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1、In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.Eric HofferEngaging Digital NativesExamining 21Examining 21stst century literacies and their century literacies and their implications for teaching social

2、 studies in the implications for teaching social studies in the digital age.digital age.Jennifer Carrier DormanJennifer Carrier Dormanhttp:/ Case for 21The Case for 21stst Century Education Century Education The implications of our flattening worldThe implications of our flattening worlduuDigital Na

3、tivesDigital Natives Learning profileLearning profileuuWeb 2.0Web 2.0 Confronting the new participatory cultureConfronting the new participatory cultureuuApplications of the new literaciesApplications of the new literacies Viral video, simulation and play, blogs, Viral video, simulation and play, bl

4、ogs, podcasts, wikis, social learningpodcasts, wikis, social learningWe are at a turning point in the tech industry and perhaps even in the history of the worldTim OReilly Feb. 14, 2006 The Case for 21st Century EducationuuEducation is changing.uuCompetition is changing internationally.uuThe workpla

5、ce, jobs, and skill demands are changing.The World is FlatuuThomas L. FriedmanuuDescribes the unplanned cascade of technological and social shifts that effectively leveled the economic world uuImplications for educational systemshttp:/ Flatteners # 1-3uuFall of the Berlin Wall / rise of Windows OSuu

6、Netscape IPO / dotcom boomuuWork flow software / design, display, manage, and collaborateThe Flatteners # 4-8uuOpen sourcing / self organizing collaborative communitiesuuOutsourcinguuOffshoringuuSupply-chaininguuIn-forming (affinity networks)The Flatteners # 10uuThe Steroids: Digital, Mobile, Person

7、al, and VirtualThese are all the “new” gadgets, technologies, These are all the “new” gadgets, technologies, social norms, and etc. that are accelerating the social norms, and etc. that are accelerating the other flattenersother flattenersImplications for the WorkforceuuCategories of “untouchables”S

8、pecialSpecial (celebrity-types; e.g. Prince William) (celebrity-types; e.g. Prince William)SpecializedSpecialized (skills that are always in high demand; (skills that are always in high demand; e.g. doctors)e.g. doctors)AnchoredAnchored (jobs that must be conducted face-to- (jobs that must be conduc

9、ted face-to-face in a specific location with a perpetual client face in a specific location with a perpetual client base; e.g. plumber)base; e.g. plumber)Really AdaptableReally Adaptable (can constantly acquire new (can constantly acquire new knowledge, skills, and expertise that enable the knowledg

10、e, skills, and expertise that enable the creation of value; e.g. the life-long learner)creation of value; e.g. the life-long learner)The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.Alvin TofflerGlobal ImplicationsuuThes

11、e changes, among others, are ushering us toward a world where knowledge, power, and productive capability will be more dispersed than at any time in our historya world where value creation will be fast, fluid, and persistently disruptive. uuA world where only the connected will survive. Global Impli

12、cationsuuA power shift is underway, and a tough new business rule is emerging: Harness the new collaboration or perish. uuThose who fail to grasp this will find themselves ever more isolatedcut off from the networks that are sharing, adapting, and updating knowledge to create value.Get flat or be fl

13、attenedImplications for SchoolsuuFor smart schools companies, the rising tide of mass collaboration offers vast opportunitySchools Companies can reach beyond their walls to sow the seeds of innovation and harvest a bountiful crop. (edits by Will Richardson, original words in (edits by Will Richardso

14、n, original words in brackets)brackets)Implications for SchoolsuuIndeed, educators firms that cultivate nimble, trust-based relationships with external collaborators are positioned to form vibrant classroom business ecosystems that enhance learning create value more effectively than hierarchically o

15、rganized schools businesses. (edits by Will Richardson, original words in (edits by Will Richardson, original words in brackets)brackets)My Mission 4C HistoryuuCreateuuCommunicateuuCollaborateuuContextualizeDigital NativesWho are the digital natives and what is their learning profile?Digital Natives

16、uuIt is now clear that as a result of this ubiquitous information environment and the sheer volume of their interaction with it, todays students think and process information fundamentally differently from their predecessors.Marc Prensky “Digital Natives, Digital Marc Prensky “Digital Natives, Digit

17、al Immigrants” 2001Immigrants” 2001Digital Nativesuu“Different kinds of experiences lead to different brain structures” - Dr. Bruce D. Berry of Baylor College of Medicine. it is very likely that it is very likely that our students brains and our students brains and thinking patterns have changed thi

18、nking patterns have changed and are different and are different from ours as a result of how they grew upfrom ours as a result of how they grew upWho are the digital natives?uuOur students today are all “native speakers” of the digital language of computers, video games, instantaneous communication,

