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1、. . . . . STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES 标准工作程序. . . . . HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT 客房部GENERAL 总述Task No: Description . . . . . 1.Grooming and Appearance 仪表仪容2.Check Uniform and How to Grooming Standards 制服检查及仪表仪容标准3.Body language and attitude 肢体语言及态度4.How to Conduct Briefing 怎样主持例会5.Communicate with Ho

2、usekeeping Department 与客房部沟通6.How to Greet the Guest 怎样问候客人7.Dect phone Control 小灵通管理8.Occupational Health and Safety 职业健康卫生及安全HOUSEKEEPING OFFICE&GUEST FLOOR 客房办公室及客房服务9 Lost and Found Procedure 失物招领程序. . . . . 10. Monthly Linen Inventory 月度布草盘点11. Master Key Sign Out Procedure 万能钥匙签领程序12. Sign in

3、Procedure 签到程序13. Sign out Procedure 签退程序14. Guest Room Amenities & Supplies Set-up 客用品配放15. “Do Not Distribute” Procedure for Rooms房间“请勿打扰”程序16. Clean Room Procedure 清洁房间程序17. How to Clean Electric Kettle 怎样清洁电水壶. 18. How to Clean the Glasses 怎样清洁玻璃杯19. How to Clean Ice Bucket 怎样清洁冰桶20. How to Chan

4、ge Pillow Case 怎样更换枕套21. How to remove laundry wooden boxes / hangers 撤出送衣篮及衣架22. Reporting to the Guest Floor 到楼层报到23. How to make up bed 怎样做床24. How to Clean the Bath Room Floor 怎样清洁浴室地板25. How to Clean the Mini Bar 怎样清洁小酒吧26. How to Dust the Furniture 怎样给家具擦尘27. How to clean the mirror 怎样清洁镜子28.

5、How to Clean the Bath Tub 怎样清洁浴缸29. How to Clean Shower Room 怎样清洁淋浴间30. How to Clean the Bath Room Wall 怎样清洁浴室墙面31. How to clean the vanity top and hand basin 怎样清洁面台和面盆. . . . . 32. How to Clean / Polish the Bathroom Fittings 怎样清洁和抛光浴室电镀配件33. How to Clean the Toilet Bowl 怎样清洁马桶34. How to Vacuum the

6、Carpet 怎样给地毯吸尘35. How to Clean the Telephone Set 怎样清洁机36. How to Handle Wake up Call 怎样处理叫醒服务37. Guest Shoe Shine Service 擦鞋服务38. Safe Deposit Box needs to be opened in Checked out guest room 当客人离店后要检查保险箱必须打开39. How to Handle the Left Guest Room vine card 怎样处理无用的客房钥匙卡40. Extra Bed and Baby Cot Proce

7、dure 加床和婴儿床处理程序41. Guest Laundry Pick up During Room Check 查房同时收取客衣42. Guest Laundry Pick up Requirement via Receiving Call 客人要求收取洗衣43. Fold Towel 毛巾的折叠44. How to Remove Room Service Basket 怎样撤出送餐的餐具45. How to Clean Guest Floor Corridor 怎样清洁走廊46. How to Assist Guest with Luggage/Parcel 怎样协助运送客人行47.

8、Mini-bar consumption check 小酒吧消耗检查48. Mini-bar daily replenishment 每日补充小酒吧49. How to Handle “Open Door” Request怎样处理开房门的请求50. Breakage, Loss and Damage Procedure 遗失损坏处理程序51. How to Check Guest Floor Corridor 如何检查走廊52. How to Inspect Bathroom 如何检查卫生间53. Care and Handling of Guests Belongings小心照看客人财产.

9、. . . . 54. Returning Keys and Worksheet 交还钥匙和工作表55. Check into Housekeeping Office 在客房部办公室报到56. Vacuum carpet after washed 洗过地毯后的吸尘57. How to Escort Guest to Elevator 怎样护送客人至电梯58. Cleaning chemical using in Housekeeping 客房部常用的清洁剂59. How to polish wooden surface 如何给木制表面抛光60. How to use and clean a v

10、acuum cleaner 如何使用和清理吸尘器61. Guest Laundry Emergency 紧急洗衣62. Super clean program 超级清洁程序63. One Entry Room System一次进入房间64. Zero Room Defects 零缺陷的房间65. Turn down Service 开床服务PUBLIC AREA 公共区域66 Push brush sweeping 扫地67 Dust mopping . . . . . 推尘68Wet mopping 湿拖69Wall washing by hand 手工洗墙壁70How to Clean t

11、he A/C Grill 怎样清洁空调口71How to shampoo carpet - extraction 抽洗地毯72How to Clean Upholstery Fabric 怎样清洁沙发及软包墙面73How to Clean Wall-paper 怎样清洁墙纸74Cleaning of Office 清洁办公室75Cloak Room Procedure 衣帽间的程序76Staircase cleaning 清洁楼梯77How to clean windows 怎样清洁窗户78Stone floor scrubbing 擦洗石制地面79Locker room cleaning 更

12、衣室的清洁80How to polish wooden surface 如何给木制表面抛光81How to use and clean a vacuum cleaner 如何使用和清理吸尘器82Dry foam shampoo on carpet 干洗地毯83Cleaning of outlets 各餐饮场所的清洁84Inspection of back of house 后区的检查85Cleaning of lobby 大堂的清洁86PA. Store room PA的仓库87Cleaning supplies and equipment return 返还清洁用品及设备88How to c

13、lean urinal bowel 怎样清洁小便池89How to polish brass . . . . . 怎样给铜器抛光90How to clean skid proof and dustproof pad 如何清洁防滑垫及防尘垫91How to crystallization for marble floor 怎样给石地面做晶面处理92How to maintain and clean leather surface 如何保养和清洁皮革表面93How to clean telephone 怎样清洁94Cleaning of pantry/store room 清洁工作间和储藏室95W

14、ashroom Care 公共卫生间的清洁96Check into public area service associates PA员工报道的检查97Prepare daily work allocation 准备日常工作分配98Lobby inspection 大堂的检查99Inspection of lifts 检查电梯100Inspection of restroom 检查洗手间101Inspection of outlets 检查各餐饮场所102Inspection of back stairs 检查后楼梯103Inspection of pantry/store room 检查工作

15、间及储藏室UNIFORM DEPARTMENT 制服室104Guest Laundry Check 检查客衣106. How to handle discrepancy . . . . . 如何处理差异107. Damage Laundry Confirmation 确认破损108. Guest Laundry Deposit Service 客衣存放服务109. How to handle guest laundry express and pressing service. 如何处理加快服务及熨烫服务110. Guest laundry delivering 返还客衣111. D.N.D

16、Room Guest Laundry Service D.N.D 房间客人洗衣服务112. Guest complaining handling 处理客人投诉Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Ref: . . . . . GROOMING AND APPEARANCE主题:仪表仪容参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-001 Prepare by: Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Ma

17、nager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Maintain a clean, tidy and fresh appearance during your work. 在你的工作中保持干净,整齐,清新的外貌PROCEDURES 流程-Keep clean and be optimistic during work time. 在工作时间保持干净及乐观的态度-Make self-check and grooming check at any time. 随时进行仪表仪容的自我检查-Wear tidy uniform with all buttons

18、buttoned up. Pay attention not to roll up cuffs or sleeves. 穿系好纽扣的整齐的制服,不能挽起衣袖-Change the uniform in time if it is stained, crumpled, dirty or smelly. 及时更换有污渍,褶皱,脏的,有异味的制服-Wear your name tag correctly with your uniform, the name tag is part of your uniform. 将名牌别在制服正确的位置,名牌也是制服的一部分-Pay attention that

19、 uniform has no damages. 留意制服不要有破损-Wear shoes and socks as issued: 穿规定的鞋袜-Black shoes and black socks for male. 男士穿黑鞋黑袜-Black shoes and neutral color stockings for female. 女士穿黑鞋肉色长袜-Check your shoes: shoes should be clean, polish and in good condition. 检查你的鞋:是否干净,光亮,并处于完好状态-Check your socks and stoc

20、kings: they should be clean, odor free and no holes. 检查你的袜子:是否干净,无异味和破洞-Check your uniform: it should be clean, well pressed and have no tears or damage, No missing buttons. 检查你的制服:是否干净,熨烫整齐,无破损或纽扣丢失Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject:CHECK UNIFORM AND HOW TO GRO

21、OMING STANDARDS GROOMINGANDAPPEARANCE主题:制服检查及仪表仪容标准Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-002 Prepare by: Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure that our staff always maintains a good appearance during work Make sure standard

22、s are followed at all times. 确保我们的员工在任何工作时间保持良好的仪表仪容PROCEDURES 流程- Supervisor have to check their associates uniform and grooming in the briefing and conduct spot checks any time during the day during work 主管在例会时需检查他们员工的制服和仪表仪容,并在工作时间随时抽查Standards 标准-The uniform pressed without stains, tears and odo

23、r 制服熨烫整齐,无污渍,破损,异味-Button up all buttons 系上所有纽扣- Don t roll up sleeves, to change if the uniform does not fit不要卷起袖口,如果不合适就去更换-Wear name tag correctly. 正确的佩戴名牌-Black shoes and socks for male black shoes and body color socks for female. Ensure that shoes and socks are without tears or damage To check

24、grooming and appearances. 男士穿着黑色鞋袜,女士穿着黑色鞋子,肉色丝袜。并检查确保无破损-Hair to be combed and brushed For male, the hair should not cover eye brow and the back should not touch collar or be over the ears. 男士头发须梳理整齐,前不得过眉,后不得过衣领,鬓角不得盖过耳朵-Make sure arrival at Office is 15mins in advance. 提前 15 分钟到办公室-For female, lo

25、ng hair should be coiled up at the back wit hairnet, short hair should not cover the shoulders, and all hair pins are to be black in color. 女士长发要用发网盘起,短发不过肩,发卡只限于黑色. . . . . -Nails should be closely trimmed, nail polish is allowed but in natural color only 指甲油只限于透明色,并保持光亮和平整-Large or hanging earring

26、s are not allowed, bracelet chain is also not allowed. 夸和悬挂式的耳环是不允许的,手镯也是不被允许的-No rings except engagement or marriage ring 不可戴戒指,订婚或结婚戒指除外-Remind associates to check for bad breath. 保持口腔无异味-Supervisor will also be responsible to spot check PA Cleaner s uniform, appearance and to correct it at any ti

27、me during working time 主管要在工作时间随时抽查PA员工的制服,仪表-Pay particular attention to check if their uniform is worn correctly, such as if any buttons is opened, if the sleeves are rolled up etc 检查制服时要注意细节,例如纽扣没系好,袖子卷起来等-Keep reminding PA Cleaners to pay attention to their appearances. 提醒 PA员工注意他们的外表- Housekeep

28、ing Policies & Procedures Manual . . . . . 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: BODY LANGUAGE AND ATTITUDE 主题:肢体语言及态度Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-003 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Good and polite manner shows respect

29、to our guests. 良好及礼貌的举止显示我们对客人的尊重PROCEDURES 流程- -Maintain good manners at any place and at any time when at work, pay attention to your cleanliness. Wear your name tag at all times. 工作期间在任何时间,地点保持良好的礼貌,注意个人清洁,佩戴名牌-Do not put your hand into your Pockets. 手不要插在兜里-Do not lean against the wall at any ti

30、me. 任何时间不要倚靠着墙站着-Do not smoke, pick teeth, spit or clean your nails in public. 在公共场所不许抽烟,剔牙,吐谈或剪指甲-Walk quickly but not run. 走路要快,但不要跑-When walking shoulder to shoulder with guests, let guest go first. 当与客人并排时,请客人先走-When talking with guest, be polite and smile. 当与客人谈话时要有礼貌并保持微笑-Maintain a respectful

31、 distance with guest when speaking. 与客人谈话要保持一定的距离-Stand straight, never cross your arms. 要站直,双臂不能交叉在胸前-Maintain eye contact with guest. 保持与客人的眼神接触-Listen earnestly to guest and do not disturb when guest is talking. 当客人说话时要认真听,不要随便打断。-Do not bring bad mood to work. Politely provide your best service.

32、 不要带着情绪工作,要优雅的提供你最好的服务. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: HOW TO CONDUCT BRIEFING 主题:怎样主持例会Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-004 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: Hotel Manager 批准:酒店经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Check and e

33、nsure that all required work can be covered in order to meet all standards and ensure guest delight To create a good work 检查并确保所有必需的工作符合标准,确保创造一个良好的工作环境PROCEDURES 流程-Check your associates according to Sign-in sheet and schedule. 检查你的员工是否按时签到-Greet your associates by saying “NinHao”问候你的员工“您好”-Check e

34、ach of your associates appearance and grooming . 检查你每个员工的仪表仪容-Check name tags and correct any standards that are not met. 检查名牌是否符合标准-Take all the necessary reports and log books to conduct the morning briefing. 主持例会,报告必要的事项及交接本所记录事宜-Meet associates all together in housekeeping office. 在客房部办公室跟员工一起会面

35、-Ensure that everyone has a pen to take notes. 确保每个人用笔记录下相关事宜-Discuss special tasks for the day. 讨论当天特别工作安排-Discuss guest and VIP arrivals and special remarks. 讨论预抵的客人及VIP,和特别的注释-Discuss any group arrivals. 交待所有预抵的团队事宜- Discuss any guests special requests and projects.交待任何客人特别的要求和计划-Review guest com

36、ments. 回顾客人意见. . . . . -Discuss any problems that arose. 讨论任何可引发的问题-Review any follow-up that needs to be done 回顾任何需要跟办的事项-Inform associates of any special events, banquet events, and general hotel events. 告知员工所有事件,宴会,及常规的酒店活动-Before ending the briefing check whether associates has any questions and

37、 that they know what to do. 在例会完毕之前,要问员工是否有问题,及他们是否知道该怎么做-Check your associates for clear understanding of assignments. 检查你的员工是否完全明白他们的工作分配-Ask if any thing is unclear. 如果有任何不清楚就问-Get feedback or suggestion from your associates. 你的员工要有反馈或建议-Report any major concerns to the AM. 汇报主要的顾虑给副经理-Always pic

38、k up some areas for improvements for associates during their daily work and correct them in a 15 minutes short training. 为改进工作,经常在员工的日常工作区域进行15 分钟以的简短培训. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: COMMUNICATE WITH HOUSEKEEPING DEPARTMENT主题:与客房部沟通Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-0

39、05 Prepare by: Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure communication with guest and colleague so as to show our sincerity and respect to him/her. 确保讯息传达给客人和同事,并表示出我们的真挚和尊敬PROCEDURES 流程-Housekeeping Office takes

40、important role in communicating with guests or among departments. If it does not work well, it will affect service quality, work efficiency and hotel reputation. 客房部办公室在与客人及部门的沟通中扮演极为重要的角色。如果不能运作良好的话,将会直接影响服务质量,工作效率及酒店声誉。-When the telephone rings, you should stop all work to answer the telephone (wi

41、thin 3 rings). 当铃响起时,你要停止手边一切工作,在3 声之接起它-When answering the telephone, speak politely: NinHao,This is xxx from Housekeeping, may I help you. ” 当接起时要说:您好,客房部,我是,有什么可以帮您?-Always remember to communicate with other Departments via Housekeeping Office and also to report any special activities. 永远记住通过客房中心

42、与其他部门联系及报告任何特殊活动. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: HOW TO GREET THE GUEST主题:怎样问候客人Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-006 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Show your great re

43、spect and courtesy for the guest. 对客人显示你的礼貌和尊重PROCEDURES 流程See . 参照个人仪表仪容标准-Do not fold arms; put hands in pocket when working. Stand straight and do not slouch. 不要卷起袖子,或手插兜。站直不要懒懒散散的-Greet the guests with smile and in a clear voice & say “NINHAO ”微笑着问候客人,用清晰的声音说“您好”-Stop walking or working. 停止走路或工作

44、-Smile. 微笑-Make eye contact with the guest. 跟客人有眼神的接触-Stand straight. 站直-Let guest go first. 让客人先走-To greet the guest by saying “NINHAO ”Use guest s name if you know.问候客人要说“您好”尽量称呼客人. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: DECT PHONE CONTROL 主题:客房小灵通的管理Ref: 参考号: RMS-

45、 HSKP-SOP-007 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure dect phones for associates have enough functions to provide efficient service. 确保员工的功能良好,可以提供有效的服务PROCEDURES 流程- All housekeepings dect phone is k

46、ept in the phone cabinet in the Housekeeping office. The issue and return of dect phone is overseen by the HSKP Office coordinator. A daily inventory is required. 所有客房部小灵通必须保管在办公室柜里,有文员负责发放和回收,并每天必需盘点-Dect phone are issued by the HSKP. Office coordinator from the housekeeping office when the Associa

47、tes sign-in. 当服务员签字后,文员才能从办公室发放-Dect phone issue record is kept together with the attendant sign-in/out sheet. 所有小灵通发放记录都必须在员工签到本上-Check the dect phone for any damages or malfunction. 检查小灵通的任何损坏或故障-Clip on waist belt after receiving the dect phone 收到后要别在腰带上- Don t turn off the dect phone till you ar

48、e off duty and return it to HSKP Office. 当你上班时或还回办公室之前,不许关掉小灵通-Do not put inside uniform pocket. 不要将小灵通放在制服口袋里-Return call immediately when your dect phone is beeping 当你的小灵通响时,要立即回-If the paging is by code message, return call to HSKP office after completing the . . . . . task. To inform the Office

49、that the task has been done. 如果是密码短信,当完成这个任务后,要回复办公室,这个工作已完成-Do not turn off the dect phone while on duty. Even during duty meal, return call immediately when being paged. 上班时间不要关掉小灵通,甚至在吃工作餐期间也一样,如果响了,立即回-Any code messages you cannot do for any reasons, you should return a call to HSKP. Office imme

50、diately to inform and ask for help. 任何原因导致你不能去做的密码短信,你可回电给办公室通知她或寻求帮助-All dect phones are returned to HSKP office when off duty. 下班时还回所有小灵通-Office coordinator should take An inventory of all dect phones at every shift end and hand over to the next shift Office coordinator. 文员必须清点每个班次的小灵通,并且要交接给下一个班次

51、的文员-Make sure no dect phones is returned with damages. 确定没有还回的小灵通是损坏的-All defects on dect phones should be reported to the Office coordinator 所有小灵通的缺陷故障要汇报给文员-If a dect phone is not working, the Office coordinator should contact the telephone Dept Manager. 如果小灵通不能工作,文员要联系总机主管-Any dect phones that ar

52、e sent out for repair should be noted. 所有送去维修的必须记录-The regular holding place of the dect phone should have a note advising the date and condition of the missing dect phone. 通常在放置小灵通的地方,须有记录遗失的日期和情况的记录. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Occupational Health and Saf

53、ety 主题:职业健康卫生及安全Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-008 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Take care your health and safety first 健康安全第一PROCEDURES 流程-Read and understand the instruction of all kinds chemical 阅读和理解所

54、有类型的药剂-Be sure you understand and how to use product 确保你明白和如何使用-Always try little area to see the effect 永远先试一点的区域看看效果-Incase drop into you eyes, have to wash immediately or see doctor 万一不慎入眼,立即清水冲洗并看医生- Do not bare hand to use strong chemical. e.g. “Rust Go ” ( a kind of strong chemical to remove t

55、he yellow mark). 不要裸手使用比较厉害的药剂,如“Rust Go”(一种强去渍剂,去除黄斑的). . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: LOST AND FOUND PROCEDURE主题:失物招领程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-009 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期:

56、2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To unify the administration of Lost and Found to ensure the safety of guest s belonging is to show respect to guest 统一管理失物招领,确保客人财产安全显示出我们对客人的尊重PROCEDURES 流程Any Lost and Found item is to turned into the Housekeeping office immediately. 任何失物必须及时交到客房部办公室-Housekeeping Office is r

57、esponsible for the administration of all Lost and Found 客房部办公室负责管理所有失物招领事宜-Anything in a C/O room should be treated as L&F item Call Housekeeping Office immediately when any item is found. The guest may call to inquire at all times. 任何离店房被发现有遗留物品时必须马上给客房部办公室打,客人也许会随时来询问-Housekeeping Department clerk

58、 should record it on the L&F record sheet. 文员必须如实记录在相关单据上-Hand it over while you go for lunch. Never put any found item at the pantry. 当你吃饭时遗留物品要做交接,千万不要随便放在工作间-When turning in the Lost and Found, please note the accurate place or room number where item is found. Pls. sign on the L&F sheet for ackno

59、wledgement, handover the item to Office. 上缴遗留物品时要写清正确的房号或位置,并签字确认,在交接给办公室. . . . . - Don t leave any Lost and found item on the floor pantry or in other locations. All items must be turned in to the Housekeeping Office at your lunch time or whenever you go down to Office. 不要有任何遗留在楼层工作间或其他地方,所有失物必须及时

60、上交,你可以在吃饭的时候带到办公室或当你有事去办公室的时候带下来。-If you have any questions about Lost and Found, you should contact your Supervisor right away. 如果你对失物招领有任何疑问,你可以马上联系你的主管-In order to handle inquires and ease of locations, the Administrative Associate of Housekeeping Department is responsible for the Lost and Found

61、logbook, the logbook includes the date, the place, guests name, the articles name and thefinder for all items. 为了处理询问和方便定位,客房部管理人员有责任制定失物招领登记簿,容包括:日期,地点,客人,物品名称,和发现人-All details must be recorded down right away after she/he receives call from Guest Assistant Manager of reporting 当他 / 她收到来自值班经理的时要汇报所

62、有的被记录下来的细节-Register all the information in the Lost and Found form and attached it to the bag. Pay attention to attach it securely to avoid losing it. 登记所有的讯息在失物招领单上,并附在装物品的袋子上,要注意的是系牢固不要丢失。-Also enter all information in the computer system to assist with guest inquiries. 同样也要把所有讯息录入电脑系统,以便协助客人查寻-To

63、 ensure the safety of the guest belongings, valuable articles such as cash, wallets, cameras, etc. should be stored in the safe in Duty Manager of Front Desk. 确保客人财产安全,贵重物品如现金,钱包,相机等,要存在前台的保险箱-Ensure the cleanliness of guest s clothes and give the clothes which are washable to the Laundry Department

64、. 确保客人衣物的清洁,可以将它们交洗衣房洗涤-Office Administrative 办公室行政管理Associate of every shift should submit the Lost and Found in the store room within that day. Lost and Found items should not be left unattended in the Housekeeping Office, but should be placed in the Lost and Found store room. 任何班次的员工要在当天交遗留物,遗留物品

65、不许在办公室无人照看,应存入失物招领库房-Pay attention to place items based on the order of the date. 注意排放物品要按照日期-When guests claim the lost Items, the Administrative Associate should inquire about he time, the place, and the characteristics of the lost item. 当客人要认领失物时,相关负责人员要查问他时间,地点,及物品特征-The identity card or passpor

66、t should be presented by the guest while the claiming process is on At the end, the guest should be politely requested to sign for receipt of the Lost and Found item. See Lost & Found claim form. 客人认领物品时要出示或护照,并礼貌的请他签收,见失物招领单。-If guests stay in the hotel, you can inform the Front Office Administrati

67、ve . . . . . Associate to send the Lost and Found to the guests room, and the standardprocedure is required. 如果客人仍在店,你可通知前厅管理人员将物品送交客人房间,这个标准程序是必须的-If someone else claims the Lost and Found for the guest, than a letter / fax or written request from the owner is required, including a copy of the gues

68、t s identity card and passport. 当有人要替领时,就要原物主的传真,信,或书面委托书,包括原物主的或护照的复印件-If the guest calls to send the Lost and Found, you should inquire the correct address and phone number of the guest and inform the Assistant Executive Housekeeper. 如果客人要求寄回失物,告知客人请客人发传真要求酒店寄回物品,自付邮费及邮寄详细地址,联系及信用卡号并钳子确认,然后通知助理行政管

69、家-To ensure the safety of guest belongings, Assistant Executive Housekeeper are directly responsible for all valuable Lost and Found items. 为确保客人财产安全,服务总监直接负责所有贵重物品-Open food / drink/alcohol items are to be disposed. 处理的食品,酒水类物品-Distribute all the unclaimed articles to the finder after three months.

