limitation(B) culmination(C) veneration(D) certainty(E) burgeoning填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Culmination: climaxVenerateRespect, Esteem, Revere, Adore, Honor, WorshipLook up toBurgeon: to grow and expand rapidly: FLO

49、URISH句子含义随着科学知识的不断发展,对新版教材的工作在老版本完成后不久就开始了。填空题解答“六步法”She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she reveals a streak of _. 功能:空格填一个名词,表示她在个人生活中的状态。概念:private life, she, reveals填空题解答“六步法”She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she reveals a streak of

50、 _. (A) antipathy(B) misanthropy(C) virtuosity(D) equanimity(E) prodigality填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Frugal: sparing, stintingA streak of: a little bitAntipathy: settled aversion or dislikeDislike, Distaste, Aversion, Abhor, RepugnanceMisanthropy: a hatred or distrust of humankindVirtuosity: great technical ski

51、llEquanimity: The quality of being calm and even-temperedProdigal: profuse or wasteful expenditure: LAVISH填空题解答“六步法”句子含义在生意上她非常节省,但是在个人生活中,她却表现得慷慨大方。填空题解答“六步法”If the state governments latest budget problems were _, it would not be useful to employ them as _ examples in the effort to avoid the inevit

52、able effects of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.功能:空格1填形容词,描述预算问题的属性;空格2填形容词,表示对examples的修饰。概念:budget problem; in the effort 填空题解答“六步法”If the state governments latest budget problems were _, it would not be useful to employ them as _ examples in the effort to avoid the inevitable effects

53、of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.(A) typicalrepresentative(B) exceptionalaberrant(C) anomalousilluminating(D) predictablehelpful(E) solvableinsignificant填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Fiscal: 国库的,与财政有关的AnomalousInconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected: IRREGULAROf uncertain

54、 nature or classificationMarked by incongruity or contradiction: PARADOXICALAberrant: deviating from the usual or natural type 填空题解答“六步法”句子含义如果州政府最近的预算问题是不确定的,那么,把这些问题作为启发式案例来规避这一缺乏远见的财政计划在未来造成的不可避免的后果则是没有作用的。填空题解答“六步法”Just as some writers have _ the capacity of language to express meaning, Giacomet

55、ti _ the failure of art to convey reality.功能:空格1填动词,表示作家对语言表达含义能力做的动作;空格2填动词,表示Giacometti对艺术表达现实的失败作的动作概念:writers, capacity.; Giacometti, failure填空题解答“六步法”Just as some writers have _ the capacity of language to express meaning, Giacometti _ the failure of art to convey reality.(A) scoffed atabjured(

56、B) demonstratedexemplified(C) deniedrefuted(D) proclaimedaffirmed(E) despaired ofbewailed填空题解答“六步法”词汇解释Scoff at: make fun ofAbjure: 放弃,弃绝Despair: to lose all hope or confidenceBewailTo cry over; lamentTo express sorrow or happiness over.填空题解答“六步法”句子含义正如一些作家已经对语言传递含义的能力绝望一样,Giacometti也对艺术表达现实的失败表示悲伤。

57、课程大纲GRE填空的能力要求GRE填空解题基本原则和“六步法”GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式”最新模考练习题题目分析快速解题的“七种模式”“A and B”模式递进模式“continue/remain”模式平行结构模式解释模式“四元素”模式单空格模式“A and B”模式形式A分割点任意并列连词:not onlybut also; as well as; eitheror; or; XX=A+B: BX=A: Aand“A and B”模式Since the author frequently _ other scholars, his objection to disputes is not

58、 only irrelevant but also _. (Ex. 17-4, P.33)(A) supportsoverbearing(B) provokesfrightening(C) quotescurious(D) ignorespeevish(E) attackssurprising“A and B”模式Since the author frequently _ other scholars, his objection to disputes is not only irrelevant but also _. (Ex. 18-4, P.35)(A) supportsoverbea

59、ring(B) provokesfrightening(C) quotescurious(D) ignorespeevish(E) attackssurprising“A and B”模式词汇解释Overbearing: overwhelmingPeevish: 坏脾气的,易怒的句子含义因为这个作者经常攻击其他学者,所以他对于争论的反对不仅是不符合他的本性的,而且是令人吃惊的。“A and B”模式He was regarded by his followers, as something of _, not only because of his insistence on strict d