19、 and the Internet.uuThose of us who were not born into the digital world but have, at some later point in our lives, become fascinated by and adopted many or most aspects of the new technology are Digital Immigrants.The ChallengeuuOur Digital Immigrant instructors, who speak an outdated language (th

20、at of the pre-digital age), are struggling to teach a population that speaks an entirely new languageThe Nomadic Grazing Patterns of Digital NativesuuDigital Natives are used to receiving information really fast. uuThey like to parallel process and multi-task. uuThey prefer their graphics before the

21、ir text rather than the opposite. The Nomadic Grazing Patterns of Digital NativesuuThey prefer random access (like hypertext). uuThey function best when networked. uuThey thrive on instant gratification and frequent rewards. uuThey prefer games to “serious” work. MethodologyuuTodays teachers have to

22、 learn to communicate in the language and style of their students.This This doesnt doesnt mean changing the meaning of what mean changing the meaning of what is important, or of good thinking skills. is important, or of good thinking skills. Web 2.0The evolution of the semantic read/write webWeb 1.0

23、 Web 2.0What is Web 2.0?uuWeb 2.0 is a term often applied to a perceived ongoing transition of the World Wide Web from a collection of static websites to a full-fledged computing platform serving web applications to end users. Tim OReillyTim OReillyThe New WWWuuWhateveruuWheneveruuWhereverTom March,

24、 Web-based educator, author, and Tom March, Web-based educator, author, and instructional designerinstructional designerThe New WWWuuThe New WWWoffering us whatever we want, whenever and wherever we want itmay seem like just an extension of our already-technology-enhanced contemporary lifeuuTo count

25、eract the New WWWs potentially harmful impact on youth, educators must use technology to create learning experiences that are real, rich, and relevantConfronting the Challenges of a Participatory CultureMedia Education for the 21st CenturyHenry Jenkins, Director of the Comparative Henry Jenkins, Dir

26、ector of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MITMedia Studies Program at MITu“If it were possible to define generally the mission of education, it could be said that its fundamental purpose is to ensure that all students benefit from learning in ways that allow them to participate fully in publ

27、ic, community, Creative and economic life.” New London Group (2000)Participatory CultureuAccording to a recent study from the Pew Internet & American Life project (Lenhardt & Madden, 2005), more than one-half of all teens have created media content, and roughly one-third of teens who use the Interne

28、t have shared content they produced.A Participatory Culture . . .uRelatively low barriers to artistic expression and civic engagementuStrong support for creating and sharing ones creations with othersuSome type of informal mentorship whereby what is known by the most experienced is passed along to n

29、ovicesA Participatory Culture . . .uMembers believe that their contributions matteruMembers feel some degree of social connection with one another (at the least they care what other people think about what they have created)Forms of Participatory CultureuAffiliations memberships, formal and informal

30、, in online communities centered around various forms of media, such as Friendster, Facebook, message boards, metagaming, Second Life, or MySpaceuExpressions producing new creative forms, such as digital sampling, skinning and modding, fan videomaking, fan fiction writing, zines, mash-upsForms of Pa

31、rticipatory CultureuCollaborative Problem-solving working together in teams, formal and informal, to complete tasks and develop new knowledge (such as through Wikipedia, alternative reality gaming, spoiling).uCirculations Shaping the flow of media (such as podcasting, blogging).ImplicationsuA growin

32、g body of scholarship suggests potential benefits of these forms of participatory culture, including:opportunities for peer-to-peer learning, a changed attitude toward intellectual property, the diversification of cultural expression, the development of skills valued in the modern workplace, and a m

33、ore empowered conception of citizenship. ImplicationsuParticipatory culture shifts the focus of literacy from one of individual expression to community involvement.uThe new literacies almost all involve social skills developed through collaboration and networking.uThese skills build on the foundatio

34、n of traditional literacy, research skills, technical skills, and critical analysis skills taught in the classroom.The New LiteraciesuPlay the capacity to experiment with ones surroundings as a form of problem-solvinguPerformance the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvi

35、sation and discoveryuSimulation the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processesuAppropriation the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media contentThe New LiteraciesuMultitasking the ability to scan ones environment and shift focus as needed to salient details.uDis

36、tributed Cognition the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacitiesuCollective Intelligence the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goaluJudgment the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sourcesT

37、he New LiteraciesuTransmedia Navigation the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalitiesuNetworking the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate informationuNegotiation the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple

38、perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms.The New LiteraciesCurrent ApplicationsViral VideouuThe term viral video refers to video clip content which gains widespread popularity through the process of Internet sharing.uuYouTubeYouTube uuSpymacSpymac uuRevverRevver uublip.tvblip.tv u

