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1、 物流管理专业英语物流管理专业英语 重庆交通大学 管理学院 单词是构成句子的基本要素之一,因此单词是构成句子的基本要素之一,因此单词的翻译直接关系到句子的翻译。单词的翻译直接关系到句子的翻译。 一一.词的搭配词的搭配 二二.词的转译词的转译 三三.词的增译词的增译 四四.词的省译词的省译单词单词一、词的搭配1、动词与名词的搭配动词与名词的搭配 以动词“Move”为例,其基本意思是“运动”,但在不同的句子里与不同的名词搭配,译法则也不同。(1)The earth moves round the sun. 地球绕太阳旋转。(2)Linked with the retailing operation

2、s is the gradual move into non store shopping. 与零售业的发展相关的是向非商场购物的逐步转变。(3)Move Mike to other work. 调Mike去做别的工作。(4)The work moves slowly. 工作进展缓慢。There is currently a move to establish partnership arrangements. 目前有趋势建立新的合作伙伴关系。2、副词与动词的搭配、副词与动词的搭配 以副词“successfully”为例。(1)Most of these unions have been be

3、neficial ones successfully. 大部分的组织成功地成为了盈利的企业。(2)The transportation was finished successfully. 圆满地完成了运输(任务)。(3)Our production plan has been successfully carried out. 我们的生产计划已顺利执行了。3、形容词与名词的搭配形容词与名词的搭配 以形容词“thick”为例。(1)The book is 8 inches thick.这本书有8英寸厚。(2)He drew a thick line on the paper.他在纸上画了一条粗

4、线。(3)Thick liquids move much more slowly than thin liquids.粘稠的液体比稀薄的液体流动慢得多。(4)The conditions are too thick.条件太过分了(太多了)。二、词义转译1、英语动词、形容词、副词译成汉语名词英语动词、形容词、副词译成汉语名词。(1)Logistics differ from supply chain management in that 物流和供应链管理的区别在于(2)The instrument is characterized by its compactness and portabili

5、ty. 这个仪器的特点是结构紧凑、携带方便。(3)The package must be strong and hard. 包装必须有足够的强度和硬度。2、英语名词、介词、形容词、副词译成汉语动词。英语名词、介词、形容词、副词译成汉语动词。(1)The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labour productivity. 使用电子计算机可以大大提高劳动生产率。(2) Logistics(military definition):The science of planning and car

6、rying out the movement and maintenance of forces movement and hospitalization of personnel 人员的运输和就医(3)Managers are confident that home shopping has now arrived. 管理者们深信非商场购物(电子购物)的时代已经到来。3、英语形容词、名词译成汉语副词。英语形容词、名词译成汉语副词。(1)A continuous increase of public awareness for environmental issues has had a pa

7、rticular impact on logistics. 公众环保意识不断地增强,对物流产生了特殊的影响。(2)It is our great surprise to note that the toys without their boxers cannot be stacked on to wooden pallets. 人们很意外地发现,没有包装的玩具不能整齐地堆码在木质的托盘上。三、词的增译1、增加英语中省略的词增加英语中省略的词。(1)Long-term outside relationships are at the heart of the streamlined organi

8、zation. 与外部企业建立长期关系,是实现企业一体化的关键。(2)The transportation was finished successfully. 圆满地完成了运输任务。(3)This may mean that a depot is larger than necessary. 这可能意味着仓库的规模比实际需要的大。2、增加表示名词复数的词。增加表示名词复数的词。 Logistics management has experienced the second transition in the 1980s. 物流管理的第二次变革发生在20世纪80年代。3、增加某些被动语态或动名

9、词中没有具体指出的动作执行者或暗增加某些被动语态或动名词中没有具体指出的动作执行者或暗含的逻辑主语。含的逻辑主语。 A very board view of external factors is taken. 人们对外部环境进行了更深入的评价。4、在形容词前加名词在形容词前加名词 The machines of this type is indeed cheap and fine. 这种类型的设备真是价廉物美。5、增加表示数量意义的概括性的词,以起修饰润色的作用、增加表示数量意义的概括性的词,以起修饰润色的作用 A typical approach is to undertaken a fo

10、rm of SWOT analysis, which involve strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats. 常用的分析方法是SWOT分析,包括了优势、劣势、机遇和挑战四个方面。v是增补还是省译都要根据意义、修辞和句法的需要,使其词更通顺地表达原文的思想内容。vCommodity price considerations may also produce a need for warehousing.v出于对商品价格的考虑,也需要仓储功能。四、词的省译Reading material:Planning framework for logi

11、stics v corporate strategy planningv logistics design strategyv product life cycleStrategic planning overview The initial phase of a strategic study should incorporate a review to the external environment within which a company operates. This includes such factors as the economic climate, current re

12、gulations and potential regulatory changes and any relevant technological developments. 战略规划的最初阶段应该综合评价公司运营的外部环境。战略规划的最初阶段应该综合评价公司运营的外部环境。它包括经济环境、当前的法规及其可能的变化和其他相它包括经济环境、当前的法规及其可能的变化和其他相关的技术变革等因素。关的技术变革等因素。 vt.组成公司组成公司;包含包含;使混使混合合;使具体化使具体化vi.包含包含;吸收吸收;合并合并;混合混合 Also of importance for most companies

13、would be some sort of evaluation of major competitors-particularly, any information regarding service and logistics strategies. One recognized approach to reviewing and evaluating this impact of the external environment is to undertake what is known as PEST analysis. 对大多数的公司都很重要的是对主要竞争对对大多数的公司都很重要的是

14、对主要竞争对手进行评估,尤其是与物流服务策略相关的手进行评估,尤其是与物流服务策略相关的任何信息。对外部环境的影响进行评价的确任何信息。对外部环境的影响进行评价的确定的方法就是所谓的定的方法就是所谓的PESTPEST分析法。分析法。 PEST analysisvPoliticalvEconomicvSocial culturalvTechnologicalPEST analysis:external influencevPolitical/legal monopolies legislation environmental protection laws taxation policy for

