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1、 全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 托福写作:普林斯顿练习写作6 小马过河为大家准备了“托福写作:普林斯顿练习写作6 ” ,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 Reading 6 When a company needs to hire someone for a managerial position, there is often a choice between promoting an employee who is already working inside the company or bringing in a

2、 person from outside. Hiring a qualified outsider is often to a companys advantage for several reasons. An important reason for hiring outsiders as managers is that they bring a new perspective. This contributes to the diversity of ideas and allows company practices to be seen in a new light. Often,

3、 an outside hire will ask, “Whats the reason for doing things this way?” This question may lead to a reevaluation of practices that are actually inefficient but have become so much a part of the routine that its difficult for insiders to question them. Another major factor to be considered is the co

4、st of on-the-job training. Hiring outsiders allows a company to look for people who already have the particular skills and experience required for the job. The company will not have to spend time and money training an internal employee for the new job something that has to be done when, for example,

5、 an employee is promoted from a technical position to a managerial one. In such a case, usually the employee would be sent to classes to help learn needed managerial skills. Finally, managers hired from the outside will often have business contacts with suppliers, customers, and technicians that the

6、y have developed in their previous job. Clearly these contacts can be a valuable asset for the company that hires managers from the outside. Listening 6 Professor: For some of the reasons presented in the reading, many companies have a policy of hiring outsiders to fill managerial positions. However

7、, a closer examination will show that the policy is misguided. First of all, the new perspective an outsider brings into the companys corporate structure often leads to conflict in the managerial team. Companies often have specific corporate philosophies(for example, about how decisions are to be re

8、ached and how work is to be organized). So when outsiders bring with them a significantly different philosophy, this can create serious disagreement and conflictand make it difficult for the managerial team as a whole to function 全国免费咨询电话:400-0123-267 smoothly and efficiently. An internal employee,

9、by contrast, is more likely to know company tradition. Another point to note is that hiring outsiders may entail an additional cost that perhaps isnt obvious. Its true that outside hires may come with required managerial skills and experience. But to become effective as managers in a new company, th

10、ey also have to establish personal relationships with their new colleagues get to know them and win their trust. This can often take more time than one would expect, and an uncomfortable settling-in period between a new boss and workers can also be more costly in lost productivity than on-the-job tr

11、aining for an internal employee. Finally, suppose a company makes a point of hiring outsiders as managers instead of promoting insiders. Well, that company will soon find that its own best employees will have no choice but to look to advance their own careers outside the company. And when these key employees leave, they will also take their valuable business contacts away with them to their new employer. 来源于:小马过河 小马过河资料下载频道,欢迎您来下载!



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