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1、Unit 1 School and Friends单元自我综合评价一Unit 1 School and Friends单元自我综合评价一 .单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1This is _ office. Its _ big office.Aa; a Ba; an Can; a Dan; anC【解解析析】第第一一空空后后的的officeoffice以以元元音音音音素素开开头头,故故用用不不定定冠冠词词anan;第第二二空空后的后的bigbig以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词以辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词a a。单元自我综合评价一2_ is Zhang Ming. Hes a te

2、acher.AIt BThis CI DSheB【解解析析】该该题题是是在在介介绍绍别别人人,应应使使用用“This This isis”,意意为为“这这位位是是”。故选故选B B。单元自我综合评价一3My name _ Jim. I _ a student.Ais; am Bare; are Cis; is Dam; isA【解解析析】 my my name name 看看作作第第三三人人称称单单数数,故故bebe动动词词用用is; is; I I是是第第一一人人称称单单数数,bebe动词用动词用amam,所以选,所以选A A。单元自我综合评价一4Whats this, please?_AI

3、ts a pen BIm Li LeiCYes, it is DThreeA单元自我综合评价一5Jim, this is Li Lei. Li Lei, _AHe is Jim Bhe is not JimCThis is Jim Dthis is JimD【解解析析】当当第第三三者者给给双双方方作作介介绍绍时时,通通常常用用“This This isis姓姓名名”这这一一句句型型,表示表示“这是这是”。由该空前面的逗号可知首字母要小写,故选。由该空前面的逗号可知首字母要小写,故选D D。单元自我综合评价一6What is this?Its an_Apen Bruler Cpencil Der

4、aser D【解解析析】不不定定冠冠词词为为anan,选选项项中中只只有有erasereraser是是以以元元音音音音素素开开头头的的单单词词。故故选选D D。单元自我综合评价一7May I have your pencil?Sure. _. AThank you BHere is itCHere you are DYoure welcome8Whats _ name?_ name is Deng Yaping.Ayour; Her Bshe; HerCher; Her Dyou; MyCC单元自我综合评价一9Mary is in _Agrade 7, class 8 BGrade 7, Cl

5、ass 8CClass 8, grade 7 DClass 8, Grade 7D【解解析析】在在英英文文中中,单单位位的的顺顺序序要要从从小小到到大大;具具体体的的班班级级年年级级都都要要大大写写,故答案为故答案为D D。单元自我综合评价一10How _ your mum?_ fine, thanks.Aare; Shes Bis; ShesCam; Shes Dis; HesB单元自我综合评价一11I dont have _ pencils. I want to buy _ at the store.Aany; any Bsome; anyCsome; some Dany; someD【解

6、解析析】some some 与与any any 都都可可以以表表示示“一一些些”,somesome用用于于肯肯定定句句及及表表示示请请求求或或建议的疑问句,建议的疑问句,anyany用于一般疑问句和否定句。故答案为用于一般疑问句和否定句。故答案为D D。单元自我综合评价一12_ is the boy on the bike?Thats my brother John.A.What BWhere CWho DHow13We play sports and _ on the playground.Ahave fun Bhave science classesCget books Dhave les

7、sonsCA单元自我综合评价一14We need _ some books from the library.Aborrow Bto borrowCborrowing DborrowsB【解析解析】need to do need to do sthsth. .意为意为“需要做某事需要做某事”。单元自我综合评价一15Is that a pencil?_. Its a pen.AYes, it is BNo, it isntCNo, that isnt DNo, it isB单元自我综合评价一 .完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) I am _16_ English girl. _17

8、_ name is Nancy. Im eight. My sisters name is _18_. Eli and _19_ are students. My mother _20_ a teacher. _21_ is a Chinese teacher. My brothers name is _22_. Hes five. _23_ father isnt here. _24_ in Shanghai. I love my _25_单元自我综合评价一16. A. a B. an C. the D. /17. A. I B. Me C. My D. Mine18. A. Bob B.

9、David C. Charles D. Eli【解析解析】 EnglishEnglish是以元音音素开头的单词,其前用不定冠词是以元音音素开头的单词,其前用不定冠词anan,表示泛指。,表示泛指。BD【解解析析】由由空空格格后后的的namename可可知知这这里里应应用用形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词表表示示“我我的的”,故故选选C C。【解析解析】由下一句中的由下一句中的EliEli可知答案为可知答案为D D。C单元自我综合评价一19. A. I B. my C. mine D. me20. A. be B. is C. am D. are21. A. Her B. Hers C. She

10、s D. She【解析解析】该空应为主格形式作主语,故选该空应为主格形式作主语,故选A A。AD【解析解析】 my mother my mother是第三人称单数形式,故是第三人称单数形式,故bebe动词用动词用isis。【解析解析】该空格处在句中作主语,且代替该空格处在句中作主语,且代替“my mothermy mother”,故选,故选D D。B单元自我综合评价一22. A. Tim B. Diana C. Maria D. Emma23. A. We B. Ours C. Our D. Us24. A. Hes B. His C. He D. Hiss25. A. school B. c

