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1、 学英语 找长喜 1 Unit 8 Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty. 世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获。 学习内容 题 材 词 数 建议时间 得分统计 做题备忘 Part A Text 1 科普知识 429 /10 Text 2 商业经济 421 /10 Text 3 文化教育 457 /10 Text 4 社会生活 432 /10 Part B 科普知识 592 /10 Part C 文化教育 479 /10 Part A Directions: Read the following texts. Answer the question

2、s blow each text by choosing A,B,C or D. Text 1 Traffic statistics paint a gloomy picture. To help solve their traffic woes, some rapidly growing U.S. cities have simply built more roads. But traffic experts say building more roads is a quick- fix solution that will not alleviate the traffic problem

3、 in the long run. Soaring land costs, increasing concern over social and environmental disruptions caused by road- building, and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are powerful factors bearing down on a 1950s- style constructions program. The goal of smart- highway

4、 technology is to make traffic systems work at optimum efficiency by treating the road and the vehicles traveling on them as an integral transportation system. Proponents of this advanced technology say electronic detection systems, closed- circuit television radio communication, ramp metering, vari

5、able message signing, and other smart highway technology can now be used at a reasonable cost to improve communication between drivers and the people who monitor traffic. Pathfinder, a Santa Monica, California- based smart- highway project in which a 14- mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, mak

6、ing up what is called a “smart corridor”, is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. Closed- circuit television cameras survey the flow of traffic, while communications linked to properly equipped automobiles advise motorists of the least congested routes or detours. Not all traffic ex

7、perts, however, look to smart- highway technology as the ultimate solution to traffic gridlock. Some say the high- tech approach is limited and can only offer temporary solutions to a serious problem. “Electronics on the highway addresses just one aspect of the problem: how to regulate traffic more

8、efficiently,” explains Michael Renner, senior researcher at the Worldwatch Institute.“It doesnt deal with the central problems of too many cars for roads that cant be built fast enough. It sends people the wrong message.” “They start thinking Yes, there used to be a traffic congestion problem, but t

9、hats been solved now because we have an advanced high- tech system in place.” Larson agrees and adds, “Smart highways is just one of the tools that we will use to deal with our traffic problems. Its not the solution itself, just part of the package. There are different strategies.” 学英语 找长喜 2 Other

10、traffic problem- solving options being studied and experimented which include car pooling, rapid mass- transit systems, staggered or flexible work hours, and road pricing, a system whereby motorists pay a certain amount for the time they use a highway It seems that we need a new, major thrust to dea

11、l with the traffic problems of the next 20 years. There has to be a big change. 1. The compound word “quick- fix”(Line 4, Paragraph 1) most probably means A best B helpful C ready Defficient 2. According to the text, the smart highway technology is aimed to A integrate the road and the vehicles on t

12、hem into a transportation system B advise motorists of the least congested routes. C optimize the highway capabilities. D improve communication between driver and the traffic monitors. 3.Which of the following is true of Pathfinder? A Its a good example of smart highway technology. B Its a project o

13、f a 14-mile stretch of freeway. C Its a smart corridor dealing with traffic problems. D It offers ultimate solutions to a serious traffic problem. 4. According to Larson, to deal with the traffic problem, A car pooling must be studied. B rapid mass transit systems must be introduced. C flexible work

14、 hours must be experimented. D overall strategies must be coordinated. 5. Which of the following is the best title for this text? A Smart Highway Projects The Ultimate Solution to Traffic Congestion. B A Quick-fix Solution for the Traffic Problems. C A V enture to Remedy Traffic Woes. D Highways Get

15、 Smart Part of the Package to Relieve Traffic Gridlock. Text2 Americas economic recovery remains uncomfortably weak. The latest data show industrial production falling while the trade deficit soars to record levels. To round off a dismal week for economic statistics, the Fed announced that industria

16、l production fell by 0.2% in December compared with the previous month. That came as a disappointment to economists who had been expecting a small rise. Monthly data are always unreliable, of course; there is always a plausible explanation for unexpectedly bad (or good) news. But nearly all recent e

17、conomic statistics point to the same conclusion that Americas recovery remains sluggish and erratic. It could put pressure on the Fed to consider cutting interest rates again when its policy- making committee meets at the end of the month. The biggest obstacle to healthier economic performance, thou

18、gh, is political. As the Feds chairman, Alan Greenspan, acknowledged in the closing months of 2002, uncertain about the future is holding both investors and consumers back. The shadowy threat of international terrorism and the much more explicit prospect of a war with Iraq have made many Americans n

19、ervous about the future. For businesses still reeling from the speed at which the late-1990s boom turned to 学英语 找长喜 3 slump, the political climate is one more reason to put off investing in new plant and equipment or hiring new staff. For consumers, for so long the mainstay of the American economy,

20、 the thrill of the shopping mall seems, finally, to be on the wane. It is hard to put a favorable interpretation on most of the data. But it is important to keep a sense of perspective. Some recent figures look disappointing partly because they fall short of over- optimistic forecasts a persistent w

21、eakness of those paid to predict the economic future, no matter how often they are proved wrong. The Fed will be watching carefully for further signs of weakness during the rest of the month. Mr. Greenspan is an avid, even obsessive, consumer of economic data. He has made it clear that the Fed stand

22、s ready to reduce interest rates again if it judges it necessary even after 12 cuts in the past two years. At its last meeting, though, when it kept rates on hold, the Fed signaled that it did not expect to need to reduce rates any further. Monetary policy still offers the best short- term policy re

23、sponse to weak economic activity, and with inflation low the Fed still has scope for further relaxation. President Bushs much-vaunted fiscal stimulus is unlikely to provide appropriate help, and certainly not in a timely way. 6.Which of the following best describes Americas economic situation now? A

24、 It is flourishing. B It faces an uncertain future. C It remains depressing. D It shows unreliable signs. 7.The figure 0.2% in paragraph 1 indicates that A Americas economic recovery is still shaky. B Economists are disappointed at the future economy. C It is a good sign for Americas economic recove

25、ry. D The biggest obstacle to healthier economic performance is political. 8.What factor makes investors put off investing in new plant and equipment? A The sluggish economic situation. B The direct threat of international terrorism. C The possibility of international terrorism. D Investors shortage

26、 of capital. 9.What is the writers attitude toward some recent figures mentioned in paragraph 3? A Optimistic. B Skeptical. C Worrisome.D Critical 10.How does monetary policy offer help for weak economic activity? A It can stimulate investment in new plant and equipment. B It can reduce interest rat

27、es so as to stimulate weak economic activity. C The Fed tries to keep inflation low. D President Bush can offer appropriate monetary policy. Text 3 “I want to criticize the social system, and to show it at work, at its most intense.”Virginia Woolfs provocative statement about her intentions in writi

28、ng Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision 学英语 找长喜 4 and with following the intricate pathways of indiv

29、idual consciousness. But Virginia Woolf was a realistic as well as a poetic novelist, a satirist and social critic as well as a visionary: literary critic s cavalier dismissal of Woolfs social vision will not withstand scrutiny. In her novels, Woolf is deeply engaged by the questions of how individu

30、als are shaped (or deformed) by their social environments, how historical forces impinge on peoples lives, how class, wealth, and gender help to determine peoples fates. Most of her novels are rooted in a realistically rendered social setting and in a precise historical time. Woolfs focus on society

31、s has not been generally recognized because of her intense antipathy to propaganda in art. The pictures of reformers in her novels are usually satiric or sharply critical. Even when Woolf is fundamentally sympathetic to their causes, she portrays people anxious to reform their society and possessed

32、of a message or program as arrogant or dishonest, unaware of how their political ideas serve their own psychological needs. (Her Writers Diary notes: “the only honest people are the artists, whereas those social reformers and philanthropists .harbor.discreditable desires under the disguise of loving

33、 their kind .”) Woolf detested what she called “preaching” in fiction, too, and criticized novelist D. H. Lawrence (among others) for working by this method. Woolfs own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary, since for her, fiction is a contempl

