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1、2025年高中英语读后续写素材积累3动作篇(1)跑步【短语集锦】1. Run swiftly2. Sprint forward3. Dash quickly4. Gallop along5. Hurry on6. Jog steadily7. Race towards8. Charge ahead9. Leap and run10. Fly down the track【优美例句】1. Running, with the wind in my hair, is a form of meditation for me.跑步时,风拂过我的发梢,对我来说是一种冥想的方式。2. The rhythmi

2、c pounding of feet on the pavement creates a melody that soothes the soul.脚步在路面上有节奏地敲击,创造出抚慰心灵的旋律。3. The early morning runner is greeted by the soft glow of the sunrise, painting the sky in vibrant hues.清晨的跑步者被日出的柔和光辉迎接,将天空绘制成生机勃勃的色彩。4. Each stride forward is a silent triumph over yesterdays limitat

3、ions.每一步向前都是对昨日局限的默默胜利。5. The runners breath, heavy and labored, is a testament to the effort put forth.跑步者的呼吸,沉重而艰难,是付出的努力的证明。6. As the miles tick by, so does the stress of the day fade away.随着里程的增加,白天的压力也随之消散。7. The quiet streets welcome the solitary runner, their solitude a perfect backdrop for i

4、ntrospection.寂静的街道欢迎着孤独的跑步者,它们的寂静是内省的完美背景。8. Were it not for running, I would never have known the joy of being in harmony with nature.要不是跑步,我永远不会知道与自然和谐相处的快乐。9. The runners heart, pumping steadily, is a powerful engine that drives the body forward.跑步者的心脏,稳定地跳动着,是驱动身体向前的强大引擎。10. With sweat dripping

5、from every pore, the runner pushes through the pain barrier.汗水从每个毛孔滴落,跑步者突破了疼痛的极限。11. It is not the speed that matters, but the journey itself, which transforms the soul.重要的不是速度,而是旅程本身,它改变着灵魂。12. The runners shadow, elongated by the setting sun, dances alongside, a silent companion.跑步者的影子,在夕阳的拉长下,在身

6、旁舞动,是一个沉默的伴侣。13. Having crossed the finish line, the runners face radiates with the satisfaction of having achieved.跨过终点线后,跑步者的脸上洋溢着达成目标的满足。14. Running through the forest, the runners senses are heightened, aware of every rustle in the leaves.穿越森林时,跑步者的感官被放大,能察觉到树叶的每一丝响动。15. The runners feet, barely

7、 touching the ground, seem to float over the pavement.跑步者的双脚几乎不接触地面,似乎在路面上漂浮。16. Were I to choose a language for my feet, it would be the language of running, unfettered and free.如果我要为我的双脚选择一种语言,那将是跑步的语言,无拘无束,自由自在。17. The runners eyes scan the horizon, searching for the next milestone, their gaze de

8、termined and unwavering.跑步者的目光扫过地平线,寻找着下一个里程碑,他们的目光坚定而不动摇。跳跃【短语集锦】1. Leap high2. Jump joyfully3. Bounce up and down4. Hop along5. Spring into the air6. Skip merrily7. Bound over obstacles8. Jump with excitement9. Leapfrog over10. Hopscotch around【优美例句】1. With every leap, the dancers heart soars like

9、 a bird in the sky.随着每一次跳跃,舞者的心像天空中的鸟儿一样翱翔。2. The joy of jumping is not just the movement, but the thrill of overcoming gravity.跳跃的快乐不仅仅是动作本身,更是克服重力的刺激感。3. The air beneath his feet seemed to transform into a trampoline as he jumped higher and higher.当他越跳越高时,脚下的空气似乎变成了蹦床。4. As the gymnast performed a

10、 perfect flip, the audience held their breath in awe.当体操运动员做出一个完美的空翻时,观众屏住了呼吸,惊叹不已。5. Without a word, the child expressed his happiness through leaps and bounds.孩子无需言语,通过跳跃来表达他的快乐。6. If only I could jump over the obstacles in life as easily as I jump over a rope.要是我能像跳过绳子一样轻易地跳过生活中的障碍该多好。7. The frog

11、 jumped with a nimble leap, disappearing into the tall grass.青蛙敏捷地一跳,消失在高高的草丛中。8. The kangaroos powerful hind legs propelled it forward with an impressive leap.袋鼠强壮的后腿以令人印象深刻的跳跃向前推进。9. It was as if the dancers feet were not touching the ground, floating gracefully in the air with each jump.舞者的双脚仿佛没有

12、触地,每次跳跃都在空中优雅地漂浮。10. The little girl jumped for joy, her face lit up with a smile brighter than the sun.小女孩高兴地跳了起来,她的脸上绽放出比太阳还灿烂的笑容。11. The sight of the basketball players soaring dunk filled the stadium with cheers and applause.看到篮球运动员的扣篮飞跃,整个体育场响起了欢呼和掌声。12. The jumpers focus was so intense that he

13、 seemed to merge with the pole as he vaulted over it.跳高运动员的专注力如此强烈,当他跳过横杆时,他似乎与横杆融为一体。13. Each jump brought her closer to her dream, a dream of flying without wings.每一次跳跃都让她离梦想更近一步,一个没有翅膀也能飞翔的梦想。14. The fish leaped out of the water, glistening in the sunlight, before diving back into its watery home

14、.鱼儿跃出水面,在阳光下闪闪发光,然后潜回它的水中家园。15. It was not just a jump, it was a leap of faith, a leap into the unknown.那不仅仅是一次跳跃,而是一次信仰的飞跃,一次对未知的飞跃。16. The childs eyes sparkled with excitement as he anticipated the thrill of the next jump on the trampoline.孩子期待着蹦床上下一次跳跃的刺激,他的眼睛闪烁着兴奋的光芒。17. With each leap, the gymn

15、asts body seemed to defy physics, executing moves of elegance and grace.每次跳跃时,体操运动员的身体似乎都在挑战物理定律,以优雅和优雅的动作执行动作。【小试牛刀】It was 7 a.m. on 12 May 1998.Mohr had already scanned several packages listing dangerous materials aboard the train. The presence of gas would mean taking extra precaution when braking the 6,200-ton train. With explosive gas on board, it would be disastrous if the train came off the track. After a final inspection, Mohr jumped aboard. He was heading east, into a sun that promised a beautiful day for their 276-km run to Peru, Indiana.At around noon that day, Mars



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