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1、Improving Destination Competitiveness via Regional Cooperation 目的地竞争力的提升与旅游区域合作讲座教授及副院长1Determinants of Destination Competitiveness旅游目的地竞争力提升的决定要素Resource endowment资源禀赋Natural Resources自然资源Tourism infrastructure 旅游基础设施Demand condition 需求环境Market competition 市场竞争条件Destination Management 目的地管理Governme

2、nt support 政府支持2A Case Study 一个案例Hsu and Gu (2007)3Method 方法 A purposive sampling method was used to collect the data 采取目标抽样法收集数据10 individuals for each city with expertise in tourism and hospitality were interviewed 每一目的地抽取十位旅游方面的专家 4SWOT 分析强势强势Strengths Each city has its own airport每一城市有自己的机场 Hong

3、 Kongs international aviation hub long haul香港是长线航空港 HMZ Bridge 港珠澳大桥 Variety of experiences in a cost- and time-efficient manner 拥有不同成本及时间效益的产品弱势弱势Weaknesses Tourism industries of Macau and Zhuhai are less developed 澳门及珠海的旅游业欠发达 HMZ have fewer historical and cultural resources comparing to other Chi

4、nese destinations 珠港澳的文化历史资源难与其他中国城市媲美5SWOT 分析Opportunity 机遇机遇Geographical and cultural proximity to mainland China 地理位置及文化与中国内地相近Threats 威胁威胁Singapore, especially if Singapore is to work together with Malaysia and Thailand to develop regional tourism 新加坡与马来西亚及泰国联手发展区域旅游 Self-interest pursuit and in

5、ternal competition 追求自身利益与内部竞争6Comparative Advantages of Three Cities三个城市的相对竞争优势三个城市的相对竞争优势Product differentiation 产品差异化Clearly differentiable from each other in terms of pricing 价格优势Hong Kong is a destination with a good mix of short-, medium- and long-haul visitors 香港拥有长中短线客源市场 Macau and Zhuahai m

6、ainly target short-haul and regional or domestic markets 珠海澳门主要拥有短线及国内市场Different histories of HMZ make each destination easily differentiable from the other in culture. 历史文化的差异7How Should HMZ Cooperate With Each Other?港珠澳应怎样合作呢港珠澳应怎样合作呢?Each of the three needs to develop in a direction to complemen

7、t rather than to overlap with the other two to minimize future competition 每一城市应发展各自的优势产品避免竞争Three destinations can bundle their tourism products and services into integrated packages and promote them jointly to potential visitors, especially long-haul visitors 联合营销8How Should HMZ Cooperate With Eac

8、h Other?港珠澳应怎样合作呢港珠澳应怎样合作呢?Make intra-regional travel frictionless to increase the efficiency of their tourism cooperation 精简区内履行的手续以提高合作效率HMZ should join hands in training tourism professionals to improve skills and raise service quality in the region 联合培养旅游人才与提升服务质量 Macaus manpower and land bottle

9、neck can be better resolved with the help from Hong Kong and Zhuhai 澳门的劳动力及土地瓶颈可由香港及珠海的优势解决9How Should HMZ Cooperate With Each Other?港珠澳应怎样合作呢港珠澳应怎样合作呢?While conflicts and competitions are unavoidable, they can be managed and minimized 解决冲突和竞争的途径 regulations regarding tourism product pricing and pri

10、nciples of conduct in manpower recruitment within the region must be instituted 制定旅游产品价格及人力资源雇用的规章制度Explicit ethical guidelines in cooperation need to be established and strictly observed遵循合作道德auditing and arbitration mechanisms 建立相应的监督与仲裁机制10Governments Role 政府的作用政府的作用three governments of HMZ shoul

11、d play the leading role in tourism collaboration 三地的政府应该共同肩负起合作的责任guide the direction of tourism development in each of the three destinations 领引发展方向cross-border check point issue can only be solved between the governments 出入境问题只能由政府间的协商来解决any joint development involving land use must first be settl

12、ed between governments 土地的使用由政府控制Supervision and arbitration 监督与仲裁11Challenges合作的挑战 Simplify board crossing 简化出入境手续 different development stages of the three destinations 三地发展阶段的不同benefits of cooperation would accrue more to Macau and Zhuhai but less to Hong Kong 合作给珠海和奥门带来的 利益要大于给香港带来的利益Structural

13、and cultural gaps between destinations 结构与文化的差异12Cross-regional organization 跨区域的行政组织A need to establish an entity that is powerful enough to coordinate development policies and formulate a joint plan that will be followed by each party 建立一个强有力的行政组织机构以保证合作发展政策及规划的有效实施 This entity must be authoritati

14、ve and can make decisions to guide or influence government tourism policies 能够影响政府决策 This entity should also be highly operative and active in solving problems resulting from different developmental stages and structural and cultural gaps 有效解决合作中由于发展阶段不同带来的问题13Conclusion 结论each city should position

15、itself in a direction that is more compatible rather than competitive with the other two to minimize potential competition 各杨其长,避免竞争HMZ should integrate their tourism products and services and promote them jointly to visitors, especially long-haul visitors from international markets 统筹发展旅游产品,联手营销14C

16、onclusion 结论HMZ can pool their resources together to jointly grow tourism business in the region 统筹旅游资源Hong Kongs capital 香港的资本Macaus legalized gaming status 澳门拥有博彩业合法营业执照 Zhuhais land and labor 珠海的土地与人力资源 a joint HMZ regional plan is highly needed 需要有一个区域总体规划 an organization must be established to formulate the regional plan and supervise the implementation of the plan 需要成立一个区域机构,以便制定和监督该计划的实施15Thank You 谢谢!16



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