34、ative, not an active art. She describes phenomena and provides materials for a judgment about society and social issues; it is the readers work to put the observations together and understand the coherent point of view behind them. As a moralist, Woolf words by indirection, subtly undermining offici

35、ally accepted mores, mocking, suggesting, calling into question, rather than asserting, advocating, bearing witness: hers is the satirists art. Woolfs literary models were acute social observers like Chekhov and Chaucer. As she put it in The Common Reader, “It is safe to say that not a single law ha

36、s been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.” Like Chaucer, Woolf chose to understand as well as to judge, to know her society s root and branch a decision crucial in order to produce art rath

37、er than polemic. 11. Whats the autho s attitude towards the literary critics mentioned in paragraph 1? A scornful. B ironic. C joking. D disappointed. 12. According to the text, Woolf realistically described the social setting in her novels in that A she was aware that literary critics considered th

38、e novel to be the most realistic. B she was interested in the effect of social condition on people s characters and actions. C she needed to be attentive to details to support the arguments she advanced. D she wished to prevent critics from charging her for an ambiguous and inexact style. 13. Accord

39、ing to the text,Woolf chose Chaucer as a literary model because she believed that A he was the first English author to focus on society as well as on individual characters. B he was an honest author trying to asserting, advocating bearing witness. C he was more concerned with calling the society s a

40、ccepted mores into question. Dhis writing was greatly, if subtly, effective in influencing the moral attitudes of his readers. 14. Which of the following is true according to the text? A Woolf showed herself to be sympathetic to the reformers in her writings. 学英语 找长喜 5 B Woolf criticized D.H. Lawre

41、nce for the realistic settings in his novels. C Woolf didnt remarked on the social issues directly in her novels. D Literary critics had ignored the social criticism in the works of Chekhov and Chaucer. 15. Which would be the best title for this text? A A Key to Understanding Virginia Woolfs Novels.

42、 B Poetry and Satire as Influences on the Novels of Virginia Woolf. C Virginia Woolfs Comment on the Twentieth Century Novel. D Virginia Woolfs NovelsReflections on the Individual and Society. Text 4 Age has its privileges in America, and one of the more prominent of them is the senior citizen disco

43、unt. Anyone who has reached a certain age in some cases as low as 55 is automatically entitled to a dazzling array of price reductions at nearly every level of commercial life. Eligibility is determined not by ones need but by the date on ones birth certificate. Practically unheard of a generation a

44、go, the discounts have become a routine part of many businesses-as common as color televisions in model rooms and free coffee on airliners. People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them: yet, millions of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent. Businesses th

45、at would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that elderly and needy are synonymous. Perhaps that once was true, but today elderly Americans as a group have a lower poverty

46、rate than the rest of the population. To be sure, there is economic diversity within the elderly, and many older Americans are poor. But most of them arent. It is impossible to determine the impact of the discounts on individual companies. For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue. But in other

47、 cases the discounts are given at the expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. Moreover, they are a direct irritant in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations. Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security b

48、enefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old. Employment is another sore point. Buoyed by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job - thereby lessening employment and promotion opport

49、unities for younger workers. Far from a kind of charity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a formidable economic privilege to a group with millions of members who dont need them. It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority o

50、ver those of others. Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people cant take care of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Seni

51、or citizen discounts are essence of the very thing older Americans are fighting against-discrimination by age. 16.Accoding to paragraph1,we know that A offering senior citizens discounts has become routine commercial practice. B senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a decent

52、life. 学英语 找长喜 6 C giving senior citizens discounts has boosted the market for the elderly. D senior citizens have to show their birth certificates to get a discount. 17.What can we learn from senior citizen discounts? A Businesses are doing something good for society in return. B Old people are ent

53、itled to special treatment for their contribution. C The elderly, financially underprivileged, need humane help from society. D Senior citizen discounts can make up for the Social Security system. 18.According to some politicians and scholars, senior citizen discounts will A make old people even mor

54、e dependent on society. B intensify conflicts between the young and the old. C have adverse financial impact on business companies. D bring a marked increase in the companies revenues. 19.Whats the authors opinion about the Social Security system? A It encourages elderly people to retire in time. B

55、It opens up broad career prospects for young people. C It benefits the old at the expense of the young. D It should be reinforced by laws and court decisions. 20.Which of the following best summarizes the authors main argument? A Senior citizens should fight hard against age discrimination. B The el

56、derly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted. C Priority should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens. D Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination. Part B Directions: In the article, following sentences have been removed. For Questions 21-25, choose t

57、he most suitable one from the list AG to fit into each of the numbered blank. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the gaps. The human ear is an incredible piece of engineering and exquisitely sensitive. Calculations show that the quietest sound we can hear vibrates the eardrum by

58、 less than the diameter of a hydrogen atom. 21. But for 8.5 million people in the UK something goes wrong with one of the stages. Different parts of the processing chain are vulnerable at different ages. Some of the causes are avoidable and many are treatable. Treatments for problems that occur earl

59、y in the processing chain are more straightforward and more effective. 22. Things get more complicated behind the eardrum, in the air filled middle- ear cavity. Middle- ear problems are common, treatable and the subject of intense debate about who should be treated and how. Anything that impairs tra

60、nsmission across the middle- ear even if it is only the pressure changes in an aircraft cabin, or blockage of the Eustachian tube by a cold- causes hearing loss. At the center of the debate over treatment is the common childhood condition known in the medical profession as otitis media with effusion

61、 or OME. This is usually caused by an infection of the middle ear, often in the aftermath of a cold, in which the middle ear cavity fills up with a 学英语 找长喜 7 liquid effusion. 23. Treatment of glue ear is controversial. The condition affects millions of children between the ages of one and four, at

62、the time they are learning to speak. Mark Haggard, director of the Medical Research Council Institute for Hearing Research at Nottingham University, is conducting a large- scale evaluation of the effectiveness of the different treatments for glue ear, which will be completed in the autumn. According

63、 to him, there are two problems that complicate the assessment. First, the long- term development effects of glue ear are not very severe. Language development is slightly delayed in children under four, and in children between four and seven there are “modest but definite” adverse effects on anxiet

64、y, social confidence and general co- coordination of behavior, Haggard says. 24. Nobody can identify in advance the children who will have persistent glue ear. 25. The UK Health and Safety Executive recommends that precautions should be taken by those who work 40 hours a week in sound levels of 85 d

65、ecibels, and requires an annul check for those who work in noise levels between 85 decibels and 90 decibels. In working environments where the noise is above 90 decibels, ear protection is mandatory. A Noise exposure in the workplace is the most common preventable hazard to hearing. The hazard depen

66、ds both on the intensity of the noise and the duration of the exposure. B Evidence that it impairs the development of language and other cognitive functions led to a huge enthusiasm for grommet operations which are the most common surgical operation in children in the 1980s. Since 1992, doubt about

67、whether the benefits of treatment would always justify the risk of surgery has swung the pendulum the other way. C Before those vibrations are analyzed by the brain they pass through several stages of mechanical and neural processing that select the sounds we want to hear, adjust their level for com

68、fort and intelligibility, and turn down the volume of distracting sounds. D The effusion can be thick and sticky, giving the condition its colloquial name of “glue ear”. The liquid causes variable degrees of hearing loss by impairing the transmission of sound through to the inner ear. E Glue ear can

69、 be treated surgically by inserting a tiny tube a grommet in the eardrum. This allows the glue to drain away, and ventilates the middle ear, which reduces the effusion of glue. There is evidence that removing the adenoids at the same time as inserting the grommet also helps by reducing the probabili

70、ty of future infections. F The second problem is more difficult. Although glue ear affect 83 percent of children at some time in their lives, it fluctuates enormously in its severity and most children recover quickly and spontaneously. G The easiest problem to treat is the one that occurs earliest i

71、n the chain. Obstruction of the ear canal by wax causes a relatively mild hearing loss. The loss is negligible unless the canal is completely blocked, which is rare, and is easily restored by cleaning out the wax. Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined

72、 segments into Chinese. 学英语 找长喜 8 All great writers express their ideas in an individual way: it is often possible to determine the authorship of a literary passage from the style in which it is written. 26)Many authors feel that the conventions of the written language hamper them and they use word

73、s freely, with little observance of accepted grammar and sentence structure, in order to convey vividly their feelings, beliefs and fantasies. Others with a deep respect for traditional usage achieve a style of classical clearness and perfection or achieve effects of visual or musical beauty by thei

74、r mastery of existing forms enriched by a sensitive and adventurous vocabulary, vivid imagery and a blending of evocative vowels and consonants. Young people often feel the need to experiment and, as a result, to break away from the traditions they have been taught. In dealing with a foreign languag

75、e, however, they have to bear in mind two conditions for experiment. 27)Any great experiential artist is fully familiar with the conventions from which he wishes to break free: he is capable of achievement in established forms but feels these are inadequate for the expression of his ideas. In the se

76、cond place, he is indisputably an outstanding artist who has something original to express; otherwise the experiments will appear pretentious, even childish. Few students can also intimate an understanding of a foreign language that they can explore its resources freely and experimentally. Not all f

77、eel the need to do so. 28)And in any case examination candidate need to become thoroughly acquainted with conventional usage as it is a sure knowledge of accepted forms that examiners look for. The student undertaking a proficiency course should have the ability to use simple English correctly to ex

78、press everyday facts and ideas. 29)This ability to express oneself in a foreign language on a basis of thinking in that language without reference to ones own is essential at all stages of learning. Students with extensive experience in translation who have had little practice in using the foreign l

79、anguage directly must, above all, write very simply at first, using only easy constructions which they are convinced are correct, forgetting for the time being their own language and rigorously avoiding translating from it. More complex forms, more varied vocabulary and sentence structure should evo

80、lve naturally in step with the students increasing knowledge of the language. As he achieves additional confidence, he can begin to take an interest in the use of the language to create diverse effects. He may want to convey impressions of suspense, calm, dignity, humor of music or poetry. 30)He wil

81、l master the art of logical explanation, of exact letter-writing, of formal speeches and natural conversation and of vivid impressionistic description. But he will still write within the limits of his ability and knowledge. And as a learner, he will still be studying and observing conventional Engli

82、sh usage in all that he writes. 做题点拨与全文翻译 Part A Text 1 语境词汇 1. woe(s) (常用复数)麻烦事 2. quick-fix(很不完善的)应急解决办法,权宜之计 3. alleviate vt.减轻,缓和 4. bear down on 逼近,施压加力于 5. optimum a.最佳的,适宜的 学英语 找长喜 9 6. ramp n.斜坡,斜道 7. detour n.迂回路线 8.gridlock n.阻塞 9.pool v.共用 n.水池 10. stagger v.错开(尤指假期、工作时间等) 难句突破 1 Soaring

83、 land costs, increasing concern (over social and environmental disruptions) (caused by road- building), and the likelihood that more roads can only lead to more cars and traffic are (powerful) factors (bearing down on a 1950s- style constructions program). 【分析】 复合句。 本句的主语部分很长, 包含三个并列主语, 即 soaring la

84、nd costs, increasing concern.and the likelihood.; 谓语部分是 are powerful factors.。 同位语从句 that more roads can.traffic,补充说明 the likelihood。 【译文】 土地价格飞涨, 人们对修路导致的社会及自然环境的破坏日益担忧以及那种路越多只会导致车越多、 交通越拥挤的可能性, 所有这些都是在 20 世纪 50 年代建筑模式下所必须考虑的极为重要的因素。 2.Pathfinder,a Santa Monica, California- based smart- highway pro

85、jectin which a 14- mile stretch of the Santa Monica Freeway, making up what is called a “smart corridor”, is being instrumented with buried loops in the pavement. 【分析】复合句。a Santa Monicaproject 是主句主语 Pathfinder 的同位语,project 后又有一个长定语,其中 which 指代 the project,making up作伴随状语,what is called a “smart corri

86、dor”为宾语从句,what 充当宾语从句的主语。 【译文】在加利福尼亚的 Santa Monica 就有一项名为“探路者”的智能公路工程,其中有一条长达 14 英里的 Santa Monica 的免费高速公路,组成了所谓的“智能走廊” 。 本文是一篇“问题解答型”论述文。文章首先在首段中提出问题:交通拥堵。接着第二、三段中探讨了智能高速公路是种解决办法;然后在四、五、六段介绍了另一些专家对智能高速公路的看法, 同时提出了一些补充办法; 第七段作者阐述了自己的看法我们需要新一轮的突击攻关。 答案解析 1 【题眼】定语从句的先行词设题 【解析】选B,语义理解题。quick- fix 后的定语从句

87、 (.that will not alleviate the traffic problem in the long run) 是对 quick- fix solution 的一个提示说明,“从长远来看不能解决交通问题” ,可以推测这种办法不是最佳的、 最有效的办法, 只是一种临时的应急手段。据此,可以排除A“最佳的” 、C“准备充分的” 、 D “最有效的” ; 而B “有益的”和 quick- fix 意思最接近。 2 【题眼】段首句设题 【解析】选C,事实细节题。根据题干关全文翻译 交通统计数字为我们描绘了一幅并不乐观的景象。为了帮助解决这些交通顽疾,一些发展迅猛的美国城市只是修筑了更多

88、的道路。1但是,交通专家认为多修道路只是权宜之计,从长远来看并不能缓解交通压力。土地价格飞涨,人们对修路导致的社会及自然环境的破坏日益担忧以及那种路越多只会导致车越多、交通越拥挤的可能性,所有这些都是在 20 世纪 50 年代建筑模式下所必须考虑的极为重要的因素。 2智能公路技术的目标就是通过将公路及行驶于其上的交通工具全部看作一个完整的交通系统, 从而使这一系统发挥最佳效能。 这一先进技术 学英语 找长喜 10 键词 smart highway technology 首先定位于第二段,首句中 goal 正好对应题干的 aim to,由此句知智能公路技术目的是把公路和汽车看作一个完整的交通体

89、系, 从而使这一系统发挥最佳效能,因此,C“使高速公路最优化”正确。 A“把公路与汽车融合成一个交通体系” 是达到目的的方式, 而不是目的本身;第三段最后提到B“为司机指明哪些道路的堵塞情况最轻” 及第二段最后一句提到的D“提高司机和交通监察员之间的交流” 是采用一些其他先进的高速公路智能化技术的作用, 不是整个智能公路技术达到的最终目的。 3. 【题眼】复杂句,例证处设题 【解析】选A,事实细节题。根据题干关键词定位答案于第三段首句,由该句知,Pathfinder 实际是一项公路建设工程,其中有 14 英里运用了智能公路技术,组成“智能走廊” ,A正确,而B、C断章取义;由第四段即可排除D,

90、因为智能公路技术本身并不能为交通问题提供最终解决方案。 4 【题眼】人物引言处设题 【解析】 选D, 事实细节题。 本题问 Larson认为应该如何解决交通问题。第五段中他说, 建设智能化高速公路只是解决交通问题的其中一个办法,只是整个计划的一部分,也就是说还要和其它战略措施结合起来。 接着第六段介绍了一些其他正在研究的措施,A、B、C都属于其中的一种措施,不全面。D“各个战略措施必须全面协调”最全面地概括了解决问题的办法。 5. 【解析】选D,主旨大意题。本文探讨得是解决交通拥堵的办法, 文中重点探讨了智 能 高 速 公 路 技 术 (smart highway technology),但一

91、些专家认为这种方法不是最终的解决办法(ultimate solution),只是一种临时的解决办法(temporary solution)。此外, 文中在第六段还提到了一些其他的解决办法。A项和文中一些专家的观点矛盾;第一段提到解决交通问题的一种应急的手段(quick- fix solution)是多修路, 但本文重点讨论的办法是智能高速公路工程, 而非仅仅修路,因此,B概括不全面;C“解决交通问题的一个冒险办法” 和原文不符, 我们的倡导者宣称如今电子检测系统、闭路无线电视交流、斜坡坡度计量、不同信号的发出以及其他智能公路技术可以用于促进司机和交通监察员之间的交流,而且所花费用还相当合理。