39、uBB uuDD uuGoFishGoFish uuAlbino BlacksheepAlbino Blacksheep uuGoogle VideoGoogle Video uuJoostJoost uuMetacafeMetacafe uuMSN SoapboxMSN Soapbox uuStupid VideosStupid Videos uuvMixvMix uuYouare.tvYouare.tv The Ease of VideouuEyespot http:/ uuJumpcuthttp:/ uuCutshttp:/ uuCreative Commonshttp:/creativ

40、ecommons.org/http:/creativecommons.org/ The Power of Viral VideoJohn Edwards Announces His Candidacy on YouTube Applications of Viral VideoDigital CitizenshipDigital CitizenshipFirst Social Networking Campaignhttp:/ Lifehttp:/ LifeuuSecond Life is a 3-D virtual world entirely built and owned by its

41、residents. uuSince opening to the public in 2003, it has grown explosively and today is inhabited by a total of 4,247,607 people from around the globe. Is Second Life for “Real”?uuIn October 2006, Reuters opened a news bureau in Second LifeJust How Real is Second Life?Campaign 08 on Second Life?uuFe

42、b. 14, 2007 John Feb. 14, 2007 John Edwards was the first Edwards was the first presidential candidate to presidential candidate to set up shop in Second set up shop in Second LifeLifeuuJerimeeJerimee RichirRichir (a.k.a. (a.k.a. Jose Rote) is the SL Jose Rote) is the SL volunteer campaign volunteer

43、 campaign managermanageruu“ think of this as a “ think of this as a scouting mission it is scouting mission it is unofficial in that the unofficial in that the campaign is not spending campaign is not spending money, and I am not paid, money, and I am not paid, however the campaign is however the ca

44、mpaign is aware that we are organizing aware that we are organizing in Second Life, and in Second Life, and cooperating as much as they cooperating as much as they can. I keep them updated on can. I keep them updated on what I have learned, and what I have learned, and they let me know things that t

45、hey let me know things that will be helpful.”will be helpful.”Education in Second LifeuuOver 70 colleges have Over 70 colleges have created virtual networks created virtual networks with Second Lifewith Second LifeuuHarvard Law - Harvard Law - CyberOneCyberOne: Law in the : Law in the Court of Publi

46、c OpinionCourt of Public OpinionuuBall State, Central Ball State, Central Missouri State, Missouri State, PepperdinePepperdine, University , University of Tennessee, Bradley of Tennessee, Bradley UniversityUniversityEducational ApplicationsuuExploring new tools and techniques for information and sci

47、entific visualization uuPresenting, promoting, and selling content to a broad online audience uuCollaborating and communicating in real time between multiple participants uuResearching new concepts/products uuTraining and educating in virtual classrooms http:/ eLECTIONShttp:/www.ciconline.org/electi

48、onsCIC eLECTIONSuueLECTIONS Supports Meaningful, Memorable eLECTIONS Supports Meaningful, Memorable Learning Because it is.Learning Because it is. uuAccessible: Accessible: You are on the receiving end of resources and expertise You are on the receiving end of resources and expertise brought togethe

49、r from different parts of the globe just to brought together from different parts of the globe just to teach YOU, on your desktop, anywhere, anytime. Available teach YOU, on your desktop, anywhere, anytime. Available for free wherever there is a high-speed Internet connection. for free wherever ther

50、e is a high-speed Internet connection. uuMultisensoryMultisensory: : You can see, read, hear and interact with multimedia You can see, read, hear and interact with multimedia content -interactivity, video clips, music, text, and content -interactivity, video clips, music, text, and excellent graphic

51、s. excellent graphics. http:/www.ciconline.org/electionsCIC eLECTIONSuueLECTIONS Supports Meaningful, Memorable eLECTIONS Supports Meaningful, Memorable Learning Because it is.Learning Because it is. uuContent-richContent-rich: : You can learn for yourself how a presidential campaign You can learn f

52、or yourself how a presidential campaign works with video footage from CNN news and The History works with video footage from CNN news and The History Channel documentaries. Channel documentaries. uuSelf-directedSelf-directed: : In eLECTIONS, the 3-D game platform allows you to In eLECTIONS, the 3-D

53、game platform allows you to make decisions that influence the outcome of the game. make decisions that influence the outcome of the game. You continue to learn and explore fundamental election You continue to learn and explore fundamental election concepts with the Digging Deeper content all at your

