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1、备 注:本套试卷附有答案解析, 答案解析字体为白色,预览无法观看,如需观看试题的答案解析,请下载试卷CTRL+ A选中全部文字,然后将答案字体调整为黑色即可。【 自考英语】2022年 3 月吉林省东昌区英语( 一)模拟题( 解析版)第 1题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Redemption ( 拯救) is a practical necessity. How can value berestored to young lives distorted ( 扭曲) by acts of violence? The boys inJonesboro and in Chicago will be co

2、nfined in institutions for a relatively short time.Despite horror at what was done, children cannot be-dealt with as adults, notif a people wants to consider itself civilized. Thats why politicians cries for adulttreatment of youthful criminals ultimately miss the point.According to politicians,when

3、 children commit crimes, they should be treated in the same way asA、 murderers.B criminals.C victims.D、adults.【 正确答案】D第 2 题 【 单选题】The computer of this kind can work than the one of that kind.A、hundred of times fasterB、a hundred time fasterC hundred times fasterD、hundreds of times faster【 正确答案】D第 3 题

4、 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】When Nick Holonyak set out to create a new kind of visible lighting usingsemiconductor alloys, his colleagues thought he was unrealistic. Today, his discovery oflight-emitting diodes, or LEDs, are used in everything from DVDs to alarm clocks to airports.Q:Holonyaks colleagues thought h

5、e would fail in his research on LEDs at the time when he started it.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第 4 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】On a September day in 1991, two Germans were climbing themountains between Austria and Italy. High up on a mountain pass, they found thebody of a man lying on the ice. At that heigh

6、t(10,499 feet, or 3,200 meters), the iceis usually permanent, but 1991 had been an especially warm year. The mountainice had melted more than usual and so the body had come to the surface. It waslying face downward. The skeleton( 骨架) was in perfect condition, except for awound in the head. There was

7、 still skin on the bones and the remains of someclothes. The hands were still holding the wooden handle of an ax and on the feetthere were very simple leather and cloth boots. Nearby was a pair of gloves madeof tree bark( 树皮) and a holder for arrows. What can be inferred from paragraph 2?A、 The Icem

8、an lived a poor life.B The Iceman could have died from the wound in the head.C The Iceman was struck dead from behind.D、The Iceman was killed while working.【 正确答案】B第 5 题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】El Nino tends to develop between April and June and reaches its peak betweenDecember and February. The warming tends

9、to last between 9 and 12 months and occurs every twoto seven years.lt takes about eight months for El Nino to reach its peak.A、TrueB、FalseC Not Given【 正确答案】A第 6 题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】For over a month, Indonesia was in crisis. Forest fires raged out of control as thecountry suffered its worst drought for 50

10、 years. Smoke from the fires mixed with sunlight and hotdry air to form a cloud of smog. This pollution quickly spread and within days it was hanging overneighbouring countries including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.Indonesia was in crisis becauseof the drought.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第

11、7 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Jamie was worried about the junk food which he saw being servedwhich included burgers, pizzas and chips. So he decided to ban the junk and startedcooking some good soup and curries for the children instead. So he improved theschool dinners in that particular school, and trained the

12、dinner ladies to cookhealthy food. Then he put pressure on the government to improve the standards ofschool food across the country. And it looks like the changes have takenplace.Generally, schools didnt serve to students before.A、soup and curriesB、hot cooked mealsC、drinks and chipsD、burgers and piz

13、zas【 正确答案】A第 8 题 【 单选题】She passed without me.A、seeB、seeingC seenD saw【 正确答案】B第 9 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Until recently, the science of the future was supposed to beelectronics and artificial intelligence. Today it seems more and more likely that thenext great breakthroughs in technology will be brought thro

14、ugh a combination ofthose two sciences with organic chemistry and genetic engineering. Thiscombination is the science of biotechnology.According to the passage, the scienceof the future is likely to be.A electronicsB、biotechnologyC、genetic engineeringD、nuclear technology【 正确答案】B第 10题 【 单选题】( 阅读理解】 A

15、 new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used toreduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.Researchers from theUniversity of Iowa based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that lookedat the association between sunscreen use and melanoma ( 黑素瘤) . They sai

16、d thatthey found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen useand higher risk of melanoma.The word “flaws“ in the 2nd paragraph most probablyme a n s .A、evidenceB factsC faultsD、failures【 正确答案】c第 题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children aremo

17、st at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theearths protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Programme (UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers

18、of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children become greaterand greaterA、 Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B Because they are short of physical training.C Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Because the earth is

19、getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】c第 12题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes andpromote long term thinking/ says Dr Gregory Stock of the University Of CaliforniaSchool Of Public Health. It would also raise productivity by adding to the year wecan work. Longer