15、eign trade regulations employment law government stabilitymn:plin.垄断;专卖;垄断者;专利品 垄断法规垄断法规 环境保护法环境保护法税收政策税收政策 对外贸易法对外贸易法 就业法就业法 政府的稳定政府的稳定PEST analysis:external influencevEconomic interest rates money supply inflation unemployment disposable income energy availability 利润率利润率 资金来源资金来源通货膨胀通货膨胀 失业失业 可支配收

16、入可支配收入 可用能源可用能源PEST analysis: external influencevSocio cultural population demographics income distribution social mobility lifestyle changes attitude to work&leisure consumerism levels of education dmrfksn.人口特征;人口统计学的( demographic的名词复数 ) 人口统计 收入分配社会变化 生活方式的改变 工作态度&休闲消费观念 教育程度PEST analysis:external

17、influencevTechnological government spending on research government & industry focus on technological effort new discoveries/developments speed of technology transfer rates of obsolescence政府对科研的支持政府或产业对技术变革的关注新发明技术变革的速度淘汰率vSWOT analysis: internal factors vThe analysis of relevant internal factors is

18、also important. vA typical approach is to undertake a form of SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats). vThis type of approach provides the opportunity for a company to review its position within the market place (with respect to its products, the demand for its products, the

19、 service it offers its customers )and the position of its competitors.v相关内部影响因素的分析也很重要。典型的分析方法是SWOT分析(优点、缺点、机遇和挑战)。这种方法为公司能够从自己的产品、产品需求及所提供给顾客的服务等方面评价自己及竞争对手在市场中的地位。 vApproaches such as these enable a company to identify what its overall corporate strategy should be. vOne of the key questions that m

20、ust be answered is to define what business the company is in. vMany companies can be classified as “retailers” or “manufacturers” but a further definition is important because it will have an influence on how the overall business is organized and structured.v这些这些方法可以使公司确定其总体规划。必须要解决的一个问方法可以使公司确定其总体规

21、划。必须要解决的一个问题是要明确企业从事何种业务。许多公司被分为零售商或生题是要明确企业从事何种业务。许多公司被分为零售商或生产商,但有必要进一步产商,但有必要进一步的细分,的细分,因为这将影响整个企业的组因为这将影响整个企业的组织和构建。织和构建。 vBefore attempting to design a competitive strategy and identify possible functional strategies, a company must be clear about which business it is in and what it wants to ac

22、hieve within this business-a strategy based on set objectives.v企业在企业在试图制定竞争策略及可能的职能规划之前试图制定竞争策略及可能的职能规划之前必须明确其必须明确其将开展的业务类型以及将开展的业务类型以及在在该业务领域该业务领域内欲达到的目标内欲达到的目标以以特定目标为基础的规划。特定目标为基础的规划。 vIn addition to a companys corporate or business strategy, another element that is crucial is the competitive stra

23、tegy (the company plans to adopt).v Competitive strategy has a major influence on the development of logistics strategy and in the way the physical structure of the operation may be configured.v除了企业策略外,另一个重要的内容是公司将采纳的竞争战略。竞争战略对物流战略的制定及企业实际的运作模式的构建都有重要的影响。 vThere are a number of important factors, bu

24、t the key ones are the extent of globalization, the type of competitive positioning adopted and the degree to which the supply chain is an integrated one.v有许多重要的影响因素,但最关键的是全球化程度、拟定的竞争地位、供应链一体化的程度等。 vA company should adopt a competitive strategy by competing as a service or cost leader, or where poss

25、ible as both of these.v A service leader is a company that is trying to gain an advantage over its competitors by providing a number of key service elements to differentiate it and give it a service advantage.v公司应通过竞争建立竞争策略,成为服务或成本公司应通过竞争建立竞争策略,成为服务或成本的领先者,可能的话,两方面都领先。的领先者,可能的话,两方面都领先。v服务领先是指公司通过提供大

26、量的区别于其竞争服务领先是指公司通过提供大量的区别于其竞争对手的服务来获得对手的服务来获得( (相对于竞争对手的相对于竞争对手的) )竞争优势。竞争优势。 vA cost leader is company that is trying to utilize its resources by offering the product at the lowest possible cost, thus gaining a productivity advantage. vEither of these extremes, or a combination of both will necessi

27、tate a very different logistics structure.v成本领先是指公司通过以尽可能低的成本提供产品,使资源得到尽可能的利用,从而获得生产率优势。v实现任何方面的领先或两者都领先,所需要构建的物流系统完全不同。Logistics design strategyvOn completion of this initial phase of the business planning process it should be possible to identify corporate strategy and objectives and to determine

28、a specific competitive strategy. vThe next task is to prepare appropriate functional strategic plans.v一旦完成了第一个阶段的企业规划,就应该能够确一旦完成了第一个阶段的企业规划,就应该能够确定公司战略和目标,并确定具体的竞争策略。接下定公司战略和目标,并确定具体的竞争策略。接下来的任务是筹备适当的职能规划。来的任务是筹备适当的职能规划。 Functional strategic plans Marketing production Finance logisticsExternal envir

29、onment Internal factorsCorporate strategy& objects Competitive strategyvThere are several important issues concerning the development of a suitable logistics strategy. vThe first is the need to link the logistics or distribution plan directly with the corporate plan. This is best achieved by ensurin

30、g that logistics is an integral part of the corporate plan and that factors (related to these functions )are used as inputs in the overall planning process.v适当的物流战略规划有几个重要的方面。首先有必要将适当的物流战略规划有几个重要的方面。首先有必要将物流规划与公司规划直接联系起来。这一点通过以下方物流规划与公司规划直接联系起来。这一点通过以下方法可以很好的实现,即确保物流是公司战略规划中不可法可以很好的实现,即确保物流是公司战略规划中不