11、lass C. family D. clock【解解析析】由由“brothers brothers namename”可可知知是是一一个个男男孩孩的的名名字字。B B、C C、D D三三项项均均为为女女孩名字,故选孩名字,故选A A。AA【解解析析】该该句句句句意意是是“我我们们的的父父亲亲不不在在这这儿儿”。该该空空应应用用形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词修饰修饰fatherfather。CC单元自我综合评价一 .阅读理解(共10小题;每小题3分,满分30分)A A: Do you know the girl in the picture?B: Yes. She is the “Inspir

12、ational Girl(励志女孩)”Zhang Keai.A: Where is she from?B: She is from Jinjiang, Fujian.A: Is she a student?单元自我综合评价一B: Yes, she is. She is a good student in her school. And she is a nice girl at home.A: What about her family?B: Her family is very poor(穷的). Her mother is ill(生病的). She has a little brothe

13、r. The family live in a small old house. A lot of kindhearted(好心的) people help her and her family.单元自我综合评价一26. Zhang Keai is from _ A. Tianjin B. JinjiangC. Beijing D. Shanghai27. Zhang Keai is a _A.student B. teacher B.C. worker D. driverBA单元自我综合评价一28. Zhang Keai is a(n) _ girl.A. inspirational B.

14、goodC. nice D. A, B and C29. Zhang Keai and her family live in _A. a small new house B. a big old house C. a big house D. a small old houseDD单元自我综合评价一30. Who helps Zhang Keai and her family? A. Her classmates. B. All the students. C. A lot of kindhearted people. D. Many teachers.C单元自我综合评价一BTo: From:

15、 Date: 01/09 8:20 p.m.Subject: My Shopping List单元自我综合评价一Dear Beibei, How are you? Today is my first day of school in Canada. I am in Class 3, Grade 7 this year. I have some new friends at school. They are Ben, Jack and John. I want to go to the store and buy some things for my classes after school.

16、Here is my shopping list:* one schoolbag * two red pens * four erasers * one pencil box * ten crayons(蜡笔蜡笔) Your friend,Peter单元自我综合评价一31. Peter is Beibeis _Ateacher BbrotherCfriend DclassmateC【解析解析】由邮件结尾署名处可知选由邮件结尾署名处可知选C C。单元自我综合评价一32Peter writes the email _Ain the morning Bat noonCin the afternoon

17、 Din the eveningD【解析解析】由邮件日期处由邮件日期处“8 8:20 p20 pm.m.”可知。可知。单元自我综合评价一33Peter is in _ now.AChina BCanada CGrade 3 DClass 734Peter has _ new friends at school.Atwo Bthree Cfour Dfive35_ are NOT on the shopping list.APens BCrayonsCRulers DErasersBBC单元自我综合评价一 . 任务型阅读(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) This is Tom. He is

18、a student. He is in Class Four, Grade Seven. There are 25 girls and 20 boys in his class. His English teacher is Mr. Zhang. He is 31.He is a good teacher. All students like him. Tom has a good friend. His name is Jim. He is from Canada. He is in Class Four,Grade _,too. Tom and Jim live in China now.

19、单元自我综合评价一 36题完成句子;3738题简略回答问题;39题把文中横线处空缺的一个单词填写在下面的横线上;40题将文中画线句子译成汉语。36Jims English teacher is _37Does Tom like Mr. Zhang?_Mr. ZhangYes, he does.单元自我综合评价一38Where is Jim from?_39_40_He is from Canada.Seven在他的班上有25名女生和20名男生。单元自我综合评价一 . 用所给词的适当形式填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)41I have ten_(eraser)42Li Ming, you

20、go _(one)43Lets _(go) home.44I need_(buy) the things on the list.45Kate and I _(be) good friends.erasersfirstgoto buyare 单元自我综合评价一 . 连词成句(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)46go, the, classroom, to, lets_.47your, is, pencil, that_?48pens, have, your, may, I_?Lets go to the classroomIs that your pencilMay I have your

21、pens单元自我综合评价一49classmates, about, your, how, new_?50over, is, thing, what, there, the_?How about your new classmatesWhat is the thing over there单元自我综合评价一 . 书面表达(满分20分) 假如你是刘元,你有一个来自加拿大的朋友Mike。请你根据下面的信息,用英语对他做一下介绍。50词左右。Name MikeAddress(地址地址)ChinaOccupation(职业职业)studentSchool No.1 Middle SchoolClass Class TenFriendsmany单元自我综合评价一One possible version: Hello, my name is Liu Yuan. This is my friend. His name is Mike. He is from Canada, but now he is in China. He is a student. And he is in No.1 Middle School. He is in Class Ten. He has many friends here. We all like him.



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