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1、 工业设计专业英语阅读材料 The English of Industrial Design 重庆汽车学院工业设计系 2010 年 12 月 目录 Lesson1 What is Design1 Lesson2 Chair Design5 Lesson3 the Design Process12 Lesson What is Design Design is everywhereand thats why looking for a definition may not help you grasp what it is. Design is everywhere. Its what drew

2、 you to the last piece of furniture you bought and its what made online banking possible. Its made London taxicabs easier to get in and out of and it made Stella McCartneys name. It driving whole business cultures and making sure environment from hospital to airports are easier to navigate. The sing

3、le word “design” encompasses an awful lot, and thats why the understandable search for a single definition leads to lengthy debate to say the least. There are broad definitions and specific onesboth have drawbacks. Either theyre too general to be meaning or they exclude too much. One definition, air

4、ed by designer Richard Seymour during the Design Councils Design in Business Week 2002, is “making things better for people”. It emphasizes that design activity is focused first and foremost on human behavior and quality of life, not factors like distributor preferences. But nurses or road sweepers

5、could say they, too, “make things better for people”. Meanwhile, a definition focused on products or 3D realizations of ideas excludes the work of graphic designers, services designers and many other disciplines. There may be no absolute definitions of design that will please everyone, but attemptin

6、g to find one can at least help us pin down the unique set of skills that designers bring to bear. Translations Design could be viewed as an activity that translates an idea into a blueprint for something useful, whether its a car, a building, a graphic, a service or process. The important part is t

7、he translation of the idea, though designs ability to spark the idea in the first place shouldnt be overlooked. Scientists can invent technologies, manufactures can make products, engineers can make them function and marketers can sell them, but only designers can combine insight into all these thin

8、gs and turn a concept into something thats desirable, viable, commercially successful and adds value to peoples lives. There are many misconceptions about design. Sunday supplements and glossy magazines often use design as a buzzword denoting style and fashion. While the toaster or corkscrew being f

9、eatured may be well design, the result is to feed the belief of would-be design clients that design is restricted to the surface of things and how they look, and that its best employed at the end of the product development process. But good design isnt simply about the surface. Aesthetics is importa

10、nt, but only a part of a bigger picture. Design is fundamental. People often need reminding that everything around us is designed and that design decisions impact on nearly every part of our lives, on the environments we work in, the way we book holidays, or the way we get the lid off the jam jar. W

11、hen those things work, its taken for granted, but, as Bill Moggridge, founder of international consultancy IDEO, says: “A lot of trial and error goes into making things look effortless.” Design and the user Good design begins with the needs of the user. No design, no matter how beautiful and ingenio

12、us, is any good if it doesnt fulfill a user need. This may sound obvious but many products and services, suck as the Sinclair C5, WAP mobile phone services, and a great many dot COM businesses failed because the people behind them didnt grasp this. Finding out what the customer wants is the first st

13、age of what designers do. The designer then builds on the results of the inquiry with a mixture of creativity and commercial insight. Although instinct is part of the designers arsenal, there are more scientific ways of making sure the design hits the mark. Different designers use different methodsc

14、ombining maker research, user testing, prototyping and trend analysis. Any product launch is ultimately a gamble, but these methods help decrease the risk of failure, a fact that often comes as a surprise to clients. Creativity A design doesnt have to be new, different or impressive to be successful

15、 in the marketplace, as long as its fulfilling a need, but design methods do lead to innovative products and services. Designers learn that ideas that may seem strange are worth exploring and that the common-sense solution is not always the right one. Designers often hit on counter-intuitive concept

16、s through methods such as drawing, prototyping, brainstorming and user testing. Watching users in real-world situations especially gives insights into their behavior that lead to ideas that wouldnt have formed. Design and business Designers, unlike artists, cant simply follow their creative impulses

17、. They work in a commercial environment which means there is a huge number of considerations influencing the design process. Designers have to ask themselves questions such as “Is the product theyre creating really wanted? How is it different from everything else on the marker? Does it fulfill a nee

18、d? Will it cost too much to manufacture? Is it safe? Emphasis on the customer makes design a formidable weapon for any business. Companies have often designed their way out of failure by creating a product that serves the customer s needs better than its rivals. Design delivered the operating-system

19、 marker to Microsoft, rescued Apple Computer and made Sony an electronic giant. Putting an emphasis on design brings creativity into an organization and increases the chance of producing market-leading, mould-breaking products. As the sophistication of the consumer and global competition increases,