70、 无人认领的物品在3 个月后发还拾到者Distribute all the food a ood / drink/alcohol items to the finder after three days. 未的食品类物品无人认领在3 天后发还拾道者-Administrative Associate of Housekeeping Department should keep the record on file. 客房部相关人员要保持记录-All associates will take gate pass with the Lost and Found item when removing

71、it from the hotel. 发还的物品拿出酒店时要有保安部及客房部经理签字的出门条-Congener hotel product will not be treated as L & F item. 跟酒店相同的物品不能被当作失物招领处理. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:MONTHLY LINEN INVENTORY主题:月度布草盘点Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-010 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总

72、监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To have accurate inventory figure so as to ensure adequate par of linen is provided for the Hotel operation. This will support the front line associates to provide efficient service to delight customers. 确保盘点的准

73、确性,保证酒店有正常运作的周转量,支持前线员工给客人提供满意的服务PROCEDURES 流程-To issue memo to all relevant Departments 1 week prior to the inventory date. Include the specific time and venue for each concerned section and ways of preparation. 盘点前要提前一周发出备忘录给相关部门,包括时间,地点,相关区域,路线。-Room inventory should be checked monthly and F&B in

74、ventory should be checked every season. . . . . . 客房布草盘点每月一次,餐饮布草盘点每季一次-No dirty ones against clean ones exchange program will be conducted during the inventory period. 盘点期间不要进行布草换领工作-Linen room associates will visit each outlet during the respective outlet inventory taking period, each outlet is re

75、quired to separate various type linen (dirty and clean ) aside and calculate the figure when the linen associates visits. During inventory taking, the Assistant Manager or Supervisor of each outlet must be on site during the whole process. 布草房员工将分别检查每个餐厅场所,在检查时间相关餐厅要将不同规格的布草(干净和脏的)分门别类存放整齐,餐厅副理或主管要全

76、程参与-Associate is required to fill up with the inventory form against the physical linen figure and type in every guest room according to the items on the form. 员工要根据每間客房布草的种类,数量真实的填写盘点表-At the end of the duty, associate is required to count the actual figure of each kind of guest room linen inside t

77、he pantry. 下班前员工必须点数出工作间存放布草的真实数字和种类- The Supervisor will collect all the responsible floors inventory form and submit to linen room in charge before off duty. 主管下班前收集好所有盘点楼层的盘点表递交给布草房核数-During the inventory taking period, no linen should be Changed. 在布草盘点期间,不要发放更换任何布草-Uniform Room must finish all t

78、he linen counting in the department while F&B or guest room linen inventory is being taken. 制服房必须在盘点餐饮或客房布草后完成所有布草的计算工作-A separate report recorded the figure of F&B linen & guest room linen inventory taking should be compiled within 3 days after the activity. 当盘点完成后3 天要将各项数据汇编完成-Cc copies to Finance

79、 and concerned department head 附件抄送财务部及相关部门. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:MASTER KEY SIGN OUT PROCEDURE主题:万能钥匙签领程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-011 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-0

80、8-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure the safety of the keys and guest s belongings to show our care and respect. 确保钥匙和客人财产安全,显示我们的关注和重视PROCEDURES 流程-Supervisor and Attendant take the floor master key when signing at work, Office coordinator is responsible for distribution. 主管和服务员在开始上班时领取钥匙,文员负责钥匙的发放-Key must be

81、handed out after signature has been verified by Office coordinator. 文员必须核实完相关人员签字后,才能发放其钥匙. . . . . -Office coordinator only handles one associate at one time. 文员只能给员工一个一个的发放钥匙-Mark correct record in the logbook including the floor no. date and signature. No one else can take the master key except a

82、fter having signed out. 在登记本上正确记录,包括楼层,日期时间,签字,不签字不能拿走钥匙-Place the key in the pocket of the trousers at work & hook up with the trousers / skirt. 钥匙链必须用挂勾勾在裤子或裙子上,然后将钥匙放在兜-Pay attention that there is no magnetic or hard items in the pocket. 注意兜不要有带磁或坚硬的物品-Key is not bent or broken , if not inform Cl

83、erk or Supervisor . 钥匙有断裂的现象要通知文员或主管-Key must not be lent to anyone of other departments after taking. 领取钥匙后不得转借给部门人员-Clerk must check the distribution according to the record after completing the distribution. 文员必须依照钥匙发放记录来检查钥匙的分配- Pay attention to keys correct distribution.注意钥匙被正确的分发-Lock the key

84、box in case of loss. 为防止丢失,钥匙柜必须锁上Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:SIGN IN PROCEDURE 主题:签到程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-012 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure correct at

85、tendance record in order to keep order and deliver key correctly. 确保正确的员工出勤记录,并正确的发放钥匙PROCEDURES 流程Change into uniform 15 minutes earlier to ensure sufficient time to report to work. . . . . . 提早 15 分钟更换制服,确保有足够的时间去报到Check the cleanliness and condition of your uniform, no spots, damage or loose butt

86、ons. See grooming & personal hygiene参照仪表仪容标准检查你自己的制服,没有污渍,破损,或纽扣丢失Men s hair should not touch collar or your face No side burns.Women s hair tied up neatly No heavy make up and nail polish. No long dangling earrings. Black color sock. Check whether name tag is worn properly. 男员工发不过领,胡须剔干净,女员工长发要盘起,不

87、化浓妆,指甲光亮,不戴夸耳饰。穿规定的鞋袜,名牌处于正确的位置Sign your name & time on sign in sheet, radio (dect phone) and sign on key logbook &.get your section key. 在签到表上签上名字和时间,签领钥匙和呼机Pay attention not to speak too loudly. 注意不要大声喧哗Take your work sheet and floor key. 领取工作表和楼层钥匙Use the service elevator. Dont walk around the fl

88、oor talking in a loud voice. 乘坐员工电梯,不要在楼层附近发出大的声响Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: SIGN OUT PROCEDURE主题:签退程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-013 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的-

89、 To eliminate unnecessary traveling up and down .so that to provide a consistent service to the guests. 避免不必要的往返上下楼,提供一致的服务给客人PROCEDURES 流程- To check Pantry one more time whether for anything that has been left behind, such . . . . . as Lost & Found items, items on loan to guests, food and F& B cutl

90、eries. All above items are absolutely required to be brought down instead of remaining in the Pantry. 离开前再检查一遍工作间是否有什么落下,例如客人遗留物品,客人借物, 餐饮部的餐具。以上物品必须彻底的拿出不要存留在工作间- The Supervisors have the responsibility to ask the Guest Service Associate regarding aboveissues and whet her any abnormal things happen

91、ed in guest rooms. 主管负责询问客房服务员,客房是否有发生关于上面提出的什么反常事情- To ensure all basin taps are to be shut off and the Pantry lights to be switched off before leaving 离开前确保所有水龙头关闭,和灯关闭 - To keep silence and order, no shouting and running while leaving floor. 安静和有秩序的离开楼层,不要大声喧哗或奔跑吵闹- The keys should be collected f

92、rom Associate at this time. It is the only time allowed to bring the items downstairs and visit housekeeping office except for emergencies. 同时员工应收集好钥匙,并且也只有在这时才能拿着这些物品下楼到办公室,除了有其他特殊要求时。- To dispose the rubbish bag to garbage room. Be careful not to mess up the passing area. 将垃圾袋送的垃圾房,小心不要沿途遗洒。- To r

93、eturn all the items on loan to guests to Housekeeping 将借物还回办公室Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:GUEST ROOM AMENTIES &SUPPLIES SET UP主题:客用品配放Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-014 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Dat

94、e: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To avoid too much traffic to and from pantry. Also to ensure that the amenities will not be damaged by miss handling. 避免往返工作间次数太多,也确保客用品不会因处理不当而损坏或丢失. . . . . PROCEDURES 流程Nicely and neatly place all the guest room amenities in the maid carry basket on a daily basis. 按每

95、天基本用量将客用品完好清洁的放入提篮Each carried box should prepare 4 rooms amenities每个提篮准备4 间房的用品The wooden box should clean daily, supervisor should check it. 提篮每天要清洁,主管要检查Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Do Not Distribute ” Procedure for Rooms主题:房间“请勿打扰”程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-015 P

96、repare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To respect our guest whilst ensuring customer satisfaction. . . . . . 尊敬客人,同时也使客人满意Ensure that the guests and their belongings are safe. 确保客人及他们的财产安全PROCEDURES 流程-Make

97、sure all DND rooms not serviced are reported to the call center by 2:00 pm, Make a note of “DND ” room on your daily work sheet, including the time.确定所有DND 房间不被打扰,并在下午2 点通知客房服务中心,将DND房记录在你的工作表上,包括时间- Call center will call the guest when to clean up the room and inform room maid 客房服务中心询问客人何时打扫房间并通知相应

98、服务员- If no answer in the guestroom ,call center will infor m floor team leader ,team leader will go to the DND room with room maid to check the room condition 如果房间无人回答,客房服务中心将通知所在楼层主管与服务员共同去DND房间查看房间目前状态- Mark down the time you notice the D.N.D on your work sheet. 在工作表上记录你进入DND 房间的时间-During the PM s

99、hift, for one day DND room and GRS room, should be insert DND note under the door, Report to FO guest service Manager for record 中班对于一天DND (请勿打扰)和GRS (拒绝打扫)的房间,从门缝下面塞入DND服务卡,并通知当班前台服务经理作好记录Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Clean Room Procedure主题:清洁房间程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSK

100、P-SOP-016 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Show our sincerity to our guest with our care and service. . . . . . 用我们细心的服务显示出对客人的诚挚PROCEDURES 流程-Prepare 5 type of cloth for Cleaning (one for dusting(red

101、/white), one for cleaning glassware (green/white), one for cleaning wash basin and bath tub(white), one for cleaning window and table glass, mirror (blue/white), one for cleaning toilet( white with black thread) 准备 5 种抹布做清洁,红白条的擦尘,绿白条的擦杯具,白布清洁面盆和浴缸,蓝白条的擦玻璃和镜子,黑白条的清洁马桶-Pull the sheer curtain up. 拉开窗帘

102、-Put used glass, cups out. 将用过的杯具移出-Ashtrays into the basin. 烟缸放入面盆-Empty waste bin. 清空垃圾桶-Squirt multi purpose cleaning agent to make a soapy solution. 用喷壶装的万能清洁剂清洁-Remove the duvet cover from the duvet, place the duvet on a chair . 将羽绒被套撤下,羽绒被放置于椅子上-Pay attention while stripping so as to avoid tak

103、ing away guest s belongings which may be inside the linen. 注意撤被罩时不要把客人物品卷到布草里去-Remove the pillowcase and check pillow insert if it is dirty change immediately if necessary. 撤枕袋时也要检查枕头里是否也脏了,如有必要也立即更换-Check the mattress pad if it is dirty, if it should be changed. 检查床护垫是否也脏了,如果是也要更换-Go to the bathroo

104、m and pick up all the soiled linen. 开始打扫卫生间,并将脏布草带出-Check bathroom to see if any guest supplies can be collected while taking the clean linen. 检查卫生间看是否有任何客用品可以和干净布草一起补入-Take soiled linen to the pantry and double check soiled linen before throw away to the linen chute 将脏布草送到工作间,在倒布草前再次检查脏布草有无客人物品-Tak

105、e the larger items first, like the sheets and duvet covers, then Towels and guest supplies as needed. 填写物品消耗表,比如床单,被罩,毛巾,客用品消耗等-Take the dust cloth and fold it neatly, then spray multi-purpose cleaning agent on it. See “Clean Bathroom ”. . . . . 拿折叠好的抹布,用喷壶装的万能清洁剂清洁(参照卫生间的清洁)- Make the bed according

106、 to the “Make Up Bed” standard.做床参照“做床”标准-Start at the door and work your way clock wise. 从门开始,按顺时针方向-Check what is missing as you Pass each area. 当你经过每个区域时,检查有什么缺少-Replenish as per standard set 按照标准设置补充-After all supplies are replenished, vacuum the guest room according to procedure 补充完所有客用品后,按照程序吸

107、尘. -Walk to the center of the room and squirt air freshener. Nozzle should be held high, squirt Once in each direction. 走到房间中间,喷点空气清新剂。喷嘴向上每个方向喷一次-As you pass each area note whether all is in good condition and in working order. Inform Engineering of any defects and Repairs. 当你经过每个区域时,留意所有物品是否处于良好状态

108、,记下所有状态不好的设施设备,开工程请修单,通知工程部修理任何缺陷。-Stand at the entrance and look around to ensure no area has been missed. 出门前,在门口要再次巡视房一遍,确保没有任何遗漏ROOM SHOULD BE CLOSED DOOR IN OCCUPIED ROOMS WITH A MAKE UP ROOM CARD ON THE DOOR. 打扫住客房要关着门做,门上挂“房间清洁中”的牌子DOOR OPEN WHEN CLEANING IN VAC ROOMS 空房要开着房门做Housekeeping Pol

109、icies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Clean Electric Kettle.主题:怎样清洁电水壶Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-017 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To show our high stand of cleanliness in or

110、der to delight our customers. 展现我们高标准的清洁水平使顾客满意PROCEDURES 流程If it is C/O room or there is pure water, than the water should be cleared. If it is a occupied room, please unplug the switch to avoid damaging the kettle. 如果是离店房,或电水壶里只是有水,那么倒掉后清洁干净即可,如果是住客房,将电水壶插头拔掉,避免发生危险-Use a damp cloth soak with dete

111、rgent and rub the inner and outer surfaces 用湿布蘸清洁剂擦电水壶的部和外部表面. -Rinse the kettle thoroughly with water. 用清水彻底的清洗-Dry the kettle with a clean glass cloth. 用干净的杯布擦干-Pay more attention to inner surface as it turns yellow easily. 多留意,部表面会很容易变黄-Never use scouring pad cream to clean the surface as it will

112、 damage the surface and harbours Dirt. 不要用百洁布清洁表面,会损坏其表面,而且会更容易变脏-Kettles must be cleaned daily. 电水壶必须每天清洁-Never immerse the kettle into the water for cleaning. 不要将电水壶浸入水中清洁-As time goes by, the residue of water will stick to the inner surface which will turn the surface yellow. 时间一长,水中的残留物会附着在里面,会使

113、部表面变黄-Use water scale remover /toothpaste to rub it off and rinse with warm water. 用水垢去除剂/ 牙膏擦掉电阻丝上的水垢,然后温水冲洗-Make sure the kettle is dry. 确保电水壶干爽-Plug in the kettle for a few Seconds. If the red light is on, the kettle is functioning 插上电源几秒,如果红灯亮了就表示它工作-Never leave the kettle plug in unattended. 在没

114、有人照看的情况下不要接通电源. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the Glasses主题:怎样清洁玻璃杯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-018 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide

115、 clean and hygienic cupsfor guest use. This shows are care for the health of our guests. 提供干净卫生的杯具供客人使用,展现我们对客人健康的关注PROCEDURES 流程All glassware should send to floor pantry for wash 所有杯具要送到工作间清洗After washed should keep in hygiene cabinet for sanitary 洗完后存放在消毒间的碗柜里Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Man

116、ual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject: How to Clean Ice Bucket主题:怎样清洁冰桶Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-019 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To show guests our high standard of cleanliness. 对客人展现我们的最高清洁标准PROCEDUR

117、ES 流程To clear any water or ice left in the bucket. 清空冰桶里的水或冰块-To clean the bucket and its cover with detergent. 用清洁剂清洁整个冰桶和盖子-To rinse the ice bucket and its cover with hot water. 用热水冲洗整个冰桶及盖子-Pay attention to the rubber rim of the bucket as black mould or yellowish stains could accumulate there. 注意

118、冰桶的胶皮边经常会有发黑或发黄的现象-Wipe the outside and inside of the ice bucket and corner with a dry cloth. 用干布擦干净冰桶外和边角Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject: How to Change Pillow Case主题:怎样更换枕套Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-020 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007

119、-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To show guests our highstandard of cleanliness. 对客人显示出我们最高的清洁标准PROCEDURES 流程-Strip the pillow by opening the pillow case first, hold the other end corners, then pull the pillow out. 先将枕头从打开的枕套里撤出来,抓住枕头的末端,然后将枕头抽出枕套-Check for

120、stains on the pillow case, put it aside for special treatment. 检查枕套是否污染,需要单独处理-Check for stains on the inner slip case, to change if stains are found. 检查枕套,更换有污渍的-Check for stains or damage on the pillow, change if stains are found. 检查枕头,更换有污渍和破损的-Fluff the pillow 将枕头拍松软-Fluff the feather pillow by

121、beating on both sides of the Pillow. 将枕头两边同时拍打使其部羽绒松软-Half the pillow by folding it up at the center. 在中间部分将枕头的一半折叠起来-Hold the pillow at the middle. 抓住中间部分-Open the pillow case and place it on bed. 打开枕套,铺在床上-Place half of the pillow into the pillow case. 将枕头塞一半进枕套-Pull the pillow case up to cover pi

122、llow. 将枕套拉至完全套住枕头-Each corner of the pillow should correspond to the pillow case and also side to side. 每个枕头的角要和相应的枕套角符合-Fold the open end of the pillow case in. 将枕套开口叠进去. . . . . -Hold the other end pillow into a rectangular shape. 整理枕头,使其成为长方形的直角边. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual

123、 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to remove laundry wooden boxes / hangers主题:撤出送衣篮及衣架Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-021 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Collect all laundry wooden boxes & Hangers 收集所有送衣篮和衣架PROCEDUR

124、ES 流程-Look around the room for any hangers lying on the floor, in the bathroom or by the closet door. Collect that extra hanger other than the standard. 环顾四周有无散落的衣架在地板上,或卫生间,衣柜里。收集起比标准配置多余的衣架-Place hangers inside of laundry wooden boxes. 将这些衣架放入送衣篮-Take laundry wooden boxes to the pantry & put them

125、on top of the linen delivery cart. 将送衣篮放到工作间,放在布草运送车的顶部-If only hangers place them on top of the linen cart & wait for the runner to push down the cart to laundry. 如果只有衣架,放在布草车的顶部,等勤杂工将布草车推到洗衣房. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Reporting to the Guest Floor主题:到楼

126、层报到Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-022 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Seize the time to provide service as soon as possible so as to show your hospitality to the guests. 尽快抓紧时间提供服务是显示你对客人的殷勤好客PROCEDURES 流程-

127、Sign in the attendance record book. See “Sign in ”.在签到簿上签到。参照“签到”程序-Go to the assigned floor or area by associates elevator after briefing.参加完例会后,乘员工电梯到被分配的楼层或区域-Prepare the cart and vacuum cleaner for work. 准备工作车和吸尘器-Do not stay for a long time in the pantry. 不要在工作间耽搁太长时间-Do not converse in a loud

128、voice with your colleagues in the guest areas. 在客人区域与同事说话时,声音不要太大-Do not waste time in talking with your colleagues. 不要把时间浪费在与同事聊天上-Pull the cart and vacuum cleaner to the side against the wall. 将工作车和吸尘器靠着一边墙放置- Do not pull cart and vacuum cleaner along the middle of the corridor. 不要将工作车和吸尘器放置在走廊中央-

129、 Start cleaning the corridor before making up any room see “How to clean corridor”.在清洁任何房间之前要先清洁走廊。参照“怎样清洁走廊”. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to make up bed主题:怎样做床Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-023 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28

130、 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain a high standard of Cleanliness in order to delight guest. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程Remove guest belongings from the bed and place them on table. 将客人物品从床上移至桌上-Bed sheet and quilt must be stripped one by one in order no

131、t to wrap up guest clothing. 为了不把客人的衣物卷到布草里,床单和被子要一一撤-Bed should be aired for minutes. 让床上空气流通一分钟-Put quilt and pillows on chair instead of carpet for hygiene reasons. 为了卫生理由,被子和枕头要放在椅子上而不是地毯上-Folded soiled linen into the basket instead of carpet. 将脏布草叠好放到工作篮里而不是地毯上-Change mattress pad if it is stai

132、ned and change if necessary. 如果必要,更换污染的床护垫-Turn mattress according to schedule. 根据计划翻床垫-If mattress pad is stained it must be changed, ensure the size is correct. 如果更换脏的床护垫要确保尺寸正确-Lay it out and ensure it lies flat. Hook the elastic bands under the mattress at the 4 corners. 将床护垫平铺在床垫上,将4 角的松紧带固定在床垫

133、的4 个角下-Center the sheet to make sure you have an equal amount on either side of the bed. 将床单放在在床上,确保4 边距离基本相等. . . . . -Tuck in the sheet along on side on the bed , take the loose end of the sheet at about 30cm from the corner of the head of the bed. 将折叠好的床单从底部抖开,松散的部分仍到床头,并多出30 厘米-Pull it straight

134、to from a flap. 将床单利用气流原理平铺于床上。-Pull up so that the flap is straight 将床单拉直-Tuck in the free part at the corner. 将 4 个角包好,多余部分塞入床垫-Take the upper closed end 2 corners and place them level with the duvet corners. 将羽绒被底部2 角向上放置在与床尾角平行的地方-Flip the duvet cover over the duvet and give it a sharp shake. 将被

135、套盖住被子-Maintain a hold on the corners with one hand and pull down the sides so that the duvet cover slides down to the end of duvet. 用一只手握住被角,另一只手将被套套住整个被子-Lay duvet and duvet cover on the mattress and straighten out the sides so that the duvet fills the cover neatly and fully. 将被套和被子铺在床上,整理平整,使羽绒被充满

136、被套的边角-Make sure the flap is well tucked in over the duvet at the foot end. 拍打使其确定被子塞入被套底部-The duvet should not be tucked in under the mattress. 被子不用塞入到床垫下-The pillow inlet should be changed automatically in all check-out rooms. 所有离店房都必须更换枕套-Fold pillow in half lengthwise and insert the pillows into

137、the pillowcase, tuck in the loose ends. 将枕头纵向折叠一半,塞入枕套-Use your hands to insert the pillows properly into the pillowcase. 将你的手伸进枕套里适当的整理-There are 4 pillows per twin bed and 4 per king bed 双床和大床都配4 个枕头-Place the foam pillow first in an upright position, leaning slightly back at an angle against the

138、headboard. 硬枕横着垂直靠放在床头板上,稍微倾斜的位置-Place the soft pillow in front of it. 将软枕放置在硬枕前面-Ensure the pillows are centered. 枕头在居中的位置-Smooth the pillowcase neatly. 整理平整-Step back to check that the appearance of the bed is neat crisp. 退后一步检查一下整体的美观情况. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和

139、流程指南Subject:How to Clean the Bath Room Floor主题:怎样清洁浴室地板Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-024 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: Hotel Manager 批准:酒店经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的We must ensure to provide a clean and hygienic facility. Maintaining high standard of

