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1、 毕业论文 Translation Criteria on Lyrics Translation 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 姓 名: 指导老师: 英语 学 号: 职 称: 二一一 年 五 月 xx 学院毕业论文 诚信承诺书 本人郑重承诺:我所呈交的毕业论文Translation Criteria on Lyrics Translation 是在指导教师的指导下,独立开展研究取得的成果,文中引用他人的观点和材料,均在文后按顺序列出其参考文献,论文使用的数据真实可靠。 承诺人签名: 日期: 年 月 日 I Translation Criteria on Lyrics Translation

2、ABSTRACT With the rapid development of the global economy, cross-cultural communication has become an indispensable symbol of the times development. Music has high correlation with our daily life, also to retouch life as well as make it wonderful. Yet, lyrics show the real intention of the music, ma

3、king Chinese-English mutual translation a shinning pearl in cross-cultural communication. Although the demands of lyrics translation in the whole era are absolute large, however, the works especially for lyrics translation are quite few, such researches toward translation criteria on the lyrics tran

4、slation are a scanty few. Thus it can be seen that, Chinese-English mutual lyrics translation is topic which is faddish and challenging. Through the paper Translation Criteria on Lyrics Translation makes lyrics translation for mutual Chinese and English more suitable and beautiful, and better explai

5、n no obstacles toward lyrics as well as no national boundaries toward music. By inheriting the translation criteria of many masters from this area, as well as the basic researches of the lyrics translation, this paper is electing the principles of Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance as main line

6、of the whole paper, emphasizing its application and embodiment in English-Chinese mutual lyrics translation. Keywords: lyrics translation E/C C/E Faithfulness Expressiveness and Elegance II 翻译标准在歌词翻译上的体现 摘 要 随着全球经济迅猛向前发展,跨语言交际已成为时代发展不可或缺的标志,音乐与我们的生活息息相关, 更为之润色,使之多姿多彩,而歌词正是歌曲的本意所在, 这使得中英歌词互译成为跨语言交际中一

7、颗璀璨的明珠。 而然尽管整个时代对歌词翻译的需求白日化, 迄今为此, 真正关于歌词翻译的研究论著却是甚少,关于各类翻译标准在歌词翻译上的研究更是寥寥无几。由此可见,中英文歌词翻译是较为时尚且颇具挑战性的课题。 通过翻译标准在歌词翻译上的体现这一论文,使中英歌词互译得更美更妙更贴切,更好地诠释了歌词无鸿沟,音乐无国界。 本文在继承各位翻译界大师对于翻译标准以及歌词翻译的研究基础上, 以严复大师精髓的三字论“信达雅”作为住干线贯穿全文,分析其在英译中与中译英歌词上的运用和体现。 关键词:歌词翻译 英汉 汉英 信 达雅 III CONTENTS ABSTRACT . I 摘要 . II Introd

8、uction . 1 1.1General introduction about E/C and C/E Lyrics Translation . 1 1.2Focus of This Paper . 3 Academic Background . 4 2.1Current situation in Lyrics Translation of E/C and C/E . 4 2.1.1 E/C Lyrics Translation . 4 2.1.2 C/E Lyrics Translation . 5 2.2The Golden Opportunity of Developing Lyric

9、s Translation . 5 Analysis on the Lyrics Translation Criteria . 7 3.1Analysis on Translation Criteria . 7 3.1.1 Sublimity . 7 3.1.2 Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance . 8 3.2 A conclusion to the Lyrics Translation Criteria (LTC) . 9 LTC on Lyrics Translation . 10 4.1 Faithfulness . .11 4.1.1On E

10、/C Lyrics Translation . .11 4.1.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation . 13 4.2 Expressiveness . 14 IV 4.2.1 On E/C Lyrics Translation . 14 4.2.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation . 16 4.3 Elegance . 17 4.3.1 On E/C Lyrics Translation . 17 4.3.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation . 18 V Conclusion . 20 Bibliography.21 Acknowle

11、dgements.22 1 Introduction 1.1General introduction about E /C and C / E Lyrics Translation Composed and performed for many purposes, ranging from aesthetic pleasure, religious or ceremonial purposes, or as an entertainment product for the marketplace, music has become an indivisible part in our life

12、 past and present, spreading in every corner of the world. Music is also a language, an important bridge to connect people all around the world, thats why we always hear that there is no national boundary in music area. As a major form of music, songs are one of the popular shapes of arts, which sun

13、g by people in every condition. Among the songs Chinese people enjoy, there are always different types of translation version attract peoples eyes, although so much do they like the song they can hardly tell which one is better to the original with poor language and culture knowledge of the English-

