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1、 1 (R)7 年级上第一单元 My name s Gina 语法点 1. What your name? 这是一个询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句,后面可加上 please 表示客气礼貌, 其回答形式为: I m +姓名或My name s +姓名 2. I m Jenny. I m 是 I am 的缩写 3. Nice to meet you. 这个是两个人初次见面时的问候语。回答要用:Nice to meet you, too.( 见到你我也很高兴) 如果是正式场合互相打招呼会用 How do you do? (你好),回答也要用 How do you do? 4. And what s her

2、 name? My 我的, your 你的, his 他的, her 她的,its 它的,这些称为形容词性物主代词,意思为: 某人的. 中考考点链接 一,根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1. My full name is Jack Smith. My f_ name is Jack. 2. N_ to meet you! 3. - What s h_ name? - Her name is Gina. 4. This is a boy. H_ name is Bob. 5. My cat s n_ Mimi. I_ white and black. 二,句型转换 1. My name is J

3、im Green. (对画线部分提问) _ is _ name? 2. Nice to meet you. (写出答语) _ _ meet you, _. 3. I m Grace. (写出同义句) My _ _ Grace. 4. I _ Rose and she _ Helen. (用 Be 动词的适当形式填空) 5. his, is, Jack, good friend. (连词成句) _. 三,补全对话 A: Hi, _ your name? B: My name is Alice. Are _ Gina? A: No, I am not. _ Bill. B: Hi, Bill. N

4、ice to meet _. A: _, too. 翻译下列句子 1. 你叫什么名字?_ 我叫艾伦。_ 2. 他叫什么名字?_ 他叫约翰。_ 3. 她叫什么名字?_ 她叫玛丽。_ 4. 他是杰克吗?_ 2 不,他不是。他叫麦克。_ 5. 你是海伦吗?_ 是的,我是。_ 5. 基数词(0 - 9) 写出 0 9 数字的英文: _ _ 6. What s your telephone number, Li Xin? 此句还可以说成:What number is your telephone? 回答是:It s 或 My telephone number is . 注意:英语电话号码中 0 可读成字

5、母的发音或 zero,相连的相同两位数可读作 double(双写的) ,例如:7705440 Telephone 电话,相当于 phone,缩写为 Tel Number 数字,缩写为 No. 7. It s 281-9176 注意区别: It s 是 it is 的缩写,意思为:它是 Its 是形容词性物主代词,意思为:它的 8.区别:first name, last name, given name, family name First name,表面意思:第一个名字,即英语名字的第一个单词,应理解为:名 Last name,表面意思:最后一个名字,即英语名字的最后一个单词,应理解为:姓 G

6、iven name, 表面意思:被取的名字,即英文名字里面被人取的那部分单词,应理解为:名,因为姓是祖传定下来的,不能改变。 Family name 表面意思:家族名字。应理解为:姓 如:Michael Jordan 9. I m Dale Miller and my friend is Eric Brown. 这个是 and 连接的并列句。and 为并列连词,意思:和。用来连接两个或两个以上并列的单词,短语和句子,有时候不需要翻译出来。 中考考点链接 一,将下列英文电话号码变为数字或将数字变为英文 1. eight six three nine four nine one zero _ 2.

7、 three five one eight zero two seven six_ 3. 269-41573_ 4. 856-30215_ 二,选择填空 1. What s five and four? It s _ A. one B. nine C. zero D. eight 2. What s your QQ number? _ 260710647. A. It B. Is C. It s D. Its 3. _. I must go home (回家). A. It s black. B. It s a book. C. It s 553-322 D. It s 10:00 pm no

8、w. 4. My family _ big (大的).My family _ friendly (友好的) A. is, is B. is, are C. are, are D. are, is 3 5. Mary is a girl. _ family name is Green. AShe B. Her C. He D. His 三翻译下列句子 1. 她几岁?_ 她十岁。_ 2. 你的电话号码是多少?_ 我的电话号码是 278-7868._ 3. 你的名字是什么?_. 你的姓氏是什么?_ 4. 现在几点了?_ 八点_ 5. 这是你的电话号码吗?_ 是的。_ 本课重点语法 一动词 be 的一

