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1、人教课标人教课标高一高一 必修必修 3Unit 1如何续写故事如何续写故事【单元写作呈现单元写作呈现】Read the story about Li Fang again. What do you think is going to happen to Li Fang and Hu Jin? Write your own ending to the story. Use the following hints to help you prepare for writing. * Think of how Li Fang will explain that the flowers and cho

2、colates are gone.* Think of what Hu Jin will say when she hears that news.* Think of an ending to the story that will solve the problem. Will Li Fang be happy or sad?【写作分析写作分析】 本单元的写作任务是根据课文本单元的写作任务是根据课文A SAD LOVE STORY的内容续写一个故事,属的内容续写一个故事,属于记叙文。续写故事不仅要求使用书面于记叙文。续写故事不仅要求使用书面语进行基本的陈述,还要根据前文内容语进行基本的陈述

3、,还要根据前文内容构思情节,进而展开和完成一个故事。构思情节,进而展开和完成一个故事。这对学生的英语写作能力提出了更高的这对学生的英语写作能力提出了更高的要求。要求。在完成该写作任务的过程中,应努在完成该写作任务的过程中,应努力使事件陈述更为充实;尝试描述力使事件陈述更为充实;尝试描述人物的语言、动作和简单的心理活人物的语言、动作和简单的心理活动。该写作练习为学生提供了较大动。该写作练习为学生提供了较大的发挥空间,能够考查学生综合应的发挥空间,能够考查学生综合应用语言的能力和对语篇的整体驾驭用语言的能力和对语篇的整体驾驭能力。能力。【审题要素审题要素】 写作时应注意下面几点:写作时应注意下面几

4、点: 1. 确定文体确定文体:这是一篇记叙文,:这是一篇记叙文,应注意故事情节的陈述。应注意故事情节的陈述。 2. 主体时态主体时态:文章是陈述过去发:文章是陈述过去发生的事件,应以一般过去时为主。生的事件,应以一般过去时为主。 3. 主体人称主体人称:以第三人称讲述发:以第三人称讲述发生在他人身上的故事。生在他人身上的故事。 4. 内容要点内容要点: 故事发生的时间、地点;故事发生的时间、地点; 涉及的主要人物;涉及的主要人物; 事件发展的过程;事件发展的过程; 故事的结局。故事的结局。 5. 注意故事情节的合理性、完整注意故事情节的合理性、完整性以及讲述的连贯性性以及讲述的连贯性。【思路引

5、导思路引导】 本题属于记叙文写作中的续写故本题属于记叙文写作中的续写故事,需要学生在充分理解已有材料的事,需要学生在充分理解已有材料的基础上展开合理想象,写作中应注意基础上展开合理想象,写作中应注意以下几个步骤:以下几个步骤: 首先,应在前文的基础上进一步首先,应在前文的基础上进一步交代清楚故事的时间、地点、主要人交代清楚故事的时间、地点、主要人物等要点。物等要点。 其次,选择恰当的语句叙述故事情其次,选择恰当的语句叙述故事情节的发展,注意句子和段落间的连贯。节的发展,注意句子和段落间的连贯。 第三,注意人物动作和语言的准确第三,注意人物动作和语言的准确描写,例如描写,例如Li Fang的解释

6、,的解释,Hu Jin听听后的反应等。后的反应等。 第四,注意直接引语和间接引语在第四,注意直接引语和间接引语在记叙文中的应用。记叙文中的应用。 最后,故事的结尾要简短、自然。最后,故事的结尾要简短、自然。【参考范文参考范文】Li Fang went into the tea shop and sat besides Hu Jin. He was happy that Hu Jin kept her word, but how would he explain that the flowers and chocolates were gone? Hu Jin was looking forwa

7、rd to receiving his gifts. Suddenly, an idea occurred to Li Fang. He decided to tell a white lie, and also a romantic lie.“Oh, Hu Jin. Ive been waiting for you for a long time at the coffee shop. Guess what! A young man came in and he looked very worried. He told me that he was the herd boy Niulang!

8、 He was hurrying to meet his dear Zhin. But the city had changed so much that he couldnt find a flower or chocolate shop .” “Oh, really?” Hu Jin was surprised. “Then what did you do?”“You know the couple, Niulang and Zhin, meet just once a year. What a pity if they cant have a happy Valentines Day!

9、So I gave my flowers and chocolates to the boy. Im so sorry, Hu Jin.”Hu Jin smiled and came to realize what had happened. She said, “What an interesting boy! Of course he wouldnt have been Niulang. Maybe he was in a hurry and had no time to prepare a gift for his girl friend. Im glad that you helped

10、 him. Anyway, I have gifts for you. It doesnt matter.”Just at that time, the manager of the tea shop came up with a big bouquet of roses and said, “Im glad to tell you that we have a special gift for every couple today in our shop. Here you are! Happy Valentines Day!”Both Li Fang and Hu Jin were happy. It was really an unforgettable and romantic day!Homework 通过学习这篇写作指导,你掌握通过学习这篇写作指导,你掌握了续写故事的方法了吗?试着写了续写故事的方法了吗?试着写一下吧,然后与范文加以对照,一下吧,然后与范文加以对照,找出其中的不足并加以改进。找出其中的不足并加以改进。



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