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1、2 02 2 年小升初英语考试重点语法归纳及100道模拟题【 语法】英语可数名词变复数的规则一. 名词单数变复数的规则变化1 . 一般在名词词尾加( 清辅音后读/s /, 浊辅音和元音后读/z /)m a p m a p s 地图bi r d 一bi r d s 鸟o r a n g e一o r a n g es 桔子bi k ebi k es 自行车2 .以s , x , c h , s h 结尾的名词加 - es ( 读如z /)bo x bo x es 盒子c l a s s c l a s s es 班级w a t c h 一w a t c h es 手表d i s h - d i s

2、 h es 盘,碟子, 餐具3 . 辅音字母+ 。 结尾的名词后面加 - es ( 中小学阶段不多,单独记忆)t o m a t o 一t o m a t o es 西红柿p o t a t o p o t a t o es 土豆h er o h er o es 英雄n eg r o n eg r o es 黑人辅音字母+ 。 结尾的名词后面加 - s ( 一般为外来词或者缩写词)p h o t o 一p h o t o s 相片k i l o 一k i l o s 千克元音字母+ 0结尾的名词后面加s r a d i o 一r a d i o s 收音机z o o 一z o o s 动物园4

3、 .以辅音字母加y 结尾的名词,变 y为 i 加- es ba by 一ba bi es 婴儿f a m i l y 一f a m i l i es 家庭p a r t y 一p a r t i es 聚会以元音字母加y 结尾的名词直接加- s bo y 一bo y s 男孩t o y 一t o y s 玩具5 .以f e或 f 结尾的名词,把 f e或 f 变为v 力 r i - es ( 读/v z /, 数量不多,单独记忆)k n i f ek n i v es 小刀w i f e一w i v es 妻子l ea f 一l ea v es 树叶直接加- sr o o f 一r o o f

4、 s 房顶p r o o f 一p r o o f s 证据c h i ef c h i ef s 首领两种都可以h a n d k ec h i ef 手绢一h a n d k er c h i ef s / h a n d k er c h i ev es二. 名词单数变复数的不规则变化1 . c h i l d c h i l d r enf o o t一f eett o o t h t eet hm o u s e一m i c em a n m enw o m a n w o m en注意:与m a n和w o m a n构成的合成词,其复数形式也是- m en和- w o m en

5、, 例如:a n En g l i s h m a n t w o En g l i s h m en但G er m a n不是合成词,故复数形式为G er m a n s ; Bo w m a n是姓,其复数 是t h e Bo w m a n s ( 鲍曼一家) 。2 .单复数同形的名词例如:d eer 鹿,s h eep 绵羊,f i s h 鱼,Ch i n es e 中国人,J a p a n es e日本人f i s h :几条鱼复数为f i s h ,几种鱼为f i s h es。注意:除人民币元、角、分外,美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。例如:a d o l l a r一t w

6、 o d o l l a r s3 .集体名词,以单数形式出现,但实为复数。例如:p eo p l e人,p o l i c e警察,c a t t l e牛等本身就是复数,不能说 a people, a police, a cattle, 但可以说 a person, a policeman,a head of cattle不同国家人变复数的小规律中日瑞不变,英法变,其余后面加s名 称 总 称 ( 谓语用复数)一个人两个人中国人 the Chinese, a Chinese, two Chinese日本人 the Japanese, a Japanese, two Japanese瑞士人 t

7、he Swiss, a Swiss, two Swiss英国人 the English, an Englishman, two Englishmen法国人 the French, a Frenchman, two Frenchmen美国人 the Americans, an American, two Americans力口拿大人 the Canadians, a Canadian, two Canadians德国人 the Germans, a Germans, two Germans澳大利亚人 the Australians, an Australian, two Australians三