92、3在加利福尼亚的 Santa Monica 就有一项名为“探路者”的智能公路工程,其中有一条长达 14 英里的 Santa Monica 的免费高速公路,组成了所谓的“智能走廊” 。 这一工程所铺的路面中都装置了封闭的电路设备, 闭路电视的摄像头可以查测交通流量,之后通过与汽车上所装备的接收系统相连,将所采集到的路况信息传达给司机,从而为其指明哪些道路的交通堵塞情况最轻。 然而并不是所有的交通专家都将智能公路技术视为解决交通堵塞的最终解决方案。其中一些交通专家就声称,高科技的方法也不是无所不能的,它只能为严重交通问题提供一个临时解决办法。 “公路上的电子技术只是针对交通问题的一个方面,那就是如

93、何更加有效地规范交通秩序。 ”Worldwatch 研究院的资深研究员迈克尔伦纳解释说,“它并没有涉及诸如车多路少而建路速度又相当慢这样的中心问题,它只是向人们发出了错误的信号。他们会这么想:这下好了,由于我们的先进的高科技系统已经到位,过去的交通堵塞问题现在已经解决了。 ” 拉森也同意这种看法,并补充到, “智能公路仅仅只是我们用来对付交通问题的一种工具,它不能代替整个解决方案本身,而只是其中一部分。除此之外,还有不同的解决策略” 。 4其他正处于研究和实验阶段的解决交通问题的可选方法还包括:合伙用车、快速大量货运系统、灵活变通的工作时间以及过路收费系统,即司机们依据在路上所行驶的时间而支付

94、一定的费用等等。 为了应付未来二十年所面临的交通问题,我们似乎需要进行新一轮的突击攻关,而那必将带来一个巨大的变化。 学英语 找长喜 11 并不能得出文中探讨的办法带有冒险行为的结论;D“高速公路智能化部分减缓交通拥堵的办法” 能全面地概括本文的主要内容。 Text2 语境词汇 1.deficit n.赤字,亏损,逆差 2.dismal a.令人悲伤的 3.plausible a.似有道理的,似乎正确的,貌似可信的 4. sluggish a.行动迟缓的 5.erratic a.不稳定的 6.acknowledge vt.承认;告知收到,确认;对表示答谢,报偿 7.explicit a.详述

95、的,明确的;直言的,毫不隐瞒的 8.reel vi.摇摇晃晃地移动,蹒跚;眩晕,发昏 vt.+in, up卷,绕;n.卷轴,卷筒,卷盘 9.mainstay n.支柱,中流砥柱 10.interpretation n.解释,阐明 11.obsessive a.有执著想法的 难句突破 1. For businesses still reeling from the speed (at which the late- 1990s boom turned to slump), the political climate is one more reason (to put off investing

96、 in new plant and equipment or hiring new staff). 【分析】复合句。句子主干是 the political climate is one more reason;reeling from the speed是现在分词短语, 修饰 businesses; at which 引出定语从句, 修饰 speed; investing in 和 hiring是两个并列的动名词短语,做 put off 的宾语。 【译文】 二十世纪九十年代后期经济曾从繁荣突然转向滑坡, 速度之快使许多公司至今仍头晕目眩,而对这些公司来说,政治气候就是使他们推迟投资新厂房、新设

97、备或雇佣新员工的另一个重要理由。 2.(Some recent) figures look disappointing partly because they fall short of over- optimistic forecasts a persistent weakness of those paid to predict the economic future, no matter how often they are proved wrong. 【分析】复合句。句子主干是 Some recent figures look disappointing;partly because

98、引出原因状语从句;破折号后名词短语 a persistent weakness 补充说明前文提到的 overoptimistic forecasts;该名词短语后又接了个介词短语 of those .作定语,paid to predict是个过去分词短语, 修饰 those(那些做出过于乐观的经济预测的人); no matter 引出状语从句, “无论” 。 【译文】 近来一些数字看起来使人沮丧, 一部分原因是他们与那些过于乐观的预测有些不符那些经济预测家们总是犯这种盲目乐观的错误, 而政府竟然还支付给他们工资, 不管他们犯过多少回错 本文是一篇经济类“观点论证型”文章。文章开篇就点出主旨,即

99、美国的经济复苏仍处于另人不安的状况,然后具体分析了这种状况的原因和可能的解决办法。第一段提出论点: 学英语 找长喜 12 美国的经济复苏仍处于另人不安的状况, 接着用具体数字及实例加以证实; 第二段分析了产生以上情况的政治原因,即国际恐怖主义及与伊拉克的战争;第三、四段提出了解决办法采用货币政策,降低利率。 答案解析 6. 【题眼】首段设题 【解析】选C,事实细节题。该题牵涉到文章第一段的主要内容。段落中 uncomfortably weak, falling, trade deficit soars, dismal, disappointment等语句均表明美国经济仍处于令人沮丧的状况,且

100、下文中分析了经济走低的原因及可能的解决办法, 故选C。 A “繁荣” , 显然不对。 B “面临不确定的未来”只是引起经济不繁荣的一个原因,不是整个经济现状;而文章提到的 unreliable指的是月度数字,不是整个美国经济,排除D。 7. 【题眼】数据处设题 【解析】选A,事实细节题。从文章第一句可知美国经济虽然恢复得很慢,但确实处于恢复阶段,但十二月份工业产值竟下降了 0.2%,这说明美国的经济恢复是摇摆不定的,即 shaky,另外该段下文中破折号后的 erratic 一词也表示“不可靠的,反复无常的” ,故选A。经济学家们是为十二月份的 0.2%的降幅表示失望, 而不是对将来感到失望,排

101、除B;产值下降对经济的恢复来讲当然不是个好的迹象,排除C;而D的内容出现在第二段中,是对该经济现状原因的分析,与2%这个数据无关,排除D。 8. 【题眼】因果关系处设题 【解析】选C,事实细节题。第二段倒数第二句说政治气候是to put off investing in new plant .的另一个因素, 而所谓政治气候包括上文提到的 the shadowy threat of international terrorism 和 the . war with Iraq,C是其中一个,故选C。同时排除A和D;文中 shadowy 表示“似阴影的,模糊的” ,在该句中表示“有可能的” ,而 di

102、rect 表示“直接的,明确的” ,排除B。 9. 【题眼】段首句设题 【解析】选D,观点态度题。第三段第一句即指出 It is hard to put a favorable interpretation on most of the data, 说明作者对这些数据的态度是unfavorable, 即 critical。A“乐观的” 、B“怀疑的”和C“担忧的”均与原文不符。 10. 【题眼】尾段设题 【解析】选B,事实细节题。解答该题需要准确全文翻译 6美国的经济复苏仍然处于令人不安的衰弱阶段。 最新数据表明, 工业生产下降, 而贸易赤字达到创记录水平。 为了结束经济统计数据黯淡的一周,

103、美国联邦储备银行声称,7十二月份的工业生产较上月下降了 0.2%,这使一直期望经济会有小幅度增长的经济学家非常失望。 当然, 月度数据总是不可靠的, 对意外的坏消息(或好消息)总有貌似合理的解释。 7可是几乎最近所有的经济统计数据都表明了同样的结果美国的复苏仍处于缓慢和不稳定状态, 这会迫使美联储考虑在其决策委员会月底碰头时再次降低利率。 然而,经济健康运作的最大障碍是政治。 因为美联储主席艾伦 格林斯潘在2002 年岁末时承认,未来的不确定性使投资者和消费者望而却步。8国际恐怖主义潜在的威胁以及与伊拉克肯定要爆发的一场战争使许多美国人对未来感到不安。 二十世纪九十年代后期经济曾从繁荣突然转向