140、 cleanliness and hygiene shows our guest we are sincere in our efforts to please them 我们必需确保提供干净卫生的设施,保持最高的清洁卫生标准来展现我们对客人的努力和真诚,并使他们满意PROCEDURES 流程-Remove any spots and dirt on the bathroom floor with chemical. 用清洁剂去除地面所有污渍-Use the cleaning chemical with the sponge to scrub the floor. 用海绵布蘸清洁剂擦洗地面-S

141、crub the floor from inside to outside and pay attention to the following areas: 由里向外擦洗,并注意一下几个地方:a. floor under vanity 面盆下面b. area around and beside the toilet bowl. 马桶四周c. all corners. 所有边角d. area behind the bathroom door. 浴室门后. . . . . Remove the cleaning chemical with hot water. Be sure to rinse

142、thoroughly to remove all chemical residues. 用热水将清洁剂去除,确保没有遗留清洁剂残余Wipe the water on the floor with the damp cloth. 用潮布将地擦干净Ensure the floor is bright, has no spots and dirt. 确保地面光亮,没有污渍Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the Mini Bar主题:怎样清洁小酒吧Ref: 参考号: RMS- HS

143、KP-SOP-025 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Guests will be comforted when they see all items are within the validity date. This shows that we are sincere to our guest by via our careful work. 通过我们细致的工

144、作,显示我们的诚挚,客人看到所有食品饮料都在保质期以就会感到很欣慰。PROCEDURES 流程-Remove all drinks from the mini-bar refrigerator and put them on a condemned cloth on the floor. 将所有饮料从小冰箱里移出放置在铺好垫布的地面上-Turn the temperature control to “Off ” and cut the electricity.将温度开关转到“关”的位置上,并切断电源-Ensure that the refrigerator is completely empt

145、y and the ice has melted completely. 确保小冰箱被完全的腾空,并且结的冰也完全溶化-Spray cleaning chemical on to the surface with the spray bottle. 用喷壶将清洁剂喷在冰箱里外-Lightly wipe the top, inside, and the bottom the frozen area. 轻轻的擦拭顶部,部,和底部-Remove the cleaning chemical thoroughly with a clean and damp cloth to avoid leaving

146、any odor in the mini-refrigerator or the room. . . . . . 用干净潮湿的抹布将清洁剂擦干,避免给小冰箱或房间留下异味-Wipe the surface of each and all drinks and put them back according to the standard. 擦干净所有表面和每个饮料后,根据标准将它们摆放回去-Check the date on all items for the expiry date. 检查所有食品饮料的保质期-Replace any items that are beyond the exp

147、iry date. 更换快到期的食品饮料-Set the temperature back to the standard and close the door. 接通电源,将温度开关转到标准的温度,关上冰箱门Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Dust the Furniture主题:怎样给家具擦尘Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-026 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 App

148、roved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的A clean, properly maintained guest room will show the guest we are sincere in our desire to Please them. 干净和得到适当保养的房间显示出我们为了让客人满意所付出的诚挚PROCEDURES 流程Prepare the clean cloth and fold it neatly, then spray cleaner on it. Keep spray with y

149、ou in case the dust cloth becomes dry. 准备好干净和折叠好的抹布,并在抹布上喷上清洁剂,拿好喷壶以防抹布变脏Spray the proper cleaning chemical on to the cleaning cloth on to the furniture, if it is very dirty. 用喷好清洁剂的抹布擦家具,如果它很脏的话Start at the door and work your way clock wise. 按顺时针方向,从门开始工作。Remove the cleaning chemical on the furnitu

150、re with damp cloth in case there is cleaning chemical left on the furniture. 用干净的潮布去除家具上的清洁剂,以防家具上留下清洁剂的残留Regularly take care of the furniture to protect and extend the usage time. 有规律的保养家具可使其使用年限增长. . . . . Used damp dust cloth to dust the furniture. 用潮布擦去家具上的尘土Rub it in a circular movement with th

151、e drying cloth to make the furniture bright and clean. Pay attention to the edges. 用干抹布在家具上反复擦拭,使其光亮和干净。注意边角Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to clean the mirror主题:怎样清洁镜子Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-027 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 App

152、roved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure the mirror is bright and clean so as to show respect and hospitality to guests. This makes the guests feel at home. 确保镜子干净光亮显示我们对客人的尊重和好客,使客人感到宾至如归PROCEDURES 流程Spray glass cleaning agent on the mirror. Use glass cloth to wipe. 将

153、玻璃清洗剂喷在镜子上,用镜布擦拭Remove any large stains or spots from the surface of the mirror with one side razor. 用单面剃刀将镜子上大块的污渍或斑点清除Wash the surface of the mirror from top to the bottom, from left to the right, using cleaning solution and sponge. 用海绵由上至下,由左至右将镜子表面清洁Wipe edges of frame with damp cloth. 用抹布擦边角Rin

154、se the mirror with hot water. . . . . . 热水冲洗镜面Remove all cleaning solution. 去除清洁剂泡沫Wipe the mirror by dry cloth so it is free from stains and water marks. 用干布擦干,没有水渍和污渍Wipe the mirror bright by using the mirror cloth. 用镜布将镜子抛亮Make sure no lint or water mark is left on the mirror. 确保没有布毛或水渍留在镜子上House

155、keeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the Bath Tub 主题:怎样清洁浴缸Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-028 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure bathtub clean no spots or marks are le

156、ft. 确保浴缸洁净没有污渍和斑点PROCEDURES 流程Scrub down the walls with sponge and multi-purpose cleaner. 用海绵蘸着万能清洁剂擦洗浴缸-Sponge down the taps and shower head. 用海绵擦洗水龙头和花洒头-Clean the inner part of the overflow and the bath stopper. -Use the hand shower to carefully rinse down the walls, fixtures, soap dish and batht

157、ub. 清洁部的溢水孔和水堵,用喷头小心的冲洗墙面,支架,肥皂托,浴缸-Take cleaning cloth to dry the bathtub. 用干布将浴缸的水渍吸干. . . . . -Wipe down and dry the walls. 将浴缸擦干净-Buff all chrome fixtures 抛光电镀部分. -Dry the soap dish and body of the bath. 擦干肥皂托和洗浴用品Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean Showe

158、r Room主题:怎样清洁淋浴间Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-029 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean and hygienic facility to show our sincerity to guest and make him/her feel homely. 提供干净卫生的设备展现我们对客人的诚挚,并让他们感觉

159、在家一样PROCEDURES 流程-Use the hand shower to wet the walls. 用喷头将玻璃墙壁弄湿-Spray multi-purpose cleaner on the sponge and scrub down from top to bottom. 在海绵喷上万能清洁剂,从上到下擦洗-Sponge down the taps and shower head as well as soap dish. 擦洗水龙头,喷头,皂托-Scrub the floor. 擦洗地面-Check that the drain is clean and no residue

160、is left. . . . . . 检查排水口通畅,没有残留-Rinse the cleaning residue with hot water, scrub the wall, water tap switch, shower sprayer, shower frame and handler with cleaning cloth. 用热水冲洗干净残留物,刷洗墙面,水龙头开关,喷头,支架-Take a cleaning cloth and dry shower from top to bottom. 用干布将它们从上至下擦干-Buff and polish chrome fixtures

161、 and shower head. 抛光电镀和喷头-Dry the floor, starting at the inner most edge and working outwards. 擦干地面,从最里边向外擦-Spray glass cleaner on the door. 在淋浴门上喷上玻璃清洁剂-Wipe down with glass cloth. 用镜布擦干-Wipe the upper and lower edges. 顶边和底边都要擦-Buff and polish the door hinge. 抛光合叶及把手Housekeeping Policies & Procedur

162、es Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the Bath Room Wall主题:怎样清洁浴室墙面Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-030 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcom

163、e and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重PROCEDURES 流程If there is heavy dirt or stain on the wall, clean it with a one sided razor. 如果墙面很脏,用单面刀片先清洁一下Spray the cleaning chemical on the sponge washing the wall from top to bottom, from left to tight. . . . . . 在海绵上喷上清洁剂从上至下,从左至右擦洗墙面Scrub with scrubbing pad

164、 when required. 需要的话使用百洁布Take note of the cleanliness of the wall under the soap basin behind the toilet bowl & under. water taps. 注意皂托底下,马桶后边,和水龙头下边的墙面清洁Rinse the cleaning chemical with hot water by scoop or by sponge. 使水舀或海绵用热水冲洗Dry the surface of the wall with cleaning cloth to ensure the wall su

165、rface is dry, clean and with out water stains, non-watery stain and no dirt. 用干布将墙面擦干,确保干净,无水渍,污渍。Check the walls for cleanliness to ensure no scum or stains. 检查墙面清洁状况,确保没有遗留的泡沫或污渍Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to clean the vanity top and hand basin主题:怎样清洁面台和面盆Ref

166、: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-031 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure guest delightby taking care with the details of our work. 用我们细致的工作使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程. . . . . Collect required tools, all purpose chemi

167、cal. 准备必要的工具和清洁剂-Remove all movable items from the vanity top. 将面台上可移动的物品挪开-Clean soap dishes, vanity top, water taps, basins and stoppers by using sponge and all-purpose cleaner, remove all dirt, soap stains and water residua 用海绵和万能清洁剂清洁皂碟,龙头,面盆和水堵,去除所有脏物,皂渍和水碱-Remove stopper and clean thoroughly.

168、拿出水堵,彻底的清洁-Rinse vanity top, water taps, soap dishes and basins thoroughly with clean water. 用清水彻底冲洗面台,龙头,皂碟-Wipe them dry with cleaning cloth, wipe all chrome parts to shine. 用干布擦干,抛亮电镀-Dry and replace stopper. 擦干水堵,放回原处-Put back soap dishes, towel Basket, amenities tray. 将皂碟,毛巾篮,洗漱用品架放回原处-Replenis

169、h soaps, towels and amenities according to the standard 根据标准补充香皂,毛巾和客用品-Replace flowers if needed. 如果需要,更换鲜花-If guest bring along his/her amenities, tidy them up & put them on amentias mat. 如果客人自己带有洗漱用品,将它们码放整齐放在洗漱用品垫上-To report immediately if any maintenance problems found while in cleaning. 在清洁过程中

170、发现的工程维修问题要马上报告Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean / Polish the Bathroom Fittings主题:怎样清洁和抛光浴室电镀配件Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-032 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的En

171、sure cleanliness standards in order to please our guests. 为使客人满意,要确保清洁标准. . . . . PROCEDURES 流程- Prepare dry cloth and chemical. 准备干布和药剂- Spray the cleaning chemical on to the dry cloth. 在干布上喷上药剂- Wipe the surface of all the fittings. 在电镀表面反复擦拭- Wipe the surface with a dry cloth to make the surface

172、bright and clean. 直到把电镀表面擦干净并且光亮- Take care not to use any acidic cleaning chemicals to avoid damaging the fittings. 注意不要使用酸性清洁剂以免损坏电镀表面Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the Toilet Bowl主题:怎样清洁马桶Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-033 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Divisi

173、on起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Make sure that guests feel that our Toilet is clean and hygienic, this shows our respect and care for our guest by providing high standards of cleanliness and by showing our care for their health. . . .

174、 . . 确保让客人感到我们的马桶干净和卫生,显示对客人的尊重和关注,提供高标准的清洁也显示我们在乎客人的健康PROCEDURES 流程Put on rubber gloves when cleaning the toilet. 清洁马桶时要戴上手套-Take the toilet brush and scrub inside thoroughly. 彻底的用马桶刷来刷洗-Flush the toilet. 冲水-Pour some all-purpose cleaner around inner bowl. 在马桶里到入一些万能清洁剂-Push the brush under the upp

175、er rim to remove all deposits. 用力将马桶部上圈的污渍刷掉-Push the brush down to the bottom to clean edges and corners. 刷掉底部,边角的污渍-Flush toilet and rinse brush while flushing. 冲水并冲刷干净-Wipe the toilet seat and cover, including hinges. 擦干净马桶坐垫,盖板包括合叶-Wipe the pipes behind the toilet. 擦干净马桶后的水管-Pay particular atten

176、tion to the rubber stoppers, note any that are missing and report to Housekeeping Office. 特别留意水箱里的胶皮水堵,记录下任何遗失,并汇报办公室-Clean the toilet outer rim by using sponge and all-purpose cleaner. Pay particular attention to the hinges. Ensure thoroughly 用海绵和清洁剂擦洗马桶外圈边,注意要彻底的清洁合叶-remove urine stains and yellow

177、 build up. 去除尿碱和黄渍-Clean toilet body and base with sponge and all-purpose cleaner. Ensure that all dirt and stains to be thoroughly removed. 用万能清洁剂和海绵清洁马桶本身及底座。确保彻底的清楚污渍-Clean toilet inner rim, inner body, especially around the holes by using toilet brush and toilet cleaner. 用马桶酸和马桶刷清洁圈,壁,特别是下水喉周围-F

178、lush toilet, rinse toilet brush. 冲水并冲刷干净-Wash all areas by using sponge and clean water. 用海绵和清水洗干净所有地方-Thoroughly rinse toilet cover, seat and outer part by using sponge and clean water. 用海绵和清水冲洗马桶盖,坐垫,外表部分. . . . . -Make sure that all parts are thoroughly rinsed. 保证所有部分被彻底的清洗-Take the cleaning clot

179、h and dry the toilet, starting from the top and working down wards. 从上至下用干布将马桶擦干-Buff all chrome fixtures. 抛光所有电镀部分-Flush toilet one more time. 再次冲一下马桶-Close the toilet cover. 关上马桶盖-Replenish toilet paper and tissue paper according to standard. 根据标准补充卫生纸和擦手纸-To report immediately if any defects are

180、found while cleaning. 在清洁过程中发现的缺陷和维修问题要马上报告Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Vacuum the Carpet主题:怎样给地毯吸尘Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-034 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE

181、目的. . . . . Providing clean carpet will make our guest comfortable and they will be satisfied with our service. 提供清洁干净的地毯让我们的客人感到舒适,并且对我们的服务满意PROCEDURES 流程-Make sure machine is functioning and not damaged, especially the plug and cord. 确定吸尘器功能完好,没有损坏,特别是电源线部分-Before starting to vacuum, check the car

182、pet and pick up any loose Debris. 开始吸尘前,先检查地毯,捡起比较大的碎渣-Plug into the nearest socket. 接通较近的电源- Don t use the plugs over the desk.不要使用写字台上边的电源-Start vacuuming from the innermost part of the room. Work your way backwards towards the door. 从最里面开始吸尘,倒退着向门的方向进行-Move the furniture to ensure that all the du

183、st is picked up. 挪开家具,确保所有地方的尘土被吸走-While near the sofa and chair, vacuum the edges of the carpet. 当靠近沙发和椅子时,吸一下地毯边-Use the hand wand to vacuum the edges of the carpet. 用手吸管吸地毯边-Pull back the curtains and vacuum behind them as well. 拉开窗帘,吸一下后边-Pay attention not to bump against the base board sofa or

184、desk legs, or any furniture. 注意不要磕碰踢脚板,沙发,桌子腿,或任何家具-Pass vacuum cleaner in the bathroom using the wand to pick up loose hair, but never vacuum a surface that has water. 可以用吸尘器管吸一下卫生间散落的头发,但不要吸任何有水的表面- Don t immediately unplug the machine when it is not switched off yet. 当吸尘器开关没关闭时,不要马上拔出插头-Place cha

185、irs and tables back to position according to the standard. 根据标准,将桌椅复位-Unplug the vacuum cleaner by grasping the plug and pulling it out of the socket. 握住插头将其从插座里拔出-Never leave the cord tangled and knotted as this can cause the cord to break and induce electrical shocks. 将电源线捋顺,负责容易打结造成电源线破裂导致漏电事故-If

186、 there is a burning smell, sparks or smoke coming from the equipment, turn it off immediately and advise the Supervisor. 如果闻到焦糊味或发现火花,烟从机器冒出,马上关闭电源,报告主管. . . . . -Never use electrical equipment when standing in wet areas or if you have wet hands. 不要在潮湿地方或手上有水时使用电器设备-Do not pass a dry vacuum cleaner

187、to pick up water, you will burn the motor. 不要用吸尘器吸水,会烧坏马达Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Clean the Telephone Set主题:怎样清洁机Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-035 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date

188、: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的By providing clean facilities for the guest, we show our respect to them and make them feel that safety and hygiene are important. This shows our care for them.为客人提供干净的设备显示我们的尊重,让他们感到安全和卫生是非常重要的,这也显示了我们关注他们PROCEDURES 流程Remove any dust, pay attention to the mouth piece of

189、 the receiver, using a used tooth brush. 去除所有灰尘,注意听筒部分要用牙刷Spray all-purpose cleaner on damp cloth. 在抹布上喷上万能清洁剂Wipe the entire telephone body including underneath, the cord phone and the receiver. 擦拭整个机包括底部,线,听筒部分Wipe it clean by using a damp cloth. 用湿布擦干净Wipe it dry with a dry cloth. 再用干布擦干Check all

190、 stickers and face plates to make sure they are in good conditions. 检查标贴和按键盘确保功能良好Spray disinfectant solution on a dry cloth. 在干布上喷些消毒剂Wipe the phone, receiver and the body. 擦拭,听筒和机身Use alcohol to wipe the receiver and mouth piece. 用酒精擦拭听筒和受话器部分Test the telephone if it is working by listening for th

191、e tone. 测试是否能正常接听和打出Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Handle Wake up Call主题:怎样处理叫醒服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-036 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To provi

192、de caring service so as to delight the guest.提供人性化服务使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程-Sometimes Operator requests the assistance of Housekeeping Department to wake the guest up . 有时总机会请客房部的员工去叫醒客人-If the DND sign is on, inform the Operator and ask for further advice. 如果门上有DND标志,通知总机寻求建议-Stand in front of the door

193、to check whether the guest is inside, try not to disturb the guest if it is not urgent, press the door bell 3 times and wait for response or allow the guest to open the door. 站在门外,不论客人是否在里面,试着不要打扰客人,如果没有紧急事情的话,按3 次门铃,等待客人回答或来开门- If guest is in the room, wake him up by saying “NINHAO, this is xxx fro

194、m Housekeeping, this is a morning call, Sir/Madam.”如果客人在家,说“先生/ 女士,我是客房部,这是您的叫醒服务”来叫醒他/ 她-Inform Operator that guest has been woken up or he/she is out of the room already. 通知总机客人已被叫醒-Always ask for the name of the Operator concerned. 问总机员工Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . .

195、 . . Subject: Guest Shoe Shine Service主题:擦鞋服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-037 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To meet guest s needs and provide good service. This shows our respect for our guest.处理客人的需要和提

196、供良好的服务是显示我们对客人的敬意PROCEDURES 流程-Knock on the guest room door and enter as per procedure, or the shoe already place outside the door. 按进入房间程序敲门,或客人的鞋已经摆放在门外了-If the guest has called you then take the shoes he gives you, phrase to be used : “, NINHAO , may I collect your shoes please”?如果客人打叫你来收鞋,你要说:“您

197、好,我能拿取您的鞋吗?-Should you be servicing the room, than check the shoe basket for shoes needing shoe shine. 如果是你提供服务,在房间要检查鞋筐里是否有需要擦亮的鞋- Take shoes to pantry. Dont put at any place, even for a short time.将鞋拿到工作间,不要随便放置,哪怕是很短的时间也不行-Mark the sole of the shoes with the room number. 在鞋底用粉笔写上房号-If you are uns

198、ure about shoe leather or material check with your Supervisor before cleaning. 如果你不能确定鞋的皮质或材料,你在擦鞋之前要先跟主管确认一下-Inspect shoes for type of leather. 检查鞋的皮质种类-Never use polish on suede type shoes. 不要给绒面皮革抛光-If leather is snake skin, use only a neutral cream polish. 如果是蛇皮的,只能使用自然色鞋油抛光-If shoes are made of

199、 fabric, Use soft brush only. 如果鞋是布面的,只能使用软刷-Remove excessive dirt with soft brush. 先用软刷将鞋面的灰土刷掉-Choose the colour that will match with the shoes. 选择跟鞋相配颜色的鞋油-If you do not have that colour then uses a clear or neutral cream. . . . . . 如果你没有相应颜色的鞋油,你可用自然色鞋油-Take a clean cloth and apply shoe polish t

200、o shoe. 用干净的布来擦鞋-Let shoe polish dry. 抛光至干爽-Select soft brush. 选择软刷-Buff shoes to a high gloss. 高速摩擦至光亮-Return shoes to room number marked on the soles. 根据鞋底的房号将鞋送回-Remove chalk with a cloth. 擦掉鞋底的粉笔字-Any DND should put out side the door. 房间是 DND 的,鞋要放在门外-Overnight shift should polish the shoes imme

201、diately and return; put back outside the room s door. Mark as record.夜班员工的擦鞋服务要及时完成,并立即送回房间,放在门外,并做记录. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Safe Deposit Box Needs to be Opened in Checked out guest room 主题:当客人离店后要检查保险箱必须打开Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-038 Prepare by: Dire

202、ctor of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure any property left behind by guest will take care of to show our natural and warm care for our guest. 确保客人留下的任何财产会被我们照料,显示我们对客人的温馨和关照PROCEDURES 流程Service Associate to inform

203、 Housekeeping Administrative Associate the room number once any locked safe in a checked out guest room is found 客房服务员通知办公室,有哪间离店房的保险箱被锁住了-The Administrative Associate should note down the room number on the log book and report to Duty Manager immediately 文员要在记录本上记录下房号,并汇报给值班经理-The Duty Manager is r

204、equired to call back Housekeeping Administrative Associate to advise all the rooms safe have been opened, so that this particular room can be released as saleable room as soon as possible. 值班经理打开保险箱后,要通知客房办公室保险箱已开,尽快将房间释放出来-If any things left behind should be call/deliver to the guest 如果在保险箱里有遗留物,要联

205、系送还给客人. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Handle the Left Guest Room vine card主题:怎样处理无用的客房钥匙卡Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-039 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Co

206、st Control 控制成本PROCEDURES 流程Whenever the hotel key is spotted, keep it and hand it over to Housekeeping Office. 不论何时,客人房间无用的钥匙,留着,交接给客房办公室- Mark on room attendants worksheet.在服务员工作表上记录-Key should be sent to the Housekeeping Office. 将钥匙送到办公室-Office coordinators are required to collect guest room key

207、received. 文员要把它们收集起来-Return to FO for reused. 还给前厅再度恢复使用. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Extra Bed and Baby Cot Procedure主题:加床和婴儿床处理程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-040 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总

208、经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure correct information and to meet guests need in order to show our respect and hospitality. 确保讯息的准确和正确处理客人需求,显示出我们对客人的尊重和好客PROCEDURES 流程-When guest needs more beds or child bed, FO will inform Housekeeping Office. Housekeeping Office Administrative Associate w

209、ill note down the correct record and inform supervisor of room attendants for preparation. 当客人需要加床或婴儿床时,前厅会通知客房部办公室。办公室文员会正确的记录下来,通知楼层主管准备-If requested by guest directly, sent the bed/cot immediately and informs Housekeeping Office and FO about guest request. 如果是客人直接要求的,立即照办,然后通知客房部办公室和前厅-Check whet

210、her additional bed or cot is in good condition. 检查加床或婴儿床是否处于良好的状态-Prepare sheets or pillows to make bed. 准备床单和枕头做床-Make bed according to the procedure. 根据程序做床-When in the room, politely greet guest and consult the exact place to place bed or cot. 当客人在房间时,要跟客人礼貌的问候,并询问客人加床或婴儿床摆放的位置-Supply more suppli

211、ers and linen according to the number of additional beds or cots. 根据加床或婴儿床的数量增加客用品和毛巾的数量-Close the door and leave the room. 关门,离开房间. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Guest Laundry Pick up During Room Check主题:查房同时收取客衣Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-041 Prepare by:Directo

212、r of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Eliminate any discrepancies occurring to avoid unnecessary guest complaints. 消除任何差异的发生,避免客人不必要的投诉PROCEDURES 流程-Make sure all of the rooms have been checked before 12: 00 noon. 确保所有房间在上午

213、12 点前检查一遍- Do not check DND rooms. 不要检查DND房间- Make a note of DND room on your daily work sheet including time. 在每日工作表上记录DND房号及时间- If laundry is found, make sure the laundry list is filled out correctly including guest name, room number, and date and service selection. Call Laundry Service to notice.