20、lives dont just affect the people who live them. They also affectsociety as a whole. We have war, poverty, all sorts of issues around, and I dontthink any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer/ says USbioethicist Daniel Callahan. Z/The question is What will we get as a societys

21、 suspectit wont be a better society.wWhich of the following is NOT mentioned as one of thethings that living longer might enable an individual to doA、Spending more time with his family.B、Having more education.C Realizing more dreams.D、Working longer.【 正确答案】B第 13题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】When do people decide w

22、hether or not they want to become friends? During theirfirst four minutes together, according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book, Contact: The firstfour minutes, he offers this advice to anyone interested in starting new f r i e n d s h i p s : . Alot of peoples whole lives would change if

23、they did just that.A、That is not the time to complain about ones health or to mention faults one finds in otherpeople.B、 Every time you meet someone in a social situation, give him your undivided attention for fourminutes.C、It is not the time to tell the whole truth about ones opinions and impressio

24、ns.D、 He is eager to make friends with everyone.【 正确答案】B第 14题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The ISU wont finally approve the new system until it meets in Junebut already UK Sport, the British Governments sports body, has expressedreservations. I remain to be convinced that the random selection system wouldoffer the

25、guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for, saysJerry Bingham, UK Sports head of ethics ( 伦理).What does Jerry Bingham expressby saying I remain to be convinced?A、 His anger.B、 His criticism.C、His agreement.D、His doubt.【 正确答案】D第15题 【 单选题】2005.4 Some people who are very intel

26、ligent and successful in their fields find difficultto succeed in language learning.A、whichB、howC、 thatD、it【 正确答案】D第16题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Once upon a time there was a rich village. The wealthiest of the villagers decided tohide a huge lump ( 堆 ) of gold to protect it from robbers.A、A poor old farmer deci

27、ded to plow the field.B、When you are always ready to share your own things with others, you are doomed to benefitfrom it.C、 And I will receive the honor with the fourth by giving it to the needy.D、So he buried it in a nearby rice field.【 正确答案】D第17题 【 单选题】2005.10 Since time is limited, wed better our

28、 task.A、get onB、get overC、get acrossD get into【 正确答案】D第 18题 【 单选题】填句补文 But Bali starlings are only found in a small area on the island of Bali in Indonesia. Theylive in the tall grasslands near the c o a s t .T o d a y there are only 14 left in the wild on a singlereserve. More than half of their ha

29、bitat was converted into farmland, and forest plantation. Many ofthem were captured and sold as pets.A、We should take measures to protect them.B、 Bali starlings are very beautiful birds.C、They grow fast because of a protein rich diet of insects.D、In 1984, there were only 150 birds left in the wild.【

30、 正确答案】D第 19题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】During work Tom always thought of the girl and felt as if he had mether somewhere, but he couldnt remember when. Tom concluded that the girl wasin love with him and he was very excited. This girl maybe looked not as beautiful asthe girl he had dated the other day, but she h

31、ad a grand ( 豪华的)car. She must bevery rich. So he chose to love this girl. When his work was over, Tom called the girlwho had dated him. He said, “After several days, thinking, I think I am not suited forbeing your boyfriend, so I hope you will forget me. We can learn from this passagethat Tom.A、was

32、 very poorB、didnt like the biscuitsC、walked to work every morningD、compared the two girls carefully【 正确答案】D第20题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】 Since 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking isa health hazard. The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a s

33、erioushealth risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt thattobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.Q: Smoking reduces ones lifeexpectancy.A TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第21题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to descri

34、be this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. Bu

35、t it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad fo

36、r his childhood is sad.B It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 22题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】Yes, t

37、hings look like economy will get worse. The reality, however; really depends onhow you look at it and react to this situation. Like any challenge in life, its not what actuallyhappens that will determine the outcome, its what you decide to do about it.The key to dealingwith challenges lies in your a

38、ttitudes towards what has happened. ( )A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第23题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it,“ says her father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she wa

39、s one year old she received part of her fathers liver in alivertransplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l nes s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B David quickly recov

40、ered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第24题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning. Shesvery good about it,“ says her

41、father David. Lani is alive today because of her father David, in morethan one way; when she was one year old she received part of her fathers liver in alivertransplant operation. Lani was born with a liver i l l ne s s . . Doctors advised that atransplant was the only way in which she would live.A、

42、She had one operation when she was six weeks old, which was not successful.B David quickly recovered from the operation.C、David was finally able to ride his bike again after about a year.D、 Doctors hope that she will continue to get stronger and stronger.【 正确答案】A第 25题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】During work Tom alw

43、ays thought of the girl and felt as if he had mether somewhere, but he couldnt remember when. Tom concluded that the girl wasin love with him and he was very excited. This girl maybe looked not as beautiful asthe girl he had dated the other day, but she had a grand ( 豪华的)car. She must bevery rich. S