104、滑坡, 速度之快使许多公司至今仍头晕目眩, 而对这些公司来说, 政治气候就是使他们推迟投资新厂房、 新设备或雇佣新员工的另一个重要理由。 对于长期以来作为美国经济支柱的消费者来说,购物中心带来的刺激最终也似乎也在衰减。 9虽然很难对大多数数据做出有利的解释, 但是保持对事物的洞察力仍然很重要。 近来一些数字看起来使人沮丧, 一部分原因是他们与那些过于乐观的预测有些不符那些经济预测家们总是犯这种盲目乐观的错误, 而政府竟然还支付给他们工资, 不管他们犯过多少回错。 美联储将会在这个月剩下的日子里密切关注衰退的进一步迹象。 格林斯潘先生是个急切的、 甚至过分的经济数据消费者, 他已明确表态,10如

105、果认为有必要,美联 学英语 找长喜 13 理解原文含义并有一定的经济学常识。 上文(第二段)提到人们由于对未来不看好而推迟投资, 第三段在试图为此寻求解决办法时提到 the Fed stands ready to reduce interest rates again .,可见货币政策刺激经济最常用的措施就是降低利息率,故选B。A的描述不够确切,是货币政策起作用之后的结果,而不是其本身起作用的方法;通货膨胀率低使得美联储有进一步降息的空间,而不是刺激经济的方法,排除C;文章最后一句明确指出布什总统的财政激励措施是 much- vaunted,并且 unlikely to provide ap

106、propriate help,排除D。 储已准备好再度降低利率即使在过去两年中已经降息十二次。 不过, 在上一次会议上, 美联储保持利率不变并示意不希望再度降低利率。 货币政策仍能为微弱的经济活动提供最有效的短期政策刺激, 并且由于通货膨胀率较低,美联储还有进一步缓和的余地。 布什总统过分吹嘘的财政刺激不可能提供恰当的帮助,肯定也不及时。 Text3 语境词汇 1.provocative a.挑衅的,煽动的;挑逗的 2.reverie n.幻想 3.intricate a.错综复杂的,复杂精细的 4.scrutiny n.详细检查,仔细观察 5.render v.给予,表现,提供;使得,致使

107、6.impinge n.影响 7.detest v.憎恶 8.propaganda n.宣传 9.sympathetic a.赞同的,支持的;同情的;和谐的 10.detest v.憎恶 11.undermine vt.暗中破坏,逐渐削弱;侵蚀的基础 12.mores n.习俗 难 句 突 破 1.(Virginia Woolfs provocative) statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights a

108、n aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness. 【分析】复合句。主句主干为 statement.has regularly been ignored by.,since 引导原因状语从句,该

109、从句的主干为 it highlights an aspect ,形容词词组 different from novelist 作literary interests 的定语; concerned with.也作定语, 修饰 novelist, 其中形容词 concerned 后面跟了两个并列的介词短语。 【译文】弗吉尼亚伍尔夫带有挑衅意味地指出了自己的作品黛洛维夫人的写作意图。因为文学评论家们对这位喜欢写诗情画意般小说的小说家的传统认识是: 她在小说中关注人们的幻想和想象, 注重描写人无间断的复杂而又微妙的意识。 而她所声称的写作意图同文学评论家们对她传统的认识大相径庭,所以往往被评论家们所忽视

110、。 2. Even when Woolf is fundamentally sympathetic to their causes, she portrays people (anxious to reform their society and possessed of a message or program) as arrogant or dishonest, unaware of how their political ideas serve their own psychological needs. 学英语 找长喜 14 【分析】复合句。Even when 引导让步状语从句,主句

111、为 she portrays people as .;形容词短语 anxious to reform.修饰名词 people;三个并列的形容词及形容词短语 arrogant,dishonest, unaware of. 作主句宾语 people 的补足语; unaware of 后面的 how 从句作介词of 的宾语。 【译文】 尽管伍尔夫从根本上支持那些热切希望改革整个社会的人和那些怀有自己的想法或者计划的人所追求的事业,她还是在作品中将他们刻画成自负傲慢、不诚实的人,说他们没有意识到自己的政治理念是如何满足了自己心理上的需求。 3. As she put it in The Common

112、Reader, “It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote; and yet, as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.” 【分析】复合句。As she put it in The Common Reader 在此为插入语;引号中分号前后两个句子是并列关系;在分号前的分句中,句子的主干为 It is safe t

113、o say that., that 引导宾语从句,该从句中 or 连接两个形成转折关系的并列分句。分号后的分句为主从复合句。短语 at every pore 的含义是“全身,浑身” 。 【译文】正如她在普通读者中所说, “我们完全可以说,乔叟所说或者所写的东西并没有给人们形成任何的定规,也没有强加给人们什么样的规则;然而,随着不断深入到他的作品中去,我们一点一点逐渐接受了其中全部的道德教诲” 。 本文是一篇“观点论证型”文章。文章首先点明自己观点:认为评论家对伍尔夫作品的理解存在偏见, 指出评论家们对伍尔夫的态度是站不住脚的。 接着作者对自己的观点进行了论证。 第一段作者提出观点评论家们对伍尔

114、夫的作品存有偏见; 第二、三、四、五段作者从伍尔夫所写的小说、作品的写作手法及她对社会的评论、关注等方面论证了自己的观点。 答案解析 11.【题眼】首段设题 【解析】选A,观点态度题。作者文章第一段第一句即指出,弗吉尼亚伍尔夫在自己的作品中就曾经宣称写作目的是“criticize the social system” ,然而这一观点却往往被文学评论家们所忽视;对伍尔夫传统的认识是“poetic” ;作者对此持否定态度, 并指出伍尔夫是一个 “realistic as well as poetic novelist, a satirist and a visionary” ,本段最后一句指出:文

115、学评论家轻易地忽略了伍尔夫的社会观, 这种研究是经不住考验的。由此可见作者对文学评论家的态度是“scornful” ;作者的观点中未含有讽刺或开玩笑或失望的语气,故选项B、C、D皆不正确。 12【题眼】段首句设题 【解析】选B,推理判断题。从文章第二段第一句可以看出,在伍尔夫的小说中,她深深地被这些问题所吸引:个人如何受到,正是因为有了对这些问题的思考, 她所写的大部分小说都植全文翻译 “我意在抨击这个社会制度, 表明这个社会制度是如何在以极端的方式运转着。 ”弗吉尼亚伍尔夫带有挑衅意味地指出了自己的作品黛洛维夫人的写作意图。 因为文学评论家们对这位喜欢写诗情画意般小说的小说家的传统认识是:

116、她在小说中关注人们的幻想和想象, 注重描写人无间断的复杂而又微妙的意识。 而她所声称的写作意图同文学评论家们对她传统的认识大相径庭, 所以往往被评论家们所忽视。但是弗吉尼亚伍尔夫不仅是一个诗人般的小说家, 更是一位现实主义小说家,一名讽刺大师,社会评论家,同时也是一个空想家: 11文学评论家们对伍尔夫的社会观不加理会, 他们的评论是站不住脚的。 12在自己的小说中, 伍尔夫对这些问题陷入了深深的思考: 一个人的性格是怎 学英语 找长喜 15 根于带有现实主义色彩的“social setting ” ,都发生在某一个具体的“historical time ”中,选项B概括了原文,为正确答案。选

117、项A“因为她意识到文学评论家认为她的小说属于小说流派中最接近现实主义的”原文未提及,故错误;选项C“为了支持自己所声称的观点,需要注意细节” ,同原文不符,因为文中指出伍尔夫自己的观点是“写小说的目的是为了抨击社会” ,和尽可能真实地描写无关,故选项C不正确。选项D“因为她想防止评论家抨击她的小说背景太模糊”在文中并未提到,故错误。 13. 【题眼】举例处设题 【解析】选D,推理判断题。文章最后一段提到契坷夫和乔叟, 作者指出伍尔夫的文学风格与契坷夫和乔叟类似。伍尔夫本人非常推崇乔叟,她认为, 虽然乔叟所写小说并没有形成固定的社会规范,但是随着读者不断深入到他的作品中去,读者会在不知不觉中“a