54、 concepts with the Digging Deeper content all at your own pace. own pace. http:/www.ciconline.org/electionsBlogsStudents as CreatorsBlogsuuA blog is a website for which an individual or a group frequently generates text, photographs, video or audio files, and/or links, typically (but not always) on

55、a daily basis. The term is a shortened form of weblog. The term is a shortened form of weblog. Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an Authoring a blog, maintaining a blog or adding an article to an existing blog is called blogging. article to an existing blog is called blogging. Individua

56、l articles on a blog are called blog posts, Individual articles on a blog are called blog posts, posts, or entries. posts, or entries. The person who posts these entries is called a The person who posts these entries is called a blogger. blogger. Why the sudden popularity of blogs?uuRSS - Really Sim

57、ple Syndication Bloglineshttp:/ Reader Labshttps:/ Power of RSSuuRSS + Feed Reader/Aggregator = personalized learning/affinity networkThe new WWW in actionThe new WWW in actionuuRSS is not limited to blogsNews feedsNews feedsPodcastsPodcastsWiki edits and discussionsWiki edits and discussionsSocial

58、Social bookmarkingbookmarkinguuMultiple usersBlogs in School?uuBlogs are tools, and like any tools they can be used or misused. Misuse occurs more often when theres a lack of Misuse occurs more often when theres a lack of instruction. (MySpace, Xanga, Facebook)instruction. (MySpace, Xanga, Facebook)

59、uuInteractivity, publishing, collective intelligenceWhy Students Shouldnt BloguuPeople will read it. uuPeople might not like it. uuThey might share test answers with others. uuThey might be found by a child predator online uuThey might write something inappropriate. uuThey might find something inapp

60、ropriate. uuThey might get other students to start blogging. http:/ Students Should BloguuPeople will read it. uuThey might like it. uuThey might share what theyve learned with others. uuThey might participate in a collaborative learning project. uuThey might become inspired to learn. uuThey might i

61、nspire others to learn. uuThey might get other students to start blogging. uuIf they dont talk in class, they might on a blog. http:/ in SchoolTeacher BlogsTeacher BlogsuuHomeworkHomeworkuuKeep Parents in the Keep Parents in the LoopLoopuuVirtual In-serviceVirtual In-serviceuuProfessional Profession

62、al collaborationcollaborationStudent BlogsStudent BlogsuuThis week in class, we.This week in class, we.uuStudent WorkStudent WorkuuOnline portfolioOnline portfoliouuPeer/teacher feedbackPeer/teacher feedbackuuBook blogsBook blogsuuConnect with an expertConnect with an expertSuccessful Tips for “Book

63、” BlogsuuGet comfortable with blogginguuChoose a relevant book article, topic, etc.uuDevise interesting questionsuuSolicit the authors involvementuuWelcome bloggers experts from outside the classroomErik Langhorst “The Dixie Clicks” 12/1/2006http:/ ScribeExtending Class DiscussionStudent Work Showca

64、seStudent-Initiated ContentStudent SharingTips for Blogginghttp:/ Hosting for SchoolsuuBlogmeister - http:/ uuEdublogs - http:/edublogs.org/ PodcastsStudents as ProducersPodcastsuuiPod + Broadcast = PodcastAmateur radioAmateur radioPodcasting is the method of distributing Podcasting is the method of

65、 distributing multimediamultimedia files, such as audio programs or files, such as audio programs or music videos, over the music videos, over the InternetInternet using either the using either the RSSRSS or or AtomAtom syndicationsyndication formats, for playback formats, for playback on mobile dev

66、ices and personal computers. on mobile devices and personal computers. Why use podcasts?uuPodcasts enable students to share their knowledge and expertise with others through a creative outlet.uuPodcasts tap into a mode of media input that is commonplace for digital natives.uuPodcasts empower student

67、s to form relationships with the content and each other in relevant ways.Why use podcasts?uuPodcasting is yet another way for them students to be creating and contributing ideas to a larger conversation, and its a way of archiving that contribution for future audiences to use.Will Richardson, Will R

68、ichardson, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for ClassroomsPowerful Web Tools for ClassroomsHow can podcasts be used?uuIn the classroom, educators and students can use podcasts to inform others about class news, current events, and areas of interest

69、.uuStudents can use a podcast forum to persuade their peers to help others, make a difference, or try something new. uuPodcasts can also be used to edutain others through creative narratives.How can podcasts be used?uuPodcasts engage students in thinking critically about their speaking fluency and c

70、ommunication skills. uuThe opportunity to create a podcast about what students would like to discuss and share with others is extremely motivating.Ideas for PodcastsuuDaily practice lessons recorded by the teacher or studentsuuNarrativesuuConversations uuOral historiesuuVocabulary and/or concept pra