20、this becomes more and more valuable. Businesses are finding that they can no longer compete just by slashing prices or upping the marketing budget. Innovation in the form of design is the key to success. Design and public services Billions are poured into public services every year but, despite the

21、UK being home to a huge variety of top design talent, our best designers are rarely involved in public sector work. Design can help public services in a number of ways, from making sure products and services meet the needs of users to increasing innovation within organizations and bringing new persp

22、ectives to issue such as procurement. Words grasp vt.抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会 n.抓住, 抓紧, 掌握, 领会 draw v.拉, 曳, 牵, 画, 绘制, 拖曳 vt.汲取, 领取, 提取, 引起, 吸引 Stella McCartney 前披头士乐队成员 Paul McCartney 和著名摄影师 Linda 的爱女。著名的时装设计师,活跃于国际时尚界,被英国版 Vogue 评选为“全球最有 Style 的女性” 如此年轻的她就已经拥有了自己的名牌系列。 compass n. 罗盘, 指南针,圆规 v. 包围 encompass v

23、. 包围, 环绕, 包含或包括某事物 to say the least adv. 退一步说 council n. 理事会, 委员会,讨论会议, air 宣扬, 夸耀, 显示 distributor 销售者, 批发商 distribute 分发、分配 preference n.偏爱, 优先选择 prefer v. discipline 学科;科目 absolute adj.完全的, 绝对的 pin n.钉, 销, 栓, 大头针 pin down v.使受约束, 确定 bring sth to bear 把集中于、敦促 viable adj. 能养活的,可行的 denote vt. 指示, 表示

24、featured adj. 有.的面貌特征的,作为号召物的 would-be adj. 自称自许的, 自以为是的 fundamental adj. 基础的;基本的;根本的;重要的 remind 提醒 fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等) insight n.洞察力, 见识 Sinclair C5 Launched in 1985, a three-wheeled personal transport electric vehicle invented by Sir Clive Sinclair. WAP Wireless Application Protocol一种手机上网协

25、议 ultimate adj.最后的, 最终的, 根本的 in a sense adv.在某种意义上,在某一方面 in terms of innovation n.改革, 创新 common sense n.常识 make sense v.有意义 intuition n.直觉, 直觉的知识 inpulse n.推动, 刺激, 冲动, 推动力 vt.推动 pulse n. 脉搏, 脉冲 formidable adj.强大的, 令人敬畏的, 可怕的, 艰难的 deliver vt.递送, 陈述, 释放, 发表 sophisticate n.久经世故的人, 老油条, 精于.之道的人 slash 砍伤

26、, 大量削减 budget 预算 marketing n.行销,营销 sector 部门 Lesson Chair Design A short history of chair design In the beginning, most chairs were made of wood. The nature of wood and woodworking techniques dictated the basic shape of chairs. Over centuries, some chairs and seats evolved which were elegant, practi

27、cal, and extremely well suited to the human body. In this century, furniture design has changed more radically than at any other time in history. New materials and manufacturing processes have allowed new designs which have not evolved naturally, and are not well adapted to the body. Instead, humans

28、 are adapting to the chairs. At the same time, our lifestyles have changed and many of us now spend large amounts of our lives sitting down. This unnatural lifestyle has lead to deterioration in posture and physical strength and many people now habitually slump. Chairs and seats are built to fit thi

29、s collapsed posture. But these seats force you to slump and make the situation worse. If you always slump, you will find these seats comfortable-until you develop back trouble. This has lead to confusion about what good sitting posture is. Although more attention is paid to design and ergonomics tha

30、n ever before, the combination of shapes based on new technologies, and confusion about natural posture, has resulted in new, experimental seats which have not been used and. tested over long periods of time. Yet, these new seats are everywhere, in the home, in public transport, in public buildings.