118、bsorbing morality at every pore” ,因而这正是伍尔夫选择乔叟当作文学风格模仿对象的原因,故选项D正确。选项A“乔叟是第一个不仅关注社会也关注个人特点的英国作家”文中没有信息;B项所提到的写作风格是并不是乔叟的; C“乔叟对固有道德规范提出质疑”文中没有涉及质疑的信息。 14. 【题眼】段首句,段尾句设题 【解析】选C,推理判断题。文章第三段提及伍尔夫对赞同改革者的事业,而并不改革者本身,A偷梁换柱;第三段最后一句中指出,伍尔 夫 反 对 在 小 说 中 进 行 说 教 , 因 为D.H.Lawrence 在作品中采用了这种方式,受到伍尔夫的批判,在小说中反应了社

119、会背景的是Woolf 而不是 Lawrence,B张冠李戴;文中第四段指出伍尔夫对社会的评论往往以观测报告式的语言表达出来, 而不是直接进行评论, 故C正确; 文章提到 Chekhov and Chaucer 仅是来说明伍尔夫作品的特点, 并未对两人的作品做详细评价,故D不正确。 15. 【解析】选D,主旨大意题。纵观全文,作者在第一段指出传统文学评论家对伍尔夫作品的理解有失偏颇, 伍尔夫实际上是一个 “realistic as well as a poetic novelist ” ,她关注社会,而评论家们都忽略了这一点。在后面的几段中,作者论述了伍尔夫在作品中表现她用了什么样的手法对社会的

120、关注。因而,选项D比较贴近整篇样受到整个社会环境的影响而形成(或者扭曲)的?历史的力量是怎样影响人们的生活?阶级、 财富和性别又是在多大程度上左右了人的命运?她写的大部分小说都发生在某个真实的社会背景下, 发生在某个特定的历史时期。 由于伍尔夫极端反感艺术中的宣传,她的社会观一般很少被人们认可。 她在小说中对改革者的描写往往充满讽刺、 言语尖锐。 尽管伍尔夫从根本上支持那些热切希望改革整个社会的人和那些怀有自己的想法或者计划的人所追求的事业, 她还是在作品中将他们刻画成自负傲慢、 不诚实的人, 说他们没有意识到自己的政治理念是如何满足了自己心理上的需求。 她在作家日记中指出, “艺术家是惟一诚

121、实的人,而那些社会改革家们和慈善家们披着关爱自己同类的外衣, 内心却潜藏着无耻的目的” 。伍尔夫对她在小说中所称的“说教”深恶痛绝,尤其批判D.H.劳伦斯之类喜欢用这种写作手法的小说家。 伍尔夫本人对社会的评论往往以观测报告式的语言表达出来, 而不是直接进行评论,因为在她看来,小说是一种沉思的艺术,而不是一种活动的艺术。她只是描述现象, 为人们提供判断社会和社会问题的材料,而将这些观察到的现象综合起来,深刻了解这些现象背后的观点,需要读者自己去做。作为一个道德学家,伍尔夫总是用间接迂回的方式表达自己的思想,她没有采用直白地方式去宣称什么,拥护什么或是证明什么, 而是很巧妙地利用嘲弄、建议、指出

122、问题等形式逐渐削弱传统道德的影响: 她所表现的正是一个讽刺家的魅力。 伍尔夫的文学偶像是如契诃夫和乔叟一样敏锐的社会观察者。 13正如她在普通读者中所说, “我们完全可以说,乔叟所说或者所写的东西并没有给人们形成任何的定规, 也没有强加给人们什么样的规则;然而,随着不断深入到他的作品中去, 我们一点一点逐渐接受了其中全部的道德教诲” 。如同乔叟一样,伍尔夫 学英语 找长喜 16 文章的中心意思,故正确;选项A“理解伍尔夫小说的关键”不正确;文中大段的篇幅都着重指出伍尔夫对社会的关注, 仅在第四段讲到她的写作手法时提及她所具有的讽刺家的特点, 故选项B对文章内容的表述比较片面;C不正确,因为整

123、篇文章是对伍尔夫小说的评论, 而不是关于伍尔夫对二十世纪小说的评论。 选择去理解、去判断、去了解整个社会以及它的方方面面这种做法关键是为了创造艺术作品,而不是挑起争论。 Text4 语境词汇 1.be entitled to. 有权利 2.eligibility n.资格 3.solvent n.有支付能力的 4.synonymous a.同义的 5.revenue n.收入,收益;税收; 税务局 6.irritant n.刺激物 7.buoy vt.使浮起;支持,维持;鼓励 n.浮标,航标;救生圈,救生衣 8.formidable a.可怕的令人畏惧的前景 9.enhance vt.夸张,宣

124、扬;加强,提高 10.myth n.杜撰出来的(或事物) :神话 难句突破 1. Buoyed by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are declining the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the job - thereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers. 【分析】 简单句。 句子主干为Americans are declining the ret

125、irement dinner, Buoyed by 为过去分词短语作状语。破折号后,动名词短语做状语。 【译文】 在法律和法庭判决的支持下, 越来越多的美国老年人正在拒绝依靠退休金生活而宁愿选择继续工作因此减少了年轻人的就业和提升机会。 2. Senior citizen discounts only enhance the myth that older people cant take care of themselves and need special treatment ; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the

126、elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. 【分析】复合句。分号前后为两个并列的分句,分句中又各包含一个由 that 引导的同位语从句,补充说明前面的 myth。 【译文】 老年人折扣只是加强了这样一种观念, 即认为老年人不能照顾自己而需要特殊对待;并且它们也阻碍了一种新观念的形成, 即老年人实际并不感谢这种特殊对待, 且认为自己是在牺牲孩子和其他年龄群体的利益。 本文是一篇“现象解释型”议论文。主要讨论了老年人折扣及其负面影响。 第一段提出现

127、象:老年人在美国享有一种特权老年人折扣;第二段解释现象的原因:给老年人打折成了惯例是因为人们普遍认为老年人大多比较贫困, 但事实并非如此; 第三到第六段讲老年人折扣的消极影响:老年人折扣引起了和年轻一代之间的紧张,造成两代人之间的隔阂,并可能被老年人看作是一种年龄歧视。 答案解析 全文翻译 学英语 找长喜 17 16.【题眼】首段设题 【解析】选A,事实细节题。选项中的 routine commercial practice 对应文中的 a routine part of many businesses,意为“商业惯例” ,因此选A。B和C表达的内容在第一段中都没有提及,因此排除。D是对文中

128、 Eligibility is determined . by the date on ones birth certificate 的曲解,因此也排除。 17.【题眼】因果关系处设题 【解析】选C,事实细节题。根据题干关键词,定位于第二段第三句话 The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “elderly” and “needy” are synonymous.因此,人们认为老年人 underprivileged ,所以选C。文中没有提到公司在回报社会, 也没有提到老年人对社会的贡献,因此排除A和B。D是

129、从正面说老年人折扣对社会保障体系的贡献, 在文章中也没有类似的表达,因此排除。 18.【题眼】人物观点处设题 【解析】选B,事实细节题。根据题干关键词,定位于第三段最后一句话:they are a direct irritant in what some politicians and scholars see as a coming conflict between the generations.B是对这句话的同义转述。 文章没有提到老年人折扣使老年人更加依赖社会,因此排除A。第三段第一句:It is impossible to determine the impact of the di

130、scounts on individual companies. C和这句话的意思相反,所以要排除。第三段第二句 For many firms, they are a stimulus to revenue.是说有些公司,而不是全部,D以偏盖全,所以要排除。 19.【题眼】段首句设题 【解析】选C,观点态度题。根据题干关键词,定位于第四段第一句话 which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old 可以看出, 作者认为社会保险体系是以牺牲年轻人的利益来换取老年人的福利,所以选C。A和B都与第四段的最后一