214、 如果发现洗衣,确定洗衣单被正确填写,包括客人,房号,日期,及服务选项,通知洗衣房注意收取- Laundry Valet should check housekeeping record against laundry collected to see if there is any discrepancy. 客衣工将收取的洗衣在和客房部的记录对照一遍,看是否有什么差异- Fasten laundry bag securely and send it down to linen room, do not put the laundry bag at any places. 将洗衣袋口扎紧,送至

215、布草间,不要将洗衣袋随便放置在任何地方-Make a correct record of the room number; pick up time, and your name in your work sheet. 确保房号记录正确,在你工作表上记录收取时间,和你的. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Guest Laundry Pick up Requirement via Receiving Call主题:客人要求收取洗衣Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-0042

216、Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure the safety of guest laundry is a way to show our care for the guests. To take care of a guests belongings and clothing shows our care for the guest.确保安全的处理客人

217、洗衣,显示我们对客人的关注。小心处理客人财产和衣物,显示我们对客人的照顾PROCEDURES 流程- Once the Office Administrative Associate receives a call of laundry pick up from Regent Touch, he/she should note down on the telephone log book and inform the concerned Service Associate right away. 当办公室文员接到客人打一键通要收取洗衣时,她必须要在记录本上记录,并立即通知相关员工跟办- Onc

218、e the Service Associate receives the information from Office, he/she should act immediately to collect the laundry from the guest room. If no laundry is around, should call Office to double check, Office Administrative Associate to call back to clarify. 当服务员接到办公室的通知时,他/ 她必须立即去客人房间收取。如果没发现洗衣,要给办公室回在核

219、查一下,文员要尽快回复- If laundry is found, make sure that the laundry list is filled out correctly including guest name, room number, date and service selection. 如果发现洗衣,确定洗衣单被正确填写,包括客人,房号,日期,及服务选项。- Service Associate to call Office to record that laundry has been collected. 服务员要给办公室回,表示洗衣已被收取。. . . . . House

220、keeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Fold Towel主题:毛巾的折叠Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-043 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure the linen set up same standard 确保码放美观,标准一致PROCEDURES 流程

221、-Cut strings of clean towels and throw them away into the wastepaper bin. 剪掉毛线头-Start from the top of the bundle and fold towel: 开始叠毛巾 * bath towels: - will be roll, Logo showing at the front. 浴巾卷成桶状,店标在前 * hand towel - will be roll, Logo showing at the front. 手巾卷成桶状,店标在前 * Face towels - will be rol

222、l, Logo showing at the front. 面巾卷成桶状,店标在前. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Remove Room Service Basket主题:怎样撤出送餐的餐具Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-044 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 200

223、7-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure the room tidy and cleaning 确保房间整洁、干净PROCEDURES 流程Look around the room for other items belonging to In Room Dining. 环顾四周有无属于餐厅的物品-Empty bottles, cups and saucers, table napkin, glasses etc. 倒空瓶子,咖啡杯子,茶碟,餐布,玻璃杯等。-Place items in the center of the basket. 将这些物品放在餐车中央位置上-Fold d

224、own both leaves of basket table. 码放整齐-Fold up both sides of the table cloth towards the center with one side overlapping the other and tie them up. 将餐车上的台布向上兜住所有物品并绑好-If there is a tray, use the table napkin to cover the items. 如果只是托盘,用餐巾纸将物品盖好-Push basket out of the room. 将餐车推出房间-Park basket proper

225、ly against the wall in service area near elevator. 在员工电梯间将餐车靠墙放好. . . . . -For trays, put on cabinet allocated for trays in service area. 如果是托盘,放在服务区的托盘架上-Call In Room Dining to collect. 叫餐厅来收取Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Clean Guest Floor Corridor 主题:怎样清洁走廊R

226、ef: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-045 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure corridor are cleaned 确保走廊干净PROCEDURES 流程-Clean corridor wall, top ceiling, floor corner, sign board and wall lamp daily. 每日清洁走廊墙壁,天花,

227、地面,指示牌,墙灯-Ensure no dirt and stains on the corridor wall and floor corners. 确保走廊墙壁,角落没有污渍-Vacuum the carpet daily to ensure clean carpet. 每日吸尘,确保地毯干净-Regularly clean the A/C grill and filters of Air-conditioner in the corridor to ensure fresh air. 定期清洁走廊空调口和篦子,确保空气新鲜-Clean standing ashtray every hou

228、r and sift the sand in it to ensure clean sand on a daily basis. The sand should be stamped with logo stamp. Dispose of the ash in ash urn on a timely basis, take note that not more than 3 pieces of cigarette ends should be left in side ash urn at any time. The environment along the corridor should

229、be odour free. 每小时清洁一次立式烟灰筒,确保沙子干净。 用沙印在沙面盖上店标。准时清洁烟灰烟头,任何时间里,烟灰筒上不能有超过3 个烟头。要保持走廊环境的清新,无异味. . . . . -Damp dust of elevator door with cleaning cloth daily and ensure no dirt and no stain on it. 每天用潮布清洁电梯门确保无污渍Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Assist Guest with Lug

230、gage/Parcel主题:怎样协助运送客人行Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-046 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide polite service so as to give the guest a lasting impression. 礼貌的提供服务,给客人留下良好的印象PROCEDURES 流程-If you see a gu

231、est carrying luggage or a parcel along the floor corridor, stop your work to help guest with luggage or parcel. 如果你看见客人拿着行向楼道里走,停下你的工作,帮助客人拿行-Politely greet guest and ask him/ her, “NINHAO , May I help you?”客气的跟他 / 她打招呼,“您好,我可以帮您吗?”-If the guest agrees, ask for the room number and help guest to the

232、room with luggage. 如果客人同意,问清房号,帮客人把行拿到房间-If guest is going to the elevator, assist guest with luggage in to the elevator. 如果客人向电梯方向走,帮助把行拿到电梯间See “ How to Escort Guest to Elevator”.参照“怎样护送客人到电梯”-If guest is to go to his room, place luggage where guest requests. . . . . . Ask guest whether he/she nee

233、ds other help. 如果客人去他房间,按客人要求放好行,问是否还需其他服务-Close the guest door after saying goodbye to the guest. 跟客人道别后关上门-Continue with your assigned work. 继续你的工作Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Mini-bar consumption check主题:小酒吧消耗检查Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-047 Prepare by:Director of

234、Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure our procedures are easy for the customer and associates. 确保我们的程序对客人和员工都是方便的PROCEDURES 流程The Service Associate to draw the mini-bar check and post the consumed item code via the tel

235、ephone system directly, while the room is being cleaned. 当打扫房间时,服务员检查小酒吧的消耗,并直接将代码录入在系统里-Front Office Service Associate will inform Housekeeping service associate check and post the consumed item code via telephone system right away after he / she had checked the bar. 客人将结帐时前厅员工将通知楼层服务员检查酒水消耗并马上录入系统

236、- The Housekeeping Service Associate to draw the mini-bar check and replacement 楼层服务员负责小酒吧的检查和更换-The posted or the un-posted mini-bar bill is required to bring down to the HSKP office. 入帐和没入帐的酒水单都要带到客房部办公室. . . . . -All mini-bar bills will be send General Cashier when finished by PM shift Administra

237、tive Associate. 所有的酒水单都要让中班文员交到总出纳处Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Mini-bar daily replenishment主题:每日补充小酒吧Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-048 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ens

238、ure all good control 确保良好的控制Ensure the guest have enough drinks 确保客人有足够的饮料PROCEDURES 流程Service Associate to draw the mini-bar check and leave the third copy for the guest on the mini-bar when cleaning the occupied room. 当清洁住客房时,服务员检查完小酒吧,要把第三联酒单留给客人-Charge should be posted via telephone into the gue

239、st room account. 在系统客人帐目里录入费用-The first copy for front desk and second copy for finance keep record 酒店第一联交前厅,第二联交财务部. . . . . -The runner should replenish the mini bar immediately 服务员负责补充酒水Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Breakage, Loss and Damage Procedure主题:遗失损坏处理程序R

240、ef: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-049 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep record so as to make monthly inventory. 保持正确的记录便于月盘点PROCEDURES 流程Inform on a timely basis all lost, damaged and broken items to Houseke

241、eping Office. 所有遗失,损坏物品要及时通知客房部办公室-Inform all hotel losses, damaged, and broken items, such as glass, linen, hanger, furniture and chinaware on a timely basis to Housekeeping Office. 所有酒店物品的遗失,损坏物品,例如杯子,布草,衣架,家具,瓷器等,都要及时通知客房部办公室-Inform all losses, damaged, and broken facilities in public area to Hou

242、sekeeping . . . . . Office. 公共区域所有遗失,损坏的设施,设备也要通知客房部办公室-Keep record of all lost and damaged facilities in Housekeeping Office as well as the Log Book. 所有设施设备的遗失和损坏也同样要记录在客房部的登记簿上-Administrative Associate keeps record of all information including date, time, names of items, quantity and record in the

243、 Log Book. 文员负责在登记簿上记录包括日期,时间,物品名称,数量等-Housekeeping Administrative Associate report the quantity and price of all lost and damaged items to Finance Department every month end. 每个月底,文员负责将遗失损坏物品的数量及价格报告给财务部Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Handle “Open Door” Request

244、主题:怎样处理开房门的请求Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-050 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure the safety of all guests and guest belonging. 确保客人和客人财产安全PROCEDURES 流程When a guest asks you to open the door on the flo

245、or, you should ask him/her politely to show you their welcome Folder with their name and room number. 如果在楼层有客人请你打开房间门,你要客气的请他/ 她出示房卡,问清和房号-There is no need to do so if you recognize the guest. . . . . . 如果你认识客人就不需要了- Pay attention to check guests name and room number.注意查看客人和房号- If guest s resident c

246、ard is left in the room, reject him/her politely and request him/her to register at the Front Office. 如果客人的房卡留在房间里,那你要礼貌的拒绝他/ 她,请他 / 她去前台登记- Never say “No ” to guest.永远不要对客人说“不”-Direct and help guest politely. 礼貌的指引和帮助客人-If sales associates is showing guest around the hotel, open the door for them.

247、First confirm the room status. 如果销售部的同事带客人看房,可以给他们开门,但要先确定房态-Never open the door for any person you do not know. 不要给任何你不认识的人开门-Only open the door for the associates who really needs to enter the room or for an order from Housekeeping Office, ie. Engineering to fix defects. 只能给那些真正需要进房工作的同事开门,或得到客房部办

248、公室的开门通知,例如工程人员要进房维修Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to Check Guest Floor Corridor主题:如何检查走廊Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-051 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep cleanlines

249、s and hygiene standards high to show our sincerity to guest to please Him/her. 保持最高标准的清洁和卫生水平显示我们对客人的诚挚,并让他们满意PROCEDURES 流程Keep guest floor clean and orderly. 保持客用楼层走廊干净整洁. . . . . -Check whether the exit doors and door frames are clean and not damaged. 检查出安全出口门及门框是否干净没有损坏- Check whether floors wall

250、 paper is clean and not broken.检查墙纸是否干净没有损坏-Check whether floor carpet is dirt free, stain free, oil free and vacuumed. 检查地毯是否没有灰尘,污渍,油渍,并吸过尘-Check whether ceiling lights along the corridor are not broken or fused. 沿着走廊检查天花筒灯是否完好,没有破损或不亮-Check that exhaust grill is clean. 检查排风口是否干净-Check whether lig

251、ht stands, exit signal light board and escape signal light board are clean and in good order. 检查立灯,安全出口指示灯,是否干净并完好-Check whether ash urn at guest elevator area are free of cigarette and rubbish log is stamped on the sand. 检查客梯厅的立式烟筒是否干净,没有烟头和垃圾,并在沙面上盖有酒店标志-Check whether the door at guest elevator ar

252、ea is clean. 检查电梯门及四周区域是否干净-Check if the telephone is clean is functioning. 检查电梯间的是否干净并使用正常Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Inspect Bathroom主题:如何检查卫生间Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-052 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: Genera

253、l Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure cleaning standards and facility standards are in order soas to show our sincere desire to please our guests and meet their expectations. 保持清洁标准,保养设施设备是为了显示我们的诚挚,希望客人满意,能达到他们的期望PROCEDURES 流程. . . . . Overall check of the cleanliness in the bathr

254、oom, at the same time checks that all equipment and facilities are in good order. 在卫生间全面检查清洁卫生情况,同时也要检查设施设备完好情况-Check light switch at the entrance of the bathroom. Inner and outer body of door to be clean including top, bottom and side edges. Frame to be clean including outer edges, upper edges and

255、inner edges. Hinges to be clean. Door knobs to be clean and locks in working order. 检查入口处电灯开关,浴室门的外部分是否清洁,包括顶部,底部,边角,门框,门边,合叶,门把手。门锁是否好用-To be free of marks. Paint in good condition. Ventilation to be clean and fresh. 没有被划痕,印记等,油漆完好。排风扇干净无堵塞-No water marks or cloudiness on the mirror. No paint drops

256、. Frame to be dust free including inner and outer edges. 镜子无水渍和发霉现象,镜框无油漆剥落,边角干净无灰尘-Wall lights to be dust free including the insides of the shade. 壁灯无灰尘,包括灯罩里边-Sockets to be clean and well attached. Cover plate to be clean. Electric shaver plate to be clean. Ensure plate is firmly fixed to the wall

257、. 墙上插座干净,固定良好,插座盖板干净,剃须刀专用插座面板干净。确保面板稳定的固定在墙上-Check that faucets are clean, polished and have no water marks. Overflow to be clean. Inner rim to be clean. Hand basin clean and shiny. Stopper to be clean and free of mold, residue. 检查水龙头是否干净,抛光,无水渍。溢水孔干净,面盆边干净,整个面盆干净光亮,水堵干净无残渣。-Top and sides to be cle

258、an. Joints to be free of dirt. No spots, water marks or dust. Edges to be dust free. Supplies to be in place. Guest items to be neatly placed. 面台上部和侧面部分干净,接缝处无污渍,水渍,和灰尘。边缘干净无污渍,酒店的客用品摆放整齐,客人自用物品摆放整洁-Clean inside and outside. No water marks, shiny and polished. Check that there are sufficient tissues

259、 left. 面巾盒外干净无水渍,光亮,检查面巾纸是否足够-All pipes clean, free of cement and dust. Tiles clean. 所有管路干净没有水泥或灰尘,墙砖干净-Clean inside and outside. No stains. Placed in the right position. 检查垃圾桶外是否干净,无污渍,并摆放在正确位置上-All chrome fixtures to be clean and polished. Toilet seat and cover to be clean inside and outside. Hing

260、es to be clean. Bowl-outside area to be clean with no residue left. 检查马桶的金属部件是否干净光亮,马桶坐垫和盖板里外干净,合叶干净,马桶底部外干净无残留-Check that supplies have been replenished. 检查卫生纸是否足够-The cover should be clean both on top and under. Inside depths to be free of dust. . . . . . 卫生纸架盖板顶部和下部是否干净,部凹槽没有灰尘-Chrome should be s

261、hiny and polished. 金属部分应该抛光亮-No water and soap marks. No rust. Securely fixed on the wall. 无水渍和肥皂渍,无生锈现象,在墙面上固定良好-Shower head chrome part should be shiny and free of any marks. There should be no lime scale build up. 淋浴喷头要光亮,无印痕,无水垢-All other chrome fixtures to be clean and shiny and free of all mar

262、ks. No mold on the grouting. Ensure that amenities have been placed as per MQS. 所有其他的金属部件要干净光亮,无印痕。水泥缝部分无发霉现象。确保客用品按照MQS(最低质量标准)标准放置-No water marks or stains. Grouting clean. No soap build up. Marble to be shiny. 无水渍和污渍,水泥缝部分干净,无肥皂渍,石部分光亮-No dirt rings. Dry and clean. No soap builds up. Stopper clea

263、n and free of hair and lint. No water marks. Silicone in good condition, no mold builds up. Supplies in place. 浴缸无脏圈,清洁干爽,无皂渍,水堵干净无残留的毛发或线头,无水渍,胶条边处于完好状态,没发霉现象,客用品放置整洁-No hair or lint, no dust. Corners clean. Dry and shiny 地面无毛发或线头,所有角落干爽光亮Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subje

264、ct:Care and Handling of Guests Belongings主题:小心照看客人财产Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-053 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的. . . . . Delight the guest by caring for guest from the heart and make him/her feel ho

265、mely. 用心关心客人使他们满意并感到宾至如归PROCEDURES 流程Hang guest s clothes inside the closet in an orderly manner.将客人衣物整齐得挂在衣柜里- Put guest s books and newspapers in good order. All papers to be put in the original place after dusting. 将客人的书报整理整齐,打扫完毕后所有纸文件要放回原来位置- Do not t try to look at the guest s papers, books an

266、d newspaper. Be careful when dusting. 不要试图翻阅客人的纸文件,书报等,擦尘时要注意这一点-Inform Supervisor immediately on finding a lot of cashes or valuable jewelry during dusting. 打扫房间时发现大量现金和贵重的珠宝首饰要立即通知主管-Supervisor should inform HK office and DM. 主管要通知客房部办公室和值班经理-DM should check the room and make decision to double lo

267、ck the room or not. 值班经理要去房间检查,以便做出决定,是否要将房间双锁上- Do not open guests suitcase, luggage, etc. when working.不许利用工作之便打开客人的箱子,行等-If it affects the cleaning process, put it back in the original place after moving. 如果客人物品影响你做清洁工作,那么应该先移开,在做完清洁工作后将其放回原来的位置-Put the shoes and socks in the closet in an orderly

268、 manner or other appropriate places. 将客人的鞋袜整齐的放入衣柜或其他合适的位置-Fold it nicely and put it on top of the pillow after bed is made up. 做完床后,将客人衣物叠好放置在床的枕头上Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Returning Keys and Worksheet主题:交还钥匙和工作表Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-054 Prepare by:Director of

269、 Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure that all rooms are completed and other assignments are done. 确保所有房间清洁完毕,及其他指派的工作也已完成PROCEDURES 流程-The Supervisor should collect key and worksheet from room attendant 主管负

270、责收集服务员的钥匙和工作表-Office is required to sign out on the key-book in Office. 必须在办公室钥匙登记簿上签还 a) Time of keys returned. 钥匙归还时间 b) Signature in block letters. 在钥匙登记簿上签字-Tidy and clean your Pantry as per standard. 下班前按照标准整理好工作间-The Order taker should ensure that keys are in good condition. 文员要检查还回的钥匙是否完好-Han

271、g the keys inside the key cabinet according to floors and Sections. 根据楼层和区域将钥匙挂回钥匙柜里-office signs in block letters on the key book. 办公室在钥匙登记簿上签字-Hand in worksheet. 交回工作表-Hand in keys and sign in. 交回钥匙并签字-Hand in dect phone and sign in. 交回小灵通签字-Signing is done in the log book or appropriate sheet. 在交

272、接本上签名-Hand in all Lost and Found items. 交接所有客人遗留物品-Ensure Lost and Found slips are property filled out. 确保遗留物品附上被正确填写的遗失物品单. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Check into Housekeeping Office主题:在客房部办公室报到Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-055 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Divis

273、ionDate: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . 起草:房务总监Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure staff on duty same standard 确保良好的出勤PROCEDURES 流程Sign in on the attendance book. 签到- Collect work assignment. 得到工作任务- Sign for the dect phone if required. 如果工作需要使用机,签收- Ensure that the

274、right dect phone is collected 确保拿到完好的机- Sign for any keys if required. 如果需要,签领钥匙- Check that the keys are correct and complete. 确保领到正确的钥匙- Meet at the designated point. 了解工作要点- Take note of any special events or arrivals. 记录下任何特殊活动或预到的房间- Take note of special projects. 记录下特别的计划- Take note of any fol

275、low-up that needs to be done. 记录下任何需要跟办的事项- Collect stock of cleaning cloth and dusters. 领取清洁工具,抹布,尘推等- Sign for the equipment taken. 在领取工具簿上签字- Ensure that it is working properly and return it in the same condition. 确保其可以正常使用,并还回时也是如此- Move quietly. 安静的离开- Collect cleaning supplies necessary for th

276、e cleaning of your area. 领取清洁用品,如果需要的话-Move quietly and professionally to your area of work carry the cleaning equipment that you need. . . . . . 拿着你需要的清洁工具,安静,专业的去你相应的工作区域Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Vacuum carpet after washed主题:洗过地毯后的吸尘Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-056

277、 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的So as to make carpet look perfect and texture kept flexible 使地毯看起来美观,并且松软PROCEDURES 流程Check the machine if any damage is found. Report to Supervisor if you

278、found any. 检查机器是否完好,如果有任何损坏通知主管-Push vacuum towards one direction . 将吸尘器向一个方向推进Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject:How to Escort Guest to Elevator主题:怎样护送客人至电梯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-057 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by:

279、 General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Have the good insight to help guest so as to show sincerity and hospitality to him/her care. This shows respect and hospitality to our guest. 要有良好的洞察力来帮助客人,显示我们对客人的诚挚和殷勤好客PROCEDURES 流程Politely ask for guests direction and accompany him/her to w

280、ait for elevator.客气的为客人指引方向,并陪客人等电梯 -Greet the guests when you meet them in guest lift landing area. (See “How to greet tothe guests ” ).当你在客梯间遇见客人时要礼貌的打招呼(参照“如何问候客人”)-Offer your help if the guest has heavy luggage. 如果客人有很沉重的行,你要提供帮助-Ask the guest if he/she is going up or down. 问客人是上还是下-Press for li

281、ft by pushing the call button. 帮助按叫梯钮-Use your hands to hold the lift door to open when it arrives and use gesture to invite the guest to enter the lift. 当电梯来时,用手挡住门,并做邀请的姿势请客人进入电梯-Say goodbye to guest and see him/her off with a smile. 微笑着和客人道别Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual . . . . . 客房部

282、- 制度和流程指南Subject:Cleaning chemical using in Housekeeping主题:客房部常用的清洁剂Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-058 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Used right chemical in the right place. 在正确的地方使用正确的药剂,PROCEDURES 流程1) M

283、ultipurpose Cleaner - A furniture cleaner that comes in an aerosol can, it picks up dust and removes fingerprints and greasy marks. It also helps to protect against diary or water spills and stains. 多用途清洁剂一种罐装的用于家具清洁的,会清除灰尘, 指纹和油渍。 还有一定的放水和防污功效2) Bathroom cleaner- liquid militia-purpose cleaner that

284、 disinfect and deodorize, use mainly for bathroom cleaning especially floor and wall. 浴室清洁剂一种液体清洁剂,具有消毒和除臭功能,用于浴室清洁, 尤其是地面和墙壁的清洁3) carpet shampoo- for carpet dry cleaning Extraction Tex for carpet wet cleaning. 地毯清洗剂用于地毯抽洗和干泡洗地毯工作4) Toilet Cleaner liquid disinfectant toilet cleaner to remove rusty s

285、tains and stubborn stains, it is acidic and is used for periodic cleaning. 马桶清洁剂液体消毒剂,可以去除锈渍,水碱等顽固污渍,它是酸性的,一般用于定期的清洁工作- Stains which couldnt be removed by normal cleaning chemical. 一般的清洁剂无法去除的- Avery storing acidic chemical, be careful during usage. 在使用中须小心酸性腐蚀- Never mix it with other chemicals. 不要

286、与其他清洁剂混用5) Glass cleaner used for glass and mirror cleaning. 玻璃清洁剂用于玻璃和镜子表面的清洁6) Wood wax used for wooden floor and plastic floor. 木地板蜡用于木地板和塑胶地板打蜡7) Floor stripper used for before floor wax clearing. inside carpet scrubber . . . . . clear. 起蜡水用于打蜡前将地面的旧蜡洗掉8) Marble polishing compound used for marbl

287、e crystallization. 石结晶剂用于理石结晶处理If get chemical into your eyes如药剂不慎入眼Wash your eyes immediately and see doctor if needs 立即用清水冲洗双眼,如果需要的话去看医生Supervisors have to explain the usage of all kinds of chemicals to associates before they used 在员工使用任何清洁剂之前,主管应与详细的解释. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures

288、 Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to polish wooden surface 主题:如何给木制表面抛光Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-059 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep the wooden surface smooth and shinning 保证木制品表面光滑和光亮PROCEDURES 流

289、程In order to keep surface glossy, they should be polished after a period of times. 为了保持表面有光泽,要定期抛光-Remove any items from the surface, however, never touch or remove guest s belongings, so, always polish the wooden 移走表面上的任何物品,但不要碰或挪走客人的物品,只是抛光木制品-Always spray wax on a clean and folded dry cloth inste

290、ad of directly on the surface. 在干净的折叠好的抹布上喷家具蜡,而不是直接喷在家具上-Wipe the surface with the cloth in a circular motion until it is shown shining. 以圆周方式用抹布擦拭木制表面,直到光亮-Replace the removed items back to the surface as before. 将先前移走的物品复位-We only wax the wooden surface when it is necessary. 我们只在必要时才进行木制品表面抛光. .

