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1、第二部分第二部分 专项语法专项语法 高效突破高效突破专项专项1 1名词名词高频考点高频考点精讲精讲1.规则变化情况构成方法例词一般情况加scapcaps;dogdogs;GermanGermans以字母s,sh,ch,x等结尾加esbusbuses;wishwishes以“辅音字母y”结尾变y为i,再加esladyladies;centurycenturies以“元音字母y”结尾直接加sboyboys;monkeymonkeys以f或fe结尾一般变f,fe为v,再加esleafleaves;lifelives考点考点1 1 可数名词复数可数名词复数以o结尾有生命的加es tomatotomat

2、oes;heroheroes;potatopotatoes 无生命的加sradioradios;zoozoos;photophotos【注意】 有些名词虽以s结尾,但它们不是复数。如:physics物理;maths数学;politics政治;news新闻。2不规则变化类型例词字母变化manmen;womanwomen;EnglishmanEnglishmen;FrenchmanFrenchmen;childchildren;footfeet;toothteeth;mousemice 单复数同形ChineseChinese;Japanese Japanese;peoplepeople;sheep

3、sheep;deerdeer 复合名词的复数形式a man teachermen teachers;a woman teacherwomen teachers 考点考点2 2 不可数名词不可数名词1.不可数名词通常没有复数形式,前面不能用不定冠词a/an限定。2可用much,a little,a lot of/lots of,some,any,plenty of等修饰。如:There is a little milk in the bottle.在瓶子里有一点牛奶。3不可数名词的数量表达法:基数词/不定冠词量词of不可数名词。如:a glass of water一杯水;two pieces o

4、f paper两张纸。【注意】 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词取决于of 前面的名词的数。如:There are three glasses of milk on the table.桌子上有三杯牛奶。考点考点3 3 名词所有格名词所有格 名词所有格是表示名词之间的所有关系,有两种表示形式,一种是在名词后加s;另一种是用of,表示 “的”。1s所有格类别构成方法举例有生命的单数名词加s Jims father吉姆的爸爸;Fathers Day父亲节有生命的复数名词以s结尾加 the students desks 学生们的课桌;Teachers Day教师节 不以s结尾一般加sChildrens

5、Day儿童节;Womens Day妇女节类别构成方法举例表示两个人共有一物时在后一个名词后加sTom and Peters room汤姆和彼得的房间(两人共有)表示两个人分别拥有某物时在两个名词后分别加sToms and Peters rooms汤姆和彼得的房间(两人分别拥有)表示时间、距离、国家、地点和自然现象等无生命的名词时可在词尾加s或en minutes walk步行十分钟的路程;an hours rest一个小时的休息2.of 所有格用来表示无生命的名词所有格。如:the map of China中国地图;the door of the room房间的门。3双重所有格of名词所有格。

6、如:He is a friend of my brothers.他是我弟弟(哥哥)的一位朋友。of名词性物主代词。如:Is she a daughter of yours? 她是你的一个女儿吗?考点考点4 4 名词词缀名词词缀名词后缀例词erwaitwaiter;reportreporterorvisitvisitor;actactor istartartist;sciencescientist;tourtourist;pianopianist mentdevelopdevelopmentnessillillness;sadsadness;busybusinesstioneducateeduc

7、ation;inviteinvitationcedifferentdifference;importantimportanceiondecidedecision;expressexpressionanAmericaAmerican;RussiaRussianshipfriendfriendship;relationrelationshipsurepleasepleasuredomfreefreedom 英语中,有时一个名词加上不同的前缀或后缀就可以变为形容词。如:sleep(睡觉)asleep (睡着的)sleepy(瞌睡的;困乏的);help(帮助)helpful (有帮助的)等。常见的名词

8、变形容词的方法有:名词方法举例表天气的名词ycloudcloudy;sunsunny;windwindy;rainrainy表方位的名词ernwestwestern;southsouthern;easteastern;northnorthern表时间的名词lyweekweekly;daydaily;yearyearly表物质的名词en/ywoodwooden;goldgolden;sandsandy;stonestony表情感的名词ful carecareful;beautybeautiful;hopehopeful;useuseful ylucklucky;healthhealthy;noi

9、senoisylesscarecareless;homehomeless;hopehopeless表大洲与国家的名词nAmericaAmerican;RussiaRussian考点考点5 5 名词辨析名词辨析1.语境辨析 分析临沂近十年的单项填空可以看出,名词辨析侧重于对语境辨析的考查,同时减少对单复数和固定搭配的考查。学生在做题时,首先要读懂句意,抓住题干中的关键信息,并分析各个选项的意思,结合日常生活中的常识及语境,即可选出正确答案。如:我们口渴了就需要水(water)和饮料(tea,coffee,juice等);饿了就需要食物(bread,rice,meat,noodles等);我们邮寄

10、东西就要去邮局(post office)等。2近义词辨析(1)house,family与homehouse指供一家人住的“房子”,侧重于具体的建筑物family指由父母、子女所组成的“家庭”,是集体名词,既可把它看成单数名词(指整体概念),也可视为复数名词(指家庭成员)home指一个人出生或居住的地方,是有抽象意义上的“家”(2)sound,noise与voicesound 指可以听到的任何“声音”noise常指太响或人们不愿听到的声音,多指“嘈杂声;噪音”等voice 指“说话声;唱歌声;嗓音”等(3)job与workjob是可数名词,指一项具体的工作,多指“零工”或“短工”work是不可数