31、可分割的组成部分以及与物流职能相关的因素也是公司战分割的组成部分以及与物流职能相关的因素也是公司战略规划的影响因素。略规划的影响因素。vThe second issue concerns the extent or coverage of the logistics strategic plan. vThis will clearly vary from one company to another. It may well just be a “distribution” functional plan. vIt is most likely that it will be necessar

32、y to incorporate elements from other functions ( marketing, production, etc) to represent the fully integrated nature of logistics or the supply chain.v第二个方面是关于物流战略规划的范围(内容)。很显第二个方面是关于物流战略规划的范围(内容)。很显然,不同的公司其范围各不相同。它可能仅仅就是一个然,不同的公司其范围各不相同。它可能仅仅就是一个配送功能的规划。最有可能的是有必要将其与其他职能配送功能的规划。最有可能的是有必要将其与其他职能(如销售

33、、生产等)相结合来反映完整的一体化的物流(如销售、生产等)相结合来反映完整的一体化的物流或供应链的本质。或供应链的本质。 vThe third, and in many ways most important issue is whether or not a company has a structured logistics plan at all. vMany still dont, so a first and major step may be to ensure that such a plan is developed, based of course on the compan

34、ys business and competitive strategic plans. v第三个很重要的问题是公司是否有系统的物流规划。许多公司仍然没有,那么首先也是最重要的一步可能就是确保要建立这样的一个规划,当然以公司的企业策略和竞争策略为基础。Logistics strategyuLogistics process design uLogistics physical designuLogistics information system designuLogistics organizational structureLogistics process designLogistics

35、 strategyLogistics physical designLogistics information system designLogistics organizational structureCorporate strategy& objects Competitive strategyvEach one of these different factors needs to be planned in association with the others. vIt is inappropriate to concentrate on any one without under

36、standing and taking into account the influence of the others. vFor different companies it maybe any one of the other factors that plays the most dominant role.v每一个不同的因素都有必要与其他因素联系起来设计。只关注其中一个而不考虑其他因素是不适当的。对不同的公司任何因素都可能发挥最重要的作用。 vA company that is introduced an enterprisewide information system may f

37、ind that this has a primary influence on how logistics strategy is formulated.Enterprisewide informaton system引入企业信息系统的企业可引入企业信息系统的企业可能会发现企业信息系统将是能会发现企业信息系统将是物流策略设计的重要影响因物流策略设计的重要影响因素。素。 A company may feel that it is necessary to put a workable logistics organizational structure in place before it a

38、ttempts to redesign its logistics processes and physical operations.企业在试图进行物流过企业在试图进行物流过程及实体运营设计之前,程及实体运营设计之前,有必要构建合适、可行有必要构建合适、可行的物流组织。的物流组织。The product life cyclevOne marketing concept that concerns the product and is also very relevant to distribution is that of the product life cycle (PLC).The p

39、rinciple behind the PLC is that of the staged development of product.v一个关注产品并与物流密切相关的市场方面的概念就是产品的生命周期。其基本原理就是产品是分阶段发展的。 vThis starts with the introduction of the product into the market and follows for successful products with the steady growth of the product as it becomes established. The life cycl

40、e continues with the accelerated growth of the product as competitors introduce similar products, which stimulates total demand and ends as the product life runs into decline.v它开始于产品的投入市场,对成功入市的产品随着其逐渐完善而进入了稳定增长期。生命周期随着竞争对手投入类似的产品刺激了产品的总需求而进入加速增长期;最后随着产品生命周期转入衰落期而结束。 PLC and logistics operationsIntr

41、oductory stageGrowth stageMaturity stageDecline stagevIt is important that the performance of a logistics operation is able to reflect the life cycle of a product. This can be differentiated as follows:vIntroductory stage: need for a high response to demand with a logistics structure that gives stoc

42、k availability and quick replenishment, and can react to sudden demand increases. v生成期:有必要通过物流系统对需求做出快速的反应,该物流系统应有足够的存货,能够快速补货、并能应对需求的突然增加。vInitial retail stock holdings are likely to be low so there is a need for speedy information and physical logistics systems probably from a centralized stock-ho

43、lding base using a fast mode of transport.v初期零售库存的持有量可能比较低,因此需要快速的信息和实体配送系统,使用快速的运输方式从中心库存基地提货。vGrowth stage: here sales are more predictable. The requirements for distribution are now for a better-balanced, more cost-effective system. The trade-off between service and cost can be realized.v增长期:此时销售

44、量能被更好地预测。现在需要一个更均衡的、成本更低的物流系统。服务和成本之间的均衡开始被重视。 vMaturity stage: where the introduction of competitive products and substitutes will increase price and service competition. An effective logistics operation becomes vital in order to maintain market share, especially for key customers.v成熟期:竞争性或替代性产品的入市

45、增强了价格和服务的竞争。有效的物流系统对维持市场分额,尤其是保留住重要的顾客是很重要的。 vDecline stage: the product is becoming obsolete. Here, the logistics system needs to support the existing business but at minimum risk and cost.v衰落期:产品开始被淘汰。此时,物流系统应以最低的风险和成本维持现有的业务。vThere is a clear requirement to take into account the PLC concept when

46、planning for logistics. A different emphasis needs to be placed on certain aspects of the logistics system according to the stage of a products life. v物流设计应明确地考虑产品的生命周期。根据产品生命周期的各个阶段,物流系统的内容需要有不同的重点。 vFor operations where there are many products at varying stages of their PLC this will not be crucia