291、. . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to use and clean a vacuum cleaner 主题:如何使用和清理吸尘器Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-060 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的It is important tha

292、t all associates know the accessories so that they can do their jobs effectively. We will demonstrate honesty and care in all our relationships. 员工了解各种附件,对他们的有效工作是十分重要的PROCEDURES 流程a) Show all attendants what the accessories are: 要给所有员工展示吸尘器的附件-Universal nozzle. 普通扒头-Suction hose and suction tube. 软

293、管和硬管-Cotton filter bag. 吸尘袋-Dusting nozzle and upholstery nozzle. 吸灰尘吸嘴和扁嘴吸嘴-Crevice nozzle and power brush. 尖嘴吸嘴和毛刷吸嘴a) Prepare all the accessories such as universal nozzle, suction nozzle and suction tube or any of the above accessories before starting a job. 在工作前准备好所有部件,例如扒头,吸管,及上面提及的各种附件b) Befor

294、e switching on the machine, ensure that the cotton filter bag is in correct position. 在打开电源开关之前,先确定吸尘袋装在正确的位置c) Also check that the filter is properly placed. . . . . . 同时检查过滤网放置得当d) Use a special nozzle equip with the machine to vacuum the edges and corners. 吸边缘或角落时,使用特殊的吸嘴配合吸尘器的使用e) Never use the

295、machine to clear water on carpet. 千万不要用吸尘器吸水a) Remove plug form wall socket. 从墙上拔掉插头b) Clean the accessories and bora with damp cloth. 用潮布清洁机器及附件c) Check the filter from time to time. 经常检查过滤网及吸尘袋d) Wind the main cord around the handle and at the same time wipe it dry with a damp cloth. 将电源线用潮布擦干净,并缠

296、好. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Guest Laundry Emergency 主题:紧急洗衣Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-061 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Offer the express service for gue

297、st any time 随时为客人提供快捷的服务PROCEDURES 流程-Once the Office received a call from F&B outlets for spill food or liquid on guest clothing 一旦办公室接到从餐厅打来的告知有客人的衣服被溅上食物或酒水-F&B department should send it down to housekeeping office. 餐饮部必须马上将衣物送至客房部办公室-F&B outlets manager should contact the guest address 餐厅经理负责联系客

298、人住址-All laundry should return back to F&B within 24 hours 所有洗衣必须在24 小时返还餐饮部-Concierge should send it back to guest. 礼宾部负责送还衣物给客人-All charge should bill to F&B department 入餐饮部的帐. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Super Clean Program 主题:大清洁程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SO

299、P-062 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure guest delightby taking care of all the small details of our work. 用我们细致的工作使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程Executive Housekeeper or Assistant will review the Super Clean

300、 program on a daily basis 行政管家及副行政管家每日回顾清洁计划- Assistant Housekeeper will assign one room per maid to be “Super cleaned ” each day. and one time per months to each room.(attach Super cleaned record form ) 每日副行政管家将安排每一个服务员每日至少一间深层清洁,每间房每月平均做一次。-Ensure all cleaning follows weekly, or monthly schedule ,

301、yearly schedule.(attached schedule cleaning programme)保证员工按日完成每日每周每月清洁计划-When a room has been prepared by the maid responsible it must be released by the Floor Supervisor. The correct control report must be completed and submitted to Office for recording purposes. (See attached example report) 当服务员打

302、扫干净房间,由楼层主管检查后更改房态。正确完成每日标准控制表,并交回办公室(参见表格附件)-The Executive Housekeeper or Assistant will spot check and release at least five room each day and record properly. 行政管家及副行政管家将每日抽查房间情况. . . . . -Pass the completed monthly Super Clean program report to the Director of Rooms at the end of each month 每月上交

303、清洁计划表-Pulling out of beds required and mattress must be turned as per schedule and A/C grill to be cleaned and drainage to be washed, under the bed, minibar to be vacuum and cleaned, toilet bowel grill to be cleaned. 按要求拖床 , 翻床垫 , 清洁空调口 , 清洁地漏 , 冰箱及床下吸尘 , 恭桶清洁 . -The Super Clean Program must include

304、 all rooms and public areas(attach PA Cleaning programme TBC) 清洁计划表包括楼层及公共区域-Ensure correct equipment available. Prepare enough cleaning tools, vacuum cleaners cleaning cloth, all-purpose cleaner, metal hook, sponge.Chrome polish , toilet brush sponge, scrubbing pad, gloves.准备足够的清洁工具,抹布,清洁剂-Followin

305、g the written cleaning procedure, area by area. Up to down and left to right. 按顺时针方向擦尘无遗漏区域-Ensure all staff comply with all specific cleaning task SOPs. 按照操作程序完成每一个项目的情洁-The vanity, sink and grouting must be free of hair, dirt, dust, streaks, smudges, fingerprints, hard water marks, lime deposit, m

306、old, scum, soap buildup, water spots, residue, discoloration, chips and peeling. 面盆,面台,和接缝里没有毛发,污垢,灰尘,印痕,烟熏渍,指纹,水痕,水碱,发霉,泡沫残留,皂渍,水点,残渣,变色,缺口,剥落等-Grouting must be consistently smooth, even, and consistent in color. Fixtures will be sparkling, shiny, polished, free of hair, unpitted, unscratched and t

307、urn easily without visible rust. The sink stopper must work properly. Faucets and handles function property, with no drips or leaks.接缝处平滑,颜色一致。电镀零件部分应擦的闪闪发光,没有毛发,凹痕,擦痕,转动灵活,没有锈渍。水堵功能正常。水龙头及手柄功能良好,没有滴漏现象-The toilet must be free of hair, debris, scum, waste buildup, stains, discoloration, dust, odor,

308、mold, burns, scratches, chips and cracks. The toilet must flush properly and the seat must be fixed firmly with the china caps in place. There should be no leaks, or running water. Fixtures must be shiny, sparkling and sanitary. 马桶没有毛发,残留物,泡沫,尿碱,污点,变色,灰尘,异味,发霉,烟烫痕,擦痕,缺口或裂痕。马桶冲水正常,马桶坐垫及马桶盖牢固,无漏水现象,电镀

309、零件应擦拭的闪闪发光并消毒-Stalls, walls, and grouting will be free of hair, debris, scum, stains, discoloration, rust, odor, mold, scratches, chips, cracks, soap film, lime and/or hard water deposits. 淋浴房,墙面,及接缝处无毛发,残渣,泡沫,污渍,变色,生锈,异味,发霉,擦痕,缺口,裂痕,皂渍,水碱-Grouting must be smooth, even and consistent in color. . . .

310、 . . 接缝处平滑,颜色一致-All fixtures must be sparkling, shiny, polished, free of hair, unpitted, unscratched, turn easily, with water temperature flow according to fixtures markings and with no visible rust. The tub stopper/strainer mechanism must operate easily and both hold and release water. The tub must

311、 also drain freely. The faucet handles must function properly with no drips or leaks. 电镀零件部分应擦的闪闪发光,没有毛发,凹痕,擦痕,转动灵活,没有锈渍,水温刻度调整在合适的位置。浴缸水堵功能正常。浴缸下水迅速。浴缸龙头及手柄功能良好,没有滴漏现象,-All furnishings including all artwork, vents, wastebaskets, nightstands, headboards/posts/frames, tables, desks, chairs, sofas, cl

312、othes/ credenzas, armoires, alarm clock/radios, televisions, telephones; must be free of dust, dirt, smudges, spots, frayed edges, scratches, discoloration and tears. All corners and crevices must be free of dust and debris. Furniture should be positioned according to the hotel floor plan. 所有家具包括艺术品

313、,通风口,垃圾桶,床头柜,床头板/ 柱,腿 / 床架,桌子,椅子,沙发,书柜,衣柜,闹钟/ 收音机,电视机, ,要保证无灰尘,污垢,烟熏渍,斑点,边角磨损,擦痕,变色及撕破现象。所有角落和缝隙无灰尘和残片,家具的摆放根据酒店规定的平面图布局-All surfaces must be shiny, clear, and free of spots, fingerprints, hair, spots, de-silvering, dust, cracks, smudges, and dirt. 所有表面应光亮,干净,无斑点,指纹,毛发,退色,灰尘,擦痕,烟痕,和污垢-All carpeted a

314、reas should be vacuumed daily. All carpets must be free of dust, debris, stains, spots, burns, threads, bald spots, discoloration, without buckles or wrinkles, and free of visible footprints 所有地毯区域需每日吸尘,要保证无灰尘,污垢,烟熏渍,斑点,边角磨损,擦痕,变色及脚印现象-The wastebasket must be cleaned properly by spraying cleaning so

315、lution thoroughly inside it. Wipe to remove odor and residue. 空气清新,确保无异味-Completed Super clean Program Reports will be submitted to the Office at the end of each shift by the Supervisor concerned. Each report details areas where the room attendant needs to improve. 每个班次完成超级清洁程序报告后要及时上交,每份报告详细记录服务员需改

316、进的地方-Order Taker will input information to database to show each employees individual performance. The results will be used to monitor individual progress and also areas of common weakness between attendants where more training may be required. (See attached example) 文员将详细资料录入电脑,可以分别显示员工的工作表现,也可以通过这

317、些资料来督导个人进步,也可以了解大部分员工普遍的缺点,为加强培训提供依据(参见表格附件)-It will be reviewed at month end by the Executive Housekeeper and a copy will be submitted to the Director of Rooms. 行政管家每月做关于此项程序评估并交报告到房务总监. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: One Entry Room System 主题:一次进入房间Ref: 参考号:

318、 RMS- HSKP-SOP-063 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的For impress our guests with the efficiency of our service and to cause them the minimum of inconvenience. 展示给客人我们的工作效率, 提供给客人最有限的方便PROCEDURES 流程Staf

319、f may only enter an occupied room once per day to service it, unless the guest requests assistance, and must coordinate between departments and tasks to achieve this. 当员工每日打扫住人的房间, 除非客人要求帮助, 否则应及时完成工作When a room attendant goes into a room the first responsibility is to check the room maintenance and

320、 laundry before beginning any other tasks. 当员工进入房间 , 首先要完成的工作是检查是否有洗衣及工程问题. If there is a defect or if there is laundry to collect immediately contact the Regent Touch, laundry runner and they will page the Engineering Department to . . . . . report the problem. Duty engineer will responsibility to

321、follow and laundry runner will collect laundry (ach defect check form). Engineers agreed response time to resolve problem is 20 minutes. 发现工程问题及洗衣马上联系一线通, 一线通会报告给工程部, 工程部二十分钟给予答复, If the room is a VIP or has Club access inform the Regent Touch and they will contact the Butlers. The Butlers agreed re

322、sponse time is within 5 minutes. 如果房间是重点宾客, 服务员将通知一线通, 一线通通知贴身管家, 贴身管家五分钟将给予答复Inform the Regent Touch to page the Supervisor to coordinate the room inspection. 通知一线通通知相关主管检查房间Maid must follow the cleaning procedure for a room - area by area. Up to down and left to right. 按顺时针方向擦尘无遗漏区域Replenish guest

323、 supplies, amenities, towels and mini bar items at the same time as cleaning the room. 完成情洁后,同一时间补充客用品,毛巾,酒水等等When the maid exits the room upon the completion of cleaning the Engineers, Butlers and Valet staff must have completed their duties already. 当服务员完成房间清洁的同时保证工程部, 贴身管家 , 客衣员同时完成他们的工作NO ROOM M

324、AY BE RELEASED INTO SERVICE OR PASSED AS SERVICED FOR THE DAY UNLESS IT IS IN 100% WORKING ORDER. 保证房间确实没有问题才可以将房间释放出来. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Zero Room Defects 主题:没有缺陷的房间Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-064 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期:

325、 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure all rooms are prepared in a systematic way. 保证系统的安排房间PROCEDURES 流程Engineering Department will prepare a preventive maintenance schedule 首先工程部负责准备出维修保养计划This will cover all area on a monthly yearly(engineer will

326、 work out maintain programme ) 维修保养根据每月及年计划表。HK to check for carpet shampooing, curtain dry cleaning ,bed runner washing cushion cleaning, bed skirting washing and sofa shampooing, 客房部负责检查地毯清洁状况,窗帘清洁状况. . . . . On this plan we will do all the hotel rooms in one full year(5 rooms per time) 每次五间房,一年轮回

327、一次Five rooms must be blocked for maintenance at all times and occupancy should not be used as an excuse not to do this unless under extreme circumstances. Housekeeping will keep a list of all rooms serviced and the dates during which this was done. 在任何情况下每天固定维修五间房, 不可用做它用 , 客房部将负责保留施工期间的记录The Execut

328、ive Housekeeper will be responsible for overseeing the coordination of the blocking of rooms with the Rooms Administrator within Front Office. 行政管家与前台封房人员将负责监控房间状况The Rooms Administrator will, in turn, ensure that five rooms are permanently blocked for this program. They will block according to avai

329、lability and forward a list of room numbers and dates to the Housekeeping Office and Engineering Department. They must also keep a list of rooms previously blocked so to ensure no repetition. 封房人员始终如一的进行此项工作, 将根据出租情况将房号告之客房部, 工程部 , 各部门将做好各自的存档工作. The FOM and DOR should both monitor the hotel s avail

330、ability as a regular part of their job and should monitor if a period of high occupancy should ever require temporary suspension of this program. 前台经理及房务总监将在高出租率情况下给予监控. At all times try to block five rooms together to minimize disturbance on the guest floors. 每天固定维修五间房避免打扰客人Each room will be blocke

331、d for four days. This represents two day for Engineering followed by two day for cleaning and inspection. The maintence inspection list will be work out by engineering depatemenat. 每个房间共需4 天维修, 2天留给客房部清洁及复查No room may be released into service unless it has zero defects. All final inspections must be

332、 completed by the Supervisor. The Assistant Housekeeper will spot check. 没有工程问题的房间才可以释放出来, 最终由楼层主管检查, 副行政管家负责抽查During normal day to day operations the room attendants will check the maintenance of a room upon entering it to begin work and then report any problems to the Regent Touch for instant atte

333、ntion. - 在打扫房间以前,先检查所有项目是否需要维修,才能开始清洁工作Engineering staff must attend to and complete any work whilst the room is being cleaned. 服务员清洁卫生的同时,工程部员工要马上修理房间的工程问题。Before the room attendant leaves the room he will check and make sure the problem has been solved. 并保证在清洁工作完成前,所有缺陷及需要维修项目被修理完毕. . . . . Housek

334、eeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Turn down service 主题: 开床服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-065 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To ensure our procedures are customer easy for our staf

335、f , so that make consistent warm and natural service to our customer. 保证我们的程序方便员工为客人提供服务,并为客人提供一致的热情及自然的服务PROCEDURES 流程. . . . . - Pack the maid trolley with linens and amenities. 准备好工作篮 / 布草/ 用品- After pressing three times door bell and says, “Housekeeping,good evening ,Turn down service”按照程序敲门3 次,

336、并说:“您好,客房服务员,开床服务”- If the guest is not inside, enter the room. 如果客人不在房间,按照程序进房程序进入房间- If the guest is inside room, wait for the guest to open the door, and say, “Good evening,Madam / Sir, May I have you bed turn down? ” in a warm and natural way with smile. 如果客人在房间,等待客人开门,并温和自然和微笑着说:“您好,我可以为您开床服务吗?

337、”- Rinse all the used glasses in the wash basin with hot water. 用热水冲洗所有用过的杯子- Empty the rubbish bin. 清空垃圾桶-Turn down the bed. 开床Store the folded bed runner inside wardrobe shelf. 将被罩折叠好放入壁柜架Take corner of duvet closet by the telephone side, and fold the corner into a triangle. 将靠近端的被角掀开,叠成一个三角型Place

338、 pillow properly stretching the creases. Pillow opening should not face the guest folds. 将枕头整理平整放好,枕袋开口不要对着客人Put the turn down tray on the glass night table shelf 将开床托盘放在床头柜架上Place the door knob menu, laundry bag on the turn down tray ,also added GSS if the guest is leaving the next day. 将早餐卡,洗衣袋放入开

339、床托盘Place the slipper in front of the bed 将拖鞋放在床边-Close the day and night drape. 关好窗帘- Wash the glass and clean the bathroom. 清洗杯子及卫生间- Replenish the amenity if the guest has consumed it during the day time. 补充客用品- Check whether anything left before closing door. 离开之前检查是否遗留物品- Bathroom 卫生间Night light

340、 in the bathroom and guest room to be on. . . . . . 卫生间及房间夜灯需打开- Guestroom 客房 a. Both night table lamps to be switched on 两边床头柜灯需打开- If guest inside the room, say,” Good night, bye-bye, Sir / Madam.”如果客人在房间,向客人打招呼说: 祝您晚安,再见-Fill up with the working report. 填写工作单a. In & out time 出入时间b. Number of gues

341、t 客人数 c. Anything special 特殊事情- Mark down the time of D.N.D or if the guest refused service on your work sheet. 在工作单上注明请勿打扰或拒绝服务- Slip a “Privacy Card ” under the door.将请勿打扰卡塞入房Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Push brush sweeping主题:扫地Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-066 Prepare

342、 by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep the same cleaning standard 保持统一的清洁标准. . . . . PROCEDURES 流程Always start in the far corner and work towards the entrance/exit. 总是从最里边的角落开始,向外边的出口方向进行-Scrape corners and l

343、edges with putty knife. 用油灰刀将角落和边上的污渍刮掉-Take the broom and push dirt in front of you in a horizontal manner. 用扫帚将灰尘扫到你的前面来-Collect dust/dirt with dust pan and hand brush. 将灰尘扫进你的簸箕里- Comb brush to remove soil. 用刷子把尘土清空- Wipe the handle. 擦干净手柄- Hang on the wall or place upside down. 挂在墙上,或在合适的地方正面朝下放

344、置Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Dust mopping 主题:推尘Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-067 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep the same cleaning standard . . . . . 保持统一的清洁标准PROCE

345、DURES 流程Collect clean dust mop head from the linen room. 从布草房领取干净的尘推头- Place it on the frame of the dust mop. 将尘推头套在尘推架上- Swing it from left to right 从左至右开始推尘- Swing the mop close to the feet in a 45 degree angle. 尘推与脚大概呈45 度角- Change direction after every swing. 每推尘一次要换个方向- Keep the elbows close to

346、 the body. 保持肘部接近身体- Each stroke must overlap the previous stroke. 每次推尘的印记要与前一次有重叠部分- Use the hand brush and the dust pan. 使用手刷和簸箕- Clean dust mop head with vacuum cleaner of stiff brush. 用吸尘器的硬毛刷部分清洁尘推头- Wipe the handle. 擦干净手柄- If mop head is very dusty hand it in to the linen room for a clean one.