31、 And these seats are contributing to the problem of poor posture and back trouble. What is a good seat Different seats have different uses, from the office chair to the bus seat to the three-piece suite. People come in a wide variety of sizes, and people who have back problems may have special requi

32、rements. There is not one perfect seat for all people and all situations, but there are certain qualities that will make a seat undesirable in terms of health and long term comfort. A seat should not force you into bad posture. The public seat Trains, buses, planes, cinemas, or any place where you f

33、ind seats with curves and angles moulded into them. This also includes car seats (see under work chairs). This type of seat is increasingly common. The trouble is that these seats have definite shape built into them and the user has to adopt that shape. There are two problems here. One, people come

34、in such a wide variety of sizes and proportions that the seats will only fit some people, not all. Two, these types of seats are often badly designed with extreme curves and angles which force the user into very poor posture. Typically there is an outward curve in the lumbar or waist area, an inward

35、 curve in the shoulder area, and an outward curve in the neck area. Why are they so badly designed? Poor posture is more common than it used to be, partly because we sit more than we used to. Designers make chairs to fit the slumped posture which, of course, only adds to the problem. And there are f

36、ashions in seat design as in everything else. Some of these seats are very uncomfortable or even dangerous to sit on for any length of time, particularly if you have a bad back. What can you do? You can fold to make into a pillow to modify the seat. The Campaign for Better Seating would prefer a neu

37、tral seat with flat planes so that people can assume their own shape and posture, not the shape of the chair. The stacking chair which is found to lecture halls, village halls, schools and many other places is popular and practical because it stacks. The drawback is that in order to stack, the seat

38、must have a backward slope and a short backrest. Because of the backward slope on the seat pan, you are pushed against the backrest that may be too short to offer any support. If the chairs are made of thin plastic, or even worse, canvas, they give no support to your bottom or back. If you are takin

39、g notes or writing, the backward slope of the seat pan forces you to hunch forward. Some of these chairs are better than others. Folding chairs have the same problems. Stacking and folding chairs can be improved by using a wedged shaped cushion to sit on. The Campaign for cinema chair Experts acting

40、 on behalf of the Campaign for Better Seating have declared the seats in the new Arts Picture House cinema in Cambridge to be unsatisfactory. Patrons, some with back problems, had complained that the seats gave them back or neck ache. All three experts felt the seats, which are typical of those foun

41、d in many new cinemas, would encourage poor posture and only fit a limited percentage of the population. At the Campaigns request, the Arts Picture House has supplied a few back cushions which modify and ergonomically improve the seat backs. These are available for the cinema patrons to use. The thr

42、ee experts: Jean Oliver, chartered physiotherapist, back expert; Levent Caglar, senior ergonomist at the Furniture Industry Research Association; and Jane Staggs, teacher of the Alexander Technique; from their different professional perspectives, all agree that the seats are unsatisfactory. The seat

43、 backs are excessively contoured and raked backwards forcing the spine into definite, and for most people, undesirable shape. “We want to send a message to cinema owners that some of the new style of seats are encouraging poor posture and increasing the risk of people developing back problems,”said

44、Jane Staggs, secretary of the Campaign for Better Seating. “We hope people in other parts of the country will be encouraged to protest if they are unhappy with the seats in their local cinema.” Films are getting longer; two and a half hours is typical now as opposed to ninety minutes in the “golden

45、days” of Hollywood. There are no intermissions anymore. People are setting immobile for a long time, something which is not recommended by experts. If the seats are poor, going to the cinema becomes a dangerous activity. The work chair The work chair has different requirements from the relaxing chai

46、r. Working, like eating is usually a forward activity. You dont want a chair that takes you backward. A work chair, or dining chair, with a backward sloping seat is to be avoided. This forces you to hunch forward in a strained posture. Unfortunately, there are many examples of this type of chair. Th

47、e best work chairs allow the seat to be angled slightly forward so that the back of the seat pan is 2-3 inches higher than the front. More office chairs are being designed with a seat angle facility. Ideally this is independent of the seat height and backrest adjustments. There are also wedge shaped

48、 cushions easily available that can be used to improve horizontal or backward sloping dining or work chairs, or car seats. You also need to consider the height of the seat relative to the floor and the work surface. The feet should be on the floor and the knees not higher than the hips. The backrest

49、 needs to be as high as the lower shoulder blades and not angled back very much. There are many untraditional work chairs available. They all have their fans and are useful for at least some people some of the time. There are office chairs that rock with the users movement to allow dynamic sitting.