44、o he chose to love this girl. When his work was over, Tom called the girlwho had dated him. He said, “After several days thinking, I think I am not suited forbeing your boyfriend, so I hope you will forget me. We can learn from this passagethat Tom.A、was very poorB、didnt like the biscuitsC、walked to

45、 work every morningD compared the two girls carefully【 正确答案】D第 26题 【 单选题】( 概括大意】Take the case of Eta Carinae, one of the most explosive stars in the universe. This starproduces ultraviolet laser rays ( 紫 夕 卜 线 ) and it will destroy itself in a few million years time. It isfive times brighter than th

46、e sun and when it explodes it is going to be a sight worth waiting for!Themain idea of this paragraph is.A、Power of the telescopeB Details of Eta CarinaeC Invention of a time machineD、Biggest telescope【 正确答案】B第 27题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 More and more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of di

47、vorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r . . According to a recent U.S. census ( 人口普查), 25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、 It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He says, a like being by myself.C、However, even more people are living

48、 alone because they have chosen to.D、 Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【 正确答案】C第 28题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】In this world of change and complexity, the need for information is ofgreatest importance. Those people who have accurate, reliable up-to-dateinformation to solve the day-to-day problems, th

49、e critical problems of theirbusiness, social and family life, will survive and succeed Knowledge is power maywell be the truest saying and access to information may be the most criticalrequirement of all people.We can learn from the paragraph t hat .A it is necessary to obtain as much knowledge as p

50、ossibleB people should make the best use of the information accessibleC、we should realize the importance of accumulating informationD、it is of vital importance to acquire needed information efficiently【 正确答案】D第 29题 【 单选题】2004.10 It is impolite to in others private affairs.A、involveB invadeC、integrat

51、eD、interfere【 正确答案】D第 30题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】You play the lottery ( 彩票)each day and there are two options ( 选择):either you hit the jackpot and your life changes greatly or you lose and youhave to start it from the very beginning. On the contrary, its well known that if youdont take risks, you cant win, so

52、 the best solution is always to think over and overagain, to see what your decisions could represent in your future and onlyafterwards to make up your mind.While making a decision, you are advised toA、refer to your experienceB、think twice before you leapC、turn to parentsD、prepare to take a risk【 正确答

53、案】B第 31题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and which arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found i

54、n the Earths crust.C、 Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of protons they have.D Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第 32题 【 单选题】2010.4 George has just bought a fancy sports car. It about $45,000.A might cost himB、should cost himC、must have cost himD

55、、would have cost him【 正确答案】C第 33题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】Radar is now a familiar tool. Like many others it was an unexpected discovery. It wasfirst observed by two researchers, who were studying sound communication. They were sendingsignals from a station on one side of a river in Washington D to a vehicle ac

56、ross the river. Theydiscovered that their signals were stopped by passing ships. They recognized the importance of thisdiscovery at once.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Study of RadarB Radar is now a familiar toolC Radar Working PrinciplesD、Radar was Discovered by Chance【 正确答案】D第 34题 【 单选题】【 阅读

57、理解】The ISU wont finally approve the new system until it meets in Junebut already UK Sport, the British Governments sports body, has expressedreservations. I remain to be convinced that the random selection system wouldoffer the guarantees that everyone concerned with ethical sport is looking for, sa

58、ysJerry Bingham, UK Sports head of ethics ( 伦理).What does Jerry Bingham expressby saying I remain to be convinced?A、His anger.B、 His criticism.C、His agreement.D、His doubt.【 正确答案】D第 35题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 In order to produce high quality products, the Tasmanian government understands theneed for getting h

59、igh quality irrigation equipment at all times, such as travelling irrigators ( 灌溉车) ,pumps and other irrigation tools, which are the key to the success of the growers. It is also nowonder why irrigation equipment makers and suppliers are making much money in the region.A、They play a key role in meet

60、ing the needs of the farmers.B、Through the years, people there have come up with long-term solutions that mainly focus ondeveloping or improving its various irrigation systems.C、 Travelling irrigators first appeared in the East Han Dynasty in China.D、Next on the list is drip irrigation and spray irr

61、igation.【 正确答案】A第 36题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor; lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, which produced the Beetles, had on

62、e of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Belfast.AII great players have a lot in common, but that doesntexplain why they are

63、great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, butonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . but onlyone became Pele“ indicates t hat .A、Pele is the greatest soccer player.B th

64、e greatest players are born with some unique quality.C Peles birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D、 the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第 37题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beachesline

65、 the coasts of many i s l a n d s . . Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.A、They are Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Hispaniola.B The Caribbean Islands are known by several names.C Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers ( 小片)of exposed coral.D、This is why millions of tourists visit the