47、l. In come instances, however, there will be a need to plan for a logistics operation that is suitable, dynamic and flexible.v对有许多产品处于不同生命周期的企业,这一点不是很重要。然而,在某些情况下,有必要规划一个适当的、动态的、灵活的物流系统。 IntroductionThe need to hold stocksType of stock-holdingThe implications for other logistics functionsChapter 5 B

48、asic inventory planning and managementInventory costInventory replenishment systemsThe need to hold stocksvThe keep down production costsvTo account variations in demand vTo take account of variable supply timesvBuying cost vTo take advantage of quantity discountsvTo account for seasonal fluctuation

49、s降低生产成本考虑需求的变化考虑供货时间的变化降低降低采购成本获得批量折扣take account of supply times考虑Order lead time take advantage of vt.打折扣vi.折扣; 贴现n.贴现;数目discountsn.波动,涨落,起伏考虑需求的季节性波动vTo allow for price fluctuations speculationvTo help the production and distribution operations run more smoothlyvTo provide customers with immediat

50、e servicevTo minimize production delays caused by lack of spare partsvWork in progressn.投机买卖;思考;投机活动speculation有利于生产和配送的顺利进行有利于为顾客提供及时服务spare parts备用品,存货使生产延误产生的损失产生的损失最少Work为生产过程服务Types of stock-holdingvWorking stockvCycle stock vSafety stock vSpeculative stockvSeasonal stockvThis can be raw materi

51、als that are “bought forward” for financial or supply reasons, for finished stock that is pre-planned to prepare for expected future increases in demand. v 该库存可能是由于资金或供应等原因而提前购买的原材料;也可能是为了应对需求的预期增加而购买的成品库存。The implications for other logistics functionsvThe relationship of inventory for WarehousingTr

52、ansportdistributionvA distribution system will require high stock levels specifically with respect to the amount of safety stock held.v仓库较多的配送系统需要持有较多的库存量,尤其是安全库存量。vIn addition, a large number of depots are likely to mean fairly small delivery areas reflecting poor stock turn and higher unit costs i

53、n warehouse.v此外,仓库数量众多也可能意味着配送范围相当狭小,反映出缓慢的库存周转和高昂的单位仓储成本。 that does have many depots stock turn 库存周转vAlthough this leads to an increase in local transport costs because delivery distances are greater, there are large savings to be made in inventory reduction - specifically in safety stock reduction

54、.v尽管由于配送距离的延长导致了当地运输成本的增加,但是,由于库存量尤其是安全库存量的减少带来了极大的成本节约。vThis may mean that a depot is larger than necessary;that extra outside storage is required, or that the depot operation is hindered through a shortage of working space. v这可能意味着仓库的规模比实际需要的大;或者需要租用公共仓库;或者由于空间不足导致仓库的运作受到阻碍。vIt is often found that

55、 approximately 20 percent of storage lines represent 80 percent of the throughput in a warehouse.v通常可以发现大约20%的库存品种占了80%的库存量。storage lines 库存品种类;throughput 产量,库存量 vWhereas inventory savings can be made by reducing depot numbers, this will be associated with an increase in local delivery costs because

56、 mileage will increase as depot areas become larger.v与减少仓库的数量可以降低库存成本不同的是,减少仓库的减少仓库的数量数量会增加当地的运输成本,因为随着配送范围的扩大配送距离将会延长。vIt is generally true, however, that any increase in transport cost will be more than offset by inventory and warehouse cost savings.v然而通常的情况是运输成本的增加将显著地被库存和仓储成本的节约所抵消。thisvOne othe

57、r area where inventory policy can influence transport is the provision of backloads for return journeys trunking vehicles and sometimes by delivery vehicles.v库存策略对运输的另一个影响是为返程的干线运输车辆,有时是当地的配送车辆提供回程荷载。干线运输车辆地区配送车辆Inventory costvCapital cost vService cost vStorage cost vRisk cost The cost of stock man

58、agement and insurance. The cost of space, handling and associated warehousing costs involved with the actual storage of the product.vThis is financing charge that is the current cost of capital to a company or the opportunity cost of tying up capital that might otherwise be producing a return if inv

59、ested elsewhere.v它是公司当期筹集资金的费用,或者是被占用资金的机会成本,即如果将其投资于其他领域可能产生的回报。vThis occurs as a consequence of pilferage, deterioration of stock, damage and stock obsolescence. vpilferage n.行窃,偷盗;小偷小摸 vdeterioration n.恶化;变坏;退化;堕落vobsolescence n.废弃;陈旧过时v风险成本通常是由于存货的失窃、腐烂、磨损和过时所产生的。vWith the reduction product life

60、 cycles and the fast rate of development and introduction of new products this has become a very important aspect of inventory costs.v随着产品生命周期的缩短以及新产品研发速度的加快,风险成本已经成为库存成本中非常重要的一项。 vThe reorder cost refers to the cost of actually placing an order with a company for the product in question.v订购成本是指公司采购

61、所需产品时实际发生的费用。vThe set up cost refers to the additional cost that may be incurred if the goods are produced specifically for the company.v定制成本是企业生产专门的产品所导致的额外费用。Inventory replenishment systemsvPeriodic review systemsvFixed point reorder systemsvThe disadvantages of low stock levels: 1. Customers orde

62、rs cannot immediately fulfilled, which may lead to the loss of business. 2. Goods have to be ordered very frequently, which may lead to heavy ordering costs and heavy handling and delivery costs.低库存水平缺点: 1. 不能立刻满足顾客的订单,导致企业业务的损失。(被动翻译为主动) 2. 必须频繁的订货,导致高昂的订购成本及搬运、配送成本。vThe disadvantages of high stock

63、 levels: 1.Capital is tied up. 2.There is the risk of product deterioration and of products becoming outdated, superseded or obsolete. 3.The expense of providing additional storage space. 高库存水平缺点: 1.资金被占用。 2.存在产品腐烂、过时、被取代甚至被淘汰的风险。 3.需要提供额外的储存空间。vInventory replenishment systems are designed to minimi

