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1、会计学1材料科学概论材料科学概论(giln)第一页,共103页。第1页/共102页第二页,共103页。材料材料(cilio)与新技术革命与新技术革命第2页/共102页第三页,共103页。第3页/共102页第四页,共103页。第4页/共102页第五页,共103页。第5页/共102页第六页,共103页。第6页/共102页第七页,共103页。材料材料(cilio)与国防现代化与国防现代化第7页/共102页第八页,共103页。n nThisbookisdividedintofourmajorsections Thefundamentals Thestructuralmaterials Theelect

2、ronicandmagneticmaterials Materialsinengineeringdesignsciencematerialsengineering第8页/共102页第九页,共103页。n nNatureofmaterialspropertiesMicroscopic or submicroscopic structureEngineering design第9页/共102页第十页,共103页。Chapter I Materials for Engineering1.1 Types of materials1.1 Types of materials1.2 From struct

3、ure to properties1.3 Selection of materials1.4 Materials science and 1.4 Materials science and engineering engineering 第10页/共102页第十一页,共103页。Key wordn nAlloy Alloy 5AlCi5AlCi n nAtomic-scale-architectureAtomic-scale-architecturen nBrittle Brittle 5britl5britln nCeramic Ceramic si5rAmiksi5rAmikn nComp

4、osite Composite 5kCmpEzit, -5kCmpEzit, -zaitzaitn nConcrete Concrete 5kCnkri:t5kCnkri:tn nConductorConductorn nCrystalline Crystalline 5kristElain5kristElain adj.n nDevitrified Devitrified di:5vitrifaidi:5vitrifain nDuctility Ductility dQk5tilitidQk5tilitin nElectronic and magnetic materialElectroni

5、c and magnetic materialn nElement Element 5elimEnt5elimEntn nFiberglass Fiberglass 5faIbElB:s5faIbElB:s第11页/共102页第十二页,共103页。n nGlassGlassn nGlass-ceramicGlass-ceramicn nInsulatorInsulatorn nMaterials science and engineeringMaterials science and engineeringn nMaterials selectionMaterials selectionn n

6、MetallicMetallicn nMicrocircuitry Microcircuitry 5maIkrEJs:kIt5maIkrEJs:kItn nMicroscopic-scale architectureMicroscopic-scale architecturen nNoncrystallineNoncrystallinen nNonmetallic Nonmetallic 5nCnmi5tAlik5nCnmi5tAlikKey word第12页/共102页第十三页,共103页。n nOxideOxiden nPeriodicpiEri5CdikPeriodicpiEri5Cdi

7、kn n table tablen nPlasticPlasticn nPolyethylene 7pCli5eWili:nPolyethylene 7pCli5eWili:nn nPolymerPolymern nPropertyPropertyn nRefractoryRefractoryn nSemiconductorSemiconductorn nSilicaSilica硅石硅石硅石硅石( ( u sh)u sh),SiO2SiO2n nSilicateSilicate硅酸盐硅酸盐硅酸盐硅酸盐n nSiliconSilicon硅元素硅元素硅元素硅元素n nSteelSteeln nSt

8、ructural Structural materialmaterialn nwoodwoodKey word第13页/共102页第十四页,共103页。1.1 Types of materialsn n a . Metals a . Metals metallic bondmetallic bondn n b . Ceramics (glass) b . Ceramics (glass) ionic ionic aI5RnIkaI5RnIkaI5RnIkaI5RnIk and and covalent covalent kEu5veilEntkEu5veilEntkEu5veilEntkEu5

9、veilEnt bond bondn n c . Polymers c . Polymers covalent and Van der waals bondcovalent and Van der waals bondn n d . Composites d . Compositesn n e . semiconductors e . semiconductorsWhat materials are available to me ?Five categories第14页/共102页第十五页,共103页。第15页/共102页第十六页,共103页。AMetals超塑性(sxng)的,超塑性(sx

