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1、人教版英语七年级上册单元话题知识点备注Unit 1My namesGina.自我介绍重点句型:-Whafs your name?-Whafs his/ her name?-Is he Jack?-Are you Helen?-Nice to meet you!-Whafs your first/last name?-Whafs his telephone number?形容词性物主代词( 三种人称单复数)一般现在时中Be动词的三种形式和用法我用am,?你(you)用are,?is跟着他(he)她(she 沱 (it);单数名词用is?复数名词全用are基数词的识记和用法:zero-nineIt

2、用法It, s 和 its的区别已提,指代,时间,距离,天气Unit 2This is mysister.介绍他人重点句型:-That is my sister Kate.-Those are my parents.-Whos she?- Shes my sister.-Are those your parents?-Here is a photo of my family.指示代词的使用:ThisThatTheseThose指示代词单复数形式单数: this:?“ 这个, 这”近人近物;that:?“ 那个 , 那 远人远物。复数:these:?“ 这些”指近人近物;those:? “ 那些

3、” 指远人远物。人称代词的用法, 尤其注意与b e动词的搭配以及并列主语的顺序。单 数 : 你 you,她 she/他 he,我 I?二三一复数:我们we,你们you,他们 they?一二名词所有格Here/ There开头的句子倒装结; 陶,主谓一致Unit 3Is this yourpencil?确定物品所属重点句型:-Is this your pencil/schoolbag?-Its mine/his/hers.-Is that yours?-Are those your books?-What about this dictionary?-How do you spell it?-C

4、all me at 685-6034.含有be动词的一般疑问句的句型及回答一般疑问句中简略代词的运用名词性物主代词( 三种人称单复数)名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词的区别名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词Unit 4Where*s myschoolbag?物品方位重点句型:-Where is my pencil box?-Its under your bed.- 1 think its in yourWhere引导的特殊疑问句及回答否定转移Think肯定句和否定句grandparents room.方位介词:on, in, under区别用法in和 on 区别In表示树上的外来东西O

5、n表示树上长出来的东西物品比划分析区别Unit5Do you havea soccer ball?谈论物品所属重点句型:-Do you have a ruler?-Do?you/they?have?a?soccer?I/they?do.?/No?I/they?do.?/No,?I/they?do.-Does?he/she?have?a?soccer?-Yes,?he/she?does.?/No,?he/she?doesnt.-I/they?don,t?have?a?soccer.-He/She?doesn,t?have?a?soccer.?-He/She?has?a?soccer.定冠词the

6、用 法 ( 乐器前需要加上)特定双知提过独一无二,乐器专有方位名词前,以及固定搭配Ing和 ed结尾的形容词区别一般现在时中Have的用法人称代词的宾格us.willus.will you? / Lets shall we?Unit 6Do you likebananas?谈 论 喜欢与不喜欢重点句型:-Do?you/they?like?bananas?-Yes,?I/they?do.?/No,?I/they?do.-Does?he/she?like?bananas?-Yes,?he/she?does.?/No,?he/she?doesn,t.-He/She?likes.-He/She?doe

7、sn,t?like.-What?do?you/they?like?for.?-I?like.for.-He/She?likes.,but?he/she?doesn,t?like.可数名词的单数变复数的变化规则( 包括规则变化和不规则变化)可数名词和不可数名词的定义和区分实义动词的一般现在时Like+名词单复数的用法既可加可数名词复数,也可加不可数名词表示泛指At breakfast在吃早餐For breakfast吃什么作为早餐Unit 7How muchare thesesocks?讨论价格, 谈论服饰重点句型:-How?much?is?this?T-shirt?-How?much?are.

