高考英语总复习 9Units 34课件(江苏专用)

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1、Units 34晨读在线假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华,利用上周末的时间帮助祖父母安排了去北戴河的旅行。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文周记,叙述你从准备到送行的全过程。注意:词数不少于120。【范文欣赏】 请同学们进行完形填空(每空填一个单词)Last weekend,I did something very meaningful.I helped my grandparents prepare their trip 1.to Beidaihe.I woke up very early 2.on Saturday morning.I surfed the Internet se

2、arching for the information for their trip,such 3.as the weather,the hotel,the transportation,etc.By inquiring all 4.the questions we had in mind,I helped them make the final plan for this trip.After breakfast,I headed to the railway station to get the roundtrip tickets for them,5.though I had to wa

3、it in line for a long time.Later in the day,following the list my grandparents gave me,I helped them pack up their baggage.To make 6.sure that everything goes smoothly,I even made a detail journey for them. On Sunday morning,I saw them 7.off at the railway station.I felt so proud of 8.myself being a

4、ble to do something for my dear grandparents.(147 words) 【名师点评】 文章要点齐全,写作层次清楚,以时间顺序展开全文,能紧扣图片要点,上下文连贯。在表达句式上,注意了句式结构的多变,以简单句为主,适当地使用了并列句,简单通俗易懂。注重了连接过渡词的使用,如after breakfast,later in the day,on Sunday morning等,简单中不乏显示出较强的基本功和语言运用能力。【疯狂背诵】 请用10分钟背诵范文【还原范文】请同学们将下列句子翻译成英语1上个周末,我做了件非常有意义的事情。Last weekend,

5、I did something very meaningful.2我帮助了我的祖父母准备他们的北戴河之旅。I helped my grandparents prepare their trip to Beidaihe.3星期六早晨我起的很早。I woke up very early on Saturday morning.4我上网为他们的旅行找到了一些信息,如天气,旅馆,交通等。I surfed the Internet searching for the information for their trip,such as the weather, he hotel,the transpor

6、tation,etc.5通过询问了所有我们能想到的问题,我帮他们制定好了这次旅行的最终计划。By inquiring all the questions we had in mind,I helped them make the final plan for this trip.6吃完早餐后,我赶到火车站给他们买了往返车票,尽管我不得不排很久的队。After breakfast,I headed to the railway station to get the roundtrip tickets for them,though I had to wait in line for a long

7、 time.7当天晚些时候,根据我祖父母给我的清单,我帮他们打好了他们的行李包。Later in the day,following the list my grandparents gave me,I helped them pack up their baggage.8为确保一切顺利,我甚至为他们制定了一个详细的行程。To make sure that everything goes smoothly,I even made a detail journey for them.9星期天的早上,我在火车站为他们送行。On Sunday morning,I saw them off at th

8、e railway station.10我为自己能为我亲爱的祖父母做一点事而感到非常的自豪。I felt so proud of myself being able to do something for my dear grandparents. .单词默写1conclusion n结束;结论2declaration n宣言,宣布,声明3resign vt. & vi. 听任,顺从;辞职,辞去4institution n风俗,习俗;(银行、医院等)社会机构5significant adj. 重要的;有意义的6noble adj. 高尚的,高贵的;贵族的7convey vt. 传达,表达;运输

9、,输送8straightforward adj. 明确的,肯定的;直截了当的,坦率的9communication n. 交际,交流;通讯10extension n. 扩建,扩建部分;延伸,扩展11strengthen vt. to make something stronger or become stronger12personality n. someones character,especially the way they behave towards/to other people13swift adj. happening or moving very quickly and sm

10、oothly14comprehension n. a test of how well students understand written or spoken language15multiply vt. to increase greatly,or to make something do this.词汇拓展1independence n独立,自主independentadj. 独立的2elect vi.决定,选举 vt.选择,决定;选举,推举electionn选举3symbolic adj.有象征意义的symbol n象征symbolize v象征4considerate adj.关心

