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1、Unit 5What are the shirts made of?Section A(1a2d) . 单词填写单词填写1. chopstick(n. ) _ 2. blouse(n. )_ 3. produce(v. )_ 4. process(v. )_ 5. fair(n. )_ 答案答案: 1. 筷子筷子2. 短上衣短上衣3. 生产生产; 制造制造4. 加工加工; 处理处理5. 展览会展览会; 交易会交易会6. leaf(n. )_ (复数形式复数形式)7. environment(n. )_ (adj. )自然自然环境的境的; 有关有关环境的境的8. wide(adj. )_ (ad

2、v. )广泛地广泛地答案答案: 6. leaves7. environmental8. widely. 短短语互互译1. 以以闻名名_2. 由由制造制造_3. 在在制造制造_4. environmental protection_5. by hand_答答案案: 1. be known/famous for2. be made of/from3. be made in 4. 环境保护环境保护5. 手工手工. 句型填词句型填词1. 它是银制品吗它是银制品吗? _ it_ _ silver? 2. 它是泰国造的。它是泰国造的。It_ _ _ Thailand. 3. 那个飞机模型是用什么造的那个飞

3、机模型是用什么造的? _ _ the model plane_ _ ? 答案答案: 1. Is; made of2. was made in3. What is; made of4. 中国什么地方生中国什么地方生产茶叶茶叶? _ _ tea_ in China? 5. 茶叶是如何生茶叶是如何生产的的? _ _ tea_ ? 答案答案: 4. Where is; produced5. How is; produced1. It is made of silk. _答答案案: “be+动动词词的的过过去去分分词词”为为被被动动语语态态, 表表示示“主主语语是是动动作作的承受者的承受者”。2. Wh

4、at is the shirt made of? What is the painting made from? _答答案案: be made of和和be made from意意思思一一样样, 它它们们都都表表示示“某某物物是是由由制制造造的的”。但但是是be made of表表示示“能能够够看看出出原原材材料料”, be made from表示表示“不能看出原材料不能看出原材料”。1. produce v. 制造制造; 出出产【语境境领悟悟】*Where is tea produced in China? 中国什么地方生中国什么地方生产茶叶茶叶? *Hard work produces s

5、uccess. 努力工作努力工作导致成功。致成功。*Buy some native produce. 买些土特些土特产吧。吧。【自主自主归纳】produce的用法的用法(1)produce作作为动词, 意意为“生生产; 产生生; 提出提出; 出版出版; 演出演出; 导致致”。(2)produce作作为名名词, 意意为“产品品”。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】produce/product/production的区的区别三三者者都都作作“产品品”解解时, produce指指农业生生产的的产品品; product指指工工业生生产的的产品品; production指指剧院院、电视等等演演播播的的剧类电影等。影

6、等。People like to buy natural produce. 人人们喜喜欢买天然天然产品。品。Thats the product of his work. 那是他的那是他的劳动成果。成果。The film is a national production. 这部部电影是国影是国产片。片。【学以致用学以致用】他他们在在这家面包厂里生家面包厂里生产面包。面包。They_ bread in the bakery. 答案答案: make/produce2. widely adv. 广泛地广泛地; 普遍地普遍地【语境境领悟悟】*For example, Anxi and Hangzhou

7、are widely known for their tea. 例如例如, 安溪和杭州就以出安溪和杭州就以出产茶叶而广茶叶而广为人知。人知。*The river is very wide. 这条河非常条河非常宽。*Open your mouth wide. 把嘴把嘴张大。大。*He has traveled widely. 他到他到过很多地方。很多地方。【自主自主归纳】 wide与与widely的异同的异同wide作形容作形容词, 意意为“宽的的; 宽阔的的”作副作副词, 主要表示主要表示“张大大, 睁大大”到最大程度到最大程度, 侧重指物体从一重指物体从一边到另一到另一边的距离的距离wide

8、ly作副作副词, 主要表示距离主要表示距离远、范、范围大、地域广等大、地域广等, 通常与通常与过去分去分词连用用【学以致用学以致用】English is_ (wide)used in the world. 答案答案: widely3. be made of由由制成的制成的【语境境领悟悟】*Is it made of silver? 它是由它是由银制成的制成的吗? *Bread is made from wheat. 面包是由小麦制成的。面包是由小麦制成的。*The car is made in Shanghai. 这辆车是在上海制造的。是在上海制造的。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】 be made of