14、speaking countries. The same fact to the foreign Chinese songs lovers, Chinese is one of the hardest languages in the world, it is difficult for English-speakers to learn even understand. To the two different types of speakers, lyrics translation has become an indispensable bridge for them to enjoy

15、wonderful songs toward another. It is of paramount importance to understanding toward country to country. Just as the above mentioned, music, as language, is also an important media to communication with foreign people. As the development of the global economy, as well as the globalization of civili

16、zation, the world is becoming smaller and smaller, turning to be a global village. Whatever English-songs translation or Chinese-songs translation, they are of equal importance; poor quality of the song translated will misconduct people for understanding the original as well as the culture of other

17、countries. Therefore, in this era which overflows all kinds of information, we can hardly distinguish the better one. Lyrics translation in our country is not a burgeoning issue. Over a period of times, Chinese have successfully absorbed music and songs from other nations, such as Russia, American,

18、Britain, France, Japan, etc. As a matter of fact, China boasts a long history of putting English songs into Chinese. The history of which dates back to the sunset of Qing Dynasty, prosperous and falling, to some extend, it has been ignored in translation field for a long time. The Exploration and Pr

19、actice in 2 Translation of Songs by Xue Fan in 2002 is the first complete work to introduce song lyrics translation systematically and academically, which plays an important role in song lyrics translation, helping both songs translators and music lovers better enjoy music. However, no matter Englis

20、h song translation or Chinese song translation, the works or essays about them are just a few. That is why Xue Fan ever said: After my dead, the song translation of our nation will run into empty.(Chen, 2002: 2). For the importance of both English lyrics translation and Chinese lyrics translation, t

21、his paper is to analyse the lyrics translation with the three principles created by Yan Fu-Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance. The three principles will as a main line which runs through the essay. From this essay, we will better understand how translation principles using in lyrics translation.

22、 3 1.2 Focus of This Paper As far as the lyrics translation concern, lyrics translation not only relies on the words but also the whole sense of the song, so it is more difficult to translate it well compared with other types of translation such as literature, poetry, drama, etc. There are no certai

23、n criteria on it, so some translators try to make criteria so as to make people to translate lyrics more easily and accurately. However different translator hold different view about what criteria should we base on while translating. For example, the functionalist translation theory now is widely us

24、ed both in E/C song translation and C/E translation, the criterion in the thesis of On the Chinese Translation of English songs: a Functionalist Translation Approach is applied to wildly as well. In my paper, I will use the translation criteria created by the senior statesman of the translation fiel

25、d in our nation, and will give a clear image on how these criteria represent in the translation works. The first part of my paper goes to an overlook of the current situation for both E/C and C/E song translation, as well as the importance of studying this area, by learning about the require of more

26、 translated lyrics, this paper comes out with systematicness.For the second part ,many criteria on translation in our nation will be discussed, from all the criteria, one main line is obvious, they are three widely-acknowledged principles which put forward by Yan Fu. For “Faithfulness, Expressivenes

27、s, Elegance”, different periods endow different specific meaning to it. Hence for lyrics translation, it maybe a little bit different in the context. The last two parts of the paper are of importance, we will have a legible analysis on how “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” specific express in

28、 E/C and C/E. Finally with a brief conclusion to clarify the three principles is widely acceptable in lyrics translation. 4 Academic Background 2.1Current situation in Lyrics Translation of E/C and C/E Chinese songs translation of recent 100 years written by He Gaoda and Chen Shuiping in 2009 has ma

29、de a brief conclusion to the current situation of song translation in our country. Thats six more and six less: More for foreign original songs while less translated into Chinese; more for the persons who learn to sing foreign songs ,while less for being engaged in song translation; foreign language

30、s to Chinese more, Chinese to foreign ones less; the translation works of Western popular songs more, while the ones of diversification and multi-ethnic less; more lyrics translation ,less songs translation; more for the works of song translation ,while less can be sung.(Chen&He,2009:45-46) 2.1.1 E/

31、C Lyrics Translation From the Chinese translation history, we can get that, during the over 100 hundred years of song translation, a few researches, studies ,papers as well as works on song translation are just a very small point toward translation, so the song translation is, and the lyrics transla

32、tion is even worse, though compared with Chinese lyrics translation, more essays are about English lyrics, however it is also far away from enough. There are some fruitful achievements in the study of foreign songs, Chinese versions of hundreds of song lyrics can be found easily all around our count

33、ry, hence some famous collections of foreign songs translation have been published such as Famous Foreign Songs Collection () (1982) ,Famous Foreign Songs 201()(1987),Classic songs of the world movies 500 () (1996), Chinese Lyrics-English Songs Translation 1000() (2009).Of course, it is no doubt tha