66、 islands each year.【 正确答案】D第 38题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some way doesnot live up to the manufacturers claim for it, the first step is to present the warranty ( 保单) / or anyother records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most case

67、s, this action will produceresults. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction.The main idea of this paragraph is.A、In personB Polite ConsumersC Show RecordsD、Store Manager【 正确答案】c第 39题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】It had been boring hanging about the hotel all aftern

68、oon. The roadcrew were playing a game with dollar notes. Folding them into small planes to seewhose would fly the furthest. Having nothing better to doz I joined in and won five,and then took the opportunity to escape with my profit. Despite the evil-lookingclouds, I had to get out for a while. Why

69、did the writer want to leave the hotelA、To enjoy the good weather.B、To have a change of scene.C、To spend all his winnings.D、To get away from the crew.【 正确答案】B第 40题 【 单选题】2005.10 The traditional view that men are superior women still exists in some remoteareas.A overB toC、forD、 than【 正确答案】B第 41题 【 单选

70、题】阅读理解】“Longer life would give us a chance to recover from our mistakes andpromote long term thinking/ says Dr Gregory Stock of the University Of CaliforniaSchool Of Public Health. would also raise productivity by adding to the year wecan work. Longer lives dont just affect the people who live them.

71、 They also affectsociety as a whole. MWe have war, poverty, all sorts of issues around, and I dontthink any of them would be at all helped by having people live longer/* says USbioethicist Daniel Callahan. Z/The question is What will we get as a societys suspectit wont be a better society.Which of t

72、he following is NOT mentioned as one of thethings that living longer might enable an individual to doA Spending more time with his family.B Having more education.C、Realizing more dreams.D、Working longer.【 正确答案】B第 42题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients, and whi

73、ch arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the number of pro

74、tons they have.D、 Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第 43题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I found in my babys behaviour a metaphor for the new generation.My wife and I had given him some books to examine; but he merely spit upon them.When we read to him, he did not feel comfortable. And so it is

75、 in the schools. Wefind that our students dont read, that they look down upon reading and scoldthose of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this experience withthe baby, however, I have reached a conclusion: let them watch it. If television isthat much more attractive to children

76、 than books, why should we fight it? Let themwatch it all they want!From the passage we know that the author isA、a doctor.B、an editor.C、a writer.D、a teacher.【 正确答案】D第 44题 【 单选题】Some states have an income tax similar to of the federal government.A、 thatB、 thoseC、thisD these【 正确答案】A第 45题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】

77、The biggest advance in early detection is continuous watch from weather satellites.With these, we can see the storms form and track them fully, from birth to death. While they canstill kill people and destroy property, hurricanes will never surprise any nation again.Using weathersatellites can ensur

78、e of hurricanes.A、the timely ( 及时的)discoveryB、the controllingC、its uncertaintyD the reduction【 正确答案】A第46题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】The first principle is that people are more likely to follow someone who is similar tothem than someone who is not. Wise managers, then, ask peers to help make their cases. Second,p

79、eople are more willing to cooperate with those who are not only like them but who like them, aswell.Q: People are more likely to cooperate with those who like them.A、TrueB、FalseC、Not Given【 正确答案】A第47题 【 单选题】2010.4 It is important that we this message across to voters.A、getB、will getC、must getD ought

80、 to get【 正确答案】A第48题 【 单选题】【 概括大意)For more than ten years there has been a big rise in car crime than in most other typesof crimes. An average of more than two cars a minute are broken into or stolen in the UK. Car crimeaccounts for almost a third of all reported offenses ( 进攻) with no signs that the

81、 trend is slowingdown. The main idea of this paragraph is.A、Safe ParkingB Increase in Car TheftC Opportunities for Non-professionalsD、Anti-theft Organizations【 正确答案】B第49题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】 They always complained( 抱怨)more or less justly, that their parents are out of touchwith modern ways. They also blam

82、ed that their parents always have a final say. And the young feltthat their parents do not trust their children to deal with crises. Besides, they dissatisfied too muchmurmurs of their parents about certain problems and the lack of sense of humor in dealing with theproblems, at least in parents-chil

83、dren relationships.The main idea of this paragraph is.A The criticisms to their parents can be kept out of the young peoples mind in following ways.B It is natural for young people to be critical of their parents at times and to blame them formost of the misunderstanding between them.C、There are so

84、many criticism to their parents among the young people.D Young people have gotten enough reasons to criticize their parents.【 正确答案】c第 50题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Two United Nations agencies warned on Tuesday that children aremost at risk of developing skin cancers as a result of the long-term decline in theear

85、ths protective ozone layer. The agencies, the World Health Organization (WHO)and the UN Environmental Programme ( UNEP) , issued the warning as theylaunched a global programme aimed at alerting schools to the dangers of exposureto the sun.Why does the risk of developing skin cancers in children beco