11、的,体贴的,体谅的,考虑周到的consideration n考虑consider vt.认为,考虑5instruct vt.指令,吩咐;教;讲授instruction n教育;训练;指示;命令;说明语境助记词不离句,句不离段An American declaration instructed that they decide to elect the new president because the old one resigned his office. The new government considered independence and strengthened their co

12、mmunication with other countries. .短语落实1rid.of.摆脱,去掉2make up 组成,构成3date back to 追溯到,始于4have a link with 与有联系5correspond to 与相符,与一致,与相称6translate.into. 将译成7mend ones ways 改邪归正,改过自新8In other words 换句话说,换言之9Polish up 磨光,擦亮;提高,改进10Centre around 以为中心,围绕.句子翻译1While it is generally true to say that humans

13、like colour,our choices are not necessarily random.(Page 46)虽然人类喜欢颜色这个说法通常是对的,然而,我们对色彩的选择却不一定是随意的。2Otherwise,you might make an unconscious statement about yourself that you do not want to make. (Page 47)否则,你可能会在无意中表达了你并不想表达的意思。3When the emperor woke up,he asked his officials to interpret his dream a

14、nd tell him what it meant.(Page 62)皇帝醒来时就让官员们为他解梦,告诉他这个梦有什么含义。4他们拒绝屈从于这种状况,于是他们发动了一场革命。(Page 37)They refused to resign themselves to this state,so they started a revolution.5这个人就是圣诞老人的原型。 (Page 59)This is the man Father Christmas is based on.【课本原句】 They desired independence,but the British opposed t

15、his.(P35)他们渴望独立但是遭到了英国政府的反对。oppose vt.反对;反抗;抵抗反对;反抗;抵抗oppose doing sth 反对做某事oppose A to/against B 使A与B对抗/对照be opposed to 反对;对抗(to为介词)as opposed to与相对之下,与对照下opposite adj.相反的,对立的n.相反的人(事物)prep.与相对be opposite from 与相反;不相等be opposite to 在对面,与相反 看看高考怎么考The message you intend to convey through words may b

16、e the exact opposite of(确 实 相 反 )what others actually understand.(2011上 海 卷 Grammar and Vocabulary Section A,38)What seems strange,however,is that the standard adopted for women is the opposite of the one for men(与男的相反)(2010重庆卷 阅读理解C)The city of Shenzhen opposed _ a palace over the sea and the mayor

17、 asked it to be torn down.(2011邵东科达中学第一次月考)Abuilding Bto buildCto have built Dbeing built 答案A【课本原句】 I also learnt that the same colour can correspond to different meanings in different cultures.(P37)我还得知相同的颜色在不同的文化中可代表不同的含义。correspond with/to与一致;相当于correspond with sb与某人通信correspondence n相符;通信;信件hold

18、/keep up correspondence with sb与(某人)保持通信联系corresponding adj.符合的;相应的;相关的correspond vi.相符,一致,相称相符,一致,相称看看高考怎么考Well,a lot of research is being conducted in this area, but so far, the brain scanning equipment and corresponding_(相 关 的 ) computer programs havent been able to actually read thoughts.(2010 陕

19、西卷阅读理解A)Having been trained for one and a half years, she managed to get a professional qualification _ a firstdegree nurse.(2011南京模拟)Aconsist with Bagreed withCcorresponding to Dcorrespond with 答案C calm adj.静的,平静的;沉着的,冷静的 vt. & vi.(使)平静;(使) 冷静,(使)镇定【 课 本 原 句 】 A purple face shows a just and calm ch

20、aracter.(P43)紫色的脸谱表现的是公正和冷静的性格特征。keep calm 保持镇静calm down 使平息,使平静calm 主要指“风平浪静的”,也可指人“安静的,镇静的”。quiet 多指“没有吵闹声的”“没有噪音的”,强调“声音很低、很少或全然无声”。still 多指“没动作的,静止不动的”。silent 主要强调“沉默无语”。 看看高考怎么考Henry encouraged me to calm down(平静下来),just go ahead and get the license and be done with it.(2011辽宁卷 阅读理解A) 用calm,sti

