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1、ChapterChapter II II The Origins of a NationThe Origins of a Nation2021/3/111The Origins of a NationEarly Settlement( 55 BC)Roman Britain(55 BC410)Anglo-Saxon Times (446-871)The Danish Invasion(10161042)The Norman Conquest(1066)2021/3/112Early Settlement( 55 BC)Iberians(伊比利亚人)the first immigrants to

2、 Britain who came from Inberian Peninsular(伊比利亚半岛) about 5,000 agoSettlement:Salisbury Plain(索尔兹伯里平原)Culture:Neolithic culture(新石器文化)Evidence of their existence: a the Stonehenge(巨石阵) b the long barrow(兽穴) c unwarlike2021/3/113the Stonehenge(巨石阵) Iberians left no written records and the only relics

3、that gave evidence of their existence were the stone monuments,the biggest of which was the Stonehenge,built by the Iberians about 3,500 ago,on Salisbury Plain(索尔兹伯里平原) in the southwest of England.2021/3/114the long barrow(兽穴) More direct evidence of the social structure of the Iberians is the long

4、barrow.Often over 200 feet in length,these barrows were burial places and prove the existence of sharply marked class divisions.2021/3/115Early Settlement( 55 BC)Celts(凯尔特人) Place:Upper Rhine Land (莱茵河畔)of northwest Europe Time:700 BCThree waves of Celtic invaders: a The Gaels(盖尔人),whose language is

5、 still spoken in Scotland. b Brythons(布立吞人) came and drove the Gaels to the north and west from 500 BC.The Brythons came the English name for Britain. c Belage(比利奇人),100 BC,occupied the greater of what are known as the Home Counties(英国伦敦周围诸郡).The Celts are great hunters as well as good farmers The C

6、elts are believed ancestors of Highland Scots, the Irish and Welsh people2021/3/116Roman Britain(55 BC410)罗马不列颠时期British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. Between 55 and 54 BC Julius Caesar(尤利乌斯凯撒)invaded Britain twice,but he made no attempt to conquer the island.96 years later . 43 A

7、D, the Roman Emperor Claudius(克劳狄一世) invaded Britain,and the territory south of the Humber(亨伯河)and east of the Severn(赛汶河)was annexed to the Roman Empire(罗马帝国).Welsh(威尔士人) resistance had collapsed by 77 AD;the Scots frequently revolted against the Romans.2021/3/117Roman Britain(55 BC410)罗马不列颠时期 In 1

8、22126 AD,in order to keep back the Scots,the Romans built a wall of defense,called Hadrians Wall(哈德良长城).2021/3/118Roman Britain(55 BC410)罗马不列颠时期The Roaman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years from AD 43 to 407.They brought Christianity(基督教) to England.Romans built roads across Britain.Score

9、s of towns grew up along the Roman roads.Roman or British magnates lived in the villas,which were the centers of agricultural estates(农业区).The lives of all the people were shaped to the Roman style.By the beginning of the 5th century,the Roman government withdrew all their armed forces from Britain.

10、 Britain,for the first time for several ceturies,was totally isolated from Europe.2021/3/119Roman Influence: The Romanisation of Britannia1.Roman laws, taxes, engineering skills2.Architecture(建筑学)3.Roman social system 4.The Latin Language5.System of writing and numbering6.Introduced a system of orga

11、nized government in towns 7.Brought the new religion Christianity(基督教)to Britain2021/3/1110Roman Influence: The Romanisation of Britannia Roman civilization was based on city life in hundreds of walled town linked by military roads. Roman towns: London, York, Bath baths, temples, amphitheatres(竞技场),

12、 Roman aqueducts(高架渠)Roman roads: more than 5000 roads, a network of roads to connect large towns2021/3/1111 Roman town: Bath Bath Abbey 巴斯教堂2021/3/1112Roman amphitheatre 罗马竞技场Roman aqueduct 罗马水道桥 Roman Road2021/3/1113Reasons for limited Roman influence1.The Romans always treated the Briton as a sub

13、ject people of slave class. 2.Never during the 4th century did the Roman and Britons intermarry.3.The roman had no impact on the language or culture of ordinary Britons. 2021/3/1114Anglo-Saxon Times (446-871)盎格鲁-撒克逊时期 Backgroundin the mid-5th centurya new wave of invaders, Jutes, Saxons, and Anglest