86、me greaterand greaterA、 Because they pay little attention to their skin health.B、Because they are short of physical training.C Because the earths protective ozone layer declines year after year.D、Because the earth is getting warmer and warmer.【 正确答案】c第 51题 【 单选题】2005.4 Other people stop at each new

87、word and look itin the dictionary.A、upB、downC、 backD、 over【 正确答案】A第 52题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】After notifying the nurse of the situation we exchanged cell phonenumbers in case Ed showed up. Once arriving in the parking lot of the restaurantHelen received a call from the nurse, who had found Ed sitting on a b

88、ench in frontof the hospital a few buildings down waiting for her. What a relief! Ed was found atl ast.A、in front of the hospitalB、in the local restaurantC in the parking lot of the restaurantD on a bench near the restaurant【 正确答案】A第 53题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 We all have our own comfort foods. Interestingly

89、, they may vary according to moodsand gender. One study found that happy people seem to want to eat things like pizza, while sadpeople prefer ice cream and c o o k ie s .R e s e a r c h e r s also found that guys seem to preferhot, homemade comfort meals, like steaks and casseroles. Girls go for cho

90、colate and ice cream.A、 Bored people crave salty, crunchy things, like chips.B、 Emotional eating patterns can be learned.C、Dont let emotional eating disturb your weight.D But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too.【 正确答案】A第54题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】The best evidence of the theory can be foun

91、d in what the more fortunate West hasexperienced in its road to modern civilization. Their experience is also applicable to China. Chinesepermanent prosperity depends on young ambitious generations who are guaranteed excellenteducation and are conscious of the responsibility they will have shouldere

92、d for the future.The mainidea of this paragraph is.A、Youth are the hope of a nations prosperity.B A nations prosperity cannot be made possible without ambitious young elite.C The prosperity a nation expects to enjoy is not possible without educational development.D、Education plays a very important p

93、art in enhancing national quality of Chinese citizens.【 正确答案】c第55题 【 单选题】2005.10 Im afraid nothing I can do about it.A、it isB this isC、there isD、that is【 正确答案】C第56题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please. The chance to discover whether that free

94、dom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chancemore and more Americans are taking.A、Its now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone.B、The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doingwhat they want when they want to do it.C、 Living alone is a luxur

95、y.D It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.【 正确答案】D第57题 【 单选题】【 概括大意I love sunny days because they are ideal for outings. I remember the sunny weekendwhen two roommates and I had a marvelous time in the old Summer Palace. Under the blue sky,the trees are bathed in gold

96、en light. On rainy days, I enjoy the sound of raindrops beating on thewindowpanes. I watch the rain washing the trees and grass clean, knowing they will glitter when itclears up and hoping a rainbow will follow. In winter, a heavy snowfall offers a different type ofpleasure. Cold as it often is, I a

97、lways go outdoors and leave my footprints in the thick snow whilethrowing snowballs and making snowmen with my fellow students.The main idea of this paragraphis.A、A person should learn to be happy in all weathers.B、Ones mood should not be affected by bad weather.C、People usually prefer fine weather

98、to severe weather.D、I enjoy both sunny weather and rainy or snowy weather.【 正确答案】D第58题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the fee

99、ling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with

100、 us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the fee

101、ling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 59题 【 单选题】【 阅读判断】Norwich, the capital of the part of Britain known as East Anglia, has been in existencefor more than two thousand years. It began as a small village beside t

102、he River Wensum. At the timeof the Norman invasion in 1066 it had grown to become one of the largest towns in England.TheRiver Wensum flows by NorwichA、TrueB、FalseC Not Given【 正确答案】A第 60题 【 单选题】 阅读理解】The question of how healthy school food is was called attention to bythe professional cook, Jamie Ol

103、iver, who launched a campaign to improve childrensnutrition, after spending a year working in a school kitchen. The TV series about thecampaign won a BAFTA award this week. We can learn from the passage thatA、Jamie never eats the junk foodB、Jamie taught parents to cook healthy foodC、Jamie once worke

104、d in a school kitchenD、in order to win a BAFTA award, Jamie launched a campaign【 正确答案】c第 61题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used toreduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk.Researchers from theUniversity of Iowa based their findings on a rev

105、iew of 18 earlier studies that lookedat the association between sunscreen use and melanoma ( 黑素瘤) . They said thatthey found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen useand higher risk of melanoma.The word “flaws“ in the 2nd paragraph most probablyme a n s .A、evidenceB、facts

106、C、faultsD、failures【 正确答案】C第 62题 【 单选题】2009.1 Dont go shopping during the hour unless you have to.A、busyB、 dashC、 rushD、hurry【 正确答案】C第 63题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Scientific conservatism suggests that a biological explanation shouldbe the last choice after all non-biological explanations are addressed, Allen sa