60、iscipline, but also because of his _ adherence to formal details. (Ex.50-4, P. 99)(A) a martinetrigid(B) an authoritysporadic (C) a tyrantreluctant (D) a fraudconscientious (E) an acolytemaniacal“A and B”模式He was regarded by his followers, as something of _, not only because of his insistence on str

61、ict discipline, but also because of his _ adherence to formal details. (Ex.50-4, P. 99)(A) a martinetrigid(B) an authoritysporadic (C) a tyrantreluctant (D) a fraudconscientious (E) an acolytemaniacal“A and B”模式词汇解释MartinetA strict disciplinarianA person who stresses a rigid adherence to the details

62、 of forms and methodsConscientiousGuided by or in accordance with the dictates of conscienceThorough and assiduousManiacalFrantic, Frenetic, Crazy, Insane“A and B”模式句子含义他被他的追随者认为是有军人气质的,不仅因为他对纪律的严格遵守,还因为他僵化地坚持形式细节。“A and B”模式The successful _ of an archaeological site requires scientific knowledge as

63、 well as cultural _. (Ex.11-4, P.21)(A) evolutionawareness (B) revelationdepth (C) reconstructionsensitivity (D) analysisaesthetics(E) synthesisunderstanding“A and B”模式The successful _ of an archaeological site requires scientific knowledge as well as cultural _. (Ex.11-4, P.21)(A) evolutionawarenes

64、s (B) revelationdepth (C) reconstructionsensitivity (D) analysisaesthetics(E) synthesisunderstanding“A and B”模式句子含义对于考古学遗址的成功重建,不仅需要科学知识,而且需要文化的敏感性。递进模式形式递进关系词Even, indeed, almost, not onlybut also, not completelyhowever.前后程度变化递进模式In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted s

65、ystem of values was regarded as _, even as a sign of madness. (Ex.28-4, P.55)(A) adventurous (B) frivolous (C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational递进模式In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as _, even as a sign of madness.(A) adventurous

66、 (B) frivolous (C) willful (D) impermissible (E) irrational递进模式句子含义在十七世纪,直接蔑视广泛接受的价值体系会被认为是不理智的,甚至是疯子的标志。递进模式While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly _ by their lively criticism. (Ex. 8-5, P.16)(A) humiliated

67、(B) discomfited(C) deluded(D) disgraced(E) tantalized递进模式While not completely nonplussed by the unusually caustic responses from members of the audience, the speaker was nonetheless visibly _ by their lively criticism.(A) humiliated(B) discomfited(C) deluded(D) disgraced(E) tantalized递进模式词汇解释Nonplus

68、: to cause to be at a loss as to what to say, think, or doPerplex, Puzzle, Confuse, BaffleCaustic: sarcasticHumiliate: to reduce to a lower position in ones own eyes or others eyes Discomfit: To make uneasy or perplexedDelude: deceive递进模式句子含义尽管并没有完全被这些观众们异常刻薄的反应搞晕,但是这个演讲者还是很明显地被他们尖锐的批评弄得很不爽。“Continu

69、e/Remain”模式形式寻找continue/remain的主语发出的动作或者存在的状态。ContinueRemain前后意思一致“Continue/Remain”模式Although he attempted repeatedly to _ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained _ in her judgment. (Ex. 4-7, P. 8)(A) remindforceful (B) convinceunfeigned(C) exorciseindulgent (D)

70、 disabuseadamant (E) freeunsure“Continue/Remain”模式Although he attempted repeatedly to _ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained _ in her judgment.(A) remindforceful (B) convinceunfeigned(C) exorciseindulgent (D) disabuseadamant (E) freeunsure“Continue/Remain”模式词

71、汇解释Unfeigned: sincereIndulgent: 纵容的,溺爱的Disabuse: to free from error, fallacy, or misconceptionAdamant: unyielding, inflexible“Continue/Remain”模式句子含义尽管他几次试图消除她认为他不真诚的想法,但是他都没有成功;她依然对自己的判断保持不变。平行结构模式平行结构三个或三个以上元素的并列结构A, B, and C形式和解题原则A, B, and _空格填上以后构成的并列成分应该和已知并列成分具有相同的属性或处于同一范畴。平行结构模式In the curren

72、t research program, new varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural _ for tree size, bloom density, fruit size, _ to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease. (Ex.19-1, P.37)(A) circumstancesproximity (B) regulationsconformity(C) conditionsadaptability (D) auspicess

