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1、会计学1UnitAdventureLessonMarcoPolo第一页,共47页。 Which of the following do you think is true about Marco Polo? A. He was a French merchant who lived in Italy for some time. B. He was an Italian traveller who lived in China for some time.B1. Have you heard about Marco Polo?第1页/共46页第二页,共47页。Venice It is said

2、 that Marco Polo was born there.第2页/共46页第三页,共47页。The Description of the World第3页/共46页第四页,共47页。 This book became famous after Marcos death. The book influenced Christopher Columbus who tried to find a different trade route between Asia and Europe. The book also informed people about the world beyond

3、Europes borders.第4页/共46页第五页,共47页。 Marco Polo came to China, which was ruled by the Yuan Dynasty Emperor, Kublai Khan.第5页/共46页第六页,共47页。 Marco Polo was an Italian explorer who travelled through many parts of Asia. His father, Nicolo polo, was a sea merchant.This is Marcos traveling map.第6页/共46页第七页,共47

4、页。 In 1271, he brought Marco on a trip to China and it took 6 years to get to China. Marco was surprised at Chinese customs and skills such as using coal for heating, paper money, noodle-making and many other things.第7页/共46页第八页,共47页。第8页/共46页第九页,共47页。 Read the text. Are these statements true (T) or f

5、alse (F)? 1. Kublai Khan trusted Marco polo very much. 2. People began using coal as fuel during the Yuan dynasty.TF第9页/共46页第十页,共47页。3. The Hall in the Summer Palace can contain 6,000 people having dinner together.4. China was more developed than Europe at that time when Marco travelled to China.TT第

6、10页/共46页第十一页,共47页。5. Not long after his return, a local war broke out near his town.6. Marco Polo wrote The Description of the World before he died.FF第11页/共46页第十二页,共47页。 Why did Marco and his father travel to China? Because his father was a sea merchant. He wanted to do trade with the Chinese. 2. Re

7、ad the passage and answer these questions.第12页/共46页第十三页,共47页。 Why was the emperor impressed by Marco? Because Marco was veryclever and could already speak four languages. Why was Marco surprised to see people using paper money? Because in Europe people paid for goods with gold or silver.第13页/共46页第十四

8、页,共47页。 What were the black stones Marco saw people burning for fuel? The black stones Marco saw people burning were coal. How long did Marco spend in China? Marco had stayed in China for 17 years.第14页/共46页第十五页,共47页。 Why was he put into prison when he went back to Italy? Because a local war broke ou

9、t. During the war he was captured by the enemy. What was the name of his book? The name of his book was The Description of the World.第15页/共46页第十六页,共47页。Correct mistakes 1. Marco Polo was son of a merchant. 2. He travelled cross Europe and Asia with his father to China. 3. Kublai Khan welcomed Marco

10、to come to his country.theacross第16页/共46页第十七页,共47页。4. Marco was asked the question “Was it all true?” which he replied “I have only told a half of what I saw.”5. In 1291, after 17 years of faithful service the Emperor, Marco returned to Italy.toto第17页/共46页第十八页,共47页。6. During the war, Marco was the c

11、aptain of the warship but was captured by the enemy and imprisoned.7. The Emperor impressed by him and they became friends.awas第18页/共46页第十九页,共47页。1. in turn2. wealthyin turn wealthy authorbreak out stand by Read the passage again and match the words in the box with their definitions.as a resultrich第

12、19页/共46页第二十页,共47页。3. author4. break out5. stand byinsist that something is truestartwriter第20页/共46页第二十一页,共47页。Language points 1. in turn(s) 顺次顺次(shnc); 一个接一个地(做某事)一个接一个地(做某事) The two sisters cared for their sick mother in turn. 两姐妹轮流照看生病的母亲。两姐妹轮流照看生病的母亲。 The boys were asked in turns to see the exami

13、ner. 男孩子们一个接一个地被叫去见考官。男孩子们一个接一个地被叫去见考官。第21页/共46页第二十二页,共47页。2. break out (战争、争吵、疾病等战争、争吵、疾病等) 爆发爆发 During the election period, a big strike broke out. 竞选期间,爆发了一场大罢工。竞选期间,爆发了一场大罢工。 A quarrel broke out suddenly at midnight with the noise of breaking something. 半夜,他们突然大吵起来,还伴随半夜,他们突然大吵起来,还伴随着摔东西着摔东西(dng

14、x)的声音。的声音。第22页/共46页第二十三页,共47页。3. although 尽管,虽然。用于引导状语从句尽管,虽然。用于引导状语从句(cn j),后面的主句不能用,后面的主句不能用but连接。连接。 Although my car is very old, it still runs very well. 尽管我的车很旧,跑起来却还很好。尽管我的车很旧,跑起来却还很好。 The lights were already on although it was only five oclock. 尽管刚刚五点钟,灯却已点亮了。尽管刚刚五点钟,灯却已点亮了。第23页/共46页第二十四页,共47

15、页。 4. stand by 忠于忠于; 坚守坚守; 坚持坚持 I still stand by what I said yesterday. 我坚持我昨天说的话我坚持我昨天说的话(dehu)。 I stand by my principles. 我坚持我的原则。我坚持我的原则。第24页/共46页第二十五页,共47页。5. trade n. 买卖,交易买卖,交易 do trade with sb. His father wanted to do trade with the Chinese. 他的父亲他的父亲(f qn)想和中国人做买卖。想和中国人做买卖。第25页/共46页第二十六页,共47页

16、。trade v. trade with sb. Early explorers traded directly with the Indians. 早期的探险者与印第安人早期的探险者与印第安人(Ynd nrn)直接进行交易。直接进行交易。第26页/共46页第二十七页,共47页。6. be impressed by sb. /sth. 给给留下留下(li xi)深刻的印象深刻的印象 The Emperor was impressed by him and they became friends. 他给皇帝留下他给皇帝留下(li xi)深刻的印象,并成为好深刻的印象,并成为好 朋友。朋友。第27