8、?-Theyre.dollars/yuan-Can?I?help?you?-Yes,?please.?I?need.基数词,表示数目或数量的多少,重点关注表达方式。提问价格How many/ Howmuch金钱作主语,谓语动词的单02/22-What?colour?do?you?want?-Blue.复数形式- 单数Pair短语作主语的单复数与 p a ir单复数一致动词need两种用法: 实义动词和情态动词Unit 8When is yourbirthday?谈论时间重点句型:-When is your birthday, Linda?- My birthday is on October

9、2nd.- How old are you, Grace?- Im twelve.?- How about you and Tom?- We have an English party onNovember 30th.序数词的构成和用法: “ 第几”基数词和序数词的混淆一二三特殊记,其它加 th 就可以;八去t,九去e, -ve要用f 替;整十变化要注意,变y 为 ie 再 加 th ;若是遇到“ 几十几” ,只变个位就可以;前有定冠词the别忘记数字年龄日期,编号号码时刻名词所有格的构成和用法,包括一般构成,of名词所有格,双重所有格。When和 What tim e的区别When比what

10、 tim e更宽泛,后者是具体时间Unit 9My favoritesubject isscience.谈论个人偏好, 理由分享重点句型:- What* s your favorite subject?- My favorite subject is science.- Why do you like music?- Because it is fun.- When is your math class?- At 8:00 I have math.- Thank you for your e-mail.形容词的用法什么都要问的what谁见谁爱的who一探究竟的why特殊疑问句的构成和回答。Ho

11、w long提问持续多长时间,用 for回复Because和 so 不能出现在同一个句子中周日是一周的第一天:文化差异人教版英语七年级下册( 红色加粗为易错点)单元话题知识点备注Unit 1Can you playthe guitar?谈论能力重点句型:-Can you swim?-What?club?do?you?want?to?join?-I want to join the art club.-What can you do?-I can dance./1 cant sing.情态动词can用法四 个 “ 说”区别Say+强调说话内容Speak Vi+to ; Vt+语言Talk abo

12、ut sth./ to/ with sb.Tell sb sth/tell sth to sb.Join, join in, take part in 区别Join加入某种组织,党派和团体;Join in参加比赛和活动;take part in群众性活动并起重要作用Too, also, either.区别Too句尾,also句中,either否定句尾Good短语搭配区分Be good at 擅长Be good for对. . . 有好处Be good with擅于应付Be good to 对. . . 友好Unit 2What time doyou go toschool?询问时间重点句型:-

13、What time do you go toschool?-I usually get up at six thirty.-What time does Rick eatbreakfast?-He eats breakfast at seveno,clock.-When does Scott go to work?-He always goes to work ateleven oclock.时间的表示方法及时间介词的用法Exercise 用法n.不 可 数 “ 锻炼”可数“ 体操,练习题”Some和 time组合区分Sometimes 有时Some tim es几次, 几倍Sometime某

14、个时候Some time 一段时间“ 分开一段时间。”Neither.nor, either.or 就近原则谓语动词单复数与就近的主语单复数保持一致Unit 3How do youget toschool?重点句型:-How do you get to school ?-I ride my bike.宾语从句How引导的特殊疑问句04/22谈论到达目的地的方式-How long does it take you toget to school?-About 15 minutes by bike.-How far is it from your hometo school?Reach Vt. +

15、 地点Arrive Vi.+in/at+地点It is +adj. +for sb to do sth .形容物It is +adj. +of sb to do sth .形容人Unit 4Don*t eat inclass.谈论规则重点句型:-Doni eat in class.-We cant arrive late for class.-We must be on time.-Can we wear a hat in class?-Yes, we can./ No, we cant-We have to clean theclassroom.-We have to follow the

16、rules.祈使句遗留词组的区别Leave sth sw.Forget sth .不加地点On time准时,in time及时区别用法四个看的区别Read看书看报看杂志Look V i强调看的动词S ee强调看的结果W atch强调聚精会神的看,看电视看比赛Remember to do sth 记得去做Remember doing sth 记得做过四个拿的区别Bring拿来Take带走Carry拿,无去向限制Fetch去取来,有来回的过程画出箭头Unit5Why do youlike pandas?谈论动物, 表达好恶重点句型:-What animals do you like?-Why d

17、o you like pandas?-Because theyre very cute.-Where are koalas from?-Theyre from Australia.形容词三个m ake词组Be made of看的出原材料Be made from看不出原材料Be made in产自于睡觉的两种表达区别Go to sleep入睡强调睡着Go to b ed 就寝 强调动作,是否睡着无从得知Kind短语区别Kind o f 有点A kind of 一种Unit 6Im watchingTV.描述正在进行的动作重点句型:-What are you doing?-Fm doing my