71、cticeuuOral testsIdeas for PodcastsuuPod-toursuuUnit or topic podcasts as overview/review of unituuOral reportsuuSupplement instructional materials with existing podcasts created by othersuuInformation for parentsMy Class Unit Podcast SegmentsPolitical PolicyPolitical PolicyOverview one governmental

72、/political trend Overview one governmental/political trend Vocab Vibes Vocab Vibes Explain and use two vocabulary words Explain and use two vocabulary words Innovation Station Innovation Station Define and explain the impact of one invention or Define and explain the impact of one invention or innov

73、ation innovation Cultural Cultural CommentaryCommentaryExplain the motivation for and effects of one new Explain the motivation for and effects of one new cultural trend cultural trend Business Report Business Report Discuss the economic impacts of one event, trend, Discuss the economic impacts of o

74、ne event, trend, law, etc.law, etc.Rewind the MindRewind the MindSelect one event or decision and hypothesize about Select one event or decision and hypothesize about what would have happened if the result had been what would have happened if the result had been different different My Class Unit Pod

75、cast SegmentsLiving History Living History Interview one character Interview one character Kids Korner Kids Korner Explain what it was like to grow up in this eraExplain what it was like to grow up in this eraWeb WowzersWeb WowzersReview one Internet site giving specific details about Review one Int

76、ernet site giving specific details about the contents of the sitethe contents of the siteEditorial Editorial EditionEditionSelect one event, law, trend, individual, etc. and Select one event, law, trend, individual, etc. and provide your personal opinion provide your personal opinion Legal Learning

77、Legal Learning Explain the motivation for and effects of one law or Explain the motivation for and effects of one law or court case court case Intro/OutroIntro/OutroResponsible for sewing together all the podcasts Responsible for sewing together all the podcasts segments creating intro and outro seg

78、ments, adding segments creating intro and outro segments, adding transitions and music, and crediting contributorstransitions and music, and crediting contributorsOther Enduring BenefitsuuAlong with the use of technology there are certain Along with the use of technology there are certain responsibi

79、lities that educators and students need to responsibilities that educators and students need to follow. follow. Educators need to instruct students on safe and acceptable Educators need to instruct students on safe and acceptable use of technology in and outside of the classroom. use of technology i

80、n and outside of the classroom. Not only do students need to learn how to appropriately Not only do students need to learn how to appropriately research, but also how to safely and properly share research, but also how to safely and properly share information online. information online. Podcasts all

81、ow students to learn first hand about copyright Podcasts allow students to learn first hand about copyright laws and fair use issues.laws and fair use issues.Jumping in with both feet . . .uuListen to a few podcasts onlineListen to a few podcasts online iTunes Source List Podcasts EducationiTunes So

82、urce List Podcasts Education http:/ http:/www.ipodder.org/http:/www.ipodder.org/ http:/epnweb.org/http:/epnweb.org/ http:/ (“Podcasting with Windows Media Player)(“Podcasting with Windows Media Player)uuGet a feel for the genreGet a feel for the genre Podcasts are not “polished” production value is

83、Podcasts are not “polished” production value is secondary to the contentsecondary to the contentSearching for Podcasts - iTunesSubscribing to PodcastsSocial Studies PodcastsuuHistory On AirHistory On Air uuMatts Today in HistoryMatts Today in History uuSpeaking of HistorySpeaking of History uuMontic

84、ello PodcastsMonticello Podcasts uuColonial Williamsburg History PodcastsColonial Williamsburg History Podcasts uuLewis and Clark Trail PodcastsLewis and Clark Trail Podcasts uuDiscovery Channel PodcastsDiscovery Channel Podcasts uuNPR PodcastsNPR Podcasts uuPRI Radio PodcastsPRI Radio Podcasts uuBB

85、C Radio PodcastsBBC Radio Podcasts uuABC News Podcasts and VodcastsABC News Podcasts and Vodcasts uuSmithsonian PodcastsSmithsonian Podcasts uuPodictionaryPodictionary http:/ a Podcast1. 1.Write your script.Write your script.2. 2.Practice.Practice.3. 3.Record your audio file. (Record your audio file

86、. (AudacityAudacity) )4. 4.Edit your audio (Effect Normalize)Edit your audio (Effect Normalize)5. 5.Add and credit legally useable music (Add and credit legally useable music (optionaloptional) )6. 6.File Save Project.File Save Project.7. 7.File Export as MP3 Edit ID3 TagsFile Export as MP3 Edit ID3

