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1、Section A (Grammar Focus-3c)Unit 3 How do you get to school? 1人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时课文展现课文展现2人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时2eRole-play the conversation.Lisa: Hey, Jane. Is this your new bike?Jane: Yes. I ride it to school every day. How do you get to school?Lisa: I usually take the bus. 坐公交坐公交我通常坐公交我通

2、常坐公交。3人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时Jane: How far is it from your home to school?Lisa: Im not sure about 10 kilometers? The bus ride takes about 20 minutes. How long does it take you to get to school?问时间长短问时间长短不敢肯定不敢肯定问路程问路程4人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时Jane: About 15 minutes by bike. Its good exercise.Lisa:

3、 Yeah. Well, have a good day at school.Jane: You, too.度过愉快的一天度过愉快的一天5人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时 take + the/a + 交通工具交通工具 + to + 地点地点 = get/go to + 某地某地 + by + 交通工具交通工具 乘坐某种交通工具去某地乘坐某种交通工具去某地1.take 用法用法Practice1. I take the train to school. = I get to school _.by train6人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时 注意注意: 当

4、当home, here, there 作地点时作地点时, 不加不加to。Linda takes the bus home. 琳达乘公交车回家。琳达乘公交车回家。 花费花费Lisa: How long does it take you to get to school? 丽萨:你到学校需要用多少时间?丽萨:你到学校需要用多少时间? 7人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时“It takes sb. some time to do sth.”是固定用法,意为“_”.it 是形式主语,不定式_是真正的主语。如果对时间宾语提问,要用_引导的特殊疑问句。 (1)我的爸爸每天早晨锻炼半个小时。

5、 It _ my father half an hour _ every morning. 某人做某事花费一段时间。某人做某事花费一段时间。to do sth.How longtakes to exercise8人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时2.How far is it from your home to school? 1)本句中本句中it指代的是指代的是_ 2)how far 意为意为_,用于询问两地间用于询问两地间的距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。如的距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。如: 从你家到图书馆有多远?从你家到图书馆有多远? _ _ is it _your ho

6、me _ the library?距离距离多远多远How farfromto9人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时3. every 意为意为“每一每一” 后面接可数名词单数,如:every student 每个学生,every day每一天every day和和everyday everyday“日常日常的、每日的的、每日的”,是形容词,在句是形容词,在句中只作定语中只作定语every day是副是副词词组,在句词词组,在句中作状语,表中作状语,表示示“每天、天天每天、天天”我们学一些日常英语吧。我们学一些日常英语吧。我们每天讲英语。我们每天讲英语。Lets learn some

7、 everyday English. We speak English every day. 10人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时注意注意:当别人跟你说当别人跟你说have a good day ,你可以回答你可以回答“Thank you” 也可以回答也可以回答“You, too”。4. have a good day意为意为“度过愉快的一天度过愉快的一天”同义表达法同义表达法have a good timeenjoy oneself(enjoy my self/yourself/themselves.)have fun(donging sth.)11人教版七年级上册Unit

8、3SectionA第二课时关于关于 how 的用法的用法 how adv. 指范围、程度、数量、价值等的指范围、程度、数量、价值等的“多少、多么多少、多么”。1) 用于疑问句中,表示身体怎样。用于疑问句中,表示身体怎样。How is your brother? 你哥哥身体好吗?你哥哥身体好吗?2) 用于疑问句中,表示多少、什么程度。用于疑问句中,表示多少、什么程度。 How old is he?他多大年纪?他多大年纪?12人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时How much money do you have?你有多少钱?你有多少钱?How many apples do you

9、have?你有多少苹果?你有多少苹果?How far is it from your home to school?你家离学校有多远?你家离学校有多远?How long does it take you to get from home to school?你从家到学校要多久?你从家到学校要多久?13人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时3)(指方式、方法指方式、方法)怎样怎样,怎么怎么How do you get to school?你是如何去学校的?你是如何去学校的?14人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时I ride my bike. How do you ge

10、t to school?How does she get to school?She usually takes the bus. It takes about 15 minutes. How long does it take to get to school?15人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时No, she doesnt. She goes by bike. Does Jane walk to school?Do they take the bus to school?No, they dont. They walk. Its only about two kilome

11、ters.How far is it from your home to school? 16人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时1. How do/does + 某人某人 + _ ? 某人怎么去某地某人怎么去某地? how是疑问副词是疑问副词, 本句中用来提问本句中用来提问_ 等。等。 出行方式出行方式get to 某地某地2. 回答方式有两种回答方式有两种: A: 某人某人 + take(s) + _ + to 某地。某地。B: 某人某人 + get(s) to 某地某地 + _ the 交通工具交通工具 by 交通工具交通工具 17人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA

12、第二课时3. 如果对时间段提问的话,就用如果对时间段提问的话,就用 _ + does it take sb. to do sth.?句型。句型。How long4. 对两地间的距离提问下列句型:对两地间的距离提问下列句型: _ + is it _ 某地某地 _ 某地?某地?How farfrom to18人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时1.How does Mike get to school? _2.How long does it take to get home? _3.How far is it from here? _4.Do your friends go to

13、school by bus? _5.Does your dad drive to work? _a. Yes, they do. b. No, he doesnt.c. He rides his bike. d. Its five kilometers.e. About 15 minutes. Match the questions with the answers. Then practice them.3acedab19人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时1.school/you/get to/do/how How do you get to school?2. to/sch

14、ool/get to/does/how long/take/it How long does it take to get to school?3. school/your/ from/it/is/how far/ home/to How far is it from your home to school?Use the words to make questions.3b20人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时4. you/to/walk/do/school 5. ride/their bikes/do/school/your friends/to Do you walk t

15、o school? Do your friends ride their bikes to school?21人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时练习练习22人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时Exercises:单句改错1.He ride the train to work on weekdays. A B C2.Sallys father by a car to work. A B C 3.They go to the farm by their bikes. A B C 4.His friends went to Shanghai on plane. A B

16、Ctakes/ drivesonbytakes23人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时Translate and write them down.1. 你怎么去学校呢?你怎么去学校呢?2. 我经常步行,但有时候坐公共汽车。我经常步行,但有时候坐公共汽车。3.要用多长时间呢?要用多长时间呢?4.步行大约步行大约25分钟,坐公共汽车十分钟。分钟,坐公共汽车十分钟。24人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时1.How do you get to school?2.I usually walk but sometimes I take a bus.3.How long doe

17、s it take?4.It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.25人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时句型转换句型转换1. They ride their bikes to school. (就画线部分提就画线部分提问)问)2. It takes 50 minutes to get here. (就画线部分提问)就画线部分提问)_ _ _ get to school?_ _ _ it take to get here?HowdotheylongdoesHow26人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二

18、课时句型转换句型转换3. It takes only 10 minutes to take the bus. (改为同义句改为同义句)4.It takes about 40 minutes on foot. (改为改为同义句同义句)It takes only 10 minutes _ _.It takes about 40 minutes _ _.bybustowalk27人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时更多精彩视频内容,敬请关注微信公众号:我是好教师更多精彩视频内容,敬请关注微信公众号:我是好教师扫描二维码获取更多资源扫描二维码获取更多资源28人教版七年级上册Unit3SectionA第二课时



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