18、homework.-Whats she doing?-Shes washing her clothes.-Is he reading?-What time is it?-Its eight oclock in themorning.现在进行时以及动词in g 的变化规则直去双改学习表达的区别S tudy学习+ 研究+ 书房三层含义Learn from sb.Another三者及三者以上另一个One.the other两者中的另一个Other其他的,另外的Others另一些,并非全部The others剩下的全部Wish, hope 区别W ish表示难以实现的愿望sb to do sthH o

19、pe表示可以实现的愿望+thatUnit 7Its raining.谈论天气, 谈论正在进行的动作重点句型:-Hows the weather?-Its raining/ sunny.-Hows it going?-Its great.-What are they doing?-Theyre playing basketball inthe park.现在进行时交际用语需要运用英式思维感叹句使用不可数/ 复数用What+可数名词单数How+adj/adv+What a/an+There be 句型在 前面短语区别In the front of 室内In front of 室外画图/ 造句方位介

20、词的区分:八个介词+ 四个短语On, above, over, in, under, below, near, behindin front of, next to, across from, between.andO ver垂直上方-underAbove 上方 belowAcross from 在. . 对面in hospital 住院In the hospital 在医院里画图花费的区分Take人作 主 语 to do sthSpend 人作主语 + in doing/ on sthC ost物作主语Pay + forUnit 8重点句型:少量的区别a few/ fewa little/

21、little06/22Unit 9重点句型:外貌的描述形容词次序限定词+ 观点的描述性形容词+ 形状/ 大小/ 长短/ 高低+ 年龄/ 新旧+颜色+ 国籍/ 地区+ 物质/ 材料+ 中心词美小圆旧黄,法国木书房Unit 10重点句型:Would like 用法Would you like sth?Would you like to do s th ? 两句的答语不同可数与不可数名词注意。 结尾的可数名词单数变复数Unit 11重点句型:一般过去时的变化规则A ll短语区分All in a l l 总的来说in a l l 总共,合计At a l l 根本Unit 12重点句型:S hout短语

22、区分Shout a t 对. . . 大声喊叫,有负面情绪Shout t o 对. . . 大声喊叫,没有负面情绪P u t短语区分Put up提出,搭建,举起,张贴Put out熄灭Put off推迟Put down 脱下人教版英语八年级上册( 红色加粗为易错点)单元话题知识点备注Unit 1Where didyou go onvacation?谈论过去发生的事情重点句型:-Where did you go onvacation?-Did you buy anythingspecial?-How was the food?动词过去式的正确和习惯性使用注意动词过去式的规则和不规则变化反复操练加

23、强印象结合所有词汇汇总表格不定代词与形容词的关系后置定可以加一点有趣语 (anything 与 something)如:something interesting注意不定代词的选择的例子You are nobody inthe society.som e和 any + 可数名/ 不可数名 区别som e多用于肯定句any多用于否定句、疑问句和条件从句有些问句中用some,不用any,问话者希望得到对方肯定回答。Enough的正确使用Enough+n. / adj.+enough+to do sth.限定词修饰名词quite a few/a lot of/many/a littleBecause

24、 of/because 区别与用法Because of + phraseBecause +clauseUnit 2How often doyou exercise?频率重点句型:-What do you usually do onweekends?-I usually watch TV. -Howoften do you exercise?-Twice a week. -How manyhours do you sleep everynight?-How many percent of thestudents do not exercise at all?频度副词always/usually/

25、often/sometimes(=at times) /hardlyever/seldom/never/once/twice/three times + 小时/ 周/月/ 年一个线表根据学生情况进行补充频率副词在句中通常放在实义动词之前, be动词或助动词之后。常用于一般现在时态中。How often提问做某事的频率How many hours提问持续的时间How soon多 久 ( 以后)how long “ 多久”How many十 名复Howmuch+不 可 名 “ 多少”问 数 量 ( how m uch还可问价格)Although和 b u t不能一同使用可以跟学生分析不能同时使用的

