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1、小马过河国际教育 摘要:小马过河托福频道印度庆祝独立 64 周年一托福阅读机经背景!托福阅读机经背景是小马过河为托福学员精心摘选的双语文章,考生可通过多看多练提高托福阅读水平!更多托福辅导请继续关注小马过河托福频道! 希望考生都能考个好成绩! 具体事宜咨询可拨打小马过河免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh says his government is taking steps to counter widespread corruption. An anti-corruption bill is expected t

2、o be introduced soon in parliament. Meanwhile, a prominent social activist says he will begin a fast to the death on Tuesday to protest the governments too-weak legislation. 印度总理辛格说, 印度政府将采取措施打击普遍的腐败问题。 印度议会预计不久后会出台一个反腐议案,但一名著名的社会活动人士说,他将从星期二开始绝食至死,抗议他认为印度政府孱弱的法案。 Singh marked 64 years of his countr

3、ys independence from British rule with a promise of the strictest possible action against corruption. 印度总理辛格星期一在庆祝印度从英国独立 64 周年时发表讲话,保证将采取“最严厉的行动”来打击腐败。 The prime minister says he has spoken extensively on corruption because it is a challenge and a matter of deep worry. But he says the government do

4、es not have a magic wand to solve the issue. He says the government is fighting corruption on many levels, and he appeals to all political parties to join in the fight. 辛格说,他多次谈到腐败,因为腐败是一个挑战,是人们深感担忧的问题。但是他说,政府没有解决这一难题的魔杖。他说,印度政府正在多个层面打击腐败,他呼吁所有政党都加入这场战争。 Key threat Public surveys suggest most Indian

5、s view widespread corruption as the chief threat to the countrys security. Over the past year, Indian media have carried astonishing headlines about alleged graft involving telecommunications licenses, the Commonwealth Games, high-profile land and real estate projects. 公众调查显示, 大部分印度人将肆虐的腐败视为对印度国家安全的

6、主要威胁。 在过去的一年中, 印度媒体曾曝光过惊人的涉及电信许可证、 英联邦运动会以及巨额土地及不动产工程的贪腐事件。 小马过河国际教育 In what may be Indias most prominent graft case, Indias former telecommunications minister faces a possible prison term for allegedly selling 2G mobile phone spectrum licenses at below market value. He told a court recently the pr

7、ime minister and senior cabinet officials were fully aware of his actions. 在据称是印度最大的腐败案件中, 印度前任电信部部长被指以低于市场价出售第二代移动电话频谱许可证而可能面临监禁。 他最近对法庭说, 印度总理和内阁高层官员对他的行为了如指掌。 Legislation Under heavy pressure from activists earlier this year, Prime Minister Singhs ruling Congress party introduced an anti-corrupti

8、on bill that would set up a civil organization to act as a watchdog over government officials. 今年早些时候, 在活动人士的巨大压力下, 印度总理辛格所在的执政党国大党提出一项反腐议案。如获得通过,将建立一个监督政府官员行为的民权组织。 Anna Hazare, an elderly social activist who has long pushed for a so-called jan lokpal, or peoples ombudsman, says the governments bil

9、l is a weak and watered down version of what he is demanding. Hazare wants a lokpal to be able to expose and prosecute the prime minister himself, as well as members of Indias judiciary. 年迈的社会活动人士安纳. 哈扎尔长期以来一直要求建立公民监察。他说,政府的这项议案太孱弱, 对他的要求大打折扣。 哈扎尔希望这个公民监察组织有权曝光总理以及印度司法界官员的不法行为并对他们提出起诉。 Hazare says h

10、e will resume a fast unto death on Tuesday to protest the governments bill. A similar fast in April fueled a broadcast media frenzy, along with a wave of popular demonstrations around the nation. 哈扎尔说,他将在星期二恢复绝食,一直到死,来抗议政府的这项议案。哈扎尔四月份举行的一次类似绝食获得了媒体的广泛关注,引发了全国范围内的示威浪潮。 Parliament Singh said no single

11、, big step can be taken to eradicate corruption, and that action needs to proceed on a number of fronts simultaneously. He urged those interested in the legislation to pursue their aims using Indias democratic structures. 小马过河国际教育 辛格总理星期一说,没有“一个单一的重大步骤”能根除腐败,根除腐败需要在众多方面同时下手。他敦促那些对这项立法有兴趣的人士利用印度民主体系

12、来实现其目标。 Singh said, only parliament can decide now what kind of anti-corruption bill India will have. He said he knows people have differences about certain aspects of the proposed law - but they should make their views known through parliament, political parties and even the media. Singh said they

13、should not, however, resort to protests and hunger strikes. 辛格说,只有议会才能决定印度实行什么反腐法案。他说,他知道人们对拟议中议法案的一些内容有不同意见,但他们应该通过议会、政党甚至媒体来表达他们的观点,而不应该举行抗议和绝食。 The government has given Anna Hazare a conditional three-day permit for the fast in the Indian capital. 印度政府已经准许哈扎尔在首都新德里举行一次有条件的三天绝食活动。 相关推荐: IOM将送数千名南苏丹人返乡一托福阅读机经背景 索马里难民搬迁到肯尼亚一托福阅读机经背景 非洲之角灾民急需更多援助一托福阅读机经背景 索马里饥荒恶化殃及畜牧业一托福阅读机经背景 投资者仍看好亚洲经济增长一托福阅读机经背景



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