50、The theory is that this improves circulation, stops stiffening, and reduces strain. Whether one prefers a fixed or moving chair is a matter of personal choice. The kneeling chair is useful for some people for limited periods of time, but the rather extreme angle of tilt and the pressure on the knees

51、 make them inappropriate for regular use. The pelvic support chair supports the pelvis preventing it from rolling backwards. It is harmful to sit with the pelvis rolled backwards, and some people with very weak spines may find these chairs helpful. A forward angled seat helps prevent the pelvis from

52、 rolling backwards. The saddle stool is shaped like a saddle and is liked by some people especially for more dynamic seat work, for example dentists or beauticians. Lumbar support has been though to be absolutely necessary and almost a magic cure-all in a chair. But it is now recognized that too lar

53、ge a lumbar support or one in the wrong place does more harm than good. People come in suck a wide variety of shapes and sizes that a seat with very definite curves built into it will not suit many people. Some people need lumbar support because of weakness in that area of their spine. But be wary o

54、f a seat that forces the spine into an exaggerated lordosis or forward curve. See the man in figure 10-4. The car seat is work seat but most car seats are angled down at the back. Many people then compound the problem by winding the backrest further back. The driver then hunches the neck and upper b

55、oy forward creating a very strained position. Some car seats are too soft. Many have curves built into them that force every body into the same shape regardless of individual differences. Better is a more neutral seat of flat planes, soft but firm. No chair will automatically give you good posturebu

56、t some will make it easier, and some will make it impossible. The school chair Everything that applies to the work chair should also apply to the school chair, but never does. If it is important for adults to be properly supported when seated at video display units, and there are government regulati

57、ons to enforce this, then it must be even more important for children to be properly supported when sitting in school. The difference in height between a small eleven year old and a tall sixteen year old is enormous, but they all have to use the same chairs and tables. This means that some children

58、will not have their feet properly on the floor, while others will be cramped. The desk height will too high or too low for many of them. The chair are often very poor quality stacking chairs which slope backward in the seat forcing the child to hunch forward to read and write. These chairs often hav

59、e backrests which are too low or flimsy to provide any support. Ideally, each child would have a chair and desk of the correct size. The chair would have a forward sloped seat, and the desk would have a sloped surface, as desks often used to have. At the very least, there should be different sized c

60、hairs in each classroom, and there would be no backward sloping chairs. It is now recognized that children are less fit and have poorer posture than in the past. They spend more time in sedentary activities and less in physical ones. There are more teenagers complaining of backache. Using the wrong

61、sized furniture exacerbates these problems. The long term health implications are alarming. Sofa and armchair You dont want to sit bolt upright on a hard chair all the time; you want to a comfy sofa or armchair. But what do you mean by comfortable? To look at, to sit on for 10 minutes, or to sit on

62、for 3 hours. And what do you mean by relax? What looks comfortable to the eye may not be comfortable to the body. And if a sofa puts you in a collapsed position, you will be in a physiologically stressful situation, not a relaxing one. Furniture follows fashion like everything else. Recent fashion i

63、s for very large, very soft sofas. These mould the body into a harmful posture putting strain on the spine, the digestive system, and the breathing. Everyone now knows that sleeping on an unsupportive mattress isnt good for the body and doesnt provide a restful sleep. Spending hours on an unsupporti

64、ve sofa or chair doesnt provide us with rest or relaxation either, and it may be doing more serious damage long term. What to look for: Can you get your bum in the back of the seat and your feet on the ground at the same time with nothing digging into the back of your knees? If not, the seat is too

65、deep, or perhaps too high off the ground, but this is less likely. Is the backrest raked so far back that you couldnt eat, drink, read, or do anything else that you do on the sofa without hunching forward? And is the backrest high enough so that you can lean against it without strain in the upper bo

66、dy? Is it too soft without being supportive? This is more difficult. What feels soft and pleasant for a short time can become uncomfortable after longer use. Are there cushions on the sofa and what are they made of? Feathers are too soft for support, and feather cushions need constant plumping to lo

67、ok good and the fabric may wear faster. Form is the firmest but foam comes in different degrees of firmness and softens after a few months. There are also fibre fillings and combination fillings. The quality of the fabric will also affect the firmness; a more closely woven, strong material will give

68、 a firmer quality to the filling or padding. The cushions should not depress more than 10 cm when you sit on them. These are the most obvious things to look for in a sofa or armchair. Is the seat flat or does it dump you in a hole in the middle or tip you to the centre, especially if someone else is

69、 sitting on the sofa with you? Does the backrest have too much lumbar or neck support built in for you. You can improve an existing sofa by using small cushions behind your back or shoulders. A piece of wood under the seat cushions can make the seat firmer and more level. Most popular and easily ava

70、ilable brands of sofas and armchairs are too soft and often too deep. Some have lumbar and neck support built in and attempt to be good for the back. Remember that support in the wrong place or too much support can be harmful. Manufactures please note! There is a real demand for well-designed, attra