21、ll,silent,quiet填空Although she was frightened,she answered with a calm voice.Could you keep the kids quiet while Im on the phone?The boys enjoyed the still hours before dawn.Its bad manners to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question.【课本原句】 an idiom is a group of words or an expression whose

22、meaning often cannot be understood by looking at the meanings of the separate words in it.(P50)习语是词组或一种表达方式,其意义无法从孤立的单词词义中获得。excuse/forgive/pardon expression 原谅出言冒犯give expression to 表达,表现freedom of expression 言论自由an expression of surprise 惊讶的表演 expression n表达,表情表达,表情看看高考怎么考The ability _ an idea is

23、as important as the idea itself.(2011湖南卷Language Knowledge,Section A 21)Aexpressing BexpressedCto express Dto be expressed答案C根据句意或括号内的提示填词His clear expression (express) of the plan made it easy for us to understand.I would like to express my thanks for your kindness.Im afraid Im not expressing mysel

24、f very clearly.【课本原句】 You can develop a high level of competence in your communication skills.(P51)你能够在交流技术方面发展出高水平的能力。communicate v传达,(用信号、语言)传递信息,交流;交际communicate sth to sb把通知/传达给某人communicate with 与交流/通信/联络/相通in communication with 与互通信息 communication n交流,交际,通讯交流,交际,通讯看看高考怎么考Not all of its maps ar

25、e online,so it may be necessary for some users to communicate with producers(和生产商联系)through the Green Maps website.(2011重庆卷阅读理解B)我让你姐姐把我的祝福带给你。I asked your sister to communicate my wishes to you.聋哑人通常用手语与其他人交流。The deaf and dumb usually use sign language to communicate with the others.English can hel

26、p _ people and make the stay in a foreign country easy and comfortable.(2012浏阳市一中高三上学期期中考试)Aagree with Bcommunicate withCcommunicate to Dwrite to 答案B figure n体形,身材;形状,形态;数字;花样;人物 vt.描 绘;计算;认为,以为;估计 vi.出现【课本原句】 He was made into a saint,and later became one of the most popular figures in Christianity.

27、(P59)他被塑造成一个圣徒,后来成为了基督教最受欢迎的人之一。【考点归纳】the latest unemployment figures最近的失业数字a public/political figure知名人士/政治人物keep ones figure保持优美身材figure out合计;计算出;解决;领会;断定figure in把包括进,把算进(某项开支)figure on指望;计划看看高考怎么考Tsinghua University,_in 1911,is home to a great number of outstanding figures.(2011福建卷单项填空23)Afound

28、 BfoundingCfounded Dto be founded答案CI cant _ what has happened to the vegetables,for they were freshly picked this morning.(2012永州四中第一次月考)Alook out Btake out Cwork out Dfigure out 答案D【课本原句】 Then the emperor instructed a group of officials to go on his behalf as agents to India to find more informati

29、on about Buddha.(P62)于是皇帝命一群官员代表他前往印度寻找更多关于佛陀的信息。【考点归纳】instruct sb in sth 指导某人某事instruct sb to do sth 命令某人做某事instruct that sb (should) do 命令某人做instruction n教授;指导;用法说明(书),操作指南(常用复数)follow the instructions遵从指令 instruct vt.指令,吩咐;教,讲授指令,吩咐;教,讲授according to ones instructions按照某人的吩咐under ones instruction在

30、某人的指导下instructor n教练instructive adj.有教育意义的,说明性的,指示性的注意:instruct作“命令”讲,后跟宾语从句时,从句用(should)动词原形。看看高考怎么考Three teachers will accompany the students,and a hiking instructor(远 足 教 练 ) will accompany each group of 15 hikers.Each instructor will cost $75/hr.(2010福建卷阅读理解D)Under the teachers instruction(在老师的指

31、导下),weve made great progress in our physics study.Follow the instructions(按照说明) printed on the back of the box. circumstance n情况,境况,形势(常用复数)【课本原句】 In the past,these repairs and extensions generally followed times of war and destruction though recent restoration has not been a result of such terrible