9、, be made from与与be made inbe made of意意为“是是(原材料原材料)制成的制成的”。介。介词of后的原后的原材料往往是材料往往是发生物理生物理变化化, 仍可看出材料的原仍可看出材料的原样be madefrom意意为“是是(原材料原材料)制成的制成的”。介。介词from后后的原材料往往是的原材料往往是经过化学化学变化化, 已已经看不出材看不出材料的原料的原样be made in意意为“在在制造制造(生生产)”。in后面跟表示地点后面跟表示地点的名的名词【图解助解助记】【归纳拓展拓展】be made up of与与be made into的用法的用法(1)be ma

10、de up of由由组成成, 由由构构成成, 常常表表示示由由多多种种成成分分、团体、成体、成员或或单位等位等组成成, 并并强强调整体的构成或整体的构成或组成。成。Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. 水是由水是由氢和氧构成的。和氧构成的。The medical team is made up of twelve doctors. 这个医个医疗队是由十二名医生是由十二名医生组成的。成的。(2)be made into把把制成制成。Glass can be made into all kinds of beautiful things. 玻璃可以制成各

11、种各玻璃可以制成各种各样的漂亮的漂亮东西。西。Wood can be made into furniture. 木木头可以做成家具。可以做成家具。【学以致用学以致用】(2013黄黄石石中中考考)This pair of shoes _hand, and it_ very comfortable. A. is made with; is felt B. are made from; is feltC. are made of; feels D. is made by; feels. 用所用所给单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The bowl_ (make)of gold. It is ve

12、ry expensive. 2. Computers are_ (wide)used all over the world. 3. What are they talking about? They are talking about the_ (environment) protection. 4. This kind of animal likes to eat_ (leaf). 5. The Great Wall is well_ (know)around the world. 答案答案: 1. is made2. widely3. environmental4. leaves5. kn

13、own. 单项选择单项选择1. Chinese_in this country. A. teachB. teachesC. taughtD. is taught2. These vegetables will be sent for_this afternoon. A. process B. to processC. processing D. to processing3. Our hometown is famous_fruit. A. as B. with C. for D. on4. They_apples_hand. It is a hard job. A. are picked;

14、in B. are picked; byC. pick; in D. are picking; by5. _is the bed made_? Steel. A. What; from B. What; ofC. Where; from D. Where; ofUnit 5What are the shirts made of? Section A(3a4c) . 单词填写单词填写1. 法国法国(n. ) _ 2. 当地的当地的; 本地的本地的(adj. ) _3. 避免避免; 回避回避(v. ) _4. 小手提包小手提包(n. ) _5. 可移动的可移动的; 非固定的非固定的(adj. )

15、_答案答案: 1. France2. local3. avoid4. handbag5. mobile6. 每天的每天的; 日常的日常的(adj. ) _7. 老板老板; 上司上司(n. ) _8. 表面表面; 表层表层(n. ) _9. 材料材料; 原料原料(n. ) _10. 交通交通; 路上行驶的车辆路上行驶的车辆(n. ) _答案答案: 6. everyday7. boss8. surface9. material10. traffic11. 邮递员邮递员(n. )_12. 帽子帽子(n. ) _13. 手套手套(n. ) _14. produce(v. )_(n. )产品产品答案答案

16、: 11. postman12. cap13. glove14. product. 短短语互互译1. 不不论; 无无论 _2. 交通事故交通事故_3. 美国品牌美国品牌_4. 移移动电话_5. everyday things_6. high-technology products_答案答案: 1. no matter2. traffic accident3. American brands4. mobile phone5. 日常用品日常用品6. 高科技产品高科技产品. 句型填句型填词1. 无无论你你买什么什么, 你可能会想到那些你可能会想到那些产品是在那些国家制造的。品是在那些国家制造的。_

17、_ what you may buy, you might think those products_ _ in those countries. 2. 没有父母的陪伴没有父母的陪伴, 18岁以下的未成年人不允以下的未成年人不允许看看这个个节目。目。Children under 18_ _ _ to watch this show without their parents. 答案答案: 1. No matter; were made2. are not allowedPeople grow tea in Hangzhou. Tea is grown in Hangzhou. _答答案案: 主

18、主动动语语态态变变为为被被动动语语态态时时, 主主动动语语态态的的宾宾语语变变为为被被动动语语态的主语态的主语, 谓语变为谓语变为“be+及物动词的过去分词形式及物动词的过去分词形式”。1. no matter不不论; 无无论【语境境领悟悟】*No matter what you may buy, you might think those products were made in those countries. 无无论你你买什么什么, 你可能会想到那些你可能会想到那些产品是在那些国家制造的。品是在那些国家制造的。*Dont believe him, no matter what(what

19、ever)he says. 不管他不管他说什么什么, 你都不要相信。你都不要相信。【自主自主归纳】 no matter的用法的用法no matter意意为“不不管管; 不不论”, 后后可可接接what, when, who等等从从属属连词引引导让步步状状语从从句句。从从句句的的语序序必必须是是陈述述语序序。no matter what=whatever, no matter when= whenever, no matter who = whoever。【学以致用学以致用】无无论何何时来来这里里, 请告告诉我一声。我一声。_ _ _ you come here, please tell me.