10、ng)材料(制)的1 . i.e.Latin, the written abbreviation for id est ,也就是(jish),即。 读作:that is2 . state-of-the-art技术(jsh)发展水平,现代化的。3 . superplastic.第16页/共102页第十七页,共103页。n nCharacteristics(metallic Characteristics(metallic 金属金属金属金属(jnsh)(jnsh)的,的,的,的,金属金属金属金属(jnsh)(jnsh)性的性的性的性的) )n nIt is strong and can be re

11、adily formed into It is strong and can be readily formed into practical shapes .practical shapes .n nDuctile 5dQktail permanent Ductile 5dQktail permanent deformabilitydeformabilityn nmetallic lustermetallic lustern nelectric conductorelectric conductorn n Metals have no brittleness and are safe Met

12、als have no brittleness and are safe for many applications.for many applications.Structural steel 第17页/共102页第十八页,共103页。Gasket5Askit垫圈(dinqun),衬垫springwireValvevAlv第18页/共102页第十九页,共103页。第19页/共102页第二十页,共103页。第20页/共102页第二十一页,共103页。第21页/共102页第二十二页,共103页。B Ceramics si5rAmiksAhomogeneousmixtureoftwoormores

13、ubstances,whichmaybesolids,liquids,gases,oracombinationofthese.1 . Refractory ri5frAktEriDifficulttomeltorwork;resistanttoheat.2 . fracture toughness断裂(dun li)韧度3 . crystalline5kristElainBeing,relatingto,orcomposedofcrystalorcrystals.4 . Devitrify di:5vitrifaiTocause(aglassymaterial)tobecomecrystall

14、ineandbrittle.5 . solution第22页/共102页第二十三页,共103页。n nThe ceramics is derived from Greek word The ceramics is derived from Greek word “keramic” which means an art of potter .“keramic” which means an art of potter .n nInclude : Include : n nglass ; enamels i5nAmEl ; refractories ; glass ; enamels i5nAmE

15、l ; refractories ; cements ;cements ;n nlimes ; plasters(plaster of Paris) ; limes ; plasters(plaster of Paris) ; cermets5sE:metcermets5sE:met金属陶瓷金属陶瓷金属陶瓷金属陶瓷(jn sh to c), (jn sh to c), 含含含含陶合金陶合金陶合金陶合金; ; n nelectronic ceramics ; electronic ceramics ; n nhigh and low tension electrical insulators ;

16、 high and low tension electrical insulators ; n nstructural clay products ; nuclear ceramics ; structural clay products ; nuclear ceramics ; n nwhitewares ; abrasives E5breisiv .whitewares ; abrasives E5breisiv .第23页/共102页第二十四页,共103页。The Different Colors of Corundum kE5rQndEmkE5rQndEmkE5rQndEmkE5rQn

17、dEm RubySapphire5sAfaiE5sAfaiE第24页/共102页第二十五页,共103页。 Why shouldnt Al2O3 be chosen for certain applications where metallic aluminum has been used ?1、Al2O3 have two advantages:first ,chemicallystable;Aloxidizedsecond ,highermeltingpoint(20200C)Al(6600C)refractoryuseinindustrialfurnaceconstruction第25页/

18、共102页第二十六页,共103页。Questions Whatmaterialsareavailabletoyouinthisbook?Whatmaterialsareavailabletoyouinthisbook? WhatfundamentalcharacteristicsmetalsWhatfundamentalcharacteristicsmetalshave?have? PleaseshademetallicelementsinperiodictablePleaseshademetallicelementsinperiodictableandgivesomeexamplesofal

19、loys.andgivesomeexamplesofalloys. PleaselisttwoprincipaladvantagesofAlPleaselisttwoprincipaladvantagesofAl2 2OO3 3 relativetometallicAl.relativetometallicAl. Whatsthemostlimitingpropertyofceramics.Whatsthemostlimitingpropertyofceramics.第26页/共102页第二十七页,共103页。Themostlimitingpropertyofceramicsbrittlene