347、 如果尘推头特别脏,送到布草房换个干净的- Store it off the surface, by hanging on wall unit or storing upside down. 不要靠近水面存放,挂在墙上的工具架上,或正面朝下放好Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Wet mopping主题:湿拖Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-068 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Appro

348、ved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep the same cleaning standard . . . . . 保持统一的清洁标准PROCEDURES 流程Place Wet Floor sign, Display in the area where you will wet mop. 放置“小心地滑”警示牌,显示你将在这个区域进行湿拖- Fill mop bucket with warm water. 装满温水的榨水车- Add cleaning solution. 加入清洁剂- Push mo

349、p bucket using the handle. 用榨水车手柄推动- Dip mop in the cleaning solution. 将拖把浸泡在清洁剂里- Put mop in the wringer and squeeze. 将拖把放进榨水器里挤干- Apply mop to the floor moving it from left to right. 从左至右开始拖地- Each stroke must overlap. 每一次拖地要和前一次的有重叠部分- Keep the heel of the mop on the floor. 保证地面没有你的脚印- Use up sol

350、ution. 清洁剂耗尽- Rinse bucket and pour clear warm water. 清洗榨水车,倒入干净的温水- Dip mop in water and place in wringer. 将拖把浸泡在里边- Follow the same steps as mentioned in point 4. 重复第 4点的步骤- Rinse mop in warm clear water and wring dry. 在干净的温水里涮拖把,并挤干多余水分- Hang mop to dry. 挂干拖把- Rinse and wipe the wringer. 清洗并擦干净榨水

351、器- If the mop is dirty bring it down to the linen room for a clean one 如果拖把脏了,拿到布草房换个干净的- Bring equipment back to the store room and arrange neatly. 拿回清洁工具,在库房整洁的存放. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Wall washing by hand主题:手工洗墙壁Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-069 Prepar

352、e by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的. . . . . Keep the same cleaning standard 保持统一的清洁标准PROCEDURES 流程1. Dust mop wall 墙壁除尘- Take a clean dust mop and mop the wall from top to bottom. 用拖把将墙壁从上到下擦拭一遍2. Put up Wet

353、 Floor sign 放置“小心地滑”警示牌- Place it in front of area being cleaned. 开始工作前放置在工作区域的前面3. Prepare cleaning solution 准备清洁剂- Put drop sheet on the floor. 在地面上放报废布草接墙上滴下的水- Pour warm water in the bucket. 在榨水车清洁桶里倒入温水- Pour cleaning chemical into water.(see dilution) 加入清洁剂(参照稀释)- Fill a second bucket with war

354、m clear water. 在第二个桶里倒入干净的温水- Apply solution from top to bottom. 从上到下开始工作- Clean wall with sponge, use abrasive side for heavy soiled areas. 使用海绵百洁布清洁墙壁,对重污用硬的那面- Change water as soon as it becomes dirty. 脏了以后换水- As soon as one section is washed, rinse it, 每刷洗一部分,就要清洗一遍- Rinse cleaning cloth in the

355、clear water. 用抹布蘸清水清洗- Wipe complete wall. 墙壁擦洗完毕- Dry the section rinsed immediately. 立即将清洗完毕的墙壁擦干- Use dry cleaning cloth and dry wall. 用干布擦干- Remove the drop sheet. 撤走报废布草- Damp mop the floor. 拖干地面. . . . . - Rinse sponge. 清洗海绵- Rinse bucket and dry. 清洗清洁桶,并擦干- Rinse mop and store properly. 清洗拖把并

356、存放好- Clean and dry mop bucket and wringer. 清洁并擦干净榨水车- Bring dirty cleaning cloths, mop heads and drop sheet to the laundry for washing. 将脏的抹布,拖把头,报废布草送到洗衣房洗Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean the A/C Grill主题:怎样清洁空调口Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-070 Prepare by:Direc

357、tor of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的. . . . . Keep clean and hygiene with high standards to show sincerity to guest and meet his/her expectations. 保持高标准的清洁和卫生水平,展示我们对客人的诚挚,以期能达到他们的期望PROCEDURES 流程- Remove dust and cobweb

358、s in A/C grill. 去除空调口的灰尘和蜘蛛网- Pour small amount of detergent onto cleaning cloth. 在抹布上倒上适量的清洁剂- Lightly wipe surface of A/C grill and internal shelf. 轻轻的擦拭空调口表面和部的隔板- Wipe the grill again with clean damp cleaning cloth. 再用清洁的潮抹布擦拭一遍- Be sure to take care not to break or damage A/C grill slates. 小心不要

359、损坏空调隔板- Ensure no odour in the room. 确保房间无异味- Wipe off around of A/C grill with cleaning cloth. 用抹布擦拭空调口的四周- Turn the A/C on according to standard 根据标准启动空调Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to shampoo carpet - extraction主题:抽洗地毯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-071 Prepare by:Di

360、rector of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . OBJECTIVE 目的So that the task can be done in a more systematic and efficient way. 这是能否有条理有效率完成工作的基本方法PROCEDURES 流程-Check the machine if for any damage. Report to Service Leader if you

361、 found any. 检查机器是否完好,如果有任何损坏通知主管-Dilute carpet shampoo with hot water 用热水稀释地毯液-Prepare the machine and attachments. 准备好机器相应的附件-Fill a dual basket with warm water and dilute the shampooing solution 1:40 parts of water. 地毯液和温水按1:40 的比例兑入-Pour the solution in to the solution tank. 将洗涤剂注入机器的清洁剂水箱里-Run t

362、he machine, using power brush, shampoo the carpet by pressing the trigger to release the solution. Move the manual wand or power brush backwards. 启动抽吸式洗地毯机,使用电动滚刷,用底下喷嘴喷出的洗涤剂洗地毯,移动操作手柄或电动滚刷使其向后运动-Soiled solution will be extracted when you move the wand forward & backward. Protect the carpet with con

363、demned cloth 当你移动操作手柄时,底下的吸水嘴会将脏的清洁剂吸上来,从而达到地毯的洗涤目的 -When carpet is dry, vacuum. 当地毯干透以后在吸尘-Do not dry run the extraction machine. 不要空转吸水马达-Do not shampoo carpet too often. 不要过于频繁的洗地毯-Always clean machine and accessories after use. 机器被使用过后要及时清理清洁Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指

364、南Subject:How to Clean Upholstery Fabric主题:怎样清洁沙发及软包墙面Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-072 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Determine the stain so you can use the correct cleaning method of chemical.

365、The work can become easier. 确定污渍种类能使你选择正确的药剂和清洁方法,使工作变得更容易PROCEDURES 流程1.General care of upholstery 沙发软包一般性清洁-Daily dusting 每日除尘-Removing stains as soon as they occur, dry with damp cloth. If the stains cannot be removed, uses diluted all purpose cleaner and wipe softly using cloth. Do not over wet.

366、 当出现污渍时,用潮抹布尽快去除,如果不能去掉,用稀释过的万能清洁剂擦拭,注意,不要太湿了2.Different types of stain 不同污渍类型-Grease 油脂-Soil 土/ 灰尘-Spillage 漏油渍3.Types of method to use 使用方法- Dry foam method 干泡清洗法- Extraction method 抽洗法- Spot cleaning 重点去污4.Precautions to look for注意事项-Test if the fabric is color fast - press a rag or blotter dampe

367、ned with cleaning solution on the fabrics deeper colors on some unnoticeable place.测试布料是否掉色- 用小块的布或吸水纸蘸上清洁剂在不显眼的地方先擦拭一下,看是否会掉色-Test what type of stuffing or linen material are used. If latex foam padding is found, the fabric should use extraction machine. If it is just filling material, . . . . . br

368、owning will occur if it is wet. 查看填充物和布料的质地,如果填充物是发泡胶,这个布料表面就需用抽洗机,如果只是织物填充物的话,那么遇水后布料会发棕黄色Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to Clean Wall-paper主题:怎样清洁墙纸Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-073 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved b

369、y: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep clean and hygiene with high standards to show sincerity to guest and meet his/her expectations. 保持高标准的清洁和卫生水平,展示我们对客人的诚挚,以期能达到他们的期望PROCEDURES 流程1.Check if the material of the wall-paper can be washed. 检查墙纸质地能否被清洗-Check the wall-paper by

370、washing a hidden place, e.g. behind the bed. 检查一些比较隐蔽的墙纸清洗情况,例如床后边-Normally only the plastic material can be washed. 正常情况下,只有塑胶材质的才能被清洗-Spray a little detergent on the wall-paper. 在墙纸上喷一点清洁剂2. Dry the wall-paper.擦干墙纸-Use a damp sponge to rub the dirty area. 用湿海绵擦拭脏的地方-Never use abrasive cleaning age

371、nt or scouring pad to clean the area as this will cause color fading and damage to the surface. 不要使用研磨剂或百洁布擦拭,会掉色和损坏表面-Use a clean dry cloth to dry the wall-paper. 用干净的干抹布擦干墙纸Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject: Cleaning of Office主题:清洁办公室Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-0

372、74 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Maintaining a clean and tidy surrounding of the office shows our respect for our management. 维护办公环境的整洁显示对我们管理层的尊重PROCEDURES 流程1. Preparation 准备-Collect all cleaning

373、 tools and cleaning solutions required. 领取所有清洁工具和清洁剂2. Dusting 擦尘-Start from the door, from left to right: 由门开始,从左至右-Door top, frames, hinges and surface of both sides. 门顶,门框,合叶,闭门器,所有表面 -Light switches. 灯开关 -Wall sockets. 墙插座 - Wall pictures top, frames and glass.挂画的顶部,画框,玻璃 -Remove spots from the

374、walls. 去除墙上的污渍 -Cabinets (without anything on it only) 壁柜(只有在没有任何东西的情况下) -Do not dust the desk surface with anything on it as it is taking care of the user. 如果桌子上有物品,就不用擦尘了,由使用者负责整理3.Vacuum (If the flooring is carpet) 吸尘(如果是地毯)-Window sills. 窗台-Wall skirting. 墙裙. . . . . -The chair & its leg. 椅子和椅腿-

375、Start vacuuming from the furthest corner backward to the door. 从最里边的角落向外边门的方向开始吸尘 -Remove chairs and movable items. Ensure that all carpet under the desks are thoroughly vacuumed. 挪开椅子及其他可移动的东西,确保所有地毯包括桌子底下都被彻底的吸尘-Use the vacuum tube to vacuum corners and edges when necessary. 如果需要,用吸尘器的吸管专门吸一下角落和地毯

376、边缝-Sweep the floor if it is not carpet. 如果不是地毯,用拖把拖地-Spot clean carpet stains if any. (See). 地毯去渍(参照如何给地毯去渍)- See “How to mop thefloor ”.参照(如何拖地)-Complete all special cleaning jobs as assigned. 完成特别的清洁任务-Ceiling light, defuses. Clean once a month. 天花筒灯,管灯,每月清洁一次-A/C ventilation grills. 空调通风口 -Floor

377、waxing. 地面打蜡 -Carpet shampooing. 洗地毯 -Window cleaning. 擦窗户Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual . . . . . 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Cloak Room Procedure主题:衣帽间的程序Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-075 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2

378、007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Make sure our service provided to our guests is consistent, ensure guest delight. 确定我们对客人提供一致的服务,让客人满意PROCEDURES 流程1.Preparation 准备-Collect all items required 收集所需物品-Put claim tag together with hanger according to numbers. 根据准备存衣牌和衣架2.Receive 接收-Greet the guest with smile & say

379、 “NINHAO ”, make eye contact when speaking.微笑着跟客人问候:您好,并有眼神的接触-Offer help when guests take off their coats or jackets. 当客人脱掉外套时提供帮助- Use word: “Let me help you.”说:让我来帮你吧-Remind the guest to take care of valuables. 提醒客人保管好贵重物品“Please take care of yourvaluables.”“请保管好您的贵重物品”3.Claim(continued) 领取衣物-Iss

380、ue the claim tag to the guest. 给客人相应的存衣牌“Here is your claiming tag please.”这是存衣牌,请您拿好-Brush the coat if necessary and hang it up with the hanger. . . . . . 将外套挂在衣架上后,如必要用刷子刷一下-Ask the guest for the claiming tag and maintain eye contact. “NINHAO , your claiming tag please.”请客人出示存衣牌,并要有眼神的接触“您好,请拿出您的存

381、衣牌”-Find the coat according to the number of the tag and return to the guest. 根据存衣牌的找出相应的衣服还给客人-Tie the two, claim tag with the hanger together for next usage. 存衣牌和衣架夹在一起,以便下次使用-Handover the coats to outlet manager if the guest stays in the restaurant after your duty time. Do proper handover to ensu

382、re all coats/items can be returned properly to the guest. 如果你下班时,客人还在餐厅没走,你可将衣物交接给餐厅经理,确保所有衣物会还给客人-Tidy up and count all hangers and claim tags. 整理和点数所有衣架和存衣牌-Lock the door. 锁门. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: staircase cleaning 主题:清洁楼梯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-

383、076 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Maintaining a clean and tidy surrounding of back of house. shows our respectfor our co-workers. 保持后区场所的整洁环境,显示我们对同事们的尊重PROCEDURES 流程-To collect all cleaning tools

384、and cleaning solutions required. 准备所有需要清洁工具和清洁剂-Wipe with damp cloth: Entrance door, frames, hinges, exit signs, fire hose reels, fire extinguishers and hand rails. 用潮布擦拭:放火门,门框,合叶,闭门器,出口指示灯,消防栓,灭火器,扶手栏杆-Spot clean walls, to remove all spots. 墙体去渍,去除所有污渍-Collect trash and debris by using broom and d

385、ust pan. 用扫帚和簸箕清扫垃圾和碎片-Mop the stairs and landings from top to the bottom. 用拖把从上到下将楼梯和平台做清洁-Wipe wall skirting with damp cloth. 用潮布擦拭墙裙-Discard rubbish. 倒掉垃圾-Wash mop and bucket to clean 清洗拖把和清洁桶-Return all cleaned tools to store room. 将清洁工具归还库房-To report immediately if any defects in the area is fo

386、und while cleaning. 汇报清洁时发现的需要维修和有缺陷的项目-Report to team leader any where trash, cigarette butts or other signs of abuse is found. 报告主管任何被发现的遗弃物或破坏行为,比如烟头及其他的乱涂乱画的迹象. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to clean windows 主题:怎样清洁窗户Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-077 Prepa

387、re by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Thoroughly clean the mirror or window. 彻底清洁镜子或玻璃Ensure guest delight by paying attention in great details in our work. 通过我们细致的工作使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程-Collect all cleaning tool

388、s and solutions required 准备所有需要清洁工具和清洁剂-Prepare hot water in the bucket. 在清洁桶倒入热水-Place a dry cloth on the bottom of glass/window/mirror. 将干布铺在玻璃/ 窗户 / 镜子下面-Wash the window by using a window mop head set dipped in hot clean water, ensure that the washer is not dripping too wet. As long as it is damp

389、. the washer can clean the window 用浸泡过热水和清洁剂的清洁毛头清洗玻璃,确保毛头不要浸的太湿,只要潮湿就能清洁玻璃-Remove paint or stains by using a single edge blade. 用单面刀片将玻璃上的油漆或污点去除-To dry window by use a window strip. 用玻璃刮将玻璃刮干-For large area, squeegee the window in a zigzag way. 如果是大面积的区域,可以用Z字形的方式-For narrow or small area, squeege

390、e down from top to bottom. 对于狭窄和小面积的地方,从上到下刮-Wipe the excess solution from the window by using a clean dry cloth. Ensure that . . . . . all corners and sides of the windows are wiped dry. 用干布抹去玻璃上多余的水分,确保所有的边角被擦干Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Stone floor scrubbing 主题

391、:擦洗石制地面Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-078 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Express our care and concern for guests safety.Ensure efficient work practices which will lead toguest delight. 涉及客人安全的我们要明确的显示确保高效率

392、的工作能使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程-Collect all machine mops and “Wet floor ” sign.领取所需机器和拖把及“小心地滑”指示牌-Prepare a bucket of diluted all purpose cleaner in hot water. 准备一桶被热水稀释的万能清洁剂- Place “Wet floor ” sign and block the area with divider stands. 放置“小心地滑”牌和警示护栏-Dust mop the floor, start from the far ends of the a

393、rea. 从最远的地方开始将地拖干净-Move existing furniture at areas involved. 挪开相关的家具-Pour the diluted all purpose cleaner into the water tank of scrubber. 将稀释过的清洁剂倒入洗地机的水箱里-Adjust the lever of the scrubbing machine handle to your comfort. 调整洗地机的水平角度至你合适的位置-Apply the solution by pulling the chemical release handle

394、on the water tank while you are scrubbing the floor. 当你擦洗地面时,用洗地机手柄旁的拉线释放药剂到地面上-Scrubbing the floor area by area. . . . . . 一个地方接着一个地方的擦洗-Repeat the process in other affected sections until entire floor has been scrubbed. Overlap edges of scrubbed surface so that no streaking will occur. 在相关区域重复步骤,直

395、到全部的地面被清洗,每次擦洗的印记要与前一次有重叠的部分,避免有遗漏-After the entire floor has been scrubbed and dried, use clean water to mop the area. 所有地面被清洗完毕并干燥以后,用清水再拖遍地-Move back all furniture to their original place and remove “Wet floor ” sign when the floor is dried up. 地面干后,将家具复位,撤走警示牌和护栏-Use a wet and dry pick-up machin

396、e to dry the floor after the scrubbing. 洗地机刷洗过地面后,用吸水机吸干地面-Clean and dry equipment, put the equipment and supplies back to PA. store room. 清洁并擦干机器,还回PA库房-Hose or flush the scrubbing pad with clean water, hang the scrubbing pad on the wall 用水管将洗地盘冲洗干净,并在库房墙上挂好. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedu

397、res Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to spot clean carpets主题:地毯去渍Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-079 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To remove the stains earlier is easier.Attention to detail will help to en

398、sure guest delight. 发现污渍越早越容易去除,关注细节,会使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程1. Carpet spotting is a daily maintenance job. 地毯去渍是每天必做的维护工作-Remove any stains right away when found 发现地毯上有污渍要随时去除-Water soluble stains: have a clear edge. 2.Determine what the stains are 确定是何种污渍水性污渍:有清晰的边痕-Oil soluble stains: Have a dark edge

399、. 油性污渍:边痕发黑-Soil and dirt is dry and hard 土和灰的污渍比较干和硬-Gum or food is sticky and moist. 胶或食物污渍比较粘和潮湿3.Use chemical accordingly 使用相应的药剂-Coffee, only can be cleaned by water immediately . . . . . 咖啡渍:只能用水立即清除-juice: can be removed with water and carpet shampoo. 果汁渍:用水和洗地毯的方式去除-Oil, can be removed with

400、tar go. 油渍:用TARGO (一种洗衣房专用去渍剂)去除-Soil: Can be removed with Carpet shampoo. 灰,土渍:用洗地毯的方式去除4.Removing stains 污渍去除-Chewing gum: Can be removed with anti-gum口香糖:用香口胶去除剂清除-Water soluble stains: Absorb excessive stains by using a dry cloth, spray carpet shampoo with hard brush, brush the stain inward, dry

401、 with a dry cloth. 水渍:先用干布将多余的水分吸出,在污渍上喷些地毯清洗液,然后用手刷向圈刷洗防止污渍扩散,污渍去除后再用干布擦干地毯-Or spray carpet cleaner on the stains, wait for 2 - 3 minutes, brush the stain out with hard brush, wipe off foam with cleaning cloth. 或在污渍上喷些地毯污渍去除剂,等 23 分钟,用手刷来刷干净,再用干净的抹布擦去泡沫-Oil soluble stains: Absorb excessive oil by u

402、sing a dry cloth, brush out stains, wipe the carpet with a dry cloth. Spray carpet cleaner directly to the stain, brush, wipe it dry with a dry cloth. 油渍:用干布将多余的油污吸收,直接在污渍上喷些地毯污渍去除剂,刷洗,最后用干布擦干-Chewing gum: spray anti-gum on the gum, use putty knife to remove. 口香糖:喷上香口胶去除剂,干硬后用油灰刀铲除-Soil: Dry the car

403、pet first, spray carpet cleaner on to stains, wait for 2 - 3 minutes, brush out soil with hand brush, pick up the dry foam and soil with dry cloth, than vacuum. 土渍:先使地毯干透,在污渍上喷些地毯污渍去除剂,等23 分钟,用手刷刷洗,用干布擦去泡沫和土,地毯干后吸尘5. 梳理地毯 -Use hard brush to pick up the carpet pile. 用手刷将地毯毛刷起. . . . . Housekeeping Po

404、licies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to polish wooden surface主题 :如何给木制表面抛光Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-080 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep the wooden surface smooth and shinning 保证木制品

405、表面光滑和光亮PROCEDURES 流程1.Clear the surface 清扫表面-In order to keep surface glossy, they should be polished after a period of times. 为了保持表面有光泽,要定期抛光- Remove any items from the surface, however, never touch or remove guest s belongings, so, always polish the wooden 移走表面上的任何物品,但不要碰或挪走客人的物品,只是抛光木制品2.Apply th

406、e furniture wax打家具蜡-Always spray wax on a clean and folded dry cloth instead of directly on the surface. 在干净的折叠好的抹布上喷家具蜡,而不是直接喷在家具上-Wipe the surface with the cloth in a circular motion until it is shown shining. 以圆周方式用抹布擦拭木制表面,直到光亮-Replace the removed items back to the surface as before. . . . . . 将

407、先前移走的物品复位-We only wax the wooden surface when it is necessary. 我们只在必要时才进行木制品表面抛光Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:How to use and clean a vacuum cleaner主题:如何使用和清理吸尘器Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-081 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: G

408、eneral Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Right way to use and clean a vacuum cleaner 正确使用吸尘器PROCEDURES 流程1. Know the accessories for a vacuum cleaner. 了解吸尘器各种部件a) Show all attendants what the accessories are: 要给所有员工展示吸尘器的附件-Universal nozzle. 普通扒头-Suction hose and suction tube. 软管和硬管-Cot

409、ton filter bag. 吸尘袋-Dusting nozzle and upholstery nozzle. 吸灰尘吸嘴和扁嘴吸嘴. . . . . -Crevice nozzle and power brush. 尖嘴吸嘴和毛刷吸嘴2. How to use a light up-right vacuum cleaner. 如何使用吸尘器a) Prepare all the accessories such as universal nozzle, suction nozzle and suction tube or any of the above accessories befor

410、e starting a job. 在工作前准备好所有部件,例如扒头,吸管,及上面提及的各种附件b) Before switching on the machine, ensure that the cotton filter bag is in correct position. 在打开电源开关之前,先确定吸尘袋装在正确的位置c) Also check that the filter is properly placed. 同时检查过滤网放置得当d) Use a special nozzle equip with the machine to vacuum the edges and cor

411、ners. 吸边缘或角落时,使用特殊的吸嘴配合吸尘器的使用e) Never use the machine to clear water on carpet. 千万不要用吸尘器吸水3.How to clean a light duty Up-right vacuum cleaner.如何清洁吸尘器a) Remove plug form wall socket. 从墙上拔掉插头b) Clean the accessories and bora with damp cloth. 用潮布清洁机器及附件c) Check the filter from time to time. 经常检查过滤网及吸尘袋

412、d) Wind the main cord around the handle and at the same time wipe it dry with a damp cloth. 将电源线用潮布擦干净,并缠好. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Dry foam shampoo on carpet 主题:干泡洗地毯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-082 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 200

413、7-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的We will ensure that our hotel is in tip top clean environment in order to delight our guests. 为了客人满意,要确保我们的酒店保持最高的清洁环境水平PROCEDURES 流程1.Machine and accessories required. 机器及附件需求- Scrubbing machine. 洗地毯机- Foam generator. 泡沫发生器

414、- Bucket for diluting shampoo with warm water. 一桶用于稀释地毯液的温水- Carpet shampoo. . . . . . 洗地毯液2. Shampoo the carpet. 洗地毯-Start shampooing the carpet from far end of the room and towards the entrance. 从房间的最里边向外洗-Shampoo the carpet area by area. 一个地方接着一个地方洗-Overlap the edges of each area to ensure carpet

415、 is shampooed. 每次洗过的地方要与上一次的边缘重合,确保无遗漏-Release the amount of foam by adjusting the knob on the foam generator. 用泡沫发生器上的旋钮调解释放泡沫量3. Precautions.警惕,小心-Cover the carpet with condemned sheet. 用报废床单盖在洗过的地毯上-Also damp dust all the skirting board and bottom of furniture as shampoo foam will stick on the su

416、rface. 擦去踢脚板和家具底部上的泡沫残留-Vacuum the carpet after the carpet is dried. 地毯干后吸尘- Ensure that the tank does not run dry. 确保水箱不会空转- Too diluted shampoo can cause over wetting on the carpet. 太淡的地毯液会导致地毯过湿- Too often, dry foam causes the carpet fiber to loosen. 洗的太过频繁会导致地毯毛松懈- Too often, dry foam shampooing

417、 without extraction method can also cause the carpet to look dull due to too much chemical accumulated on the carpet. 经常泡沫洗地毯而不抽洗的话,会导致清洁剂在地毯上的残留愈来愈多,而地毯颜色会看起来暗淡. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Cleaning of outlets 主题:各餐饮场所的清洁Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-083 Prepar

418、e by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure all area are spotless 确保所有区域完美PROCEDURES 流程-Cleaning of the outlets is carried out mainly equipments 准备清洁餐厅所需的主要装备-Collect all cleaning tools and solutions. 收集所有的清洁工具

419、和清洁剂-Pick up bigger debris form the carpet. 从地毯上拾起较大的残渣-Observe chewing gums on the carpet and remove it by using anti-gum. 使用香口胶去除剂除掉地毯上的口香糖. . . . . -Spot clean stains on carpet by using shampooing solutions, to determine the character of stains first. 先确定地毯污渍的种类,然后使用地毯清洁剂去渍-Clean and wipe telepho

420、ne by using cleaning cloth and all purpose cleaner, make sure that the telephones are free from dirt, finger prints and odour. 用抹布蘸万能清洁剂擦拭,确保无污渍,指纹,异味-Wipe marble with damp cloth, using all-purpose cleaners, ensure that the marble is free from dusts. 用抹布蘸万能清洁剂擦拭石,确保没有灰尘- Pay attention to the corners