20、 无无论做什么做什么, 你都要尽全力。你都要尽全力。_ you do, you should try your best. 答案答案: No matter whenWhatever2. avoid v. 避免避免; 回避回避【语境境领悟悟】*He realized that Americans can hardly avoid buying products made in China. 他意他意识到美国人几乎不能避免到美国人几乎不能避免买中国制造的中国制造的产品。品。*I think she is avoiding me. 我想她是在我想她是在躲着我。着我。*Try to avoid acc

21、idents. 尽量防止尽量防止发生事故。生事故。【自主自主归纳】 avoid的用法的用法作作为动词, 可可表表示示“避避开开”或或“躲避避”某某人人或或某某物物, 也也可可表表示示“防防止止”某某事事的的发生生。其其后后可可接接名名词或或代代词作作宾语, 也也可可接接动名名词作作宾语, 但是不能接不定式作但是不能接不定式作宾语。【学以致用学以致用】He avoided_ (answer)my questions. 答案答案: answering3. everyday adj. 每天的每天的; 日常的日常的【语境境领悟悟】*Kang Jian thinks its great that Chi

22、na is so good at making these everyday things. 康健康健认为中国中国这么擅么擅长制造制造这些日用品真是太棒了。些日用品真是太棒了。*We have English lessons every day. 我我们每天上英每天上英语课。*She speaks everyday English very well. 她日常英她日常英语说得很好。得很好。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】everyday与与every dayeveryday为形容形容词, 意意为“每天的每天的; 日常的日常的”。在句中。在句中作定作定语, 修修饰名名词every day为副副词, 意意为“

23、每天每天”, 在句中作在句中作时间状状语【学以致用学以致用】互互联网已成网已成为日常生活的一部分。日常生活的一部分。The Internet has become part of_ _ . 答案答案: everyday life【语境境领悟悟】观察下列句子察下列句子, 思考思考谓语动词的用法。的用法。I am made to work hard every day. A letter is written by Bruce every week. Is it produced in this factory? What are they made of? Where are they grow

24、n? 【知知识构建构建】一般一般现在在时的被的被动语态【温馨提示温馨提示】怎怎样把主把主动语态改成被改成被动语态第第一一步步: 先先确确定定主主动句句中中的的主主语、谓语和和宾语, 找找出出其其中中的的谓语动词。第第二二步步: 把把主主动句句中中谓语动词后后面面的的宾语变为被被动句句的的主主语, 若若宾语是人称代是人称代词, 应把把宾格格变为主格。主格。第第三三步步: 把把主主动句句中中的的谓语动词变为“助助动词be+及及物物动词的的过去分去分词”, 但但时态不能改不能改变。第第四四步步: 把把主主动句句中中谓语动词前前面面的的主主语变为被被动句句中中介介词by的的宾语(没没必必要要说出出动作

25、作的的执行行者者时可可省省略略), 若若主主语是是人人称称代代词, 应把主格把主格变为宾格。格。【学以致用学以致用】English_ (use)as a foreign language in our country. They grow flowers in the park. (改改为被被动语态)Flowers_ _ in the park. He is allowed to go out with his friends on weekends. (改改为否否定句定句)He_ _ to go out with his friends on weekends. 答案答案: is useda

26、re grownisnt allowedIt is used to make tea. (改改为一般疑一般疑问句句)_ it_ to make tea? They are invited to come hereat eight oclock. (对画画线部部分分提提问)_ _ they_ to come here? 答案答案: Is; usedWhen are; invited. 用所用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. They are living in_ (German)now. 2. We cant avoid_ (speak)of him. He needs our help.