14、hree Germanic tribes from now Denmark and northern Germanylanded in the southern part of England, the county of Kentgradual control of the country from 450 to 6002021/3/1115Heptarchy(七国时代)The Angles,Saxons and Jutes set up many kingdoms throught the country.At one time there were seven kingdoms whic

15、h were called Heptarchy in history.Seven kingdoms:Northumbria(诺森布里亚),Kent(肯特),Mercia(麦西亚),East Angila(东安格利亚),Essex(埃塞克斯),Sussex(萨塞克斯),Wessex(威塞克斯).They were constantly at war with one another for more than 200 years.In 829 Wessex became the dominant kingdom, Egbert(埃格伯特), the King of Wessex, began t

16、o style himself as “King of the English”.2021/3/1116From the Anglo Saxons conquerors come the names of England and English. England (Angla-land) means the land of the Anglo-Saxons, they were mostly freemen, although they had the conquered Celts as slaves. Private ownership had come into existence.20

17、21/3/1117The Foundations the Anglo-Saxons Laid for the English State1.Divided the country into shires with shire courts(郡法庭) and shire reeves(郡法官) responsible for administering laws把国家划分为郡郡法庭和郡法官负责执法2.Devised the narrow-strip three-field farming system which continued until the agricultural revoluti

18、on in the 18th C设计的窄条三圃田农耕制延用至18世纪2021/3/1118The Foundations the Anglo-Saxons Laid for the English State3.Established manorial system 庄园制The lord of the manor collected taxes and organized the local army. 4.Created Witan (council or meeting of the wise man), the basis of the Privy Council(枢密院)创立了议会,

19、向国王提供建议成为了当今的枢密院的基础2021/3/1119The Foundations the Anglo-Saxons Laid for the English State5. Brought along their language: Old English,the language of the Angles6. The Roman Catholic Church(罗马天主教会) was introduced into England at this period.2021/3/1120The Danish Invasion(10161042)丹麦人入侵The Norwegian V

20、ikings(维京人,北欧海盗) The Danes(丹麦人) from Denmark attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8th centuryestablished small kingdoms in north and east of EnglandThe first invasion2021/3/1121The invaders were the Norwegians and the Danes. They were one-time neighbors of the Anglo-Saxon tribes on

21、the continent, and related to them in language and blood. They attacked various parts of England from the end of the 8th century. By the middle of 9th century, the viking and Danes were posing a threat to the Saxon kingdom of Wessex. finally they seized the throne, England was ruled by Danish Kings.

22、 Viking and Danish invasions2021/3/11225The Warrior of Vikings2021/3/112362021/3/11247The Vikings Castle2021/3/1125Alfred the Great (849-899)a king of Wessex(威塞克斯)one of the earliest and most important kings who successfully fought against the Vikingsdefeated the Danes reached a friendly agreement w

23、ith Danes in 879the Danes gained the control of the north and east of England Alfred ruled the restThe Danish Invasion(10161042) 丹麦人入侵2021/3/1126King Alfred and His Contributionsfounded a strong fleet, known as “the father of the British navy”protected the coasts and encouraged tradereorganized the

24、Saxon army, making it more efficient translated a Latin book into Englishestablished schools and brought in learned churchmen from Rome to teach Latin cultureformulated a legal systembegan the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(撒克逊编年史), the first historical record composed in English All this earns him the title

25、 “Alfred the Great.”2021/3/1127101.Alfred encouraged the translation of books from Latin into Anglo-Saxon.2.Alfred inspired the beginning of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle3.He actively promoted education4.He promoted a reform of the monasteries.5.He directed a codification of the law.2021/3/1128The Norma

26、n Conquest 诺曼征服(1066,the last invader)The French-speaking Normans under Duke William came in 1066. After defeating the English at Hastings, William was crowned as King of England. It was called the Norman Conquest.William the Conqueror(威廉一世) ruled England with a high hand. Through many means, he pus

27、hed England well on its way to feudalism. The Norman Conquest marks the establishment of feudalism in England(英国封建制度建立).2021/3/1129The reasons why William conquered Britain it was said that King Edward had promised the English throne to William, but the Witan chose Harold as King. So William led his