71、ctive, sofas that are not a pain to sit on. We know that it is important to sleep on a good firm mattress, and to have a good office chair, but we have not made this link in relation to the seats we buy for our homes. We tend to think that sprawling on a very soft sofa is a luxurious, relaxing exper

72、ience. But too much sprawling can harm us. We dont need to sit bolt upright all the time, but it is important to have good support while relaxing: 1. Is it too soft? (Figure 10-1) A very soft seat, like a very soft mattress, does not give enough support. 2. Is it too deep? (Figure 10-2) Seats should

73、 not be deeper than the length of the average thigh. Your buttocks should be at the back so that you can get support without having to slump. 3. The angle between the back and seat should be close to a right angle. (Figure 10-3) 4. Does the back force the spine into exaggerated forward or backward c

74、urves? (Figure 10-4) 5. Is the seat a level surface without dips and bumps? (Figure 10-5) The work chair and the dining chair have special requirements. The seat should not be lower at the back than at the front. Words dictate v.摆布、限定、命令;听写、口述 on behalf of adv.代表 evolve v.(使)发展, (使)进展, (使)进化 picture

75、 house 电影院 elegant adj. 文雅的,端庄的,雅致的 patron 顾客,尤指老顾客 extremely adv.极端的,非常的 chartered a.受特许的 radical adj.根本的,基本的,激进的 physiotherapy n.物理疗法 manufacture vt.制造,加工 n.制造,制造业,产品 associational 协会 adapt to 适合 Alexander Technique 亚历山大心身医学法 suit to 配合,适合,相适宜 professional adj.专业的,职业的 deterioration n.变坏,退化,堕落 exce

76、ssive adj.过多的,过分的,额外的 posture n.(身体的)姿势,体态,情况,态度 contour n.轮廓,周线,等高线 physical strength n.体力 spine n.脊椎 slump v.暴跌,懒散的坐着,站着,弯腰驼背的坐着 protect n.主张,断言,抗议 collapse n.倒塌,崩溃,失败,虚脱 as opposed to 而不是 confuse vt.搞乱,使糊涂 intermission n.间断 ergonomics n.人机工程学 recommend vt.推荐,介绍,劝告,使受欢迎 combination n.结合,联合,合并 avoi

77、d vt.避免,消除 three-piece-suite 三套件 hunch vt.弯腰驼背,弓起背部 undesirable adj.不需要,不受欢迎的 strain n.过度的疲劳,紧张 in terms of adv.根据,按照,在方面 slight adj.轻微的,微小的 mould n.泥土,模具 v.铸造 facility n.工具,设备 proportion n.比例,均衡,面积,部分 ideally adj.理想的,完美的 curve n.曲线,弯曲 independent of 不依赖于 lumbar adj.腰部的 n.腰 horizontal adj.地平线的,水平的 a

78、ssume vt.假定,设想,采取,呈现 hip n.臀部 prefer vt.更喜欢,宁愿 shoulder blade n.肩胛骨 neutral adj.中立的,中性的,不确定的 rock vt.摇摆,使动摇 n.岩石,暗礁,石头,摇动 drawback n.缺点,障碍,退还得关税 dynamic adj.动力的,动力学的 slope n.倾斜、斜坡 circulation n.循环,尤指血液 backrest n.靠背 stiffen vt.使硬,使僵硬 pan n.平底锅,盘子,面板 kneeling chair n.跪椅 canvas n.帆布 tilt v.(使)倾斜 botto

79、m n.(非正式)臀部 rather adv.有点,相当 fold vt.折叠,包,合拢,抱住 inappropriate adj.不适当的 wedge n.楔子 vt.楔入 saddle n.鞍,鞍状物 cushion n.垫子,软垫,衬垫 stool cure-all n.治百病的万灵药 stress n.重压,逼迫,压力重点 vt.强调,着重 be wary of v.提防 mattress n.床垫,空气垫 lordosis n.脊柱前弯症 plump vt.突然放下,使丰满 wind v.旋转 woven n.织物,机织物 wear 的过去分词 cramp vt.使抽筋,以铁箍扣紧