26、深层原因hard / hardly区别辨析H ard作形容词,意为“ 困难的,艰苦的,硬的” ;作副词,意为“ 努力地,猛烈地“Hardly为副词,意为“ 几乎不” 。Maybe 和 may be 区分M aybe是副词,意为“ 大概,May be是情态动词,意为“ 可 育可能,或许“ ,一般用于句首。岂 是 ,也许是,大概是Unit 3Im moreoutgoing thanmy sister.重点句型:-Thafs Tara, isnt it?-No, it isnt. Its Tina. Tina is形容词和副词比较级句型A + be+adj.比较级+than +B单音节和少数多音节词

27、+er:大部分多音节词08/22比较much taller than Tara. Shesings more loudly than Tara.-Is Tara more outgoing thanTina?-Are you as friendly as yoursister?“A 比 B 更 ”( 注意:A 与 B 必须是同级的,即必须是人与人,物与物进行对比)“A+实意 V.+adv.比较级 + than + B”表示“A 比+more需要整理出变化,如 silentHow引导的特殊疑问句及其回答as+ adj./adv.J!+as.( 不相_! ! 切记比较的对象-! ! 切忌将自己进行

28、H!much /by far/ a litnot as/so + adj./adv. +as.匕下)一致性;较 any othertle/alot+比较级( 不及)be like就像. ” I am like your sister.look like ” 外貌上的像 “ I look like my sister.It is +adj. +for sb to do sth .形容物It is +adj. +of sb to do sth .形容人形式主语itUnit 4Whats thebest movietheater?比较重点句型:-Whats the best movietheater

29、?-Sun Cinema. It?s the cheapest.-But I think Moon Theater hasthe most comfortable seats.-Can I ask you some questions?-How do you like.?形容词和副词最高级变化规则注意不规则变化整理出背诵So fa r 时态:现在完成时Have sth in common.与. . . 有相似地方Be up t o 由Som e和 a n y 用法Adj最高级之前要加the; adv. 可加可不加A most beautiful country非常漂亮的国家One of +ad

30、j.最高级Third( 序数词)+adj,最高级Unit 5Do you wantto watch agame show?计划、打算重点句型:-Do you want to watch thenews?-What do you plan to watchtonight?-What do you think of talkshows?-I dont mind them./1 cantstand them!/1 love watchingthem!非谓语动词:动词不定式让某人做某事Wish +sb.+to do sth.Advise+sb.+to do sth.;suggest+sb.+doing

31、 sth.;Require +sb.+to do sth.提出offer学会learn 打算 plan,要求ask答应promise来帮忙help,准备 prepare决定decide遭拒绝 refuse,未能fail做到就假装pretendbe famous a s 作为. . .而出名be famous for s t h .因为. .而出名询问某人对某物的观点及看法:10/22What do you think of .?=Hovv do you like.?Unit 6Im going tostudycomputerscience.未来打算、规划重点句型:-What do you wa

32、nt to be whenyou grow up?-How are you going to do that?-Im going to practicebasketball every day.“ 能” 的区别用法C an两种时态Be able t o 三种时态;通过千辛万苦,终于可以做某事He could escape.他本可以逃出去,是否逃出去不清楚He was able to escape. 他设法逃出去了 ( 此处= 13皿80 to do/succeed to do)一般将来时的句型结构Wiil;begoing to 区别There b e 的将来时是there isgoing to

33、 beUnit 7Will peoplehave robots?对未来的预测与想象重点句型:-What will the future be like?-Cities will be more pollutedand there will be fewer trees.-Will people use money in 100years?-No, they wont. Everythingwill be free.量词 more less fewer“ 如此” 区别Such +紧跟名词So + 紧跟动词Hundred量词,没有复数形式;Hundreds of不定量的特殊表达法Unit8How

34、do youmake abanana milkshake?烹饪,描述步骤重点句型:-How do you make a bananamilk shake?-First, peel the bananas.Next, . Finally,.-How many bananas/how muchyogurt do we need?祈使句名词可数和不可数的区分注意特殊用法Get an educationHave a good knowledge表示序数的副词开关的区别Turn on 通过旋钮 turn offO pen直接打开closeUnit 9Can youcome to myparty?邀约重点