27、 3. Many people like cars_ (make)in Shanghai. 4. The company is known for its high-quality_ (produce). 5. What do you often do before_ (travel)to another place? I usually prepare something to eat and drink. 答案答案: 1. Germany2. speaking3. made4. products5. traveling. 单项选择1. _do you exercise? I exercis

28、e_. A. How long; everyday B. How long; every dayC. How often; everyday D. How often; every day2. French_as the first language in_. A. speaks; France B. speaks; the USC. is spoken; France D. is spoken; the US3. I_TV on Sunday. But on weekdays I cant. A. am allowed watch B. am allowed to watchC. allow

29、 watch D. allow to watch4. The kitchen is cleaned_my mother every morning. A. byB. withC. forD. at5. They_books and school things in the store. A. sell B. is sold C. are sold D. to sellUnit 5What are the shirts made of?Section B(1a1e) . 短短语翻翻译1. find out_2. think about_3. a kite festival_4. make a k

30、ite_5. fly a kite_答案答案: 1. 找出找出; 发现发现2. 考虑考虑; 认为认为3. 风筝节风筝节4. 制作风筝制作风筝5. 放风筝放风筝. 句型填句型填词1. 潍坊以坊以风筝而出名。筝而出名。Weifang_ _ _ kites. 2. 潍坊每年都坊每年都举办国国际风筝筝节。The international kite festival_ _ _ Weifang every year. 3. 有些有些风筝是用筝是用纸做的。做的。Some of the kites_ _ _ paper. 答案答案: 1. is famous for2. is held in3. are m

31、ade ofThis building was built last year. The sick boy was taken to hospital by the police yesterday. These trees were planted last year. _答答案案: 被被动动语语态态的的一一般般过过去去时时需需将将be动动词词变变为为过过去去式式, 即即was/were。1. find out发现【语境境领悟悟】*Laura is trying to find out more about. . . 劳拉想拉想发现更多关于更多关于*He looked for his pen

32、 all day, but he didnt find it. 他找了一整天他找了一整天钢笔笔, 但是没有找到。但是没有找到。【妙辨异同妙辨异同】find, find out与与look for的辨析的辨析find意意为“找到找到”, 强强调寻找的找的结果。果。还可以作可以作“发现, 碰到碰到”解解, 多指偶然多指偶然发现, 后接名后接名词、复合、复合结构或构或that从句从句find out意意为“了解了解, 查明明, 弄清楚弄清楚, 找到找到”等等, 指通指通过观察、察、探索而探索而发现事事实的真相、的真相、实情情, 调查找出原因找出原因, 或或发现秘密、秘密、错误等等; 一般接名一般接名

33、词、代、代词或从句或从句look for意意为“寻找找”, 强强调寻找的找的动作作【学以致用学以致用】The teacher wants to_ who didnt finish the homework. A. look for B. findC. find out D. look at(2013泉泉州州中中考考)Please_ (查找找)these new words in the dictionary. OK. 答案答案: find out/look up2. competitor n. 参参赛者者; 竞争者争者【语境境领悟悟】*The competitors at the festiv

34、al are from. . . 节日上的参日上的参赛者来自者来自*The two teams compete for the championship. 那两支那两支队伍要争伍要争夺冠冠军。*Who was the winner in the singing competition? 谁是歌咏比是歌咏比赛的的获胜者者? 【自主自主归纳】compete, competitor与与competition的异同的异同compete动词, 意意为“竞争争, 对抗抗, 比比赛”competitor名名词, 意意为“参参赛者者, 竞争者争者”competition名名词, 意意为“比比赛, 竞争争”【学

35、以致用学以致用】Do you know who the_ (compete)is? I watched the_ (compete)on TV last night and it was very exciting. 答案答案: competitorcompetition. 选择方框内合适的方框内合适的词填空填空international, competitors, packed, postman, local1. What does your father do? He is a_ . 2. This is an_ school for children from five countrie

36、s. 3. Have you_ all the things? Its time to go. 4. His aunt is a famous doctor in the_ hospital. 5. All these_ are very young and do well in the game. 答案答案: 1. postman2. international3. packed4. local5. competitors. 句型句型转换1. These kites were made in Weifang. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ these kites_ ? 2. I want

37、 to know how I can make a kite. (改改为同同义句句)I want to know_ _ _ a kite. 3. I feed these chicken twice a day. (改改为被被动语态)These chicken_ _ twice a day. 答案答案: 1. Where were; made2. how to make3. are fed4. Beautiful clothes are made in this company. (改改为一一般般疑疑问句句)_ beautiful clothes_ in this company? 5. St

38、rawberries are grown on the farm. (改改为否定句否定句)Strawberries_ _ on the farm. 答案答案: 4. Are; made5. arent grownUnit 5What are the shirts made of? Section B(2a2e) . 单词填写填写1. form(n. )_2. balloon(n. )_3. scissors(n. )_4. lively(adj. )_5. polish(v. )_答答案案: 1. 形形式式; 类类型型2. 气气球球3. 剪剪刀刀4. 生生气气勃勃勃勃的的; 鲜鲜艳艳的的5.