28、 army to invade England. In 1066, during the important battle Of Hastings, William defeated Harold and thus beginning the Norman Conquest of England. 2021/3/1130The Norman Conquest The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William confiscated almost all the land

29、 and gave to his Norman followers. He replaces the weak Saxon with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England2021/3/1131The Norman Conquest 诺曼征服(1066,the last invader)the consequence of the Norman ConquestPolitically, a feudalist system was established in

30、England.Religiously, Catholic Church(天主教) had a stronger control over the country.Great changes took place in languages: after the conquest, three languages co-existed in England. The Normans spoke French, the lower class spoke English, and the scholars and clergymen(教士) used Latin.2021/3/1132The No

31、rman Conquest 诺曼征服(1066,the last invader) The Norman Conquest was one of the most decisive events in English history.It tied Englands civilization closely to that of continental Europe;this factor determined the whole course of future English history and development.Influencesa.A new era: Middle Age

32、s (1066-1485) in England;b.A new system: feudalism in England(英国封建制度)c.Counties & courtsd.The compiling of the Domesday Book(末日审判书),the greatest achievement of Williams reign.e.French culture and language 2021/3/1133I. Who Are the British? Are there any “native” residents in Britain? 2021/3/1134Four

33、 regional identitiesThe ScotsThe WelshThe IrishThe English2021/3/1135The ScotsTwo parts:highlands and lowlandsBeing proud, independent, hardy, living by farming or fishing.2021/3/1136The ScotsLowlanders Live in the industrialized urban areas.By and large, the Scots have a reputation for being invent

34、ive, hardworking, serious-minded and cautious with money2021/3/1137The WelshUnited with England since The 1535 Act of UnionNational characteristics:1)very conscious of their separate Celtic heritage, cultural pride is very strong2)famous for their love of music and poetry: Bard crowned at National R

35、ugby football, singing2021/3/1138The EnglishNo fixed stereotype could be trueTraditionally, Englishman is thought to be reserved, unemotional, shy of strangers, solid, a high sense of honesty, duty and justice conscious of the social order.2021/3/1139Exercises1. Soon after 700 BC the Celts from_ of

36、Northwest Europe came to settle on the Isles. The first name wave of Celtic invaders was the _ , whose language is spoken in Scotland. From about 500 BC another group of the Celts called _ came.2021/3/1140Exercises1. Soon after 700 BC the Celts from Upper Rhine Land of Northwest Europe came to settl

37、e on the Isles. The first name wave of Celtic invaders was the Gaels, whose language is spoken in Scotland. From about 500 BC another group of the Celts called Brythons came.2021/3/11412. The Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly _ years. They brought _ to England, and their development of the c

38、ountry helped this region to spread. 3. Edward, the son of Ethelred the Unready, was then put upon the throne in _ . Edward was pious Christian and retained a position in history building _ in which he was later buried. 2021/3/11422. The Roman occupation of Britain lasted nearly 400 years. They brou

39、ght Christianity to England, and their development of the country helped this region to spread. 3. Edward, the son of Ethelred the Unready, was then put upon the throne in 1042 . Edward was pious Christian and retained a position in history building Westminster Abbey in which he was later buried. 20

40、21/3/11434. The earliest known settlers on the British Isles were _ .A. Celts B. Iberians C. Gaels D. Anglo-saxons5. The Real Roman conquest of Britain began in _A. 55BC B. 54BC C. 43AD D96AD2021/3/11446. Christianity was first brought to England by _A. Romans B. Anglo-Saxons C. Celts D. Danes 7. Wh

41、ich of the following tribes first came to Britain? A. Anglos B. Saxons C. Jutes D. Teutons 2021/3/11458. Who was known as the “Father of The British Navy” in English history?A. King Arthur B. Alfred the Great C. Edward the Confessor D. William the Conqueror 2021/3/11469. British recorded history beg

42、ins with _. A. the Roman invasion B. the Norman Conquest C. the Viking and Danish invasion D. the Anglo-Saxons invasion 2021/3/114710. In 1170 the _invaded Ireland and gradually gained control of the island. A. Celtic tribes B. Romans C. Picts D. Anglo-Saxons2021/3/1148Answer the following questions. 1. How did Christianity spread to England ?2. What are the contributions made by King Alfred?3. What is the Norman Conquest and its influence? 2021/3/11492021/3/1150个人观点供参考,欢迎讨论



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