80、fabric n.织品 flimsy adj.易坏的,浅薄的 fibre n.纤维,构造,纤维制品 fit adj.健康的 padding n.填料 sedentary adj.久坐的,坐惯的,土生的 sprawl n.四肢伸开的仰卧姿势 exacerbate vt.恶化,剧增,激怒 luxurious adj.奢侈的,豪华的 implication n.暗示 bump n.撞击 alarming adj.令人担忧的,使人惊动的 buttock n.屁股,屁股的一半 comfy adj.舒服的,轻松的 dip n.向下倾斜,凹陷处 physiology n.生理学 Lesson 3 the D

81、esign Process Design isnt just the object you pluck off the shelf and take to the checkoutits about trial and error and a series of decisions that starts before you even know your objective. The design process isnt a mysterious activity that designers carry out behind a cloak of secrecy, magically e

82、merging with a sparkling new market-beating product or service. It starts when decisions about why, how and even whether to go ahead with a project are being taken. Although designers provide a particular blend of skills and creativity, the design process works best when it is a collaboration betwee

83、n the design team and the people it works with and for, whether in-house colleagues or clients. First steps Design work proper begins with a brief setting out the aims and objectives of a project and outlining certain targets and parameters for its completion. But, ideally, the design team needs to

84、be involved before the brief is even written for two reasonsfirst, its members will understand the brief better if theyve had a hand in composing it and, secondly, the customer-focused, creative skills that designers possess can help decide the direction the project should take. An organization and

85、its designers need to ask certain questions right at the startwhy is design work needed? Is it to respond to changing markets or to customer trends? Maybe new competition has appeared on the market or the company just wants to increase its market share. Perhaps the organization wants to make its ser

86、vice more efficient, or perhaps it faces a decision between improving an existing product or service and launching something completely new. By understanding both the organizations strategic objectives and customer needs, designers can help to define the problem before working towards a solution. Th

87、e reason for the design will inform how the designers go about conducting research. Research Research needs to be carried out both before and during the design process, especially if the project will take some years to complete. Market research includes trends analysis, scrutiny of competitors produ

88、cts and wider research such as the state of the economy, upcoming legislation and relevant social changes such as birth rates and patterns of prosperity. Design research centers on the user. It makes use of information about customers supplied by the organization but also takes a more hands-on appro

89、ach in the form of user testing and prototyping. Observing customer behavior not only makes it easier for designers to create something that fulfils a need, it can also provide creative inspiration. Along with visualization, it also helps to represent the designers ideas to the organization at large

90、. Planning To plan a project effectively, companies and organizations need to take into account all the internal resources, people and information the project will require, from materials to customer-service support. The design team will need to be aware of these too. Theres no point in a design req

91、uiring a certain manufacturing techniques or tooling, for instance, if these arent available. Communication The relationship between the designer and the organization or department that has commissioned the design work is crucial. The best relationships are a two-way street, where each party is rece

92、ptive to the concerns of the other. The designers should be sensitive to the practical concerns the client expresses and, if they are from an outside agency, understand that the client knows more about the detailed issues of the particular market than they do. On the other hand the client should giv

93、e the designers ideas a fair hearing and grasp the opportunity to think differently rather than rejecting on sight anything that might at first seem too radical. Communication needs to be maintained throughout the design process. It helps if review stages can be predetermined, so that project doesnt

94、 progress in the wrong direction. The organization also needs to maintain communication with other affected parties both internally and externally. The need for communication was summed up by designer Wayne Hemingway during the Design Councils Design in Business Week 2002:” Theres no point sitting a

95、 designer in a room and letting them design. They have to work with you and be part of the business. Theyre not the cleaner-they need to know everything.” And the need to ensure that all parts of an organization are on board with the evolving design process was underlined by John Porter, of shower m

96、anufacture Daryl Industries:” The whole team, from manufacturing to finance, must be on board with an idea. A substantial number of people are involved in bringing a product to market. Manager and board members have to buy in to design. ” Implementation The final stage is implementation-by manufactu

97、res, engineers, IT experts or service providers-but that doesnt mean the designers exit the scene. It is important to allow or redesign and the designer also have a vital role to play in representing their ideas to all those involved in executing them. Finally, if the organization is going to learn

98、from the experience and evaluate its design investment properly, it needs to put in place a procedure to assess how the project was handled and how the design process can be improved in future. ords pluck 拉, 抓, 拽, 抓往,采, 摘, 拔, 掐 shelf 货架、隔板 off the shelf 现货供应;shelf life 保质期 check out 调查,了解;查实,证实;结账离开

