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1、名师伴你行名师伴你行学案三学案三 Using language酷图大导学酷图大导学白白 金金 汉汉 宫宫名师伴你行名师伴你行 学点大梳理学点大梳理重点单词重点单词新知新知1 quarrel n.争吵;争论;吵架争吵;争论;吵架vi.争吵,吵架争吵,吵架Do these differences cause conflicts or quarrels? (Page 12)归纳拓展归纳拓展quarrel vi.& n. 吵架;争论吵架;争论quarrel with sb. about sth. 因某事跟某人争吵因某事跟某人争吵debate vi., vt.& n. 辩论辩论discuss vt. 讨

2、论讨论背诵例句背诵例句 They had their quarrels and misunderstandings, but still loved each other dearly.他们虽然有时会发生争吵和误解,但感情还是不错的。他们虽然有时会发生争吵和误解,但感情还是不错的。名师伴你行名师伴你行I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。动手练习动手练习(1)The couple (正争吵着正争吵着)angrily about whose turn it was to c

3、ook the dinner.(2)I seldom heard her children (相互吵架相互吵架).(3)I got involved in (一场争吵一场争吵)about the price. (4)There (好像发生过好像发生过 一场争吵一场争吵)between the young couple.新知新知2 arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理筹备;安排;整理They had no time to arrange their own wedding, so they have it arranged by a company. (Page13)was quarreli

4、ngquarrelling with each othera quarrelseems to be a quarrel名师伴你行名师伴你行归纳拓展归纳拓展arrange vt. 筹备;安排;整理筹备;安排;整理arrangement n. 安排安排背诵例句背诵例句I arranged the books on the shelves.我把书架上的书籍整理好。我把书架上的书籍整理好。Shall we arrange a time to chat?我们必须约定一个聊天时间吗我们必须约定一个聊天时间吗?动手练习动手练习(1)It (安排好了安排好了) that he should leave rig

5、ht away.(2)Before going away, (他安排好他安排好 了了) his business affairs.(3) (我安排了会面我安排了会面) this afternoon with our lawyers.was arrangedhe arrangedI have arranged a meeting名师伴你行名师伴你行新知新知3 fold vt.折叠;对折折叠;对折The first person in each group writes a sentence and folds the paper over his/her writing, so the next

6、 person cannot see it. (Page 13) 归纳拓展归纳拓展fold vt.& vi. 折叠,叠起折叠,叠起unfold vt. 打开,摊开打开,摊开背诵例句背诵例句She folded her dress up and put it in a drawer.她把衣服折叠好放进抽屉里。她把衣服折叠好放进抽屉里。At last he folded the paper carefully and reached for his wifes outstretched hand.终于,他把那张作业纸仔细地折起来,伸手握住他妻终于,他把那张作业纸仔细地折起来,伸手握住他妻子朝他伸出

7、的手。子朝他伸出的手。名师伴你行名师伴你行动手练习动手练习(1)In the army camp the quilts are usually (折叠折叠) in this manner.(2)She (折起来折起来) the letter so that it would fit into her bag.(3)He (抱起抱起) the child in his arms.(4)这张纸应该对折。这张纸应该对折。(汉译英汉译英; in half) 新知新知4 delight n. 快乐;高兴;喜悦快乐;高兴;喜悦 vt. 使高兴;使欣喜使高兴;使欣喜 Her first delight wa

8、s going to the Tower. (Page 14) 归纳拓展归纳拓展delight vt.使高兴使高兴delight n.快乐;高兴的事快乐;高兴的事to ones delight使某人高兴的是使某人高兴的是with delight欣然;乐意地欣然;乐意地foldedfoldedfoldedThe paper should be folded in half.名师伴你行名师伴你行背诵例句背诵例句To her delight, she passed the examination.使她高兴的是她考试及格了。使她高兴的是她考试及格了。Pain and trouble have over

9、come me, but your teachings are my delight.我遭遇患难愁苦。你的教导却是我所喜爱的。我遭遇患难愁苦。你的教导却是我所喜爱的。动手练习动手练习(1)He takes great (快乐快乐) in painting.(2)He (使观众喜悦使观众喜悦) with his performance.(3)Music is always a (快乐的事快乐的事) to him.(4)The crowd went wild (欣喜欣喜).(5) (使他高兴的是使他高兴的是), he has got to the top of the company.deligh

10、tdelighted the audiencedelightwith delightTo his delight名师伴你行名师伴你行新知新知5 thrill vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊使激动;使胆战心惊But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. (Page 14) 归纳拓展归纳拓展thrill n.兴奋;激动;胆战心惊;欢乐兴奋;激动;胆战心惊;欢乐thrill vt.& vi.(使使)激动;激动;(使使)胆战心惊胆战心惊 excite

