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1、Is smoking hazardous(有危险的) to health? What Are the Risks of Smoking?Do you now facts about smoking 1.During the 1990s, (21 thousand/ 21 million) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2.A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/20) cigarettes a day will die prematurely as a result of

2、smoking.3.In the United Kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000) deaths a year.4.Thirteen people die (every hour/every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer, bronchitis and heart disease.5.Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2,000) are seriously injured in fi

3、res caused by smoking.Quiz: Choose the answers you think are correct. 1) During the 1990s, (21,000/21,000,000) people died as a result of smoking cigarettes.2) A quarter of young people who smoke more than (10/20) cigarettes a day will die prematurely(早地早地) as a result of smoking.3) In the United Ki

4、ngdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000)deaths a year.4) Thirteen people die (every hour/ every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer , bronchitis and heart disease.5) Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.So

5、 terrible! Discuss the questions in groups:1.Why do people smoke cigarettes?2.Where do people smoke? Where cant they smoke?3.Is there any anti-smoking advertising in China? Please give some examples.Refresh themselves, reduce their pressures.In private places: at home, in private office, in kitchen,

6、 in washing room, in smoking roomIn public places: in waiting room, in gas stations, in classroom, in hospitalHealth killer Scientific researches show that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two mi

7、llion five-hundred-thousand persons each year. It is estimated that approximately 50 million Americans smoke. 400,000 people are thought to die in America each year from smoking related causes. Yet even when smokers are presented with these figures they still smoke. In the UK, it is estimated that 1

8、/4 of the populace(百姓) smoke, approximately 13 million adults. As smoking decreases in the older population the trend is increasing amongst the young. Cigarette ingredients (香烟的成分)(香烟的成分)Nicotine尼古丁尼古丁Carbon monoxide一氧化碳一氧化碳Tar焦油焦油Nitrosamine亚硝胺亚硝胺 Radioactive material放射性物质放射性物质 Benzoapyrene苯并芘苯并芘Me

9、tal cadmium金属镉金属镉Chloroethylene 氯乙烯氯乙烯The new smoking crowdFemale In recent years, More and more women have joined the ranks of smoking. Many women believe that smoking is a very elegant posture .Smoking is also a woman because of loneliness and sadness. Smoking women with mild thyroid disease (轻轻度甲

10、状腺病)度甲状腺病)may increase the smoking would be a clear increase indigenous (本地的) women suffer from mild thyroid disease may lead to thyroid failure. The study also found that women smokers, the average serum HDL (好胆固醇好胆固醇) lower than non-smokers, the former heart attack was significantly higher than th

11、e latter.Second-hand smoke Second-hand smoke harm to passive smokers than active smokers (主动吸烟者)(主动吸烟者)do not light, especially for particularly serious crimes against children. Survey, in China, the main victims of passive smoking are women and children, Although they do not smoke themselves, often

12、 in the family, public places, suffered second-hand smoke of others. World No-Tobacco Day世界无烟日世界无烟日 May 31 is World No Tobacco Day.Studies confirm that smoking is the primary risk factor for lung cancer. WH O in November 1987 recommended that the annual April 7 as the World No Tobacco Day and in 198

13、8 started. Since 1989, to an annual World No Tobacco Day of May 31. Smoke-free Olympics 无烟奥运无烟奥运 Smoking is harmful to health. No smoking, our lives will have a brighter future. If we smoke, life will become more and more short . In order to stay more in the world, please care for our bodies. No Smo

14、kingIs this flower beatiful?Opium (鸦鸦片片) opium poppyHave you ever been to this site?Destroying Opium (鸦鸦片片)at HumenopiumThey can be made into different drugs.cannabismorphine heroin heroine?cocainecrack cocaineKeep away from drugs. Value our life.1.make sth. smaller in size, etc.2.enter some place b

15、y force 3.a person who take drugs and is unable to stop 4.to use a needle and put a liquid into body 5.a person who sells drugs against law6.the speed at which the heart beats7.get bigger in size, etc. 1.drug dealer2.inject3.increase4.reduce5.heart rate 6.break into7.drug addictMatch the words1.Bloo

16、d pressure: the pressure that your heart applies to the blood to send it round the body.2.Cannabis: a drugs made from the dried leaves and flowers 3.Danger: sth which may hurt or kill you .4.Drug addict: a person who takes drugs and is unable to stop.5.Drug dealer: a person who sells drugs illegally

17、.1.Heart attack: a sudden abnormal working of the heart2.Heart rate: the speed at which the heart beats.3.Immediately: at once to do sth very quickly.4.Increase: make larger in size,degree,frequency.etc.5.Inject: to use a needle to put a liguid into a personss body.6.Needle: a long thin pointed piece of metal for sewing,7.Powerful: able to influence or control/what people do or think.8.Reduce: to make smaller in size,degree,frequency.



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