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1、- 可编辑石家庄经济学院本科生毕业设计外文文献题目石家庄经济学院本部校园网网络规划设计姓名姬云飞学号409109060310学院信息工程学院专业通信工程指导教师张晨燕- 可编辑Campus Network planning and ConstructionAt present, Chinas rapid development of the cause of the campus network, to early 2003, almost all colleges have set up their own campus network, and carry out a variety of

2、 its services and applications. Campus Network build a rich learning resources to enhance the efficiency of education. But as the number of users increased dramatically increased and the pattern of operations, campus network security is increasingly conspicuous, and the ever threat to the healthy de

3、velopment of the campus network, as an education development of the information industry should not be neglected problem. This paper focuses on the campus network design and the process of building the campus network established the goal of building, campus network technology programme design, infor

4、mation resources construction, application software development, network management and security, the five key issues. The campus network is the infrastructure of importance of school, taking the school teaching, research, managing and outward communicate many roles of etc.The safe condition of the

5、campus net affects the teaching activity of the school directly.Set up in the network of initial stage, the safe problem may still be not outstanding, but along with applied thorough, various data of the campus net would nasty play increment, the safe problem beginning of various each kind perplexes

6、 us.The Internet flies to develop soon, to the campus network the teachers and the students life and studies have already produced the profound influence, the network have already not have no place in our life at. But at enjoy the convenience that high technology bring at the same time, we need to b

7、e awake of know, the safe problem of network also become the network application more and more increasingly and seriously huge bar, the situation that the campus network safety hazes already arrived and must unify the management and resolve thoroughly, only good resolve the safe problem of network,

8、the application of the campus network then can be healthy, high speed of development. We should consider the comprehensive usage fire wall and encrypt several measures, such as technique and the anti-virus software.etc. completely, work in coordination, strengthening the management, looking for the

9、balance point of insure the network safety and the network efficiency from it, the safety of the comprehensive exaltation campus network, thus build up rise a set of real in keeping with safe system of the calculator network of the school.The time todays knowledge-based economy and information techn

10、ology have the development and popularization of Internet in the world have decided the time the network will become the main tool for information. With the development of computer network technology, network has become an - 可编辑important platform for the exchange of information. Internet-based e-lea

11、rning with time-sensitive, shared, interactive and many of the characteristics of the individual, so it has a traditional teaching model of unmatched advantages. It created a new teaching model, breaking the traditional teaching model at the time and space limitations, the use of advanced teaching m

12、ethods and teaching methods, greatly improve the teaching efficiency and teaching effectiveness, teaching and learning activities to enable a new level. Do a good job in the design of the campus network, are among the schools, both internal and external communication between the key and convenient.2

13、1st century the size of the campus network and application level are reflected in schools and science teaching and learning environment an important component of the force, so we should make use of existing campus conditions, design a secure, unified campus network.Large Campus Network DesignBusines

14、ses operating large campus networks are increasingly looking for infrastructure upgrades to:(1) Handle high bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast Improve backbone capacity for shared Ethernet or FDDI campus backbones (2) Support applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, Apple

15、Talk, and SNA (3) Offer high availability, performance, & manageability for your companys intranet Use Layer 2, Layer 3, or ATM backbone solutions to expand your large campus network. In typical designs, the buildings or different parts of the campus connect together across a high performance, switc

16、hed backbone. Network redundancy and high availability is provided at each layer. A high capacity, centralized server farm provides resources to the campus, and when combined with Cisco IOS, network management strategies support QoS, security, troubleshooting, and other common management features fr

17、om end to end. Medium Campus Network DesignA medium campus consists of one large building or several buildings. Networking for a medium campus is designed for high availability, performance, and manageability. This is also called a collapsed backbone design for medium campus networks. Additional req

18、uirements of these designs typically include: (1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast (2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity - 可编辑(3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTal

19、k, and SNA Based on the Cisco AVVID architecture, these intelligent network platforms and products provide the basis for a complete network solution. Small campus networks DesignIn most cases, network redundancy is not the top priority, but cost effectiveness is. Additional requirements of these des

20、igns typically include: (1) High performance and availability for bandwidth applications such as voice, video, and IP multicast (2) Shared Ethernet or FDDI building backbone which is running out of capacity (3) Support for applications based on Novell IPX, DECNET, AppleTalk, and SNA 校园网的规划与构建目前,我国校园