35、句型:-Can you come to my party onSaturday?-Lets go to the movietomorrow night.-Sure, Fd love to. / Sorry, Imust study for a math test. /Imafraid not. Fm sorry. Tm notCan表示请求与允许;包括委婉拒绝注重课文的背诵,对应用文写作有益处available.-What are you going to do onSaturday?-Im not sure. I might watchTV.“ 回答” 的区别Answer针对question

36、的回答,会由一个确切的答案;R eply回应,不需要确切的答案,译为回复Unit 10If you go tothe party,youll have agreat time!谈论结果重点句型:-Are you going to the partytomorrow night?- Yes, I am.- Who will you go with?- I think Fil go with Karen andAnna.- If you do, youll have a greattime!I f 引导的条件状语从句, 主语+willUnless 除非,如果不”疑问词+ 不定式What to do

37、How to doWhere to go人教版英语八年级下册( 红色加粗为易错点)单元话题知识点备注Unit 1Whats thematter?谈论健康问题, 给出建议重点句型:-Whats the matter with you?/Whafs wrong with you?- I have a cold/ a sore back/ astomachache.- What should I do?- I think you should lie downand rest. If your head and neckstill hurt tomorrow, then go to adoctor.

38、情态动词Should用法反身代词W hafs the matter?(with you)?同义句转换Whats up?/ Whats the trouble/ the problem /wrong withsb./ sth.?L ie与 lay词汇辨析Liev撒谎 lied-lied/躺, 位于 lay-laidLay v.下蛋 laid-laid-laying / 放置 lay out规则撒谎,不规则躺,躺过下蛋,下蛋不规则Use/ used词组区分Used to do过去常常做某事Be/get used to doing习惯于做某事Be/get used fo r被用来做某事Give in

39、屈服Give up放弃Give out 分发Give back 归还Give aw ay泄露赠送Give off发 出 ( 光/ 气味)“ 为了 ” 词组辨析So.lhat+情态动词目的状语从句“ 为了”So.that结 构 状 语 从 句 “ 如此以至于“In order to+V.原型M ean词组区分Mean to d o 打算做某事Mean doing意味着做某事Unit 2ril help toclean up thecity parks.提供帮助重点句型:-Id like to help homelesspeople.-You could ask hospital to letyo

40、u visit the kids and cheerthem up.-She volunteers there once aweek to help kids learn to read.动词不定式S uch/so区别用法Such+ n.So+ adj. /adv.修饰不可数n .通常用 suchEg. She is such a beautiful g irl.She is so beautiful a g irl.可数名词复数形式一般用suchMuch/ few/ little / many +soL ittle “ 少” + soL ittle “ 小” + suchEg. Such a

41、 little boy.Look like/ take after 区别take after行为性格特征都相像look lik e 只是外表相像Eg. I take after my mom.Alone/ lonely 区别Alone独自一人Lonely表达情感 孤独的 feel lonelyUnit 3Could youplease cleanyour room?重点句型:-Could you please clean yourroom?宾语从句情态动词could用法12/22礼貌地提出要求-Yes, sure. No problem. / Yes,but I have to do my h

42、omeworkfirst.Offer /provide 区别Offer sb sth./ offer sth to sb.Provide sb with sth./ provide sth for sb.Unit 4Why dontyou talk toyour parents?谈论问题并给出建议重点句型:-Whafs wrong? / Whats thematter?-Im really tired because Istudied until midnight lastnight.-Why dont you go to sleepearlier this evening?Until, so

43、 that, although 引导的状语从句Instead/ instead of 区分Instead肯定后者instead o f肯定前者, “ 而不是”Compare词组区分Compare.with两者相比较Compare.to 比作Win/ beat 区别Win +sth.Beat +sb.Unit 5What wereyou doingwhen therainstormcame?谈论过去发生的事重点句型:- What were you doing whenthe rainstorm came?-I was sleeping.-While you were sleeping, Ical