131、句话表达的意思相矛盾,因此排除。laws and court decisions 支持老年人拒绝退休的做法, 他与作者对 social security system 的态度无关,因此排除D。 20.【解析】选 D,主旨大意题。从文章的最后一句话可以看出D是作者的观点。文章中提到 Senior citizens should fight hard against age 老年人在美国享有特权,其中一种比较重要的特权就是老年人折扣。任何达到一定年龄的人有时只需达到 55 岁都可以在几乎所有的商业活动中自然地享有一系列种类繁多的打折优惠。 16是否有资格享有这些优惠不是取决于个人的需要而是由其出生

132、证明上的日期决定。 实际上,在我们这一代还没有听说过以前, 16这种针对老年人的折扣就已经成为许多行业的惯例行为了就和房间里的彩电和飞机上的免费咖啡一样普通。 头发花白的老人甚至都无需要求就会经常得到折扣:但是实际上,美国有数以百万的 60岁以上的老年人都是非常健康并具备相当的支付能力的。那些从来都不敢向大学生或任何低于 30 岁的人提供折扣的商家却随意地将折扣提供给老年人。 17这种惯例被普遍接受, 是因为人们大都认为“年老”是“贫穷”的代名词。 或许曾经是那样,但是现在,与其他群体相比,美国老年群体的贫困率却要更低。当然,老年人的经济层次也各不相同,在美国也有许多老年人非常贫困, 但是大多

133、数老年人却并非如此。 要确定老年人折扣对单个的公司产生什么样的影响是不可能的, 不过对于许多公司来说,折扣确实刺激了收入的增长。 但在其他情况下,这种折扣却直接或间接地让年轻一代的美国人付出了代价。 18而且, 一些政客和学者们更是把他们看作是导致未来两代人之间冲突的直接因素。 关于社会保险福利的持续辩论正在使两代人之间的关系更加趋于紧张, 19辩论主要是围绕从年轻人到老年人的资源转移问题展开。就业问题是另外一个焦点。 19在法律和法庭判决的支持下,越来越多的美国老年人正在拒绝依靠退休金生活而宁愿选择继续工作因此减少了年轻人的就业和提升机会。 老年人折扣已经不再像过去那样是一种福利,而是已经变

134、成了一种令享受它们的群体感到局促不安的经济特权,这个群体中有数百万人实际上并不需要它们。 认为老年人的经济需要应该优先于其他群体的经济需要的看法已经不再有意义。老年人折扣只是加强了这样一种观念,即认为老年人不能照顾自己而需要特殊对待;并且它们也阻碍了一种新观念的形成,即老年人实际并不感谢这 学英语 找长喜 18 discrimination. 但是这并不能概括文章的大意,所以排除A。文章没有提到老年人自私和心安理得的享受折扣,所以排除B。C表达了和文章相反的意思,所以也排除。 种特殊对待,且认为自己是在牺牲孩子和其他年龄群体的利益, 20而老年人折扣恰恰体现了他们反对这一做法的实质年龄歧视。

135、 Part B 语境词汇 1.exquisitely adv.敏锐地 2.eardrum n. 鼓膜 3.obstruction n.阻碍;障碍物 4.otitis n.耳炎 5.aftermath n.后果 6.effusion n.溢出 7.impair vt.损害,损伤,削弱 8.distract v.转移(注意力),使分心 9.precaution n.预防,谨慎,警惕 难句突破 1. Before those vibrations are analyzed by the brain they pass through several stages (of mechanical and

136、 neural processing that select the sounds we want to hear), adjust their level (for comfort and intelligibility), and turn down the volume (of distracting sounds.) 【分析】复合句。Before 引导时间状语从句,主句包含三个并列的谓语,在第一个谓语后的句子中 that 引导定语从句,修饰 mechanical and neural processing。 【译文】 在大脑对那些震动进行分析之前, 他们要通过好几道机械程序和神经程序包

137、括选取我们想要听的声音,把它们调到舒适清晰的程度,还要把令人分神的声音压低。 2. The UK Health and Safety Executive recommends that precautions should be taken by those who work 40 hours a week in sound levels of 85 decibels, and requires an annul check (for those who work in noise levels between 85 decibels and 90 decibels.) 【分析】复合句。tha

138、t 引导宾语从句;在该从句中又包含两个由 who 引导的定语从句,分别修饰其前面的 those. 【译文】 英国健康与安全监管署建议, 凡每星期在 85 分贝音量下工作 40 小时的人需要采取防范措施,凡在 8590 分贝噪音下工作的人需要每年查一次听力。 本文是一篇“信息传播型”说明文。主要介绍了人耳及听力疾病。第一、二段介绍了很多人存在某种听觉障碍,这些障碍都是可以避免和医治的;第三至十段介绍了被俗称为“胶耳” 的渗出性中耳炎的治疗; 第十一段主要介绍了英国健康与安全监管署对于在高分贝噪音下工作的人的建议。 答案解析 21.【解析】选C。本题应通过对句组关系的理解来解答。空格前提到了人能听

139、到的最微弱的声响给耳鼓带来的振幅比一个氢原子的直径还小。那空格处应该是再具体讲解一下耳朵听见声音的过程。C项提到了一系列的动作:选取我们想听的声音,把它们调到舒适清晰的全文翻译 人的耳朵构造精巧, 反应敏捷, 是个不可思议的器官。 多次计算表明, 我们所能听到的最微弱的声响, 给耳鼓带来的振幅还抵不过一个氢原子的直径。21在大脑对那些震动进行分析之前, 他们要通过好几道机械程序和神经程序包括选取我们想要听 学英语 找长喜 19 程度,把令人分神的声音压低,最后大脑再对那些震动进行分析。我们发现这正好是对耳朵听见声音的过程的具体描述。所以正确答案只能是C。 22.【解析】选G。此空独立成段,因

140、此从段际关系来分析。因此这段必然要起承上启下的作用。空格前一段提到了早期出现的听觉问题医治起来更为直接有效。而接下来的段落提到中耳内所发生的问题就复杂得多了。显然空格处应讨论比较初等的、容易治愈的听力问题。G项一开始就提到最早出现于听觉环节的问题处理起来最容易,后又提到耳垢堵塞耳道引起的听力下降只需清除耳垢就能恢复听力,所以正确答案只能是G。 23.【解析】选D。此题应通过句组关系和上下文词语的共现关系的理解来确定选项。空格前提到渗出性中耳炎是由中耳感染所致,常发生于感冒后期。D项提到渗出性中耳炎俗称“胶耳” ,是因为中耳室内积留着渗出液从而导致不同程度的听力下降。另外,通过上下文词语的共现关

141、系也可以找到线索。空格前的句子中的关键词语是 liquid effusion (渗出液), D项也提及了 effusion 和 liquid,因此正确答案是D;E项有一定的干扰性,因为E项提到了胶耳 (glue ear), 空格后的句子也提到了 glue ear,有的人可能把这当作是一种呼应,但空格后的句子讲的是胶耳的治疗存在争议。故不选 E项。 24.【解析】选F。本题考察对全文结构和句组关系的理解来。上文提到有两个问题使得对胶耳两种疗法的疗效进行评估变得复杂。空格前一段分析了一个问题。那空格所在的段落肯定要分析第二个问题。 F项一开始就提到第二个问题更难,后又提到绝大多数孩子会很快自行康复

142、,这和空格后提到的“谁也没法事先就把可能患上胶耳顽症的孩子识别出来”衔接紧密。所以正确答案只能是 F;B项有一定的干扰性,因为提到了关于此疾病有损于语言及其认知能力的开发的证据,该项与下文的衔接不如F项紧密,故不选B。 25.【解析】选A。本题主要通过对句组关系的理解来解答。空格后的句子讨论了英国健康与安全监管署对于在高分贝噪音下工作的人的建议,那空格处肯定会提及噪音对人类的危的声音, 把它们调到舒适清晰的程度, 还要把令人分神的声音压低。 但在英国, 有 850 万人在某种听觉程序中存在着障碍。 年龄不同, 在听觉处理上各有不同的薄弱环节。 引起听觉障碍的原因有些是可以避免的, 很多则可以医