9、般现在时的用法 1. 动词 be 是英语中很重要的一类动词,在一般现在时中它的具体形式是 am, is, are. 2. 动词 be 是怎样根据人称和数的变化而变化的?be 动词的形式取决于主语的人称和数,即:I + am; they/you/we + are; it/ she / he + is; 名词单数/不可数名词 + is; 名词复数 + are 二,人称代词和形容词性物主代词的用法 1. 人称代词。英语中人称代词分为主格和宾格两种形式。 I (我) ,you (你) , he(他), she (她), it (它) , we (我们), you (你们) , they (他/她/它们

10、),是主格人称代词。 Me(我), you (你) ,him(他), her(她) , it (它) , us (我们),you (你们) , them(他/她/它们)是宾格人称代词。 2. 英语中,像 my (我的)your(你的)her(她的)his(他的)its(它的)our(我们的)your(你们的)their(他们的)属于形容词性物主代词,说明某物或某人的主人是谁,强调所属关系。 用表格表示人称代词和形容词性物主代词如下: 人称代词 物主代词 主格 宾格 形容词性 第一人称 单数 I Me My 复数 we Us our 第二人称 单数 you You Your 复数 You you

11、 Your 第三人称 单数 He she it Him her it His her its 复数 They Them their 一般现在时中考链接 一 用 am, is, are 填空 1. Hello! How _ you. I _ fine, thank you. 2. What _ this in English? It _ an apple. 3. Miss Gao _ our English teacher. 4 4. _ her name Rose? Yes, it _. 二, 用所给代词的物主代词完成下列句子 1. She is a nice girl. _ (she) na

12、me is Amy. 2. Look at this boy. Do you know _ (he) name? 3. I m Jim. The old woman is _ (I) grandmother. 4. Excuse me. Is this _ (you) book? Yes. It s my book. 5. _ (we) school is very beautiful. 6. This is _ (they) classroom. 三, 选择填空 1. _ books are in the box. A. I B. You C. Your D. We 2. We do _ h

13、omework every day. A. we B. our C. us D. your 3. Who is the girl? _ is Mary. A. He B. She C. Her D. Him 4. Is this Miss Smith s car? No, _ car is over there. A. His B. your C. she D. he 5. Is this _ tomato? No, it s mine. A. you B. her C. she D. he 6. _ grandma is a teacher. A. I B. My C. Me D. He 7

14、. Is your friend here? Yes, _ is. A. she B. his C. her D. him 8. _ is a boy. _ name is Jack. A. She, Her B. He, Her C. He, His D. She, His 9. _ is a girl. _name is Mary. A. She, Her B. He, His C. He, Her D, She, His 10. Is this Mr. Green s bike? No, _ bike is there. A. His B. Your C. Her D.She 5 (R)

15、7 年级上第二单元 This is my sister 语法点 1. That s my family. Family 是名词,做家庭讲时,常常用作单数;当家人讲时,强调家庭成员,常常用作复数。 I have a happy family. My family are watching TV. That s 这是个介绍句型,还有 This is 2. these are my brothers. (1)These 是 this 的复数形式 These are 和 This is (2)注意区分 this, these, that, 和 those (3)注意:英语中要注意单复数一致,在对一般疑

16、问句的回答中,一般用 it 代替 this/that,用they 代替 these/those。 This is a book. It is an English book. Are these your books? Yes, they are. (4)this, that, it 在电话中的运用 (5) brothers 是 brother 的复数形式,但数量大于 1 时,其后的名词要用复数形式。 3. She is my sister. She 是主格人称代词,她。指代单数的女性。 注意区分第三人称单数的他,她和它。 4. complete the conversation and pr

17、actice it with your partner. And 表示并列的用法。 5. Take turns to ask and answer questions about the photos. Take turns to do sth. 轮流做某事 中考考点链接 一用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Are_(this) your parents? They _(be) very tall(高). 2. _(her) is my sister. Here _(be) her photo. 3.Dick is_(he) brother. They are _(I) friends. 4.

18、They _(be) my grandparents. My father_(be) their son. 5.These are their_(book). _ (their) are on the desk. 二选择填空。 1. He is a teacher_ she is a nurse. A. or B. and C. but D. then 2. Is she your sister? _. A. No, she is. B. Yes, she isn t. C. Yes, she is Lucy. D. I don t know. 3. _are my parents, Tom.