44、led Jenny and she helpedme.过去进行时When/ while 区别When瞬间和持续性动词;可以同时也可以又先后;没有转折对比的用法While持续性动词;强调同时发生; 有转折对比的用法, 译为“ 然而”“ 升高”词汇区分Rise V i.升起,提升,提高Raise V l.举起Pick up多义接送 pick sb. up接电话捡起 pick up the stone学到 pick up the skillsUnit 6An old mantried to movethemountains如何讲故事重点句型:-How does the story begin?-On

45、ce upon a time, there was avery old man.-What happened next?-What do you think about theAs soon as, so that,unless 引导的状语从句As soon as“ 一就”story of Yu Gong?-I think its really interesting /silly.“ 声音”的区分Noise噪音voice 嗓音 sb.Sound泛指自然界的一切声音Unit 7What s thehighestmountain inthe world?谈论地理环境和自然风光重点句型:Whats

46、 the highest mountainin die world?-How high is Qomolangma?-Ifs 8,844.43 meters high. Ifshigher than any othermountain.-Which is the deepest salt lakein the world? -The Caspian Seais the deepest of all the saltlakes.-Did you know that China isone of the oldest countries inthe world? -Yes, I did. Ifsm

47、uch older than the US.形容词和副词的比较级最高级千位以上数字的表达法Hundred量词,没有复数形式;Hundreds o f 不定量的特殊表达法Population单独作主语,谓语动词用单数;但当之前有分数修饰时,谓语动词用复数。形容人口多少,用 large/ sm all修饰。询问人口多少,用 what s/ how larg e提问。Die相关词组区分Die from a car accident.外在原因导致Die of heart disease.自身原因导致F a r比较级区分Farther距离上的更远Further程度上的更深Elder辈分O lder年龄“

48、 实现”区别Achieve 主语 sb.Come true 主语 sth.Unit8Have youread TreasureIsland yet?近期事件与经历重点句型:-Have you read Little Womenyet?-Yes, I have. / No, I havent.-Have you decided which bookto write about yet?-Yes, I have. Pve alreadyfinished reading it. It was reallygood.-Would you like something todrink?现在完成时“ 已经

49、”区分Already 肯定Y et否定和疑问句14/22-No, thanks. Fve just drunksome tea.Number相关词组区分A number of许多,谓动复数The number o f数量,谓动单数Unit 9Have youever been to amuseum?谈论过去的经历重点句型:-Have you ever been to ascience museum?-Yes, Ive been to a sciencemuseum. / No, Ive never beento a science museum.-Ive been to the art mus

50、eummany times. -Me too.-Ive never been to a waterpark. -Me neither.现在完成时If/ whether 区分动词不定式前/or n o t搭配只能用WhetherH a v e 词组区分Have been to 去了 回来了Have gone to 去了还没回Have been in 呆了多久, 后加田1 间段Unit 10Ive had thisbike for threeyears.谈论所属的物品重点句型:-How long have you had thatbike over there?-Ive had it for th

51、ree years.-How long has his son ownedthe train and railway set?-He owned it since his fourthbirthday.-Have you ever playedfootball?-Yes, I did when I was little,but I havenplayed for a whilenow.现在完成时延续性动词和非延续性动词转换( 选择题)Die - be deadBegin - be onBuy - haveCome - be inFinish - be overLeave - be away人教

52、版英语九年级全册( 红色加粗为易错点)单元话题知识点备注Unit 1How can webecome goodlearners?重点句型:-How do you learn English?- 1 learn by studying with agroup.-Do you learn English by补充复习V不能双宾语Present/supply.withInform/rob/remind/accuse.ofreading aloud?- Yes, I do. It helps mypronunciation.- How can I read faster?- You can read

53、faster by readingword groups.- How can I improve mypronunciation?- One way is by listening totapes.Can-could能,有能力;用于请求;用于建议;表示一时的可能性, “ 有时”;表示推测;C an 在疑问句中表可能;有把握的否定cant/couldnt;表示推测:must-may-might/couId.提建议的句子:What/how about +doing sth.?做怎么样?如:What/ How about going shopping?Why dont you + do sth.?你