143、治。 对早期出现的听觉处理环节的问题, 医治起来更为直接有效。 22最早出现的听觉环节的问题处理起来最容易。 耳垢堵塞耳道会引起轻度的听力下降。若非完全堵塞耳道(这是极罕见的),这类失听不足为虑,只需清除耳垢就能轻易地恢复听力。 在鼓膜背后、 充满空气的中耳内所发生的问题就复杂得多了。 中耳的问题较普遍, 是否可以治疗, 谁该治, 怎样治是激烈争论的主题。 任何损害中耳传导的东西哪怕只是机舱气压的变化, 或感冒引起的耳咽管堵塞都会引起听力下降。 关于听力治疗的争议, 其焦点就是医学上所说的 OME (渗出性中耳炎) 这种儿童常见耳疾。这种耳疾通常由中耳感染所致,往往发生于感冒后期, 此时中耳室

144、内积留着一种渗出液。23积液可能有些粘稠,使这种疾病俗称“胶耳” 。由于影响声音传导到内耳, 这种积液就会导致不同程度的听力下降。 对胶耳的治疗存在争议。 此疾波及几百万年龄在 14 岁的幼儿,而此时他们正处于学习说话的阶段。 诺丁翰大学听力研究所的医学研究理事会主任马克 哈格德正在主持对胶耳不同疗法的疗效进行的一项大型评估, 这项评估可望在今年秋季完成。 他说, 两大问题致使评估变得错综复杂。 首先, 胶耳的长远影响不太严重。 哈格德说, 它对 4 岁以下幼儿的语言开发略有耽误,而对于 47 岁的儿童则具有“不大不小且又明显存在的” 负面效应, 表现为情绪不安、处世缺乏信心、举止整体失调等。

145、 24第二个问题更难。虽说 83%的儿童在某个年龄段会受到胶耳的影响, 但其严重程度差别极大, 而且绝大多数孩子会很快自 学英语 找长喜 20 害。 A项提到工作场所发出的噪音是最常见的可防性听力公害,其危害程度取决于噪音强度大小和接触时间的长短。因此正确答案只能是A。 行康复。 谁也没法事先就把可能患上胶耳顽症的孩子识别出来。 25工作场所发出的噪音是最常见的可防性听力公害。 其危害程度取决于噪音强度大小和接触时间的长短。 英国健康与安全监管署建议,凡每星期在 85 分贝音量下工作 40 小时的人需要采取防范措施,凡在 8590 分贝噪音下工作的人需要每年查一次听力。凡是噪音大于 90 分

146、贝的工作环境,均应强制保护耳朵。 Part C 语境词汇 1.hamper v.妨碍,牵制 n.(有盖的)大篮子 2.observance n.遵守,奉行;纪念,庆祝 3.evocative a.唤起的 4.pretentious a.做作的,矫饰的 5.proficiency n.熟练,精通 7.rigorously ad.严格地;严密地 本文讲述了语言风格的问题。 第一段讲述了作家的两种使用语言的风格; 第二段是对年轻人的关于学习外语的建议;最后三段是对于学生使用语言的建议。 答案解析 26.Many authors feel that the conventions of the wri

147、tten language hamper them and they use words freely, with little observance of accepted grammar and sentence structure, in order to convey vividly their feelings, beliefs and fantasies. 【要点】状语的翻译;抽象名词的翻译 【句法】由 and 连接的并列句。翻译注意: (1)前一个分句中 that 引导的宾语从句顺译即可。 (2)状语在汉语中位置比较灵活, 根据汉语习惯可以把状语提前。 【词法】 little o

148、bservance 表示否定, 不能翻译成 “遵守一点点” , 而是翻译成 “几乎不遵守” , observance抽象名词动词化。 27.(Any great experiential) artist is fully familiar with the conventions (from which he wishes to break free): he is capable of achievement in established forms but feels these are inadequate for the expression of his ideas. 【要点】whi

149、ch 引导的定语从句的翻译;these 的所指关系 全文翻译 所有伟大的作家都有表达自己思想的独特方式: 根据一篇文学作品的写作风格我们常常能判断出作者是谁。26) 许多作家都觉得书面语言的常规习惯阻碍了他们,为了更鲜明地表达感情、信仰和梦想,他们不拘一格地组织文字, 几乎不遵循约定俗成的语法和句子结构。 其他的作家则对语言的传统用法怀有深深的敬意, 他们娴熟地运用微妙而大胆的词汇、生动形象的表述,配以琅琅上口的元音和辅音, 使得文体达到一流的清晰和完美, 或是获得视觉美或者音乐美的效果。 年轻人常常觉得需要尝试并由此摆脱所受教育传统。 然而在涉及到外语时,他们得记住尝试的两个前提条件。27)

150、 任何一个伟大的经验主义艺术家对他想要打破的陈规都一清二楚: 他能以既定的形式取得成功, 只是觉得这些陈规还不足以表达他的想法。其次,无可 学英语 找长喜 21 【句法】复合句。翻译注意: (1)Which 引导的定语从句翻译时前置。 (2)本句中的 these,如果仅翻译为“这些” ,是显然不够的,需增加原文省略的内容,译为“这些陈规”或“这些既定的形式” 。 28.And in any case examination candidate need to become thoroughly acquainted with conventional usage as it is a sur

151、e knowledge of accepted forms (that examiners look for). 【要点】as 引导的原因状语从句的翻译;it 的指代关系;that 引导的定语从句的翻译 【 句 法】 复 合句 。句 子主 干 为. examination candidate need to become thoroughly acquainted with.。 (1)as 引导的原因状语从句顺译。 (2)it指代 conventional usage,应该翻译出来。 (3)that引导的定语从句翻译时前置。 29.This ability (to express onesel

152、f in a foreign language on a basis of thinking in that language without reference to one s own) is essential at all stages of learning. 【要点】不定式作定语的翻译 【句法】简单句。句子主干为 This ability . is essential .。to 不定式修饰 This ability,由于不定式太长,翻译时可以拆成小句翻译。“without reference to ones own”指的是“不参照自己的母语”。 30.He will master

153、the art (of logical explanation, of exact letter-writing, of formal speeches and natural conversation and of vivid impressionistic description). 【要点】of 介词短语作定语的翻译;省略结构的翻译 【句法】简单句。句子主干为 He will master the art .。句中每个 of 前都省略了 the art,翻译时,把省略的 the art 补上,注意变化词语,然后完整地翻译出来。of 短语翻译时置于 the art 前面。 争议,他是一位杰

154、出的、有一些独特东西需要表达的艺术家。不然,这些尝试会看上去显得虚有其表,甚至幼稚。 同样, 很少有学生能够宣称通晓一门外语、 可以不受约束地试验性地钻研语言资源。 也不是所有人都觉得有必要这样做。28)而且应考者无论如何也要熟悉常规用法, 因为常规用法是主考者所追求的已有模式的确定性的知识。 上高级课程的学生应该有能力运用简单的英语来准确表述日常的事务和想法。29)用外语表达时应以该种语言的思维方式为基础,不要参照母语,这种能力在学习的各个阶段都很重要。对于有大量翻译经验却很少有机会直接运用外语的学生, 最重要的是以简单写作开始, 只使用那些他们有把握正确的简单结构, 暂时忘记母语并尽量避免从母语翻译过去。 更复杂的形式、 更丰富的词汇和句子结构应该随着学生语言知识的增加而自然协调地发展。获得更多的自信后, 他才会开始想要运用语言来创造出不同的效果。 他或许想表达出音乐或诗歌的悬念、镇静、高贵和幽默。30)他将掌握逻辑分析的艺术、 标准书信的写作诀窍、正式演讲及日常谈话的技巧,还有生动描述事物的方法。 但他的写作仍将受限于自身的能力和知识。 作为学习者, 他在所有的写作中仍要学习和观察英语的常规用法。



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