34、t these great achievements cant be done without the hardworking of the remarkable persons such as Shen Xingong, Li Shutong, Zhong Limin, Qian Renkang, Xue Fan, etc. Just as the above mentioned, though there are some works and studies about English song translation, however,the current circumstances

35、is a little bit depressing, with the increasing excellent English songs coming into our ears, we are urgent to get better 5 song lyrics to understand these wonderful English songs. Demands decide provisions, at this moment, we have large need in the good Chinese lyrics, but just few cater for our ne

36、eds. It is not a balance relationship, hence my sense of responsibility to the English song lovers, as well as my crazy love toward music encourage me to do my favor to study lyrics translation in my Graduation thesis. 2.1.2C/E Lyrics Translation For the present situation of English-Chinese Translat

37、ion, most people say, the translation works are far from perfect. However, when move to Chinese-English one, I feel sad with nothing to say. When searching on-line, typing the key words both in Chinese and English like “Chinese -English lyrics translation” , “Chinese-English song translation, you wi

38、ll get information about it, only a few articles about some songs translation works, for example,“红豆”by Faye Wong,“青花瓷”by Jay Chou,“最初的梦想”by Fan Fan, etc. All these are popular singers and classic popular songs in our land, but most translation scholars pay most of their attention to study English s

39、ongs translation, talk much about how we can achieve excellent translated texts of the English songs. As for the essays on Chinese-English lyrics translation, I just can refer to quite few essays talking about how to translate Chinese lyrics into English more systematically and rhetorically, such as

40、, To study Chinese-English Lyrics Translation bases on Chinese-Western Cultural Differences by Lu Mingyu in 2009; Analysis on the strategy of Chinese-English song translation by Qing Bingrong and An Jing in 2010. Xue fan is the earliest ancestor in English-Chinese translation field, and he made grea

41、t achievements to nation cause of translation, who is to develop the Chinese-English lyrics translation? How do these few translated works satisfy peoples need? It is a long way to go. Hence Im writing this paper to do my little power on it. 2.2The Golden Opportunity of Developing Lyrics Translation

42、 These years, China meets a great many opportunities to develop itself, as well as the lyrics translation, a lot of famous world events had been held in China, making China attract eyes from global,such as The Beijing Olympic Games in 2008,Shanghai Expo 2010,as well as Guangzhou Asian Games. All the

43、se big events put China in front of the world, and not only Chinese people, the same to every aspect of our nation is 6 receiving high focus from the global. Under such situation, communication needs to be intensive, in other words, it is a golden period for lyrics translation to develop for it is a

44、n important channel to communicate. Besides big events, with the frequent cooperation of the international economy, globalization goes further and further, under this background, culture exchanges become an obvious thing, every nation want to introduce themselves to the others, and also hope to abso

45、rb essence from them. For the variety of culture, language understanding is an difficult barrier. So the lyrics translation also takes such chance to develop. 7 Analysis on the Lyrics Translation Criteria In Mr. Zhong Shukongs book,he had ever said The mastery of language is not easy and requires pa

46、instaking effort.(Tang,2008)That is for sure, thinking over, translation is not easy for it to dissociate between two languages English and Chinese,thus lyrics translation is even more challenge. To translate it, translators not only base on translation criteria but its characteristic as well. The f

47、ollowing part of this the paper will integrate its characteristics into translation principle so that we can better understand lyrics translation. 3.1Analysis on Translation Criteria 3.1.1 Sublimity The above had talked much about translation criteria, so how can we find an available criterion in ly

48、rics translation? By reviewing some proposals of the translators, we may finally get a principal line of it. Mr. Qian Zhongshu holds that the highest standards for literary translation is sublimity, which means, it wont reveal stiff and farfetched mark for the difference of Chinese custom, at the sa

49、me time, the original flavor will be completely kept. The version should be faithful enough so as to read more than version compared to the original work. Because works in the original will not to read as it has ever been translated.(Translated by Lin Shu) (Qian,1999:54)The rest may be deduced by an

50、alogy, in other words, the highest standard for song translation is, the translated lyrics can entirely maintain the original flavor, as well as it wont be sung as is translated. The tidemark of song translation put forward by Xue Fan is just almost the same with Zhongs sublimity-Just as the foreign

51、 musicians to compose songs directly on Chinese lyrics(Xue,2002:18-20).That is to say, the highest standard for literary translation or art translation is to remain faithful to the original and no translated mark 8 can be found. 3.1.2 Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance Although sublimity points

52、out the tiptop idea of translation, yet it seems too general as translation criteria, for it can not do much help while practising. As a result, more scholars turn to some operable principles, however, walking back and forth, they have never been able to forsake the Principles of “Faithfulness, Expr