54、为什么不做. . . ?如:Why dont you go shopping?Why not + do sth. ? 为什么不做?如:Why not go shopping?Lets + do sth .让我们做. .吧。如: Let*s go shoppingShall we/I + do sth.?我们/ 我. .好吗?如:Shall we/I go shopping?介词 by + doingn .主 语 宾 语 表 语V.作主语,需要将v .改成不定式/ 动名词一般来说,不定式/ 动名词没有区别;如果为避免头重脚轻,it作主语时后一般接不定式,除了少数词,如 worthwhile+do

55、ing;介宾+V ing,除了 but 一个词,Eg. He can do nothing but wait.介词+V ing,包括 in, by, to.注意t o , 有含义时+Ving;Eg. Look forward to; get used to; get down to注意t o , 无含义时+V 原型;动词+ 不定式/ 动名词,注意不同词汇的搭配。Eg. Finish/ avoid.+doingAdvice/ plan.+to doListen词组辨析Listen fo r仔细听Listen to 听Serve s b .服务,在某些情况下含义有变“It serves you r

56、ight. 你活该”H elp有的时候与helpful同义Eg. Sth can help.16/22At first下文一定 要 出 现 转 折 “ 起初”,不表达时间上的顺序;In the beginning/ firstly/ first 第一,开始“Unit 2I think thatmooncakesare delicious!重点句型:-I know that the Water Festivalis really fun.-I wonder if they 1 1 have theraces again next year,-I wonder whether June is ag

57、ood time to visit Hong Kong-I believe that April is thehottest month in Thailand.-What fun the Water Festivalis!-How pretty the dragon boatswere!宾语从句引导词:that, if7 whether/,what/why/where.从句句型+ 语序:主语+ 谓 语 ( 陈述语序)感叹句“ What + a/an +形容词+ 可数名词单数+主语+谓语+其他!”“ What + 形容词+ 可数名词复数+主语+谓语+其他! ”What +形容词+不可数名词+

58、主语+ 谓语+其他! ”“ How +形 容 词 /副词+主语+ 谓语+其他! ”How +形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”“ How+主语+谓语! ”Sound听起来Sth. carry one9s wishes to sb 承载,传达意义End u p 最终,表结局End up a beggar.最终沦为乞丐End up in prison.最终进监狱What do you want to end up?Treat sb. kindly = Treat sb. with kindness.Treat sb. without mercyV like a pig.对待治疗;请

59、吃东西,东西就是treats.可以多查阅字典增加学生对词汇的理解和使用Unit 3Could youplease tell mewhere therestroomsare?重点句型:-1.Excuse me, do you knowwhere I can buy somemedicine?-Sure. Theres a supermarketdown the street.-Could you please tell me howto get to the post office? Sorry,Im not sure how to get there.-I wonder where we sh

60、ould gonext.宾语从句陈述语序-You should try that new rideover there.Next to the bank 在旁边How about/ what about?Unit 4I used to beafraid of thedark.重点句型:-I used to be short.-I didnt use to be popular inschool.-You used to be short, didntyou? Yes, I did. / No, I didn*t.-Did he use to wear glasses?Yes, he did.

61、/ No, he didnt.反意疑问句前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定。整理出背诵Unit5What are theshirts madeof?重点句型:-Are your shirts made ofcotton? Yes, they are. And theywere made in the US.-Whats the model plane madeof? Its made of used wood andglass-How is tea produced? Teaplants are grown on the sides ofmountains.-When the leaves are r

62、eady,they are picked by hand andthen are sent for processing.一般现在时的被动语态Paper-cuttingEnglish-speakingTrouble-makingTree-choppingmatter +特殊疑问词” 引导让步状语从句, 意为“ 无论% 相当于疑问词+e verno matter what = whateverUnit 6When was itinvented?重点句型:-When was the zipperinvented? It was invented in1893.-Who was it invente

63、d by?-It was invented by WhitcombJudson.-What is the hot ice-creamscoop used for?-Ifs used for serving reallycold ice-cream.一般过去时的被动语态被动语态基本结构:be+及物动词的过去分词与情态动词连用的被动语态:情态动词+ be +过去分词Unit 7Teenagersshould be重点句型:-I dont think sixteen-year- old两种语态:主动语态和被动语态主动语态表示主语是动作的执行18/22allowed tochoose theirown