32、 circumstance.(P63)在过去,这些修复和重建通常是在战争和毁坏之后,但近期的修复工作则不然。 【考点归纳】in easy/poor circumstances处于富裕/贫穷境况under/in the circumstances在这种情况下,既然如此under/in no circumstances决不,无论如何都不circumstance用作“境况,境遇,经济状况”时,常用复数。under no circumstances用于句首,主谓部分倒装,即把助动词、系动词、情态动词放在主语之前。看看高考怎么考Perhaps, but maybe its also due to the

33、 shortage of policemen on the streets.Or changing social circumstances(社会形势)Or some combination of these factors. (2011浙江卷阅读理解A)If you take full advantage of your speech class,you will be able to develop your skills as a critical thinker in many circumstances(在很多情况下)(2011北京卷七选五) At no time and under

34、 no circumstances _ the first to use nuclear weapons.(2011永州四中11月月考)AChina will be Bwill be ChinaC must China be D will China be 答案D【课本原句】 The French Revolution was successful in riding society of inequality.(P34)法国大革命成功地消除了社会的不平等。be rid of 消除掉get rid of 摆脱;去掉;除去He was at last rid of the toothache.他

35、终于不牙疼了。For people in some povertystricken areas,getting rid of poverty is a big thing.对一些贫困地区的人来说,摆脱贫困是一件大事。rid.of.使摆脱使摆脱;使;使去掉去掉看看高考怎么考醒酒是一个漫长的过程,任何一种方法例如洗澡,喝杯茶或咖啡都不能快速达到效果。To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking

36、 a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee. (2011福建卷阅读理解A)他们设法消除他头脑中的错误思想。 They tried to be rid of the mistaken thought in his mind.他太让人烦了,我很高兴能摆脱他。 He is so boring that I would be glad to get rid of him. resign oneself to 听从,顺从 resign oneself to 听从,顺从【课本原句】 They refused to resign themselves to this

37、 state,so they started a revolution.(P37)他们不愿意顺从于这种地位,所以他们就发起了一场革命。resign ones position 辞去职务resign office 辞职(leave office) not resign oneself to being defeated 不甘失败看看高考怎么考I resign myself to(听从)your guidance.She resigned her children _ the care of a neighbor.(2012株洲二中10月份月考)Ain Bto Cfor Don答案B relate

38、 to 与有联系,与有关联【课本原句】 Another focus of biblical idioms is often food or things related to food.(P51)圣经习语的另一个着重点通常是食物或是和食物有关的事物。relate.to/with.把与联系来related adj.有关系的,相关的;亲戚的be related to与有关/有联系,与有亲缘关系relation nU关系;C亲属(戚)in/with relation to关于;涉及 relationship n关系;联系relative adj.相关的;相对的 nC亲属;亲戚relativity n

39、相关性;相对论看看高考怎么考Peoples health is closely related to(密切相关) climate change.(2011湖北卷阅读理解D)Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _heart disease and cause high blood pressure.(2011常德市一中11月月考)Acontribute to Brelate toCattend to Ddevote to 答案A【课本原句】 On both sides of the courtyard are a number

40、 of different halls for praying and chanting, receiving guests, and the rooms where the monks live.(P63)庭院两侧有许多供祈祷颂佛和接待香客的殿堂,还有僧人就寝的房间。 倒装句倒装句(1)将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时,使用全部倒装。谓语动词常为不及物动词或系动词。(2)以here,there,now,then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be,come,go,remain等,而主语又是名词时,用全部倒装。(3)有些动词与副词out,in,up,down,away等构成不及物动

41、词短语。为了使句子更生动,常将这些副词提前到句首,这时用全部倒装。(4)当句子主语部分较长,谓语部分较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,常使用全部倒装。句子的结构为“表语系动词主语”。看看高考怎么考In the trunk _ a pen,a few suits of clothes and two books.(2011岳阳县一中11月月考)Afound Bwas foundChad found Dto find答案BBy the side of the Birds Nest _,completed in 2008.(2012株洲二中10月份月考)Athere standing the Water CubeBdoes the Water Cube stand Cthe Water Cube standsDstands the Water Cube答案D



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