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1、Unit ElevenUnit ElevenAbout questionsQuestions : word explanationLanguage pointsExpressionsQuestion 1What will occur to you when we talk about packing? Question 2Is packing one of the important parts that both the seller and the buyer will talk about in business negotiation? Why is it important?Firs

2、tly, only packed goods can enter into circulation field; secondly, nice packing will help promote the sales of goods; thirdly, reasonable packing can save freight cost; fourthly, strong packing can protect goods from being damaged. It has been estimated taht as much as 70% of all cargo loss could be

3、 prevened by proper packaging and marking. Export goods may travel a long distance before they arrive at the destination. Therefore packing for export should be strong enough to withstand rough handling and sea transportation.Question 3What do we call those goods that are easy to break?fragile goods

4、Question 4If the weight of some goods is the total weight including its container or wrapping, what do we call it? Gross weightIf excluding its container or wrapping?Net weight Question 5Usually how can we reinforce cartons and protect goods from dampness?We can reinforce cartons with plastic straps

5、 or iron straps from outside, and use waterproof paper inside each carton. Question 6Do you think a unique design of packing will help promote the sales of goods? How?A unique design of packing will make your goods stand out from other similar goods and appeal to customers. Question 7What kind of pa

6、cking is it if no name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside container? Neutral packing Why do we sometimes use neutral packing?To break through trade protectionism or discrimination in some areas and countries. Question 8Generally speaking, there are two kinds of packing. What are th

7、ey? 1. marketing packing (small packing, inner packing, sales packing)2. transport packing (large packing, outer packing)Notes 1. And a packing that catches the eyes will help us push the sales. 吸引眼球的包装会帮助我们促销。Packing包装方法,包装方式Packing charges包装费用Packing instructions包装要求Packing list装箱单Export packing出口

8、包装Seaworthy packing适于海运的包装Inner packing内包装Outer packing外包装 - Neutral packing中性包装Packaging包装材料的选择、使用2. .Im sure the new packing will turn out to your clients satisfaction.我相信新包装会令你方客户满意。turn out 证明为, 结果Everything turned out well (satisfactorily). ( turn out to be satisfactory)结果一切都很好. (满意)3.Each cart

9、on is lined with foam plastics in order to protect the goods against press and marked with the words such as “Handle with care”.每个纸箱都内衬泡沫塑料,以保护货物免受挤压,并标上“小心轻放”这样的字样。to be lined with 内衬-,以-作衬里The overcoat is lined with silk.该大衣是用绸缎作衬里的。lining衬里,衬垫物All bags have an inner waterproof lining.所有的袋子一个防水的衬里

10、.4. I guess I can rest assured. 我想我可以放心了。rest assured 放心You may rest assured that everything possible will be done. 你尽可以放心,每件可能的事均将做到.5.Well pack them two dozens to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton. 我们通常把两打装进一个纸箱,每箱毛重25公斤。1)dozen跟 hundred, thousand, million等词一样,与数词或 many, several等词连

11、用时, 词尾不加S,如:two dozen pencils, several dozen these scissors.但不与数词或 many, several等词连用而表示不确切数字时,要加S,如 dozens of times(许多次)(2)two dozen to one carton两打装进一个纸箱to 表示数量关系,表示每个A中有多少个B,常与the连用。如:.There are two monsoon seasons to the year.每年有两个季风季节(雨季).How many francs are there to the pound? 一英镑相当于多少法郎。6.What

12、 if dampness gets into the packages?如果潮气进入包装将如何办呢?What if =be the result if 如果-将如何呢?What if it rains while we are a long way from shelter?7.And all the goods will be packed in plastic-lined waterproof cartons. 所有的货物都将用有防水的塑料纸箱包装。.“in-” 用某物包装,用某种形式包装Walnuts are packed in double gunny bags.核桃用双层麻袋包装。a

13、).“in-of-each” “in -, each containing-”b) 用某物包装,每件装多少男式衬衫用木箱装,每箱十打。 Mens shirts are packed in wooden cases of 10 dozen each.货物用铁桶装,每桶净重25公斤。The goods will be packed in iron drums of 25 kgs net (each).尼龙袜用纸板箱包装,每箱五十打。 Nylon socks are packed in cartons, each containing 50 dozen.C. 用某物包装,每件装多少,若干小容器装于一