11、名词,指“工作;劳动;努力;用功”(4)problem与question两个词都表示“问题”。problem总是与“困难”相联系,它可以指社会问题、教学问题,这种“问题”是“有待解决的”,与其搭配的动词是solve;question总是与“疑问;质问;询问”相联系,这种“问题”是“有待回答的”,与其搭配的动词是answer。十年真题十年真题全练全练近十年来,临沂中考对名词的考查,主要考查的是名词复数、名词所有格及名词词缀。考查形式主要是单项填空、词形转换、听写等。预计2018年,可数名词复数、名词所有格和名词词缀仍是考查的重点。考点考点1 1 可数名词复数可数名词复数1.2017临沂,63Ho

12、w long does it take you to get to school?About 20 _ _ by subway.(minute)22016临沂,57You may find most Chinese _ _ (kid) dont get enough exercise.32015临沂,57By the end of this month,people in Beijing will be able to brush their_ _ (tooth) with water from Hubei.42014临沂,58Everyone knows that _ _ (library)

13、 are places for people to study.minuteskidsteethlibraries52013临沂,63Please finish your food.There are many hungry _ _(baby) in the world,you know.62011临沂,73As we know,Zhang Jiajie is famous for the different _ (shape) of mountains.72008临沂,71There are many fresh _ _ (potato) in the supermarket.82008临沂

14、,68How do you know that autumn has arrived?One way is that the tree_ _(leaf)become yellow or red.babiesshapespotatoesleaves考点考点3 3 名词所有格名词所有格9.2015临沂,19I live near the station.Its only about five walk.Aminutes BminuteCminutes Dminutes102014临沂,60It is said that (tomorrow) sports meeting has been put

15、off because of the bad weather.112008临沂,18This is not my dictionary.Its_ She lent it to me this morning.Amy sister Bmy sistersCmy sisters Dmy sisters CtomorrowsC考点考点4 4 名词词缀名词词缀12.2017临沂,67Mary and Tony are a pair of pet pigs.The two have recently got a special license so that their _ _ (own)can tak

16、e them for a walk.132016临沂,62School bus _ _ (safe) is a big problem in China.142015临沂,63After class,children went out of their classroom to enjoy the_ _ (warm) of the sun.152014临沂,62The _ _ (win) of the photo competition was a 30yearold man from Shanghai.162013临沂,64The boy is too young to know the_

17、_ (dangerous) of smoking.owner(s)safetywarmthwinnerdanger172013临沂,65Nancy wants to become a _ _ (translate) when she grows up.182012临沂,71Li Na is an outstanding tennis _ (play)192011临沂,74David is good at drawing and hes going to be an _ _(art) when he grows up.202010临沂,72The Palace Museum has a larg

18、e _ _(collect)People can learn a lot in it.212008临沂,67Xiaomeng is a popular _ _ (report)at CCTV Station.translatorplayerartistcollectionreporter猜押预测猜押预测一、单项填空1Each couple in China can have two _ _from January 1st,2016.Aboy Bgirl Cchildren Dchild2What would you like to eat?Some _ _,please.Abread Bapp

19、le Ccoffee Dtea3What would you like for breakfast?Id like_ _Atomato noodle Btomato noodlesCtomatoes noodle Dtomatoes noodles4There are many _ _ about this farm.Yes,lots of _ are planted on it.Aphoto;potato Bphotos;potatosCphotos;potatoes Dphotoes;potatoesCABC5Its about _ _ from my school to my house

20、.A20 minutes walk B20 minutes walkCwalk of 20 minutes D20 minutes walks6Your _ is very helpful.I guess Ill take it.Asecret Badvice Cpromise Dpurpose7Great _for football loversmore than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.Anews BmessageCsituation Dinformation8He was

21、born in Germany,but he has made China his _Afamily Baddress Chouse DhomeABAD9Cathy has such a good _ that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year.Asleep Bidea Cvoice Dtime10Its hot today.Have some _,please.No,thanks.Im not thirsty at all.Awater Bpotatoes Cbread Dcakes二、词形转换用括号内所给单词的适当形

22、式填空,每空格限填一词。1How many _ _have you been to?(city)2My grandma is interested in taking _ _ with her mobile phone.(photo)3More action must be taken to stop_ _ (pollute)4Therere some_ _between them.(different)CAcitiesphotospollutiondifferences5Tonys father and uncle are both _ _They help keep the city sa

23、fe.(policeman)6On _ _ Day,I often prepare a special gift for my father.(father)7Dick decided to lose _ _by eating less and doing more exercise.(weigh)8Jim laid out the _ _ and forks at the lunch table.(knife)9_ _ grandparents usually have a walk around the lake in the morning.(Kate)10This bookstore

24、sells many English _ _.You can choose what you like.(dictionary)11Its easy to travel from Linyi to Beijing by taking highspeed railway soon.Yes.Maybe its only five _ _ ride.(hour)12Have you heard of Lin Zexu and Zhan Tianyou?Of course.They are our national _ _(hero)_policemenFathersweightknivesKatesdictionarieshoursheroes



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