22、esshighstrengthhighbrittleness第30页/共102页第三十一页,共103页。第31页/共102页第三十二页,共103页。第32页/共102页第三十三页,共103页。n nThesimilarstructuralfeatureofmetalsandceramics:Thesimilarstructuralfeatureofmetalsandceramics:n nCrystallineCrystalline:theirconstituentatomsarestacked:theirconstituentatomsarestackedtogetherinaregular

23、,repeatingpattern.togetherinaregular,repeatingpattern.n nThedistinctionThedistinction:ceramicscanbemadeina:ceramicscanbemadeinanoncrystallineform.noncrystallineform.skI5mAtIk第33页/共102页第三十四页,共103页。SiO2 (approximately 72%) Na2O CaOGlass:Glass: brittleness similar with crystalline ceramictransmit visib

24、le lightchemical inertness glasses are important engineering materials第34页/共102页第三十五页,共103页。Glass-ceramics is a third categoryLithium aluminosilicatesCertainglasscompositionscanbefullyCertainglasscompositionscanbefullydevitifiedbyanappropriatethermaldevitifiedbyanappropriatethermaltreatmenttreatment

25、low-thermal expansion coefficientscomplex formshigh mechanical strengthVitreous5vItrIEsglassy stateSubsequentcrystallization第35页/共102页第三十六页,共103页。第36页/共102页第三十七页,共103页。第37页/共102页第三十八页,共103页。C Polymers(plastics)Exempli gratia. For example.1 . ethylene A colorless, flammable gas, C2H4, derived from na

26、tural gas and petroleum and used as a source of many organic compounds, in welding 5weldiN焊接(hnji)and cutting metals, and as an anesthetic 7Anis5Wetik麻醉剂.2 . polyethylene A polymerized ethylene resin, used especially for containers, kitchenware, and tubing, or in the form of films and sheets for pac

27、kaging.3 . e.g.第38页/共102页第三十九页,共103页。 Any of numerous organic compounds, such as benzene and methane, that contain only carbon and hydrogen.4 . Acrylics E5kriliks丙烯酸树脂(shzh)5 . Nylon 5nailEn Any of a family of high-strength, resilient synthetic polymers, the molecules of which contain the recurring

28、amide group CONH.6 . Hydrocarbon第39页/共102页第四十页,共103页。 These man-made materials are a branch of organic chemistry .第40页/共102页第四十一页,共103页。第41页/共102页第四十二页,共103页。n n1. Poly +mer: mer in a 1. Poly +mer: mer in a polymer is a single polymer is a single hydrocarbon molecule hydrocarbon molecule such as eth

29、ylene(Csuch as ethylene(C2 2H H4 4). ). n n long chain olecules: long chain olecules:n nPolymers are long-chain Polymers are long-chain molecules composed of molecules composed of many mers bond many mers bond together.together.第42页/共102页第四十三页,共103页。第43页/共102页第四十四页,共103页。 1) no brittleness2. Charact

30、eristics: 2) lower melting point3) high strength along its chain and low strength between its chains 4) lightweight low-cost5) higher chemical reactivity6) Man-made materials第44页/共102页第四十五页,共103页。Substitution for traditional structural metals第45页/共102页第四十六页,共103页。Qustions posedceramiccompoundsinperi

31、odictable. Whatarethemajorcompositionsofglass?whyglassesWhatarethemajorcompositionsofglass?whyglassesareimportantengineeringmaterials?areimportantengineeringmaterials? PleaselisttwocategoriesandgivesomeexamplesofPleaselisttwocategoriesandgivesomeexamplesofceramicsaccordingtheircompositions.ceramicsa

32、ccordingtheircompositions. PleaselistthreecategoriesandgivesomeexamplesofPleaselistthreecategoriesandgivesomeexamplesofceramicsaccordingtheiratomicstructrualfeature.ceramicsaccordingtheiratomicstructrualfeature. Whatarepolymers?WhatarecharacteristicsofWhatarepolymers?Whatarecharacteristicsofpolymers