87、 Tags8. 8.Upload the MP3 file to a web server. (Upload the MP3 file to a web server. (GCastGCast and and AudiobloggerAudioblogger) )http:/ Audacity Audio Editing Softwareuuhttp:/ Your Podcasts - GCastPedagogy for PodcastinguuEducation Podcast Network uuUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison Podcasting uuPo

88、d Pedagogy Online Podcasting Resourceshttp:/ Mass Collaboration Changes EverythingWikinomicsuuIn the last few years, traditional collaborationin a In the last few years, traditional collaborationin a meeting room, a conference call, even a convention meeting room, a conference call, even a conventio

89、n centerhas been superceded by collaborations on an centerhas been superceded by collaborations on an astronomical scale. astronomical scale. uuToday, encyclopedias, jetliners, operating systems, mutual Today, encyclopedias, jetliners, operating systems, mutual funds, and many other items are being

90、created by teams funds, and many other items are being created by teams numbering in the thousands or even millions. numbering in the thousands or even millions. uuWhile some leaders fear the heaving growth of these While some leaders fear the heaving growth of these massive online communities, mass

91、ive online communities, WikinomicsWikinomics explains how to explains how to prosper in a world where new communications prosper in a world where new communications technologies are democratizing the creation of value.technologies are democratizing the creation of value.http:/ is a Wiki?uuA wiki is

92、a type of website that allows users easily to add, remove, or otherwise edit and change most available content.How is a Wiki Constructed?uuA single page in a wiki is referred to as a wiki page, while the entire body of pages, which are usually highly interconnected via hyperlinks, is the wiki“in eff

93、ect, a wiki is actually a very simple, easy-to-in effect, a wiki is actually a very simple, easy-to-use user-maintained use user-maintained databasedatabase for searching and for searching and creating information. creating information. Are Wikis Safe?uuWikis are generally designed with the philosop

94、hy of making it easy to correct mistakes, rather than making it difficult to make them. Are Wikis Safe?uuThus while wikis are very open, they provide a means to verify the validity of recent additions to the body of pages. The most prominent, on almost every wiki, is the The most prominent, on almos

95、t every wiki, is the Recent Changes pagea specific list Recent Changes pagea specific list numbering recent edits, or a list of all the edits numbering recent edits, or a list of all the edits made within a given timeframe. made within a given timeframe. Tracking ChangesTracking ChangesUsing Wikis a

96、s a SourceuuWikipedia is as reliable as other external sources Wikipedia is as reliable as other external sources we rely on. we rely on. uuProperly written articles cite the sources, and a Properly written articles cite the sources, and a reader should rely on the Wikipedia article as much, reader

97、should rely on the Wikipedia article as much, but no more, than the sources the article relies on. but no more, than the sources the article relies on. uuIf an article doesnt cite a source, it may or may not If an article doesnt cite a source, it may or may not be reliable. be reliable. uuStudents s

98、hould never use information in a wiki Students should never use information in a wiki until they have checked those external sources. until they have checked those external sources. uuA More Reliable Wikipedia? A More Reliable Wikipedia? http:/ What the Experts are SayinguuWikis are helping young pe

99、ople develop “writing skills and social skills by learning about group consensus and compromiseall the virtues you need to be a reasonable and productive member of society.” Jimmy Wales, founder of WikipediaJimmy Wales, founder of WikipediaWhat the Experts are Sayinguu“The media is controlled by peo

100、ple who have the resources to control it,” he says. “Wikis show that all of us have an equal opportunity to contribute to knowledge.” Andy Garvin, head of the Digital Divide Network Andy Garvin, head of the Digital Divide Network Ways to Use WikisuuUse wikis as formats for subject guides and Use wik

101、is as formats for subject guides and supplemental resources. supplemental resources. uuInvite students and teachers to annotate and augment Invite students and teachers to annotate and augment your course content on a wiki. your course content on a wiki. uuMake wikis meeting places for learning comm

102、unities Make wikis meeting places for learning communities inside and outside the school. inside and outside the school. uuLink librarians and teachers in your district in a Link librarians and teachers in your district in a collaborative enterprise. collaborative enterprise. uuCreate interactive le

103、arning activities (WebQuests, Create interactive learning activities (WebQuests, collaborative research, etc.)collaborative research, etc.)Class WikisClass Wikis Online ContentClass Wikis - WebquestsClass Wikis - WebquestsClass Wikis Student CollaborationClass Wikis Student CollaborationClass Wikis

104、Student CollaborationClass Wikis Student CollaborationProfessional Learning CommunitiesPLC Professional ResearchPLC Virtual TrainingPLC Curricular Collaboration PLC Supporting TeachersLinks to Getting Started uuWiki Walk-Through Wiki Walk-Through http:/ Whats a wiki?Whats a wiki? Who uses wikis?Who