64、ze the effects of these high/low stock level disadvantages by identifying the most appropriate amount of inventory that should be held for the different products stocked.表示目的表示方式 设计库存补货系统的目的是通过确定不同类型产品应持有的合理库存量使过高/过低库存水平的不利影响最小。 vThe periodic review system works on the premise that the stock level o

65、f the product is examined at regular intervals and, depending on the quantity in stock, a replenishment order is placed. The size of the order is selected to bring the stock to a predetermined level.vpremise 前提vregular intervals 固定时间间隔vquantity in stock 实际库存量 predetermined 预先的;注定的 定期订货系统开展的前提是每隔一段时间

66、就对产品进行盘点,根据实际的库存量确定需要补货的数量。 订购量为使库存达到预定库存水平的数量。pridk adj.周期的;定期的;回归的;间歇的,时而发生的vFor the fixed point reorder system, a specific stock level is determined, at which point a replenishment order will be placed.vThe same quantity of the product is reordered when that stock level is reached. 对于定量订货,需预先确定一个

67、具体的订购点,一旦达到该订购点就需要补货。 每一次的订购量相同。The order size is variable.Reorder cycle time is the same.The order size is the same.Reorder cycle time is variable.The periodic review system the fixed point reorder systemvThey do have one significant drawback, however, which is that they can create unnecessarily hi

68、gh or low stock levels, especially when demand occurs in discrete chunks. v然而,他们有一个显著的缺点,就是会产生不必要的过高或过低的库存,尤其是当需求不稳定时。vThis applies, in particular, to muti-echelon distribution systems where the demand at each level is aggregated at the next level up the supply chain. v尤其是对于多节点的分销系统,即每个节点的需求都被汇总到上一级

69、节点企业的需求中。 grgt n.合计;聚集体; adj.总数的,总计的;聚合的; vt.使聚集,使积聚;总计达vThus, small changes in demand for finished products are amplified as they move back through the supply chain.v因此,最终产品很小的需求变化,随着其往供应链上游传递都会被放大。vThe result is a surge in demand up the supply chain as each inventory location individually adjusts

70、to the demand increases.v其结果是,当各个节点企业独立调整库存以适应需求增长时,需求沿着供应链向上传递被急剧扩大。Reorder quantitiesvThe EOQ method is an attempt to estimate the best order quantity by balancing the conflicting costs of holding stock and of placing replenishing orders.v经济订购批量法是通过均衡库存持有成本库存持有成本和采购成本来估算最合适的订购量。最合适的订购量。vThe effect

71、 of order quantity on stock-holding costs is that the larger the order quantity for a given item, the longer will be the average time in the store and greater will be the storage costs.v订购量对库存持有成本的影响是:某产品的订购量越大,产品的平均储存时间越长,储存成本也越高。vOn the other hand, the placing of a large number of small quantity o

72、rders produces a low average stock, but a much higher cost in terms of the number of orders that need to be placed and the associated administration and delivery costs.v另一方面,大量小批量的订单将带来较低的库存成本,但是由于订购次数增加将导致更高的订购成本以及相关的管理和运输成本。vAn important point to appreciate is that factors such as these may need t

73、o be considered as well as any suggested order quantity that derives from a stock control or stock reorder system.v重要的是要知道,必须结合这些因素拟定库存订购量。vAnalyze the relationships of follows: depot numbers and inventory level inventory levels and depot sizes depot numbers and storage costs depot numbers and distr

74、ibution costs depot numbers and trunking costs depot numbers and total transport cost As the number of depots increases, the storage cost will also increase.The greater the number of depots, the less the distribution costs.IntroductionProblems with traditional approaches to inventory planningDiffere

75、nt inventory requirementsThe lead-time gapChapter 6 Inventory control and managementInventory and timeInventory planning for manufacturing/retailingProblems with traditional approaches to inventory planningvCompanies are beginning to understand that the cost to excess or unnecessary stock held anywh

76、ere in their supply chain, whether they have direct responsibility for it or not, is still going to have an impact on their bottom-line costs.v企业已经逐渐认识到,供应链上过多的或不必要的库存所产生的费用,无论是否由企业(自身)直接产生,都将对产品的最终成本产生影响。Some retailers have begun to ask their suppliers to take responsibility for the planning and ma

77、nagement to the stock of products they supply. 一些零售商已经开始要求其供应商对其所供应产品的库存规划和管理负责。Although still a useful and valid tool in many circumstances, some of the main assumptions on which it is based are less realistic for companies that have adopted a more streamlined approach to their logistics and supply

78、 chain activities.尽管在很多时候EOQ仍然是很有效的方法,但是其以之为基础的很多假设对于那些实现了物流和供应链一体化的企业而言越来越不现实了。Different inventory requirementsvIndependent demand occurs where the demand for one particular product isnt related to the demand for any other products.v独立需求独立需求是指对某一产品的需求与其他任何产品的需求没有直接的关系。vThis is an important distinct

79、ion, because products with an independent demand necessitate the use of forecasting to help determine expected demand levels and associated inventory requirements.v这是很重要的区别,因为独立性需求的产品有必要通过预测来确定需求状况及相关的库存水平。vDependent demand occurs where the demand for a particular product is directly related to anot

80、her product.v相依需求相依需求是指对某一产品的需求与其他产品有直接的关系。vIt may be vertical, e.g. the chip actually required in the production of the computer or it may be horizontal, e.g. the instructional manual that is packed with the computers as finished product.v它可能是纵向的,比如计算机生成过程中所需要的芯片;或者是横向的,比如与成品计算机一起包装的说明手册。vBecause o

81、f this dependence, there is a far more limited requirement for the forecasting of the demand for these elements the actual needs are directly related to the finished product requirements themselves.v因为这种相关性,这些产品需求的预测具有很大的局限性,因为其实际需求与成品的需求直接相关。vA push system is the more traditional approach where inv

