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1、Treat others in the way you want to be treated.己所不欲己所不欲, 勿施于人勿施于人.You can learn from everyone.三人行必有我师。三人行必有我师。Confucius(551BC-479BC)Mencius (372BC-289BC)People are more important than rulers.民为贵民为贵 君为轻君为轻Man is born good.人性本善人性本善All human beings are equal.Mozi (376BC-390BC)众生平等众生平等We should love all

2、 human beings.兼爱兼爱2.Improve the reading skills by fast reading and detail reading.3.Dicuss and write a composition about the teaching of the philosophers.1.To master some useful words and expressions:Confucius,Mencius,philosopher,teaching,kindness,order,principle,resign.Learning aims:Fast ReadingRea

3、d the passage quickly andchoose the correct answers.Whats main idea of the passage?A.The author wants to make people believe in the teachings by thinkers of ancient.B.The author wants to introduce three influential philosophers of ancient China.C.The author wants to tell interesting stories about th

4、ree important teachers in ancient China.D.The author wants to show the history of philosophy in ancient China.Thinking about the following questions.1.Confucius stressed the importance of the following aspects except _. 2. “If the government was kind,then people would be good.” is the teaching of _.

5、3.Whose influence has been the greatestamong all the philosophers of ancient China?4.Mencius teachings were very similar to _s teachings.5. the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived is_.Confucius stressed the importanceof the following aspects except _. A. kindness B. friendship C.

6、 order D. duty. “If the government was kind,then people would be good.” is the teaching of _. A. Mencius B. Confucius C. Mozi D. XunziChoose the correct answers.A.Mencius B. Mozi 3.Whose influence has been the greatest among all the philosophers of ancient China?C. Confucius D.Xunzi4.Mencius teachin

7、gs were very similar to _s teachings.A. Confucius B.XunziC.Zhuangzi D. Mozi 5.Which shows the right order of time when the three great thinkers lived?A.Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B.Mencius-Mozi-Confucius D.Mozi- Mencius-ConfuciusC.Confucius-Mozi-Mencius 1. States were often at peace with each other in

8、 ancient China.2. Confucius ideas have the greatest influence on China.3. Mencius resigned from the government, because the first ruler didnt respect him.True or false questionsTFwarFfollow his advice. his last years4.Mencius spent all his life preparing a book of his teachings called The Book of Me

9、ncius._F5.Mozi was known for his unusual clothes and behavior. T6.Mencius was brought up by his grandmother.F_mother7.Mozi hated the idea of war. TRead the passage again,then fill in the chart with proper information according to the passage.Read the passage and fill in the blanksParagraph 1 Introdu

10、ction about _ - 479BCgreatest influence(more than_years)importance of _, _ and _ in societyConfucius551BCkindnessdutyorder2000Paragraph 2Introduction about _ born in _ BC and brought up by _ _ at an important _ in the _ first and later _TheMan was _ ._ were more important than _ Mencius372his mother

11、positiongovernmentBook of _MenciuskindPeople rulersresignedParagraph 3Introduction about _ - 390 BC_ was more important .All man are _ .love all_ _and look after the weakhate the idea of _ Mozi476BC Governmentequalhuman beingswarDiscussion:Whose ideas do you agree withmost? Why?I agree with.most,bec

12、ause.In the aspect of., it influences me a lot because.I think.Homework :Write a composition about your favorite philosopher among the three and the reason why you like him.Exploring the old and deducing thenew makes a teacher.温故而知新,温故而知新,可以为师矣可以为师矣.1.Exploring the old and deducing(推论)the new makes

13、a teacher. 2.2.How happy we are, To meet friends from afar!3.Treat others in the way you want to be treated. 己所不欲己所不欲, 勿施于人勿施于人.温故而知新,可以为师矣温故而知新,可以为师矣 。有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? Philosophers of Ancient China 2.Improve the reading skills by fast reading and detail reading.3.Dicuss and write a composit

14、ion about the teaching of the philosophers.1.To master some useful words and expressions:Confucius,Mencius,philosopher,teaching,kindness,order,principle,resign.Learning aims:Fast reading:Choose the correct answers.Whats main idea of the passage?A.The author wants to make people believe in the teachi

15、ngs by thinkers of ancient.B.The author wants to introduce three influential philosophers of ancient China.C. The author wants to tell interesting stories about three important teachers in ancient China.D. The author wants to show the history of philosophy in ancient China.2.Which shows the right or

16、der of time when the three great thinkers lived?A.Confucius- Mencius -Mozi B.Mencius-Mozi-ConfuciusC.Confucius-Mozi-Mencius D.Mozi- Mencius-Confucius3. Whose influence has been the greatest among all the philosophers of ancient China?A.Mencius B. Mozi C. Confucius D. Zhuangzi 4. Confucius stressed t

17、he importance of the following aspects except_A. Kindness B. friendship C. order D. duty 5.“If the government was kind, then people would be good.” is the teaching of _.A.Mencius B.Confucius C. Mozi D. Xunzi Careful-reading: true or false.1. Mozi considered that government was most important, but he

18、 hated the idea of war.2. Mozi stress the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.3. Mencius teachings were very similar to Mozis. 4. Mencius was brought up by his grandmother.5. Mencius resigned because the ruler didnt pay him.6. Mencius believe that man is good, and the rulers were more

19、important than people.7. Mozis idea of love was the same with the Confucian idea of kindness.Read the passage and fill in the blanks.ConfuciusConfucius is a great _ whose ideas have greatly _ the Chinese society for more than 2000 years.He _ the importance of_, _ and _ in society.philosopherinfluenc

20、edstressedkindnessdutyorderMencius Mencius was a _ whose teachings were very _ that of Confucius. He held an important _ in the government of a state, but he _ later to travel from state to state to teach the _ of Confucius, because the ruler didnt _ his_. He believed that man is good, and people we

21、re more important than _. He suggested that the government should not treat people badly.thinkersimilar topositionresignedprinciplesfollowadvicerulersMozi Mozi founded the _. Born in a poor family, he became famous for his unusual clothes and_. Though his beliefs were _ to those of Confucius, his id

22、ea of love was _ Confucian idea of kindness. He taught that we should love all _, and look after those who are weaker than ourselves. He believed that all men were_, and he was against the idea of _. Mohismbehavioursimilardifferent fromhuman beingsequalwarDiscussion: Which philosopher do you like best? Why?I like .best, because.I think . I agree with.Homework:Write a composition about yourresult of the discussion.



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