53、essiveness, Elegance” which submitted by Yan Fu. That is to illustrate, the principle of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” itself owns strong operability, while appearing historical limitations that is badly in need of consummating and developing .Lets draw an analogy, The translation princip

54、le of Yan Fu just like the chicken ribs said by Cao Cao, someone consider it is out of day, having a nasty taste, hence they try to create new criteria. In the opposite way, some regard it as national treasure, hesitating to discard it, trying their very best to enrich and reform it. On this issue,

55、I squint towards the latter. The best benefit to do so as to guarantee translation criteria reach unitary in using words. So for the criteria of translation, my suggestion is to continue to adopt “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, all other new theories and new points should try to be put ins

56、ide, just as to put new wine into old bottles. For example, the principle of loyalty, smoothness, beauty raised by translation master Lin Yutang; “The theory of approximation in spirit praised highly by Fu Lei; Faithfulness, smoothness in the book of A Course in English-Chinese Translation. All thes

57、e theories can not separate from the three character primer of Ya Fu. Now lets have a rough understanding of it. The Three character premer: The principle of Faithfulness means firstly to be faithful to the original writer, next to be trustworthy to the translation texts readers. And the second prin

58、ciple of Expressiveness means to express the original text flexibly, and express more smoothly from multiaspect, so as to make the readers to get the same understanding from the original one and the translated one. For the last principle Elegance, it means the style of version should be appropriate

59、to the one of original, and the translated text must enter an elegance condition in order to make readers feel the beauty of the original. For these three principles, they appear as a whole, interacting together. 9 3.2 A conclusion to the Lyrics Translation Criteria (LTC) The criteria of lyrics tran

60、slation almost equals to the criteria of translation, the former is more specific while the latter is more general, as it is the main line of all the translation. Continue to use “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance” ,lets see how it particularly used in lyrics translation field. Firstly, as to t

61、he respect of lyrics translation, the principle of “Faithfulness means to be loyal to the original lyricist, as well as to keep his words to the singers. To be loyal to the original lyricist doesnt just mean to translate letter faithfully, whats more, it should be represent faithfully to the deepest

62、 sense, the language environment, image, the emotion of lyricist, the purpose, the writing style and culture situation the lyricist stands, etc. Moving to keep his words to the singer, means that when translating lyrics, the concrete features and special requirement of the target singers should be f

63、ully considered, by doing so, the faithfulness of original lyrics can effectively be delivered to the target singers of the translated one. Secondly, the expressiveness one here refers to clear and multi-smooth. For clear, on the expression of the lyrics, the barrier of bilingual culture should be s

64、olved effectively, to tell the original intention with no mark by using target language in a flexible way, so as to make a balance to the understanding from original singers to target singers. As for multi-smooth, it mostly refers to the smoothness of multiaspect on the expression of the lyrics, the

65、 target language should base on the scale of expressiveness in the original one, to make smoothness in the corresponding sentences, logic, image and style. Thirdly, as to the principle of “Elegance, in fact, it is the one received the most critique among the three, however, to many song translators,

66、 it is considered to be the priority among priorities. A song consists of words and melody. As for song itself, it is no doubt that a kind of art, elegance plays an important role in art, thats why lyrics focus more on elegance. In lyrics translation, the translation lyrics should be elegance, singa

67、ble, and metrical. In the following analysis, these three principles will be adhered to the examples both in E/C and C/E lyrics translation. 10 “LTC on Lyrics Translation For the difference of the styles of songs, as well as the culture background, the Lyrics Translation Criteria comes out different

68、ly, to better understand how the Lyrics Translation Criteria in the E/C and C/E lyrics translation, the language features for both Chinese and English lyrics should be known about at first. For E/C lyrics translation, we take it for granted that, the English lyrics is the original one and the Chines

69、e one is the target one. To turn English into Chinese, we should understand the features of Chinese lyrics, there is no certain academic work taking about the features of it, and Chinese songs and lyrics also get various kinds. To make a universal conclusion, Chinese is more flexible than English. S

70、o to translate English lyrics well, the internal meaning of the lyrics as well as the rhythm should be well considered. To multiple variety compensate approaches to minimize the difference between culture, try to keep the appreciation feature as well as the style as far as possible, at the same time

71、, to know about the historical social factors such as the background of that period and the characteristics of the target groups.(An &Qin,2010:104-108) In the opposite way, on C/E lyrics translation, the primitive is Chinese while the target one is English. On the analysis of English to Chinese one,