21、网事业飞速发展,至2003 年初,几乎所有的大中专院校都建立了自己的校园网,并在其上开展了多种服务和应用。校园网的建设丰富了学习资源、提高了教育效率。但随着用户数的急剧增加和业务样式的增多,校园网的安全问题也日益突出,无时无刻不在威胁校园网络的健康发展,成为教育信息化建设中不容忽视的问题。本文着重论述了校园网设计与建设过程中确立建设校园网的目标,校园网的技术方案设计,信息资源建设,应用软件的开发,网络管理与安全五个关键问题。校园网络作为学校重要的基础设施,担当着学校教学、科研、管理和对外交流等许多角色。校园网安全状况直接影响着学校的教学活动。在网络建成的初期,安全问题可能还不突出,但随着应用的

22、深入,校园网上的各种数据会急剧增加,各种各样的安全问题开始困扰我们。互联网络的飞速发展,对校园网络中师生的生活和学习已经产生了深远的影响,网络在我们的生活中已经无处不在。但在享受高科技带来的便捷同时,我们需要清醒的认识到,网络安全问题的日益严重也越来越成为网络应用的巨大阻碍,校园网络安全已经到- 可编辑了必须要统一管理和彻底解决的地步,只有很好的解决了网络安全问题,校园网络的应用才能健康、高速的发展。我们应当全面考虑综合运用防火墙、加密技术、防毒软件等多项措施,互相配合,加强管理,从中寻找确保网络安全与网络效率的平衡点,综合提高校园网络的安全性,从而建立起一套真正适合学校计算机网络的安全体系。

23、当今时代的知识经济的产生和信息技术的发展及Internet的全球普及化都决定了网络将成为信息时代的主要工具。随着计算机网络技术的发展,网络已成为人们交流信息的重要平台。基于因特网的网上教学具有时效性、共享性、交互性和个别化等诸多特点,因此它有着传统教学模式无法比拟的优点。它打造了一种全新的教学模式,打破了传统教学模式在时间、空间上的局限,采用先进的教学手段和教学方法,大大提高了教学效率和教学效果,使教学活动上了一个新台阶。做好校园网络设计工作,是学校内部之间,校内和校外之间便捷沟通的关键。21 世纪校园网络的规模和应用水平将是体现学校教学环境和科研力量的重要组成部分,因此我们要利用校园内现有的

24、条件,设计一个安全、统一的校园网络。大型校园网络设计:商务运作的大型校园网络在快速提升中寻求结构化的更新1.能处理高带宽的网络应用,例如语音,视频,IP 多播,提升共享的以太网或光纤的校园网骨干的容量2.能支持基于Novell IPX 的 NOVELL 网络,DECNET 协议的网络 ,AppleTalk协议的网络, 和 IBM 公司的 SNA 网络3.能为公司网络提供更高的效率,性能和可管理性使用 2 层或者 3 层的 ATM 骨干方案来拓宽你庞大的校园网。在典型的设计中,校园内的不同建筑或部门,通过高性能交换骨干连接在一起。网络的冗余和高效在网络的每个- 可编辑层面得到体现。一个高容量的集

25、中的数据中心,当它整合了思科的操作系统,网络管理战略,包括支持服务质量,安全,故障排除和其他端到端的一般性解决方案,就能为校园提供各种资源中型网络设计一个中型的校园网络由一个大型的部分或几个部分组成。中型校园网被设计成一个高效的,高性能的,可管理的网络。 对中型校园网络来说, 这也被称为“折叠的骨干”设计。包括这些典型设计的附加需求:1.为语音,视频,多播这些应用程序设计的高性能高效率的带宽应用2.能够运行超出容量的共享以太网和光纤的网络骨干3.能够运行在Novell IPX的 NOVELL 网络, DECNET 协议的网络 , AppleTalk协议的网络和 IBM 公司的支持思科的视讯及数据整合架构SNA 网络,这些整合的网络平台和产品,提供了一个完整的网络解决方案的基础小校园网设计在大多数情况下,网络冗余并不是最优先考虑,但成本效益是的。所需经费增加这些设计通常包括:1.高性能,高可用的带宽应用,如语音,视频和IP 组播2.能够运行超出容量的共享以太网和光纤的网络骨干3.能够运行在Novell IPX的 NOVELL 网络, DECNET 协议的网络 , AppleTalk协议的网络和 SNA 网络



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