39、磨光磨光; 修改修改; 润色润色6. complete(v. )_7. it(pron. )_ (adj. )它的它的8. celebrate(v. )_ (n. )庆典典; 庆祝祝9. history(n. )_ (adj. )(有关有关)历史的史的答案答案: 6. 完成完成7. its8. celebration9. historical. 短短语翻翻译1. 例如例如_2. 把把变成成_3. 根据根据_4. 寻求帮助求帮助_答案答案: 1. such as2. turn. . . into3. according to4. ask for help5. 在困境中在困境中_6. 被被覆盖覆盖

40、_7. 剪剪纸_8. 童童话故事故事_答案答案: 5. in trouble6. be covered with7. paper cutting8. fairy tale. 句型填词句型填词1. 最普通的东西最普通的东西, 从纸、陶土到竹子从纸、陶土到竹子, 都被变成了美的事物。都被变成了美的事物。The most common things, from paper to clay to bamboo, _ _ _ objects of beauty. 2. 根据中国历史记载根据中国历史记载, 诸葛孔明首先使用了天灯。诸葛孔明首先使用了天灯。According to Chinese histo

41、ry, sky lanterns_ first_ _ Zhuge Kongming. 答案答案: 1. are turned into2. were; used by3. 它它们是用竹子做的是用竹子做的, 并且在上面覆盖了并且在上面覆盖了纸。They_ _ _ bamboo and _ _ paper. 4. 在春在春节期期间, 它它们被被贴在在门窗和窗和墙上。上。During the Spring Festival, they_ _ _ windows, doors and walls. 5. 晾干以后晾干以后, 它它们被用高温被用高温烧制。制。After drying, they_ _ _

42、 a very high heat. 答案答案: 3. are made of; covered with4. are put on5. are fired atEach different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art. _答案答案: its为物主代词为物主代词, 意为意为“它的它的”; its为为it is的缩写形式。的缩写形式。1. form n. 形式形式; 类型型【语境境领悟悟】*Each different part of China has its own special forms of t

43、raditional art. 中国的每个不同地区都有属于自己的特殊的中国的每个不同地区都有属于自己的特殊的传统艺术形式。形式。*She has a tall and graceful form. 她有着高大她有着高大优雅的外形。雅的外形。*If you fill in this form, you can take books out of the library. 如果你填了这张表如果你填了这张表, 就可以把书带出图书馆。就可以把书带出图书馆。*A plan began to form in his mind. 计划在他脑子里开始形成。计划在他脑子里开始形成。*You should for

44、m good habits. 你应当养成好习惯。你应当养成好习惯。【自主自主归纳】 form的用法的用法(1)作作为名名词, 意意为“形状形状, 外貌外貌, 形体形体; 形式形式; 表格表格”。(2)作作为动词, 意意为“形成形成; 产生生; 养成养成; 培养培养”。【学以致用学以致用】他好像他好像讨厌任何方式的运任何方式的运动。He seems to dislike any_ of exercise. 答案答案: form2. lively adj. 生气勃勃的生气勃勃的; 鲜艳的的【语境境领悟悟】*The pieces are usually cute children or lively

45、 characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. 这些些作作品品通通常常是是可可爱的的孩孩子子或或出出自自中中国国童童话或或历史史故故事事的的活活泼人物。人物。*He told a very lively story. 他讲了一个生动的故事。他讲了一个生动的故事。*This is a live/living fish. =This is a fish alive. 这是一条活鱼。这是一条活鱼。*The living are more important to us than the dead. 活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重

46、要。活着的人对我们来说比死去的人更重要。【自主自主归纳】 alive/live/living和和lively的异同的异同(1)lively有有“活活泼的的、快快活活的的、生生动的的”等等意意思思, 可可以以指指人人或或物物, 可作定可作定语或表或表语; 但它不可意但它不可意为“活着的活着的”, 而其他三个可以。而其他三个可以。(2)alive, live, living都都可可意意为“活活的的、有有生生命命的的”, 与与dead意意义相相反反。但但live通通常常只只作作前前置置定定语, 且且一一般般用用于于动物物; alive、living不不仅可可作作定定语(alive只只能能置置于于名名

47、词后后; living一一般般置置于于名名词前前, 也也可可置于名置于名词后后), 也可以作表也可以作表语。(3)只有只有living前加前加the方可表示方可表示“活着的人活着的人”, 作主作主语时, 视作复数。作复数。【学以致用学以致用】小小汤姆非常活姆非常活泼。Little Tom is very_ . 他是我他是我们班里的活雷班里的活雷锋。He is a_ Lei Feng in our class. 答案答案: livelyliving3. complete v. 完成完成【语境境领悟悟】*It takes several weeks to complete everything.