72、 the paper focus most on the target Chinese, similar to the emphasis before, Chinas civilization has extensive knowledge and profound scholarship, which the language is vivid, specific as well as iconic. By the contrary, English is easier to understand, the logicality of language is more powerful, a

73、lso great attention has been paid to the grammar as well as the regular collocation. To translate Chinese into English is more difficult, hence it is not the Chinese scholars unwilling to translate the lyrics of Chinese characteristic to foreigners. To deliver Chinese songs to the whole world, so as

74、 to reach the purpose to develop and expand Chinese culture, thats to say, while translating Chinese lyrics, the Chinese style should be maintained in the translation works.Now, continuing linking to faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance, lets talk about E/C and C/E lyrics translation with proper e

75、lements in it through some examples. 11 4.1 Faithfulness 4.1.1On E/C Lyrics Translation About what is Faithfulness, we have a clear image of it with the description above, Now we mainly analyse how faithfulness in English to Chinese one. Faithfulness is loyalty; it means the English lyrics should be

76、 correctly understood while translated. In other words, to tell what is the lyricist on earth saying in his lyrics; To understand each word, phrase and sentence, as well as to get the cultural connotation of every sentence. There are different kinds of English in the world, to know the real meaning

77、of the lyrics is not just focus on the words, but to know the lyricist such as his nation, position, thought, culture of their nation, features of their English, etc. All these are quite important to get the deepest emotion and sense of the original lyrics. As long as we quite understand the lyrics,

78、 we can start translating. As for the target Chinese, in the principle of faithfulness, the deepest idea of the original English should be express clearly in the way acceptable by the Chinese. What is more, as the one we mentioned before, the target translation should be faithful to target groups, i

79、n translating English song for Chinese people, clear song style should be made in order to cater of the target groups. The following two examples can show us this point. Example 1 Lets pick out the first sentence of the song The Rose sung by Bette Midler Some say love it is a river that drowns the t

80、ender reed for example, I saw a version come from an unknown person “有人说爱是淹没在温柔芦苇中的小河” .It is without any doubt that, It has changed the initiative sentence of original English into the passive sentence of target Chinese. The meaning of this sentence in this lyrics should be “有人说,爱是条河, 容易将柔弱的芦苇淹没”,b

81、ut not “爱(被)淹没在小河中”. Hence, in the first translated sentence, the meaning it conveys is not the one the original wants to express; it misunderstands the sentence, so it isnt faithful to the original lyricist, as well as the target singers. For the latter one, it gets the real meaning of the lyrics,

82、whether it is a good translated sentence or not, it does obey the principle of faithfulness. Example 2 A classic musical movie The Sound of Music has made the childrens song Do-Re-Mi famous, soon afterwards, variety versions in Chinese come out. To selected one part 12 of it, to look over it on fait

83、hfulness point. Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread Two of the famous versions: (1) “哆” ,是一只小母鹿 “来” ,是一束金阳光 “咪” ,是称呼我自己 “发” ,是路程远又长 “索” ,是穿针又引线

84、 “拉” ,就跟在“索”后面 “梯” ,是茶点味道香 (2) Do 好朋友多呀多 Re 来来呀来唱歌 Mi 他脸上笑眯眯 Fa 要发出光和热 So 能栓住门和窗 La 是用来往回拖 Xi 那太阳往西落 To many people, Do-Re-Mi is easy to understand, for the words used are popular and easy to understand. However, the two popular versions in our country seems too different, do they all adhere to fait

85、hfulness? Comparing version two, more people do favour for the former, because version one looks more directly link to the original for it chooses the literal translation, and it shows great respect to original, as well as faithful. For the second version, at my first site of it, I almost think it i

86、s nothing to do with the original one, and how can we say it is a version which bases on faithfulness. However, it does, although this version doesnt translate it word by words, yet for the whole, it is faithful to the target Chinese children, because it is more acceptable to the children singers. H

87、ence, a good version no matter it is a literal translation one or free translation one, it will directly or indirectly showing its faithfulness. 13 4.1.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation The above has mentioned repeatedly, what is called faithfulness, exactly is the loyalty toward the translation text to t

88、he original one, the same to the truthfulness to the groups whom is pandered to .As long as we have a good understanding to the idea what the Chinese lyrics want to express, can we better turn it to the version acceptable by the public. It seems a disappointed fact that, as our mother tongue, Chines

89、e is also not easy to understand, for there are always words in words in it, like some folk adages. Or to say, the original lyrics itself appears to be the ancient Chinese prose, at this time, the translators need high level of Chinese understanding, so as to turn the ancient one to a Chinese popula

90、r one, last to English one. Basing on the double translations, it can be called as faithfulness when the original one matches to the final version. Of course, if the lyrics are a public understanding one, it will be more easy to get the main idea of which, however, some jokes will be made if we just