14、大容器中。Pens are packed in boxes of a dozen each, 100 boxes to a wooden case.钢笔要用盒装,每盒装一打,100盒装一木箱。.“-to a -, -to a -”D.多层次包装时可用此句型Candles are packed 20 pieces to a paper box, 40 boxes to a carton. 蜡烛每20支装一纸盒,40纸盒装一纸板箱8.Wooden cases be better?= will it be better if wooden cases are used?9.We can reinfo

15、rce the cartons with straps.我们可以用条带加固纸箱。(1)We would suggest you strengthen the carton with double straps.我们建议用两道打包带加固纸板箱。(2)The goods must be packed in strong wooden cases secured with iron hoops at both ends. 货物以结实的木箱包装,两端用铁箍加固。(3)We do not object to packing in cartons, provided the flaps are glued

16、 down and cartons reinforced with metal bands.如果盖子被粘牢而且箱子用金属带加固,我们不反对用纸板箱包装。(4)Packing in sturdy wooden cases is essential. Cases must be nailed, battened and secured with overall metal strapping. 用坚固木箱包装很重要。箱子须钉牢、加 上压条并通体用金属带加固。10. Packing has a close bearing on sales and also effects the reputatio

17、n of our products. 包装对产品的销路有很大关系,也影响我们产品的声誉。Bearing = relation, aspect 关系What he said has no bearing on the subject. 他所说的话与本题没有关系.11. Please see to it that no name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outer container. see to = if you see to something that needs your attention, you deal with

18、it留心, 注意Please see (to it) that these letters are sent to the post.请注意把这些信付邮.mark标志trade mark商标Shipping mark 装运标志,唛头Indicative mark指示性标志,如: This Side Up(此端向上), Handle With Care(小心轻放), Use No Hooks(勿用吊钩), Keep Away From Heat(勿近热源), Keep Dry(保持干燥)warning mark警告性标志Explosive(爆炸品), Inflammable(易燃 品 ) , P

19、oison( 有 毒 品 ) , Radiocative( 放 射 性 物 品 ) , Corrosive(腐蚀性物品)等。 Story telling The New DoctorA woman went to doctors office. She was seen by one of the new doctors, but after about four minutes in the examination room, she burst out, screaming as she ran down the hall. An older doctor stopped and aske

20、d her what the problem was, and she explained. He had her sit down and relax in another room.The older doctor marched back to the first and demanded, “Whats the matter with you? Mrs. Terry is 63 years old, she has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant?”The ne

21、w doctor smiled smugly (自鸣得意地) as he continued to write on his clipboard(有纸夹的写字板).“Cured her hiccups (打嗝) though, didnt it?”Joke Mother TongueMy 12-year-old sister was filling in an application form for a foreign language course. Suddenly she stopped, a small frown on her forehead. A moment later, s

22、he wrote something down. Glancing over her shoulder, I saw that the question she had paused at was: “Mother tongue.” On the blank space beside it she had written, “Pink.”C-T Translation你方8月31日来函询问我方旅行剪刀的包装一事,今告知如下:我们出口的旅行剪刀(Trip Scissors)每合装1打,每一纸板箱装100盒。尺码是17公分高,30公分阔,50公分长,体积约0。026立方米,净重22。5公斤,毛重23。5公斤。纸板箱外的标记,除印刷有毛重、净重及皮重外,还须印刷(stencil)有“中华人民共和国制造”字样。如你对标记有何特殊要求,请告知,我方当尽力满足。 顺告我们的剪刀过去一向是用木箱包装的,但经过多次用纸板箱试装后,发现纸板箱同样适宜于海洋运输,且纸板箱价格较低,搬运较为轻便,运费也较低廉,所以现在有更多客户宁愿要纸板箱包装而不要木箱包装。我们相信你方会同意我们的意见,接受纸板箱包装。如能早日答复,不胜感激。



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