82、entory replenishment is used to anticipate future demand requirements.v推动式是比较传统的方式,其库存补货是根据对需求的预测进行的。 as vA push approach to inventory planning is usually based on a set plan that is predetermined according to creatures of inventory reordering.v推动式库存规划通常以根据库存订购的特性提前确定的规划为基础。vThis approach is a proac

83、tive one in the sense that it is planned on the basis of estimated, or forecast demand for products from customs.v它是以顾客对产品的需求预测为基础的规划,从这种意义上来说,这种规划是提前的主动性行为。vThe pull approach is a reactive one where the emphasis is on responding directly to actual customer demand, which pulls the required product t

84、hrough the system.v拉动式系统是反应性的行为,其重点是对实际的顾客需求做出直接的反应,拉动所需要的产品在系统中的流通。vThe pull system is most useful where there is independent demand and where there is uncertainty of demand requirements or of order cycle time.v拉动式系统最适合于独立需求以及需求或订货周期不确定的情况。The lead-time gapvOne of the major reasons for the build-up

85、 of finished goods inventory is because of the long time that elapses between the moment and the moment. v建立成品库存的一个主要原因是产品的订购及产品开始生产的时间之间存在着很长的时间间隙。vThe vast majority of products are required either immediately, as for many consumer products at the point of sale in shops or within a short time-scale

86、, as for industrial products and also for consumer products when the retailer orders them in the first instance from the manufacturer.v大多数产品的需求要么是即刻的,比如许多商场出售的消费性产品;或者是短时间的,比如零售商直接向生产企业订购的工业性产品或消费性产品。when a product is ordered when the manufacture of that product starts.vThe total time it takes to co

87、mplete the manufacture and supply of a product is often known as the logistics lead-time.v完成产品的生产和供应的全部时间就是所谓的物流前置时间物流前置时间。vCustomers are generally prepared to wait for limited period of time before an order is delivered. This is the customers order cycle time.v顾客在货物送达之前愿意等待的时间,即是订货周期时间订货周期时间。vThe d

88、ifference between the logistics lead-time and that customers order cycle time is often know as the lead-time gap.v物流前置时间和顾客订货周期之间的时间就是前置时间间隙前置时间间隙。Inventory and time vCompanies may have sound and acceptable reasons for holding stock as outlined in the previous part but some may also use high levels

89、of inventory to protect themselves from those problems that they are unable or unwilling to solve by more direct means.v企业有合理的可以接受的理由来持有库存,就如前文所述,但是也有一些企业利用高库存来避免那些他们不能够或不愿意用更直接的方式来解决的问题的不利影响。The main approaches are:vManage the supply chain as one complete pipelinevUsing information bettervAchieve b

90、etter visibility of stock throughout the supply chain for all participantsvConcentrate on key processesvUse just-in-time techniques to speed up the flow of products through the supply chainvUse faster transportvDevelop supply chain partnerships(20)Commodity marketEnd user(10)(5)(15)(5)(10)(5)(20)(15

91、)(10)(1)(1)(2)(1)Volume 175 daysSpinning (15)Knitting(10)Length 60 daysDyeing &finishing (7)Component cutting(5)sewing(18)fiberYard finished goods store Yard store Grey storeCut work bufferRaw material storeFinished goods warehouseDistribution centerFinished fabricstoreSpinning Fabric supplier manuf

92、actureretailer Inventory planning for manufacturingvThey are based on the concept of materials requirements planning (MRP), which is a computerized system for forecasting materials requirements based on a companys master and for each product.v这些变革以物料需求计划为基础,物料需求计划是基于公司主产品进度计划及产品的物料清单预测需求的计算系统。bill o

93、f material production schedulevBroadly, the system is used to calculate the time-phased requirements for components and materials with respect to production schedulers, taking into account replenishment lead times.v进一步而言,该系统是在考虑供货前置期的前提下,确定产品生产过程中原材料及零配件的阶段性需求。vDRP systems are designed to take forec

94、ast demand and reflect this through the distribution system on a time phased requirements basis.v分销需求计划用于预测并反映分销系统中的阶段性需求。vIt is particularly useful multi-echelon distribution structures to counter the problems of requirements occurring as large chunks of demand.v尤其适用于多级分销系统应对需求急剧增加的情况。 Inventory pl

95、anning for retailing vIn recent years power within most supply chain for consumer products has lain very firmly in the hands of retailers rather than manufacturers.v近年来,许多消费型产品供应链的控制权被牢牢地掌握在零售商而不是供应商手中。vIf anything, this power has continued to increase even further, although it will be interesting t

96、o see what impact the development of Internet and home shopping has in this direction.v不管怎样,这种控制在今后会继续增强,尽管人们发现因特网及家庭购物(电子商务)对其所产生的影响。vSome retailers have tended to outsource their distribution and logistics activities although this continues to be the case, retailers are now taking a much closer in

97、terest in the impact an effective logistics operation can have on their overall service offering and consequent company profitability. v但是,零售商们倾向于将物流活动外包,尽管这些零售商正在并将继续密切关注有效地物流运作对其所提供的整体服务及紧密相关的公司利润的影响。The main planning techniques vVendor- managed inventory (VMI)vContinuous replenishment (CRP)vQuick

98、 response (QR)vEfficient consumer response (ECR)vVendor- managed inventory (VMI). This is where the manufacturer is given the responsibility for monitoring and controlling inventory levels at the retailers depot and in some instances at the retail stores level as well. 供应商管理用户库存是指生产企业有责任对零售商的配送中心有时是

99、零售商仓库的库存水平进行监督和控制。 Specific inventory targets are agreed and it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that suitable inventory is always available. 具体的库存目标是一致的,生产企业有责任确保一直持有适当的库存。vThe main advantages for retailers lie in the reduction of operating costs and also the delay in payment for