91、 get the literal meaning of the words. Here is to show this point by the following examples. Example (1): “幽兰操”is a famous song changed from an ancient Chinese prose written by Han Yu which sung by Faye Wong, At my first sight of the song, I cant exactly catch its meaning although Im Chinese. The ly

92、rics are as follow: 兰之猗猗,扬扬其香。不採而佩,于兰何伤? 今天之旋,其曷为然。我行四方,以日以年。 It seems that the lyrics is a little bit profound, after searching from net, as well as asking some knowledgeable people, I almost get the idea: it describes such scene, While the orchid is blossoming, its fragrance anywhere; if no one to

93、 pick it up, there is no harm to it. Through this sight, the author regards himself as the orchid, to show that he can keep his ambition and virtue under bad situation. By understanding the Chinese meaning, the English one can be translated in a loyal way despite whether it is an elegant one. An Eng

94、lish version is as a reference: The orchid is flourishing, its fragrance spreads. If no one plucks one to wear it, how could that harm the orchid! 14 My coming back today, who caused it? I have been traveling everywhere, for years on end. As the point mentioned before, to understand Chinese first is

95、 to guarantee the quality of the version. Example (2): If not fully understand the Chinese lyrics, it may be the target groups puzzle. Like a sentence in a well-known song of China 青春舞曲 “我的青春小鸟一去不回来” ,in this sentence metaphor is using, if the translator misunderstand the implied meaning of which, i

96、t may be translated like “My little young bird is gone never back. Thus and thus, the original meaning which is the youth never comes back here really turn to be my bird (a true bird) never back. Therefore, the little bird should be embodiment, to translate it into “time will pass us by or youth is

97、gone never back is ok. 4.2 Expressiveness 4.2.1 On E/C Lyrics Translation Being different from English, Chinese culture is more extensive and profound, flexible in styles and words. Idiom, prose written in the classical literary style, proverb etc, all these features make Chinese vivid in expressive

98、ness. To translate English lyrics into Chinese one without any mark, meanwhile, to assure the translated sentences smoothly in the corresponding sentences, logic, image and style. One of lyrics characteristics is readable. Readable Chinese lyrics should comply with Chinese language habit; a no mark

99、Chinese translated version is equivalent to do so. Thats here the expressiveness exactly means. The following are examples to show how expressiveness reflects on good translated works. Example (1) In the song of Breaking Free, For the lyrics Theres not a star in heaven that we cant reach, when seein

100、g many versions of this song translated it like天堂中没有我们不能摘下的星”or天堂里每一颗星星我们都可以摘下”, I was quite awkward. For that the translators do understand the meaning of the sentence, but misunderstand the word of heaven, heaven not only means 天堂”in Chinese but also “天空”.From 15 Chinese view,星星”and 天空”goes for th

101、e best pairs, it seems quite strange to say 天堂里的星星”,so in many peoples eyes, these translation is not smooth The better one I consider to be 天空群星璀璨, 而我们无所不及”, this one is more flexible and smoothly. Another sentence in this song, Till were separate hearts, from the point of expressiveness, the follo

102、wing translated sentences are all acceptable,知道我俩的心分开”,直到我们彼此分离”,哪怕时间讲我们的心分离.However, some translated sentences are separated from logic, appearing too stiff, as well as not suitable to Chinese language using ,just like 在心脏分开之前.It seems to be a little bit bloody this one. As a result, expressiveness

103、 is targeting to the version, which means to make the Chinese version smooth to comply with the Chinese language habits, to make a well singing effect. Example ( 2 ) Actually most of version can base on the original, some even translated as excellent as the original. Not only to keep the meaning wel

104、l, as well as the style. Now lets enjoy one of them, an American song Donna Donna: The original: A wagon bound for market Theres a calf with a mournful eye High above him theres a swallow winging swiftly through the sky How the winds are laughing They laugh with all their might. Excellent version: 有

105、只小牛满脸忧伤 被车运到市场 有只燕子在它上面 轻快飞翔在天空上 风儿正在狂笑 那笑声真响亮. The meaning of this song is easy to get, an unlucky calf is weeping for its fate while a happy swallow is singing for its free. The translator has expressed the original lyrics quite smoothly, comparing calfs sadness with swallows happiness. The smooth

106、ness 16 has successfully made in sentences, logic image as well as style. Such sentences like “风儿正在狂笑” comply closely with our language using custom. Hence this edition of translation fully describes expressiveness. 4.2.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation Expressing, is make the sentence smooth, as well as