107、id.We have a lot of work to do to rule out ( 排除 的可能性) possible non-biologicalexplanations. It is more likely that a chemical process, without biology, can explainthese results.What can be inferred from what Allen said?A、 Scientists have different arguments over whether there is life on Titan.B、 Scie

108、ntists all agree that there is life on Titan.C、 Scientists all suggest that a biological explanation is reasonable.D、Scientists all agree that a non-biological chemical reaction is a possible explanation.【 正确答案】A第 64题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】The withdrawal of Nevadas Yucca Mountain as a potential nuclearwaste

109、repository has reopened the debate over how and where to dispose of spentnuclear fuel and high-level nuclear waste. In an article in the July 10 issue of Science,University of Michigan geologist Rodney Ewing and Princeton University nuclearphysicist Frank von Hippel argue that, although federal agen

110、cies should setstandards and issue licenses for the approval of nuclear facilities, local communitiesand states should have the final approval on the siting of these facilities. Theauthors propose the development of multiple sites that would service the regionswhere nuclear reactors are located. Whi

111、ch of the following words can bestsubstitute the word “withdrawal“ in the first paragraphA、Retirement.B、Canceling.C、 Replaced.D、Disposal.【 正确答案】B第65题 【 单选题】2004.10 Its necessary that he in time to attend the meeting.A、comeB、cameC comesD、will come【 正确答案】A第66题 【 单选题】2005.4 or not youre conscious of it

112、, youre constantly valuing items in dollars.A、AsB、WhetherC、HoweverD、If【 正确答案】B第67题 【 单选题】【2009.7 Ive had a few jobs with long periods of unemployment in.A、amongB、 betweenC thatD which【 正确答案】B第 68题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes someth

113、ing that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness oft

114、hese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the author;s feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B It makes him fe

115、el sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C、 He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 69题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 The black robin ( 旅鸦)is one of the worlds ra

116、rest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and itlives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were aboutfifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten. .A、These are the only black robins left in the world.B Those that fail to meet the challenges wil

117、l disappear early.C、Both represent orders in the classification of life.D、Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.【 正确答案】A第70题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fieldsand a few years ago, when oil was ex

118、pensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USAand earning a lot of mo n e y . . However; the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、 But those ruins are in danger of being seriou

119、sly damaged by pollution.B Scientists estimate that about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow huge sums of money from banks a

120、round theworld, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.【 正确答案】D第71题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are give to farmanimals to prevent disease and promote g r owt h. .AThe warning comes from a research

121、er in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.B、The drugs could be getting into our food and water.C、Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyarddrugs and the appearance of antibio

122、tic - resistant bugs that infect people.【 正确答案】D第 72题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Finally, many great players come from the same kind of neighborhood- a poor, crowed area where a boys dream is not to be a doctor, lawyer, orbusinessman, but to become a rich, famous athlete or entertainer. For example,Liverpool, wh

123、ich produced the Beetles, had one of the best English soccer ( 英式足球)teams in recent years. Pele practiced in the street with a ball made of rags. AndGeorge Best learned the tricks that made him famous by bouncing the ball off awall in the slums of Belfast.AII great players have a lot in common, but

124、that doesntexplain why they are great. Hundreds of boys played in those Brazilian streets, butonly one became Pele. The greatest players are born with some unique quality thatsets them apart from all the others.ln the last paragraph the statement . but onlyone became Pelew indicates t hat .A、Pele is

125、 the greatest soccer player.B、the greatest players are born with some unique quality.C、 Peles birthplace sets him apart from all the others.D the success of a soccer player has everything to do with the family back ground.【 正确答案】B第 73题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe

126、 this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But

127、it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for

128、his childhood is sad.B、 It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 74题 【 单选题】( 填句补文】 More a

129、nd more Americans are living alone. Some live alone because of divorce or thedeath of a p a r t n e r . . According to a recent U.S. census ( 人口普查), 25 percent of allhouseholds in the U.S. are made up of just one person.A、It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dream.B、He say

130、s, /zl like being by myself/C、However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D Theres more pressure to get married nowadays.【 正确答案】C第 75题 【 单选题】2004.04 We_very close, but things have changed recently.A、used to beB、are used to beingC、are used to beD were used to being【 正确答案】A第

131、 76题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Parents and kids today dress alike, listen to the same music, and arefriends. Is this a good thing? Sometimes, when Mr. Ballmer and his 16-year-olddaughter, Elizabeth, listen to rock music together and talk about interests bothenjoy, such as pop culture, he remembers his more dista

132、nt relationship with hisparents when he was a teenager.l would never have said to my mom, Hey, thenew Weezer album is really great. How do you like it? says Ballmer. There wasjust a complete gap in tasted Music was not the only gulf. From clothing andhairstyles to activities and expectations, earlie