48、完成完成这一切要花好几周的一切要花好几周的时间。*His answer is complete. 他的回答是完整的。他的回答是完整的。*I understand completely. 我完全明白。我完全明白。【自主自主归纳】 complete的用法的用法complete作作为动词, 意意为“完完成成”; 作作为形形容容词, 意意为“完完整整的的; 完完全全的的; 完完成成的的; 结束束的的”。其其副副词形形式式为completely, 意意为“完完全地全地; 彻底地底地”。【学以致用学以致用】你什么你什么时候能完成候能完成这项工作工作? When will you_ the job? I f

49、orgot it_ (complete). 答案答案: complete/finishcompletely【备选要点要点】heatn. 热; 高温高温v. 加加热; 变热【语境境领悟悟】*After drying, they are fired at a very high heat. 晾干以后晾干以后, 它它们被用高温被用高温烧制。制。*The heat took the strength out of us. 炎炎热使我使我们筋疲力尽。筋疲力尽。*Lets heat some water to wash clothes. 让我我们烧点点热水洗衣服。水洗衣服。*The weather is

50、very hot these days. 这几天天气非常炎几天天气非常炎热。*The dish is a little hot. 这道菜有点辣。道菜有点辣。【自主自主归纳】 heat与与hot的区的区别heat作作为名名词时, 为不可数名不可数名词, 意思意思为“热; 高温高温”; 作作动词时, 意思意思为“加加热”hot作作为形容形容词, 意意为“热的的; 热情的情的; 辣的辣的”【学以致用学以致用】I am surprised that they can play basketball in this_ (hot). 答案答案: heat. 用所用所给单词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1.

51、Who is the_ (live)girl? She is my cousin. 2. You should_ (hot)the food before you eat it. 3. Paper_ (cut)is a kind of art. 4. I like_ (tradition)food-dumplings. 5. The boy likes to listen to_ (history)stories. 答案答案: 1. lively2. heat3. cutting4. traditional5. historical. 单项选择单项选择1. Why did they send

52、out sky lanterns? They sent them_help. A. ask to B. ask forC. to ask to D. to ask for2. You should be careful. The road_snow and ice. A. covers with B. is covered withC. covered for D. is covered for3. We see the red lanterns_the symbols of_. A. on; happy B. on; happinessC. as; happy D. as; happines

53、s4. _takes us five minutes_up these vegetables. A. That; to cut B. That; cutC. It; to cut D. It; cut5. The desk in her room_for_. A. uses; study B. uses; studyingC. is used; study D. is used; studyingUnit 5What are the shirts made of? Section B(3aSelf Check) 介介词by的用法的用法【语境境领悟悟】*Who is it made by? 它是

54、由它是由谁制造的制造的? *Some girls are drawing by(beside)the lake. 一些女孩在湖一些女孩在湖边画画。画画。*How many English songs had you learned by the end of last term? 到上学期末为止你们已经学了多少英语歌曲了到上学期末为止你们已经学了多少英语歌曲了? *Every day he went there by train. 每天他坐火车去那里。每天他坐火车去那里。*I cant leave her by herself. 我不能把她单独留下。我不能把她单独留下。【自主自主归纳】 by的

55、用法的用法(1)表表示示位位置置: “在在旁旁边, 靠靠近近”, 表表示示此此意意时, 常常可可与与beside换用。用。(2)表表示示时间: “到到为止止, 不不迟于于”, 常常与与过去去完完成成时连用用, 当当by引引导的是未来的的是未来的时间状状语时, 可用一般将来可用一般将来时。(3)表表示示旅旅行行、运运输等等的的路路线、工工具具或或方方法法: “由由, 经, 乘乘, 通通过”。(4)与与反反身身代代词oneself连用用, 表表示示独独自自、单独独或或没没有有人人帮帮助助(全全凭凭本人本人)。【学以致用学以致用】他他骑自行自行车去上班。去上班。He goes to work_ _

56、. 你能独立完成作你能独立完成作业吗? Can you finish the homework_ _ ? 答案答案: by bikeby yourself【创新写作新写作】山山东潍坊坊以以风筝筝闻名名于于世世。假假如如你你叫叫王王静静, 是是山山东潍坊坊人人, 请根据提示写一篇短文介根据提示写一篇短文介绍一下一下潍坊坊风筝。筝。提示提示: 1. 山山东潍坊因坊因风筝筝闻名于世名于世, 它被全世界的人所熟知。它被全世界的人所熟知。 2. 潍坊坊有有各各种种各各样的的风筝筝, 有有的的像像鸟, 有有的的像像龙, 有有的的像像人。人。 3. 风筝由竹子、筝由竹子、纸或或丝绸制成。制造者主要是制成。制