107、to diversify it. To make the translated English as if written in it, in other words, to express natively. For most of the time, to translate Chinese to English by literal way may be translated text quite rough and unsmooth. Unlike Chinese, when all is said and done, English pays serious attention to

108、 grammar as well as logic. Therefore, in the condition of expressing smoothly and natively, we always to supply some words which havent appeared in the original text, so as to ensure the integrity of the syntactic structure, same to the definition of the main idea in target English. Such supply word

109、s are usually to be pronoun, conjunction and preposition. In addition, in native expressiveness, the selection of words should be related to ,such as some ways of saying just happen in China, while translating into English, it may create ambiguity if using word-for-word translation,with a result tha

110、t maybe more acceptable by the target groups by using free translation. Then examples will be made to clarify these two types of expressiveness. Example (1) The song is quite familiar to us, the lyrics begins with“五十六个星座,五十六朵花,五十六个兄弟姐妹是一家,五十六种语言汇成一句话,爱我中华,爱我中华, 爱我中华” Here, the lyricist regards the 5

111、6 ethnic groups of China to be 56 constellations as well as 56 flowers, if trying very best to fit the translated one to original one in form, just like “Fifty-six constellations, fifty-six flowers, The fifty-six ethnic groups of China are of the one family, the fifty-six languages only say, love my

112、 China, love my China, love my China, at this time, misunderstanding will happen, the idea created by the original lyricist will be distort, and it is not to conform to the logical thinking of English as well. Thus, to act a preposition like to the translated sentence, then turns to be Like Fifty-si

113、x constellations, like fifty-six flowers, the fifty-six ethnic groups of China are of the one family.By doing so, the target lyrics is expressing more natively. 17 Example (2) Since some phrase are full of national features, foreigners cant understand if havent got clear study of Chinese. Such like

114、the first line of “红豆 ”sung by Faye Wong,还没好好的感受, 雪花绽放的气候” .From where I stand, a better expressive version is, “Havent got a chance to feel, the weather of overflowing snow.” Here, “雪花绽放”use “overflowing snow” to express, why not use “blossom” directly? Hence in foreigners eyes, snowflake is not tr

115、ue flower, in their using, “blossom” use in true flower, so it is not suitable to use in this condition. The weather of overflowing snow is to describe the cold weather more natively. 4.3 Elegance 4.3.1 On E/C Lyrics Translation Elegance itself sounds quite soft, in the translation of English to Chi

116、nese; Elegance aims to beautify the target Chinese. What kind of version can be regarded as a elegant one in Chinese? That maybe depend on the words the version use weather the most suitable to image and style. Words as well as sentence using in Chinese is not quite easy, as a lot of elements inside

117、. First target singers should be located, such as a children song is aiming to Children. So here elegance should be vivid and iconic. For a popular song, it is targeting to many kinds of persons, so the elegance here turns to be popular and easy to understand. After setting the lyrics style by locat

118、ing target singer, the melody of song should be involved in, the whole sense of lyrics translation bases on the sense of the melody, while the former is in accordance with the latter, then the translated lyrics is not only singable but enjoyable as well, at this time, the version is best to show its

119、 elegance. Example (1) For My heart will go on, I think many of us are quite familiar with it,for its really moving ,as well as the theme song of Titanic .As a song winning universal praise, different versions of it are continuing without end. Here, selected from the version of Chen Daoming, which I

120、 regard as a wonderful one. Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you that is how I know you go on. Far across the distance and spaces between us 18 you have come to show you go on. “夜夜在我梦中,见到你、感觉你, 我的心仍为你悸动。 穿越层层时空,随着风,入我梦, 你的心从未曾不同。 ” The Original sing show the deepest love between sweetheart

121、s, creating an aesthetical but sad prospect to singers. When we sing we feel move, as if we were there suffering depart. Generally, translated text is hardly to reach the same artistic conception, but the version by Chen Daoming does. His management of words, as well as the construction of image is

122、even better than the original one, from my point of view. Such like “穿越层层时空, 随着风, 入我梦” and so on, these are perfect effect which reaching the appreciation of the beauty of Chinese standard while creating. Surpass delivering the idea of the original, the translator to beautify the lyrics from some as

123、pects such as the operation of words, rhythm, artistic conception, etc. Therefore, this one is not only singable but also full of appreciation, making elegance fully reflect on it. 4.3.2 On C/E Lyrics Translation In the lyrics translation elegance is widely used just as the same the saying that it s

124、hould be involved the musicality and appreciation. The elegance of Chinese to English lyrics translation can be inquired into the following aspects. To begin with, on the using of words, generally, a Chinese word may get many express ways while in English, to select the closest one to the prospect o