33、?Pleasegivesomeexamplesofpolymers.polymers?Pleasegivesomeexamplesofpolymers.第46页/共102页第四十七页,共103页。第47页/共102页第四十八页,共103页。SiO2 (approximately 72%) Na2O CaOGlass:Glass: brittleness similar with crystalline ceramictransmit visible lightchemical inertness glasses are important engineering materials第48页/共

34、102页第四十九页,共103页。n nAccordingtotheircompositions,Accordingtotheircompositions,ceramicscanbedividedintotwoceramicscanbedividedintotwocatogories.Oneisoxideceramicssuchcatogories.Oneisoxideceramicssuchasaluminumoxide(Alasaluminumoxide(Al2 2OO3 3),magnesium),magnesiumoxide(MgO),andsilica(SiOoxide(MgO),an

35、dsilica(SiO2 2),theother),theotheroneisnonoxideceramics,siliconnitrideisoneisnonoxideceramics,siliconnitrideisanimportantnonoxideceramic.animportantnonoxideceramic.第49页/共102页第五十页,共103页。n naccordingtotheiratomicstructualfeature,accordingtotheiratomicstructualfeature,therearethreetypesofceramicsasther



38、opriatethermaltreatment.appropriatethermaltreatment.第50页/共102页第五十一页,共103页。 Polymers are long-chain molecules Polymers are long-chain molecules Polymers are long-chain molecules Polymers are long-chain molecules composed of many mers bond composed of many mers bond composed of many mers bond composed

39、 of many mers bond together. together. together. together. Polyethylene, acrylics and nylon are all typical Polyethylene, acrylics and nylon are all typical Polyethylene, acrylics and nylon are all typical Polyethylene, acrylics and nylon are all typical polymers.polymers.polymers.polymers.Polymers

40、are no brittleness, high Polymers are no brittleness, high Polymers are no brittleness, high Polymers are no brittleness, high strength along its chain and low strength along its chain and low strength along its chain and low strength along its chain and low strength between its chains, strength bet

41、ween its chains, strength between its chains, strength between its chains, lightweight, low-cost, lower melting lightweight, low-cost, lower melting lightweight, low-cost, lower melting lightweight, low-cost, lower melting point and higher chemical reactivity point and higher chemical reactivity poi

42、nt and higher chemical reactivity point and higher chemical reactivity compared with ceramics, at last compared with ceramics, at last compared with ceramics, at last compared with ceramics, at last polymers are man-made materials.polymers are man-made materials.polymers are man-made materials.polym

43、ers are man-made materials.第51页/共102页第五十二页,共103页。shell第52页/共102页第五十三页,共103页。wood第53页/共102页第五十四页,共103页。第54页/共102页第五十五页,共103页。第55页/共102页第五十六页,共103页。D Composite (fiber reinforce plastics) Possessing hereditaryhI5redItErI rank in a political system or social class derived from a feudalistic 9fjU:dElIstI

44、k stage of a countrys development. Inactive or inert.1 . Albeit C:l5bi:Itpage12,line5Even though; although; notwithstanding.2 . Noble page 12, para. 2, line 2第56页/共102页第五十七页,共103页。n nCombination of individual materials Combination of individual materials from the previous categories.from the previou

45、s categories.n nCharacteristics: Characteristics: the best of both the best of both worldsworlds It carry along the superior It carry along the superior properties of each component, properties of each component, producing a product that is superior producing a product that is superior to either of

46、the components to either of the components separately.separately.第57页/共102页第五十八页,共103页。Example: fiberglass ,wood ,concrete .第58页/共102页第五十九页,共103页。第59页/共102页第六十页,共103页。s第60页/共102页第六十一页,共103页。 Supplementary introduction Semiconductors A piece of equipment that produces a powerful narrow beam of light