73、usceptibility (E) configurationspropensity平行结构模式In the current research program, new varieties of apple trees are evaluated under different agricultural _ for tree size, bloom density, fruit size, _ to various soils, and resistance to pests and disease.(A) circumstancesproximity (B) regulationsconfo

74、rmity(C) conditionsadaptability (D) auspicessusceptibility (E) configurationspropensity平行结构模式句子含义在近来的研究项目中,多种新的苹果树在不同的农业环境中被评价,根据树的大小,开花密度,果实大小,对不同泥土的适应性和对病虫害的抵抗力。解释模式形式_,解释成分(定语从句,同位语从句,分词短语)_ n,解释成分修饰成分_解释模式The muses are _ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their c

75、harms. (Ex.20-2, P.39)(A) rueful(B) ingenuous(C) solicitous(D) vindictive(E) dispassionate解释模式The muses are _ deities: they avenge themselves without mercy on those who weary of their charms.Avenge sb.: 为报仇Avenge oneself on/upon sb.:向报仇Avenge sb. on/upon sb.:为向报仇解释模式词汇解释Rueful: 令人同情的;感到懊悔的Ingenuous:

76、nave;frankIngenious: 灵巧的,精巧的,聪明的Solicitous:焦虑的;渴望的;小心谨慎的Vindictive:disposed to seek revengeDispassionate: devoid of or unaffected by passion, emotion, or bias.解释模式句子含义缪斯女神是喜欢报复的神:她们会毫不留情地向那些对她们的魅力产生审美疲劳的人进行报复。解释模式Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that class

77、ical Greek art was not a magical _ or a brilliant _ blending Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece. (Ex.8-7, P.16)解释模式Nineteenth-century scholars, by examining earlier geometric Greek art, found that classical Greek art was not a magical _ or a brilliant _ blen

78、ding Egyptian and Assyrian art, but was independently evolved by Greeks in Greece. (A) stratagemappropriation (B) exemplarsynthesis (C) conversionannexation(D) paradigmconstruct (E) apparitionamalgam解释模式 词汇解释appropriation : 拨款,挪用公款Annexation:吞并,附加Amalgam:a mixture of different elementsApparition:An

79、unusual or unexpected sight: PHENOMENONA ghostly figureThe act of being visible: APPEARANCE解释模式句子含义十九世纪的学者,通过检查早期几何学时代的希腊艺术,发现经典的希腊艺术既不是神奇的幻影幻想,也不是混入了埃及和亚述人艺术的,辉煌的混合体,而是在希腊由希腊人民独立发展起来的。四元素模式形式条件:和A的关系=和B的关系该关系不能是并列关系规则如果A和B在关系中的角色相同,=如果A与B在关系中角色相反,则=B,=AAB分割点四元素模式A perennial goal in zoology is to in

80、fer function from _, relating the _ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization. (Ex.9-2, P.17)A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function from _, relating the _ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.四元素模式A perennial goal in zoology is to infer function

81、 from _, relating the _ of an organism to its physical form and cellular organization.(A) ageancestry(B) classificationappearance(C) sizemovement(D) structurebehavior(E) locationhabitat四元素模式The chances that a species will _ are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ; _

82、 by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage. (Ex.50-7, P.100)The chances that a species will _ are reduced if any vital function is restricted to a single kind of organ; _ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage.四元素模式The chances that a species will _ are reduced if any vital funct

83、ions restricted to a single kind of organ; _ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage.(A) degeneratecomplexity (B) expiresize (C) disappearvariety (D) flourishsymmetry (E) persistredundancyRedundant: serving as a duplicate for preventing failure of an entire system (as a spacecraft) upon f

84、ailure of a single component .四元素模式句子含义如果物种把关键功能限制在单一种类的器官上,它们存活的几率会下降;自身的冗余性复制将使它们拥有巨大的生存优势。单空格模式形式空格所填的内容要跟A与B相关空格没有明显语义对应规则A=B:空格=正评价/正动作A与B相反:空格=负评价/负动作通常和时间对比联合使用A和B是两个不同的时间点,表示相反的含义AB单空格模式变体规则XX=正动作/正评价,空格=A;XX=负动作/负评价,空格=非AAXX单空格模式Although Johnsons and Smiths initial fascination with the fort

85、unes of those jockeying for power in the law firm _ after a few months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be. (Ex. 20-4, P.39)单空格模式Although Johnsons and Smiths initial fascination with the fortunes of those jockeying for power in the law firm _ after a fe