125、f the original text is regarded as elegance. Next, to represent to the cultural connotations that wanted to emphasis. Using irregular way to put the word should have been translated into English into phonetic transcription of Chinese, so as to deliver native culture and also bring the target groups

126、into the local sentiment through singing. Last, reflecting on the using of figure of speech. In order to match up the prospect and the melody, variety of figure of speech is using, so as to make it singable and enjoyable. Thats to say to adopt suitable rhetoric according to the original one, surpris

127、ed effect will be made on polishing the lyrics. Such as rhyme, parallelism, allegory and so on. Each point owns each example, lets go ahead. 19 Example (1) “这是和谐世界, 是你我永远的心愿” is a sentence in the song “和谐世界” ,as it is known to all, there are many ways to express “心愿” in English such as wish ,dream,

128、desire, hope, aspiration.The meaning of aspiration in LOMGMAN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH-CHINESE DICTIONARY is strong wish, ideal, as well as ambition. And “和谐世界” is a song to sing the praises of motherland, so to select aspiration is apropos to the wish show in the lyrics. Hence the best translation of t

129、his sentence should be This is a harmony world, this is our aspiration for ever. Example (2) One of the Beijing Olympics songs “同一个梦想”which is all created by 麦伦,here are some lines of which:“北京欢迎你,好运在中国,你的目光点亮奥林匹克,点亮了我。”And the English version one dream is also translated by Mai Lun, lets enjoy it.”

130、Welcome to Beijing, Good luck to Zhongguo, your eyes light Olympics and light me. As everyone knows, China is an English name especially for 中国”,as the song creator as well as the translator Mai Lun represents 中国”in the form of spelling zhong guo but not China, this is his purpose to show the world

131、how China spell in native language under the background of Olympics. By doing so, the target groups better to know China, and being more impressed by China. So here the elegance turns to reflect the culture of China in irregular way. Example (3) For talking the elegance represented by figure of spee

132、ch, lets move back the song we mentioned before“爱我中华”,here to show the translated one for a few lines “Like fifty-six constellations, like fifty-six flowers, The fifty-six ethnic groups of China are of the one family, the fifty-six languages only say, love my China, love my China, love my China Both

133、 in the original one and the translated one such figures of speech like parallelism and repetition are used, hence the singing effect of this translated version is closed to the one of the Chinese one, this type of elegance enhances musicality and appreciation of the lyrics. 20 V Conclusion To concl

134、usion, no matter Chinese-English translation or the opposite one, the principles of Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance is running through every aspect, the principles are just like a big steering wheel, which controlling the general orientation, to utilize all kinds of translate skills for minim

135、izing the difference of culture, so as to meet the standard Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance”, to access best singing effect finally. Seen from the paper, whatever EnglishChinese or ChineseEnglish, they are all limited by the musicality of the lyrics, hence to do lyrics translation analysis ba

136、sing on Faithfulness, Expressiveness, Elegance, through abundant of examples(they are largely by collected),they proved to be effective on lyrics translation. However, just as what mentioned before, what Yan Fus principles done here is just as the aim of effect, as for the specific translation skill

137、, through the mentioned above, it can be summarized according to the experience of the song translation by Xue Fan. Thats to say, under the premise of smoothing the original, the translators synthesize to use translation skill in a flexible way, to as to make the translated text to attain a better s

138、inging effect, until the translated one suit the melody to tacit understanding, and the target groups can enjoy the translated version as same as the original one does. My paper is just doing a simple analysis on it, hoping what I can do a little power to the lyrics translation field. 21 Bibliograph

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143、ing, deserves the first place, since she has contributed a lot to my thesis and showed remarking patience. All the brainstorming, discussions, debates . will be a good memory of mine, not to mention those interesting topics, clever ideas, and silly mistakes. Besides the relationship of the superviso

144、r, Miss Lai also a good friend of mine, I can learn many useful things from her as well as getting fun. Im quite appreciating to be one of your students and the one you are always taking care of since we know each other. And one particular thank goes to Mr.Yang Huaming, always helping me solve probl

145、ems, and I also learn a lot from him. Great thanks to my dear parents. It is my parents who give me great comfort when I was at the end of my rope during the paper writing, it is my parents who share the happiness with me when I managed to complete the paper. It is also my parents who stand besides

146、me all the time to support me, encourage me and love me. Many thanks to my sincere roommates Cris, Sundy and Joyce, for you always support me. Special thinks to my good friends Cherry Kinder, who always help me to inspire ideas and discuss with me. Besides, thanks to my lovely groupmates for giving me useful advice. Last but not least, I would like to thank all the audience of my presentations, also the examiners of my paper. Thank you for your great patience. Thank you for your fair judgment.



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