100、 the products in question.vVMI对零售最主要的优点在于降低运营成本,并且减少支付所订购产品费用的时间延误。vFor manufacturer it is suggested that running a VMI system for a retailer provides the opportunity to develop a much closer, and hopefully more binding, relationship with the retailer as well as giving a much better visibility of re

101、al demand.v对生产企业而言,为零售商运行VMI系统,使其有机会与零售商建立更紧密、稳定的关系,同时对产品的实际需求有了更清晰的认识。vContinuous replenishment (CRP)vThe aim with CRP is to develop free flowing order fulfillment and delivery systems so that pipeline inventories can be substantially reduced.vCRP系统的目的是建立自由畅通的订单完成及配送系统,从而使供应链上的库存显著降低。vSuch systems

102、use up-to-the-minute point of sale information (via electronic point of sale EPOS- systems) to identify real-time demand and to pull product through directly from the supplier, through the depot and onto the retail outlet.v该系统利用精确到分的瞬时销售时点信息(通过电子销售时点系统)来确定实施需求,从而通过配送中心直接从供应商向零售商供货。vQuick response (Q

103、R)vThere are strong similarities with continuous replenishment systems, but with QR the emphasis on time compression and the opportunity for the manufacturer to redesign production operations to allow for a “little and often ”approach to resupply.vQR与CRP有很大的相似性,但是QR强调的是时间的节约,以及为生产商重新设计生产流程,从而实现“少批量多

104、频率”配送的可能性。vEfficient consumer response (ECR)vECR was originally set up and run in the USA with the aim to improve service and reduce costs in the grocery industry by focusing on the efficiency of the supply chain as a whole, rather than on individual components in individual companies.vECR 最早出现在美国,其

105、目的是通过关注整条供应链的效率而不是单个公司的个别领域来提高食品杂货业的服务水平,并降低其成本。vBoth sides might take on functions traditionally handled by the other if they can do it better and at a lower cost.v供需双方都要承担以前由另一方所承担的职责,如果其能以更低的成本更好的完成。vThese reasons emphasize the importance of the depots location decision, and also given an indicat

106、ion of the complex nature of that decision. Service and cost factors are thus of paramount importance when determining facilities number, size and location. vThese reasons emphasize the importance of the depots location decision, and also given an indication of the complex nature of that decision.v这

107、些原因强调了仓库地址的重要性同时也表明了其复杂性。vService and cost factors are thus of paramount importance when determining facilities number, size and location. v因此,在决定仓库的数量、规模和地址时,服务和成本因素是最重要的。vFor the best possible customer service, a depot would have to be provided right next to the customer and it would have to hold

108、adequate stocks to all the goods the customer might require. This would obviously be a very expensive solution.v从提供最好的顾客服务的角度看,仓库应仅靠顾客设置同时对顾客可能需要的所有产品持有足够的存货。很显然,这是一种非常昂贵的方案。 vAt the other extreme, the cheapest solution would be to have just one depot (or central warehouse ) and to send out a large

109、lorry to each customer wherever his or her orders were sufficient to fill the vehicle so that en economic full load could be delivered. This would be a cheap alternative for the supplier, but as deliveries might then only be made to a customer once or maybe twice a year, the supplier might soon find

110、 himself losing the customers business.vAt the other extreme, the cheapest solution would be to have just one depot (or central warehouse ) and to send out a large lorry to each customer wherever his or her orders were sufficient to fill the vehicle so that en economic full load could be delivered.

111、v另一个极端的成本最低的方案是只建立一个仓库(或中心仓库),当顾客的订单有足够多能凑成整车以致于实现经济的满载配送时,才派一辆大卡车送货。 vThis would be a cheap alternative for the supplier, but as deliveries might then only be made to a customer once or maybe twice a year, the supplier might soon find himself losing the customers business.v这对供应商而言是一种非常低廉的方案,但可能一年只为

112、顾客送一次或两次货,供应商很快就会发现其将失去顾客。 vThere is obviously a suitable compromise somewhere between these extremes. This will usually consist of the provision of a number of depots on a regional or area basis, the use of large trunk vehicles to service these, with smaller delivery vehicles to run the orders to c

113、ustomers. For certain operators of course, even these simple relationships will vary because of the need for very high levels of customer service or the high value of products.vThere is obviously a suitable compromise somewhere between these extremes.v很显然,在两个极端中有适当的折中方法。v This will usually consist o

114、f the provision of a number of depots on a regional or area basis, the use of large trunk vehicles to service these, with smaller delivery vehicles to run the orders to customers.v这通常包括了以地区为基础的众多仓库,用重型货车在地区间送货,用轻型货车为顾客按订单送货。 vFor certain operators of course, even these simple relationships will vary

115、 because of the need for very high levels of customer service or the high value of products.v当然对某些企业而言即使是那些最简单的关系也会因为对高顾客服务水平和高价值产品的需求而不同。 Cost relationshipvTo plan an efficient logistics structure it is necessary to be aware of the interaction between the different distribution costs, specially as

116、to how they vary with respect to the different depot alternative ( number, size, type and location), and what the overall logistics cost will be. Before this can be achieved, the detailed make-up of the individual distribution cost elements must be understood.vTo plan an efficient logistics structur

117、e it is necessary to be aware of the interaction between the different distribution costs, specially as to how they vary with respect to the different depot alternative ( number, size, type and location), and what the overall logistics cost will be.v为了设计一个有效的物流系统,有必要了解各种不同物流成本之间的内在关系,尤其是其根据仓库的不同情况(如

118、:数量、规模、类型和地址)而发送的变化,以及总的物流成本 。vBefore this can be achieved, the detailed make-up of the individual distribution cost elements must be understood.v在此之前,必须了解物流成本的详细构成。 vWith respect to the cost relationship with other parts of the distribution system, the importance of storage and warehousing costs wi