8、 . 以s结尾,仍为单数的名词1 . maths数学,politics政 治 ( 学) ,physics物理学等学科名词,为不可数名词,是单数。2. news消息、 、新闻,为不可数名词。3. the United States 美国,the United Nations 联合国,应视为单数。The United Nations was organized in 1945.联合国是 1945 年组建起来的。4 . 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也视为单数。“ The A rabian Nights“ is a v ery interesting story -book. 一千零一夜

9、是一本非常有趣的故事书。小升初英语单选1 00道精选题)1. I ts cold today . You mu stthe coat.A .take off B . p u t onC .take dow nD . p u t inA .C .A .C .A .C .)2. I hav eoneB .the other)3. H owhasis there)4.Listentw o p encils. One is green, andothermanyB .is red.Listen toD . otherseggshav ein the bag?D . are thereme, p lea

10、se.B . sayD . talk)5 .- -_day is tomorrow ? -I ts Tu esday .A .WhoseB . WhatC .WhichD . When)6 . Wou ld y ou liketea?A .someB .aC . anyD . many)7.morning she gets up at six.A. Every dayB. On everyc.In everyD.Every()8. Dont_ _ late next time!A.isB.areC.beD./()9. Oh,its_. How are you?A.youB. yourC.you

11、rsD.he)10. Mary doesn, t her homework after lunch.A. does B. /C.doD. doing)11.-How do youTuesday? - Er, T-U-E-S-D-A-Y.A.sayB.speakC.talkD. spellA.C.A.C.)12. Writedown it indown it onD.B.)13.The shop_writesB.saysD.your exercise-books.it down init down on“ Closed” .talksspeaks)14. My favourite school

12、days _ Friday and Saturday.A . isB . amC . are D . be)15 . D o y ou hav e any colou re p ens? Sorry , I dont hav eI think he has_-A . any , anyB . some, someC . some, anyD . any , some( )16 . Whereis London? I t s in_ .A . A mericaB . Jap anC . E nglishD . E ngland)17 .A re they from ?A . A u strali

13、anB . E nglishC . A mericanD . C anada)18 . One of my from H angz hou .A . friends areB . friend isC . friends isD . friend are)19 . You can she likes bananas a lot.A . lookB . w atchC . seeD . to see)20.You are a teacher. What abou t ?A . she B .Li Pin brotherC . her D .y ou r( )21. Theremu ch on t

14、he table.A .is, breadB . is, breadsC .are, breadD . are, breadsA .C .A .C .A .C .)22. Whatdo, likesdo, like)23. H isto hisfrom hesonB .D .his friendsB .D .goesdoes, likedoes, likesdoing?to a different schoolfrom himfrom his)24 . One of the boy s is E nglish. A llthe others boyB . the other boyare C

15、hinese.the other boy sD . other boy s)25 . Ican tthe w ords (单词).They are toosmall.A .lookB .seeC .w atchD .say()26 ._A licesA .H isB .H esC .H erD .She()27 . ThemapA .on. . ofB .C .of. . inD .sC hina isof. . onof. at)28 .Some p ostcardsbrother.the w all.in the box .A.isB.areC.there isD. there areA.

16、C.A.C.A.C.A.C.A.C.A.C.)29. MrJohn is workingJack.withat)30. Ourto. . onwith. . . in)31. Who.worksworking)32. Ittoof)33. Isandfor)34.B.toD. andteacher often talksB. with. . onD. to. . athard in your class?B. studysD. studyings very nicemeet you.usEnglish.B.D.the blueMike and IMike and me)35. ItsA. re

17、d,sB.D.areforcup yoursmine?butorgood friends.BI andD. Mebus.Mikeand MikeB. greenC . a blu e D .y ellow a( )36 . A r e here today ?A . all w e B . all of w e)37 . C ou ld I hav e?C . w e all D .all of boy s)39 . I w ant to put in the basket.A . fu ll one B .a fu ll onesC . fu ll one bottleD . a fu ll

