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1、Language Points1. quality n. 质量质量, 品质品质这个饭店的服务质量很好。这个饭店的服务质量很好。The quality of the service in this restaurant is very good.1)Q_ is more important than 2) quantity.2) He has all the q_ of a successful businessman.3) One q_ of wood is that it can burn.ualityualitiesuality练一练练一练qualified adj. 有资格的有资格的,

2、有经验的有经验的quantity n. 数量数量 a large /small quantity of large /great quantities of他是个合格的老师他是个合格的老师.He is a qualified teacher.我适合这个职位我适合这个职位.I am qualified for this position.+u /c2. mean adj. 卑鄙的卑鄙的; 吝啬的吝啬的, 小气的小气的 It was mean of him not to give the waiter a tip.means n. 手段手段, 方法方法mean vt. 意指意指, 意味着意味着,

3、意思是意思是 meaning n. 意思意思, 意义意义, 含义含义mean to do sth. 打算做某事打算做某事 mean doing sth. 意味着意味着Im sorry I hurt you. I didnt mean to.Missing the bus means waiting for an hour.be meant to do sth 注定注定/意欲做某事意欲做某事 be meant for 为为而存在而存在/准备准备The guidebook is meant to give you a general idea of the city.What do you mea

4、n by (doing) sth?What do you mean by your silence?3. active 积极的积极的, 活跃的活跃的 He is an active member of the soccer club. 他是足球俱乐部的一名活跃分子。他是足球俱乐部的一名活跃分子。 take an active part in 积极参加积极参加 be active in 在在方面很积极方面很积极4. generous adj. 慷慨的慷慨的, 大方的大方的 be generous to do sth 做某事很慷慨做某事很慷慨, 大方大方 be generous with 对对慷慨

5、慷慨, 大方大方5. devote vt devote名名 to(to 是介词是介词) 奉献奉献(人生人生, 时间时间, 劳力等劳力等)于于, 把把致力于致力于, 专用于专用于学生们致力于他们的功课学生们致力于他们的功课.The students devoted themselvesto their lessons.Lei feng devoted himself to helping others.devoted adj 忠实的忠实的, 深爱的深爱的be devoted to 对对忠实忠实, 对对深爱深爱a devoted friend She is devoted to her husba

6、nd.6. found (founded, founded) 建立建立, 创建创建 find (found, found) 找到找到 The hospital was founded in 1920. Have you found your missing pen?be founded on/upon 建立在建立在基础上,基础上, 以以为基础为基础The story is founded on/upon facts. 7.vote (1) n. 投票投票, 选票选票I gave my vote to Mr. Wang. 我投王先生的票。我投王先生的票。The matter will be de

7、cided by vote. 此事将投票决定此事将投票决定.(2) v. 投票投票; 选举选举 vote for sb/sth 投票支持投票支持 vote against sb./sth 投票反对投票反对 vote on sb./sth 针对针对进行投票表决进行投票表决由于我们对此事没能达成一致由于我们对此事没能达成一致,让我们投票让我们投票表决吧。表决吧。As we cant agree on this matter, lets vote on it. 8.in trouble 有麻烦有麻烦, 处于不幸中处于不幸中 I am in trouble.9.lose heart 灰心灰心, 丧失信

8、心丧失信心 Please dont lose heart, you still have more chances.lose ones heart 爱上爱上, 喜欢上喜欢上 He lost his heart to her as soon as he saw the girl.10. willing adj 乐意的乐意的, 自愿的自愿的 willingly adv will n 意志意志, 意志力意志力, 意愿意愿be willing to do sth 愿意做某事愿意做某事be willing that sb (should ) do sth 乐意让某人做某事乐意让某人做某事Im very

9、willing to vote for the plan.He is willing that his little son should join the e to power = come into power 执政执政in power 当权当权, 执政执政 Things have changed a lot since he came to power.How long has he been in power?12. beg vt .vi. 乞讨乞讨, 乞求乞求, 恳求恳求, 请请求求(begged begged begging)beg (for). sthHe begged (for

10、) money from passers-by. beg (for ) sth (of) sb (向某人向某人)恳求恳求.I beg a quick answer of you .我恳求你迅速答复我。我恳求你迅速答复我。beg (of) sb to do sth 恳请某人做某事恳请某人做某事He begged his teacher to forgive him.beg to do sth 恳请做某事恳请做某事He begged to watch the match.13.terror n. 恐怖恐怖, 可怕的人或事可怕的人或事The murder was a terror to the pe

11、ople in the town.fear n. 恐惧恐惧, 可怕可怕 vt. 恐惧恐惧, 害怕害怕 + n./to do /thatDo you fear death?She fears to speak in our presence.I fear that we cant protect ourselves.14. reward n. v. 报酬报酬, 奖金奖金, 酬劳酬劳, 奖赏奖赏in reward reward sb for sthreward sb with sth He gave the boy five yuan in reward.He rewarded the boy f

12、or bringing back the lost dog.He rewarded the boy with five yuan.作为报酬作为报酬因因而奖赏某人而奖赏某人用用酬劳某人酬劳某人reward 一般指通过做某事获得的一般指通过做某事获得的回报或者报酬回报或者报酬, 可以是钱可以是钱, 也可以是也可以是物品或精神鼓励。物品或精神鼓励。award 指的是由评委经过认真考虑指的是由评委经过认真考虑颁发的奖品。颁发的奖品。prize 指在比赛中获得的奖项。指在比赛中获得的奖项。1) It is widely accepted that young babies learn to do thi

13、ngs because certain acts lead to_. A. reward B. prizes C. awards D. results2) She won first _ in the 100 meters race. A. prize B. awards C. rewards D. resultA A 15. set upset offset down set out to do sthset about doing sthThey set off in search of the lost child.The author set about writing a new b

14、ook.建立建立, 设立设立出发出发, 动身动身, 使爆使爆炸炸记下记下, 写下写下开始开始/着手做某事着手做某事开始开始/着手做某事着手做某事16. sentence v. sentence sb to sthThe judge sentenced him to three years in prison.be sentenced to.被判处被判处(徒刑)(徒刑)The young man was sentenced to death for murder.a light / heavy sentence n.句子句子 e.g. make a sentence, please.判决判决, 宣判宣判, 判刑判刑判处某人判处某人(徒刑徒刑)轻判轻判 /重判重判



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