119、ll be dependent on such factors as the size of the depot and the number of depots with the distribution network as a whole. Thus, as the number of depots in a distribution network increases, then the total storage cost will also increase.vWith respect to the cost relationship with other parts of the

120、 distribution system, the importance of storage and warehousing costs will be dependent on such factors as the size of the depot and the number of depots with the distribution network as a whole.v根据仓储成本与其他物流成本的关系,仓储成本的重要性取决于整个分销网络中仓库的规模和数量。 Thus, as the number of depots in a distribution network inc

121、reases, then the total storage cost will also increase. 因此,随着分销网络中仓库数量的增加,总的仓储成本也会增加。 vThe two most important categories of transport costs are trunking and final delivery. These are affected differently according to the number of depots in a distribution network. Delivery transport is concerned wit

122、h the delivering of orders from the depot to the customer. The greater the number of depots, the less the stem mileage.vThe two most important categories of transport costs are trunking and final delivery.v运输成本最重要的两类是干线运输成本和末端运输成本。 vThese are affected differently according to the number of depots in

123、 a distribution network.v分销网络中仓库的数量对其有不同的影响。 vDelivery transport is concerned with the delivering of orders from the depot to the customer.v配送是指根据定单将货物从仓库配送到顾客手中。 vThe greater the number of depots, the less the stem mileage.v仓库的数量越多,配送里程越短。 vThe trunking of primary transport element is the supply of

124、 products in bulk ( i.e. in full pallet loads) to the depots from the central finished goods warehouse or production point.v干线运输是指为仓库从中心成品仓库或生产地提供大量的货物。 vThe effect is greatest where there are a smaller number of depots.v仓库数量越少,成本越低。vIf the cost for both delivery and trunking are taken as a combined

125、 transport cost then the total transport can be related to the different number of depots in a distribution network.v如果将配送成本和运输成本统称为总运输成本,则它与分销网络内仓库的数量有关。vThe overall effect of combining the two transport costs is that total transport costs will reduce, the greater the number of depots in the system

126、.v对总运输成本的影响是随着系统内仓库数量的增多,总运输成本将减少。 Chapter 7 Transportation fundamentalsvImportance of an effective transportation system Greater competition economies of scale reduce pricesvService choices and their characteristics price transit time and variability loss and damagevOne needs only to contrast the e

127、conomies of a “developed” nation with those that are “developing”v人们仅需要对比发达国家和发展中国家的经济就可以发现运输在创造高水平经济活动中所发挥的作用。 to see the part that transportation plays in creating a high level of economic activity. vWith the of inexpensive and readily available transportation services, the structure of the econom

128、y changes toward that of developed nations.v随着廉价而便捷的运输服务的产生,经济结构朝着发达国家的模式发展。adventn.出现;到来vUnless production costs are extremely low compared with those at a second production point - that is, the production cost difference offsets the transportation costs of serving the second market - not much comp

129、etition is likely to take place.v除非生产成本比其他产地成本低很多,即生产成本的差异能够抵消向其他产地的运输成本,否则不太可能有竞争发生。vHowever, with improvements in the transportation system, the landed costs for products in distant markets can be competitive with other products selling in the same markets.v然而,随着运输系统的改善,远距离运输来的产品也可以和当地销售的产品竞争了。vTh

130、is occurs not only because of the increased competition in the marketplace but also because transportation is a component cost along with production, selling, and other distribution costs that make up the aggregate product cost.v这不仅是因为市场竞争的加剧,也是因为运输成本是由生产、销售和其他分销成本构成的总成本的一部分。vThe modes of transporta

131、tion rail truck air water pipeline Transport cost vFixed costs roadway acquisition and maintenance, terminal facilities, transport equipment, and carrier administrationvVariable costs line-haul costs such as fuel and labor, equipment maintenance, handling, and pickup and deliveryQuestions : Please c

132、ompare the cost of rail and highway. 生鲜农产品配送对保障居民生活水平和鲜活农产品流通安全均具有较强的现实意义。文章在调研的基础上,通过对目前鲜活农产品物流配送业现状的研究,分析了鲜活农产品物流配送业的主要特点及影响安全配送的主要因素和问题,提出了以“超市”及“社区配送店”为核心的配送链流程, 并针对鲜活农产品物流配送业的发展趋势与质量安全提出了相关建议。v生鲜农产品配送对保障居民生活水平和鲜活农产品流通安全均具有较强的现实意义。vFresh agricultural product distribution has a strong and practic

133、al significance for protecting marketing safety of agricultural products.v在考虑了关键的流程和成本关系的同时,还讨论了与仓库选址有关的内容.v As well as considering the key flows and cost relationships, various aspects associated with depot and facilities location are reviewed.4. When effectively integrated into an enterprises logi

134、stical operations, warehousing, materials handling, and packaging facilitate the speed and overall ease of product flow throughout the logistical system. Sentence Explanations对企业的物流操作、储藏、货物处理和包装进行有效地整合,有利于提高产品流转的速度和使产品在物流系统中更加顺畅地流动。 v 本章主要研究实体分销规划的具体方法,其主要内容源于系统规划的基本纲要。在考虑了关键的流程和成本关系的同时,还讨论了与仓库选址有关的

135、内容。包含了理论和实际两种影响因素。v本章主要研究实体分销规划的具体方法,其主要内容源于系统规划的基本纲要。v In this chapter a particular approach to the planning of physical distribution strategy is developed.vThe main content follows on the system planning framework.v在考虑了关键的流程和成本关系的同时,还讨论了与仓库选址有关的内容.v As well as considering the key flows and cost relationships, various aspects associated with depot and facilities location are reviewed.v包含了理论和实际两种影响因素。v There are both theoretical concepts and practical considerations to be taken into account.



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