18、 one( )38 .Please giv e_ a bottle of_.A . me. orangesB . she. . orangeC . him. orangeD . her. . orangesA . this thingsB . these thingsC . that thingsD . those thing( )4 0. The car is_ f u ll _ mov e.A . too. too B .to. . tooC . too. to D .to. to( )4 1. Jim, p lease come_ .A . thereB . to hereC . to

19、home D . here( )4 2. I ts time t o games. We alll i k e games.A . p lay ing. . p lay ingB . p lay . p layC . p lay ing. . p lay D . p lay . . p lay ing( )4 3. Let. H e mu st go to school.A . he go B . him goC . he to go D . him to go( )4 4 . r d l i k e a cu p of teA . to eat B . to drinkC . eatD .

20、drink( )4 5 .-Thanks v ery mu ch.- ,A . No thanks B . A ll rightC . You re w elcome D . y ou , too( )4 6 . Linlin, w hats that E nglish?A . in B . atC . for D . w ith( )4 7 . C an he a bike?A . to ride B . ridesC . riding D . ride( )4 8 .are they ? They are at home.A . What B . H owC . Who D . Where

21、( )4 9 . She often g e t s late.A . to home B . homeC . to hereD . to there( )5 0. I go to s c h o o l bike ev ery day .A . in the B . on myC . by the D . by my( )5 1.School ov er at fou r in the afternoon.A . are B . beC . is D . /( )5 2. On_ w ay to school she often help s the old man.A . his B .

22、sheC . my D . her)5 3. D ont late for class.A . to be B . /C . cant D . be)5 4 . What time y ou and J i m u p ?A . does. getB . do. getsC . does. getsD . do. get)5 5 . H e i s u s. We all like him.A . friendB . friendlyC . friend toD . friendly to)5 6 . There only bread and rice. We mu st go to bu y

23、some meat.A . areB . isC . beD . hav e)57. Linlin, get the basket!A. shop B. shopingC. shopping D. big shoping( )58.is this pen?A. How much B. How manyC. What D. Who* s( )59. He doesnt want to late for school.A. is B. doesC. be D. goes( )60. The first class at eight o clock.A. begin B. is beginningC

24、. beginning D. begins( )61. Miss G a o lunch at school.A. has, not B. doesnt, hasC. don,t , has D. doesn,t, have( )62.She can a little Japanese.A. speak B. sayC. speaks D. says( )63.bread would you like?A. Many B. MuchC. How manyD. How much)64. There a r e old men over there.A. an B. muchC. a lot D.

25、 a lot of( )65.I often buy something to eat on my wayA. school B. to schoolC. to home D. to shop( )66. Is t h i s watch? Yes, itsA. your, mine B. yours, mineC. yours, my D. your, my( )67. Let h i m the kite.A. to fly B. flyingC. flies D. fly( )68. I have to do.A. many, work B. much, worksC. much, wo

26、rk D. many, works( )69. She is English girl.A. a B. anC. the D. /( )70. How o l d you? I ten.A. are. is B. is. . amC. are. am D. am. are( )71. Whats t h a t ? .A. It is desk B. It is a deskC . This is desk D . That is a desk( )7 2.- What does y ou r father do? - -A . w ork B . docterC . H e is w ork

27、ing D . H e, s a w orker( ) 73 . . A re y ou Miss S ue ?- -, I m mot.A . Sorry , E x cu se me B . E x cu se me, SorryC . Sorry , Sorry D . E x cu se me. E x cu se me( ) 7 4 . ? I m in C lass Three.A . A re y ou in C lass ThreeC . What class are y ou in( )7 5 . These are.A . an egg B . a eggC . their

28、 egg D . eggs( )7 6 . I , m in.A . C lass Three, G rade Tw oC . class three, grade tw o( )7 7 . I s thisA . he B . hisC . y ou D . /( )7 8 . Sorry , IA . am not B . amB . What class y ou are in?D . in w hat classB . G rade Tw o, C lass ThreeD . grade tw o, class threeru ler?know .C . doD .do notA .C