86、w months, the two paid sufficient attention to determine who their lunch partners should be.(A) revived (B) emerged (C) intensified (D) flagged (E) persisted负动作Flag: to decline in interest, attraction, or value单空格模式句子含义尽管约翰逊和史密斯对于在律师事务所中那些追逐权利的人在一开始所产生的兴趣在几个月以后消退了,但是他们仍然很仔细地决定和谁一起共进午餐。单空格模式The notio

87、n that cultural and biological influences _ determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance. (Ex.18-3, P.35)单空格模式The notion that cultural and biological

88、influences _ determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance. (A) jointly (B) completely (C) directly(D) equally (E) eventually单空格模式句子含义对于文化和生物影响均衡地决定了跨文

89、化多样性的观念受到了另外一个事实的质疑,即在人类存在的若干方面,是文化因素压倒性地解释了跨人口的多样化现象。课程大纲GRE填空的能力要求GRE填空解题基本原则和“六步法”GRE填空快速解题的“七种模式”最新模考练习题题目分析题目分析GRE填空题目的难度分布1234567题目分析(练习一,S6)In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these per

90、iods are not really _.In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really _.题目分析(练习一,S6)In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate

91、 stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really _.(A) advanced(B) variable(C) repeatable(D) connected(E) distinct题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Prenatal: occurring, existing, or performed before birthSenescent: the state of being old; the process of becoming old.句子含义尽管我们很容易把动物的一生分

92、为不同的阶段,比如出生前期,青春期,以及衰老期,但是这些时期实际上并不是不同的。题目分析(练习一,S6)Although the number of reported volcanic eruptions has risen exponentially since 1850, this indicates not _ volcanic activity but rather more widespread and _ record keeping.注意第二空格的功能和第一空格并不一致,不是语义对应的并列不表示任何逻辑关系题目分析(练习一,S6)Although the number of re

93、ported volcanic eruptions has risen exponentially since 1850, this indicates not _ volcanic activity but rather more widespread and _ record keeping.(A) abatingdetailed(B) increasingsystematic(C) substantialerratic(D) stablesuperficial(E) consistentmeticulous题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Abating: to reduce the de

94、gree or intensitySubstantial: 物质的,真实的,丰富的Erratic:飘忽不定的,无规律的,古怪的MeticulousCareful, Painstaking, Scrupulous, Fastidious题目分析(练习一,S6)句子含义尽管从1850年开始,报告的火山喷发数量呈指数级增长,但是这并不表明越来越多的火山活动,而是表明了更加广泛和系统化的记录。题目分析(练习一,S6)The challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lie

95、s in distinguishing what is _ to an authors beliefs, as opposed to what is _ by political coercion.空格2要表示“被强迫,压制”的含义as引导定语从句,相当于which题目分析(练习一,S6)The challenge of interpreting fictional works written under politically repressive regimes lies in distinguishing what is _ to an authors beliefs, as oppos

96、ed to what is _ by political coercion.(A) innateunderstood(B) organicimposed(C) contradictoryconveyed(D) obliquecaptured(E) peripheraldemanded题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Regime: 政体,政治制度Oblique:斜的;不坦率的Peripheral:外围的,不重要的ImposeTo establish or apply by authorityTo establish or bring about by force题目分析(练习一,S6)句子含义解

97、释在强权政治环境下写出来的小说,其挑战在于辨认哪些是作者自然的想法,它们和在强权政治中被强加的想法是完全相反的。题目分析(练习一,S6)I am often impressed by my own _ other peoples idiocies: what is harder to _ is that they, in their folly, are equally engaged in putting up with mine.Engage in: 从事;做Put up with: to endure or tolerate without complaint or attempt at

98、 reprisal题目分析(练习一,S6)I am often impressed by my own _ other peoples idiocies: what is harder to _ is that they, in their folly, are equally engaged in putting up with mine.(A) analysis ofjustify(B) forbearance towardunderestimate(C) exasperation withcredit(D) involvement inallow(E) tolerance ofappre

99、ciate题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Exasperate: to excite the anger of; to cause irritation or annoyance toAppreciate欣赏感激理解,认识题目分析(练习一,S6)句子含义我经常为自己对其他人的愚蠢行为的容忍感到很强大:而更难理解的是,这些愚蠢的家伙也同样可以容忍我的愚蠢行为。题目分析(练习一,S6)Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teenagers face _ her denial that she had known about the pra