105、uses wikis? Wikis or blogs?Wikis or blogs? How to use wikis with students.How to use wikis with students. Ideas for activities, projects, collaborations, etc.Ideas for activities, projects, collaborations, etc.uuUsing wikis in Education (blog) Using wikis in Education (blog) http:/ikiw.org/http:/iki

106、w.org/ uuClassroom use of wikis Classroom use of wikis http:/ WikispacesuuWikispaces is offering K-12 organizations their premium membership for freeNo advertisementsNo advertisementsGreater storage capacityGreater storage capacityEnhanced privacy settingsEnhanced privacy settingshttp:/ Learninghttp

107、:/ Learning Web 2.0http:/ FeaturesuuNote-takingNote-taking Note commentingNote commenting Note sharingNote sharinguuKeyword link to Google and WikipediaKeyword link to Google and WikipediauuTo-Do ListsTo-Do ListsuuScheduleScheduleuuDocument storage/trackingDocument storage/trackinguuGrade organizerG

108、rade organizeruuPrivacy FeaturesPrivacy FeaturesuuRSS FeedsRSS FeedsuuIntegration with FacebookIntegration with FacebookuuSocial NetworkingSocial Networkinghttp:/stu.dicio.us/Furlhttp:/ http:/ an article, video, or podcast online and submit it Find an article, video, or podcast online and submit it

109、to D. Your submission will immediately to D. Your submission will immediately appear in “Upcoming Stories,” where other members appear in “Upcoming Stories,” where other members can find it and, if they like it, Digg it.can find it and, if they like it, Digg it.uuSubscribe to Subscribe to RSS feeds

110、RSS feeds of particular topics, of particular topics, popular/upcoming sections, individual users, and the popular/upcoming sections, individual users, and the search terms of your choice search terms of your choice uuDigg. Participate in the collaborative editorial process Digg. Participate in the

111、collaborative editorial process by Digging the stuff that you like best. by Digging the stuff that you like best. uuBuild a friend list; then your friends can track what Build a friend list; then your friends can track what youre Digging. They can also subscribe to an RSS youre Digging. They can als

112、o subscribe to an RSS feed of your submissions and/or your Diggs. feed of your submissions and/or your Diggs. http:/ is a tool allowing users to collaboratively highlight important passages on pages on the Internet.uuUsers can organize in groups and attach notes to their selections. uuWizlite is act

113、ivated by a bookmarklet or Firefox toolbar extension.uuWizlite is great for many applications, such as topic discovery (e.g. for talks) or reviewing.http:/ is a free service that allows college NoteMesh is a free service that allows college students in the same classes to share notes with each stude

114、nts in the same classes to share notes with each other. other. uuIt works by creating a It works by creating a wiki wiki for individual classes that for individual classes that users can edit. users can edit. uuUsers are free to post their own lecture notes or Users are free to post their own lectur

115、e notes or contribute to existing lecture notes. contribute to existing lecture notes. uuThe idea is that users in the same class can The idea is that users in the same class can collaboratively create a definitive source for lecture collaboratively create a definitive source for lecture notes. note

116、s. http:/Affinity Networks with 43 Thingshttp:/ you can do with your photos:UploadUploadTagTagGeotag (mapping)Geotag (mapping)BlogBlogCommentCommentOrganizeOrganizeOrganize into online photo albums with annotationOrganize into online photo albums with annotationForm/join groupsForm/join groupshttp:/

117、Applications for FlickruuVirtual field tripVirtual field tripuuCategorize, analyze, evaluate imagesCategorize, analyze, evaluate imagesuuGeography practiceGeography practiceuuPicture books-documentariesPicture books-documentariesuuDisplay original artworkDisplay original artworkuuOnline scavenger hu

118、ntsOnline scavenger huntsuuProcess live field tripsProcess live field tripsuuUpload exported (jpeg) Upload exported (jpeg) InspirationInspiration graphic graphic organizersorganizersPhoto Editing ToolsPhixr Phixr http:/ http:/ Pxn8 Pxn8 http:/ http:/ Picasa Picasa http:/ http:/ GIMP GIMP http:/www.g

119、imp.org/windows/ http:/www.gimp.org/windows/ Free Serif PhotoPlus Free Serif PhotoPlus http:/ Paint.Net Paint.Net http:/www.eecs.wsu.edu/ Pixia Pixia http:/ PhotoFiltrePhotoFiltrehttp:/photofiltre.free.fr/frames_en.htmhttp:/photofiltre.free.fr/frames_en.htm Ultimate PaintUltimate Painthttp:/ http:/