57、造者主要是农民。民。 4. 潍坊国坊国际风筝筝节在每年的四月份在每年的四月份举行。行。要求要求: 1. 不要逐字逐句翻不要逐字逐句翻译, 逻辑要合理通要合理通顺; 2. 可适当可适当发挥; 3. 词数数为80100个。个。【思路点思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁: 说明文。明文。(2)人称人称: 第三人称。第三人称。(3)时态: 一般一般现在在时。【写作模板写作模板】【妙笔成篇妙笔成篇】_【参考范文参考范文】 I am a girl. I come from Weifang, Shandong Province. Weifang is famous for its kites. It is known

58、 all over the world. There are all kinds of kites in Weifang. Some are like birds; some are like dragons; some are like persons. They are made of bamboo, paper or silk. They are often made by farmers. The Weifang International Kite Festival is held in April every year. The kites in our hometown are

59、very beautiful and they can fly very high. I hope that they can become better and better and bring people more happiness. . 用所用所给动词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空1. The singer is well_ (know)in our country. 2. They_ (learn)English for three years. 3. I wont go to the party unless I_ (invite). 4. Where do you_ (plant

60、)the trees? In the park or on the hill. 5. Our classroom_ (clean)three times a day. 答案答案: 1. known2. have learned3. am invited4. plant5. is cleaned. 完成句子完成句子1. 你们家乡以什么而出名你们家乡以什么而出名? What_ your hometown_ _ ? 2. 这件夹克衫是用棉花做成的。这件夹克衫是用棉花做成的。The jacket_ _ _ cotton. 3. 它是用来在晚上照明的。它是用来在晚上照明的。It_ _ _ seeing

61、at night. 答案答案: 1. is; famous/known for2. is made from3. is used for4. 加拿大人加拿大人说英英语和法和法语。English and French_ _ in Canada. 5. 我我们家家乡不生不生产茶叶。茶叶。Tea_ _ in our hometown. 答案答案: 4. are spoken5. isnt produced单元复习课Unit 5. 词汇速速记1. 筷子筷子(n. ) _2. 银; 银器器(n. ) _3. 棉棉; 棉花棉花(n. ) _4. 生生产; 制造制造(v. )_5. 加工加工; 处理理(v.

62、 ) _答案答案: 1. chopstick2. silver3. cotton4. produce5. process6. 当地的当地的; 本地的本地的(adj. ) _7. 避免避免; 回避回避(v. ) _8. 每天的每天的; 日常的日常的(adj. ) _9. 交通交通(n. ) _10. 手套手套(n. ) _11. 剪刀剪刀(n. ) _答案答案: 6. local7. avoid8. everyday9. traffic10. glove11. scissors12. leaf(n. )_ (复数形式复数形式)13. wide(adj. )_ (adv. )广泛地广泛地; 普遍地

63、普遍地14. German(adj. )_ (n. )德国德国15. compete(v. )_ (n. )参参赛者者; 竞争者争者16. national(adj. )_ (adj. )国国际的的17. live(v. )_ (adj. )生气勃勃的生气勃勃的18. history(n. )_ (adj. )(有关有关)历史的史的答案答案: 12. leaves13. widely14. Germany15. competitor16. international17. lively18. historical. 短短语互互译1. 以以闻名名be_ for2. 不不论; 无无论no_ 3.

64、童童话故事故事fairy_ 4. 由由制成制成be_ of/from5. environmental protection_ 6. by hand_7. be covered with_ 8. paper cutting_答案答案: 1. known/famous2. matter3. tale4. made5. 环境保护环境保护6. 手工手工7. 被被覆盖覆盖8. 剪纸剪纸. 句型攻关句型攻关1. 那个叉子是用那个叉子是用铁制成的。制成的。The fork_ _ _ iron. 2. 在学校里我在学校里我们不被允不被允许在在课堂上吃堂上吃东西。西。We_ _ to eat in class

65、at school. 3. 它是用来做它是用来做饭的的吗? _ it_ for cooking? 答案答案: 1. is made of2. arent allowed3. Is; used4. 中国什么地方种植香蕉中国什么地方种植香蕉? _ _ bananas_ in China? 5. 它是它是谁制造的制造的? _ _ it made_ ? 答案答案: 4. Where are; grown5. Who is; by. 语法法专练1. The coat_ (use)for keeping warm. 2. They_ (eat)noodles on birthday. 答案答案: 1. i