100、ctical joke before it was played on her parents.思路一:单空格模式思路二:常规方法Protestation: 声明,抗议Grin:咧嘴笑题目分析(练习一,S6)Despite vigorous protestations, the grin on the teenagers face _ her denial that she had known about the practical joke before it was played on her parents.(A) belied(B) illustrated(C) reinforced(

101、D) exacerbate(E) trivialized题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Belie: to show sth. to be false or wrong.Exacerbate: to make more violent, bitter, or severe.Trivialize: to make trivial 句子含义尽管她极力地声明,但是这孩子脸上的坏笑表明她否认之前就知道对父母所做的恶作剧这件事儿是假的。题目分析(练习一,S6)Far from undermining the impression of permanent decline, the _ statue se

102、emed emblematic of its _ surroundings.Permanent: stable, lastingEmblematic: symbolic, representative题目分析(练习一,S6)Far from undermining the impression of permanent decline, the _ statue seemed emblematic of its _ surroundings.(A) indecorous.opulent(B) grandioseramshackle(C) pretentioussimple(D) ungainl

103、yelegant(E) tawdryblighted(-)题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Indecorous: lacking propriety or good tasteOpulent: affluent, abundant, luxuriantGrandiose: 宏伟的;浮夸的Ramshackle: appearing ready to collapsePretentious:自命不凡的;夸耀的Ungainly: awkward, clumsyTawdry: cheap and gaudy in appearance or qualityBlighted: frustrated, d

104、estroyed题目分析(练习一,S6)句子含义这个俗气的雕像没有破坏持续衰退的印象,而似乎成为了它衰败的环境的代表。题目分析(练习一,S6)Despite the fact that it is almost universally _, the practice of indentured servitude still _ in many parts of the world.Indentured servitude: 合同用工正负假定法题目分析(练习一,S6)Despite the fact that it is almost universally _, the practice o

105、f indentured servitude still _ in many parts of the world.(A) condemnedabates(B) toleratedsurvives(C) proscribedpersist(D) mandatedlingers(E) disdainedintervenes题目分析(练习一,S6)词汇解释Condemn: 谴责;宣判有罪Proscribe: to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful: PROHIBITMandate: 授权,命令,委托Linger: 徘徊,漫步,拖延,继续存在Disda

106、in:鄙视,蔑视Despise, scorn, defiance题目分析(练习二,S4)What these people were waiting for would not have been apparent to others and was perhaps not very _ their own minds.and连接两个谓语动词或句子时可以表示因果关系。题目分析(练习二,S4)What these people were waiting for would not have been apparent to others and was perhaps not very _ th

107、eir own minds.(A) obscure to(B) intimate to(C) illusory to(D) difficult for(E) definite in题目分析(练习二,S4)句子含义这些人想要的东西对于其他人来说并不明显,并且很可能在他们自己的脑子里也不明确。题目分析(练习二,S4)The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba by using hybridization to _ favorable traits was finally abandoned in favor of a simpler and

108、much faster _: the domestication of flourishing wild strains.题目分析(练习二,S4)The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba by using hybridization to _ favorable traits was finally abandoned in favor of a simpler and much faster _: the domestication of flourishing wild strains.(A) eliminatealternativ

109、e(B) reinforcemethod(C) allowcreation(D) reduceidea(E) concentratetheory题目分析(练习二,S4)句子含义试图通过杂交来获得好的特征,从而得到加州希蒙得木的多样性的方法最终被放弃了,取而代之的是更简单和更快速的方法:即对长得很茂盛的野生株进行家养。题目分析(练习二,S4)According to one political theorist, a regime that has as its goal absolute _, without any _ law or principle, has declared war o

110、n justice.As its goal是插入的状语On justice: 正义解释模式题目分析(练习二,S4)According to one political theorist, a regime that has as its goal absolute _, without any _ law or principle, has declared war on justice.(A) respectabilitycodification of(B) supremacysuppression of(C) autonomyaccountability to(D) fairnessdeviation from(E) responsibilityprioritization of题目分析(练习二,S4)词汇解释Supremacy: supreme power or authoritySuppression: the act of suppressing or being suppressed句子含义按照一位政治理论家的观点,一个把拥有绝对权力,不受任何法律和法规约束作为其目标的政体,是在向正义宣战。联系方式E-mail: MSN: QQ: 627397780Blog: Website: (讨论区的GRE版块)校内:杜昶旭



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