29、 .A .C .A .C .A .C .A .C .)7 9 . I s this a car? No,it isntits)8 0.What. . . isH ow . is)8 1. ThisI tsits)8 2.Who isWhat is)8 3. I sshey ou rB . it isD . this is notoldshe?B . What. areD . H ow . . areis a bird.B . I tsD . I tname is Polly .this? This is Wang Lin.B .D .this aB .D ./)8 4 . They areWh

30、o areWhat are_p encil-box ?herA . banana treeB . banana treesC . bananas treeD .bananas treesA .C .)8 5 .-I sthe shipnow ? -No, itsop en, closeB . op en, closedop ened, closedD . op ened, close)8 6 . I s thisru ler oreraser?A. an. aB.A. anA. a D. an. an( )87. Are these boxes?A. you B. IC. me D. your

31、( )88.everyone here?A. Is B. AreC. Am D. /( )89. There aren,t many people in the shopA. in B. onC. at D. by( )90.she have breakfast at school?A. Do B. HasMondays.C.DoesD. Is()91. Look,the boy _near the house.A.is sitingB. sitC.sitsD. is sitting( )92. Where your father?A. does, from B. come, fromC. a

32、re, from D. is, from)93. Would you giveto me, please?A. them B. theyC. their D. they,re( )94. Do you like basketball?A. play B. playingC. plays D. is playing( )95. Her sister Japanese at school.A. study B. studyingC. studies D. is study)96. Does Wang Kai go to bed ten in theevening?A. at B. inC.forD

33、. on)97. Tom every morning.A. cleans his bikeC. clean a bike( )98. Its timeB. cleans bikeD. clean bikemorning exercises.A. do B. doesC. to do D. doing( )99. Do you want to English with me?A. ask B. speakC. talk D. say( )100. Who your good friend?A. am B. areC. is D. does答案及解折Keys and explanations (答

34、案及解析):1.B 天气冷,应该穿上衣服。Puton “ 穿上” .2 .C onethe other”一个 另 个。 。 。” 其总数只行两个。3 .D eggs 是复数,此处用 there be 句型“are there。4 .C Listen to 听。 。 : Look at 看5 .B 星期几用What day.?来提问。6 . A 以情态动词Would开头的问句,some不变。7 .D Every morning前不用加介诃。8 .C “DonX+动词原形” 构成祈使旬的否定形式。9 .A you宾格“ 你;10 .C doesnt + 动词原形。11 .D spell “ 拼写”

35、 。12 .D wrilc down动副词组,代词放在中间;写在本子上用介词on.13 .C 商店有个公示牌上的告示内容,用 say.14 .C days是复数,用 be动词arc.15 .D some用作肯定句:any用在否定句和般疑问句。16 .D London “ 伦敦” 在英国“England”.17 .D Canada ,加竟大” 是一个国家。18 .C One of my friends我的朋友们中的一个“ ,单数用is.19 .C see“ 看见,明白” 。20 .C Wha about + 宾格。She 的宾格是 her.21 .A much bread是不可数名词,be动词用

36、is.22 .B fn does 还原动词 like.23 .B from “ 从” 后面接其格him.24.C All the other boys” 所有其他的先生“ 用或数形式。25.B see “ 看见” 指看的结果26. B Hes = He is ” 他是” 因为brother是男生。27.B The map of China “ 中国地图” ;on the wall “ 在墙上” 。28.B Some post cards 是复数.后用 are.29 .A with和。 。 。一起“ ,表示一种合作关系30 .C talk with ” 和 。交谈; in English ” 用