47、that can be used in medical operations , to cut metals , or to make patterns of light for entertainment . 1 .arsenide 5B:sEnaid砷化物 A compound of arsenic with a more electropositive element.2 .laser第61页/共102页第六十二页,共103页。n nSophisticatedn npage13,line6frombelown nsE5fistikeitidadj.n n1.诡辩的,久经世故的n n2.V

48、erycomplexorcomplicated:n n非常复杂精密(jngm)或尖端的n n最新最尖端的技术n nthelatestandmostsophisticatedtechnology.第62页/共102页第六十三页,共103页。n n Semiconductors are relatively invisible compared with polymers , but have a comparable social impact.n n Semiconductors are the basis of modern electronics.第63页/共102页第六十四页,共103页

49、。第64页/共102页第六十五页,共103页。A relatively small group of elements and compounds has an important electrical property。three semiconducting elements (Si (silicon),Ge (germanium dVE:5meiniEmdVE:5meiniEm ) , Sn(tin). compounds: GaAs gallium5AliEm5AliEm arsenide, CdS cadmiumsulfide 5kAdmiEm5kAdmiEm 5sQlfaid5sQ

50、lfaid ceramics compound : ZnO Precise control of chemical purity allows precise control of electronic properties. 第65页/共102页第六十六页,共103页。n nCharacteristics: n nsemiconduction, in which they are semiconduction, in which they are neither good electrical conductors nor neither good electrical conductors

51、 nor good electrical insulatorsgood electrical insulators 5insjuleitE5insjuleitE5insjuleitE5insjuleitE , instead, their ability to conduct instead, their ability to conduct electricity is intermediateelectricity is intermediate 7intE5mi:djEt7intE5mi:djEt7intE5mi:djEt7intE5mi:djEt . 第66页/共102页第六十七页,共

52、103页。Atomic-scale-architectureCompositeDevitrifieddi:5vitrifai 使不透明使不透明(tumng)DuctilityElectronic and magnetic materialFiberglassMaterials selectionMicrocircuitry 5maIkrEJs:kIt电子电子微电路微电路Microscopic-scale architectureRefractoryStructural material第67页/共102页第六十八页,共103页。Qustions1、Pleasedefinecomposites,

53、andthendemonstratethecharacteristicsofgoodcompositesbysomeexamples.2、pleaseenumerate(i5nju:mEreitv.列举(lij)semiconductingelementsandcompounds.第68页/共102页第六十九页,共103页。Composite is material composed of a microscopic-scale Composite is material composed of a microscopic-scale combination of individual mat

54、erials from the combination of individual materials from the categories of metals, ceramics (and glasses), and categories of metals, ceramics (and glasses), and polymer.polymer.E.g. fiberglass is a kind of composite system composed of E.g. fiberglass is a kind of composite system composed of polymer

55、ic matrix reinforced with glass fibers. polymeric matrix reinforced with glass fibers. Characteristic of fiberglass provides the best of both Characteristic of fiberglass provides the best of both worlds: It carry along the superior properties of each worlds: It carry along the superior properties o

56、f each component, producing a product that is superior to component, producing a product that is superior to either of the components separately. The high strength either of the components separately. The high strength of the small-diameter glass fibers is combined with the of the small-diameter gla

57、ss fibers is combined with the ductility of the polymer matrix to produce a strong ductility of the polymer matrix to produce a strong material capable of withstanding the normal loading material capable of withstanding the normal loading required of a structural material.required of a structural ma

58、terial.第69页/共102页第七十页,共103页。n nThere are three semiconducting elements (Si, Ge There are three semiconducting elements (Si, Ge and Sn) from column IVA and a cluster of elements and Sn) from column IVA and a cluster of elements of the periodic table immediately adjacent to of the periodic table immed

59、iately adjacent to column IVA, which forms compounds that are column IVA, which forms compounds that are semiconducting. Examples include gallium arsenide semiconducting. Examples include gallium arsenide (GaAs), which is used as a high-temperature (GaAs), which is used as a high-temperature rectifi