120、VCW VicMans Photo EditorVCW VicMans Photo Editorhttp:/ http:/ ImageForgeImageForgehttp:/ http:/ PicnikPicnikhttp:/ Bibliography HelpersuuEasybib - http:/ http:/webapps.calvin.edu/knightcite/uuLandmarks Citation Machine http:/ http:/ http:/ Editing ToolsEyespotEyespothttp:/ JumpcutJumpcuthttp:/ CutsC

121、utshttp:/http:/ / Windows Movie MakerWindows Movie Makerhttp:/ Avid Free DVAvid Free DVhttp:/ Implementation Ideas - http:/ on Your iPoduuVisit the blog of Discovery Educations Hall Visit the blog of Discovery Educations Hall Davidson to learn how to transfer videos to your iPodDavidson to learn how

122、 to transfer videos to your iPod http:/ your iPod compatible video files on:Share your iPod compatible video files on: Internet ArchiveInternet Archiveuuhttp:/www.archive.org/index.phphttp:/www.archive.org/index.php Public Public folder folderuuhttp:/http:/ /Online ResourcesuuNoteStar enhanced rese

123、arch tools NoteStar enhanced research tools http:/notestar.4teachers.org/http:/notestar.4teachers.org/ uuRubiStar rubric creation tools RubiStar rubric creation tools http:/rubistar.4teachers.org/index.phphttp:/rubistar.4teachers.org/index.phpuuQuizStar online quiz creation tools QuizStar online qui

124、z creation tools http:/quizstar.4teachers.org/http:/quizstar.4teachers.org/ uuTrackStar online hotlist and Internet activity creation tools TrackStar online hotlist and Internet activity creation tools http:/trackstar.4teachers.org/http:/trackstar.4teachers.org/ uuWeb Worksheet Wizard Web Worksheet

125、Wizard http:/wizard.4teachers.org/http:/wizard.4teachers.org/uuProject Poster online project-based activity creation tools Project Poster online project-based activity creation tools http:/poster.4teachers.org/http:/poster.4teachers.org/uuDiscovery School Puzzle Maker Discovery School Puzzle Maker h

126、ttp:/ Library of Virtual Manipulatives National Library of Virtual Manipulatives http:/nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.htmlhttp:/nlvm.usu.edu/en/nav/vlibrary.html WebQuestsuuA WebQuest for K-12 Teachers utilizing the WebGuide Template - A WebQuest for K-12 Teachers utilizing the WebGuide Template - Int

127、ernet4Classrooms version - Internet4Classrooms version - http:/ Template - WebQuest Template - http:/ uuSan Diego State University Educational Technology Department San Diego State University Educational Technology Department WebQuests Page - WebQuests Page - http:/webquest.sdsu.edu/http:/webquest.s

128、dsu.edu/uuBest WebQuests - Best WebQuests - http:/ Templates SDSU - WebQuest Templates SDSU - http:/webquest.sdsu.edu/LessonTemplate.htmlhttp:/webquest.sdsu.edu/LessonTemplate.htmluuTeachnology WebQuest Generator - Teachnology WebQuest Generator - http:/teachers.teach-http:/teachers.teach- Instructi

129、on WebQuests - Differentiated Instruction WebQuests - http:/www.lakelandschools.org/EDTECH/Differentiation/nine.htmhttp:/www.lakelandschools.org/EDTECH/Differentiation/nine.htmuuUsing the Using the Understanding By DesignUnderstanding By Design Model to create WebQuests - Model to create WebQuests -

130、 http:/www.bclacts.org/Using%20Ubd%20to%20design%20a%20webqhttp:/www.bclacts.org/Using%20Ubd%20to%20design%20a%20webquest.pdfuest.pdfQuestions to ConsideruuWho are your teachers?uuHow are you building your own learning networks?uuHow are you modeling your learning for your students?Will Richardson -

131、 http:/www.weblogg- Learn More, Get InvolveduuJen Dormans “Digital Tools for Digital Natives” wikiJen Dormans “Digital Tools for Digital Natives” wiki http:/http:/ uuJen Dormans blogJen Dormans blog http:/ uuJens Class Web PageJens Class Web Page http:/www.cbsd.org/holicong/jendorman/http:/www.cbsd.

132、org/holicong/jendorman/ uuDiscovery Educator Network PA blogDiscovery Educator Network PA blog http:/ Discovery Educator NetworkuuJoin the Discovery Educator Network to connect to over 20,000 educators worldwide who collaborate to support the integration of 21st century technologies in education.uuLearn more at http:/



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