17、页/共46页第二十八页,共47页。 sth. /sb. impress sb. 给给留下深刻的印象留下深刻的印象(ynxing) We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them impressed us. 我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但都没有给我们留下什么印象我们和数名申请人进行了面谈,但都没有给我们留下什么印象(ynxing)。第28页/共46页第二十九页,共47页。Grammar PresentationGrammar PresentationRelative Clauses:Relative Clauses: There ar

18、e two kinds of relative clauses: defining clauses and non-defining clause. There are two kinds of relative clauses: defining clauses and non-defining clause.第29页/共46页第三十页,共47页。 Defining clauses identify nouns or Defining clauses identify nouns or Defining clauses identify nouns or pronouns: they mak

19、e clear which person or pronouns: they make clear which person or pronouns: they make clear which person or thing, etc, is being referred to.thing, etc, is being referred to.thing, etc, is being referred to. The girl who is playing tennis is my The girl who is playing tennis is my The girl who is pl

20、aying tennis is my friend.friend.friend. This is the place where I hid the key. This is the place where I hid the key. This is the place where I hid the key. She still remembered the time when she She still remembered the time when she She still remembered the time when she noticed the car was missi

21、ng.noticed the car was missing.noticed the car was missing.who is playing tenniswho is playing tenniswhere I hid the keywhere I hid the keysheshe noticed the car was missingnoticed the car was missingwhenwhen第30页/共46页第三十一页,共47页。 Non-defining relative clauses give Non-defining relative clauses give e

22、xtra information which is not extra information which is not necessary necessary toto the meaning of the the meaning of the sentence. These clauses needs commassentence. These clauses needs commas( (逗号逗号逗号逗号(duho).(duho). My friend, who is playing tennis, My friend, who is playing tennis, comes from

23、 Ees from Ethiopia. The accident, which happened The accident, which happened yesterday, has led yesterday, has led toto three deaths. three deaths.who is playing tenniswho is playing tenniswhich happenedwhich happenedyesterdayyesterday第31页/共46页第三十二页,共47页。 In non-defining clauses, relative In non-de

24、fining clauses, relative In non-defining clauses, relative pronoun pronoun pronoun whichwhichwhich can refer to an entire can refer to an entire can refer to an entire sentence.sentence.sentence. Its very difficult to give up smoking, Its very difficult to give up smoking, Its very difficult to give

25、 up smoking, which is why my father failed several which is why my father failed several which is why my father failed several times. times. times. which is why my father failed severalwhich is why my father failed severaltimestimes第32页/共46页第三十三页,共47页。 which = which = It is snowing heavily, which ma

26、kes children feel excited. It is snowing heavily, which makes children feel excited. which = which =Its very difficult to give up smokingIts very difficult to give up smokingIt is snowing heavilyIt is snowing heavilywhich makeswhich makeschildren feel excitedchildren feel excited第33页/共46页第三十四页,共47页。

27、 Underline the relative clauses in these sentences and decide if they are defining (D) or non-defining (ND). 1. Marco Polo, who was an Italian, travelled all around China. 2. He went to a city where iron was produced in huge quantities.DND第34页/共46页第三十五页,共47页。3. The bus which was full of tourists sto

28、pped near the Leaning Tower of Pisa.4. Melissa lent me some money, which was very generous of her.5. The ground is covered with snow and ice, which makes driving very dangerous.NDDND第35页/共46页第三十六页,共47页。6. I met the famous professor in the hotel, where the meeting was held.ND第36页/共46页第三十七页,共47页。 Join

29、 the sentences using a suitable relative pronoun and decide if the new sentence has a defining (D) or a non-defining (ND) clause.第37页/共46页第三十八页,共47页。2. On the Silk Road they met a hunter. The hunter was selling tiger skins. On the Silk Road they met a hunter who was selling tiger skins. (D)3. Marco

30、finally arrived back in Venice. He was forty-one by then. Marco, who was forty-one by then, finally arrived back in Venice. (ND)第38页/共46页第三十九页,共47页。4. Kublai Kahn was a ruler. He was feared by many people. Kublai Kahn was a ruler who was feared by many people. (D)5. Mary had never been to Beijing be

31、fore. She loved the Forbidden City. Mary, who loved the Forbidden City, had never been to Beijing before. (ND)第39页/共46页第四十页,共47页。6. Alison was the student. She wrote the project about Marco Polo. Alison was the student who wrote the project about Marco Polo. (D)7. That is the place. Marco Polo lived

32、 there. That is the place where Marco Polo lived. (D)第40页/共46页第四十一页,共47页。Grammar exercises 1. Sheila couldnt come to the party, _ was a pity. A. what B. which C. that D. itB第41页/共46页第四十二页,共47页。2. All the passengers and suitcases _ were still waiting on the broken-down bus had to be transferred to an

33、other long-distance bus. A. they B. who C. that D. whichC第42页/共46页第四十三页,共47页。 3. This is an unpleasant subject _ we might argue for a long while. A. in which B. with them C. about which D. with it4. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, _, made the others unhappy. A. who B. whi

34、ch C. this D. whatCB第43页/共46页第四十四页,共47页。Oral practice: Retell the story about Marco Polo based on the outline given in Exercise 8.Homework第44页/共46页第四十五页,共47页。Thanks for attending!第45页/共46页第四十六页,共47页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。1. in turn(s)。半夜(bny),他们突然大吵起来,还伴随。trade with sb.。sth. /sb. impress sb.。Thank you第四十七页,共47页。



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