60、er (rectifier (5rektifaiE5rektifaiE 整流器整流器) and a ) and a laser material, and cadmium sulfide (CdS) laser material, and cadmium sulfide (CdS) which is used as a relatively low-cost solar cell which is used as a relatively low-cost solar cell for conversion of solar energy to useful for conversion of

61、 solar energy to useful electrical energy.electrical energy.第70页/共102页第七十一页,共103页。1.2 From structure to properties The unit of luminous flux flQks流量(liling), 通量 in the International System, equal to the amount of light given out through a solid angle by a source of one candela kAn5di:lE intensity ra

62、diating equally in all directions. 1 .hexagonal heksAEnElHavingsixsides.2 .lumen5lju:min缩写(suxi) lm 物理学 流明(光通量单位):国际度量系统中的光通量单位,等于一烛光的均匀点光源在单位主体角内发出的光通量.第71页/共102页第七十二页,共103页。n nEquivalenti5kwivElEntEquivalenti5kwivElEntn nadj.adj.相等的相等的, ,相当的相当的, ,同意义的同意义的n n等价物等价物, ,相等物相等物n nAvenue5Avinju:Avenue5A

63、vinju:n nn.n.林荫道林荫道, ,大街大街, ,方法方法(fngf),(fngf),途径途径, ,路路n nRefractionri5frAkFEnRefractionri5frAkFEnn nn.n.折光折光, ,折射折射n nDeterminationoftherefractiveDeterminationoftherefractivecharacteristicsoftheeye.characteristicsoftheeye.n n 屈光度测定:对眼睛折射特性的测定屈光度测定:对眼睛折射特性的测定第72页/共102页第七十三页,共103页。n nTranslucenttrAn

64、z5lju:sntTranslucenttrAnz5lju:sntn nadj.adj.半透明的半透明的, ,透明的透明的n nOpaqueEu5peikOpaqueEu5peikn nn.n.不透明物不透明物n nadj.adj.不透明的不透明的, ,不传热的不传热的, ,迟钝迟钝(chdn)(chdn)的的n nTransparenttrAns5pZErEntTransparenttrAns5pZErEntn nadj.adj.透明的透明的, ,显然的显然的, ,明晰的明晰的n nDensification7densifi5keiFEnDensification7densifi5keiFE

65、nn n致密化致密化第73页/共102页第七十四页,共103页。n nTounderstandthepropertiesofengineeringmaterialsitisnecessarytounderstandtheirstructure.第74页/共102页第七十五页,共103页。Atomic-scale architecture10000000 timesMicroscopic-scale architecture1000times第75页/共102页第七十六页,共103页。Example 1: Al , Mg Al alloys are ductile Mg alloys are b

66、rittle第76页/共102页第七十七页,共103页。 Al structure follows a cubic packing arrangement and Mg a hexagonal one .第77页/共102页第七十八页,共103页。第78页/共102页第七十九页,共103页。第79页/共102页第八十页,共103页。Example 2: transparent ceramicsTraditional ceramics contained a substantial amount of residual porosity .The porosity leads to loss o

67、f visible light transmission .Only about 0.3% porosity can cause Al2O3 to be translucent , and 3% porosity can cause the material to be completely opaque .The elimination of porosity : adding a small amount of impurity .第80页/共102页第八十一页,共103页。n nThe elimination of porosity resulted from a relatively

68、simple invention that involved adding a small amount of impurity (0.1 wt% MgO), which caused the high-temperature densification process for the Al2O3 powder to go to completion.第81页/共102页第八十二页,共103页。n nPorosmicrostructureinpolycrystallineAl2O3第82页/共102页第八十三页,共103页。n nFigure1Figure1polycrystallinefac