66、s used2. eat3. A great action movie _in that cinema yesterday. A. showed B. is showedC. was showed D. was showing4. They cut up the bananas to make milk shake. (改改为被被动语态)The bananas_ _ _ to make milk shake. 5. These clothes are put in the box in winter. (对画画线部分提部分提问)_ _ these clothes_ in winter? 答案答

67、案: 4. are/were cut up 5. Where are; put. 真真题体体验1. (2014新疆中考新疆中考)In spring children like_ (放放)kites. 答案答案: flying2. (2014云云南南中中考考)The great artist_ his amazing use of colors and shapes. (以以而而闻名名)答案答案: is famous/known for3. (2014广广安安中中考考)Aunt Wang will buy a pair of_ (手手套套)for my birthday. 答案答案: glove

68、s4. (2014兰州州中中考考)Email English is_ (广广泛泛地地)used among young people. 答案答案: widely5. (2014铜仁中考仁中考)Wow! How nice the watch is! Well, Its m_ in China, but not SWISS MADE. 答案答案: made6. (2014宿宿迁迁中中考考)In spring, we can see green_ (leaf)and grass everywhere. 答案答案: leaves7. (2014贵港中考港中考)Is there a sports mee

69、ting in your school? Yes. It_in November every year. A. holds B. heldC. will be held D. is held【解解析析】选选D。考考查查动动词词的的被被动动语语态态。a sports meeting与与动动词词hold构构成成被被动动关关系系, 所所以以应应使使用用被被动动语语态态, 故故排排除除A、B项项; 又又根据句中根据句中every year可知该句是一般现在时。可知该句是一般现在时。8. (2014铜仁中考仁中考)Our classroom is so clean. It_every day. A. i

70、s cleaned B. was cleanedC. cleans D. cleaned【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词的的被被动动语语态态。根根据据答答句句句句意意“教教室室每每天被打扫。天被打扫。”可以判断用一般现在时的被动语态可以判断用一般现在时的被动语态, 故选故选A。9. (2014天津中考天津中考)What languages_in that country? German and English. A. are speaking B. are spokenC. speak D. is spoken【解解析析】选选B。考考查查动动词词的的语语态态。句句意意: 那那个个国国家家说

71、说什什么么语语言言? 德德语语和和英英语语。通通过过上上句句可可知知“语语言言是是被被人人们们所所说说”, 即即用用被被动动语语态态即即句句子子主主语语是是动动作作的的承承受受者者, 排排除除A、C; 又又因因主主语语languages是复数形式是复数形式, 排除排除D。10. (2014常常州州中中考考)This listening material, together with its CD-ROMs, _well. A. sells B. sellC. is sold D. are sold【解解析析】选选A。考考查查动动词词的的语语态态。某某些些可可以以和和well, easily,

72、smoothly等等副副词词连连用用的的不不及及物物动动词词(如如read, write, wash, clean, draw, cook, sell, lock, open等等), 当当其其主主语语是是非非生生命命的的名名词词或或代代词词时时, 用用主主动动结结构构表表被被动动含含义义。本本句句的的主主语语为为This listening material为为第第三三人人称称单单数数; sell well意意为为“畅畅销销”。句句意意为为“这这个听力材料以及它的光盘很畅销。个听力材料以及它的光盘很畅销。”Unit 5What are the shirts made of? 【导导语语】凡凡事

73、事不不一一定定都都要要做做到到“尽尽善善尽尽美美”。也也许你你可可以以做做到到“尽尽善善”, 但但不不一一定定要要做做到到“尽尽美美”。任任何何事事都都有有个个“度度”, 超超过那那个个“度度”往往会物极必反往往会物极必反, 事与愿事与愿违。Once upon a time, there was a nobleman who gave some wine to his servants. The wine was not enough for them. The servants finally decided whoever first finished drawing a snake on

74、 the groundwould get the cup of wine. One of the servants finished drawing first. He took up the cup, and was going to drink the wine when he thought of adding feet to the snake. He went on drawing. Then another servant finished drawing his snake. He snatched the wine cup and drank up the wine, saying, “I first finished drawing the snake. What you have drawn is not a snake. A snake doesnt have feet. ”【词海拾贝词海拾贝】nobleman 贵族族servant 仆人仆人add增添增添snatch抢夺【我的感悟我的感悟】Its no use to paint a snake with feet. (画蛇添足画蛇添足, 徒徒劳无益。无益。)



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