421、 and edges. 注意边角-Wipe wooden works with damp cloth, using furniture wax when necessary, to make sure that all wooden works are shiny and free from dust. 用潮布擦拭木器,如必要使用家具蜡,确保所有木器等无污渍,光亮-Dusting lamp shades by using damp cloth to make sure that the lamp shade is free from dust. 用潮布清洁灯罩,确保没有灰尘-Make sure

422、 that the lamp stand is free from finger prints and is shiny. 确保灯杆无灰尘,手印,并光亮-Check the light bulbs to see if it is fused. Change if fused. 换掉烧坏的灯泡-Thoroughly clean specific areas according to cleaning schedule. 计划清洁根据计划清洁表进行-Ensure that all objectives are achieved according to instructions. 确保根据计划清洁

423、表达成所有目标-Vacuum carpet thoroughly. 彻底吸尘- Vacuum sofa and chairs cushion edges. 给沙发和椅垫吸尘-Always start vacuuming from far end of the Lounge and move towards the entrance 总是由里向外吸尘. -Pay attention to the corners and edges. 注意边角-Vacuum the fabric panels. 吸织物镶嵌板-Wipe direction sign clean with damp cloth. 用

424、潮布擦拭指示牌-Polish metal sign shiny by using metal polish and dry cloth. 用金属抛光剂和干布抛光金属标志-Clean both sides of glass door by using window squeegee (See). 用玻璃刮清洁玻璃门里外(参照“如何清洁玻璃”). . . . . -Dust mop marble floor clean (see) 石地面除尘(参照“如何推尘”)-Report immediately if any defects or damage is found. 发现由任何缺陷或损坏要马上报

425、告Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Inspection of back of house主题:后区的检查Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-084 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的We show helpfulness, respect and concer

426、n of the environment for all hotel associates and management by maintaining a clean and tidy 对涉及到同事及管理层的环境卫生,保养,清洁,整洁显示出我们的帮助意愿和尊重PROCEDURES 流程1.Ceiling 天花2.Walls . . . . . 墙壁-Ceiling: Without cracks or damages, cobwebs. 天花:无裂纹或损坏,蜘蛛网-Pipes along ceiling: Without dust. 天花压角线:无灰尘-Ventilation grills:

427、Without dust. 通风口:无灰尘-Ceiling lights: Working properly, without fused bulbs. 天花灯:工作正常,没有烧坏的灯泡-Check the wall from top to bottom, ensure that it is free from stains. 从上至下检查墙壁,保证无污渍-Wall skirting: Varnishing without scratches and dust. 墙裙:漆面无擦痕,乱写和灰尘-Light switch: Without dust and working properly. 灯开

428、关:无灰尘,并工作正常3.Power facilities 电源设施-Wall socket: Free from dust and without damage. 插座:无损坏和灰尘-Signage, notice board are correctly hung and without dust. 告示牌,标志牌悬挂正确,无灰尘4.Signage, notice boards 标牌-Direction sign: Fixed properly and without dust, stains. 指示标志:牢固,无灰尘,污渍5.Doors 门-Door frames: Without dus

429、t, stains and scratches. 门框:无灰尘,污渍,擦痕-Hinges: Working properly and free from dust. 闭门器:工作正常,无灰尘6.Fire facilities 防火设施-Fire hose reels and fire extinguishers: Set up correctly and without dust. 消防水带及灭火器:设置正确,无灰尘7.Floor地面-Floor & corners: without trash, soil and debris. 地面及角落:无垃圾,灰土和残渣-Waste bin: corr

430、ectly set up, without excess trash. 垃圾桶:放置正确,无过度垃圾-Exits are not blocked. 安全出口通畅无堵塞. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Cleaning of lobby 主题:大堂的清洁Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-085 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Man

431、ager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure guest delight by paying attention to great details in our cleaning. 确保我们的清洁注意细节,让客人满意PROCEDURES 流程1.Preparation 准备-Prepare Vacuum cleaner, dust cloth, dust mop, and furniture wax, high speed polisher with pad, rubbish bag, soft brush, window squeege

432、e and all-purpose cleaner. . . . . . 准备吸尘器,抹布,尘推,家具蜡,高速抛光机及抛光盘,垃圾袋,软刷,玻璃刮子,万能清洁剂2.Pick up trash 收垃圾-Collect trash from rubbish bins. 收出垃圾桶的垃圾-Empty all cigarette butts from ashtrays; wipe them clean with damp cloth. 将烟灰缸或烟灰筒里的烟头收出,然后用湿布擦干净-Use cleaning cloth to polish metal parts. 将金属部分用干布抛光3.Polish

433、 metal 抛光金属表面.Clean plant/flower pots 清洁植物 / 鲜花容器-Pick up cigarette butts from pots by using a tong. 用夹子夹出花盆里的烟头-Attach the brush head and vacuum all wall panels, make sure that the panels are 如果护墙板脏了,用吸尘器的毛刷头吸尘- Clean lamp shades 清洁灯罩Use soft brush to dust all lamp shades clean. 用软刷清洁所有灯罩-Wipe wall

434、 picture frames and glass clean with damp cloth. 用潮布清洁所有画框和玻璃-Wipe light bulbs to clean. 将灯泡擦干净-Wipe tables, including legs clean. 将桌子和腿擦干净- Wipe front desk counters top and base clean with damp cloth.将接待台的上部和底部用潮布擦干净-Wipe all wooden works clean with damp cloth, use furniture wax when necessary. 用潮布

435、将所有木制品擦干净,如必要,打家具蜡-Wipe pillars clean with a damp cloth, use ladder or mop handle when necessary. 用潮布将柱子清洁干净,如需要,使用梯子或拖把头-Pick up debris from sofa, chair cushion edges by using vacuum cleaner. 用吸尘器将沙发和椅子垫的缝隙吸干净-Wipe every service exit door top, hinges and surface of both sides. 擦拭每个服务出口门,包括顶部,闭门器,里外

436、表面-Damp dust the marble floor edge by using a damp cloth. 石地面边角用潮布擦拭除尘-Clean telephone by using multi purpose detergent. Make sure that telephones are disinfected and free from dust, finger prints and odour. 用清洁剂清洁,确保机消毒,无尘土,指纹印和异味Clean guest lift area . . . . . 清洁客梯区域-Cleaning inside of lift: Call

437、down the lift, wipe the ceiling with damp cloth. 清洁电梯部:将电梯叫下,用潮布清洁天花-Clean the glass with glass cleaner and window squeegee. 用玻璃水和玻璃刮清洁玻璃-Wipe all wooden works clean with damp cloth. 用潮布清洁所有木器表面-Wipe the floor to clean with damp cloth. Pay attention to the corners and edges. 用潮布清洁干净地面,注意边角-Clean lif

438、t runners with all-purpose cleaner, scrubbing pad, cloth and vacuum cleaner. 清洁电梯滑槽,用万能清洁剂,百洁布,抹布和吸尘器-Use detergent powder when necessary. 如果需要的话,使用去污粉-Wipe the door both inside and outside to clean with damp cloth. 用潮布将电梯门里外都擦干净Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: PA. Sto

439、re room 主题: PA 的仓库Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-086 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure that all cleaning Solutions, tools required are in the storeroom. 确保库房里有需要的清洁剂,工具,保持库房整洁PROCEDURES 流程Always ensure

440、 that the store has all the cleaning items necessary. 永远确保仓库里有必需的清洁品项目. . . . . -Ensure that all the chemicals are stored properly in clean containers and covers are always closed tightly in order to protect the contents of the chemicals for effective cleaning. 确保所有的药剂正确的存放在干净的容器里,并为了维持有效的清洁效果,将盖子盖严

441、防止挥发-Always ensure when returning cleaning supplies and tools, to clean it up and hang it back from where it was taken. 确保还回的清洁品和工具是干净的,并放回原来的位置-Chemical bottles should be always closed properly after use, Don t leave the caps every where, or throw them away. 清洁剂瓶子在用完后盖紧,不要随便将瓶盖乱放或丢弃-Fold up all the

442、 rubbish bags and place them neatly on the shelf. 垃圾袋要叠好整齐的放在搁板上-Arrange all the other accessories eg. pads, brushes, bucket etc. neatly on the shelf. Always clean up after use. 安排好其他的附件,如各种垫,盘,刷子,桶等,使用完毕后要清洁干净,在搁板上整齐的放好-Dust bag of vacuum cleaner should be empty and both inner, outer body should be

443、 wiped clean before putting it back into storeroom. 吸尘器和吸尘袋要清空并里外清洁干净,吸尘器在库房存储前必须擦干净桶身-All electric wires of machines to be winded neatly on wire clip before putting back into the Storeroom. 所有机器的电线在还回库房前要用捆扎丝缠好,- Place the Janitor s trolley in a proper position, always cleaning it up after use. 将管理

444、员的推车放置在正确的位置,并在每次使用后清洁干净- Don t draw or paste anything on the walls.不要在墙上画或贴任何东西-Lock the door at all times when nobody is inside. 没人的时候必须锁门. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Cleaning supplies and equipment return 主题:返还清洁用品及设备Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-087 Prepare

445、 by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Ensure that all tools and equipment are cleaned before returning to the PA store room is a way of showing your respect to your co-workers. 确保所有清洁工具和设备在归还PA库房以前被清洁干净,显示你对同事的尊敬

446、. . . . . PROCEDURES 流程1. Clean all cleaning tools and equipment used before returning to PA. Store room. 使用完任何清洁工具或设备必须清洁干净才能还回库房-To clean before return: dust bag of vacuum cleaner to be empty, inner and outer body to be wiped clean. 还回库房前要清洁:清空吸尘器尘袋,机器外要擦干净-Water tank of extraction machine to be e

447、mpty and rinsed. All cords of machines to be wiped, tidied up and winded on wire clip. 抽洗机的水箱要清空并冲洗干净,所有机器的电线要擦干净并缠好,-Refill spray bottles with cleaning solution 清洁剂喷壶要补充清洁剂-Return the articles to original position, like broom sweep, polish pad, etc. 还回的物品要归原位,例如扫帚,抛光盘等-Hand over with next shift and

448、 write on log book. 交接给下一班次的员工,并在交接本上记录好2. Report defects报告缺陷及需维修项目-Report to your team leader on any defects immediately 报告主管你发现的任何缺陷及需维修项目Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to clean urinal bowel 主题:怎样清洁小便池Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-088 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Div

449、ision起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Rinse thoroughly, ensure the guest feels clean and hygienic when using the urinals. This shows our care of their health. 彻底冲洗,确保让客人使用时感到干净卫生,这显示了我们对客人健康的关注. . . . . PROCEDURES 流程-Collect all cleaning

450、 tools and chemicals required. 收集所有需要的清洁工具和药剂-Flush the urinal first. 小便池先冲水-Wear gloves, brush the urinal inner portion by using toilet brush, pay particular attention to the rim, 戴上手套,用马桶刷刷小便池的部,特别注意圈部分-Use scrubbing pad if necessary. 如果需要的话,使用百洁布-Remove all urine stains and yellow build up. 去除所有尿

451、渍和黄碱- Flush the urinal, clean the urinals external part, pipes and the floor around or under the urinal by using sponge and all-purpose cleaner. 再冲水,用海绵蘸万能清洁剂清洁小便池外部,上水管,便池下的地面-Rin se the wall urinal s external part, pipes and floor with clean water and sponge.用清水和海绵清洗小便池的外部,上水管,地面- Wipe the urinals

452、 external body, walls, floors and pipes dry. 将小便池,墙,地面和水管擦干- Ensure that all things are dry and free from stains, water marks and hairs. 确保所有干爽,无污渍,水印,和毛发-Flush the urinal bowl. 冲水-To report immediately if any defects is found while cleaning. 报告在清洁当中发现的缺陷和需维修项目Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manu

453、al 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to polish brass主题:怎样给铜器抛光Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-089 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的We show our respect for the investment of our owner by taking care of all hotel prope

454、rties during cleaning. . . . . . It will give our guests a bad impression. 在清洁中,照顾好酒店的财产显示出对业主投资的尊重To avoid brass residue staining the carpet/floor. 避免铜油污染地板或地毯PROCEDURES 流程-Put a condemned sheet under the item you are going to polish to cover the floor/carpet. 将报废床单铺在你要抛光的物品下边,以保护地面或地毯-Pour a few d

455、rops of Brasso on to a damp cloth. 在干布上到几滴金属抛光剂-Polish the brass by wiping the cloth with Brasso over all areas, using a firm pressure on the badly stained parts. Make sure that the brass is completely polished. 用干布和金属抛光剂擦拭所要抛光的区域,在有污渍的地方用力擦拭,确保彻底抛亮-Use another clean damp cloth, to remove all brass

456、residues on the brass. Make sure that all residues are removed. 用另一块干净的潮布将铜器表面的残留去除,确保没有任何残余留下-Use a dry cloth to wipe dry the brass. Make sure that all brass gaps are cleaned regularly and no Brasso residue remains. 用干布将铜器擦干,确保铜器缝隙干净,无金属抛光剂的残留Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南S

457、ubject:How to clean skid proof and dustproof pad 主题:如何清洁防滑垫及防尘垫Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-090 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain a high standard of Cleanliness in order to delight gue

458、st. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程Collect all required facilities. 筹集所需设备-Make skidproof and dustproof pads faced down. Lightly shake and pat. 将垫子面向下,并轻轻晃动,敲打-Wash skidproof and dustproof pad surface by water. 用清水清洗防滑垫和防尘垫的表面-Put washed pad faced adown on the floor. 将洗过垫子面向下放在地板上Housekeeping Policies &

459、 Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to crystallization for marble floor 主题:怎样给石地面做晶面处理Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-091 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain a high standard of Cle

460、anliness in order to delight guest. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程1.Preparation required equipment 准备所需设备-Check the machine for any damage found. Report to team leader if you found any. 检查机器是否有任何损坏,如果有,报告给主管2.Chemical required and special bottle 所需的药剂及专用瓶-Place two portions of chemical powder in a spec

461、ial bottle. Add one portion of water slowly and shake until it is well-mixed. 将两份粉状药剂放入专用瓶里,将一份水慢慢加入并摇晃使之充分混合-Prepare the machine and attachments. 准备机器和附件3. Prepare to crystallization for marble floor. 准备石结晶处理-Damp the marble floor first. Spread the mixed powder equally on 3-5 square meter floor. 先将

462、石地面拖干净将混合过的药剂均匀的喷在3 5 平方米的地面上-Polish slowly 慢慢地抛光Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to maintain and clean leather surface 主题:如何保养和清洁皮革表面Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-092 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager

463、 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain a high standard of Cleanliness in order to delight guest. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程-Prepare a dry cloth and leather maintainer. 准备干布和皮革保养剂-Spray leather maintainer to the dry cloth. Rub one of the sprayed sides with the other side. 将皮革保养剂喷在干布上,将喷

464、过药剂地一边和没喷过药剂地一边摩擦一下-Polish leather surface with the sprayed cloth. 用带有保养剂的抹布给皮革表面抛光Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject: How to clean telephone 主题:怎样清洁Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-093 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General

465、 Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain a high standard of Cleanliness in order to delight guest. 保持最高的清洁标准使客人满意PROCEDURES 流程-Collect all cleaning tools and solutions required. 收集所需的清洁工具和清洁剂-.Wipe headphone and microphone clean with alcohol cotton .Then clean telephone base. 用酒精棉

466、球清洁听筒和受话器部分,然后清洁机身Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual . . . . . 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Cleaning of pantry/store room 主题:清洁工作间和储藏室Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-094 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep p

467、antry / story room same cleaning standard 保持工作间和储藏室的统一清洁标准PROCEDURES 流程1.Remove all machines and heavy equipment from store 将所有机器和重设备挪出储藏室-.Place them all neatly outside the store. 将它们整齐的放置在储藏室外2.Clean trash bins 清洁垃圾桶-Empty trash bin. 清空垃圾桶-Clean with multipurpose solution and warm water 用清洁剂和温水清洁-

468、Wipe dry with dry cleaning cloth. 用干布擦干-Replace used garbage bag. 更换使用过的垃圾袋3.Wipe shelves 擦拭货品架 - Remove supplies, place aside, and wash shelves with detergent and sponge. 移开货品,用清洁剂和海绵擦拭架子-Wipe dry 擦干-Place back supplies 移回货品4.Clean walls 清洁墙壁-Dust walls and clean dirty marks using sponge and deterg

469、ent. 用海绵和清洁剂清洁墙上的污渍. . . . . 5.Clean door 清洁门-Wipe door from top to bottom and inside and out 从上到下擦拭门,包括里外-Wipe the door frame at the top and sides, inner and external part. 擦拭门框,顶部和侧边,部和外部的部分. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Washroom Care 主题:公共卫生间的清洁Ref: 参考号:

470、 RMS- HSKP-SOP-095 Approved by:Directorof Rooms Division批准:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: Hotel Manager 批准:酒店经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重PROCEDURES 流程- Push basket to the entrance of t

471、he washroom. If it is possible, place the basket inside to avoid wasting time. 将清洁篮(车)放在卫生间门口,如果可能,放到卫生间里边避免浪费时间- Hand this card on the door knob of the entrance door. 将告示牌挂在门把手上- Bring them to the trash bag of the cart and empty into it 将垃圾清空- Flush toilet and squirt toilet cleaner inside the inner

472、 rim of the toilet 马桶冲水后,倒入马桶清洁剂- Spray mirrored part with glass cleaner and wipe dry 将玻璃清洁剂喷在镜子上,任何擦干净- Wipe the frame with a damp cloth from top to bottom 用潮布将边框从上到下擦拭- Spray multi purpose cleaner on sponge 在海绵上喷些中性清洁剂- Clean vanity counter top and Rinse 清洁面台并冲洗- Clean under the basin tablet 清洁面盆下

473、边. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Check into public area service associates主题:PA员工报道检查Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-096 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Check and en

474、sure that all required work can be covered in order to meet all standards and ensure guest delight To create a good work 检查并确保所有必需的工作符合标准,确保创造一个良好的工作环境PROCEDURES 流程1. Check associates appearance 检查员工外貌- Look at hair cut. 检查发型- Look at the uniform. 检查制服- Check the shoes. 检查鞋袜- Clean shaven for male a

475、ssociates. 男员工剃须- Light natural make-up for female associates. 女员工化淡妆- Nails to be short and clean. 指甲修剪整齐干净,不留长指甲-Limited jewelry to be worn: 首饰只限于:*Wedding ring 结婚戒指*Watch 手表. . . . . *Small earrings 小耳钉2. Check signing in process 检查签到程序- Check the time associates sign in. 检查员工是否按时签到- Check attend

476、ance. 检查出席情况3. Conduct associates briefing 员工例会- Issue job card per person. 给每个人工作卡- Explain work for the day. 解释当天工作- Explain priorities. 解释工作先后顺序- Review hand over from previous evening and follow up to be done. 回顾前一天的交接工作和需跟办事宜- Comments on the previous evening and follow-up to be done. 讨论前一天的工作和

477、需跟办的事项- Any special event for the day. 任何当天特殊活动- Check with associates whether they have any questions and if all is understood. 询问员工有任何问题,是否完全明白- Issue working equipment. 提供工作设备- Associates to sign for machines taken. 员工签领机器- Associates to proceed directly to work area assigned. 直接前往被分配的工作区域- Proce

478、ed quietly as you will be in view of the guests. 因为客人可能会看见,所以要安静的去工作区域. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Prepare daily work allocation主题:准备日常工作分配Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-097 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Man

479、ager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Check and ensure that all required work can be covered in order to meet all standards and ensure guest delight To create a good work 检查并确保所有必需的工作符合标准,确保创造一个良好的工作环境PROCEDURES 流程1. Allocate daily work 分配日常工作- Check duty roster for associates on Duty. 员工上班时先看

480、排班表- Ensure all positions are covered. 确保涵盖所有职位- Replace uncovered positions With relief employee. 替班员工接替空缺岗位2. Print out relevant job card 打印相关的工作卡- Pull out job cards per section. 打出每个区域的工作卡- Enter associates name. 填写员工3. Allocate any special tasks 分配特殊任务- Allocate any special tasks that Need to b

481、e covered for the day. 分配当天需要的特殊任务4. Use of the job card . . . . . 工作卡的使用- The job card is created for each section that needs to be covered On a daily basis. 工作卡是为了每个区域所需的基本工作安排所建立的- Timings per area are mentioned as well as task to be accomplished 按时完成每个区域的工作任务- Associates signs next to each secti

482、on As he covers it. 当员工完成每一项工作时要签字- He can add any special remarks of events happening throughout the day. 当天发生的特殊事情,他可以添加在备注上- Maintenance defects may also be recorded on this sheet. 在表上记录缺陷和需维修的项目. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Lobby inspection 主题:大堂的检查Ref

483、: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-098 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重PROCEDURES 流程1.Always start at entrance

484、and walk around looking at everything in detail 永远从大门口开始,巡视四周所有事务的细节- Check doors, frames, handles, behind doors, floor rails. 检查门,门框,把手,门后,地上的门轨道- Check walls top to bottom. 从上到下检查墙壁- Check floor, skirting boards and corners. 检查地面,脚踢板和角落- Marble floors should be well polished. 石地面应被抛光- Check Front

485、desk, cashier, concierge sections, counter tops, walls ledges and floors. 检查前台,收银处,礼宾部等区域,柜台顶部,壁架和地面- Check ceilings. 检查天花- Check pillars and behind planters and plants. 检查柱子和植物,以及植物的后边- Check curtain and sheers as well as behind them. . . . . . 检查窗帘及其后边- Look at the ventilation grills 查看通风口- Check

486、ceiling corners for cobwebs. 检查天花的角落是否有蜘蛛网- Check ceiling lights, they should be cleaned of dust and cobwebs. 检查天花灯,是否干净无灰尘和蜘蛛网- Check standing ashtrays, they should be clean. Cigarette butts to be removed and sand to be removed and sand to be stamped with hotel logo. 检查立式烟灰筒是否干净,烟头和被污染的沙子是否清除干净,是否盖

487、上有酒店标志的沙印- Picture frames to be free of dust all around including inner and outer edges. 画框是否干净,外边都清洁- Check furniture, under the cushions and between the fixed cushions. 检查家具,坐垫底下,和缝隙里- Check chairs, and tables they should be clean and free of stains. 检查椅子,桌子,是否干净无污渍- Check lamps for cleanliness an

488、d working order. 检查灯具是否清洁,工作是否正常- Check decorative items, they should be free of dust and marks. 检查装饰物,是否清洁无污渍- Check carpets they should be well vacuumed and free of stains. 检查地毯是否吸尘,无污渍- Go through the lobby and mark section by section the items to be checked. 穿过大堂,记录下检查过的区域- This will help to che

489、ck the area thoroughly and is useful for follow-up. 这有助于检查所有区域,而且对于需要跟办的事项也是有益的. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Inspection of lifts (103)主题:检查电梯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-99 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Ma

490、nager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重PROCEDURES 流程1. Check lifts outside 检查电梯外边- Look at floor indicators. 查看电梯指示灯- Lift door frame clean and shiny. 电梯门框是否干净光亮- Lift doors outside, clean and

491、 Shiny. 电梯门外表是否干净光亮- Push plates. 按电梯钮2. Check lifts when doors open 门开时检查电梯- Check doors inside frame-clean And shiny. 检查电梯门门框是否干净光亮- Check floor rails no dirt inside. 检查地上电梯门轨道里是否干净- Check ceiling, clean, no dust or cobwebs. . . . . . 检查天花是否干净无灰尘和蜘蛛网- Check lights. 检查灯- Check walls, clean and not