69、etedpolycrystallinefacetedsapphiresandrubiessapphiresandrubiesFigure3polisheddiscswithseveraldopants(thickness:0.8mm)第83页/共102页第八十四页,共103页。第84页/共102页第八十五页,共103页。The two examples just cited show typical and important demonstrations of how properties of engineering materials follow directly from struc

70、ture.第85页/共102页第八十六页,共103页。Qustionsn n1. Aluminum and magnesium are both metal, 1. Aluminum and magnesium are both metal, why aluminum is relatively ductile while why aluminum is relatively ductile while magnesium is relatively brittle? Please explain magnesium is relatively brittle? Please explain

71、the dramatic effect that structure has on the dramatic effect that structure has on properties on the atomic scale.properties on the atomic scale.n n2. why traditional ceramics such as aluminum 2. why traditional ceramics such as aluminum oxide are opaque whereas recently optically oxide are opaque

72、whereas recently optically transparent aluminum oxide ceramics are transparent aluminum oxide ceramics are produced? What are the differences between produced? What are the differences between their microscopic-scale architectures?their microscopic-scale architectures?第86页/共102页第八十七页,共103页。1.3 Selec

73、tion of materials anyofagroupofverystronglightweight,syntheticfibersusedinmakingradialtires,bulletproofofvests,etc.1 . etc. Latinthewrittenabbreviationforetcetera,usedafteralisttoshowthattherearemanyothersimilarthingsorpeoplethatyoucouldhaveadded.andsoforth,andsoon,andtheothers2 . ASTMAmericanSociet

74、yforTestingandMaterials.3 . aramid第87页/共102页第八十八页,共103页。 Apolymercontainingrepeatedamidegroups,asinvariouskindsofnylon. 4 . Aromatic 7ArEu5mAtikOf,relatingto,orcontainingoneormoresix-carbonringscharacteristicofthebenzene5benzi:n, ben5zi:nseriesandrelatedorganicgroups.5 . Polyamide第88页/共102页第八十九页,共10

75、3页。n n Appreciation E7pri:Fi5eiFEn n. Appreciation E7pri:Fi5eiFEn n.n n A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable A judgment or opinion, especially a favorable oneone。评价:判断。评价:判断(pndun)(pndun)或意见,尤指有益或意见,尤指有益的。的。n n2. Materials selection is the final, practical 2. Materials selection is the fina

76、l, practical decision in the engineering design process and decision in the engineering design process and can determine that designs ultimate success or can determine that designs ultimate success or failure.failure.n n3. solid-state adj. 3. solid-state adj. 使用电晶体的使用电晶体的, , 不用真空管的不用真空管的n n4. indefi

77、nite in5definit adj.4. indefinite in5definit adj.n n不确定的不确定的, , 语语 不定的不定的 (indefinite article) (indefinite article)第89页/共102页第九十页,共103页。n n5.although some structural ceramics can withstand 5.although some structural ceramics can withstand the anticipated service load, the anticipated service load, n

78、 nservice loadservice load负载负载(fzi)(fzi)n n6. criterion krai5tiEriEn n.6. criterion krai5tiEriEn n.n n( (批评判断的批评判断的) )标准标准, , 准据准据, , 规范规范n ncritical 5kritikEl adj.critical 5kritikEl adj.n n评论的评论的, , 鉴定的鉴定的, , 批评的批评的, , 危急的危急的, , 临界的临界的第90页/共102页第九十一页,共103页。n n7. The added cost of fabricating these

79、more 7. The added cost of fabricating these more sophisticated material systems is justified sophisticated material systems is justified only if a special advantage results.only if a special advantage results.n n fabricate 5fAbrikeit vt. fabricate 5fAbrikeit vt.n n 制作制作, , 构成构成, , 捏造捏造, , 伪造伪造, , 虚构

80、虚构n n Justify Justifyn n ToTo demonstrate or prove demonstrate or prove toto be just, right, be just, right, or valid:or valid:n n 论证或证明论证或证明正当、正确正当、正确(zhngqu)(zhngqu)或或有效有效n n8. optimal 5CptimEl adj. 8. optimal 5CptimEl adj. 最佳的最佳的, , 最理想最理想的的n n9. property comparison kEm5pArisn9. property comparis