99、 cloak 斗篷;覆盖物;掩护物 trial and error 反复试验 carry out 实现;完成;实行 secrecy 保守秘密;秘密,秘密状态 emerge 出现, 显现, 浮现, 暴露;形成, 发生 sparkle 放出火花;使闪耀闪光 market-beating 市场竞争力(beat 击败;胜过) project 计划设计 go ahead 继续前进 provide 供应;供给 particular 特殊的, 特别的, 独特的 blend 混和, 把.混成一体 skill 技能、技巧 work with 与.共事, 与.合作;对.起作用 work for 为.工作, 为.做

100、事,为.尽力,被.雇用者 proper adj.正确的, 合适的, 恰当的; 正常的 brief adj.简单的; 短暂的; 简洁的; 简短的;n.大纲、纲要 outline vt.画出.的轮廓; 打.的草图;概括地论述, 略述 target n.靶,标的;目标 parameter 参数 compose (由)组成,构成;著,作,撰(音乐、诗等) respond 作回答;【宗】(会众对牧师的)例行应答; 回报;响应, 答应, 应付, 反应 trend n.走向, 方向;趋势, 倾向, 动向;流行, 时尚 stratege adj 战略的,战略性的,有战略意义的(strategic weapon

101、s 战略武器) 关键性的,对全局有重大意义的 inform vt.告诉, 通知; 报告;使充满; 使活跃; 鼓舞 go about v.着手做, 从事, 走动, 传开 conduct 行为, 品行;进行, 引导, 领导, 指导;管理, 实施 carry out 实现;完成;实行 scrutiny 细阅;详细检查;仔细研究 state n 状况;情形;状态 upcoming adj. 即将发生的;即将到来的 legislation n.立法 relevant adj.有关的; 恰当的, 贴切的, 切题的, 中肯的(to) prosperity n 繁荣;兴旺;昌盛 make use of 利用,

102、使用 hand-on 传递、传递下去 observing adj.注意的, 留心的; 观察力敏锐的 inspiration n.感召;启示;灵感(inspirevt 鼓舞, 感动, 激发, 启示, 使生灵感, 产生) along with 连同.一起, 随同.一起 visualization n.使看得见的, 清楚地呈现在心、视觉化 represent vt.描述, 描绘画;阐述; 把.讲述为(as); (强烈)指出; 主张声称自己是; 代表理为.国会议员 at large adv.完全的,普遍、不受控制的;逍遥法外的; 整个的,全部的 take into account 考虑、注意、关注 i

103、nternal adj 内部的;在内部的 require vt.需要;要求; 命令 theres no point in 做毫无用处 available adj.可得到的;可利用的 commission n.委任, 委托, 代办(权), 代理(权), 佣金 vt.委任, 任命, 委托, 委托制作, 使服役 two-way adj.双行道的;有上下道的 ;双面;收发两用的(无线电装置) receptive adj.能接收容纳的, 接纳的;有接受力的, 有容纳力的, 易于接受的 sensitive adj(常与 to 连用)敏感的; 易感受的 express vt 表达;表示 agency 代理

104、detail n. 细节 fear adj.公平的,公道的;合理的;正当的 opportunity n.机会, 时机 reject vt.拒绝;不接受 on sight 一看 maintain vt.保持;维持 review n.回顾;再看;再检查 stage n.舞台;阶段 predetermine v.预定, 预先确定 progress vi.前进、进展 affected adj.受到影响的;装模作样的, 造作的 sum up 总结; 概括;判断; 估量;总计 on board 在船上,在公共交通工具内 evolve vt.使发展, (使)进化, 演化 underline 在之下划线;强调

105、 shower 淋浴器 substantial adj.物质的; 实质体的; 真实的; 实际上的 坚固的; 结实的; 质地好的 很多的; 大量的; (相当)大的; 重要的 board member 委员会成员;理事会成员;董事会成员 buy in 出钱参加 implementation n.执行, 履行; 落实;给工具; (implement n.工具;器具) scene n.现场, 场面, 情景, 景色, 发生地点 vital adj.极为重要的;关系重大的 represent vt.再提出;表现 execute 执行;实行 evaluate vt.评价, 估计, 求.的值 investment n.投资 properly adv.适当地;完全地;正确地 procedure 过程,程序;规程 assess vt.估计;估算 in place 在通常的位置,在适当的位置 handle 处理, 指挥, 管理; 讨论; 对待 improve vt.改善; 改良; 改进; 增进



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