11、vt.使兴奋使兴奋 excitement n.兴奋兴奋背诵例句背诵例句He was thrilled by her conversation.她的谈话使他很激动。她的谈话使他很激动。The film thrilled the audience.那部电影使观众异常激动。那部电影使观众异常激动。名师伴你行名师伴你行动手练习动手练习(1)She (欣喜若狂欣喜若狂) when the handsome film star kissed her.(2)We (感到很兴奋感到很兴奋) at the good news.(3)The traveller (使我们惊骇不使我们惊骇不 已已)with his

12、stories.(4)Never have I seen (如如 此激动人心的电影此激动人心的电影).(5)我为通过了考试而欢呼雀跃。我为通过了考试而欢呼雀跃。(汉译英;汉译英;pass) 常用短语常用短语新知新知1 take the place of代替代替was thrilledwere thrilledthrilled usso thrilling a movieIm thrilled that I passed the exam.名师伴你行名师伴你行All of the words below can take the place of said, but they are used

13、under different conditions and indiffe-rent situations. (Page 12)归纳拓展归纳拓展take the place of取代;代替取代;代替take sb. s place取代;代替取代;代替take place发生;举行发生;举行背诵例句背诵例句Who will take the place of Mr. White?谁将代替怀特先生?谁将代替怀特先生?Nobody can take the place of Yao Ming in China.在中国没有人能取代姚明的地位。在中国没有人能取代姚明的地位。名师伴你行名师伴你行动手练习

14、动手练习(1)Our manager will retire next month. Who do you think will (接替他接替他)?(2)No one (能能 够代替她母亲够代替她母亲). (3)I want you to (代代 替我替我) to attend the meeting.(4)His sense of touch gradually took the place of sight. (英译汉英译汉) 新知新知2 break down(机器机器)损坏;破坏损坏;破坏On my way to the station my car broke down. (Page1

15、3)take his placecould take the place of her mothertake the place of me他的触觉逐渐代替了视觉。他的触觉逐渐代替了视觉。名师伴你行名师伴你行归纳拓展归纳拓展break down出故障;分解出故障;分解;垮掉垮掉break out突然爆发突然爆发break up分解分解;分裂分裂背诵例句背诵例句Our car broke down on the freeway.我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。我们的车在高速公路上抛锚了。He excused himself for being late by saying that his car

16、had broken down.他为迟到作辩解他为迟到作辩解,说他的汽车坏了。说他的汽车坏了。动手练习动手练习(1)The lift (出故障了出故障了) and we were trapped inside it.(2)Her health (身体弄垮了身体弄垮了) under the pressure of work.broke downbroke down名师伴你行名师伴你行(3)We are late because our truck out side town. A. broke offB. broke in C. broke downD. broke out【高考链接高考链接】N

17、ews reports say peace talks between the two countries with no agreement reached.A. have broken downB. have broken out C .have broken inD. have broken up 【答案答案】A【解析解析】break down 指会谈无果而终。指会谈无果而终。典型句式典型句式新知新知1 There followed St Pauls Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 1666. (Page 14)接

18、下来是圣保罗大教堂接下来是圣保罗大教堂,建于建于1666年伦敦大火以后。年伦敦大火以后。C名师伴你行名师伴你行归纳拓展归纳拓展there be句型的变化形式:句型的变化形式:there stand / lie / live / follow背诵例句背诵例句There lay a person on the ground.地上躺着一个人。地上躺着一个人。There followed group singing and dancing, in which all attempted to join.接着是集体的唱歌跳舞,大伙儿都参加进去。接着是集体的唱歌跳舞,大伙儿都参加进去。动手练习动手练习(1

19、)Once, there (live) a poor old fisherman.(2)There (stand) an old temple on the top of the mountain.(3)There a very peaceful lake in the mountains. A. lived B. stationed C. moved D. lay livedstandsD名师伴你行名师伴你行新知新知2 It looked splendid when first built! (Page 14)当竣工的时候它看上去非常壮观!当竣工的时候它看上去非常壮观!归纳拓展归纳拓展从属连

20、词从属连词+done引导的状语引导的状语: when built 当建成的时候当建成的时候once gained 一旦获得一旦获得背诵例句背诵例句When heated, the metal expands.金属受热时便膨胀。金属受热时便膨胀。When completed, this bridge will be the largest in Asia.这座桥一旦竣工将是亚洲最大的。这座桥一旦竣工将是亚洲最大的。名师伴你行名师伴你行动手练习动手练习(1)I will send you those bags (一旦一旦 完成完成) and I am sure they will satisfy

21、you!(2)We are difficult to be made friends with, but (一旦获得一旦获得), it is difficult to change.(3)Once , this dictionary will be very popular! A. to printB. printed C. printingD. having printing (4)Once , his friendship was deeper than others. A. gainingB. to gain C. gainD. gained once finishedonce gained BD



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