133、r generations of parents and childrenoften appeared to move in separate orbits.The word gulf most probably meansA、interestB distanceC hopeD、separation【 正确答案】D第 77题 【 单选题】It was important for the president to continue his schedule, regardless the bomb threat.A、ofB byC fromD、with【 正确答案】A第78题 【 单选题】【 填

134、句补文】 Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each year.More than half are give to farm-animals to prevent disease and promote g r o wt h . .A、 The warning comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the drugs in farmslurry.B、 The drugs could be ge

135、tting into our food and water.C、Many drugs given to humans are also excreted unchanged.D、But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyarddrugs and the appearance of antibiotic - resistant bugs that infect people.【 正确答案】D第79题 【 单选题】【 完成句子】Lack of sleep can affec

136、t everything from our emotions to how well we focus on taskslike driving. It can affect sports performance, increase our chances of getting sick, and may be linkedto weight gain in some people. Youve probably noticed how much running around little kids do and how soundly they sleep. Take a tip from

137、a toddler and get at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.Physical activity can decrease stress and help people feel more relaxed. Just dont work out tooclose to bedtime because exercise can wake you up before it slows you down.Lack of sleep canincrease our chances of.A feel more relaxedB waking up in

138、 middle nightC、getting sickD、Watch TV and surf online【 正确答案】C第 80题 【 单选题】2007.4 Dont call me at the office_its absolutely necessary.A、 exceptB、unlessC、sinceD、if【 正确答案】B第 81题 【 单选题】2007.10 To some extent the good service at the hotel the poor food.A、brought outB、came aboutC、got down toD、made up for【

139、正确答案】D第 82题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】You play the lottery ( 彩票)each day and there are two options ( 选择):either you hit the jackpot and your life changes greatly or you lose and youhave to start it from the very beginning. On the contrary, its well known that if youdont take risks, you cant win, so the best solu

140、tion is always to think over and overagain, to see what your decisions could represent in your future and onlyafterwards to make up your mind.While making a decision, you are advised toA、refer to your experienceB、think twice before you leapC、turn to parentsD、prepare to take a risk【 正确答案】B第 83题 【 单选题

141、】2005.10 The traditional view that men are superior women still exists in some remoteareas.A、 overB、toC、forD、 than【 正确答案】B第 84题 【 单选题】2009.1 Young people are keener_high pay and promotion but less concerned with securityand job satisfaction than older people.A、onB、toC、forD at【 正确答案】A第 85题 【 单选题】2004

142、.04 We_very close, but things have changed recently.A、used to beB、are used to beingC、are used to beD、were used to being【 正确答案】A第 86题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 My teacher once said to me, If you dont quit, you will win”. I have nodesire to quit writing as Im having too much fun. My thanks go to AssociatedContent

143、 and the Yahoo! Contributor Network for all my progress in writing! And tomy fellow writers thank you so much for your support and friendship. May wecontinue to support each other for many years to comeSWe can learn from thepassage that.A the author thinks writing on the Net is very easyB the author

144、 has his first book published on the NetC、two years has passed since the author began writingD、the author is grateful for the content sites sincerely【 正确答案】D第 87题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Most of us walk and carry items in our hands every day. These areseemingly simple activities that the majority of us dont qu

145、estion. But aninternational team of researchers, including Dr. Richmond from GWs ColumbianCollege of Arts and Sciences, have discovered that human walking upright may haveoriginated millions of years ago as an adaptation to carrying scarce, high-qualityresources. Which of the following statements is

146、 NOT true according to the first twoparagraphsA Many people question the simple human activities of walking and carrying items.B、Chimpanzees behaviors may suggest why humans walk on two legs.C、Human walking upright is viewed as an adaptation to carrying precious resources.D Our ancestors ecological

147、conditions resembled those of modern-day chimpanzees.【 正确答案】A第 88题 【 单选题】2005.10 When he was young, he used to spend his time collecting stamps.A、smartB、specialC、solidD spare【 正确答案】D第89题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】 Mexicos current lack of funds is also partly due to oil. The country has rich oil fieldsand a few y

148、ears ago, when oil was expensive, Mexico was selling large quantities of oil to the USAand earning a lot of mo n e y . . However; the price of oil then dropped, and Mexico has beenleft owing enormous sums of money and with not enough income from oil sales to pay back theloans.A、 But those ruins are

149、in danger of being seriously damaged by pollution.B、 Scientists estimate that about one millimeter of stone is worn away every twelve years.C At others the painted surfaces inside temples are lifting and flaking off and the stone is beingeaten away.D、The government was therefore able to borrow huge

150、sums of money from banks around theworld, thinking they would have no problem repaying their debts.【 正确答案】D第90题 【 单选题】【2005.10 Since time is limited, wed better our task.A get onB、get overC、get acrossD、get into【 正确答案】D第91题 【 单选题】【2005.10 When he was young, he used to spend his time collecting stamps