19、 A. This B. These C. That C. It 4. Mom, _ is my friend, Lucy. Lucy, _ is my mother. A. this; this B. that; this C. that; that D. this; that 5. Who s that speaking? _. A. This is Jack speaking. B. I m speaking. C. Jack is me. D. I m Jack. 6. Who are _ students? 6 A. they B. this C. these D. that 7. J

20、im, _ is Lily. A. this B. her C. it D. she 8. _ days many families have computers. A. These B. Those C. This D. That 9. Are these trees? No, _ aren t. A. these B. those C. they D. these trees 10. _ are ten English books. A. These B. This C. It D. That 三完成以下句子 1. 妈妈,这是我的英语老师。 Mum, _ _ my English teac

21、her. 2.这些是我的书,他们非常有趣。 _ _ my books, _ _ very funny. 3.那个是你的水杯吗? _ _ your glass? 是的,它是。 Yes, _ _. 4.那些是你的铅笔吗? _ _ your pencils? 不,他们是我的。 No, _ _. 5.(打电话)你好!你是汤姆吗? Hello! _ _ Tom speaking? 对不起,我是杰克。 Sorry, _ _ Jack speaking. 6. the family tree. 家谱 Father/dad/daddy mother/mom/mommy Parent= father or mo

22、ther Parents= father and mother 7. These are my parents and this is my grandma. (1) and (2) these (3) this (4) grandma/ grandmother Grandfather/grandparents/ grandson/ granddaughter 8. This is my friend, Lin Fang. Friend n. Best friend pen friend boy/girl friend 9. Here are two photos of my family.

23、(1)here are 是一个倒装句 (2)如果主语是名词,用全倒装,即是 Here + 系动词/be 动词 + 名词。如果主语是代词,则用半倒装,即是 Here + 代词+系动词/be 动词。谓语动词要和后面的主语保持一致。 Here comes the bus. 7 Here you are! (3)Photo and picture (4)of 表示所属关系,名词所有格 10. Here is a photo of my family. 见第九点。 11. male and female 12. both Both 表示两者都,做主语时,谓语动词用复数。 Both of them are

24、 students. 中考考点链接 一英汉互译 1.我的父母_ 2. my family photo _ 3.你的堂兄弟_ 4.his friend_ 5.我的母亲的哥哥_ 6.excuse me_ 7.这些手表_ 8.Thanks very much. _ 9.那些橘子_ 10. a picture of Dave s family_ 二选择填空 1. _ a photo of your family? A. That is B. Are these C. It s D. Is it 2.Where(哪儿) is _ mother? A. Mary B. Mary s C. she D. h

25、e 3. Mr. Green is Ann s father. Ann is his _. A. brother B. sister C. son D. daughter 4.Is that a photo _ your school? A. at B. in C. of D. on 5.Thanks _ the photo of your family. A. at B. for C. in D. on 三完成以下句子 1.这是我的爷爷和奶奶。 _ _my grandfather and grandmother. 2.这是我的妹妹,琳达。 _ _ my _, Linda. 3.这是两张我的家

26、人照片。 _ _ two _ of my family. 4.这是一张我的家人照片。 _ _ _ _ of my family. 5.我的父母都是老师。 My_ _teachers. 本课重点语法 1. 指示代词 this, that, these and those 的用法。 2. 可数名词的单复数。 (1) 变化规则 (2) 单复数相同的,如 people, Chinese, Japanese, deer, sheep 等 (3) 以字母 O 结尾的名词,一般在词尾加 s, photos, zoos, radios; 但是有少数的是加 es, 8 Negro, hero, potato,

27、tomato. (4) 特 殊 形 式 : manmen, woman women, toothteeth, footfeet, mousemice, childchildren. 中考链接 一写出下列名词的复数形式 1. toy _ 2. baby _ 3. photo _ 4. watch _ 5. Chinese _ 6. house _ 7.potato _ 8. orange _ 二根据句意,填充适当的指示代词。 1. _ is a rule. The rule is here. 2. _ are apples. The apples are there. 3. Are _ birds in the cage here? Yes, they are. 4.This is Mary. Who s that? _ is Li Tao. 5. This is an English book and _ is a math book. 三翻译下列句子 1. 这两个小孩都是女孩。 2. 我们是中国人。 3. 我喜欢吃西红柿。 4. 这些绵羊是白色的。 5. 那些男人是强壮的。



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