81、on kEm5pArisnn n10. junction 5dVQNkFEn n.10. junction 5dVQNkFEn n.n n连接连接, , 接合接合, , 交叉点交叉点, , 汇合处汇合处第91页/共102页第九十二页,共103页。n n10. 10. n nspherical 5sferikEl adj.spherical 5sferikEl adj.球的球的, , 球形的球形的; ;n ncylindrical sI5lIndrIk(E)l cylindrical sI5lIndrIk(E)l 圆柱的圆柱的n n11. integral 5intirEl adj.11. in

82、tegral 5intirEl adj.n nEssential or necessary for completeness; constituent:Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent:n n必须的:构成必须的:构成(guchng)(guchng)整体所必须的;应有的整体所必须的;应有的第92页/共102页第九十三页,共103页。n n12. In the past quarter century, the term that has 12. In the past quarter century, the term th

83、at has come to label the general branch of engineering come to label the general branch of engineering concerned with materials is concerned with materials is materials science materials science and engineeringand engineering. This label is accurate in that . This label is accurate in that this fiel

84、d is a true blend of fundamental, this field is a true blend of fundamental, scientific studies and practical engineering. It scientific studies and practical engineering. It has grown to include contributions from many has grown to include contributions from many traditional fields, including metal

85、lurgy, ceramic traditional fields, including metallurgy, ceramic engineering, polymer chemistry, solid-state engineering, polymer chemistry, solid-state physics, and physical chemistry.physics, and physical chemistry.第93页/共102页第九十四页,共103页。n nLabel 5leibl vt Label 5leibl vt n nToTo identify or design

86、ate with a label; describe identify or designate with a label; describe or classify:or classify:n n把把归类,描述:用标签分别或命名;描归类,描述:用标签分别或命名;描绘或归类绘或归类n ncontribution 7kCntri5bju:FEn n.contribution 7kCntri5bju:FEn n.捐献捐献, , 贡献贡献(gngxin), (gngxin), 投稿投稿n nmetallurgy me5tAlEdVi n. metallurgy me5tAlEdVi n. 冶金冶金,

87、 , 冶金术冶金术n n13. optimum 5CptimEm13. optimum 5CptimEmn nn. n.最适宜最适宜n nadj.adj.最适宜的最适宜的第94页/共102页第九十五页,共103页。Which material do I now select for a particular application ?n nTwoseparatedecisions:Twoseparatedecisions:n nFirst:First:n nOnemustdecidewhichtypeofOnemustdecidewhichtypeofmaterialisappropriate

88、.materialisappropriate.n nSecond:Second:n nThebestspecificmaterialwithinThebestspecificmaterialwithinthatcategorymustbefound.thatcategorymustbefound.n npreferable5prefErEblpreferable5prefErEbln nadj.adj.更可取更可取(kq)(kq)的的, ,更好的更好的, ,更优更优越的越的第95页/共102页第九十六页,共103页。A . Competition among the five types of

89、 materials 第96页/共102页第九十七页,共103页。B . Selecting an optimal metal property comparisons must be made 2.Cost1.Superiormechanicalproperties第97页/共102页第九十八页,共103页。第98页/共102页第九十九页,共103页。c. Selecting a metal substitute第99页/共102页第一百页,共103页。第100页/共102页第一百零一页,共103页。1.4 materials science and engineeringn nFirst:sciencen nSecond:materialsn nFinally:engineering第101页/共102页第一百零二页,共103页。内容(nirng)总结会计学。超塑性的,超塑性材料(制)的。Characteristics(metallic 金属的,金属性的)。1.诡辩的, 久经世故(ji jn sh )的。Microcircuitry 5maIkrEJs:kIt电子微电路。必须的:构成整体所必须的第一百零三页,共103页。



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