151、.A、smartB、specialC、solidD spare【 正确答案】D第 92题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 Two thousand years ago the Chinese had already developed a workingcompass. A piece of lodestone ( 天然磁石) would be cut into the shape of a ladle( 长柄勺). Placed on a stone board with a smooth surface, the lodestone wouldmove round until the hand

152、le of the ladle pointed south while the bulk ( 主体)ofthe ladle was attracted to magnetic north. This interestingly shaped device ismentioned in a book from about 80. Other ancient books may have dated it as farback as the fourth century Jade ( 玉石) finders played an important role in theinvention of t

153、he ladle. They travelled great distances to look for jade. In order notto lose directions, they would take a ladle with them.Which of the followingabout the ladle-shaped compass is true?A The handle of the ladle pointed south.B The handle of the ladle pointed north.C、The bulk of the ladle was attrac

154、ted to south.D、The bulk of the ladle remained unmoved on the board.【 正确答案】A第 93题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】 I entered the hotel managers office and sat down. I had just lost 50and I felt very upset. I left the money in my room, I said, and its not there now.The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing. E

155、veryones losing moneythese days. he said. He started to complain about this wicked world but wasinterrupted by a knock at the door. A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.It contained 50. I found this outside this gentlemans room. she said. Well/ Isaid to the manager, there is still some hon

156、esty in this world!What did the writerbelieve had happened to his money?A、He had left his money in the managers office.B、Someone had stolen his money.C、The manager had the money.D、 The girl had stolen the money.【 正确答案】B第 94题 【 单选题】【 填句补文】He has also included symbols to show which ions are nutrients,

157、 and which arecommon in soil or wa t e r . .A、There have been many attempts to redesign the periodic table since Dmitri Mendeleev drewit up in 1871.B、And the size of elements symbol reflects how much of it is found in the Earths crust.C、 Railsback has still ordered the elements according to the numb

158、er of protons they have.D Raisback has listed some elements more than once.【 正确答案】B第 95题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just the right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the f

159、eeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster than wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry wi

160、th us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B、 It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C、He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the

161、feeling.D He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第 96题 【 单选题】2008.10 The President was among the first to congratulate the scientist his newdiscovery.A、atB、inC aboutD、on【 正确答案】D第 97题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】I was searching for just t

162、he right word to describe this book; a wordthat describes something that is perhaps somewhat sad, but in a good way. Icouldnt find quite the right word, but I do know the feeling.This book does makeme feel a bit sad. Sad for the way that childhood passes so quickly, sad for days thatgo by, faster th

163、an wed like them to. But it also makes me feel the sweetness ofthese things and helps me remember that childhood imagination, freedom and joyare things that we can carry with us still, long after our days as children havepassed.Which of the following is true about the authors feeling of the book?A、

164、It makes him feel sad for his childhood is sad.B It makes him feel sad because he didnt remember his happy childhood.C、He couldnt describe the book, for he doesnt know the feeling.D、He realizes that childhood imagination, freedom and joy are things that he can carry evenwhen he is an adult.【 正确答案】D第

165、98题 【 单选题】2004.10 Jean didnt have time to go to the concert last night because she was busy forthe examination.A、to prepareB、to be preparedC、preparingD、being preparing【 正确答案】C第99题 【 单选题】【 概括大意】So far there is no data to suggest that people living on metal-rich soils experience apotential health haza

166、rd. The levels of metals within naturally contaminated soils are generally nothigh enough to cause serious health problems. Living on metal-rich soils does not represent a healthrisk unless large quantities of soil are digested or metal-rich dust is inhaled. However; small childrenare particularly e

167、xposed to metal-rich topsoil in playgrounds and gardens. They are also the mostlikely ones to eat potentially dangerous metal-rich soiLThe main idea of this paragraphis.A、Potential Hazards of Human Contaminated SoilsB、Research on Channels of Heavy Metals Getting into Human Food ChainC、Long- term Hea

168、lth Effects on Health ProblemsD No Evidence to Indicate Bad Effects of Naturally Contaminated Soil【 正确答案】D第 100题 【 单选题】【 阅读理解】Young musicians in African countries are creating a new kind of popmusic. The tunes and the rhythms of their music combine African traditions withvarious forms of music popul

169、ar today, such as hip-hop, rap, rock, jazz, or reggae.The result is music that may sound familiar to listeners anywhere in the world, butat the same time is distinctly African. It is different also in another way Many of thesongs are very serious and they deal with important social or political issues inAfrica today. This passage is about how African pop music is.A、usually about love and romanceB、more serious than most pop musicC popular with young people in AfricaD、mostly written just for entertainment【 正确答案】B



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