37、英语工31 A Who是第二人称单数,works和 studies都可以。32 .A Nice to meet you!与本题结构相同.33 .D 选择疑问句,用or连接两个选择答案.34 .A Mike and I 放后面以示尊电别人,都用主格,35 .C a blue bus , 一辆蓝色的公共汽车二36 .D all of boys或 all of u s都是正确地笞案。37 .D one是代词,代表一个单数的东西38 .C give him 动词+ 宾格; a bottle of orange 瓶橘子汁39 .B these things “ 这些东西” 都是曳数形式。40.C too

38、.to.太而不能。41.D here是副词,前面不用to.42.D Ils lime to + 动词原形: like + 动词 ing 形式,43.B Let him go.放他走 ,him 用宾格.44.B Id like to + 动词原形; 茶是喝的,用动词drink.45 .C Youre welcome 不用谢。46 .A in English ” 用英语二 使用某种语言用“in”。47 .D Can是情态动词,后面接动词原形.48 .D at home是地点,用Where提问地点。49 .B home是副同,前面不用to.50.B on my bike= by bike51 C S

39、chool is over ”放学了52 .D On her way to“在她去。 。 。的路上” ,her是物主代词。53 .D Dont + 动词原形。析使句的否定形式。54 .D you and Jim 是两个人,发数01255 .D friendly “ 友好的”56.B There b e句型遵循“ 靠近原则” ,bread是不可数名词,所以用is.57 .C the shopping basket 购物篮,shopping 作定语58 .A How much “ 多少钱” ,意思上符合。59 .C “wantto + 动词原形” 意思是 想要。 。 。“60 .D The fir

40、st class一般现在时态的第三人称单数,动词用三单形式begins.61 .D Miss Gao第三人称单数,借 doesnt还原动词have.62 .A 说某种语言用动词speak,情态动词can后面用动词原形。63 .D I low much + 不可数名词: How many + 可数名词的目数。64 .D a lot o = somemany 后接复数。65 .B on ones way to买东西吃,意思符合的是B66 .A your watch物主代词+ 名词。 Mine - my w atch名词性物主代词。67 .D Let sb. + 动词原形。意思是“ 让某人做某事“

41、。68 .C much work “ 很多工作 much + 不可数名词69 .B an English girl “ 一个英国女孩70 .C you和 are连用;I 和am 配对.71 .B 用this或 that提问, 必须用it来回答。72 . D What docs your father do?提问你爸爸的职业。73 . B 问话之前打扰对方用Excuse m e .表示抱歉用Im sorry.74 .C What class arc you in?你在哪一个班级?75 . D These are eggs.复数匹配。76 .A ( 1 )倒着翻译。( 2 )每个单词开头都大写。

42、专有名词B77.B his ruler 物上代词+ 名词.78 . D k n o w是行为动词,借dont构成否定句。79 .A 用this或that提问,必须用it来回答。80 .C H o w old is she?文她的年龄。81 . B Its它的,放在开头要大写。82 .A W a n g Lin是人名,用W h o来提问。83 .D 括 号 前 有 个a ,不需要再加其他的物主代词了。84 . B banana trees整体是里. 数. 但是banana是名诃作定语用单数=85 .B open“ 开放的 closed “ 关闭的” ,都是形容词。86 .B a ruler; a

43、n eraser辅音开头用a ,元音开头用an.87 .D your boxes物- 主代词+ 名词。88 . A everyone 每, 个人” 强调个体,是单数,用is.89.B 在星期几之前用介词on.90 .C she是第三人称单数. 所以借D o e s还原动词have.91 .D Look!表明用现在进行时态,is sitting就对 九Sitting要双写字母92 .D be from=comc 主语 your father 是单数,用 is from.93 .A give是动词,后面接宾格them.94 .B like+ 动词 ing 形式。95 .C Her sister是第一: 人称单数,动词study变成三单形式studies.96 .A at ten ” 在十点钟二97 .A Tom是第一: 人称单数,动词用三单形式cleans his bike.98 .C Its time to + 动词原形。Its time for + 名词。99.B speak English “ 说英语” 。说某种语言用动词speak.100.C Who is .?谁是。 . ?



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