64、 clothes.should be allowed to drive.-I agree. They aren*t seriousenough.-Teenagers should not beallowed to have part-time jobs.-I disagree. They can learn a lotfrom working.者;被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。被动语态的构成由 “ 助动词be + 及物动词的过去分词”构成助动词b e 有人称、数和时态的变化。So倒装句由 so+助 动 词 ( be/do/will/have) / 情态动词+ 主语,意为:也是一样。Unit8

65、It mustbelong toCarla.做推断重点句型:-Whose volleyball is this?-It must be Carlas. She lovesvolleyball.-Whose hair band is this?-It could be Meis hair band. Orit might belong to Linda. Theyboth have long hair.-What did you see that night?-Fm not sure, but it cant be adog.情态动词表推测程度 must be can be couldbe-ma

66、y be-can be谓语动词应用It must be连接词因果 because, since, so并歹ll and, not only.but also, as well as转折 however,though, although选择 or, rather thanRun词组搭配Run out ofRun afterRun awayPut词组搭配Put togetherPut awayPut offPut outPut asideG o 词组搭配Go aheadGo afterGo along with 赞同Go onGo by路过Go for为而努力Go through 经历Go ove

67、r检查Move词组搭配Move u p 上升Move on继续Move off 离开Move back 后退Straight词组搭配Straight away 马上,即可Straight forward 直接地Unit9I like musicthat I candance to.表达偏好重点句型:-What kind of music do youlike?-I love music that/which I cansing along with.-I prefer movies that/whichgive me something to thinkabout.-What kind of

68、musicians doesCarmen like?-She likes musicians who playdifferent kinds of music.That, who, which 从句注意搭配Dance to the musicSing along withThink词组搭配Think of记起, 想起Think about doing 思考Think over仔细考虑Think aloud自言自语Feel like doingWould like to doA slice of breadA piece of musicStick to坚持,坚守Look intoLook ou

69、tLook forward toLook upLook afterUnitlOYouresupposed toshake hands.谈论习俗和应该做某事重点句型:-What are you supposed to dowhen you meet someone forthe first time?-Youre supposed to shakehands.be supposed to do20/22-Am I supposed to wear jeans?-No, youre expected to wear asuit and tie.-Is it important to be on t

70、ime?-Yes, its important to be ontime.its + adj + to do sthUnit 11Sad moviesmake me cry.谈论影响人们的事情重点句型:-The loud music makes menervous.-Money and fame dont alwaysmake people happy.-She said that the sad moviemade her cry.Rather than连接两个主语,谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致Would rather do than do;Prefer to do rather than

71、do;Would do rather than do;Unitl2Life is full oftheunexpected.陈述过去的事件重点句型:-When I go to school, I realizedthat I had left my backpack athome.-By the time I got back toschool, the bell had rung.-Before I got to the bus stop,the bus had already left.-As I was waiting in line withthe other office worke

72、rs, Iheard a loud sound.By the time现在完成时当从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时;当从句用一般现在时/ 现在完成时 ( 表示将来),主句常用将来完成时:leave sth in a place 把某物忘在某处”alive, living 与 live 辨析alive:活着的、又生气的。可用于人或动物。living:活的、现存的,可用来形容人或物。live:活的、有生命的,通常只用作定语,可用于动物或植物,但一般不用于人。现场直播。Unitl3Were tryingto save theearth.复习:现在进行时,现在完成时,被动语态not only.but

73、 also.”不仅 而且 ,用于连接两个表示并列关系的成分,着重强调后者,其中的also有时可以省略。就近原则Unitl41 remembermeeting all ofyou in Grade7.no matter what 和 whatever 的区别No matter what只能引导让步状语从句( 不能引导名词性从句) “ 无论什么Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句( 如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句), 二是用于引导让步状语从句double的用法v,加倍;是的 两 倍??adj,两倍的,加倍的作限定词时,意为“ 两倍用作动词时的用法: 可及物或不及物,意思是 ( 使) 加倍 对折divide 和 separate 的区别divide sth into分开, 有平均划分的意思separate. from 指原来连在一起的东西分割开22/22



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