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1、英汉翻译 之 合译法 合译法多用于英语简单句的翻译,特别是两个或两个以上的英文句子共用相同的主语的时候,汉语一般不喜欢重复某一名词,或重复使用某一代词作主语,这这种情况下,往往将原文数句合译为一句。 This novel is of no great literary merit. It is merely a pot-boiler. 这部小说纯属胡编乱造,没有多大文学价值。 I wasnt an enemy, in fact or in feeling, I was an ally. 无论在事实上,还是在情感上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。 Confucius was a belie

2、ver in moral action and in what we today call human development. He advocated the establishment of harmony within the social order. 孔子信仰道德的行为,信仰我们今天所说的人的发展,提倡在社会秩序内建立和谐。 Young people dont hesitate to attempt one thing after another. Eager to experiment, they welcome new ideas. They are restless and

3、alive and never satisfied. They seek perfection. 年轻人总是不停地探索,急于实验,乐于接受新的思想。他们充满活力,永不满足,追求尽善尽美。 有时候是为了行文紧凑、简练的原则而将两句或数句合并为一句来翻译; I was slow to understand the deep grievance of women. This was because, as a boy, I had envied them. 我迟迟未能理解女人的深切苦楚,因为我小时候曾羡慕过她们。 A man in a newish suburb feels that he has

4、one foot in the city and one in the country. As this is the kind of compromise he likes, he is happy. 住在新郊区的人,觉得一只脚在城里,一只脚在乡下,非常开心,因为这种城乡妥协之地是他喜欢的。 Towards evening, the attack of the French slackened in its fury. They had other foes besides the British to engage, or were preparing for a final onset.

5、 将近傍晚,法军的攻势逐渐松懈,或许因为它们除了英国人之外还有别的交战敌人,或许正在准备发动最后的一次总攻击。 Although the size of the task waiting to be carried out is daunting and there are many hurdles to be overcome, it would be wrong to end my address on a note of pessimism. Many countries have already made considerable progress in this regard. 尽管

6、等待我们去完成的任务规模之大令人畏惧,尽管有许多障碍有待克服,但是以悲观的调子来结束我的发言是错误的,因为许多国家在此方面已经取得了长足的进步。合译时,可充分发挥汉语标点符号的作用; Nine of the 13 children have never held a meaningful job, nor do they care to. Only one of the boys finished high school. Two of the girls became teenage mothers and lived on welfare. One of the girls lived a

7、 fast life that came to a crashing end at 22. 在13个孩子中,9个没有像样的工作,他们对此也毫不在乎;只有一个男孩读完了中学;两个女孩未成年便做了母亲,靠救济度日;还有一个女孩放荡不羁,年仅22岁便猝然死去。英汉翻译英汉翻译 之之 词义选择词义选择 The Constitution outlines the structure of the national government and specifies its power and activities. The drafters of the Constitution saw that the

8、 future might bring a need for change. It is he who formulate foreign policy and prepares laws for home front. Ford believed that in the dignity of work, and did not wish his men to become underpaid robots. A pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly

9、 articulated the words, “Let me see the child, and die.” 一个年轻女子有气无力地从枕头上仰起毫毫无无血血色色的面孔,用微弱的声音含含糊糊不不清清地地吐出这样几个字来:“让 我 看 看 孩 子 再 死 。 ” “Oh,” laughed Linda, “you dont know Mamma. Shell insist on your marrying me right away! And after a while she will forgive you.” 琳达笑着说:“呵,你不知道妈妈的脾妈妈的脾气气呢。她会坚持让你马上跟我结婚,过

10、不多久就会宽恕你的。”译文表达方式变通译文表达方式变通 None of the parties shall be entitled to make any press release or other public statement or disclosure concerning this agreement without the prior written consent of the other parties. 未经其他各方事先书面同意,任何一方均无权就有关本协议举行新闻发布会,发表公开声明或进行披露。 Many aspiring to be elected as the part

11、y candidate employ top public relations and advertising man, who invent clever catch phrase and set about “selling” their man. 许多想成为该党总统候选人的人聘请顶级公共关系和宣传专专家家,由由他他们们撰撰写写别别出出心心裁裁的的宣宣传口号,传口号,“推销推销”他们为之效力的他们为之效力的候选人候选人。Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakespeare.他可能想到的只是

12、一个人的名字,那便是莎士比亚。Remnants of broken walls are enough to suggest the splendor of the ancient building.断垣残壁足以使人想象到这幢古建筑往昔的壮观。The sight of birds suggested a new idea for flying machines.人们看到鸟,便对飞行器有了新的设想。I tried to think what could have happened, but nothing suggested itself. These planes were held back

13、to protect the enemys home islands instead of being used where they were badlyneeded. 1)这些飞机被留在后方保卫敌人本岛,未用于其它急需的地方。 2)敌人没有把这些飞机用到最需要的地方去,而是把它们留下来,在岛上守卫他们的老巢。 In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I have been turning over in my mind ever since. 在我年轻幼稚的时候,父亲曾给了我一番教

14、诲教诲,我一直铭记在心。 Now and then, he turned his eyes from the girls face to that of the partner, which in the exhilaration of dance, had taken on a look of impudent (very rude and disrespectful) ownership. 他时而转移他的目光从女子的脸上到她的舞伴的脸上,那张脸在跳舞的狂热中俨然有“佳人属我”的精神。(吕叔湘 译) The key to success is not information. It is p

15、eople. And the kind of people I look for to fill top management spots are the eager beavers. These are the guys who try to do more than they are expected to. They are always reaching. And reaching out to the people they work with, trying to help them do their jobs better. That is the way they have built.



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