492、damaged. 检查墙壁是否干净无损坏- Check mirrors, no finger marks or smudges. 检查镜子是否干净无指纹或污染- Check rail, clean and well fixed. 检查扶手是否干净并牢固- Check push plated 检查电梯按钮- Check doors, no scratches or finger marks, 检查门,无擦痕或指纹- Check floor, clean, no marks. 检查地面是否干净无污渍- Check that the lift stops parallel with the land

493、ing. 检查电梯停下时是否与地面齐平. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Inspection of restroom 主题:检查洗手间Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-100 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean f

494、acility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重PROCEDURES 流程1. Start checking from the Entrance door. Check from left to right. 从大门开始由左至右检查-Check entrance door frames, top, surface, hinges and closer. Ensure that the varnish is with out scratches and is free f

495、rom dust. 检查大门门框,顶部,表面,闭门器,合页,确保光泽表面无擦痕和污渍-Check door surfaces: Varnishing without scratches or damage and not warped. 检查门表面:漆面完好,无擦痕或损坏,无变形-Check the door closer, ensure it is working well and free from dust. 检查闭门器,确保工作正常无灰尘-Check the corners behind the door ensure without debris. 检查门后的角落里,确保没有任何垃圾

496、碎片2.Ceiling, lights and ventilation Grills 天花,灯及排放口-Check ventilation grills, ensure that it is free from dust. 检查排风口,确保没有灰尘-Check all light bulbs and check the A/C, ensure that they are working properly. . . . . . 检查所有灯泡和空调是否工作正常-Walls: Free from stains and dust. 墙:无污渍和灰尘-Light switches: Working pr

497、operly and free from dust. 灯开关:工作正常,无灰尘-Wall lights: no fused bulbs, light bulbs and defuses are free from dust. 壁灯:没有烧坏的灯泡,干净无灰尘-Mirrors: Bright and clean, thoroughly free from stains, dust and smudges. 镜子:干净光亮,整体没有污渍,灰尘和污染-Vanity counter: Shinny, without dust and water marks. 面台:光亮,无灰尘和水渍-Paper to

498、wels and amenities: Are replenished and set up as the standard. 纸巾和客用品:按照标准补充设置-Basins: Shiny, without water stains and smudges. Pay particular attention to check overflow, stoppers and drains, see for any build up around the drains, overflows, see if there are any debris under the stoppers. 面盆:光亮,没

499、有水渍和污染,要特别注意检查溢水孔和水堵,下水道,查看下水道和溢水孔附近是否有堵塞的现象,水堵下边是否留有残渣-Chrome parts: Taps, stoppers are shiny and free from any water marks and build up. 电镀部分:水龙头,水堵光亮无任何水渍和水碱残留-Cupboard underneath: well varnished, free from dust and neatly arranged inside. 面盆下的壁柜:油漆完好,无灰尘,部整洁-Water pipes: Chrome parts are shiny a

500、nd free from dust. 水管:电镀部分光亮无灰尘-Hand dryer: Working properly and free from dust and stains. 风干机:工作正常,没有灰尘污渍-Air deodorizer: Working properly and free from dust. 喷香器:工作正常无灰尘-Waste bins: Free from dust and trash is emptied. 垃圾桶:垃圾清空,无灰尘-Floor: Without hair, water marks, debris, black marks and is clea

501、n and shiny. 地面:没有毛发,水渍,垃圾碎片,污渍,并且干净光亮-Floor drains: shiny, without odour. 地漏:光亮。没有异味- Partitions top: Free from dust隔断顶部:无灰尘-Doors: Close and open working properly and free from dust and stains. 厕位门:开闭正常,无灰尘污渍-Walls behind the toilets: shiny and free from dust and stains. 马桶后边的墙:光亮无灰尘污渍-Bowls: insi

502、de, outside and underneath: Flush the toilet to check if it is working properly. Check those holes around the inner rim, ensure that they are free from . . . . . build up and dirt. 马桶:部,外部,底部:冲水检查马桶是否工作正常,检查圈的下水空,是否干净没有污渍残留-Toilet seat, cover: Ensure that both sides of the seat and cover, hinges are

503、 free from water marks, urine stains and hair. 马桶坐垫,盖板:确保所有表面,合叶,干净无水渍,污渍,尿渍,毛发-Toilet roll holders: Chrome parts are shiny free from dust, toilet paper is replenished. 卷纸架:电镀部分光亮无灰尘,卷纸充足-Flush buttons, pipes: Chrome parts are shiny and free from dust and water marks. 冲水按钮,水管:电镀部分光亮无灰尘污渍,水印-Floor: D

504、ry, without water marks, debris, dust, hair and is clean and shiny. 地面:干爽,无水渍,垃圾碎片,灰尘,毛发并且干净光亮-Toilet paper: Replenished and folded as standard required. 手纸:充足并按标准折叠-Check both internal and external portions of the urinal, pay particular attention to the inner rim, ensure that it is without yellow s

505、tains. 检查小便池的部和外部,特别注意圈部分,确保没有黄渍-Check if the flush system is working properly. 检查冲水系统是否正常-Walls behind and floor around and underneath: dry, without water marks, hair and urine stains. 小便池底部,墙后和地面四周:干爽,无水渍,毛发和尿渍-Check if the air is fresh. 检查空气是否清新-Check if the condition of the small plant is presen

506、table. 检查小植物状态是否良好-Check if the leaves are without soil and dust. 检查是否有遗留下的花土和灰尘-Check if the pots are without stains and are presentable. 检查植物容器是否干净. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Inspection of outlets 主题:检查各餐饮场所Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-101 Prepare by:Direct

507、or of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Provide clean facility for guests to use so as to show our welcome and respect. 提供清洁的设施供客人使用显示我们的欢迎和尊重Ensure the cleanliness and standard to hotel standard 确保清洁水平和标准符合酒店的标准PROCEDURES 流

508、程1.Check the restaurants starting at the entrance 从门口开始检查餐厅-Check entrance door inside and out, hinges and door frame, all should be clean and in good working order. 检查大门的里外,合叶,门框,所有这些是否干净,工作状态良好-Check ceiling and lights, they should be in good working order, clean and free of cobwebs. 检查天花和筒灯,是否工作正

509、常,干净,没有蜘蛛网-Check ventilation grills, they should be clean and facing in one direction. 检查通风口是否干净,通风栏栅方向一致. . . . . -Check walls, they should be clean, free of marks and in good condition 检查墙壁,是否干净,没有任何印记,并状况良好-Check pictures and art work, they should all be clean and in good condition. 检查装饰画及其他艺术品是否

510、干净,状态良好-Check electric sockets, they should be firmly fixed to the wall. 检查墙上插座,是否牢固的固定在墙上-Check skirting boards, they should be clean. 检查墙裙是否干净-Check floor, it should be clean and in good condition. 检查地面是否干净,并状态良好-Check conditions of upholstery. It should be free of stains and holes. 检查装潢软包,是否干净无污渍

511、或破洞2.Check furniture 检查家具-Check furniture legs and frame they should be clean and in good condition. 检查家具腿和边框,是否干净状态良好3.Check counters 检查自助餐台-Check floor in front of the counter, it should be clean and in good condition. 检查自助餐台前面的地面,是否干净状态良好-Check plants, leaves should be in good condition and free

512、of dust. 检查植物,叶子是否干净,并且处于良好状态-Check plant pots inside and out, they should be clean and free of marks. 检查花盆外,干净无污渍-Check glass and frame, they should be clean and free of marks. 检查玻璃和边框,是否干净无污渍-All flowers should be fresh and have enough water in the vases 所有鲜花要新鲜,花瓶里有足够的水-Check Exit lights they sho

513、uld be clean and in working order. 检查出口指示灯是否干净,工作正常-Check fire hose reel and extinguisher, all should be clean 检查消防栓和灭火器是否干净-Check service door, door closer, hinges, walk off mats, all should be clean and in working order. 检查服务区门,闭门器,合叶,蹭脚垫是否干净并工作真诚-Check service entrance floor, it should be clean.

514、检查服务通道地面是否干净-Report all maintenance defects to Engineering immediately. 立即报告所有需维修项目给工程部. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Inspection of back stairs 主题:检查后楼梯Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-102 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by:

515、 General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep good maintenance Keep hotel standard 保持良好的维修保养,保持酒店标准PROCEDURES 流程1. Check fire exit stairs floor byFloor. 逐层检查防火楼梯-Entrance doors and frames to be clean. 通道门和门框是否干净-Check exit signs, they should all be in working condition and clean. 所有出口

516、指示牌是否干净并工作正常-Check ceiling lights, they should be clean. 检查天花灯是否干净-Check ceiling. 检查天花. . . . . -Check ceiling under the stairs for cleanliness. 检查楼梯底下的天花是否清洁-Check walls for cleanliness. 检查墙壁的清洁-Check windows and frames for cleanliness. 检查窗户和窗框的清洁-Check floor indicators, they should all be clearly

517、indicated 检查地面指示标记是否清晰准确-Check fire hose reel cabinets for cleanliness. 检查消防栓的清洁-Check floor skirting boards for cleanliness. 检查墙裙是否清洁-Check stairs and floor landings for cleanliness. 检查楼梯和地板的平台是否干净-Report immediately to Engineering all defects as these could have serious consequences. 报告给工程部所有需维修问题

518、Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:nspection of pantry/store room主题:检查工作间及储藏室Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-103 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的Keep hotel Standard ,Keep cleaning

519、 and tidy 保持酒店标准 , 保持清洁和整齐PROCEDURES 流程-Supervise the cleaning of the equipment and machines. 监督机器设备的清洁-Check that shelves are clean. 检查货架是否干净-Cleaning supplies to be properly stored. 清洁品存量适当-Check that the entrance door and frame are clean and free of marks and dust. . . . . . 检查大门和门框是否干净无污渍和灰尘-Cei

520、ling and lights to be clean. 天花及灯是否干净-Walls to be clean and in good condition. 墙是否干净并状态良好-Electric sockets to be securely fixed. 墙上插座牢固-Washbasin, taps and pipes to be clean and in good order. 洗手盆,龙头,水管是否干净状况良好-Floor skirting to be cleaned. 踢脚板是否干净-Floor to be cleaned. 地面是否干净-Trash bins to be clean

521、and emptied regularly. 垃圾桶是否干净并定期清空-Bulbs to be cleaned. 灯泡是否干净-Lock all cabinets. 锁上所有柜子-Make sure water is turned off 确保水龙头关闭-Switch off lights. 关灯-Lock entrance door 锁上大门9 . . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: Guest Laundry Check主题:检查客衣Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-1

522、04 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To serve the guest with accurately, efficiently service. To respect and care for our guest. 正确的为客人提供有效的服务以示尊敬和关心客人PROCEDURES 流程1 Room Number Checking 检查房间-Read the

523、laundry list carefully To confirm which room Number the guest laundry belongs to 仔细看洗衣单确认房号. . . . . -If there is no room number, report to team leader. 如果没有房号马上报告主管2 Date checking 检查日期-To confirm date, if there is no date filling, fill it. 确认日期,如果没有要填好3 Guest name checking 检查客人-To read the guest na

524、me carefully, to make confirmation. 仔细看客人并确认4 Items counting 计算项目-Count the items accurately, according what the guest filling. 根据客人填写的数量正确计数-If no items filling, go on checking. 如果客人未填写项目,继续检查-If any discrepancy happens, report supervisor to contact to the guest. Carry out according to “ discrepanc

525、y procedure”有任何的矛盾差异发生马上报告主管并按照差异程序执行mark on the garment, and laundry list, together with translate the instruction into Chinese to make it easier be understood. 仔细看洗衣单并做好客人指令的记录,在客衣及洗衣单上标好记录,并将指令翻译成中文便于理解-Check the laundry Piece by piece, and record its characteristic. On the laundry list. 一件一件检查客衣

526、并在洗衣单上作好特征记录-The squeeze is: Color, Trade mark, Design, Material and any thing it could separate this item from another. 要记录颜色,商标,款式,材料和任何可以同其他区分的特征-Packing the laundry with checked laundry list waiting for marking. 包装洗衣并与检查过的洗衣单一起等待做记号. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指

527、南Subject:How to handle laundry discrepancy 主题:如何处理洗衣差异Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-105 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To prevent any potential complaining case, to make the guest delight. 防止任何潜在的投诉以令客人满意

528、PROCEDURES 流程-Hotels count is different from guest count, we call it discrepancy, it based on . . . . . what we found in reality from the laundry bag. 酒店与客人点数不相符的我们称为差异。我们以在洗衣袋中实际数量为准-For example: Guest marked 1set of suit, but check-marker found they are in different style, color or design, they on

529、e jacket and one trousers. 例如:客人登记是一套西装,但检查员发现是不同的款式颜色,一件外套和一条裤子。-Any discrepancy should be report toteam leader. 任何差异要报告给主管-To fill the discrepancy notice card 填写差异卡-To inform the case to guest by means of telephone calling and card sending. 打并送差异卡通知客人-To call the guest asking for instruction. 打询问客

530、人指示-If necessary, take the laundry bag to guest room. To inform the guest. 有必要的话,拿着洗衣袋到房间通知到客人-It is un-necessary to stop service process to wait for guest further instruction. 没有必要停止服务流程等待客人进一步的指令Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Damage Laundry Confirmation 主题:确认破损Ref:

531、参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-106 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To take serious to damage. To respect to the guest, and to prevent any more. Damage to the laundry, and to prevent any further delay. 认真的对待破损,尊重

532、客人,避免洗衣进一步损坏,防止延误PROCEDURES 流程. . . . . -To understand what is damage: 了解什么是破损:1. Discolor or spots.褪色或污渍2. Heavy stains.重污渍3. Cuts or tears.割剪或破洞4. Deformity.残缺5. Heavy wear.磨损严重6. Shine patches.大片发光-To get enough knowledge formula with such kind of design, sewing, inertial dry-cleaning, washing, s

533、pot-cleaning, and pressing problem. 拥有足够的关于设计,裁剪,干洗,水洗,去渍,熨烫的知识来处理各个方面的问题-Any damage be found upon checking job, should be reported to supervisor, and make conclusion, if necessary to inform the guest or not. 检查发现任何损坏并报告给主管以决定是否通知客人。-Report to supervisor what is found, supervisor should inform the g

534、uest to get confirmation. 报告主管发现的问题,主管要让客人确认1. Phone the guest: By courtesy manning. 使用礼貌用语打给客人2. To Guest room to check with the guest. 到客人房间与客人一同检查-Fill the ( damage ) consent card properly. 恰当的填写(破损)确认卡-Packing the garment with “ damage Card” inside and sent it back to the guest room, waiting for

535、 confirmation. 将衣物同破损卡同时返还给客人房间,等待确认。-To fill in log book with full record. 完整记录在交接本上-Remember damaged laundry could not be wrong charged. 谨记:不要错误的收取破损衣物的费用-Keep contact to the guest. Phone to the guest once two hours. 保持每两小时联系客人一次。. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Sub

536、ject:Guest Laundry Deposit Service 主题:客衣存放服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-107 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To meet the guest needs and respect him / her. Make them delight. 达到客人的要求,尊重他们令他们满意. . . . . PR

537、OCEDURES 流程Assist the laundry as normal service: the production process Is as normal. 协助正常洗衣服务:正常的工作程序-Record: Date, room number, guest name, giving mark . How many hangers, How many bags posting or not. 记录日期,房间号, ,编号。多少挂件,袋装,是否入帐。-Posting the bill as normal service. 入帐单为正常服务收费-If the guest checked

538、out before posting, keep the full set of laundry list attaching on the cleaned laundry waiting for the guest re-check in. Make record properly on the deposit log book. 如果入帐前客人已离店,要将洗衣单附在洗好的衣物上,等客人再次回来,在存留物交接本上记录好-Preserve the laundry into deposit wardrobe; carefully and properly; keep the laundry li

539、st without posting together with the laundry. 保存洗衣在存储柜中,并小心存放,没入帐的洗衣单要与衣物在一起。-Check the deposit wardrobe weekly, to maintain it in clean and for my condition. 每周检查存储柜保持干净整洁-When the guest come back and ask for laundry delivering, take out the laundry and well check the condition, and deliver it to n

540、ew check in room. 当客人回来想要回洗衣,必须要检查衣服的状态后,再返还给客人新住的房间-Post the laundry bill into system before delivering. 返还洗衣前要先入帐-Make sure deposit laundry is identified by guest name. Not room number. 保证存留的衣物是通过客人识别而不是房号Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject: How to handle guest laundry e

541、xpress and pressing service. 主题:如何处理加快服务及熨烫服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-108 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的. . . . . To ensure express service becompleted properly, punctually, and efficiently. 保证按时有效的

542、完成快件服务PROCEDURES 流程-Express service should deliver within 4 hours. 快件服务要在4 小时返回-Any express or pressing service should be reported to team leader. 任何快件及熨烫服务报告主管-Read laundry list carefully to prevent any omit of guest special instruction for express service. 仔细查看快件洗衣单以免遗漏特殊指示-Express mark should be

543、patched on the each items of the laundry to prevent any delay. 快件洗衣要在每个项目上做特殊记号避免延误-Operators of laundry production should push each other to complete the express service on time. 洗衣房运作人员要互相推动及时完成快件服务-Operators should pay more attention, and prevent any re-production. 运作人员应高度重视避免重复劳动-Posting should

544、be done before delivering. 返回前应先入帐-Delivering job should be carried out without delay. 洗衣返还工作不能延迟-Fill the guest laundry control sheet properly; make record for express or pressing service for reference. 填写客衣控制单。记录快件及熨烫服务Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:Guest laundry de

545、livering(116) 主题:返还客衣Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-109 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 . . . . . Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To maintain the cleaned laundry in good condition to show our respect to the guest. 保持洗衣处于良好的状态,令客人满意PROCEDU

546、RES 流程-Check the guest Laundry Control Sheet. To find out giving number and room number. 检查客衣控制单找出编号及房号-Check the laundry according to the laundry list and holder, including, room number, giving mark, hangers pieces, bags pieces. 根据洗衣单检查客衣,包括房间号,编号,衣架数量,袋子数量-Fill the deliver log book properly and cl

547、early to be easily referred. 仔细清楚的填写洗衣交接本,使其容易查询-Put hangers on the railing, notice that hook open side should not facing you. Bags put into slot carefully. Make sure both hangers and bags loading should be based on their room number. 将挂件挂在送衣车的栏杆上,衣架钩开口不要朝向自己,袋子小心放入车槽中,保证挂件和袋子按它们的房号装载-Deliver the la

548、undry back to guest room. 送客衣到客人房间-Be aware of courtesy, respecting, push door bell button, 3 rings or knock the door 3 times with saying: Laundry service, may I come in? 懂得礼貌和尊重客人,按门铃或敲门3 次并说:洗衣服务,可以进来吗?-If door opened by guest, you have to greet the guest saying. NINHAO , and state his/her name if

549、 possible. If the guest is not in the room, open the door with key. 如果房门由客人打开,要跟客人先打招呼:您好,尽量称呼客人的,如果客人没在房间,员工用洗衣万能钥匙打开房门。-Bags be placed at the end of the bed, king size bed in the center, twin size bed in the left side. Hangers be placed into wardrobe, hung on the rod. Make sure hook open side not

550、facing you, and keep the door closed. 袋装洗衣放在床尾,大床的放中间,双床的放左边。挂件放进衣橱挂好并将门关好,注意衣架钩开口不要朝向自己-It is not necessary to ask guest to sign on the laundry for receiving. After placing the laundry, valet runner should leave the room. As soon as possible, whenever the guest is in the room on not. 没必要请客人填写收到洗衣的单

551、据,摆放好客衣后,送衣员要马上离开房间,无论客人是否在房间-Fill the guest Laundry Control Sheet honestly and properly. 诚实,恰当的填写客衣控制单。. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南Subject:D.N.D Room Guest Laundry Service 主题:D.N.D 房间客人洗衣服务Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-110 . . . . . Prepare by:Director of Rooms Divisi

552、on起草:房务总监Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的To respect the guest and to ensure deliver laundry on time to meet guest needs, to prevent any delay. 尊重客人,确保满足客人需求,保证准时送还客衣防止任何的延迟PROCEDURES 流程-Do not knock“ DND ” room.不要敲请勿打扰房间的房门-Fill the Guest priv

553、acy card properly. 恰当的填写客人的隐私卡- Slip the guest Privacy” card into the DND room. To remind the guest.将隐私卡塞进房间以便提醒客人-Fill the guest laundry control sheet properly. 准确的填写客衣控制单-Fill the case into log book properly. Keep the laundry in laundry house. 在交接本上仔细填写DND洗衣保存记录,将洗衣保存在洗衣房-Try to phone the guest to

554、 ask for delivering. 试图联系客人是否可以送还洗衣-Phone the guest once an hour. 每一小时联系客人一次-If the laundry is unable to deliver back due to DND sign kept on. 如果客衣因房间仍然挂着“请勿打扰”未能送回-Specially attention should be paid. 要加强特别的关注-The laundry should be kept on the deliver trolley with laundry list and the DND log book s

555、hould be hand over to Housekeeping office when AM shift take off at 10:30pm. Housekeeping should take responsibility to deliver the laundry 洗衣和洗衣单及DND 交接本同时保存在送衣车并作好交接,-Morning shift inspector must take the DND log book from Housekeeping, and check if the DND laundry be delivered by overnight Housek

556、eeping, if not, it should be carried out continually. 早班员工上班后,检查DND洗衣交接本,是否洗衣都已送还,如果有昨天夜里还未送还的洗衣,早班要继续完成. . . . . Housekeeping Policies & Procedures Manual 客房部 - 制度和流程指南. . . . . Subject: Guest complaining handling主题:处理客人投诉Ref: 参考号: RMS- HSKP-SOP-111 Prepare by:Director of Rooms Division起草:房务总监Date:

557、 日期: 2007-08-28 Approved by: General Manager 批准:总经理Date: 日期: 2007-08-28 OBJECTIVE 目的It is established to ensure all staff handles guest complaints promptly and to make the guest happy. 此程序建立的目的是为了让员工能够正确处理客人的投诉,保证客人满意高兴PROCEDURES 流程Pay attention on the whole story. It should well understood what the

558、 problem exactly is. 注意整个事件的过程,彻底了解到底发生了什么问题-Listen carefully and NOD head. 仔细听,并点头表示明白-Don try to interrupt the guest. 不要试图打断客人-Don argues with the guest. 不要试图与客人争辩-Eye contact to the guest. 与客人保持目光接触-Write down all details. 记录下来所有细节-Apologize to the guest even it caused not by you. 向客人道歉,虽然不是你造成的-

559、Never blame workmates. 不要责备同事-Tell the guest immediately what action you are going to take. 告诉客人你将采取的行动-Report supervisor as soon as possible. 尽快的报告主管-If team leader could not be contacted. Report to manager or assistant manager. 如果联系不到主管,马上报告经理或副经理-Never promise to do something that the hotel canno

560、t carry out or you are not sure about to resolve a complaint check with team leader before you take any action. . . . . . 如果你不能确定该如何处理,或是酒店不能解决的投诉,不要进行任何允诺,在你做出行动前报告主管-Make sure that the action has been taken and that the guest is satisfied. 保证采取的行动会令客人满意-Report all complaints. However small, to team leader, record the case in the logbook. 报告主管所有的投诉,不管多么小,并在交接本上做记录



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