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1、1.Do you like travel ?2. Have you ever had a memorable trip ?(难忘的)(难忘的)3. Which country you are looking forward to travelling ?马尔代夫马尔代夫Maldives吉普寨吉普寨Jeep Village美食美食Delicious foodTravel and Travel and accommodationaccommodation旅行和住宿旅行和住宿Boss: Next month I will go to the Maldives to discuss cooperati

2、on projects with the U.S.A foreign trade company for a week , can you help me in preparing for the next trip ?下个月我将去马尔代夫洽谈与美国外贸公司为期一周的合作项目,你能帮我筹备下行程吗?CaseWhat should we do ?How to Prepare the travel agent ?Clear the trip purpose(明确出行目的)Search business to discuss information (搜集相关商务洽谈资料)Collection of

3、 relevant travel information(收集相关旅行社信息)Prepare the necessary baggage(准备必备行李)Do a good job related to budget(做好相关经费预算)Book flights(订机票订机票)arrange Accommodation (住宿安排住宿安排)Make the Travel Scheduls(制作行程安排表)booking Ticket机票预订机票预订5.Attention to early boarding time , boarding terminal and terminal arrival

4、, arrival time , arrange car pick up to send . 注意提前登机的时间,登机的航站楼和到达的航站楼,抵达的时间,安排好车接车送.1.To determine the trip number 确定出差人数2. Type of ticket,Luxury or economy cabin.订票类型,豪华舱,还是经济舱3. One-way ticket or round-trip ticket 单程还是往返4. Check the latest flight schedules, To ensure the safety查询最新航班时刻表, 确保安全Acco

5、mmodation arrangement 住宿预订安排1.Preparation 前期准备2.2. Room Reservations 房间预订3. Check-out 退房手续4. Note 注意事项Before the Reservations 预订前的准备1.Know about which type of hotel does boss like, Luxury or elegant,Single or double room2. 了解老板喜欢的旅店类型了解老板喜欢的旅店类型,豪华的还是幽雅的单人还是双人间豪华的还是幽雅的单人还是双人间3.2. Consider the distan

6、ce of residence from the airport,Not too far,Convenient transportation 考虑考虑住所住所离机场的路程,不要太远,交通便捷离机场的路程,不要太远,交通便捷3.Have the information about occupancy level room rates and ensure no over-booking occurs 了解房间价格,及了解房间价格,及居住等级居住等级,防止未定情况的发生,防止未定情况的发生4.Write down the Customer Information: name, address ,t

7、elephone number, arrival date and time ,length of stay, type and number of the room. and so on . 准备好入住人的信息,如:姓名,身高,地址,电话,到达时间及截止住宿日期等准备好入住人的信息,如:姓名,身高,地址,电话,到达时间及截止住宿日期等How to reservation 1.The way for reservation : phone ,letter, mail , fax and telex reservation , etc.2. 预订方式:电话,信件,邮件,传真、电传机等2. Tel

8、ling the Accommodation s name , arrival time and the time of left, and Select the room type. 提供住宿者的姓名、抵达时间及大概的离开时间及什么样的房间3. Ensure there have the introduction of a computerized reservation network ,and anything else. 确认宾馆有引进的电脑预订网络, 及相关要求4.Be Sure you have completed the reservation 5. 确认已经完成预定 A:hel

9、lo this is A B C hotel .can I help you ?B: Id like to book a double room and one single room for Friday next week.A: Thats fine. A double room for Friday , October tenth , with a front view or near view?B: Whats the price difference?A: A double room with a front view is 140 dollars per night, one wi

10、th a near view is 115 dollars per- night.B: I think Ill take the one with a front view then.A: How long will you be staying?B: Well be leaving next Friday morning.A: That will be seven nights, sir. Thank you very much, and wed look forward to seeing you next Friday .B:ok. Goodbye.A: Goodbye.Dialogue

11、After the reservationUsing different types of guarantee ,such as corporate guarantee ,deposit ,credit card ,travel agent ,etc. a guaranteed reservation assures guests that a room will be hold until the check-out time on the day following the date of arrival .this type of reservation guarantees that

12、the hotel will receive payment ,even if the guest does not use the services ,but also not properly cancel the reservation 使用不同的担保类型,如担保公司担保,押金,信用卡,旅行社等。保证已预订的客人房间将保留,直到当天退房时间入住日期保证。这种类型的预订担保,酒店将收取款项,即使客人不使用该服务,也不能正确取消预订。Emergency突发状况突发状况?Cancel the reservation(取消预约)1.Contact the hotel in the first i

13、nstance by telephone.2. 在第一时间通过电话联系酒店。3.2. Send a fax, and show your Apologize to the hotel 4. 发送传真,并向酒店表示歉意。5.3. Contact with customers secretary in a time and inform the reason .6. 及时与客户秘书联系,并告知缘由。part of the deposit will be returned but a refund will be deducted as a loss of the hotel turnover.宾馆会退回一部分订金但退款会相应地被扣除,作为宾馆的损失费。Come back to the company 回国后回国后1、Arrangements for an orderly,Thoughtful 安排井然有序,考虑周全2、Failing to calm ,Understand to modifications 遇事淡定,懂的变通3、Know how to communicate with others 懂得与他人沟通鉴于你表现优秀,双方洽谈结果令人满意。特予奖励奖金1000元!望再接再厉。Wish you Have a pleasant journey!Bye-bye



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